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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-28 13:45:41 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-28 16:03:05 | 只看该作者


Many crossroads regarding the transfer market as both clubs competting on three objectives: Verratti, Destro and Giovinco.

Juve are pressing on Siena for the striker while the Nerazzurri to temp the talented Pescara player and then they meet Parma.


Inter are against Juve for three young stars.  There is also Giovinco.

Poison on the transfer market: the Nerazzurri also challenge Milan for Silvestre and Roma for Borini.

Juve are in line for Mattia Destro and Inter are trying to trip the Bianconeri for Marco Verratti but that’s not all.  The Nerazzurri are also attacking for Seba Giovinco knowing that the Bianconeri would be in great obstacle to solve the co-ownership deal with Parma.  All happened in just a few hours with meetings between all the teams and that was not the only thing.  Also poisons.  The season closed just a few days ago with a lot of controversy between the new Italian champions and Milan.  Under the radar was also Inter because the reality is Inter and Juventus were never faded in terms of spitting venom against one another.  Starting with the strong protest on the third star and now ironically, both clubs are also challenging one another for three young stars in Destro, Verrati and Giovinco.

Yesterday we saw important accelerations on both fronts.  If on one hand we have Juve director Beppe Marotta meeting Enrico Preziosi for Destro, on the other hand Marco Branca met with Pescara directors for Verratti and as well as Pietro Leonardi of Parma for Seba Giovinco.  Everything happened at around the same time showing that transfer market men for Agnelli and Moratti have a clear mandate to make life difficult for their hated and historic rival.  Massimo Moratti has decided to bring back home Mattia Destro, a gem that matured in the youth system of Inter so Juve are considered to be an intrusion.  An unkindness that deserves appropriate response…  As much as Inter love players like Verratti and Giovinco, their play for these players have the effect of spite.  Not only that, watch for the duels between Inter and Roma for Borini and with Milan for Silvestre of Palermo.


Late yesterday afternoon there was a meeting held in Milan, a interlocutory meeting between Marotta and Preziosi to talk about Mattia Destro.  There was also some discussion regarding Immobile who is half way between Genoa and Juve one that could be used as a pawn to exchange with the Rossoblu.  Destro remains the first choice for Inter and his co-ownership is still unsolved between Genoa and Siena

Preziosi cannot start a real negotiation until in his hand is the entire card of the player.  Siena value their half at six million while Genoa are offering only at 5.  Including players as counterparts could also help here.  The decisive step is obviously the offers coming in for the Italian strikers.  Inter want to get half of Destro from Genoa but there is a gap: Inter are offering 7-8 million while Preziosi want 10.  The Nerazzurri have also gone a step further by presenting their offer to the player’s agents: a five-year deal, 1.2 million a season.  Juve are waiting and convinced that the tactical vision of Conte would excite the boy.  The Turin club has also prepared an offer: a five-year deal at 1 million per.  Juve’s offer is growing so is the level of intrigue.


Another meeting in the afternoon with a strong attack by Inter.  Here is the latest raid by Inter on one of the brightest talents in Italy: we are talking about Marco Verratti who until yesterday was closer to Juve than anyone else but now Inter are closing the distance.  This is the story of an idea born weeks ago and has just become concrete yesterday in a meeting at Inter headquarters: Daniele Delli Carri (Pescara sporting director), Daniele Sebastiani (club president), Marco Branca and Ausilio were all present.  Marco Verratti, one that has Juve as the team in his heart, should now be aware of Inter who has made a more favorable impression by offering 10 million to Pescara plus two youngsters (Caldirola or Benedetti and Livaja).  However, it seems certain that the player will stay for another year at least to play in Serie A for the currently promoted team.

Pescara, satisfied with this proposal for the boy but certainly sensitive to Juve’s interest, have taken time to reflect.  Let’s recall that the player is a Juventus fan and the Turin club is viewing him as a future Pirlo.  That said Inter are there.  Stimulated by both the quality of the player but also by seeing Juve have now gone after one of their main targets in Destro.  This idea has a clear endorsement of Stramaccioni, a coach that knows the player since he was 15 years old and repeatedly has tried to sign the player.  Now it is Juve’s turn to move.  Everything is open.


