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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 23:34:48 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 23:32:28 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 23:30:11 | 只看该作者
4月21日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 – 主席马西莫莫拉蒂今天观看了蓝黑军团备战佛罗伦萨的训练。



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 23:28:06 | 只看该作者

Portieri: 1 Julio Cesar, 12 Luca Castellazzi, 21 Paolo Orlandoni;

Difensori: 4 Javier Zanetti, 6 Lucio, 13 Maicon, 23 Andrea Ranocchia, 26 Cristian Chivu, 37 Davide Faraoni, 40 Juan Jesus, 55 Yuto Nagatomo;

Centrocampisti: 5 Dejan Stankovic, 10 Wesley Sneijder, 11 Ricardo Alvarez, 14 Fredy Guarin, 18 Andrea Poli, 19 Esteban Cambiasso, 20 Joel Obi;

Attaccanti: 7 Giampaolo Pazzini, 9 Diego Forlan, 22 Diego Milito, 28 Mauro Zarate
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 23:24:48 | 只看该作者
Zarate: "Stramaccioni gives you confidence"
Friday, 20 April 2012 18:58

APPIANO GENTILE – Andrea Stramaccioni is someone who likes to attack, who gives you confidence. This is the view of Mauro Zarate on the Inter coach during 'A tu per tu' on Inter Channel. "He likes to attack, he always wants the forwards to make things happen, and this is important for players like me who like to run at the opposition."

Stramaccioni likes to attack, but he has also brought the Argentine back into the fold. Zarate explains how, and what he said. "He's given me the chance to play, told me 'do what comes naturally, whatever you think is right, because I believe in your ability', and that's how you get someone's confidence back."

With his confidence restored, Zarate is also back scoring goals: his first in the league this season. He's certainly keen to continue doing well and spoke of his ambition to secure third place and to keep playing for Inter. "Now we're a little closer and we're expecting two games where we'll need to be at our best. They are two crucial games - which will be tough - and they'll go a long way towards deciding whether or not we can actually achieve what we're hoping to. I think we can and we're fully focused on doing so."

Press Office


4月20日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 –斯特拉马乔尼是一个崇尚进攻的人,是能给人带来信心的人。这是萨拉特在A tu per tu节目中发表的对这位国际米兰教练的看法。他喜欢进攻,他总是希望锋线能做出贡献,这对我这样喜欢突破的前锋来说很重要。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:39:59 | 只看该作者
Premio Gentleman: Zanetti sfida Del Piero e T. Silva

Javier Zanetti contenderà la sedicesima edizione del premio Gentleman ad Alessandro Del Piero e a Thiago Silva, un premio che il capitano ha già fatto suo in passato. Le votazioni per l’elezione sono state chiuse domenica scorsa e il riconoscimento verrà assegnato giovedì 26 aprile al Milan Marriott di Milano.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:37:01 | 只看该作者






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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:35:22 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:32:49 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:31:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-4-21 23:00 编辑

4月19日米兰消息 - 大约有350名球迷,其中大多数是年轻的孩子,来到了梅阿查球场参加了"Wivi l'Inter"活动。游戏,颁奖和各种娱乐,国际米兰俱乐部同球迷们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:28:52 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:07:10 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:02:35 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 13:01:25 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:50:11 | 只看该作者
Prima Serata, Zoff: "Zanetti is timeless"
Wednesday, 18 April 2012 20:07

ROME – "Just call me Zoff, that always works..." That was how one of the legends of Italian, European and world football greeted Roberto Scarpini and Inter Channel's videocamera to talk about the man who joined him on 570 Serie A appearances in Inter's last match against Siena: Javier Zanetti.

inter.it offers you an exclusive preview of the interview with Dino Zoff that will be broadcast during this evening's special edition of Prima Serata.

What does it feel like to see somebody making more appearances that yourself?
"It feels nice because I think Javier Zanetti is an extraordinary person in every respect. Physically he's extraordinary, to reach this number playing in the position he does - because it's fairly easy for a goalkeeper - where you have the clashes with other opponents, recovery time, etc. to factor in. I'm glad he's not stopping because I think football could do with more people like Zanetti. I don't mean at the same level because he's phenomenal, but in the way he behaves and acts on the pitch and in life. I've never heard him say a word out of place. So I really do hope he can keep going for a long time yet because he deserves everything."

