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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:51:09 | 只看该作者
4月17日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 – 今天蓝黑军团进行了备战下周末客场挑战佛罗伦萨的比赛的第一次训练:70分钟的训练由热身、技战术演练和适应性训练组成。



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:40:06 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:26:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-4-21 11:34 编辑

Cambiasso: "Moratti è unico. Io e l'Inter..."

Esteban Cambiasso si racconta ai microfoni di Inter Channel, a Click. Alcuni lo hanno messo in discussione, ma Moratti ha avuto sempre fiducia in Cambiasso e vuole continuare a puntare su di lui. Il Cuchu parla così del Presidente Moratti: "E' una persona squisita, impossibile trovare una persona simile nel calcio. Si approccia ai giocatori con una classe che fa la differenza".

All'Inter Cambiasso ha incontrato Javier Zanetti, con cui ha un rapporto splendido: "E' un fratello trovato nella vita. Più di un'amicizia normale, abbiamo tante cose che ci uniscono, le nostre famiglie sono molto unite. Abbiamo attraversato momenti belli ma anche alcuni momenti difficili, al di fuori dal campo. E' molto più di un amico. L'immagine di lui che avevo prima non è quella che ho ora, soprattutto nella vita privata. Sui campi di allenamento poi è molto professionale, più di ogni immaginazione. Vive con un'allegria incredibile".

A Click mostrano a Cambiasso le foto della sua carriera. Non può mancare una foto del 22 maggio 2010: "La serata più speciale della mia carriera. Per quello che vuol dire l'Inter per me e la Champions per il mondo. Mi emoziono ancora a vedere quella foto. La maglia di Facchetti a Madrid ce l'avevo quasi per caso, mentre a Siena l'avevo chiesta alla famiglia. Questo dimostra quanto tengo all'Inter".

Capitolo nazionale: "Bellissimi ricordi. Al momento lo vivi con sofferenza. L'esordio in nazionale non è mai facili. Ho giocato due volte la Copa America, ho avuto la fortuna di giocare in un Mondiale. Purtroppo è mancata una vittoria importante. Siamo riusciti con le giovanili, ma mai con la prima squadra".

"Giocare nel Real Madrid - continua Cambiasso - è stata una grande opportunità. Ho avuto la possibilità di condividere lo spogliatoio con campioni anche fuori dal campo, come Figo, Roberto Carlos. Ho imparato tantissimo da Raul e dalla sua voglia di far bene tutti i giorni. L'ha dimostrato anche con lo Schalke 04. Sono giocatori che hanno vinto tutto e che davano il massimo ogni volta che scendevano in campo. Mi hanno insegnato questo, e anche l'umiltà. Bello vivere a Madrid, è una sensazione forte, ci torno volentieri, ho degli amici. Quando siamo andati lì per la finale, avevo detto che mi avrebbe fatto un doppio piacere vincerla lì. A Milano ancora di più. Allenare i bambini è una grande passione che ho. E' una realtà che dura da 5 anni, sono più di 200 bambini all'anno. Io e Pupi quando possiamo andiamo: è una passione. E' una soddisfazione vedere il sorriso di un bambino. Ai bambini bisogna insegnare che il calcio è uno sport di gruppo. L'obiettivo non è solo quello di insegnare le regole del calcio, ma di dare i valori giusti".

Cambiasso parla dei suoi fratelli: "Ho due fratelli, abbiamo la fortuna di essere molto legati. Da mio fratello portiere ho imparato questo mestiere e la professionalità. Mi ha insegnato i sacrifici e le rinunce che ho dovuto fare nell'adolescenza. E' capitano della squadra del nostro quartiere, che è tornata nella serie A argentina dopo 28 anni".