Yesterday must be the day of seizing opportunities by the Nerazzurri.  The most delicious surprise in the afternoon was when Inter met Parma to discuss many players including the one name that you would not expect: Sebastian Giovinco.  Parma, a year ago, got their half from Juve and after a stratospheric season, his situation is one of the more complex knots to untie.

Parma value their half of the player at 15 million but can let go for 10 if they have a half of each player like Mariga, Crisetig, Nwakwo and others that are co-owned between the two clubs.  For Inter, this is an alternative channel for Lavezzi, the player that PSG are still showing interest.  If problems are solved with Parma, Inter would have a rematch on the transfer market with Juve because the Bianconeri have the other half of Giovinco.  There was talk about Fabio Boini, possible plan b for Destro.  Parma value their half at 8 million and the other belongs to Roma.  Good battle here as well.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-8 00:35:13 | 只看该作者





这些年的积淀已经让国际米兰的新球场建设万事俱备只欠东风。首先球队在米兰城选出了30个潜在的选址,经过研讨,现在选择已经减少到了4到5个,有些在米兰公社管辖范围,有些则不是。最被看好的选址是Gratosoglio, Pioltello, Rozzano, Rogoredo以及Trenno和Settimo Milansese之间的一块地。夏季结束可能会通过协商谈判加分析最后决定买下哪块地。关键的是必须要有地铁线路联通体育场,而球队计划在周边开发餐饮、娱乐等配套服务,从而让这片区域不仅仅是一个看球的地方,更是一个小型商业区。



来源:http://fedenerazzurra.com/2012/0 ... w-stadium-of-inter/

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-8 00:46:17 | 只看该作者


















来源:http://fedenerazzurra.com/2012/0 ... ium-and-a-champion/

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-8 00:54:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-8 00:58 编辑



























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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-8 01:04:55 | 只看该作者





来源:http://fedenerazzurra.com/2012/0 ... al-status-of-inter/

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-8 01:12:37 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-8 01:21 编辑







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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-8 01:31:12 | 只看该作者




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-10 13:19:03 | 只看该作者
Moratti: "Aim to win? Of course"
Thursday, 28 June 2012 00:46

MILAN - At the end of Inter's board of directors meeting, held at the club headquarters on Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, president Massimo Moratti gave a brief interview to awaiting reporters.

inter.it gives you the full version of his statements:

President Moratti, how are Inter doing after this board of directors meeting?
"Fine, just fine [smiling]."

Are the results of the youngsters contributing?
"Yes, no doubt. But we're waiting for tomorrow for the last important result to come in [Giovanissimi final for the title against Napoli, Ed.]."

Could we say that Inter have taken the same road that Barcelona have by producing champions in their own home?
"That's a reward that we need to obtain and it seems to me that we've been trying to do it for a few years now, and some positive results have been coming in."

Is there some room to move in the transfer market immediately? What about the available funds to sign a top player right away?
"In a club that functions well the available funds also come from what the club manages to collect by selling players that can be sold."

News seems to be coming out today regarding some problems in the negotiations for the possible transfer of Lucio to Fenerbahce.
"I don't know. You'll have to ask our people who work in the transfer market."

Can the fans expect a 'big Moratti signing' despite the fact that these are tough times for everyone, economically speaking?
"The fans also appreciate the results that come by way of the youth system of that club."

How do you explain the transfer market activity of a club like Juventus, which is very active in the market and spending a lot?
"I'm not part of Juve so I'm not able to explain it. There have been times in which the opposite has occurred. If Juve can do it then more power to them."

Whatever happens, will we see an Inter that is aiming to win?
"Of course, I'd also like to see that..."

Press Office


6月27日米兰消息 - 国际米兰今天下午在位于米兰科尔索·维托里奥·埃曼努埃莱二世大街的俱乐部总部召开了董事局会议。在会议结束后,俱乐部主席马西莫·莫拉蒂接受了等候在门外的记者们的简短采访。









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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-10 13:32:35 | 只看该作者
Tronchetti Provera: "Stramaccioni, our big signing"
Thursday, 28 June 2012 01:12

MILAN - After the Nerazzurri's board of directors meeting held at the club's headquarters on Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, Marco Tronchetti Provera answered a few questions from awaiting reporters who asked for his opinion on the current state of Inter. "They're doing well. The team is in good health and the youth teams are having great success. Inter are in great shape. Can this current moment, which is difficult for everyone economically, influence the transfer market? We'll do what is possible with regard to the moment. A big transfer coup? We've already made one: Stramaccioni," concluded Tronchetti Provera with a satisfied smile.

