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Capitano e Gentiluom 队长与绅士

发表于 2011-4-29 18:17:37 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=31456&L=en Zanetti - 'Captain and Gentleman' Tuesday, 19 May 2009 10:10:54 MILAN - Tomorrow, wednesday 20th may, at the Mondadori Multicenter in Milan's Piazza Del Duomo, will be introduced to public the first biography of Javier Zanetti's life, 'Capitano e Gentiluomo'. The event, promoted by PUPI Foundation and Star Management, will start at 8.30 pm. 国际米兰队长萨内蒂好事不断,刚刚捧得了自己连续第四座联赛奖杯,又在昨天发行了名为《队长与绅士》的自传。在米兰市中心举行的首发仪式十分热闹,不少国米球迷捧场,国际米兰官网报道了这一消息。 意大利当地时间20日晚间20点30分,米兰大教堂广场的蒙达多里综合中心,国际米兰队长萨内蒂的传记《Capitano e Gentiluom(队长与绅士)》正式发行。这本书记录了阿根廷球星35年来的经历,其中当然包括他在蓝黑军团的14载年华。 在首发仪式上,萨内蒂主要的工作就是给购买了其自传的球迷签名。他在接受采访时表示:“这本书是向蓝黑球迷介绍我的生活和在国米的经历。对我自己来说,这是一件大事,因为这说出了我在国米的心声。说句显得多余的话,我的球队就是我的第二故乡……” 国际米兰已经有不少球员出版过自传,像意大利中后卫马特拉齐,法国中场维埃拉等,不过和这两位争议人物充满“看点”的自传相比,萨内蒂的自传显得更加平易近人和充满生活气息,《队长与绅士》这个标题很好地概括了阿根廷后卫的生活和工作。 已经35岁的萨内蒂仍然是国际米兰不可或缺的一员主力,本赛季出场多达47次,丝毫看不出已经“奔四”,甚至连穆里尼奥都开玩笑说萨内蒂肯定是改过年龄的。但愿这位阿根廷“绅士队长”能永葆青春,率领国际米兰继续战斗下去。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:20:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-4-29 18:30 编辑




L'Inter: segni premonitori
¡Viva el fútbol!
Costruire una casa, costruire un futuro
El Tractor
A Milano con l'Avioncito
Fuga per la vittoria: i primi anni in nerazzurro
Parigi, 6 maggio 1998
I muscoli del capitano
C'è solo l'Inter
A un passo dal sogno
Il capitano dei Pupi
Io sono interista
Italiani d'Argentina, argentini d'Italia
La Seleccíon
Il capitano del centenario
Tutti insieme si può

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:21:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-5-5 16:10 编辑

1. Martín 马丁


马丁是在Pupi基金会里、每天下午我们会参与照顾的500多名儿童之一。他们都来自特拉萨(Traza),位于拉努斯(Lanus)大区雷梅迪奥斯·德·埃斯卡尔达镇(Remedios de Escalada)。五条落后的街道和五栋楼房构成了一个贫民区,那里的所有都是被社会遗弃的。在特拉萨生活着约5000名居民,其中大多数家庭都在贫困线上挣扎。毒品、暴力和少女怀孕是每天都发生着的事,干净的食用水和电力代表着奢侈品。没有幼儿园,没有援助中心,没有应急服务——你仅仅活在生存最低线上。赫克托尔、乔纳坦、米卡埃拉、伊齐基尔、奥古斯蒂娜、吉米那、艾米莉雅诺、圣蒂亚戈、纳萨雷那、克伦和其他人,大家都来自那里。每次我去探望他们都有一种团队的的氛围,同时每次都会感到心痛。即使一路走来漫长而艰辛,现在他们的未来不会再那么黑暗。正如他们每天都会面对新的困难和挑战,并努力克服。在大家的帮助下,我相信还有一种改善这个世界的可能性。尽管我们的力量只能说是沧海一粟,但再浩瀚的海洋也是来源于涓流的汇聚而成。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:22:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-7-18 17:44 编辑

2. L'Inter: segni premonitori 国际米兰:早远印记(初识之迹)



在那时足球运动对我而言,特别的是独立队,这是我们全家都疯狂支持的一支球队。这关系到足球DNA问题,我们住在布宜诺斯艾利斯省阿韦亚内达市(Avellaneda 译注:阿根廷东部一城市,位于布宜诺斯艾利斯附近,是重要的商业及工业中心)郊外的南多克(Dock South,一译南部码头)。住在这个码头的人,足球是唯一摆脱痛苦和悲伤的日常生活休闲方式。这种选择几乎是强加于你头上:要么是蓝白竞技,要么是红魔独立。也有零星的更大球队的球迷,像是博卡或河床,但人数很少。几乎在不知不觉间,我就爱上了独立,就像与生俱来带着的DNA色彩。不选择一支球队,你就没办法开始你的爱。所以,在真正明白缘由之前,我发现自己已经在支持博奇尼(Ricardo Bochini)、阿尔萨门第(Antonio Alzamendi)和布鲁查加(Jorge Burrucha)。




直到八十年代中期,终于可以从电视上转播部分意大利联赛,这全都得感谢迭戈·马拉多纳转会去了那不勒斯。感谢金童(El pibe de oro,马拉多纳昵称)把意甲变成在阿根廷最受关注的联赛,我们中很多人都因此让那不勒斯和所追随的本土球队一起分享了自己的忠诚和爱。而我们的老情人,与往年相同,他们引进了一位独立和阿根廷队历史上的伟大偶像:贝尔托尼(Daniel Bertoni)。国际米兰也有所斩获,1978年世界杯的冠军队长丹尼尔·帕萨雷拉去了那里踢球。这种背景映衬下,国际米兰在南多克红魔(Los Diablos Rojos, 独立队昵称之一)球迷中变得更加令人厌恶——帕萨雷拉是阿根廷世界杯的领袖,但他也是河床队的偶像。河床,就像是阿根廷的尤文图斯,一支在我们这片地区完全不受欢迎的球队。然而,虽然有帕萨雷拉的存在,国际米兰却立刻给了我一个非常深刻的好印象,这么说并不是因为我现在是一名骨灰级国际米兰死忠(Interista),而是一种感觉问题。听老一辈的独立球迷说,国际米兰是一支无比傲慢、自以为是和横行霸道的球队。不过我很快意识到,这种说法仅仅是草率的错误判断。我发现自己所爱的球队总是有些类似经历,独立队和国际米兰的历史被联系在了一起。两家俱乐部都创立于20世纪初期:独立队是由布宜诺斯艾利斯市一群被排挤在外的从业者愤怒之余创办,并因此取名为“独立”;独立队成立后3年的1908年,40名反对禁止外国球员参与规则的会员从AC米兰中分裂出来,自行组建了国际米兰。这种精神理念一直延续到现在,始终贯穿着两家俱乐部的历史。而不知何故,两家球队也从未降级。强大、冠军和无法预料的疯狂行径,都是双方都拥有的共同气质。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:22:43 | 只看该作者

3. ¡Viva el fútbol! 足球万岁!

