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发表于 2005-1-3 17:55:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
克雷斯波 :在米兰获得新生   12/30/2004       10:50
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发表于 2005-1-3 21:19:00 | 只看该作者
Olé communicated with Claudio Ranieri. The Italian, with the same respect that utilized each time that attended to this newspaper, excused to refer to Aimar because "I have spoken with the media of Valencia and do not I want to do it with none of the outside". But the coach took advantage of to be referred to a statement that him he was attributed two months ago in England: "In the Chelsea, Crisp he invented wounds for play not". To Olé he assured him: "I never said that. Crisp he is a great boy and a great champion".
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-8 00:10:00 | 只看该作者
CRÊE: 'I feel Myself secure of my means' 06/01/2005 MILAN - Frizzy Hernan, large protagonist of the day, so annotated its moment of shape: 'Of The mine three gol I have pleased a lot the second. The technical gesture is the demonstration of like today feel me calm and aware of my means. Now I am really a lot well and I have so much desire to do. I believe it is just also to underline, relatively to the mine third gol, the large altrismo of Sheva. In this squad there is not selfishness, all we work for a sole large objective. It hear then the ovation of the people after my exit from the field was really fantastic, to play in this stadium, before this public is a large privilege'.
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发表于 2005-1-8 00:42:00 | 只看该作者
Crespo tracked by Bayern Munich and Barcelona
Until the last months of 2004, Hernán Crespo, Argentine striker at Milan, Italy, had a year to forget. He did not
score goals, and he was whistled and jeered by the Milan fans. Nevertheless, in two months the story of "Valdanito"
changed radically.
Several European teams are interested in him. He belongs to the English club Chelsea, but is now coveted by
Barcelona, Spain, and Bayern Munich, Germany.
The London club, which bought Crespo from Inter, Italy, for 27 million euros, loaned him to Milan at the
beginning of season and are paying a large part of his high annual salary, because the Portuguese coach Mourinho
did not count him in the team.
A few days ago, the Italian press said that Russian industralist Roman Abramovich, owner of the English club
Chelsea, had asked AC Milan for 10 million dollars for the Argentine forward who has a contract with the London
club until June 2007.
Crespo, who did not have a good start at Milan, had a prolonged goal-scoring drought which ended recently more
than a month ago which made the director of the "rossonero" club interested in buying him.
Those good performances also alerted the interest of Barcelona and Bayern Munich. "It makes me happy that teams
are interested in me again, but I would be delighted to stay in Milan, since their support was fundamental for
getting rid of the bad spell I had.
"Today I must thank the coach who always had trust in my ability," said the Argentinean. Crespo finishes 2004
happy, being full of dreams for a 2005 far more positive than the year that is about to end.
El argentino es pretendido por el Bayern Munich, de Alemania, y también por el Barcelona, de Espana.
Hasta los últimos meses del 2004, Hernán Crespo, goleador argentino que se desempena en el Milan, de Italia,
tenía un ano para el olvido. No convertía goles, y era silbado e insultados por los hinchas milaneses. Sin embargo,
en dos meses la historia de "Valdanito" cambió radicalmente.
Comenzó a anotar, y a tener continuidad. Esto le valió que hoy, varios equipos europeos están interesados por él.
El pase pertenece al club inglés Chelsea, ahora es codiciado por Barcelona, de Espana, y Bayern Munich, de
La entidad londinense, que adquirió a Crespo al Inter, de Italia, en 27 millones de euros, lo cedió al Milan a
comienzos de temporada haciéndose cargo de parte de su alto sueldo anual, ya que el DT portugués Mourinho no
lo tenía en cuenta.
Hace pocos días en la prensa italiana se dijo que el empresario ruso Roman Abramovich, dueno del club inglés
Chelsea, pidió al AC Milan 10 millones de dólares por el pase del delantero argentino nacido en la localidad
bonaerense de Florida, que tiene contrato con la entidad londinense hasta junio del 2007.
Crespo, no tuvo un buen comienzo en Milan, con una sequía bastante prolongada con el gol hasta que hace poco
más de un mes comenzó a anotar y provocó que la directiva del club "rossonero" intentara la compra de su pase.
Esas buenas actuaciones también despertaron también el interés del Barcelona y del Bayern Munich. "Me pone feliz
que los equipos estén interesados otra vez en mí, pero me encantaría quedarme en el Milan, ya que el apoyo de
ellos fue fundamental para revertir la mala racha que tuve.
Hoy tengo que agradecerle al entrenador quien siempre confió en mis condiciones", expresó el argentino, otra vez
cotizado en el mercado europeo. Crespo termina un 2004 feliz, lleno de ilusiones para el 2005 sea mucho más
positivo que el ano que está por concluir.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-8 0:45:02编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-8 13:34:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-1-8 22:18:00 | 只看该作者
Crespo eyes Milan future
Friday 7 January, 2005
Hernan Crespo has again insisted that he would like to stay with Italian champions Milan.
The striker is currently on loan from Chelsea but is eager to remain at the disposal of boss Carlo Ancelotti.
"I want to stay here on a permanent basis," he stated. "That is the most important thing to me right now."
The Argentine moved to the San Siro in the summer after experiencing an unhappy spell in the Premiership.
Although he did struggle at first this season, the former Lazio and Inter ace seems to be now back to his best.
That fact was underlined on Thursday when he netted a hat-trick in the 5-2 destruction of Lecce.
Yesterday's victory has now seen the Rossoneri cut Juventus' lead at the top of the table to just two points.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-8 22:19:53编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-9 19:13:00 | 只看该作者
米兰 - 如果赫尔南.克雷斯波在对巴勒莫的比赛中出场,那将是这位射手参加的第200场意甲联赛。
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发表于 2005-1-9 20:09:00 | 只看该作者
波波的赛后访谈 2005 1 6
'I feel secure in what I do'
MILAN - Hernan Crespo was the star of the day with his hat-trick and the striker spoke about his current form:
'Of the three goals I like the third the best. The way I took it showed that today I feel relaxed and know what I can
do. I now feel totally fine and want to do well. I think I have put a line under everything, I have to thank Sheva
for the third. In this side there are no big egos, everyone works for one great objective. I felt the ovation I received
when I came off and it was really fantastic, playing in this stadium in front of these fans is a real privilege.'
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-10 15:53:42编辑过]