Doesn't Zanetti seem a bit like a player from your day? You don't really get one-club men any more. Does he remind you a little of how football used to be?
"For sure, but he also does that with his behaviour on the pitch. I've never seen him do anything shameful or unsporting; he's just a true sportsman. He has the perfect qualities as a footballer and as a man, and he does seem like something from a bygone era because back then there were no crazy celebrations after a goal, none of the theatre you get on the pitch nowadays. I've never seen him protesting after a little foul. So yes, I'd say he is like a footballer from my day but he's still going so he's timeless. That sort of footballer is timeless and as I said I'm happy because when somebody is as deserving as he is then it's right that he should overtake me and the others, and I hope he keeps going for many years. So best of luck to him. Keep it up."

Zanetti was waiting for you in Appiano Gentile, but you have your tennis here in Rome...
"If I had been in the area, I would have gone along. If the chance comes up I'll be delighted to do so because he's someone I hold in really high regard."

Let's make a date of it: the day before Inter v Lazio, 13 May. If Zanetti doesn't miss a game, he'll be set to make his 800th competitive appearance with Inter.
"In that case I'll definitely drop by; if there's nothing riding on it in terms of the league, I will."

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:43:40 | 只看该作者
Prima Serata, Zanetti: "I've grown with Inter"
Wednesday, 18 April 2012 20:58

APPIANO GENTILE - In just a few moments' time on Inter Channel (Sky Italia, channel 232), a Prima Serata special dedicated to Javier Zanetti will go on air to celebrate the captain's 570th Serie A appearance with the Nerazzurri, which he clocked up in the last match against Siena. Having drawn level with Dino Zoff, the captain is now aiming for Gianluca Pagliuca (592, but with different clubs: Sampdoria, Inter, Bologna) while in first place Paolo Maldini (647) seems a long way away. Or so he seems at the moment...

With Edoardo Caldara and Roberto Scarpini, Pupi looked back at some of the most important stages in his incredible career: a special appointment not to be missed, starting any minute now only on Inter Channel.

"We're talking big numbers... Equalling Zoff, who was a footballing legend not only in Italy but in the whole world, is a reason to feel very proud. I thank him for his kind words. It feels incredible to be third in the list and close to my friend and former team-mate Pagliuca. It seemed impossible when we celebrated my 400th appearance with Inter, now it's nearly double that. This is my home and being the captain of Inter is an amazing experience. I remember when I took the captain's armband for the first time. And I remember when a few games later, with the club's agreement, I handed it to Ronaldo for a few games. He was going through a very, very hard time and he needed as much motivation as possible so he could get back to helping the team again. I was happy to give it to him. Then it came back to me and I've had it ever since. I've raised the most important trophies in Inter's recent history wearing that armband but I've also been through some tough times with it, when we weren't winning. But it was never a problem, even when the wins weren't coming I always enjoyed the responsibility. Difficulties help you to grow and improve. And I have grown and improved through the difficulties, here, together with Inter."

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:40:30 | 只看该作者
Prima Serata, Zanetti: "Suddenly we understood"
Wednesday, 18 April 2012 19:05

APPIANO GENTILE – Staying on the subject of Serie A, there are those five Scudetti, each one as special as the next. The first came on 26 July 2006, on the Brennero motorway as the team travelled from their pre-season training camp in Riscone di Brunico to Bolzano for a friendly against Monaco. In that tiny, cramped changing room at the Stadio Druso, between pulling on a sock and his shorts, Javier Zanetti said: "Hand me the phone, I need to talk to the president and Giacinto."

The captain explained: "I think we said lots of wonderful things to each other that evening. We felt we deserved that title for everything we had been through before then. And we realised it might be the start of something marvellous, but we had to be up to the task, we had to earn it. We did that and we won everything there was to be won, and we still have that desire today: we want to get back to winning and raising trophies again as soon as possible. Before that day in 2006, no one could answer all the whys, but I always believed Inter's work would pay off."

From a special memory to the present, and Andrea Stramaccioni: "He's good, he came in and was humble and honest from the start. He has very clear ideas, he likes a certain brand of football and we've all bought into it. Hopefully we'll be able to end the season as best we can and Andrea can continue; hopefully these months will just be the start of a long coaching career for him. It's true that he doesn't have much experience working with first teams, but from day one he came across as a talented coach: he's careful about all the small details and he's very galvanising." Edoardo Caldara seized the opportunity: "So Javier, would you like to have Stramaccioni as your coach next season?" "Yes, we're working well together and there's great enthusiasm in training, but it's only right that it should be the president and the club that decide what is best, because Inter must start aiming for the top targets again."