Press Office


6月27日米兰消息 - 国际米兰今天下午在位于米兰科尔索·维托里奥·埃曼努埃莱二世大街的俱乐部总部召开了董事局会议。在会议结束后,马尔科·特隆凯蒂·普罗维拉回答了一些在外等候的记者的问题,比如他认为国际米兰对于他而言是一支怎样的球队。“嗯,”特隆凯蒂·普罗维拉说,“国际米兰是一支年轻健康的球队,正在逐步取得巨大的成功,充满活力。”如果从经济危机的角度看这是一个对转会市场影响非常大的时期,是这样么?“我们还是尽可能尊重这个时期允许的可能性。转会市场的目标?我们已经做到了,那就是斯特拉马乔尼。”他用一个满意的微笑结束了采访。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:48:45 | 只看该作者

6月29日米兰消息 - 国际米兰足球俱乐部已经向意大利足球甲级联赛办公室提交了与卢西奥解除合同的文件,这项决定是在双方友好同意下完成的。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:50:28 | 只看该作者

7月6日米兰消息 - 国际米兰足球俱乐部与迭戈·弗兰已经通过友好协商终止了该球员的合同,该合同原本截止的时间为2013年6月30日。必要的文本材料已经上交意大利足球甲级联赛联赛办公室。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:54:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-11 11:56 编辑

Transfers: welcome to Inter, Silvestre
Friday, 06 July 2012 19:22

MILAN - Matias Silvestre is now an Inter player. The 27-year-old Argentine defender (with an Italian passport) has signed on a loan deal.

Silvestre won three Argentine championships (2003, 2005, 2006), two Copa Sudamericana titles (2004, 2005) and two Recopa Sudamericana trophies (2005, 2006) with Boca Juniors between 2002 and 2008, making 63 appearances and scoring 6 goals. He then moved to Catania (2008-11, 118 appearances, 7 goals) and Palermo (2011/12, 29 games, 5 goals).

The defender met up with his new team-mates at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti this morning before starting pre-season preparations in Pinzolo. This evening the Argentine will train with the Nerazzurri under Andrea Stramaccioni's orders for the first time.

Press Office

7月6日米兰消息 - 马蒂亚斯·西尔维斯特雷现在已经成为一名国际米兰球员。这名27岁的阿根廷后卫(持有意大利护照)以租借的形式加盟球队。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 12:01:12 | 只看该作者


“Finally I get to meet Samuel and being Lucio’s replacement does not scare me.”

“Milan were interested? Thank you but I wanted the Nerazzurri.”

“I already have many friends here and it is such pride of being able to contribute to the new cycle after the treble.”

Milan – The wall is getting taller: in fact, doubled.  Student Matias Silvestre has finally met his master Walter Samuel, one that he never had a chance to meet, let alone play togheter at Boca Juniors.  The newest Argentinian defender of Inter recalls back to 2000 in his Boca Juniors days and his memories are still sharp: “I was 16 years old and had just been called up to the first team so I never played with him but it has always been my desire.  So now I can fulfill a dream as a teenager, to form a defensive pair with Walter Samuel.”

He is not the only Argentinian at Inter.

“Well yes.  With Rodrigo Palacio, we played together at Boca and he is a dear friend.  In recent weeks I have had so many text messages begging me not to go to Milan.  But yeah, all the Argentinians here will be my point of reference.”

Starting with the captain.

“Certainly.  Zanetti has always been an example for me since I was at Boca.  And now I get to play with him here.  I will listen to his advice, a fortune that I could not imagine until now.”

Milan would have had focused in on you if they sold Thiago Silva? What would you say to that?

“I cannot be more honored with such comparison. However, I must be honest, I had another club in mind.  In these two months I left my agent Pablo Cosentino to do his job although I always rooted for the Nerazzurri to be the final solution.  I always thought of the idea of wearing this shirt.  The recent years as well as the treble have enthused me a lot and now I will do my part with pride to start a new cycle.”