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发表于 2005-1-18 15:59:00 | 只看该作者
2005-1-17 21:02:00
<img src="attachments/dvbbs/200511815555093818.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="if(this.width>document.body.clientWidth*0.5) {this.resized=true;this.width=document.body.clientWidth*0.5;this.style.cursor='pointer';} else {this.onclick=null}" alt="" />
Mourinho wins Crespo adulation
Monday 17 January, 2005
Hernan Crespo has praised Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho but insists he doesn't want a Stamford Bridge return.
The South American is currently on loan at the San Siro and is hoping to make the move permanent.
"Mourinho was very kind to me and was sorry I left because he said he’d followed me since I was at River Plate,"
the Argentine told the radio.
"But since it was Milan, he understood and let me go. He’s very capable, very prepared, and makes you do a lot of
work with the ball.
"I’m not at all surprised by what he’s achieving at Chelsea. I can only speak positively about the man."
Although Crespo clearly respects Mourinho, he’s adamant that he wants to be bossed by Carlo Ancelotti next term.
"I don’t know what the London club are thinking but I’ll do everything to convince them that I should stay at
Milan," Crespo concluded.
来源:Football Italia
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-18 21:22:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2005-1-20 01:03:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-1-30 18:39:00 | 只看该作者
I'm missing a World Cup

Crespo feels that debt, since he wasn't a first-team player at France 98 and Korea-Japan 2002. He
returns on 9 February against Germany with three objectives: "lay, win and have a good time".

MILAN. His house near Como - five minutes from the Inter training ground and about 20 from Milanello,
the Milan training ground - is where Hernan Crespo spends his days. In between a little kiss for his small daughter
and the bark of his dog, the fourth striker in the history of the Argentine National Team and the
top striker in the World Cup Qualifiers (16) talks alone to Ole about his return to the blue-and-white shirt.
He already has a date: 9 February in Dusseldorf against Germany.

"I'm very content, I'm living with very happy feelings again. It's a happy time for me, football-wise and
personally. I've been very good physically for the last year and a half and this has made me better
mentally. Also, I like Germany, because they're great rivals who I've never met in my life. I like those
classic games: Brazil, Italy, England, Holland and now Germany. I'm just missing France. "

- "Tell us about your last game, against Paraguay (0-0).