本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-9-22 10:14 编辑

天才!天才!!天~~~~才!!!ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta...(该解说员经典特色解说词之一, 常作渲染强烈的节奏用, 无法直译)
——维克多·乌戈·莫拉莱斯(Victor Hugo Morales, 86年世界杯上阿根廷对英格兰比赛解说员)

1986年6月22日的布宜诺斯艾利斯,萨内蒂家充满了兴奋的骚动。我的母亲维奥莱塔(Violeta, 已于2011年5月30日凌晨在阿根廷家中去世)不知道怎样使6个脖子上围着阿根廷围巾的孩子停止手舞足蹈。我们就像一支球队样伫立在电视机前。母亲坐在后面的沙发上(她是最为激动的一个, 虽然表面看来最严肃),我的父亲鲁道夫·伊戈纳西奥(Rodolfo Ignacio)和已经可以获准坐在沙发上的哥哥塞尔吉奥(Sergio)这些天来一直处于神情恍惚状态。卡乔、路易斯、祖尔多、克里斯蒂安和我,一起踢球的童年玩伴们,从头到脚各种蓝白装扮,或蹲或躺在前。




在那个六月的下午,22名球员及那个小矮子球员周围发生的事可能以前从未有过,超越了足球所涵括的范围。在51-55分钟里,阿根廷升入了天堂。这是我们的复仇,这是整个国家情绪的宣泄。当迭戈骗过人称“女王之狮”的英格兰传奇门将彼特·希尔顿,用手把球打进球门时,我们从过往的噩梦中解脱了出来。上帝之手:对英格兰人的严重侮辱,对我们而言则是对侵犯马尔维纳斯群岛的无情泠然报复。一比零,中圈重新开球。欢呼的人群还没来得及坐回到地板上,被作家奥斯瓦尔多·索里亚诺(Osvaldo Soriano)称为“脚随心动的人”又再次书写了绿茵神话。他从中圈开始控球,一路盘带突破了英格兰整条后防线的所有球员,最后晃过希尔顿把比分改写成二比零。我家里的每个人都疯了,欣喜若狂。一些球迷瞠目结舌的被进球所震撼得说不出话,马拉多纳的这粒杰作是足球史上最漂亮的进球,散发着充满着艺术感的璀璨光芒,令人叹为观止。我都不知道自己看过这场比赛多少次,甚至记不清自己有多少次梦想着复制这粒进球的某部分:甩开所有球员、晃过出击门将、把球送进网窝。“你来自哪个星球?你让这一切看起来如此轻描淡写,整个国家紧靠在一起,高呼着‘阿根廷’……阿根廷二比零英格兰……”你来自哪个星球阻止了英国人的前进?全国紧紧团结在一起高呼着阿根廷的名字:阿根廷—二!英格兰—零!!!莫拉莱斯的解说成为那些年的流行背景音乐。

结束军人专政统治的黑暗时代以来,甚至是在独立之后的时期里,阿根廷一直在寻找一条新的幸福之路。总统劳尔·阿方辛(Raul Alfonsin)创立了民主共和国,让国家恢复了信心。而在多年独裁艰难岁月后的重建中,足球扮演了一个关键角色。早在1978年独裁统治时期,赢得世界杯是对全国民的一种祝福。那时我年纪还很小,但我记得在那些日子里,每个人都是多么快乐:谢谢足球让我们可以忘掉很多足以让我们窒息的问题。而1986年的胜利,则是攀上欢乐高峰的再生。国家三年前恢复了民主制度,但直到马拉多纳,才把整个国家真正凝聚在一起。小迭戈(Dieguito) 成为一个多年来不得不忍受被迫害痛苦,终于再生和重见的国家象征。他被视为重塑自我,并恢复失去的自由的标志。

对英格兰的胜利庆祝活动持续了整整一个星期,比赛后的第二天阿根廷没人去上班。那天成了一个公共假日:甚至连国家报(el País,阿根廷国内最大的报纸)都停刊庆祝去了。我们阿根廷人就是这么充满激情和感性,人们愿意为我们的国家做任何事。战胜英格兰后,布宜诺斯艾利斯变成了一条人头攒聚的海洋,大家因为共同的原因聚集起来,所有人都在感谢一个打进了两枚足球史上最令人难忘进球的黑色卷发男孩。但最美妙的时刻还是阿根廷政体转型后首次捧起大力神杯的时候,那场3-2击败“我家”马特乌斯的德国队决赛中,独立队巨星乔治·布鲁查加攻入了决定性一球。当天晚上我们聚集在方尖碑下庆祝——所有布宜诺斯艾利斯人:孩子、成人、祖父母、家庭妇女——数以百万计的人都陷入疯狂:贴满蓝白色装饰物的汽车、印着10号号码的球衣、烟火和旋转木马。这不仅仅是一个全国性的节日,这是蓝白探戈的释放,一个阿根廷新时代的开始。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:23:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-29 20:39 编辑

4. Costruire una casa, costruire un futuro 盖一栋房子,创一个未来





我们在这个球场投入了童年最多的时光。每一天,从早到晚,以惊人的速度投入永远比不完的比赛中。我们建立了萨德码头(Dock Sud)小孩子的第一支球队,命名为“迪斯尼乐园”。一个名字,一个规划。马拉多纳成长于小洋葱头(Los Cebollitas,阿根廷的一支青年队),团队中的首席漫画式英雄。我们阿根廷人对于起名这件事很有想象力。因为这项竞技活动,很多孩子不再跑去街头,邻里间也变得更加团结。每场比赛都成为一个庆祝的理由:母亲们带着阿尔法后(alfajores)这种阿根廷传统糕饼来看比赛,还有我们那驰名世界的毛皮坐垫围绕在球场四周,这就是我们梦想起飞的地方。


“迪斯尼乐园”中的冒险活动并没持续很长时间,我们踢球时的优异表现很快就让一份独立队的官方造访敲响了我家大门:“你想来跟我们一起踢球吗?”加入(南多克)红魔,成为独立队的一份子,简直是梦想成真啊。七年里我一直热衷于捍卫这件球衣,倾注自己所有。我踢球、学习,或者帮我父亲干活儿时,心里随时随地都记挂着她。而在1983年独立的多布维雷塞拉(Doble Visera)球场,我完成了精神的洗礼。那场比赛是对竞技:虽然只有百米之遥,但这种方式的感染力和其它渠道是截然不同的两个世界。我的第一场正式比赛是一场南美解放者杯,对手是巴拉圭的奥林匹亚队。那是一场精彩的比赛,最后我们获得了胜利。一起站在球场上的还有我的偶像:“秃头”里卡多·博奇尼,为此我深感自豪。梦想效法他的丰功伟绩只持续了没多久,虽然我承诺并为之尽了最大努力,某天,我受到了我职业生涯中最重大的挫折之一:经理们和技术人员认为我太过瘦小,不能继续从事这项职业运动。于是在我15岁时,荣耀梦想被粉碎,所有希望都坍塌了。那时我停了一年,就像足球不再存在我生活中一般。我感到失望难过,几乎心如死灰。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:23:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-9-22 10:16 编辑