At 20:00, exclusively on inter.it, you can read a preview of Dino Zoff's interview with Roberto Scarpini filmed in Rome, which will be shown during tonight's special edition of Prima Serata (21:00) dedicated to Javier Zanetti.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:36:26 | 只看该作者
Prima Serata, Zanetti: "The future is Sunday"
Wednesday, 18 April 2012 18:34

APPIANO GENTILE - It was 27 August 1995, Inter v Vicenza at the Stadio Meazza in San Siro. Roberto Carlos scored a rocket with that left foot of his and Javier Zanetti made his first appearance in Serie A. Times have changed but the ageless boy from Buenos Aires is still here with us. And he seems younger today than he was then. A club symbol, undoubtedly, but perhaps more than that a friend, a brother, an ally, a reassuring presence that is always behind you, and who this evening at 21:00, under this black and blue sky, will light up a special edition of Prima Serata on Inter Channel, with Edoardo Caldara and Roberto Scarpini.

"I do think about it sometimes, it's a big thing to be a captain for a generation. It's exciting and it fills me with pride." That was Pupi's reply to Martina, the lucky Inter Channel subscriber picked out to chat with Zanetti. "I love the fans. You've given me so much over the years; you welcomed me with open arms when I was a young lad. I've met lots of fans down the years and all of them, in their own way, have given me something important: affection."

What about the future? Zanetti is never caught off guard: "The future is Sunday. First and foremost we have to end the season well, and see it out hoping we can snatch a Champions League berth. Then we'll see what will happen and what plans the president and the club have. I'm always willing to help. I'm happy, I feel good and I hope I can keep giving my contribution: on the pitch, on the bench, in the stands, wherever. That's the same thing I've always said to the coaches."

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:21:22 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "Strama in futuro, io dico sì. Scudetto '06 meritato, ora Moratti..."

Era il 27 agosto 1995, Inter-Vicenza, in campo allo stadio "Meazza" in San Siro. Roberto Carlos timbra un terribile vincente sinistro, Javier Zanetti la prima presenza ufficiale nel campionato italiano di Serie A. Il tempo è passato, l'eterno ragazzo di Buenos Aires è ancora qui con noi. E sembra più giovane di allora. È bandiera, certamente, ma forse ancora di più amico, 'fratello', alleato, ombra sorridente che ti segue sotto questo grande cielo nerazzurro che stasera, dalle ore 21, illuminerà lo speciale "Prima Serata" di Inter Channel con Edoardo Caldara e Roberto Scarpini.

"A volte ci penso, è davvero importante essere il capitano di una generazione. È emozionante forte. Mi riempie d'orgoglio". La risposta per Martina, che è la fortunata abbonata di Inter Channel sorteggiata nell'occasione per parlare con Pupi, accomuna tutti quelli come noi: "Anch'io amo i tifosi, in questi anni mi avete dato moltissimo, mi avete accolto a braccia aperte quando ero un ragazzino. Di tifosi ne ho incontrati tanti in questi anni e tutti, a loro modo, mi hanno regalato qualcosa d'importante: l'affetto".

E il futuro? Zanetti non lo prendi mai in contropiede: "Il futuro è domenica. Prima di tutto, e prima di tutti, concludere al meglio questa stagione; concluderla coltivando la speranza di raggiungere un posto in Champions. Poi vediamo, giustamente, che cosa succederà e quale sarà il programma del Presidente, della società. Io sono sempre disponibile. Io sto bene, mi sento bene, spero di poter dare ancora il mio contributo: in campo, in panchina, in tribuna. È la stessa cosa che ho sempre detto agli allenatori".

Zanetti, davanti a numeri che onestamente spaventano, confessa quello che, probabilmente, è il suo grande segreto di normalità: "Non sono per nulla un calcolatore. Vivo alla giornata, mi diverto in quello che faccio, cerco e trovo la felicità nelle piccole cose che devo affrontare ogni giorno. Vado avanti così, sto bene con me stesso". Il film nerazzurro di Javier è lunghissimo, ma c'è una notte, quella notte, con un simbolo tra i simboli: "Quella mia faccia rimarrà per sempre, riassumeva tutti i sentimenti che provavo, che avevo coltivato per tanti anni". Era Madrid, alzava la Champions League.

Per restare nel seminato della Serie A, come l'occasione vuole, cinque scudetti. Uno più bello dell'altro, a partire da quello del 26 luglio 2006, arrivato sull'autostrada del Brennero che portava la squadra dall'allora ritiro estiva a Riscone di Brunico a Bolzano per l'amichevole con i francesi del Monaco. Indelebile è il ricordo del volto di Javier Zanetti in quello spogliatoio piccolo e stretto dello stadio "Druso". Tra un calzettone e un pantaloncino: "Passami il telefono, ho bisogno di parlare con il Presidente e con Giacinto".

