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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-8 12:54:27 | 只看该作者
Zanetti esaltato: "Siamo più forti di prima. Zárate immarcabile, Forlán..."

"L'Inter è più forte di prima". Lo dice con aria di sfida e con la testa più alta che mai lui, il capitano, Javier Zanetti. Dalle colonne de La Gazzetta dello Sport, il leggendario numero 4 nerazzurro si esprime in termini entusiastici sulla squadra: "E' vero, abbiamo perso Samuel Eto'o quest'anno, però abbiamo recuperato Diego Milito e Walter Samuel, due rientri fondamentali". E poi, dal mercato sono arrivati rinforzi di prima fascia: "Mauro Zárate è davvero immarcabile. Diego Forlán? Le punizioni che calcia sono formidabili", ha detto il capitano.

E il nuovo tecnico Gian Piero Gasperini ha tutto il suo appoggio: "Date il tempo di lavorare a Gasperini, serve un po' di pazienza e i risultati arriveranno, vedrete". Parola di capitano.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-8 12:55:26 | 只看该作者
Cambiasso certo: "La mia Inter trionferà ancora"

Dalle colonne di Tuttosport, Esteban Cambiasso si è mostrato fiducioso sull'attuale stagione dell'Inter: "La mia Inter trionferà ancora, ne sono sicuro", ha dichiarato l'argentino.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 08:23:32 | 只看该作者
"We lost Eto'o but we have recovered back Milito and Samuel.  Give Gasp time."
"Forlan super at free-kicks.  Zarate is unmarkable."

"For my 17th year at Inter, I want to beat Milan and exceed Bergomi."
"We have lost Eto'o but regained Milito and Samuel.  And in 6 more matches I will be at 759 as an Inter player: record in appearances."

Appiano Gentile - 38 years old and doesn't feel a thing.  Captain Duracell is entering history.  On Sunday against Palermo, where year ago he had serious lung problems, Javier Zanetti will begin his 17th year at Inter.  On the 15th of this month, he will celebrate the 10th year anniversary of his Pupi Foundation which has helped so many Argentinian children.  On the 24th at Bologna (if Gasperini plays him consistently), he will reach the record of Beppe Bergomi (758 compared to 753 for Zanetti who could surpass in Moscow in the Champions League).

Captain, let's start with your foundation which is ten years old.
"Now that I think about it, I shudder.  We started with 34 children in 2001 when in Argentina financial chaos was born and poverty was rampant.  With Pau (Paula, his wife), we said to each other that it was the right time to start.  Then we continued to grow and grow with the help of so many people.  Now we are helping more than a thousand children.  Pau is really the key person here who follows all the daily activities.  Even after our children Ignacio and Sol were born, we taught them that it is not going to be easy and it was needed."

The greatest satisfaction of these ten years?
"It came a few days ago when Jonathan, one of those children that we started with, turned 18 years old and has begun to volunteer for the foundation helping other children.  A home-made product."

Next Thursday, there will be a celebration for the tenth year.
"It will be a beautiful evening that we share with good friends and other famous people.  I have also heard from Messi and hope that he can come."

You have always said that Inter are a family.  Now it's the arrival of your brother Sergio, a coach of Juniores Berretti.
"I am happy for him.  I thank the club but he is not a recommendation.  He has worked and done a lot so..."

Let's talk about Inter.  For the first time in many years, you will not start as the favorite.
"In recent years we won a lot and we will continue to be a team that can hit all the targets.  Those that don't view us as favorite certainly don't think like us.  We know what we are worth.  We just don't want to be haunted by injuries."

Many say that it will be Milan because one they won it last year and also because you no longer have Eto'o and the team also needs to assimilate the new ideas of Gasperini.
"And we'll let Milan be the favorite.  Gasperini needs a bit of time and it is normal."

The story - What a captain: From Scudetti to Champions League, he has won it all.
1 UEFA Cup, 4 Italian Cups, 4 Super Italian Cups, 5 Scudetti, 1 Champions League and 1 Club World Cup

People think that the fate of an Inter coach depends on how the group will follow the work and that some of you, last year, did not give it all under Benitez like you did with Leonardo.
"This makes me very angry.  If we didn't listen to Benitez then we would have not won the Italian Super Cup and the Club World Cup.  Then, his outburst at the end of December put the team in a tough position and not only that it forced the separation.  It is clear that before there were many problems as we often were forced to play with some players from Primavera.  When Leonardo came, the injury list started to empty itself and he, for his part, started to transmitted his enthusiasm to us.  So much so that we almost made a comeback for the Scudetto."