You are going to take place of an important player in Lucio.

“It is not going to be easy.  Lucio’s career speaks for itself.  Even I also like to dribble the ball with my feet from my penalty area but rest assured: I won’t go overboard.  I know that I have to work hard to deserve a place in this team and my main goal is just that.”

You were not born as a defender.

“In fact, as a kid, I was a midfielder and my idol as Redondo.  The Basile placed me in the back and now I thank him.  As a central defender I have the right experience to tackle the tests at Inter.”

Andrea Ranocchia will want the starting spot.

“He has great qualities.  But I will play my cards knowing that at this level, there are no starters or reserves.”

At Boca Juniors, you won a lot.

“It was an incredible experience.  Carlos Bianchi believed in me and that glorious club has had so many quality players.  All the experience that I learned from that will now come in handy.  This new Inter also gives me a lot of confidence.  With the enthusiasm of the new and the experience of the historic nucleus that Inter have, we can start opening a beautiful era together.”

You are a defender with many goals: what’s the secret?

“Yes, I have many goals in my career but the important thing is to defend well and then you can attack.  Of course I will go forward in free kick situations.”

How do you practice with these headers?

“Actually I learned a lot as a kid at Club Parque, where many champions like Cambiasso and Tevez were there.  There was a special machine, a bar with a ball tied to it.  This machine will always keep on moving and we have to hit it.  That has helped me a lot in terms of timing.  The best secret for playing in the air.”

Just like Samuel.

“He is also a specialist in this sense, from him I can always learn more even if we have different characteristics.”

What do you have to say about Milito?

“All the good things.  I faced him many times and it has always been a pain.  With him up front, goals are a sure thing.”

Can you explain what your origins are because thanks to which, you have an Italian passport.

“My mom’s family is originally from Castano Primo, in the province of Milan and not far away from Appiano Gentile.  I am going to go there soon and I am curious to find out if there are still my close relatives.  For example, the mayor is Franco Rudoni and has the same last name as my mother.  It was fate that I came here.”

You just got married.

“It is a very beautiful moment in my life.  Two weeks ago, there was a weeding with Lucia after ten years of being together and we just returned from our honeymoon in Dubai.  We knew each other from school and we are going to find a house here in Milan.  I do not know yet whether it is in or outside the city center.  We will see where, after training camp we’ll choose.”

Prandelli thought about giving you a call for the Euro.

“I read that in the newspaper and I couldn’t be more happy.  But my first goal now is to conquer a place at Inter but if this helps me convince Prandelli…”

But you also heard from the Argentinian national team no?

“To say the truth, in the past few weeks, I called Sabella, the Argentinian coach, just to tell him my intention.  Perhaps even he heard about the interest coming from Italy.  But it is too early to address this issue.  I am only thinking about Inter.  This is the opportunity of my life and I want to take advantage of it.”

The experiences at Catania and Palermo were important.

“Without a doubt. I learned about the difficulties of the Italian League and I did well in both cities.  I also would like to take this opportunity and thank them especially president Zamparini who realized that this opportunity was very important for me.”

Source: Gazzetta dello Sport
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 12:05:29 | 只看该作者

OFFICIAL: Marco Davide Faraoni To Udinese Outright (Or Is It?)

Initial reports suggested that only half of Marco Davide Faraoni would be involved in the deal for Samir Handanovic but it is not the case.  Udinese Calcio have announced the outright purchase of Faraoni moments ago.

“Udinese Calcio announce the outright purchase of Marco Davide Faraoni from F.C. Internazionale Milano.  The player has signed an economic agreement that will last five years with the Bianconeri.”

To get us even more confused, people are saying that this is a co-ownership deal.  However, Udinese.it uses “titolo definitivo” meaning “outright” acquisition, the same terminology that Inter.it uses to describe Samir Handanovic and I don’t think we co-own him (Handa) with Udinese.

Source: Udinese.it
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 12:32:37 | 只看该作者
Stankovic to Sky Italia: "My future's at Inter"
Wednesday, 04 July 2012 21:49

MILAN - "All I'm thinking about is getting back into shape. It's been two months since I had my operation and I want to get back to fitness as soon as possible. I feel good and I can't wait to start running," Dejan Stankovic told Sky Sport Italia.