Nell'Inter è tradizione fare l'Asado: "Cerco di dare una mano a Walter (Samuel), che è quello che si occupa sempre di tutto. A servire ci pensano Diego (Milito) e Javier (Zanetti). L'Asado è un momento d'aggregazione, tutto nacque a Brunico 5/6 anni fa e abbiamo continuato. Sono preciso? E' vero, ma un po' di precisione serve in mezzo al casino".
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:19:28 | 只看该作者

Cambiasso: "Nothing else to do but win"
Wednesday, 18 April 2012 12:35

MILAN - (ANSA) "Making calculations is absolutely useless. We're not in a condition to be able to speculate and there's nothing left to do but to win as much as possible. In the end we'll see where we've arrived," stated Esteban Cambiasso to Sky Sport Italia when talking about the race for third place that yields a spot in the Champions League.

"I don't think that our fans want words but rather actions on the pitch. The problem for third place is not only the points that separate us, but also that there are many teams in the middle," continued the midfielder. Inter will have Sneijder back for the challenge in Florence. "It's an important return, and let's not forget that Maicon will be back too. The coach will have more choices to pick the best team possible," stated Cambiasso with a smile.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:12:52 | 只看该作者
4月16日米兰消息 - 意大利足球职业联盟确定了因莫罗西尼猝死而延期的意甲联赛第33轮和第34轮比赛时间安排。

帕尔马 - 卡利亚里        4月21日 周六 18:00  
卡塔尼亚 - 亚特兰大      4月21日 周六 20:45   
佛罗伦萨 - 国际米兰      4月22日 周日 12:30  

亚特兰大 - 切沃         4月24日 周二 18:30
卡利亚里 - 卡塔尼亚      4月24日 周二 18:30
诺瓦拉 - 拉齐奥         4月25日 周三 12:30
莱切 - 那不勒斯         4月25日 周三 15:00
巴勒莫 - 帕尔马         4月25日 周三 15:00
罗马 - 佛罗伦萨         4月25日 周三 15:00
锡耶纳 - 博洛尼亚        4月25日 周三 15:00
乌迪内斯 - 国际米兰      4月25日 周三 15:00
切塞纳 - 尤文图斯        4月25日 周三 18:00
AC米兰 - 热那亚          4月25日 周三 18:00
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:08:39 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:05:12 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:03:07 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:01:19 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 11:00:01 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 10:55:08 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 10:47:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-4-21 13:45 编辑

4月18日贝尔加莫消息 - 周三这天的训练结束后,萨内蒂和拉诺基亚一起前往了贝尔加莫向皮埃尔马里奥·莫罗西尼告别。这位年轻的利沃诺中场球员在上周六的比赛中心脏病突发而去世,他曾是拉诺基亚在国家队的队友和室友。


Zanetti e Ranocchia omaggiano Piermario Morosini

Javier Zanetti e Andrea Ranocchia hanno reso omaggio a Piermario Morosini, il giocatore morto sabato scorso in circostanze tragiche durante Pescara-Livorno. I due giocatori dell'Inter si sono recati alla camera ardente alla Parrocchia del Monterosso. In rappresentanza della squadra, il capitano e il difensore - che di Morosini è stato compagno nell'Under 21 - hanno raggiunto Bergamo al termine dell'allenamento del mattino.

Domani, per i funerali, in rappresentanza del Presidente Massimo Moratti e di tutta la Società, saranno presenti l'amministratore delegato Ernesto Paolillo e alcuni ragazzi del Settore Giovanile nerazzurro.

Questo il racconto de L'Eco di Bergamo: "Nel primo pomeriggio è arrivata una delegazione dell'Inter con Zanetti e Ranocchia, accompagnati da Luigi Crippa, uno degli addetti stampa del club interista. I due giocatori si sono fermati nella camera ardente una decina di minuti. Capitan Zanetti ha toccato il feretro e si è fatto il segno della croce. Ranocchia, compagno di Morosini nell'Under 21 (avevano partecipato insieme ai campionati europei in Svezia), è rimasto un po' indietro. I due giocatori hanno firmato il libro delle presenze e fatto le condoglianze ai familiari prima di ripartire per Milano".