Which farewell surprises you the most?  Leo's or Eto'o's?
"Leo's one especially after the victory in the Italian Cup in which we demonstrated that we are still very hungry.  We had already made plans for the new season, instead...  But Leo, in six months, gave us his all.  He will remain a friend and I wish him well.  Eto'o's story is tied to the dynamics of the transfer market.  And without the financial fair play, I think Samu would have stayed."

Without him, you seem a bit weaker.
"Given the fact that we all know the importance of Eto'o for this team, no one wins alone.  We are stronger than before.  During the summer, very strong players have arrived and people might have forgotten that last year, we did not have the two pillars of this team in Diego Milito and Walter Samuel.  We have many options and alternatives, an aspect that in our league can make a big difference."

A thought on the new signings.  Let's start with Zarate who said that you are his tutor.
"Nah (laughs)...  Mauro is unmarkable.  He knows how to beat his man and create numerical superiority.  He knows our football and at the same time understands that this is a unique opportunity for him.  Alvarez has a great future.  He only needs to get over his shyness because he is so young and everything in his life has changed from the country, language, especially working/training methods.  Jonathan is a typical attacking Brazilian full-back but he is very tough in terms of getting back and cover.  Poli made a crazy impression in the 1-1 draw on August 30, 2008, the debut of Mourinho in the league.  Castaignos is a surprise.  He has the movement of a real striker.  For me, I would also put Coutinho as one of the "new" signings.  He has changed much now that he has one year with us under his belt and the U-20 World Cup victory also helps."

And Forlan?
"A very strong striker who uses his left foot like his right one.  He can make a big difference at set-pieces.  Not having him in the Champions League will be a burden to bear."

One of the unknowns for Inter this year is the three-man defense.
"We're working and improving, avoidable goals and mistakes were not only on the defenders."

Arrived in Italy with Rambert in 1995
1. A young Zanetti presented at Inter in the summer of 1995 with the legend Angelillo and the other Argentinian Rampert.
2. With Branca for the 1000th game as a professional.
3. Showing the arm band of 519th game in Serie A like Bergomi.

Don't you think that it's kinda touchy when Moratti said that the defense of three is not working and should be changed?
"The president only expressed his opinion but it all depends on the belief that we put in ourselves.  Besides we can always return to four-man defense depending on the opponents and the situations.  It is not a problem."

Another unknown factor is the role and motivations of Sneijder after a summer that he was on the verge of leaving.
"I am sure that now the transfer market is closed, we will see a much more serene and calm Wesley.  He will be fundamental regardless of where in Gasperini's line-up."

Do you feel inferior now that we have lost three straight derbies?
"No.  We don't feel inferior to Milan.  For four years, we did not lost to them and now it's their turn soon it will back to us.  We must reverse the trend.  But there are also Napoli and Roma.  And I also disagree that it is easier to win in Italy than in Europe."

Can you win a derby playing as a central defender?
"I have talked to Gasperini.  I don't really like it but I think it is more related to a contingent situation."

How will Bologna-Inter turn out to be?
"Actually we are in Palermo on Sunday..."

But on September 24, at the Dall'Ara, you will reach Beppe Bergomi's record in appearances at Inter.
"Depends on the choices of Gasperini but if that is the case, it will be a fantastic day.  It is a goal that I'm crazy about because I can finally on the same level as the mythical lo Zio who opened the doors for me when I arrived at Inter.  Dedication?  Too many, from my family to the Inter family.  Including Prisco and Facchetti."

Now you can tell us about Palermo-Inter.
"I have bad memories thinking back of the last game at the Barbera.  Not the game which we won in a comeback fashion but afterwards.  After getting hit by the ball in my chest, I continued to run.  When I was back in the dressing room, I was very ill.  Pneumothorax kept me out for a short time.  Winning against Palermo can be viewed as six points because it can give us the right boost to continue following the new working methods of Gasperini.  Even after that, however, we can only improve."

Tirelessness and optimistic.  Captain of records.





















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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 08:35:40 | 只看该作者

Wesley: "Staying to win.  The league is possible, in the Champions League it is difficult but..."

Weeding in Italy - A fairytale ceremony for the love of Yolanthe: Sneijder with wife, model Yolanthe Cabau.  The two got married in July of 2010 near Siena with a fairytale wedding.
Sick joke of the Golden Ball - Beaten by Messi with many controversies: He had touched it but failed to win it.  Wes in 12010 was beaten by Lionel in many controversies.
Vacation in the United States - Far away with wife before the new season: Cuddles and tenderness between the two lovers which deny the rumors of crisis.  This summer, the couple was on vacation in the United States.