- "eople weren't happy with Bielsa, we were defeated by Brazil and we could not win against Paraguay.
Our performance was bad, but we couldn't find a way to solve it. Of course, people whistled and
journalists gave us a hard time. But we must take responsibility and remember the context.

-  "What happened afterwards? You didn't return to the National Team...

- "We were in Ezeiza, Bielsa and I. We spoke face-to-face. We talked about everything, like how I was
feeling, what I was thinking, my physical condition... It was a very good chat. We understood what
would be best for both for us. The decision was taken by him, of course, I wasn't unhappy with it. But I
believe that I had to honestly raise my hand and say: "I'm not doing well, I don't feel good." I could not
really guarantee anything at a physical level. And he listened.

-  "You did not return to speak with Bielsa?

- "No, that was the last time. His decision surprised me. More than anything at that moment. He'd had a
good period, the National Team had reached the Copa America final and won a gold medal in the
[Olympic] Games. So I thought that he was going to continue, but then I heard. I experienced
something similar from the game: While I was in England football left my mind, that was the worse thing
that could have happened. Let's say that this chat with Bielsa allowed me to take the time I needed to
rest and to think things over. And soon afterwards, thanks to God, I came to Milan and everything came
back. Returning to Italy, to a giant club in world football, regaining my form and finally coming back to
the National Team. In that sense I will always be thankful to Milan. You could say that the Milan-Lab
saved me.

-  "What's that?

- "The new medical infrastructure in the club, it's something amazing. I could not make a good recovery
in Italy or in England after my serious ligament tear at Inter. At Inter, I came back after a short rest and
entered the Champions League semi-final. And at Chelsea I found a system of work different from what I
was used to. Sadly I needed another type of work that I could not do. And I was always injured,
returning, playing a game, and missing the next 3-4 games. And I found it hard at a social level. Until
Milan came in July. The Milan-Lab works under a controlled system, day by day... Do you feel that you're
not fit? Then you train on a sand pitch. It's a regenerative programme. Do you think you stil have not
recovered? Then you sleep. They make an assessment on your body everyday. And they assess you
everyday. That type of work has developed my power and agility. But today there is still a great margin
for improvement.

-  "Do you feel that your career is more recognized abroad than in your country?

- "I believe that I need a World Cup. I already have two behind me, but I'll say that I need to play a
World Cup. I was very young in Argentina, almost unable to enjoy the emotional wave that came with
winning the Copa Libertadores. I took part in two World Cups as a substitute and never played in the
Copa America. In the beginning I lived a little in the shadow of greats like Batistuta, Balbo, like Caniggia.
I did not pay attention to the number of goals in the National Team and say "Hey! I can be an idol..."
Since Diego, there hasn't been and I believe there won't be an absolute idol. Sometimes players can be
idols, but being everyone's idol is impossible.

- "You know [National Team coach Jose] Pekerman said that the No 9 shirt belongs to no-one. How do
you take that statement? Are you worried about your prospects?

- "I'll tell you the truth: Nobody is assured of any role in a World Cup. Each call up, each game must
have its history. In the National Team, at a personal level, everyone has three objectives: play, win and
have a good time.

- "Everything's very relative. I took part in two World Cups as a striker in the World Cup Qualifiers and I
didn't start any game as a first-team player. Take Caniggia, for example, he only played two friendlies
with Bielsa and was called up for the World Cup. Cani's situation made me think. The beginning of a new
cycle is a return to the beginning for everyone. Of course, experience cannot pushed to a corner, I'm very
clear on that point. But I'm not saying that experience is enough, you must use your performance to
prove yourself. You must conserve your strength, otherwise Kempes would still be playing for the National

-  "Were you surprised by the call?