The Nerazzurri midfielder then reiterated his love for the club: "I want to stay at Inter. I'm happy here and I'll always be grateful to president Moratti. I can't imagine myself anywhere else. Thoughts do cross your mind occasionally but I can't see myself leaving Inter. It's nice to get offers at the age of 33-34 - it means you've still got it. I'll end my career at Inter, for sure."

Press Office


7月4日米兰消息 - “我现在心里想的只有如何回到最好的状态。我手术之后已经过去两个月了,我希望尽快恢复竞技状态。我感觉很好,等不及要重新开始奔跑了。”在接受意大利天空体育采访时,德扬·斯坦科维奇说道。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 12:37:05 | 只看该作者
Transfers: Samir Handanovic signs for Inter
Monday, 09 July 2012 16:06

MILAN - Samir Handanovic is an Inter player. The Slovene goalkeeper has completed his permanent transfer from Udinese now that all the necessary paperwork has been delivered to the Lega Serie A.

Born in Ljubljana on 14 July 1984, Handanovic came through the ranks at Slovenian outfit Domzale (2002/03) before being promoted to the first team in 2003/04. Udinese brought him to Italy in and loaned him to Treviso at the start of the 2005/06 season. He moved again on loan to Lazio in January 2006 and then Rimini, playing a key role in their 2006/07 Serie B campaign. Handanovic retuned to Udine in 2007/08 and established himself as the Friulans' first-choice keeper, making a total of 179 appearances for the club. He made his debut for Slovenia in 2004 and has since become a mainstay of the national side.

Press Office


7月9日米兰消息 - 萨米尔·汉达诺维奇成为国际米兰球员。这名斯洛文尼亚守门员完成了从乌迪内斯到国际米兰的永久转会,相关的必要文件已经上交意大利足球甲级联赛联赛办公室。  

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 15:01:53 | 只看该作者

Our next signing could be on the horizon, in the next 2-3 days to be specific.  According to Gianluca Di Marzio of Sky, Inter are on the verge of completing the Paulinho signing.

“Inter have laid the groundwork to acquire Paulinho in two or three days.  The Nerazzurri have the OK from the his card’s holders (Banco BMG and Audax SP) but they still need an overall OK.  The feelings are positive, and with the request of 8-8.5 million, there is real optimism.  We’ll see if sporting director Ausilio wants to close immediately now or when he is back in Italy.  In 2-3 days, it can be done because Corinthians do not have a big say in this.  The club has Paulinho on loan and have only 10% of his sale.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-12 12:30:45 | 只看该作者
2012-07-11 进度集锦

1. 关于波利,这小伙似乎是打定主意要来我纯了。昨天桑普公布了季前训练营的大名单,令人惊讶的是,转会未成的波利并未位列其中。《国新网》透露,波利拒绝参加季前训练营,实际上是帮了我纯一个大忙,这有可能会促使桑普主席与国米重启谈判。

2. 斯坦科维奇没有像此前报道的那样加入球队在平佐洛的集训营,但原因并非转会。五号留在阿皮亚诺只为更好的针对脚踝手术后恢复体能,他将参加球队第二阶段的集训。同时,隆戈和利瓦贾在德斯特罗的交易明朗前,也不会被球队出租。帕齐尼是走定了,天空表示他不会被招入友谊赛,只待出售。

3. 麦孔的交易陷入僵局——意媒表示,两家俱乐部实际上没啥分歧,转会费已谈定,但目前麦孔未能和切尔西就合同年限达成一致,但双方应该还会继续谈判。麦孔的交易没动静,德布西却很可能留队了。《巴黎人报》透露,里尔决定加薪留人。里尔主席也公开表示他希望说服德布西放弃转会念头。

4. 布兰卡昨天启程飞往伦敦,意大利媒体现在认为,布大妈此行是为了推销卡斯泰尼奥。荷兰亨利的下家是埃弗顿、富勒姆、QPR和西汉姆联——推销卡斯泰尼奥发发传真应该就够了,难道布大妈此行还有别的目的?