Amsterdam - Wesley Sneijder looked pleased with the room full of people: "Beautiful party huh?  The whole family is here plus friends.  Many people are here."  A balloon attached to the ceiling reveals the age of the birthday boy: Jessey has turned five years old.  The party was in the honor of the son of Wes, but he can also celebrate a record, 11 goals for his national team against San Marino.  "Some of the guys told me that 'Wesley, maybe we should stop' and not that I didn't want to stop but the people really enjoy seeing a lot of goals.  Did Manchester United stop against Arsenal?"

There it is, Manchester United...
"I don't want to talk about this story.  I am happy to have stayed because I have never thought of leaving.  When we won the Italian Cup I went on vacation afterwards and in my mind I only thought about going back to training camp in Pinzolo.  But the club called my agent and said that they needed the money and wanted to sell.  So I talked with Manchester United, everybody knew about it.  Then came the deal for Eto'o and things just changed."

It also seems done with Manchester City.
"I know nothing of this.  I'm fine in Milan.  I like the people, Italian football, the team is good and our president is number one.  I have no reason to leave."

Maybe Inter are no longer like the one of Mourinho...
"But the team is always strong.  Winning the Champions League is difficult and we can do it in the league.  Forlan is a very good player, so is Zarate.  Alvarez is young but he is playing well.  And for the rest, we have done it before."

Forlan cannot play in the Champions League...
"Too bad.  But I will score the goals myself."

Meanwhile, we should figure out where you will play.
"Oh I don't know.  I've already played as attacking midfielder, left winger and as a central midfielder.  Gasperini is a smart man.  He is very well prepared and at the end I think we will play like we have in the past.  If he doesn't like me as a trequartista, I will arrange something."

It was a long and strange summer: you have always stayed calm?
"Yes because I knew that I wanted to do.  If I'm at Inter, I'll think about Inter.  If I go somewhere else, my life will change.  I have always found my name on the transfer market and I am accustomed to it."

Have you talked to Moratti?
"Many times.  Moratti is an exceptional person.  He understands everything.  He understands what players are going through.  A phenomenon."

So you're in love with Moratti then.  Still with Mourinho?
"Mourinho is the number one.  Even now, after recent events in Barcelona, I will defend him by saying that in the excitement of a game, lots of things can happen."

Have you ever stuck your finger in the eye of someone?
"Again, these things happen and I think that he is not feeling well but he will never confess it."

To the Dutch journalists you have said: "Maybe Mourinho and I will return working together."  Has Mou advised you to stay at Inter?
"Yes, he has a black and blue heart and always told me to stay."

During these past months, what annoys you the most?
"Nothing, you know what footballers' life is like. Right now I'm only hungry to play, I want to win, I want to have fun. I don't play for money. If I realised that I was only playing for money, I'd quit."

You like to have fun and sometimes things are just exaggerations.  Are you annoyed by the Gazzetta that we published a picture of you with a cigarette in your mouth?
"No, why?  I was smoking and you guys did your homework.  You just posted a photo.  And you did me a favor because I'm convinced: I have stopped smoking for three weeks and I will not smoke anymore.  Everybody things that footballers are good people living a perfect life and in fact we are trying to control us.  We are human beings and if during holidays, a little drink or smoke can be understood.  I gained weight a little bit during the summer but I'm back on track for two weeks."

Speaking of those who need to lose weight, is Cassano your neighbor in Milan right?
"Yeah.  I'm on the seventh floor, and he's on the fourth.  He is a little crazy.  I love it."

"With me, he has always behaved well."

Elijah said that his arrival in Italy is because of you and he is thankful.
"A good kid who has chosen well and will do well.  Juve are a good team and can fight for the Scudetto just like Roma and Napoli.  Even though that Milan and Inter are a bit stronger."

So you are really not bothered with those transfer market rumors.  What about those on your marriage?
"Well, this annoys me a little bit because Yolanthe and I are great together.  If she is working in Los Angeles and I am in Milan, it is clear that people usually see me going to dinner alone.  When she is home, I would never go out because Yolanthe is the best in the kitchen."

But what about the fact of being away from each other?  Is it a problem when Yolanthe comes back to the U.S. to work?
"No, not at all.  I do not like the idea of a footballer's wife staying at home waiting because sometimes a footballer may need a day of solitude.  For Yolanthe, making a movie or working in Los Angeles is like me playing in the Champions League or at a World Cup.  He must make his way and she must also work even if at home, money is not needed."

Can you win the European Championship?
"Hopefully.  We are certainly one of the best teams."

Will you stay at Inter until the end of your career?
"Who can say... I have a contract until 2015 and I would like to respect it but it does not depend on me alone. To me, like I have said, I like everything in Milan from the life to the fans. And I also want to keep winning."

