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[采访] 小克的拼图游戏

发表于 2003-9-8 20:46:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
PIECES OF A MAN [I]Interview with Hernan Crespo for the Inter Milan magazine, by Paula Zanetti, wife of Javier Zanetti [/I] Eyes, mouth, nose, hands, feet... what do they say about Hernan Crespo? They tell us he's an Argentinean goleador, who's already truly loved by the nerazzuri fans. Let's find out about him, arranging the pieces of an unfinished jigsaw – "rompecabezas" in Spanish – his favourite game. Hernan Crespo. The jigsaw in Argentina is called "rompecabezas". It means head- breaker. It's the game that they give you when you’re a child, so you can develop your ability. It's a game that involves yourself, difficult, but always solvable. You must be patient, as the most beautiful thing is the final result. It's a lonely game, but if you want, someone can help you. It's one of Hernan Jorge Crespo's hobbies. Goleador, born in Florida, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on July 5th, 1975. Cancer, 27 years old. Jigsaw lover. And, somehow, he breaks your head. He's one of those mysterious people who you'll never completely know. But let's go step by step. Hernan shows us one of his jigsaws. You can immediately identify the landscape: Venice. It's a 5000- piece jigsaw – Hernan admits that he's been helped by his friend Fernando [Hidalgo, his agent], an Argentinean too, during his evenings spent at the "Olgiata", while in Rome in his last year with the Lazio team. He tells us that he rarely went out while he was there. The final result has been framed (after so much work, at least!). Let's put together the jigsaw of Hernan Crespo, and see the final result. - Let's start with the eyes, do you look to the future or the past? I look to the future, but take positive things from the past. I never forget my past, the things I've done to reach here. - If you look to your past in Argentina, what do you see? I see my family, whom I really care about. Not a particular scene. I can remember the sacrifices I made to reach this life. There are many good players who could be here too, but they didn't, as not everybody can stand the sacrifices you must make at the beginning. Nobody gives you things. So, all my memories are about that period, they have made much of the present. - What do you imagine for your future? To fight to the end for the "scudetto" and the Champions League. We're fighting at the top, I hope we can continue like now up until May, and to finish just as we expected. - Now, if you close your eyes, what are your dreams? I dream, more than anything, of a family with a lot of kids. Because the "soccer period" sooner or later will finish. Obviously, a player sacrifices everything to win, to enter the fans' hearts, and to enter history. But my dream is to have a family. - Have you ever imagined your present? When you were a child, did you dream of becoming a soccer player, a goleador? Yes, but I also got over my dreams. When I was a child, I dreamt about playing in the "first team". When I was 9 or 10, I used to watch Italian soccer, the Napoli of Diego Armando Maradona, AC Milan and its Dutch players, and I dreamt of playing in the Italian championship. But it seemed so unreal to me, so far away. I would have never thought it could become reality. I was dreaming about the National Team too. When you're a kid, you wouldn't do anything else but play in your country's team, you dream about playing a World Cup, perhaps two. I can say that I went over all I could dream when I was young. - Your nose lets you breathe, how many times have you had your nose broken during matches? I've taken a lot of bruises and I've been hurt a lot of times. The worst time was when I was playing in Lazio. I had a blockage, I couldn't breathe, so they had to operate on me. Two months later, against Venezia, I was hurt again, it was terrible... The operation was good, but soon I took another bruise. - Ok, but now you can breathe, you live your life. How's your life? Are you a quiet man or do you like a high-speed life? Quiet, really quiet. - Do you go out in Milan, or stay at home like in Rome? I've always been quiet, even before reaching Rome. I love to stay at home. - When you're at home, do you read? Or watch movies, play with Playstation? Yes, everything, and the Internet too. I read a lot of Argentinian newspapers, I like to know everything about my country. And I love sports, especially when there's someone from Argentina. I watch soccer, and not only that: volleyball (the World Cup in Argentina), basketball (in Indianapolis, Argentina came 2nd), and tennis. I like to support Argentina. - And when you go out, where do you go? Nothing special. I like going to the movies. Or having dinner with a friend, but always quietly. - The mouth. To speak or to kiss? Both... - Would you tell us who you kiss? The woman I love, Alessia. - What about speaking? Do you like talking, communicating? I love talking with friends, with people I know well. At first, I'm a little suspicious, but if they're good people, I like talking! - How do you see your future? What would you like to do? For sure, something linked to soccer. But I still don't know what. It would be difficult for me to go away from soccer, also because it's a subject on which I feel prepared. - An inconvenient question, which will discover your hidden feelings: What are you afraid of? The only thing I'm afraid of is that something bad could happen to my family, my mum Susana, my dad Jorge, my sister Paula and her family (her husband and my nephews), and Alessia. For me, I'm not scared. I'm worried for them, even in everyday life; if they don't feel good, I can't be happy. And vice-versa, one of their smiles makes me feel happy. - What makes you happy? I don't need big things. It's enough to stay with my friends. to reunite with them for a pizza and a beer (sometimes), or to eat an "asado" and drink a "mate". And I love travelling, but I haven't a lot of time for it. - Who do you help? Your friends? I like helping someone when I can. At the moment, in our country everybody needs something. First, I help family and friends on everything I can. - When solidarity calls you, I know you're always ready. Yes, and it's exciting to understand how a human has the capability to help others. - Let's finish the puzzle with the most famous part of your body – feet, soccer. How much does soccer count in your life? A lot, really a lot. It's passion, feeling. I'm in love with soccer. And I'm a soccer fan, so I'm proud of the role I have in this world. I don't do it for the money, I never have. I have never played for the money, to me soccer is passion. - And what about this new experience with Inter? How do you feel in black and blue? Beautifully, more so! There are things you can't buy. I don't know how to explain how you feel when all the fans recognise what you're doing. I feel happy. I feel the concern of all the people at Inter, the club, the fans. I really feel these things. They make me feel good, I like the love of people, I feel at home, I feel that everybody cares about me. It wasn't easy, but with patience we discovered a person who's really worth knowing. A person who lets you enter his thoughts, available, open-handed. Crespo is going to adapt himself to Inter, he's really happy about what he has found, and now let's hope that his dreams will come true. He has helped us to put together a lovely jigsaw of his life. And like all the "rompecabezas", the final result is good to look at. (translated by Lizzina, www.hernancrespo.net)
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-8 20:56:41编辑过]
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发表于 2004-4-17 13:57:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-17 12:46:00 | 只看该作者
This was the cover page of the interview...

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-10 20:35:00 | 只看该作者
哈哈,波波利也有两个身份!Argstorm 的朋友们都有几个身份吗?

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发表于 2003-9-9 23:06:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lisu在2003-9-9 22:17:00的发言:



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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-9 22:17:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2003-9-8 23:24:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lisu在2003-9-8 21:12:00的发言:
Hi Cherie,

对!以前萨队长的太太Paula 是记者。她也照波波的相。


How much does soccer count in your life?

  A lot, really a lot. It's passion, feeling. I'm in love with soccer.
  And I'm a soccer fan, so I'm proud of the role I have in this
  world. I don't do it for the money, I never have.
  I have never played for the money, to me soccer is passion.



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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-8 21:12:00 | 只看该作者
Hi Cherie,

对!以前萨队长的太太Paula 是记者。她也照波波的相。


How much does soccer count in your life?

A lot, really a lot. It's passion, feeling. I'm in love with soccer.
And I'm a soccer fan, so I'm proud of the role I have in this
world. I don't do it for the money, I never have.
I have never played for the money, to me soccer is passion.


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-8 21:16:03编辑过]

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发表于 2003-9-8 20:51:00 | 只看该作者
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