5. 奥西里奥已经确定周五从巴西返回意大利。意大利媒体透露,奥西里奥此行收获不小,布大妈的左膀右臂成功搞定了保利尼奥的交易,BMG的确在最后时刻有意抬价,但奥西里奥最终还是将价格锁定在8-8.5m之间。但这笔交易最终拍板还是要在莫拉蒂、布兰卡和奥西里奥的对话之后决定。

6. 西尔维斯特雷的到来是否意味着拉诺奇亚要继续打替补?意大利媒体不这么看,根据这几天在平佐洛的训练情况分析,意媒认为,拉手机在国米未来的计划中占据了相当重要的地位——至少在一份极其重要的报价出现前,他不会被球队挂牌出售。

7. 目前来看,罗马是最有希望得到德斯特罗的球队——如果周日热那亚能够成功拿到德斯特罗的全部所有权。普雷齐奥西说:“萨巴蒂尼想要德斯特罗,我很高兴和罗马谈谈,过去我没太多机会和他做生意。如果我们能拿回他的全部所有权,我们会评估报价并且准备和罗马谈谈。”

8. 对于德斯特罗的交易而言,所有假设都需要满足一个前提:热那亚能够从锡耶纳手里拿回德斯特罗的所有权。在这之后,罗马得先把博里尼卖给利物浦(现在看来极可能变成现实)。我纯需要在出售方面达到预期,换取足够资金参与竞争。

9. 昨天最重要的消息是——塞萨尔决定向俱乐部妥协,同意离队了。天空体育透露,朱塞意识到了自己已经不属于球队未来计划的一部分,并决定寻找下家。据称,奥西里奥的巴西之行曾与塞萨尔的经纪人有过会谈,等布兰卡从伦敦返回后,塞萨尔应该会和布兰卡进行面对面的对话。

10. 就像此前消息透露的一样,斯内德本人不愿意前往安致踢球。不过俄罗斯媒体透露,安致已经派出特使,试图说服斯内德接受报价。但以目前的状况来看,在正式报价出现前,国米肯定不会先做出行动卖掉斯内德。

11. 关于塞萨尔的决定离开,《国新网》分析了一下,促使朱塞做出这一决定最根本的原因是,塞萨尔依然渴望能够代表巴西国家队参加2014年世界杯。塞萨尔无法冒着在国米打替补的风险混到2014年。因此,在世界杯梦想和剩余的两年大合同之间,塞萨尔向俱乐部妥协,选择离开。

12. 迪马乔:国米和佛罗伦萨就维维亚诺达成一致,但布兰卡还在等待热刺的消息,因为博阿斯本想要的洛里斯黄了,热刺可能会转而求购豆奶。维维亚诺本人倒不太想出国,因为他是佛罗伦萨本地人。如果明天上午英国那边没消息,他就会去紫百合。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-18 00:02:19 | 只看该作者
Stramaccioni gives lowdown on transfers, tactics
Saturday, 14 July 2012 02:25

PINZOLO – From Pinzolo Andrea Stramaccioni was hosted on Sky Italia's "Speciale Calciomercato" programme this evening.

The first topic discussed in the studio with journalists Alessandro Bonan and Gianluca Di Marzio was Philippe Coutinho. The Nerazzurri coach gave his view of the Brazilian: "He's one of the most talented players we have at Inter. Sometimes we forget he's only 20 years old. I think the time he spent in Spain [on loan at Espanyol] has helped him to mature and he's become an important player for us."

It was announced this afternoon that Inter and Andrea Poli had not been able to reach an agreement to continue their relationship. So what does Paulinho have that Poli doesn't? "At the moment neither is an Inter player," Stramaccioni replied. "They're both young midfielders, one of whom I know well. My admiration for Andrea is nothing new. But of course there are market trends that depend neither on Poli nor on the coach. Negotiations didn't go as the two clubs had hoped, but that's fairly normal when doing transfer dealings."

The topic then switched to Giampaolo Pazzini, a player whose stock is too high for him to be considered as mere backup for Milito but who is not involved in the Nerazzurri's new tactical setup: "I think that first and foremost he's a top-class striker," Stramaccioni  explained. "The choice president Moratti was referring to yesterday is one based on technical and tactical considerations; in that sense I have no problem admitting that my first choice in attack is Diego Milito. On the basis of that choice, Inter are free to weigh up their transfer market options. As I've said before, Inter comes before anything else. I'm the first person who has to weigh things up, of course."