Did you tell Moratti?
"Moratti understands all without the need to say it. He's too good." This is the version of Wesley Sneijder dated on September 4, 2011 at the end of a very long summer. "When I stop playing I will be a coach. Indeed, I have thought of getting a coaching license here in the Netherlands immediately." Moratti could have been thinking: maybe, one day, I will find myself another Mourinho.


在意大利的婚礼 - 与约兰特爱情的童话般的婚礼:斯内德和妻子,模特约兰特。两个人与2010年7月在锡耶纳附近举行了一场梦幻般的婚礼。   
金球奖的恶意玩笑 - 被梅西击败引发了论战:他曾那样接近金秋但最后失之交臂。2010年威斯利被梅西击败引发了很多争论。   
在美国的假期 - 在新赛季之前离妻子很远:两个爱人的拥抱和温情粉碎了危机时刻的谣言。这个夏天,小两口在美国度过假期。

阿姆斯特丹 - 威斯利·斯内德开心地看着充满众人的房间:“美妙的聚会不是么?所有家人和朋友都在。很多人都在这里。”系在天花板上的气球显示出了生日寿星的年龄:杰西已经五岁了。这个聚会是为了威斯利的儿子而办,然后他自己也应该庆祝一个记录,代表国家队11球大胜圣马力诺。“一些人告诉我‘威斯利,也许我们该停下了’,但是我不想停止,因为球迷们期待看到更多的进球。难道曼联对阿森纳心慈手软了么?(小斯这话…太狠了…)”


















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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 08:41:00 | 只看该作者
9月8日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 蓝黑军团结束了本周的第四次训练。除了代表意大利U19参赛的克里塞蒂格缺席,所有国脚都回到安杰洛·莫拉蒂体育中心。加斯佩里尼把球队分成两组,参加国家队比赛的球员们练习控球、健身房锻炼和战术比赛,其他球员热身过后练习战术,最后是网式足球比赛。




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 08:43:20 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 08:45:53 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 09:12:28 | 只看该作者
9月9日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 今天上午蓝黑军团继续在安杰洛·莫拉蒂体育中心训练,备战周日对巴勒莫的意甲第2轮联赛。



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 09:58:33 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 09:59:51 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 14:15:12 | 只看该作者
对巴勒莫预测首发:Lucio, Samuel, Zanetti, Jonathan, Stankovic, Cambiasso, Nagatomo, Forlan, Milito and Zarate
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 09:13:09 | 只看该作者
去巴勒莫的大名单(蓝色为预计主力,阵容为343 or 523):
Goalkeepers: 1 Julio Cesar, 21 Paolo Orlandoni, 70 Paolo Tornaghi;
Defenders: 4 Javier Zanetti, 6 Lucio, 23 Andrea Ranocchia, 25 Walter Samuel, 37 Davide Faraoni, 42 Jonathan, 44 Matteo Bianchetti, 55 Yuto Nagatomo;
Midfielders: 5 Dejan Stankovic, 10 Wesley Sneijder, 11 Ricardo Alvarez, 19 Esteban Cambiasso, 20 Joel Obi, 29 Coutinho;
Forwards: 7 Giampaolo Pazzini, 9 Diego Forlan, 22 Diego Milito, 28 Mauro Zarate, 30 Luc Castaignos.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 09:20:03 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 09:25:16 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 09:31:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-9-11 09:32 编辑


9月10日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - “第一次总有些紧张,等待即将结束,期待联赛开始,很高兴我们终于可以踢球了。这里的情况与热那亚有些许不同,这是联赛处子秀,当你达到执教国际米兰的级别,感觉有点紧张是正常的。但你同时有机会去攀登更高峰。”首场联赛开始前一天,加斯佩里尼在阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱的安杰洛·莫拉蒂体育中心新闻厅与记者们见面。







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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 10:03:26 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 11:59:21 | 只看该作者
Palermo v Inter: a 4-3 defeat at the Barbera
Sunday, 11 September 2011 23:12:21

PALERMO - Gian Piero Gasperini's Inter debut in the 2011/12 Serie A season ended in defeat as Palermo won 4-3 at the Stadio Renzo Barbera. Milito, assisted by Stankovic, opened the scoring (33rd minute), only for Miccoli to reply (48), before a penalty for a foul by Silvestre (after Brighi failed to spot the earlier handball by Migliaccio) put the Nerazzurri back into the lead (51). But things were far from over. Hernandez evened things up again for the Rosanero (54), then Miccoli added his second from a free kick (86) and Pinilla beat Julio Cesar from distance (88). Forlan rekindled Inter's hopes with a goal to make it 4-3 in the 91st minute, but then time ran out.