5. El Tractor “牵引拖车”


通过不断反思和突破小麻烦干扰后,我决定重回球场。我们必须一直站起来,即使在最困难的时刻。这个时期里我学到了日后都不会忘记的一堂人生课程。哥哥塞尔吉奥那时已经成为一位球场上的新星,这给我重回绿茵场带来了好时机。他在塔勒雷斯(Talleres)踢球,一家位于布宜诺斯艾利斯省南部,雷梅迪奥斯德埃斯卡拉达(Remedios de Escalada)地区的小球会,离拉努斯不远。那里是马拉多纳成长的地方,许多年后,也成为了Pupi基金会的诞生地。





我终于成为了一名专职足球运动员,不用再从事别的工作来补贴我的家人,甚至还找到了一生挚爱。现在的我,终于摆脱了两年前被黑暗湮没的生活。在塔勒雷斯的经历是我人生最重要的阶段之一:在我年满20岁之际,终于在这里打开了通往阿根廷顶级联赛的大门。1993年夏天,我收到大量邀约。许多俱乐部都对我抱有浓厚兴趣,其中就包括另一支最受布宜诺斯艾利斯南部支持,位于洛马斯德萨莫拉(Lomas de Zamora)大区的球队班菲尔德(Banfield)。当他们获得我的时候,出现了些相当匪夷所思的情况:比如像有10名俱乐部会员,共筹了我的转会费,差不多16万美元的样子。在短短几天里,我确定了自己即将登陆阿根廷顶级联赛,准备好了所有激情为这个足球的殿堂献上。这是漫长岁月中我唯一的梦想。

当然,我再也没有可能穿上独立或者另外一支球队的球衣了。但能曾身披班菲尔德战袍(这支球队在我心中永远有一块地方永存)让我感到十分“谦卑”,尤其是在经历过少年时代的那段磨难,重获新生后,即使是以前未曾接触过的球队,也很容易赢得我的敬重。奥斯卡·洛佩斯(Oscar Lopez)和奥斯卡·卡瓦莱罗(Oscar Cavallero)两位教练授予了我4号球衣,从那时起这个号码就一直和我相伴。我首次参加的重量级比赛是在河床的丰碑球场,这是漫长征程岁月中的一个开启。1994年11月,当时的国家队主帅丹尼尔·帕萨雷拉,第一次把我召进了国家队。就像做梦一样:成为职业球员一年半后,就有幸能披上国家队的蓝白战袍。我的处子秀还不错:11月16日在圣地亚哥,3:0击败智利队。这第一个赛季我出场37次,1个进球。接下来的一年,我继续保持着同样的轨迹发展,或者说是跟前个赛季一样的状态。于是我又得到了一个外号“牵引拖车”(El Tractor),一种重型巨轮拖拉机。阿根廷的赛场上,几乎每个球员都有一个外号,像“老头子”(El Cuchu)之于坎比亚索、“土著”/“南美匪徒”(El Cholo)之于西蒙尼、“园丁”(El Jardinero)之于克鲁兹, “墨西哥人”(El Pocho)之于拉维奇, “小虫”(El Piojo)之于洛佩斯。解说了马拉多纳神迹之战的著名播音员维克多·乌戈·莫拉莱斯坚持以这个新外号称呼我,他说这来自于我重心低和强壮双腿(托各种专业训练之福,之前那个男孩的瘦弱身板已经大大改进)的特点,尤其是奔袭起来对整个球队的拖动感。其实我踢球时确实跟拖拉机有点像:这么说可能不太谦虚,但对方真的很难让我停下来或阻止我。而把两者联系起来,这就是莫拉莱斯丰富的奇思妙想。

在班菲尔德的第2个赛季表现也是有目共睹的。我再次以首发球队的身份打满整个赛季,同时几乎成为国家队的固定球员。那年里,我还跟胡里奥·克鲁兹(Julio Cruz)踢过一段时间球,他还刚以一名前途光明的年轻锋线球员身份开始自己的职业球员生涯。谁会想到,若干年后,我们会成为同一家俱乐部的球员再次相见呢——在大洋的彼岸,一起身披蓝黑剑条衫。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:23:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-9-22 10:13 编辑

6. A Milano con l'Avioncito 和“小飞机”一起去米兰


是的,就是那里。不是谎言,也没人跟我开这种拙劣的玩笑。有人注意到我的表现,然后向球会提交了报告,这个人就是另一位前阿根廷巨星:安东尼奥·瓦伦汀·安杰利洛(Antonio Valentin Angelillo)。他是五、六十年代之交声名卓著的蓝黑前锋,拥有单个赛季33粒进球的俱乐部历史记录。他看到了我在班菲尔德的表现。我也知道国米正在阿根廷挖掘球员,但当时传的都是那些更有才华的球员名字,像丹尼尔·奥特加(Daniel Ortega)和塞巴斯蒂安·兰伯特(Sebastián Rambert)。所以当帕萨雷拉告诉我这个消息时,简直就像地底下突然冒出来一样。我马上联络了我的经纪人,结果这一切都是真的,国米想要我。去意大利的道路已经开启,所有事情只剩下我签字同意。


Luckily I had two months to prepare, and I would not be alone on my new adventure: with me Inter also acquired Sebastian Rambert, called l'Avioncito, the airplane, because of his way of celebrating after a goal, already my teammate in the national team. That said, however, we must dispel a myth. It is often said that I arrived at Inter as a "two-for-one" in sale of Rambert. Things did not happen that way. First, Sebastian did not play on my team, Banfield, but for Independiente (lucky him). Secondly, Inter did not buy us as a couple, but at different times. He came after me. This may seem like a trivial thing, but for me it is very important. I was in fact the very first purchase of Massimo Moratti, who had recently become the president of Inter, in February 1995. Many critics and fans, when they heard my name twisted their nose. "What? Moratti wants Inter to return to the glories of the past and he appears with Zanetti?" They did not have many strengths: after all, I was a little-known player, one that, as they say in Milan, still had many michette [a local bread roll] to eat before becoming a player at the highest level. Moratti, however, strongly wanted me, and although I was not a tightrope walker nor was my name exotic enough to stir the imagination of fans.