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 10:38:03 | 只看该作者


昨天在乌迪内,我们对莫罗西尼的去世致以沉重哀悼,并通过非营利组织Udinese per la Vita保证我们会帮助这名球员的姐姐。在这次悲惨的事故后她将独自一人。这一组织会和其他意甲和意乙的球队对她进行及时和持续的援助和关心,并倡议所有球队参与帮助莫罗西尼残疾的姐姐。

4月17日乌迪内消息 - 乌迪内斯俱乐部和非营利机构 per la Vita已经停止了与银行合作的为莫罗西尼姐姐举行的援助活动。



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:45:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-4-21 09:47 编辑

Ranocchia: "Immense grief. A massive loss"
Saturday, 14 April 2012 19:29

UDINE - "Immense grief. A massive loss."

It is hard to describe the sadness Andrea Ranocchia feels. He played with Piermario Morosini for Italy at youth level and roomed with the midfielder during training camps and trips.

"A marvellous lad, he didn't deserve all this," said the Nerazzurri defender, who learnt of the Livorno player's death at Inter's hotel in Udine, where the team were due to play Udinese this evening.

Press Office


4月14日乌迪内消息 -  安德烈·拉诺基亚已经无法用言语表达自己的悲伤了,马里奥·莫罗西尼刚刚在比赛中心脏病突然而去世。莫罗西尼不仅是拉诺基亚国家队时的队友,而且两人还是室友,所有关系非常亲密。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:41:58 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "We're all shocked by Morosini's death"
Saturday, 14 April 2012 18:34

UDINE - From Udine, where Inter were scheduled to play Udinese this evening, Nerazzurri captain Javier Zanetti wished to send his condolences to the family of Pierpaolo Morosini, after the Livorno midfielder passed away this afternoon due to heart failure.

"We are truly shocked by what happened to Morosini. We're all deeply dismayed and very sorry. It is hard to believe what has happened and of course it was right to postpone all league games. My thoughts and those of all my team-mates go out to all his family."

Press Office


4月16日米兰消息 –今天马西莫莫拉蒂主席接受了记者的采访。




我看来这个问题毫无任何例外可言,我们总是让球员做所有必要的检查。在意大利我们是领先的,卡努和法迪加来自国外,他们进行的检查可能没有那么全面。 他们来到这里后会完成其他必要的检查。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:38:16 | 只看该作者
4月14日米兰消息 -  马西莫·莫拉蒂主席和整个国际米兰俱乐部,安德烈·斯特拉马乔尼教练和所有球员们都怀着巨大的悲痛悼念我们的兄弟皮埃尔马里奥·莫罗西尼。在这悲伤的时刻,向他的家庭和利沃诺俱乐部送去关怀和安慰。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:32:01 | 只看该作者
Stramaccioni: "Milito isn't my discovery"

From the defence to the attack, and a player who is impossible to ignore because he's turning out one fine performance after another: Diego Milito. "Looking at the first three games he's played under me, I don't think any figures are needed to understand that he's in sensational form. I'm certainly not the first person to discover his talent; his performances at the moment leave no room for doubt."

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:26:45 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:25:31 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:18:51 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 08:51:50 | 只看该作者
4月13日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 – 在奔赴客场与乌迪内斯的比赛之前,国际米兰进行了最后一场训练,这次训练持续了60分钟,斯特拉马乔尼带领球员们进行了热身和技战术演练。斯坦科维奇进行了个人康复性训练,斯内德进行了2次恢复训练。进行恢复训练的还有麦孔。卡斯泰尼奥和萨穆埃尔接受了治疗。克里塞蒂格跟随预备队进行了训练,而迪詹纳罗和塞萨尔、卡斯特拉齐和奥兰多尼一同进行了训练。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 08:50:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-4-21 09:08 编辑