"Credo che quella sera ci siamo detti delle cose molte belle. Sentivamo di meritarci quel titolo per tutto quello che avevamo vissuto prima. E ci rendevamo conto che, da quel momento, poteva iniziare qualcosa di bellissimo, ma noi dovevamo essere all'altezza, dovevamo meritarcelo. Ci siamo riusciti e abbiamo vinto tutto quello che potevamo vincere, conservando oggi ancora la voglia e la forza per ritornare, presto, ad alzare i trofei. Prima di quel giorno del 2006, nessuno trovava la spiegazione di tanti perché, ma io ho sempre creduto nell'Inter, nel lavoro".

Da un ricordo importante al presente, sotto il segno di Andrea Stramaccioni: "È bravo, si è presentato con umiltà e con sincerità. Ha idee precise, gli piace un tipo di calcio che tutti condividiamo. Speriamo di finire al meglio la stagione e che Andrea possa continuare, che questi mesi possano essere per loro solo l'inizio di una lunga carriera da allenatore. È vero, ha poca esperienza con le prime squadre, ma si è presentato a noi calciatori come un tecnico molto preparato, molto attento ai dettagli, molto coinvolgente". Edoardo Caldara prende la palla al balzo. Javier, ti piacerebbe avere Stramaccioni allenatore anche nella prossima stagione? "Sì, stiamo lavorando bene, c'è grande entusiasmo in ogni allenamento, ma è giusto che la programmazione venga decisa dal Presidente e dalla Società, perché l'Inter deve ripartire puntando ai grandi traguardi".

Il Capitano parla anche del record di presenze in maglia nrazzurra: "Sono numeri importanti... Raggiungere Zoff, che è stato una leggenda del calcio mondiale, e non solo italiano, è motivo di orgoglio. Lo ringrazio per le belle parole. Essere terzo in questa classifica, vicino all'amico ed ex compagno Pagliuca, è incredibile. Quando abbiamo festeggiato 400 presenze con l'Inter sembrava già impossibile, ora sono quasi il doppio. Questa è la mia casa ed essere il capitano di questa squadra è una cosa straordinaria. Ricordo la prima fascia. Ricordo quando, poco dopo, subito d'accordo con la società, ho passato la fascia per qualche partita a Ronaldo. Lui stava attraversando un momento molto, molto difficile, aveva bisogno di tutti gli stimoli possibili per tornare ad aiutare la squadra. Mi ha fatto piacere passargli la fascia. Poi è ritornata a me e non l'ho più lasciata. Con la fascia al braccio ho alzato i trofei più importanti della storia moderna dell'Inter, ma con la fascia ho anche attraverso i momenti difficili, quando le vittorie non arrivavano, però non è mai stata un problema, anche quando non si vinceva mi piaceva avere la responsabilità, metterci la faccia. Le difficoltà di aiutano a crescere e a migliorare. Io sono cresciuto e migliorato nelle difficoltà, qui, insieme all'Inter".

【Prima Serata】萨内蒂:我同国际米兰一起成长

4月18日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  周三的“第一夜”主角是我们伟大的队长萨内蒂,他在同锡耶纳的比赛中第570次为国际米兰出场。尽管距离出场次数第一的保罗·马尔蒂尼(647场)看起来很远,但我们的队长还没有轻言放弃。在Prima Serata中,他向球迷们讲述了他职业生涯中最难忘的时刻。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:15:20 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-4-21 12:17 编辑

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:14:38 | 只看该作者
4月20日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 – 蓝黑军团今天在安杰罗莫拉蒂体育中心进行了他们本周备战佛罗伦萨的第四次训练。斯特拉马乔尼和教练组让队员们进行了40分钟定位球训练,并在不同场地进行了战术演练。预备队门梁迪詹纳罗(18岁)也跟随一线队训练。



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:13:29 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:11:59 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:10:32 | 只看该作者
4月19日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  当天训练前,国际米兰教练组和球员们进行了1分钟的默哀仪式,怀念当天举行葬礼的皮埃尔马里奥·莫罗西尼。这是国际米兰本周第三次训练,马尔科·布兰卡、皮埃尔·阿乌细里奥、詹弗朗科·贝丁,以及马里奥·科尔索、斯特法诺·费鲁奇都来到了训练场上。




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 12:05:34 | 只看该作者

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