FIRST HALF - To take on Palermo in the Nerazzurri’s opening match of the new season, Gasperini confirmed a 3-man defence of Lucio, Samuel and Zanetti. Nagatomo was chosen for the midfield along with a trio of Zarate, Milito and Forlan in attack. Stankovic overcame the problem to his head and was back on the pitch.
Palermo’s first attacking action arrived after just 5 minutes with a cross from Miccoli for Hernandez, but Julio Cesar’s timing was perfect as he came off his line to punch away the ball after the Uruguayan’s header. The Inter keeper once again took a leading role in the 12th minute on Ilicic’s long pass to the far post, which saw him out-jump everyone else to clear the danger. In the 14th minute Cambiasso’s foul on Miccoli gave a free kick from a good position, but Julio Cesar handled the low shot without any problems. Zanetti, in his 17th season at Inter, was making his presence felt, and the captain was instrumental in keeping out a goal when he blocked the way of Hernandez, who had been picked out by Miccoli in the 19th minute. Milito’s pure goal-scoring instincts put Inter ahead in the 33rd minute; after a corner kick Stankovic shot from distance, with the ball reaching “El Principe” in the 6-yard box – but in an onside position – as he surprised everyone with a touch from his inside right that put the ball in the net. Tzorvas was beaten and it was 0-1. Gasperini brought Sneijder on for Zarate after 34 minutes, before Miccoli tried to respond in the 42nd minute with a shot on the turn, but Samuel’s providential intervention allowed Julio Cesar to block the ball. After a minute of injury time both teams went into the dressing rooms with the score at 0-1.

SECOND HALF - The change made at half time (Acquah for Della Rocca) anticipated the equaliser from Palermo. Acquah played a ball deep for Miccoli, who overcame the Inter defence and beat Julio Cesar to make it 1-1 (48). The Nerazzurri keeper was then booked for having complained about a foul in midfield that went unseen at the beginning of the build-up to the goal. Milito had the ball at his feet to put Inter ahead, but Migliaccio dramatically intercepted it with his arm, which should have meant a sending off. Brighi let it go despite the Milito’s incredulous protests, but he could not ignore Silvestre’s foul on Samuel in the box during an Inter corner kick. It was a clear penalty and subsequently taken by Milito to make the score 1-2 in the 51st minute. Inter barely had time to celebrate, because only three minutes later Palermo equalised through Hernandez, who started and finished the action by putting the ball past Julio Cesar to bring the score to 2-2. In the 61st minute another difficult free kick from Miccoli forced an alert save from Julio Cesar, who cleared the danger. In the 66th minute Ilicic freed himself entirely from the Nerazzurri defence and attempted to surprise Julio Cesar with a shot at his near post, but the keeper pulled off a miraculous save with his leg. A foul by Samuel, which had the Sicilian team screaming for a red card, awarded a free kick for Miccoli, which Julio Cesar then punched to safety. The Rosanero grabbed their third goal in the 86th minute thanks to a free kick from Miccoli. It all seemed over, but that was far from the case; a 20-metre shot from Pinilla surprised Julio Cesar, who only saw the ball once it went in, to make it 4-2. However, Inter did not lose hope and kept pushing until the end. In the 91st minute a pass from Sneijder found Forlan, who tucked the ball away with his left to bring the score to 4-3.

But the match was already into injury time and after three minutes more Brighi blew the final whistle. The result said defeat, but this is an Inter team still in transformation, and there is still time to turn around a negative result.

Palermo 4-3 Inter (HT: 0-1)
Scorers: Milito 33, 51 (pen.), Miccoli 48, 86, Hernandez 54, Pinilla 43, Forlan 90+1.

Palermo: 33 Tzorvas; 31 Pisano, 3 Silvestre, 8 Migliaccio, 42 Balzaretti; 90 Alvarez, 5 Barreto, 7 Della Rocca (46 Acquah), 72 Ilicic (69 Bertolo); 9 Hernandez (74 Pinilla), 10 Miccoli.
Unused subs: 99 Benussi, 2 Mantovani, 4 Cetto, 16 Zahavi.
Coach: Devis Mangia.

Inter: 1 Julio Cesar; 6 Lucio, 25 Samuel, 4 Zanetti; 42 Jonathan, 5 Stankovic, 19 Cambiasso (71 Alvarez), 55 Nagatomo (62 Obi); 28 Zarate (34 Sneijder), 22 Milito, 7 Forlan.
Unused subs: 21 Orlandoni, 7 Pazzini, 23 Ranocchia, 30 Castaignos.
Coach: Gian Piero Gasperini.

Referee: Matteo Brighi (Cesena).
Booked: Samuel 27, Julio Cesar 48, Zanetti 59, Acquah 61.
Added time: 1+4 minutes.