- "No, because I've been in contact with Pekerman and with Prof Urtazun [fitness trainer]. Ever since I
came to Milan I have told them about my situation, like that programme at Milan. For Pekerman and
the whole coaching team, I thank them for having confidence and patience in me. Also I was called up
for other opportunities and I wanted them very much, but I couldn't go and play. When I travelled for
the games against Uruguay and Chile, the day beforehand, I was injured and had to return. And then
there was the friendly last November: I was starting out at Milan and since it was not a FIFA fixture we
decided that it was not good to take risks and that it was better to follow the club's work plan. And this
was the right decision for that Coppa Italia game, in Palermo, where my goalscoring started to take off. I
saw that Pekerman and his colleagues have a good impression of me, like, I imagine, all the old members
of the National Team. They have always made me feel like a National Team player, even when I wasn't

-  "Do you like his system? Is it similar to Passarella's?

- "It's a system more similar to the one played in Europe. It also has something of Passarella's style. Of
course, everything depends on the training arrangements.

-  "What can you offer Pekerman for the World Cup?

- "At 29, I'm not going to offer the same as a 21-year old. The goals continue being goals, of course. But
at this level, you're filled with experience. On the pitch outside. Now I know very well what a World Cup
is, how it lives, how it feels and its rhythm.

-  I always say that Italian football is not the most beautiful to watch but it's the hardest to play. Look, of
course, playing in England or Spain is not easy. But the strategy and tactics that exist in Calcio don't
exist elsewhere. Diego always said it. In the Premiership or La Liga it's more natural instinct.

- "There was a lot of talk about your friendship with coach Carlo Ancelotti when you arrived in Milan. Are
you his favourite?

- "I think that's a lack of respect towards him, first, and then me. There are no favourites in football,
nobody gives anything to you. I've always had good relations with him, he helped me when, as a
youngster, I came to Parma from River. He and Sensini were important for my adaptation. Ancelotti was
my coach, Sensini, a compatriot also in the National Team? The confidence that he showed in me and
that he had in me is undeniable, but if one does not reciprocate, then it's goodbye. After such a long
time, when a coach who once trained you recruits you again, would you refuse? Besides, my agent,
Fernando Hidalgo, also played a key role in this transfer.

-  "Do you feel more like... Batistuta?

- "[Laughs] When Balbo and Batistuta arrived in Italy, I admired them and dreamt, one day, that I
would make it in Italian football like them. They were two great centre forwards and this was my
position. Soon I had the luck to play with them, in the National Team as well as in clubs. And now it
touches me that they have left football or the National Team. It's like life: until recently I was a son, now
I am also a father.

- "It's been just under 10 years since your debut in the National Team. Do you remember the line-up?

- "I remember the date, game and result. It was 12 February in Mendoza, Argentina 4 -Bulgaria 1. I came
on in the second half, but to be honest I can't remember the formation then. The goals: two from
Gallardo, a penalty, one from Rambert and the other... Ay, I can't remember. (editor's note: Ivanov).

- "You've had nearly 50 games in the National Team. Tell us a dream and a nightmare...

- "The dream is, finally, to play and to win the World Cup. The nightmare was the offside in the final of
the Olympics in 96 against Nigeria, Collina did not disallow the opponents' offside goal. Can I talk
specifically about 1996?

- Of course.

- I hope that Astrada can win another Copa Libertadores. I would be very happy to see River win a third
title. The first time River won was in 1986, the second time was 1996. I hope that 2005 will be a good year
for River fans.

- You'll be 31 in 2006. Valdano was that age wheh he won the World Cup in Mexico....

- I know. Diego won that time, I hope we can do it too...

Ole, 29 January 2005

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-5 22:56:04编辑过]

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发表于 2005-2-10 17:05:00 | 只看该作者
Crespo: "I didn't feel good for a long time"

LA NACION,2005.02.09

The Argentine striker is going through an excellent period and his record at Milan proves it: he's played 11
of the last 14 games; about the game tomorrow against Germany, he said: "I'm happy to return to the
national team, being part of the team again in such an important game."

DUSSELDORF. Except for some illustrious exceptions, the careers of all football players are the same: They are the
object of continuous ups and downs, like a see-saw that moves between dark and light at whim. In the case of
strikers, those swings seem stronger. Hernan Crespo knows this. Today, the 29-year-old forward is reaping the full
rewards, after a going through a particularly tough period: He went seven months without scoring goals, between
20 April and 20 November last year.