Scouting forum - Zanetti e Figo alla prima edizione

Prima edizione del Mercato Scouting Forum negli eleganti saloni del Sea Club, sulla spiaggia monegasca del Larvotto, dove ogni fine agosto l'Uefa stabilisce il suo quartier generale per i sorteggi del primo turno delle Eurocoppe e per la finale della Supercoppa d'Europa. Evento francese molto chic, sulla falsariga del milanese Wyscout, che oggi vivrà la sua seconda e conclusiva giornata con l'arrivo di alcune guest star internazionali come l'ex Pallone d'Oro Luís Figo e l'intramontabile capitano interista Javier Zanetti, ancora in campo nonostante abbia solo 9 mesi in meno dell'ex compagno portoghese che già da tre anni ha appeso le scarpette al fatidico chiodo. Molti agenti hanno aderito all'invito degli organizzatori della Gestisoccer, società guidata dall'impresario franco-lusitano Paulo Tavares. Presenti, fra gli altri, i procuratori Bruno Satin e Jean-François Larios unitamente a Claude Puel, pluridecorato ex allenatore di Lione, Lilla e Monaco. Stasera è atteso anche il Principe Alberto II di Monaco per la chiusura dei lavori. La prossima edizione, allargata ai presidenti di club, si svolgerà a bordo di un mega-yacht.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 07:34:39 | 只看该作者

Prima Serata, Alvarez: "Me and the concierge..."
Thursday, 12 April 2012 20:58

MILAN – This is it: we're all here with our TVs tuned into Inter Channel (Sky Italia channel 232) to enjoy every minute and every word of Edoardo Caldara's Prima Serata, where Ricardo Alvarez is tonight's guest.

For those of you who can't watch the programme, inter.it offers you a few more snippets from the Argentine midfielder's birthday interview.

The fans goad him: "Ricardo, you have to run more... at least as much as Zanetti!" Alvarez replied: "The captain is unlike anything I've ever seen. No one can touch him, he's living history, a legend." Caldara quickly added: "So what idea did you have of Zanetti back in Argentina?" "If you don't know him," Ricardo answered, "you think he's a magnificent professional but also a serious individual. Then if get the chance to meet him, you realise he really is just as professional as you thought, but as a man he's... very funny. He knows how to make his friends smile and he always puts you in a good mood, even though he's a world-class player of the sort you rarely see nowadays..."

Ricardo expresses himself well in his Argentine-sounding Italian: "Fortunately I've met people I enjoy talking to - within the team obviously but elsewhere too - and that's helped me with my Italian." Caldara managed to extract an amusing behind-the-scenes story from him: "Apart from your team-mates, who do you talk to?" "The concierge at home, for example. He's an Interista and I always take him to the stadium. Well, to be honest he's a bit annoyed this year. He doesn't say anything about me or my team-mates but I reckon he thinks certain things..."

Ricardo also received plenty of emails with compliments from women: "I'm cute? And who wrote that, my mum?" Actually, it was Caterina, but she was by no means the only one.

After a joke and a smile, the chat ended talking about football and Inter: "It's an amazing experience for me, even though it hasn't been the best of seasons for the team. I'm proud to be here, it's an honour. There are many many players in the world who would like to wear this shirt. I consider myself very lucky."

Prima Serata returns next week with Edoardo Caldara and another guest: exclusively on Inter Channel and with previews on inter.it.

Press Office

4月12日米兰消息 – 今天我们节目的嘉宾是里卡多阿尔瓦雷斯。




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 07:29:34 | 只看该作者
技术源于街头踢球P. Serata, Alvarez: "Technique... from the street"
Thursday, 12 April 2012 19:58

MILAN – We're now sixty minutes away from Prima Serata, the Inter Channel programme hosted by Edoardo Caldara. This evening's guest - on his birthday and the day after returning to first-team action against Siena following his injury layoff - is Ricardo Alvarez.

inter.it offers you a third installment of the midfielder's interview on tonight's edition of Inter Channel's most popular programme.