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新浪体育讯 北京时间9月12日2时45分(意大利当地时间11日20时45分),意甲第2轮开始最后1场较量,国际米兰客场3比4负于巴勒莫。米利托首开纪录。下半场开始阶段,双方6分钟连进3球,米科利扳平比分,巴勒莫中卫米利亚乔禁区内手挡米利托射门,但逃过点球和红牌,随即萨穆埃尔赢得点球,米利托主罚梅开二度。埃尔南德斯马上又追平。终场前,米科利和替补皮尼利亚连下两城,弗兰攻入意甲处子球。













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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 12:09:34 | 只看该作者
Milito: "Let's stick to Inter today"
Monday, 12 September 2011 01:07:45

PALERMO – After scoring two goals, which unfortunately weren't enough to change the result, Diego Milito spoke about the defeat to Palermo on Rai Sport: "On a personal level it is always gratifying for a striker to score, but I can't hide my disappointment at the result. Naturally we all want to win, but now it's time to look to the future and try to improve."

Inter today and Inter yesterday. Milito won't hear of comparisons because "it's not right to think of the Inter of two years ago: today we are a diifferent team, with a new coach who has another scheme in mind compared to those of the past and we have to be able to adapt to it. Of course it's going to take time, for us players too, for example today an attacking midfielder like Sneijder played further wide than he usually does. I think that he in particular has changed position. I repeat, we shouldn't try and compare. I agree that we have to tighten up in defence especially, but this doesn't only involve defenders."

Finally, the Prince was asked to comment on president Massimo Moratti's statements regarding Giampaolo Pazzini's use on the pitch. "He can always say what he thinks and I'll always respect his words," said Milito. "Obviously we should listen to him, we are talking about Pazzini here, a terrific striker, who'll have a chance to express himself. We still have a lot of matches ahead of us."

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9月12日巴勒莫消息 - 打进两球,却不足以赢得胜利,迭戈·米利托赛后对意大利国家电视台体育频道说:“从个人来说,前锋进球是高兴的事,但我掩饰不住对结果的失望。我们当然都想胜利,但现在需要着眼未来,努力提高。”


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 12:11:23 | 只看该作者
Alvarez: "A pity but we can improve"
Monday, 12 September 2011 01:32:35

PALERMO – "We lost a match when we weren't playing badly. We're sorry about that but we showed our ability as a team to pick ourselves up and play well," was what Ricky Alvarez had to say about the match on Inter Channel. "My debut? I'm pleased I have made my debut in one of the most important leagues in the world and for one of the most important clubs in the world. Naturally the final score was disappointing. My position? I can play in many positions, I'll adapt to wherever the team want me to play."

Press Office


9月12日巴勒莫消息 - “我们输了一场踢得不算差的比赛,我们很遗憾,但表现出了振作起来的能力。”里奇·阿尔瓦雷斯赛后对国际米兰频道说,“我的意甲处子秀?很高兴参加世界上最重要的联赛之一,在最重要的俱乐部之一效力。最终比分令人失望,我的位置?我能够踢多个位置,适应球队的各种需要。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 12:14:41 | 只看该作者
Cambiasso: "A defeat that hurts"
Monday, 12 September 2011 01:54:55

PALERMO – "This defeat really hurt and so it should," was Esteban Cambiasso's comment on Palermo's victory at the Stadio Barbera. "We had settled down on the pitch and then Milito turned on the magic and changed things. Losing always hurts, not just today because it was the first day of the season. If you could choose who you were going to play in the first match, there's no way you would pick Palermo in that sort of form. Obviously we aren't happy about it but there's no point in crying about it. I think the boss had one big problem and that is that he was only able to meet us all together for training for a couple of days. Let's hope that this problem will help us work together better in the future.

"I'm not the sort who usually looks for excuses, but don't forget that the Copa America was right in the middle of this and then the transfer market involved us in changes up to the very end. These are factors that influence things too. Palermo were good and they won. The penalty that wasn't given? There could have been ten of them; all Migliaccio was missing were the gloves... [joked the Nerazzurri midfielder, Ed], but these things happen."