During that acquisitions campaign, Inter bet on promising young players and players of proven reliability. Besides Rambert and I, Roberto Carlos, also known at the time, and Paul Ince, one of the strongest centerfielders in Europe, arrived at the nerazzurra house. That created a difficult situation, since at the time, the Bosman Law was not yet in place, and virtually every team could field a maximum of three foreigners. And we were four. For this, at the start, one would have thought that I would be lent to some other team to "make my bones," as they say. Of the rest, my name was the least high-sounding. Rambert had been much promoted in papers and on television they continued to show his famous goal in the Argentine championship; Roberto Carlos, although little known to the general public, was one of the most promising youngsters in the world of football (and he would keep those promises in the future, oh yes); Ince was known by all for his time at Manchester United. And Zanetti? A complete unknown. Despite everything, though, I remained. And I played. The company immediately said flatly that it had no intention to "turn" my card to another team. They believed in me and my potential. Maradona also came to my aid when in an interview he declared that "the best purchase Inter made was buying Zanetti." And then I began to really believe it myself.

Accustomed to the chaos of the immense Buenos Aires, the impact of Milan was not so traumatic. Maybe because we Argentines were all half Italian, and then even thousands of miles away from our homeland we felt at home. My great-grandparents were from Friuli, specifically from Sacile in province of Pordenone. I discovered it a few years ago, after months of research. I am proud of my Italian roots, and especially Friuli. I think I have many things in common with the Friulani: a strong temperament, reliability, moderation; qualities that I have always sought to also bring to the playing field.

Therefore, perhaps because of my origins, I was immediately well in Italy. Although I was alone, although my family and Paula were still in Argentina, I did not feel too great a detachment from my homeland. It is a matter of culture and mentality. Italy and Argentina are two very similar places, and for that probably we "oriundi" acclimatize so well and with ease into the football of the Serie A. The only major difference between the two countries is on temperament. We Argentinians are composed, calm; in short, we enjoy each other a little more; but in Italy everyone is always in a hurry. Meet for coffee in Buenos Aires, it means being together for half an hour to chat about this and that, in Milan, however, everything is resolved in five minutes, and then goodbye, everyone returns to busying themselves with their own commitments.

But the beginning of my Italian adventure the most complicated thing, even more than the lightening-fast cafes and the new language (also if Italian and Spanish are sister languages, a hint is enough to understand), was plumbing the mentality of football, or rather adapting to everything that revolves around football. Not that in Argentina we were not pressed by the press and fans, but at Banfield I was used to simply some reporter with notebook at the end of matches, a few autographs and routine photos and little more. The day of my official presentation at Inter, June 5, 1995, at Terrazza Martini, instead I found a crowd of photographers, cameramen, journalists (with a notebook, microphone and tape recorder, but only because at the time, cell phones were not so common), parading Inter fans chanted my name. Not even the rain could stop their passion. For me and Rampert, my companion that almost summer afternoon, it was the first taste of the reality that awaited us. And the first real encounter with Inter, the most beautiful and craziest creature in Italian football.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:24:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:07 编辑

7. Giacinto

The fans of these colors will tell you it is not enough to play for many years in a team. It is not enough to kiss the jersey after a goal, not enough to say things in order to send the fans over the moon. The fans, above all in Italy (but also in all the other Latin Countries), it is a question that borders on philosophy. Often, to use a definition that has been a bit abused, it is said that being a fan is a faith. I think that it is more of a style of living, a way to be. For this, I fell instantly in love with Inter; because in this way it was like me and it is like me, because in this club there are values and ideas that do not exist elsewhere.

Inter is different. It is not rhetoric. Inter always goes against the current, never involving itself in subtle power games. Inter is transparent, because what happens here is on the up and up and does not need screens or guards, since there is nothing to hide. I understood from the first day I set foot in Appiano Gentile. And I realized thanks to an enlightened teacher: Giacinto Facchetti, the captain of captains, the example, the symbol, the entire par excellence.

Having him as a mentor, guide and friend was a blessing for me. He taught me what it means to wear the Inter jersey, and that to be an Interista is something that goes beyond being simply a fan; he taught me that in football yes, results count, but there are more important values: loyalty, fair play, honesty, respect towards supporters and opponents. Essential qualities for an Inter player, and that Giacinto, every day, tried to convey to us, even in times when everything seemed to turn against us and in which the goddess Eupalla seemed to have hatched a conspiracy against the Nerazzurri. [Eupalla is the goddess of calcio, invented by the journalist Gianni Brera]

"Sweet, smart, courageous, reserved, far from vulgar reaction. Thanks again for having honored Inter, and with her all of us." So, with these moving and sincere words, Massimo Moratti recalled him after his death. It was a sad day, that bloody September 4, 2006. It was the day when Inter lost its flag-bearer, its spiritual leader. And when all football, not just the Italian, lost a man who was not only a giant on the field, but also in everyday life.

The values, the passion, the dedication that for many years he put to the service of the nerazzurra cause, however, has remained intact. And even today, for all of us Interisti, Giacinto is a constant presence though no longer with us physically. It is no coincidence that after every victory the first dedication is always for him. It is no coincidence that towards him, still, reins an almost sacred respect. It is no coincidence that he has always been considered the model and an example to follow. Because Giacinto has been and always will be the image of Inter.

Giacinto was a "hombre vertical", as we say in Argentina, a gentle giant who commanded respect. One who did not waste his breath with the words, because he did not take much to make himself understood, and he did not like the spotlight. A brave man, a champion of honesty and clarity. One that never had to lower his head in front of the powerful, to him it is sufficient to be respectful of the rules, it is the the same as what he learned at oratory as a child. He had a diary, and on the first page he wrote a sentence from Tolstoy: "The more we believe our existence depends solely on our actions, the more this becomes possible.

I am proud and take pride in wearing the captain's armband of Inter, especially knowing that the armband was worn for years by a person like Giacinto. The greatest satisfaction is to be considered his heir. There is no higher compliment that can be made to me. Being Facchetti's heir does not only mean asserting oneself in the field, it means leaving a mark outside as well, showing that the career of a player is not only measured by cups and championships, but above all fairness, courage, charisma.

A strong relationship was established between us immediately. We understood each other on the fly, without much explanation. He often told me of the epic challenges between Inter and Independiente in the sixties. He had lived on the pitch, a protagonist. "What battles, especially in Argentina," he said remembering the boiling climate at the Doble Visera. Those were years when the cameras had not yet monopolized the pitch, when almost everything was "permissible" in order to stop opponents. And, at the time, the Argentinian players were famous for being a bit rough, so to speak. The fans were no better: oranges on the field, insults, threats,. In the wake of those memorable stories of triumph, I began to understand the true Inter, particularly what it meant to be an Interisti. The badge, the history, the pride, but especially feelings, love and passion.

For years Giacinto was an essential support for all Inter players. He had a good word for everyone, he always knew how to resolve difficult situations and the right buttons to push to spur one on to give more. He always took up the side of the players, he helped us in every circumstance: he taught us to not give up in difficult times and , I help us in every circumstance has taught us not to give up in difficult times, and not get big-headed when things went well.