Now he's enjoying life today in Milan, where he has recovered his best moments of goal scoring: With the No 11
red-and-black shirt in as many as 14 games; compared to six or seven games in the year before. "I went through
situations in which I did not have remarkable ability, but today I'm going through a good period; I'm scoring
goals. Things are going well and it was shown by the goal yesterday [the day before yesterday, the last-minute
triumph against Lazio]"...

As for the friendly against Germany tomorrow, Crespo speaks in a relaxed and fluent manner in the lounge of
Radisson SAS, the "headquarters" of Jose Pekerman's team. "I don't know if it's my best period. I've had times
when I've been in good form and others when I haven't been so good. Today I am living an important reality,
which makes me feel happy. I haven't felt as good as this for a long time. We'll see if we can bring this to a
national team game.

- How does it feel to be reunited with the Argentine shirt?

- I'm happy to return to the national team, being part of the team again in such an important game. It's not
everyday that you can play against Germany.

- Recently, Pekerman said that to No 9 shirt has no owner.

- One must respect the coach's opinion. It's clear that nobody has an assured position. I don't know if I'll have
more or less chances... If we qualify, there's a possibility of winning the World Cup for the first time. But there's
still a lot to do.

- How did you recover your previous form?

- I had to play less than what I'd hoped for in England, although I scored goals, they were not at the standard that
I wanted. I had year and a half of injuries, which did not let me play or train with continuity, and that affected my
tally. They understood my problem in Milan and made me a programme so that it would not happen again... I
began to feel secure and calm.

- Is it because the English league is harder than the Italian league?

- It's not a question of being hard; it's a question of fitness, of injuries. In the English league, although I seldom
played, I had a good tally of goals as far as the minutes played are concerned. But the injuries did not give me

- For different reasons, in the last two World Cups you could not achieve what you had hoped for. Is the next one
the great chance?

- We never know what can happen. In a short time, you must show that your best, and convince the coach. It
seemed to me that winning the last World Cup was sometimes not based on merit... Having not won a title in
those games hurts me a bit, but it is understandable. It is the law of the game and one has to accept it, whether
you agree with it or not. And now I hope that I'll be given a chance in 2006. I have all the possibilities to convince
the coach. But in the end it's his decision alone.

- Do you believe that relations with the people will be smoother in this new period?

- I have no idea. I guess that they will be. When we return, in March, we'll see what the situation is like then.

- In comparison with your first period, with the experience that you have built up, do you have something new to
give to the national team?

- My style is to play without too much variation. I am a player in the box, who drops back a little, depending on
the situation and the attacking partner. It's not the same playing with Vieri or Shevchenko, or with Saviola. One
must adapt to those situations...

- And how do you feel with Saviola?

- We have played very little together. Only some training games before the game against Uruguay, which I could
not join. He likes to go back very much, as well. Then we can take turns in defence... This is how we play.

- Pekerman's system is something different from Bielsa's. Do you prefer it?

- ... I cannot complain about the past with Bielsa. He was always very good to me... But I was a striker in the
World Cup Qualifiers, and was almost always in the team. At the present time, Pekerman's system is very similar,
but not identical, to the one we have in Milan.

- What do you know about Germany?

- That it's in a period of renewal. They have important players, who everyone knows, and others who aren't as well
known. Klinsmann has been there for a short time and we're seeing a system being formed...

- Along with Ayala and Zanetti who have had two World Cups, do you feel like a point of reference in the squad?

- If one sees it like that, yes... Situations occur and it is necessary to add experiences to the group. It's clear that at
29 there is a way to behave and to face the things that one did not have to before. Experience makes me go
through certain situations with more calm, but with greater responsibility at the same time. If one can act as a
reference, or as someone for advice, why not? If I can help the growth of someone, I am completely ready.

By Andres Prestileo

Continuing at Milan is the objective

DUSSELDORF (Special dispatch). There is a direct beneficiary of the very good situation of Hernan Crespo: Milan, a
cosmopolitan collection of great stars, who must compete for positions. But the Argentinean, today, only speaks
with satisfaction of shining in one of the most powerful clubs in the world.

- What changed in the team?

- The results. We had two undeserved defeats which hurt us. But it is not through a magic art that one begins to
play well. Juventus went through the same, but we responded with two victories. It was very hard to swallow,
because Milan does not usually lose twice in a row. Football gives revenge and things were put right in one week.

- The Italian league or Champions League?