What about taking that step up from the Primavera dugout to the first team? Was there any fear there? "There's never been any fear. My main concern is to repay our amazing fans and of course president Moratti for their faith in me. Fear is not a word that I like to associate with sport. I don't think there's a secret or a winning formula; what instils me with confidence is being myself. I just take onto the pitch the things I know how to do and I think that is what prompted the president to make this choice. There's no secret other than being yourself and saying what you think.

"No, I don't have a single appearance in Serie A, and that's a great regret of mine, as I left home with the dream of becoming a footballer. But, clearly, things were supposed to turn out differently. Looking back, I can't deny that I was sad to leave Roma but then I got the chance to see Inter and the first team 'from below'. So I was able to get to know people and places without anyone imagining that I might one day make it to the first team."

What aspect of coaching does Stramaccioni focus on most? "Hard work is definitely the common denominator; trying to make sure you leave nothing to chance. I also consider myself to be quite observant and I try to create the best conditions possible for my players to be able to express themselves. That's where a coach has to be smart – in trying to make the players feel comfortable on the pitch."

Is 4-2-3-1 only possible if there's a player like Zanetti or Obi behind Milito? "My dream is to have three attack-minded players, but of course a team has to be able to cope with that and find the right balance. I don't really like talking about numbers because I believe the most important thing is the idea the team takes onto the pitch; a team must have a clear identity." Could Lucas be one of those three players? "Lucas? There's no one in our squad by that name."

What about Stramaccioni's relationship with television and the TV cameras? "I have my own way of seeing things, I'm obsessed with the way I organise the team, but sport is also about smiles, joy, a joke or two when the time is right, because otherwise it all gets too serious. Maybe it's because I'm new, but work is work. I don't associate a smile with a happy moment or a long face with a defeat. All I'm saying is that at the right time – be it in training or at any other time – a smile can be a good thing."
Stramaccioni ended by answering a sequence of rapid-fire questions about Inter's transfer business: "Confident we'll get Lucas? No, not really. Paulinho? I honestly don't know if he's a real target for us. Mudingayi? An interesting player. He's considering his position and that has stemmed our initial interest a little. If Cissokho replaced Maicon? I think one plays on the right, the other on the left; I don't see a direct link between the two. Is Debuchy better? Yes, maybe he is. Is Sneijder staying? For me he is. I know he's staying and I haven't heard anything different. Moratti has said the Russian interest in Sneijder is a risk? I think if you look at the situation with Ibrahimovic and Thiago Silva you have to say that to a certain extent it's true for everyone: apart from Cordoba and Zanetti, they are all for sale [smiling]. Ranocchia? He's played games under me, he's a defender I want here and I've specifically asked that he should remain at Inter."

Press Office

7月14日平佐洛消息 -  在平佐洛的皮内塔球场,安德烈·斯特拉马乔尼接受了“特殊的转会市场”节目的专访。






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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-18 01:38:29 | 只看该作者
Moratti: "Done right or not at all"
Monday, 16 July 2012 22:20

MILAN - Massimo Moratti spoke with awaiting reporters upon leaving his offices in the centre of Milan.

inter.it offers the full version of the statements from the Nerazzurri president:

President Moratti, we hear a lot of talk about buying top players, then Philippe Coutinho went and pulled out an amazing performance that raised a lot of eyebrows.
"Yes, it's true. I saw that as well. He scored a great goal and played very well, but we know that Coutinho is among these top players. Fortunately he's already ours... [smiling]."

Do you have any comments regarding Lucio's statements in which he said that Juventus have 30 league titles, and that he'd celebrate if he were to score against Inter?
"Come on now, that was part of an act. Those don't sound like serious statements to me... Now that he's with a new club it's clear that he's trying to make them happy – or has been told to make them happy – in this way."

The 'president' that Lucio referred to then was Agnelli and not Moratti?
"That was a joke from Chivu… But honestly, I haven't lost much sleep over this... [smiling]."