The news of his illness was a blow, a bolt from the blue. It came just when Inter was recovering all that, in the years before, had been removed. It was in full "Calciocas", and finally justice would give us reason. But Giacinto it was not a question of revenge. Was the simply respect for the rules. He lived his last months with the usual great dignity, asking only to be left in peace, that the news of his illness not be heralded by newspapers and television. I visited him in the hospital many times, hoping until the end for a miracle. Everyone, from the players to the warehouse workers gathered around him. At that time, our only thought was to do something for Giacinto. The occasion arrived on the 27th of August, 2006, the Italian Super Cup against Rome. The disease had consumed him by now, but until the end he was seized with the events of his Inter. The day before the match I went to see him at the hospital and I made him a promise: "Giacinto, I swear that I will return here tomorrow with the cup." I kept my word. This challenge with Rome was not simply just a game of football; something miraculous occurred during those 120 minutes of play. We went down 3-0, and then in the second half, everything changed. We transformed ourselves, we became a true team, and we fought for every ball. Two times Vieira and Crespo brought us to 3-3, and then an additional from Figo sealed it up and gave us the cup. I cannot say what strange mechanism took over us all after that terrible first half: I only know that each of us on the pitch that evening played not only to win the cup, but to bring that cup to Giacinto.

The next day I went to the hospital with the trophy. "It's for you" I said. He smiled with the little strength that remained to him. That smile has kept me going, unforgettable. It still lights me up and stays with me, always and wherever.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:24:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:12 编辑

8. Fuga per la vittoria: i primi anni in nerazzurro / Flight to victory: the first years in black and blue

Ever since I was a child, before the games, I always tell myself a slogan that I need to keep high concentration. My father invented it and it still spurs me today. “Ponga huevos, hombre, que hoy tienes que ganar.” In Italian it is something like this: “Put in your attributes, boy, now you have to win!” It is a rule that holds true for any footballer. When leaving for the field, they must always give their best for their team, but never forget that, first of all, the respect for the rules and the opponents.

That is what I tried to do when I arrived at Inter. I couldn’t immediately adapt to the new football mentality, new patterns of training and new schemes. However, my first Italian coach, Ottavio Bianchi, immediately have all the confidence to me. Despite four strong foreigners he was pointing at me, and so, on August 27 1995, I debuted in an Inter shirt in an official match. The opponent was Vicenza and it took place at the legendary Giuseppe Meazza in San Siro, a stadium, until then I had only seen on television. There is always an extraordinary emotion playing on that field: it is true that footballers cannot be defined by it if, at least one time, they haven’t set foot on that green grass. The debut went well: 1-0 with the goal by Roberto Carlos, who was also in his debut just like me. It seemed like the beginning of a promising season, but instead things gradually, little by little, went downhill. My compatriot Rambert, who arrived with so much expectations, failed to withstand the pressure and after a couple of months left Milan. For a striker, it is always difficult to establish himself in Serie A, especially if he is very young. Among other things, Avioncito had several physical problems that certainly shaped him a lot. For me, his farewell was a hard blow as we had a couple of similarities: both Argentinians, and both were called to immerse ourselves in a hard football environment. Now Sebastian is now the past and on the other side of the fence: after hanging up his boots he became a coach. He was also the assistant of Ramón Diaz, another former Inter great, on the bench of América, in Mexico. Before Rambert left, Ottavio Bianchi, our coach, was sacked in late September after some disappointing results. In his place, after a brief spell with Luis Suárez on the bench, was the Englishman Roy Hodgson. I had to start over. With Hodgson, everything changed from the type of training to the module of play, but the new coach also demonstrated from the beginning that he believed in me. And with him I began my long and joyous career: with Bianchi, I played as a right-back in a 5-3-2, with Hodgson I was a right midfielder of a diamond formation, pretty much he same role that I played in recent seasons. With him on the bench I also scored my first goal at Inter, against Cremonese at the San Siro on December 3 1995. A goal, among other things, was aesthetically valuable and that I always remember with great pleasure (I’m not a striker and those few goals that I’ve scored are like children to me). “La Gazzetta dello Sport”, the day after, rewarded me an 8 in rating. And so my name finally became popular or better, to start out from anonymity.

The environment, for me, got better with every passing month, and even with the fans of Inter, things started to go for the best. I was never a leading man (for the strikers and in the imagination of people, there are always goals and assists), but slowly I think I had won the hearts of the people of Inter thanks to my determination, abnegation and steadfastness. And, why not, thanks to my dribbling down on my right wing. A very beautiful moment in my honor was when the Curva Nord guys invented a chorus that is still true today: “Tra i nerazzurri c’è / un giocatore che / dribbla come Pelé / daì Zanetti alè!” (“Among the nerazzurri there’s / a player that / dribbles like Pelé / go Zanetti”) Perhaps the comparison with Pelé is a bit excessive (to any Argentinian, Maradona is always a cut above any Brazilian), but I must admit that that chorus is in my heart and that whenever the Curva Nord sings it, it makes me shiver.

If from a personal point of view, the first year as an Interista wasn’t bad at all. But in terms of a group, however, things did not go very well. We were in the seventh place in the standings, a very disappointing result for a team that, historically, always aims to win the Scudetto. However, that was the first year at the helm of Inter for Moratti, and we all knew that the president was planning to build a great team which capable to fight on all fronts.

Just one year later, things went much better. The team was reinforced and stayed long at the top in the league even if the tittle did not come. In Europe, however, we took off a lot of satisfaction. With Hodgson, a coach whom I admire very much in spite of false rumors that have long linked him as my personal “enemy”, we played good football with his modern and innovative training. In fact, we got to the double challenge in the UEFA Cup final against the Germans of Schalke 04, a game that remains one of my biggest regrets. Losing 1-0 in Germany, but we won by the same score at the San Siro. There were many shots in the two extra periods but the result stayed the same so came the penalty kicks which concluded with the triumph of the Germans, an ice shower in front of our fans. In addition to the damage of losing, from me, arrived an outburst. That was, and I apologize if I seemed arrogant, the only game that really gave the outbursts, the only game in which my behavior was a bit over the top. There were only a few minutes left in extra time, penalty kicks were coming in just a few seconds. The ball left and the referee ordered a substitution: and on the slate of the linesman, the number 4 appeared. At that point, I couldn’t stop the anger. Left, infuriated, and I bickered heavily with Roy Hodgson. An argument that links to the “history” that many saw as the tip of the iceberg of a trouble relationship. Far from it. I was just tired with high adrenaline and at a young age (consequently with the lack of experience), I did not understand that the coach decided to replace only to put in Nicola Berti (better at penalty kick), because he saw that shooting from 11 meters was imminent. Eventually, in the dressing room, I apologized and everything was resolved with a simple handshake given between us like civilized people.