- It's not a question of choosing... It is necessary to aim for both objectives.

- Do you have plans for the future? And if so, does a return to Argentina figure among them?

- It's not something that depends absolutely on what I think now. My reality, now, is Milan. I'll be here for one
year and my intention is to stay there. After that, I don't know what's going to happen. But today I think it will be
very hard to return to Argentina.

Italy and England

- I had problems adapting socially in England. They treated me well, the club, as well as the team mates. The
problem was mine...

- What's it like playing with Shevchenko?

- It means playing with an exceptional player. He's one of the greatest in the world and it is a pleasure to be next
to someone who can show genius at any time.

- Are you still 'in love' with Italian football?

- Yes. It's a game that makes me passionate. But the shows in England have a special attraction. But for playing,
the Italian game seems more complete to me.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-10 17:06:24编辑过]

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发表于 2005-2-11 00:54:00 | 只看该作者
Crespo: "It's been a wonderful day"

Ole 2005.02.10

Eight months after having played for Argentina the last time , the Milan forward has returned with two more
goals; and is only behind Batistuta and Maradona in the pantheon of historic strikers.

...It was a special game for him, as he has not played in the national team since 6 June (0-0 against Paraguay, in
the Stadio Monumental)... The forward arrived having scored a series of goals at Milan. Can he transfer his current
meteoric rise in Italian football to Argentina? "I'm going through a good period today; the goals are easy, " he said
brimming with confidence hours before the classic game against the Germans.

And Crespo fulfilled his mission. With two goals. His goals allowed him to move from third place with Luis Artime
and rise to the podium of historic strikers in the national team. A privilege that he now shares with Gabriel Batistuta
and Diego Maradona. In addition, his goals against the team coached by Jürgen Klinsmann confirms his prowess in
2005: He has scored eight goals - six at Milan and two yesterday in an equal amount of games. At 29, Crespo has
returned. He is rising. And it seems that he's making up for lost time.

"It was a difficult, complicated, but fun game at the same time. We both had chances to convert goals and we
both could have won it. Really, the draw was fair. It left me with a very good feeling. The end of the game left two
impressions on me: If we had finished the first half with a draw, we could have won the game afterwards; and if
the friendly had lasted five minutes more, we also could have won it, " explained the striker, who swore that he
had not feigned a penalty in the second half. "I'm certain that I didn't dive; he touched me," insisted Crespo.

"I'm happy personally, sure, basically because I haven't played in the national team for a long time. The goals are
logically an extra boost. To have scored both Argentina's goals was magnificent. It's been a wonderful day,
especially after so many months of absence. But in general, I must say that it was important for everyone; there
were many players here who have played few or no games together," he said.

On his second goal, the one which allowed him to draw 2-2 for Argentina, 10 minutes towards the end, he
explained: "The truth? Cuchu and I were chatting during half-time about how there was always space in he German
defence and he passed a great ball to me, there. I had time to look at Lehmann and score."

He's not worried about the comments about Pekerman's team. "There were mistakes and particular situations, it
wasn't easy. We faced a powerful team which pressed us very far at the front and made it hard for us to keep
possession. But equally, I must insist that we had a very good game, " he concluded. And he left with the sense of
calm of having fulfilled his mission.

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-13 23:49:00 | 只看该作者


CRESPO: ' Now task only to the campionato'

MILAN - On the pages of the Gazette of the Sport odierna Hernan Crespo it declares of wanting to only think next to the championship, for hour...: ' In this moment to the Champions I do not want absolutely to think. I have as soon as lived one the beautifulst week, with the doppietta to the Messina, the decisive net with the Lazio and the two goals in National. Now they are concentrated on the next engagements, that they regard alone and exclusively the series To. Before the challenge with the Manchester there are the most difficult challenges with the Reggina and the Cagliari'.

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发表于 2005-2-15 14:52:00 | 只看该作者
"Crespo explains his failure at Chelsea"

Hernan Crespo has explained the reasons, in his opinion, that prevented him from succeeding at Chelsea.
The Milan forward admitted that his experience with English football was disappointing, something that
he attributed mainly to injuries and his inability to adapt to a British lifestyle.

"I couldn't assimilate," Crespo told the magazine 'Kicker'. "The cultural differences between an Anglo-
Saxon country and Italy were too great."

