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西甲第五轮 萨拉戈萨vs莱万特

发表于 2006-9-30 17:51:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p>对于萨拉戈萨的中后场防守还是有点担心。&nbsp;<br/>强劲的对手才能检验球队的防守实力&nbsp; 上一场对潜水艇客场比赛 感觉对手进攻组织一强 加上逼迫式防守就感觉后场很难组织进攻了, 在对手的进攻压力和拼抢下都忙于破坏和开大脚 ,&nbsp; 前场的进攻好手个子小,开大脚前面很难争到点,后腰没有起到很好吧球输送到中场区域, 下半场几乎是全盘被动,&nbsp;而&nbsp;大头的体力就在反复的奔跑和防守拼抢中被消耗尽了,本来他就不是干防守型活得人干扰下差不多。 进攻上由于得不到球而蒸发了。&nbsp;</p><p>本场比赛的对手莱万特看上去不起眼,不过已经连胜两场了, 尤其上轮2:0胜了首轮战胜萨拉戈萨的的拉科&nbsp; &nbsp;目前状态还不错。&nbsp; 而萨拉戈萨的后防线有点问题&nbsp;&nbsp;主力中卫小米利托停赛&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;塞尔吉奥伤势未愈,不知能否上场。&nbsp;&nbsp; 前锋米利托应该要伤愈复出了。 &nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>希望大头要出彩&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-2 12:28:34编辑过]
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发表于 2006-9-30 20:05:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-9-30 21:14:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Miranda在2006-9-30 20:05:00的发言:

那还真名副其实的龟缩 啊     挖卡卡 

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发表于 2006-10-1 09:49:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-2 02:35:00 | 只看该作者

比赛打成了2:2   上半场破烂防守丢了两个球,   下半场扳了两个     大米进球    艾马助攻       可惜了    失去了此拿分的机会

大头发挥得应该还可以  文字直播中屡屡看到他的名字 

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发表于 2006-10-2 07:59:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-2 12:47:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用totheend在2006-10-2 07:59:00的发言:



三克油 !     
可惜没有看到比赛,  看了下萨拉戈萨球迷论坛 对于大头评价还相当高, 说最后30分钟大头打出了水平, 看来这场比赛他发挥得不错。  

现在对于后防需要补充阵容,  感觉主力一旦受伤基本就没有人可以顶上去, 而防守能力强的主力后腰能力也需要补充。上一场对方轻易过半场,压在萨拉戈萨禁区附近晃悠不进球才怪 。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-2 12:56:04编辑过]
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发表于 2006-10-2 23:11:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-3 21:06:00 | 只看该作者

http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aupazaragoza.com%2Fforo%2F&langpair=es%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF8    在这儿  前面用的google 西语到英语翻译机  

虽然萨拉戈萨是个小球会,但论坛里人还不少  其乐融融, 每次比赛完了 都要来发表评论 海口天空一番。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-3 21:46:00 | 只看该作者


List of credits

2 - R. Zaragoza: Caesar; Diogo, I itched (Celades, min.46), Sergio Fernandez, Juanfran; Ponzio (Oscar, min.46), Zapater, D'Alessandro, Aimar; Ewerthon (Sergio Garci'a, min.72) and Diego I militate.
2 - Raise U.D.: Molina; Unloading, Alvaro, Alexis, Rubiales; Camacho, N'Diaye; Ettien (Car it, min.83 to me), Riga (Caesar, min.87), Kapo; and Luyindula (Tommasi, min.64)
Goals: 0-1. min.21. Camacho. 0-2. min.44. Kapo. 1-2. min.60. Celades. 2-2. min.78. Diego I militate.
Referee: Teixeira Vitienes, of the C.T. Cantabrian. He admonished with yellow card to the Camacho visitors and Alexis
Incidences: Party disputed in the stage of the Romareda de Zaragoza before about 28,000 spectators.

评分  塞尔德斯分最高 毕竟是打进了第一个球。   大头3分

Scores (from 0 to 5)
Caesar: 3. He made a pair of good interventions and one was always very kind in the gallops the con of the rival equipment. He could not do nothing in any of the levantinistas goals.
Diogo: 2. Kapó gained in many occasions the back to him and by its band much danger came. In the second part, by the general desmelenamiento of Zaragoza it improved his performance and it ended up playing like third power station.
Sergio Fernandez: 2. He was discreet and renqueante of his physical annoyances. The levantinistas forwards gained by physicist and speed to him in most of their actions.
I itched: 2. He played with fever and anginas and was replaced in the rest. He was not guessed right in his interventions and he was not the forceful thing that are expected of him.
Juanfran: 3. It was of the mejorcito of the defense. One took more woods than a mat and it maintained the type still yet. The Valencian player ended up playing like power station with Sergio and Diogo during all the second part.
Zapater: 3. The ejeano in center had too many problems of the field and it was surpassed by the center of the field of Levante. With the entrance of Celades the Aragonese improved much his performance.
Ponzio: 2. He was very loose. The only reseñable of its performance zurriagazo from the frontal that bounced in the crosspiece and I aim was of being ghost goal. It was replaced in the rest.
D'Alessandro: 3. It was of the except forable poquito of the first part, and was bad, and of the mejorcito of second in which it was frankly well. He was one of the creators of the white reaction.
Aimar: 2. Its performance was loose during the first time and recovered a little the rudder of the encounter in second half, but it is expected much more of his quality. It was covered of perfect form by Camacho.
Ewerthon: 2. It had to retire of the land of game by pinchazo in the thigh of his right leg. Tuesday tests will be made to him that determine the reach of their injury. It did not appear in attack in all the first part and it tried it while it could in second.
Diego I militate: 3. It returned to the titularidad after his injury and marked the goal of the even one. The encounter was offered throughout although they did not leave well the things excessively to him.
Celades: 4. He was the true revolutionary of the encounter. After a time in the absolute ostracism, it returned to leave to the turf and it did it to the great thing, marking the goal of the beginning of the even one, and contributing order, balance, dynamism and effectiveness, so devoid during first half.
Oscar: 2. He could mark in a good intervention on the other hand and one better answer of Molina. He helped to control the ball in center of the field and to improve the conduction of he himself.
Sergio Garci'a: 3. Neng generated very many occasions of danger and it gave speed him to the attack. He took part in the play of the second zaragocista goal.
0 - Null
1 - Loose, suspended
2 - Approved scraped
3 - Well
4 - Notable
5 - Exceptional

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发表于 2006-10-3 23:23:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-3 23:40:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Miranda在2006-10-3 23:23:00的发言:



应该是  这个名字很怪。   西班牙语很难学吧 呵呵。

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发表于 2006-10-15 23:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用恺撒帝国在2006-10-3 21:06:00的发言:

虽然萨拉戈萨是个小球会,但论坛里人还不少  其乐融融, 每次比赛完了 都要来发表评论 海口天空一番。



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