The loss in the final, however, was a bitter pill to swallow. The dreams of glory on the European stage at Inter had vanished just at the climax from 11 meters away from goal. That final made us more convinced and it helped us to understand that Inter, in later years, can have its say in both Italy and Europe. And Moratti, the following summer, spared no expense, bringing to Milan who at the time was considered the strongest player in the world: Ronaldo.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:25:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:13 编辑

9. Intersolidale / Intersolidarity

I was certainly not the one who discovered that Inter are a special club. Massimo Moratti, its president, is mainly to thank for that, he is a character really rare in the football world. If I became a flag of Inter, it was also because of him. He always made me feel at home, he always encouraged me and above all, together with Giacinto Facchetti, he taught me values that go way beyond the football environment. Moratti is humble, available: when people say that he is like a father to most of the players, it's not just a rhetorical statement.

Between us, there is a strong relationship. Sometimes I talk to him in a familiar way and some other times in a more formal way, it depends on the circumstances: after almost 15 years that we've known each other, I still get moved when I talk to him. The fact that he put me in the list of the greatest Inter captains makes me feel very satisfied and proud. It means that I have left something to remember and I hope it's not only on the field.

Thanks to Moratti, several humanitarian projects have been set up. Inter are always the first one when asked to help those who really need it. It is an attitude also seen in a lot of players. When I arrived at the black and blue home, my captain was Beppe Bergomi, another person who beyond the undisputed sports values taught me that, through football, I can achieve a lot using our popularity and fame. Lo Zio has immediately involved me in his project born a few years before: I Bindun, an association, or let's say a group of friends, that has been fighting for years to offer a smile to those who haven't received anything or so little from life. Its principal goal is to raise funds to build welcoming houses for unlucky kids. The idea of a house is to give a future to people in need brings back old memories to me. I didn't hesitate one second and started collaborating even though I was the last arrived and didn't know what the Italian reality of life was. From there, I guess, I had what I needed to create some years later the PUPI Foundation. For sure, being with Inter helped me a lot to become more sensitive to particular themes, especially the ones related to childhood.

The experience with I Bindun was only the first step. The Inter family has fought for so many other causes and us, players, are proud to represent a club that outside of the football field, is always amongst the first in solidarity. A solidarity never bragged about, but made by small and simple gestures that can really contribute to improve the lives of those who are facing day-to-day difficulties. And I believe this is only fair as it is. With our popularity and fame, our success and, why not, our money, we as players have the duty to be available to help others. The duty but also the pleasure: because there's nothing more beautiful, without rhetorical meaning, than to be able to offer a smile.

I am proud to be the captain of the team that has been supporting for year Emergency, and that its president who's also my friend Gino Strada, is a doctor who goes in the more lost places around the world that have been destroyed by war to help. I am proud that Inter are present in every part of the world with its campuses, an instrument that allows more than 20,000 children between eight and thirteen years old to play football and more importantly to grow with not only sports values but also values that will enrich their lives.

And I am flattered to have recently been chosen as testimonial for the Special Olympics, an international training program for mentally challenged people that allows more than 1,000,000 of them to play sports and take part in competitions. This was another wonderful and touching experience. For a lot of people, we, football players, are models, examples; and the fact that only by being present we can bring a ray of sunshine in people's lives is not to be forgotten.

Amongst the many caritative initiatives brought to light by Inter, the most original one is certainly the one relating to the zapatista cause and the subcommandante Marcos. Many people have seen this project, born in 2004, in a negative way, thinking that Moratti and Inter were OK with the guerrilla. The idea actually was much more simple and noble: raise funds in order to build an aqueduct for the village of Zinacantán that had been destroyed by paramilitarian groups as well as sending medicine and buying an ambulance for the communities that live at the border between Mexico and Guatemala. It seemed fair to us helping the population of Chiapas: solidarity knows no color, no religion and no political side. These communities fight to make their culture recognized as well as a different way of economical and political organization, of surviving and of identity. I believe, as we wrote in our first letter to Marcos, in a better world, non globalized but rich with the traditions of different population. He is fighting to give back life and dignity to the pre-Colombian populations of Mexico; he's the soldier of the losers of the Earth, of the forgotten, of the non recognized ones though they learned to never give up, under no condition. This initiative involves everyone. Every fine we got when we arrive late for training or for disciplinary motives was going to a fund that then was designed to help people from Chiapas. I have moving memories of the letters that subcommandante Marcos had sent to Inter. Especially the picture of him wearing his same old passamontagna and holding my #4 jersey in his hands. I have never had the chance to know him personally but his words show how cultivated, ironic and smart he is. «*Brothers players*» he wrote in the first letter in which he thanked Inter for its support «*we invite you on our land to share ideas and experiences*». A couple weeks later Marcos wrote again, asking Moratti to come and challenge the National team of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). «*We are thinking of organizing the Coppa Pozol de Barro: seven games to raise funds for indigenous people, for illegal immigrants and other causes. The games would be played at the Olympic stadium of the City of Mexico, in Guadalajara, in Los Angeles, near the American military base of Guantanamo, in Milan, in Rome and in the basque lands. If it's OK with you, the EZLN would like the games in City of Mexico to be refereed by Diego Armando Maradona. The linesmen would be Javier Aguirre and Jorge Valdano. The fourth official would be Socrates. The live commentary for the Sistema Zapatista di Televisione Interglattica (the only TV to be read, not watched) could be done by the Uruguayan writers Eduardo Galeano and Mario Benedetti*». Words full if irony that in the end proved to become serious. «*The real motive for which I'm writing is different. I would like to thank Inter once again as well as its fans for the affection and support towards us*». The game, useless to say, was never played. But if one day it had to, I would have no problem playing. It it can help in doing good, I would be pleased to go play in Chiapas: in the end, kicking a ball has never done any harm to anyone but it has given birth to celebrations and new alliances and brotherhoods.

The black and blue colors also have supported the fight against the tse-tse fly, the insect that in Africa, mainly in Congo, diffuses the disease of sleeping. At the beginning we thought it was a joke when, in 2007, the club received a letter from a doctor explaining how these two colors could hypnotize the fly. But with scientific evidence, the club accepted to help with great enthusiasm. This is how, in collaboration with the Atalanta that shares the same colors, 213 black and blue traps able to exterminate 50 flies per day. Yet another victory for our great Intersolidarity, la más digna as subcommandante Marcos defined it.

There nothing more beautiful than helping, anywhere, in any possible way, with any mean available.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:25:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:14 编辑

10. Parigi, 6 maggio 1998 / Paris, 6 May 1998

My third season at Inter started with great expectations. With Ronaldo's arrival, then at the beginning of his short and unfortunate career, the media and fans' attention was focused on us. And after the hard defeat in the double-game final of UEFA Cup against Schalke 04, I was also thinking that this would be the season of the great rebirth of the black and blue. Moratti's dream to bring Inter back on top of Italian and European football was still intact. Our president, despite so many bitter hits, has never lacked enthusiasm and passion for these colors; and his love, in the end, has been rewarded.