"The style of the Italian game suits me more than the English one," added the Argentinean, who
regretted being unable to succeed in the Premiership: "On the one hand there were injuries; they
prevented me from having continuity and they always had a negative psychological effect."

"There weren't any problems with the team mates, but other problems existed that did not have anything
to do with the club. London is a great city, but I was missing something with more human warmth; and,
of course, the language barrier also existed."

Crespo, nevertheless, said "It was my fault. We shouldn't have to use cultural differences as excuses, but
one cannot underestimate them."


Translated from Ole by lisu, Argstorm

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-15 14:54:11编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-24 11:57:00 | 只看该作者

曼彻斯特 - 在曼彻斯特打进致胜一球的埃尔南.克雷斯波说道:“这是一场艰苦的比赛,因为我们缺少了金球奖得主舍甫琴科……比赛过程很艰辛,即使我们赢了,这也只是第一个90分钟,我们绝不能忽视第二回合的对决。”


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发表于 2005-2-25 16:45:00 | 只看该作者
Comeback king Crespo


20 February 2005

The big-money Argentinian failed to convince at Chelsea but, offloaded to Milan, he looks like his old self

Here’s a joke doing the rounds in Serie A. Which Roman decides where the prizes go this season? It’s Roman
Abramovich, of course, chief benefactor of Italian football, generous donor to the country’s leading three clubs.
Last summer his Chelsea loaned Internazionale Juan Sebastian Veron, lent Milan Hernan Crespo on similar terms
and, as if to even things up, last month Juventus signed a free Adrian Mutu indecently soon after Chelsea had
sacked the Romanian.

The Chelsea Exiles don’t see too much of one another, Crespo reports. He and Veron were close colleagues, but he
won’t go so far as to declare that they are “amigos” - “that’s a big word” - and he will say hello to Mutu when he
next bumps into him. The exiles have different reasons for departing, but all are back in the nation that gave them
their happiest times professionally. Veron is playing well at Inter, if not with all his old flourish and swagger.

Mutu remains banned from competitive football until May after testing positive for cocaine. The ban expires just
before the Champions League final, though it is fanciful to imagine that he would play any part in it. And Crespo?
Well, Crespo thrives. Without him, there might be much less of a title race in Italy. Consider that halfway through
November, Juventus led the table by six points and were conceding an average of one goal every three games
while Milan, in second place, were anxiously studying their dependence on Andriy Shevchenko. Then Crespo, 29,
stepped forward. He now has nine goals from 17 starts, seven since December. With Shevchenko injured in last
night’s defeat of Cagliari and ruled out of the first leg against United, Milan have even more reason to be grateful
for Crespo’s resurgence.

So he’s happy then? He is, although there was something nagging at the back of his mind when we met in Milan
nine days ago, and Crespo kept returning to it. It concerned his unfulfilling time in English football, 11 months on
board the Abramovich juggernaut. Chelsea paid about £16m to Inter in the summer of 2003 to recruit the striker,
and although his appearances were interrupted by injury, he still scored goals with something close to his usual
frequency when he did play. But when Jose Mourinho, the new Chelsea coach, met his squad in July, he quickly
got the picture: Crespo did not feel at home in London. “He’s obviously someone who listens,” Crespo recalls of his
meeting with Mourinho. “He said that he wanted me to stay but he understood my situation at a human level, and
that’s not a small thing in our profession.”

So Milan offered to pay some of Crespo’s salary and will probably negotiate a price to take him for good when the
loan expires in June. What went wrong at Chelsea? First, Crespo arrived still recovering from a thigh injury and had
no pre-season. “I never got a run going,” he explains, “or a sense of continuity. If you look at my goals ratio, it
wasn’t too bad 10 in 13 Premiership starts but football is the easiest bit. It’s up here that’s important,” he said,
tapping his forehead. “If you’re not happy here, then you will not be at your best.”

Crespo is an intelligent man and like a lot of Argentinians, he likes to talk. But in London he found learning English
a fearsome challenge. He encountered barriers when the electrician came round to his house and when an engineer
turned up to install the internet. These hardly count as hazards over which a multi-million-pound career should
stumble, but Crespo uses them as examples of his frustration. “My problems weren’t about the football, they were
more social,” he says. “I found it hard getting used to another culture.”