Press Office


9月12日巴勒莫消息 - “这场失利很让人受伤。”坎比亚索赛后说,“我们一度占据了优势,但米科利改变了结果。输球总是不好受,不只是今天,因为这是赛季第一场。如果可以选择第一场的对手,肯定不愿遇到这种状态的巴勒莫。我们当然不高兴,但也不会为此哭泣。主教练之前遇到一个大问题,他只带着完整的阵容训练了几天,随着今后的磨合,希望我们能够踢得更好。”

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 12:18:15 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "Gasperini has his ideas, we respect them"
Monday, 12 September 2011 16:58:22

MILAN - "It wasn't the start we wanted," began Javier  Zanetti with reference to Inter's defeat against Palermo, speaking on the sidelines of the press conference to celebrate the P.U.P.I. Foundation's 10th anniversary. "Yesterday we lost an incredible game because there were moments when we were in control of the match and others when we let it slip away from us. But we must remain calm and believe in the work we're doing: there are things we need to sort out but I can see that everyone is willing and determined to do that. Gasperini was upset and annoyed about the way we lost."

Zanetti emphasised that "Gasperini has his ideas and they must be respected. Every coach sees football in his own way and that's only right. You just need a bit of time to take in what he wants. The most important thing is that we are all receptive to those ideas. And let's not forget that it's only the first league match. I'm confident things will start going well. The coach is an intelligent person and he's trying his things, although he may change them if he sees they aren't working. But the last thing we must do is doubt what we're doing. We speak to him a lot, we compare ideas, we're all very open about things. We just hope we can assimilate everything as soon as possible because we don't have much time. We have a Champions League match on Wednesday."

Zanetti was asked about his new position on the pitch: "I felt comfortable but of course when you concede four goals people are always going to say that things aren't right. Still, you never stop learning and I see a group of players who are doing everything they can to take these ideas on board. Then it will be up to the pitch to determine things."
The skipper was also asked about how Giampaolo Pazzini took being left on the bench and about Mauro Zarate's performance: "Pazzini was fine about it, he's very professional and he was behind the team the whole 90 minutes. Zarate? He found it a bit difficult yesterday and the gaffer decided to take him off. He's only just arrived so he needs a bit of time to adjust."

Finally, a word on Juventus: "Great respect for Juve," Zanetti said. "They're really hungry for success and they want to play a leading role. Just as we do."

Press Office


9月12日米兰消息 - “这不是我们想要的开局。”哈维尔·萨内蒂在庆祝PUPI基金会10周年的发布会上谈到对巴勒莫的失利。“昨天我们输了一场不可思议的比赛,因为我们有些时候控制了场面,有些时候失去优势。但我们必须保持冷静,相信我们正在做的工作:有需要解决的问题,但我能够看到所有人的意愿和决心。加斯佩里尼也对输球的方式感到恼火。”




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 12:25:49 | 只看该作者
【2011/12意甲联赛|第二轮】巴勒莫4:3国际米兰 赛后FcInterNews.it 评分:

JULIO CESAR 5+ – Dopo pochi minuti, si supera sul colpo di testa ravvicinato di Hernandez. Si prende qualche piccolo rischio su Miccoli quando decide di prendersi una rimessa. Ammonito da Brighi per le proteste successive al gol del capitano rosanero, sul quale poi compie un bell’intervento su punizione. Salva i compagni troppo sbilanciati in avanti con un intervento prodigioso su Ilicic. Sorpreso, purtroppo, dalla punizione di Miccoli, colpevolmente immobile invece sul missile di Pinilla.

LUCIO 5+ – Ci vuole una sgroppata delle sue in avanti per scuotere l’Inter un po’ sotto shock per l’avvio dirompente del Palermo. Sempre da attaccante riesce a fare le cose migliori del match, anche se poi si produce in un paio di chiusure determinanti. Tiene però in gioco Miccoli che si invola in porta per il primo pareggio. Alla fine, lascia campo libero a Pinilla che infila la botta del 4-2.

SAMUEL 5 – Il duello con Miccoli è lungo e per lui estenuante: un paio di stop decisivi ma anche un buco clamoroso che apre un’autostrada ad Hernandez servito dal salentino: è Zanetti a chiudere la sbarra. Sempre sul 10 del Palermo spende un fallo che gli costa l’ammonizione. Grave la disattenzione sul gol. Poco dopo, si guadagna il rigore dell’1-2, poi rischia davvero il rosso su un fallaccio ai danni di Bertolo.

ZANETTI 6,5 – Un paio di chiusure importanti nei primi minuti, monumentale poi su Hernandez lanciato a rete. Sempre pronto e sempre attento, il capitano fa capire che sì, anche da difensore centrale ci può stare eccome; anzi, si diverte pure ad azionare un affondo pericoloso. Viene ammonito per un intervento pesante ma non volontario su Ilicic. Purtroppo, facendo un fallo su Silvestre causa la punizione che Miccoli trasforma nella gemma del 3-2.