In addition to Ronnie, other great players arrived at the dawn of this season: El Cholo Simeone, El Chino Recoba, Zé Elias, Taribo West, Ciccio Colonnese, Francesco Moriero. The South American colony was getting bigger: the year before, together with Frenchman Yuri Djorkaeff, Ivan Zamorano signed with Inter, he was destined to become one of my dearest friends. At Inter, as I said, I've had the confirmation that it was important to have South American players from different countries, that were in conflict with each other. With Ivàn, a Chilean from Santiago, it was friendship at first sight. Back then, and I'm talking 1996, Inter had not yet had a Spanish speaking nucleus as it has became over the years so it was first for a linguistics reason (beware, between Argentinian, Chilean, Colombian and Uruguayan language, there are many differences) that we started hanging out outside of the football field. I was trying to un-stabilize him despite the fact that I was 6 years younger, to help him adjust to his new football reality. We're very similar even though our looks might say the opposite . We believe in the same principles. Ivàn was a fighter on the field, one that never gave up, a warrior (it didn't become his nickname by chance). But he put the same energy he had on the field at disposal of many humanitarian causes. He's a UNICEF ambassador and now, in Chile, he opened a football school to help children in need.

This season, the coach changed as well: Roy Hodgson resigned after our loss to Schalke 04 (but let me repeat that our fight had nothing to do with his decision: we always agreed) and to replace him was Gigi Simoni. A lot of reporters, at first, held reserves towards his abilities as a coach. Until coming at Inter he had only coached second plan teams and now he was the chief of a great club. Gigi has immediately destroyed all concerns making himself likeable through his strategical skills but above all, through his sensitivity and way to deal with things. His greatest achievement was that he built a solid and harmonious group, a really special team in and out of the field. With him, I changed role again: from right back, I started playing on the left side, one of many changes that made me as complete as I am today and allows me to help in any area of the field . I only have to be a goalkeeper once and then I'd have played everywhere.

Ronaldo was our diamond striker. I've never seen a player that great: perhaps only Leo Messi has reached that level. In the team though no one was ever envious of Ronnie. His strength, his class, his quickness were in front of everyone's eyes: he was the added value to the group, the man that could've made us win, finally.

Of this championship, however, remains still today a bitter trace in my mind. I'm convinced that we deserved this title but some strange, very strange, too strange things happened. It's only after a few years, with the Calciopoli revolution, that we realized all our efforts were vain. Too many mistakes against us, too many in favor of Juventus that was a strong team that didn't need this kind of help to try and win the championship. What happened this season, everyone remembers it. The epilogue was the penalty kick not given to Ronaldo in the now famous foul committed by Iuliano, against this Juventus, during the game that could've cleared our way to the title. However, in addition to our opponents on the field, we had to fight external agents: at that time, it was only suspicions, simple "psychological subjection"; then, in the hot summer of 2006, everything was revealed. Finally.

Between two suspicions, we ranked second in that championship. A deceiving result because that Inter had everything it needed to win the title and so it had demonstrated all season long. Fortunately, the bitterness of the championship has been reduced by the sweet taste of my first great victory in black and blue. One of my most beautiful memories: in fact, my most beautiful memory with the team. If one's first love is never forgotten, the same goes for the first trophy. I always keep in my heart the night of 6 May 1998, Parc des Princes stadium in Paris, UEFA Cup final against Lazio. A success would have repaid us from the previous year loss but mostly from the championship's frustrations. We arrived at the rendez-vous with the right dose of energy and determination, wanting to show the world that this Inter had nothing to envy to Juventus that, only a couple days before, had won the championship that I still believe had been unfairly stolen from us.

Before the game, Simoni had motivated us 100%. Ending a season of this kind without having a trophy to lift would be the top of malasuerte (bad luck). This is how all of our rage, our willingness to win, to bring back Inter at the top, came out on the field. During this game, everything worked out wonderful, from the first to the last minute. I think it was the perfect game, the anthem to team playing. And it wasn't easy because in front of us there was a valuable opponent as Lazio, for which was still playing Roberto Mancini: a few years later he would become my coach and we would have celebrated, finally, winning the Italian championship.

There was such an expectation around that final. Thousands of Inter fans arrived in Paris to support us, to take back, at least part of, what had been stolen from us during the season. A wonderful atmosphere with the two Serie A fans twinned. My father was also attending, surrounded by family and friends. For me, it was another motivation. And indeed, things started immediately well. After a few minutes, we were already ahead: goal scored by Ivàn Zamorano, the same old cobra in the penalty area. 1-0 at half time. After the break arrived the safety goal, 2-0. I was the one who scored, one of my rare appearance on the scorers table. Zamorano at the 60th minute passed with the head towards the 16m line and I arrived running and kicked the ball with the outside of my right foot, sending it right between the post and the bar where Marcheggiani couldn't get. When I saw it in the net I burst into joy, starting to run nowhere with all my teammates trying to catch me. In the stands, my father was submerged by our friends, everyone celebrating him as he had been the one scoring that goal. I think that it was (for now) the most important goal of my career. It was the goal that made us safe from any willingness from Lazio to draw, the goal that has matado (killed) the game. And to confirm the success, a third goal scored by Ronaldo as well: triple dribble in front of Marcheggiani and ball into the net.

This game was our ransom after a year of disappointments. It seemed that it was the beginning of the black and blue rebirth, the start of a new, great Inter.

Instead, it has been the beginning of an always rising street. The better, euphemism, was yet to come.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:25:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:16 编辑

11. I muscoli del capitano / Muscles of the captain

The following season he left again between thousand of expectations. Once again, Moratti tried in every way to prepare a team capable of competing on all fronts. More great players coming including Roberto Baggio who was destined to become one of my dearest friends.

With Roby, there was an instant feeling. He had lost his love in Argentina, a country where he often spends his holidays in his estate: that is why we established a sympathy between us immediately, partly due to an affinity of character. Both are pretty timid in appearance, but in reality we are people who love to laugh and joke when we are with friends. Football wise, for me it was a great honor to play with a genius like Baggio. Too bad he came to Inter a bit too late and with several physical problems. His mere presence, combined with his immortal class, however, was very important for us in the two years he spent in Milan. Together with Ivan Zamorano, Roby was one of my teammates that I miss the most. And certainly, in an Inter of my dream, he would always find a space, with his number 10 stuck on the back.

Our friendship was not limited to the playing field. We spent many holidays together, in Argentina, and he gave me one of the best gifts that I have ever gotten. One night while we were in retreat, he showed me a videotape of him hunting and several dogs. Between them, there was a young labrador, very beautiful and it had struck me very much. A few days later we went out to dinner. At one point, Roby told me to go with him to his car to help him about something for just a moment. He opened the door, and sprang from the cockpit with the tail wagging, the same dog that I saw in the video. “It’s a gift for you,” he said. Since that day, Simba has always been an integral part of my family.