President Enrico Preziosi said that if he were to sell Mattia Destro he would sell him to Roma. Do you feel as if you've been cut out of the Destro hunt?
"It's terrible. I'm truly broken up over all of this..."

And the Lucas situation?
"Let's see. But it seems to me that there's some pretty serious auctioning going on, so… Are Inter in the hunt? Yes, we are. But I'd prefer to see something done right or not at all."

Any news on players on their way out?
"No. No news. But let's see, there's still time."

Press Office

7月16日米兰消息 - 马西莫·莫拉蒂今天离开自己位于米兰市中心的办公室时,接受了守候的记者的采访。






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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-18 14:40:58 | 只看该作者

The deal to close in 48 hours.  As reported by Gianluca Di Marzio of Sky, Gaby Mudingayi is practically a step away from being an Inter player.  Moratti wants to give Stramaccioni a midfielder in short period of time, just as he has requested, with the qualifying round of the Europa League approaches.

Negotiations with Bologna will close with a very advantageous to Inter.  The cost, in fact, is just 1.5 million payable in three years not the 2.5 to 3 million that we have seen in recent days.  For the midfielder, a two-year contract is ready.  So within 48 hours, this transaction is expected to close.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-22 03:37:18 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-22 03:58 编辑

Transfers: Mudingayi joins Inter
Friday, 20 July 2012 14:26

MILAN - F.C. Internazionale has signed Gaby Mudingayi from Bologna F.C. on loan with an option to purchase. The paperwork relating to the transfer was filed at the Lega Serie A offices this morning.

The 30-year-old Belgian midfielder arrives at Inter following spells at Gent (Jupiler League, 2000 to January 2003, 63 appearances), Torino (Serie B, January 2003 to 2004, 34 appearances and 1 goal), Lazio (Serie A, 2005 to 2008, 69 appearances and 1 goal) and Bologna (Serie A, 2008 to June 2012, 125 appearances and 2 goals).

Mudingayi made 6 appearances with the Belgium Under-21 team and has earned 17 caps with the senior side since making his debut in 2003.

On behalf of everyone at the club and all the Nerazzurri fans, welcome to Inter, Gaby!

Press Office


7月20日米兰消息 - 国际米兰足球俱乐部已经完成了以租借加买断条款的方式从博洛尼亚足球俱乐部引进加比·穆丁加伊的转会。相关文件档案已于今天上午提交意大利足球甲级联赛联赛办公室。



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-27 21:51:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-27 21:56 编辑

Julio Cesar, The Former Number One Inter Goalkeeper

After many years defending the Inter goal so well, Julio Cesar is being shown the door by the same club.  This decision, taken for budgetary reasons, was communicated in May to now the former number one Inter goalkeeper.  His contacts with the team have been limited and when Julio arrives at training ground, his teammates are already started training.  Occasionally during double sessions, Julio Cesar was at a separate table with Maicon, Jonathan and Coutinho.

Tottenham are in pole position but also watch out for Arsene Wenger’s Arsenal as they are looking for an experienced goalkeeper.  In Italy however, there are Milan and Roma.  The Rossoneri must sell one of Abbiati and Amelia before doing anything else while Roma, who are not convinced by Stekeleburg, are planning to move.  A portion of his salary will be paid by Inter but in the long run, they would save a lot of money.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-27 22:01:17 | 只看该作者
The Story Of The Number 7

Sometimes a number can tell us lots of things and in Giampaolo Pazzini’s case, it is related to the transfer market.  Here is Gianluca Di Marzo on the behind the scene of this sudden change of number.

“A shirt number can have great significance. Very much so. Just ask Giampaolo Pazzini who saw the number 7 on his shirt disappear quite suddenly. Ever since his comment on the stage in front of the fans in Pinzolo (“I’m not in Inter’s plans”), he has been staying home.  But the story of the lost number 7 has also wowed him. He did not know until he walked in the dressing room and saw his number on the shirt of Coutinho. He had not been informed by anyone. Even Coutinho did not know anything. The young Brazilian has ensured that he never requested the number 7. An unpleasant surprise which was followed by the exclusions in these friendly matches. Pazzini and Inter are distant now more than ever. And who knows that number 7 shirt is not already waiting for il Pazzo somewhere else…”
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