He was also at a club making its own cultural leap, from the edge of penury to extravagant plenty. “It was a time
of big, big changes at Chelsea, the first year of Abramovich, and you don’t expect everything to be perfect straight
away when you have such a big set of changes.”

Did things improve in that respect? “You’d expect it to, because things usually settle down after a year. They
would have reached a new level of organisation.” He leaves the impression that he felt alone: “Let’s say that in
terms of taking on new players, clubs in Italy are different.” Milan, he continues, was a class above anything he’d
known. “What sets Milan apart is the way they look after the players, the way of training, the level of organisation.”

It is assumed that he will want to stay there beyond June. “A part of me does, yes,” says Crespo. “But what still
gets me is that I never really repaid the confidence Abramovich had shown in me and the support he gave me. My
disappointment is that I was never able to?show my true standard in England.”

He has an early chance to put that right: on Wednesday, Manchester United play Milan at Old Trafford, where the
Italian club won the last of its six European Cups two seasons ago. Milan have since turned a little more South
American — apart from Crespo, there are Brazilians Cafu and Kaka in the team, veteran and Wunderkind. It is, says
Crespo, a fine team to be a forward in, to have service from passers such as Andrea Pirlo and Kaka, the width given
to them by the adventurous Cafu. “I’m happy to have got a run of games,” he says.

Few strikers in Serie A come with better guarantees than Crespo. He came to Italy in 1996, and although his impact
with Parma was not instant, he soon established a ratio of a goal every two games. When Lazio, then coached by
Sven- Goran Eriksson, launched their defence of the scudetto in 2000, they made him the most expensive
footballer in the world at about £38m. When Lazio’s creditors began to catch up with them in 2002, Inter signed
him and he scored nine times in his first eight Champions League games. Then on to Chelsea and now Milan, his
fifth club in six years.

As for Wednesday, he’s given some thought to another duel with Rio Ferdinand. “I’ve got to know him a bit and
although we haven’t spoken much, I’ve got to like him. As a marker, he’s one of the best. I remember from when I
played for Lazio against Leeds.”

Crespo has also considered the aspect of the tie that most intrigues: teenagers Wayne Rooney and Cristiano
Ronaldo against a defence including Paolo Maldini, 36, Cafu, 34, and maybe Alessandro Costacurta, 38. “These
guys like Maldini have achieved things again and again over a very long time,” he says. “The younger ones still
have to show us why they’re thought to be so good.”

Crespo mentioned it to Gabriel Heinze when they played for Argentina two weeks ago. They talked about their new
clubs. “He said how much he loves it in Manchester.”

It is a source of genuine regret to Crespo that he couldn’t say that about London. How will he feel when Chelsea,
without him, win the Premiership, or if they win the Champions League? “I’ll be really pleased. They were great
teammates and I never had a problem with any individuals there. I’ll be pleased especially for Abramovich, because
he’s wanting to build something great and to do things right.”

And if Chelsea do much better than Milan? “The objective of any footballer is titles, and Chelsea are heading that
way. But I’ll give you a metaphor: I’m sitting here, and in the next room is the bar. Let’s say that’s where I want to
go. There are two doors to get there. One is locked. So I take the other door. The other door is Milan. The same
objective is on the other side.”

It’s just a metaphor. Crespo doesn’t need a bar, of course. He has no sorrows to drown.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-25 16:49:21编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-27 18:32:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2005-3-13 15:01:00 | 只看该作者

时间:2005-3-11 13:52:00 来源:新华网


  “虽然我还属于切尔西,但我已经告诉他们,我不想再返回英格兰,”克雷斯波10日说,“与此同时,我希望对我的未来能有一些保证。  ”








[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-13 15:04:31编辑过]

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发表于 2005-3-13 15:02:00 | 只看该作者

时间:2005-3-10 9:55:00 来源:体坛周报






















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发表于 2005-3-13 16:15:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-3-13 16:41:00 | 只看该作者

Hi Evita,Thanks for your nice 小字报!

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发表于 2005-3-14 20:10:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-6-8 19:06:00 | 只看该作者

时间:2005-6-8 9:28:00 来源:体坛周报 作者:程征






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