JONATHAN 6+ – Una trattenuta leggera di Balzaretti in area è causa di recriminazioni per l’Inter; magari avrebbe potuto proseguire l’azione. Comunque, dà il suo contributo quando i nerazzurri provano ad alzarsi. Non riesce a chiudere in tempo su Hernandez nell’azione del secondo gol del Palermo. Pecca forse di altruismo quando Milito lo lancia in porta, compie il peccato contrario quando Forlan è in mezzo all’area e non viene servito.

STANKOVIC 6 – Trecentesimo gettone in Serie A per il serbo: prestazione senza particolari acuti, fino a quando si trova al posto giusto nel momento giusto: suo il tiro che poi trova la sponda vincente di Milito. Ottima la palla che serve ancora all’argentino dopo il 2-2, sbaglia forse con Forlan quando gli toglie un buon pallone messo in mezzo da Obi.

CAMBIASSO 6- – Primi minuti non al massimo, poi si rende protagonista della prima azione veloce dei nerazzurri. Progressivamente guadagna fiducia creando qualche insidia alla difesa rosanero. Nella ripresa, però, si nota a fatica.
DAL 71’ ALVAREZ 6 – La prima palla che tocca frutta un’incomprensione con Stankovic e una ripartenza avversaria, la seconda gli vale un bel recupero. Complessivamente, ha fatto intravedere qualcosa di interessante, schierato in posizione centrale.

NAGATOMO 5,5 – Tocca pochi palloni, con uno di questi si inventa una conclusione azzardata da fuori area che finisce altissima. Bell’azione nei minuti finali del primo tempo a ubriacare Pisano. Sul gol di Hernandez, però, sbaglia il tempo della chiusura.
DAL 62’ OBI 6 – Un buon assist troppo prevedibile per Forlan, un paio di errorini banali, poi una grandissima accelerazione nata da un pallone recuperato quasi dalla spazzatura. Coraggioso come sempre.

ZARATE 4 – Viene rimbrottato spesso da Gasperini, anche dopo l’uscita dal campo. Il tecnico, infatti, non gradisce i suoi ritardi nei rientri. Si fa fischiare parecchi falli nei primi minuti di gioco. Sempre fuori tempo, denuncia un deficit di forma piuttosto marcato e anche una certa insofferenza. Gasp capisce che così non va e dopo il gol lo sostituisce. Cambio che Maurito, anche se non a parole, dimostra di non gradire. C’è da lavorare.
DAL 33’ SNEIJDER 6 – Al primo tiro finito alle stelle causa la furia del tecnico. Un altro erroraccio fa correre un nuovo brivido ai nerazzurri, fino a quando Lucio rimedia. Bella invece un’apertura per Nagatomo. Meglio nella ripresa, dove cerca di proporsi come uomo d’ordine lì davanti pur difettando qualche volta di precisione nei passaggi. Bellissimo però quello per Forlan che vale il 4-3.

MILITO 7+ – In principio è servito poco e male, per cui non riesce a pungere. Fino al momento del rocambolesco gol, dove premia l’assist involontario di Deki. Quando prova lui a fare l’assist di pregio, trova Forlan impreparato. Subito dopo il gol del pari, c’è un rigore solare per fallo di mano di Migliaccio, poco prima di quello assegnato su Samuel che trasformerà. Grandissimo lavoro, anche nel provare a servire i compagni. Senz’altro, la nota più positiva della serata.

FORLAN 6+ – Orchestra le azioni più interessanti dell’Inter prima del gol del vantaggio, quella conclusa male da Zarate e quella non sfruttata da Cambiasso. Bene anche quando si spinge fino in difesa fin quasi a fare il terzino per prendere il pallone. Dopo l’ingresso di Sneijder passa a destra. Da lodare per il sacrificio, la mira invece va ancora aggiustata. Peccato soprattutto per quel pallone invitante sul quale subisce l’anticipo di Pisano. Al 90esimo spaccato, trova la rete del 4-3.

ALLENATORE: GASPERINI 5 – L’inizio del Palermo mette davvero i brividi, poi man mano la squadra cresce riuscendo anche a chiudere il primo tempo in vantaggio. Ma le cose da registrare appaiono ancora parecchie. Zarate purtroppo è ancora fuori dagli schemi, il cambio con Sneijder diventa inevitabile. Nella ripresa la partita diventa elettrizzante, anche se i rischi aumentano esponenzialmente. Ma quando l’Inter sembra avere il pallino della situazione, arriva, impetuosa, la rete di Miccoli che gela tutti, seguita dal razzo dell’ex Pinilla. La rete del Cacha alimenta una pia illusione.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 12:33:51 | 只看该作者
【2011/12意甲联赛|第二轮】巴勒莫4:3国际米兰 赛后米兰体育报评分:
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 13:10:23 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 13:13:56 | 只看该作者

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