In response to the fans' questions, Alvarez went into more detail about the way he plays football: "If I feel confident when I have the ball at my feet, I like to run at my man and go past him to create more space for my team-mates or to get a shot away. Where did I learn my technique? On the streets as a kid. In Argentina we play football on the concrete and to control the ball you have to trap it under your foot, otherwise you lose it to the other side."

During Caldara's programme, we also hear the real story behind Ricardo's injury: "I had a problem, well two problems... At the beginning my knee hurt and it kept swelling up after training. Then after the match against Novara it was even more swollen and I had to stop completely. I sat down with the medical staff and we drew up a programme to sort out the problem, but when I was almost ready to return I picked up a calf injury in the other leg - probably because I was putting too much weight on it as my knee hadn't healed properly yet. Thank God that after the game against Siena yesterday - even though I played more than had been planned - I didn't feel any pain."

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 07:25:47 | 只看该作者

Prima Serata, Alvarez: "I always want the ball"
Thursday, 12 April 2012 17:26

MILAN – A journey within the talent. Ricardo Alvarez is a footballing land yet to be fully explored but Inter and their fans have already seen flashes of his quality in his first season in Italy - though it has taken him a while to adapt and he's had his share of bad luck, having been sidelined until yesterday's game against Siena.

All this and more awaits tonight in Prima Serata, the interview programme hosted by Inter Channel director Edoardo Caldara, who went on a tour of Alvarez territory following the route suggested by the Nerazzurri fans who wrote in with their questions.

Don't miss the full interview on Inter Channel at 21:00 and more exclusive previews on the hour until then on inter.it.

"All these messages from the fans are important for me; their words give you a boost. I have to prove out on the pitch that the fans are right," Ricardo Alvarez stressed in reply to the mass (and 'mass' is the right word) of emails, faxes and letters. Being the experienced journalist that he is, Caldara teased more out of him: "My position on the pitch? It depends, it can change from game to game: you get opponents who leave space in the middle so you can fit in behind the two strikers, then you get teams like Siena who pack the centre of the park, so you need to go wide to find some breathing space before cutting inside again to cross or shoot."

Alvarez is quick off the mark, as you can tell from the way he answers even the most awkward questions: "I understand the fans and I understand their boos. They're used to seeing a different Inter, with different players who had different skills. Those of us who have joined now must prove we are up to playing for Inter and win people over with our performances on the pitch." To pass what are known as the 'San Siro exams', Ricardo has chosen a study path that requires time but one that we're sure will lead him to him making the grade. "You'll always find people who don't like the way I play. I think there are various ways of showing your determination on the pitch and two in particular: fighting for every ball as if it were the last tackle, running around all the time trying to get there before your opponent, or – and this is the way I see football – you can show your desire and personality by always wanting the ball and putting yourself in positions to receive it – that too is a form of determination and courage. Compared to when I arrived, I'm playing with more confidence now and my tactical awareness has improved a great deal because this is the school of Italian football – tactics reign supreme here and in that respect I was lacking before. But I'm still enjoying myself just as much: when I was out for two months I couldn't wait to return. I think I can say that Italian football is my football now and also that I still have plenty of room for improvement. I understand even better now what I have to do in this game."

At this point of the programme, the fans who wrote to Inter Channel interrogated Ricardo - through Caldara - on the role his coaches have played in his development: "Ranieri taught me a lot, he gave me confidence and continuity. I thank him for that and I think he did an excellent job with me. I like Stramaccioni. It's a huge challenge for him but he's a very good coach and he knows how to speak to the players' hearts and to the team. He's young too, and like me he has a lot to learn, but he knows his stuff and he's very attentive. What did he say to me before the Siena game? Besides giving me tactical instructions he asked me to believe in myself, to do the things I know how to do."

Words that hit home, especially in the second half of last night's match. And you can hear them from Alvarez himself tonight on Inter Channel's Prima Serata, starting at 21:00.

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