Meanwhile, back to football, at the helm of the team was Gigi Simoni, but after a few days another reversal in the coaching position was confirmed. Despite the good results of the previous year, and although the team was still competing in the Champions League, the management decided to fire Gigi, the person that all the players were very fond of, but more importantly, a true Interista. That is why the fans still remember him with great affection. The successor was Mircea Lucescu, a globetrotter Romanian who is very knowledgeable but also very friendly with the players. With him, in a friendly against Lugano, I played like a second striker. The beginning with the new coach was promising: goals in bunches in the league, especially at the San Siro, where almost all the opponents had to pay heavily. Things gradually got complicated. The undeserved elimination in the Champions League at the hands of Manchester United (goal by Simeone was unjustly cancelled) and the changing fortunes in the league led to another sacking. The situation at that time was deteriorated, the team was at the mercy of the events and the climate was not the best. It was definitely the most troubled season since I came to Inter. The continuous changes did not make the players happy. The team then gave Luciano Castellini, who until then was the goalkeeping coach, a shot. He was valued by management and the players for his great human qualities as well as technical. But things did not improve. So we were even in more disarray and nervousness. The adventure of Giaguaro, the nickname by which everyone called Castellini, lasted just four games. Another round, another sacking. So Roy Hodgson returned for the last four matchdays. He was the coach that brought us to the UEFA Cup final. We closed that season poorly at the eighth place, 24 points behind Milan, the Italian champion. But we couldn’t even enter the European Cup because we even lost to Bologna in a play-off round. That was a year with four coaches and it was one of my darkness moments at Inter. It was only our faults: no bad refereeing nor was there bad luck. It was just a combination of things. Maybe because there was too much pressure, or maybe the team was too large or it could be the frequent changes at the coaching position. The fact is that no one could have imagined such a bad season. Least of all Moratti, who loves his Inter greatly and did not give up. And the following season, he brought to Milan the most successful coach in recent years: Marcello Lippi, the former “helmsman” of our traditional rival Juventus.

For me, the new year started with a pleasant news. After years and years in his honorable career which he devoted entirely to Inter, Beppe Bergomi decided to hang up his boots on a fateful nail. Along with the boots, lo Zio left his legendary captaincy which he rightly and deservedly worn for several season. Leaving with Bergomi was also Gianluca Pagliuca, the goalkeeper and another great love of Inter, who until that time served as vice-captain. So we were without our historical leaders, without the two players with the most experience, without the two columns on and off the field, and without two great people and players. The team that year was quite young, or rather, there were very few players who had played for Inter for a long time. The honor of being the new captain of Inter touched me. At only 26 years old, I found myself with the armband, the heir to the legendary group which includes Bergomi, Beppe Baresi, Altobelli, Bini and before the recent times, Mazzola, Facchetti, Picchi and Meazza. An Argentinian in command at Inter was never seen before. For me, needless today, it was an enormous satisfaction. Even today, ten years later, wearing the armband of Inter is a boundless pride: the knowledge of having been, for so long, the point of reference for the team, fans and organization makes me inflate the chest. From the beginning, since I landed in Milan, I had a feeling of an Interista. A feeling that over the years has grown enormously: I am now a Nerazzurro from head to toe. Just to give you an idea, I bought a black car, to which I add a blue stripe that runs all around the body, with an embedded circle which has the number 4. I also did something familiar at home: my bathroom is all tiled with the colors of the Nerazzurri, and there is obviously a mosaic forming the number 4. But these things are just an idea that these colors are rooted deep in my heart and soul which I could not live without.

The promotion to captain led to many changes in my role: wearing the armband actually means more responsibility. it means to guide as a leader and an example to my teammates, especially to the younger ones. It means that flexing the muscles to make my voice heard, both to my teammates and the opponents. I then got more used to it little by little, more and more convinced. I was in the right place and this was my ideal situation.

The first season with Lippi started, like usual, with a lot of fanfare. To them, we were the favorites for the Scudetto, we had the best coach around, and the squad was one of the best. In addition, since there was no Europe, we only had the league to think about. For me personally, I once again changed my role, a constant in my career: I got to play right, in the midfield and in a 4-4-2. The first match went wonderfully. The 5-1 victory at the San Siro against Parma of Buffon and Cannavaro with a brace by Zamorano and a stratospheric goal by Vieri. Bobo is a very nice person (on many occasions he was quite helpful for my foundation), and despite rumors about him, he came to thicken a nuclear attack: with him there were Ronaldo, Zamorano, Baggio and Recoba. Few teams in the world that could boast a similar “platoon”. Yet, slowly, things started to go wrong. The team was decimated by injury cases: Ronaldo, unfortunately, was seriously injured in the 10th matchday against Lecce (which ended 6-0 where I also scored a goal) and only returned at the end of the season. Many other players that year also got physical problems. The fact was that within a few months we were cut off from the race for the Scudetto, then Lazio became champions. In January, new players came to strengthen the team, all of the highest level: Clarence Seedorf, Adrian Mutu and Ivan Cordoba. With the latter, as already happened with Baggio and Zamorano, an immediate understanding was taken. I remember that I went to the airport with my wife to greet him and his pregnant wife to host them at our home in Como for a few days. Ivan is still today one of my best friends. He is a person that there are few like him: serious, honest, sincere, hard worker. And an Interista. I think that he, among the current players, has the biggest heart for our Beneamata. Not a coincidence that he is a vice-captain, but for his charisma, his character, his tranquility it was like as if he is wearing the armband too. Cordoba, not only involved on many battles on the field, was also my partner in various humanitarian initiatives. We share similar principles and same values: from that idea, Foundation Colombia was born. It is a project created for the benefit of underprivileged children in Colombia that we lead together with his wife Maria.

In spite of new signings, the situation did not improve much. With Marcello Lippi, while fully respecting the roles, I also had some discussions, rather than on some verbal confrontation. He is a great coach (his resume speaks for itself), but perhaps, when he arrived at Inter, he did not drop completely into a new reality. Perhaps he was still too attached to his old team and its players whom, we see as the enemy, the opponent to beat. The bottom line was that at the end of the season, we too fourth place with the same amount of points as Parma. The tiebreaker was resolved in our favor with a goal by Zamorano and two magic spells by Baggio.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:26:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:20 编辑

12. C'è solo l'Inter / There is only Inter

And we remember the lawyer Prisco / he said that Serie A is in our DNA / we don’t buy the league / and in Serie B we have never been seen.
Elio “There’s only Inter”

Inter are always alone in the sense of solitary, disconnected from everything else; and always alone in the sense of unique, way of thinking, acting, relating with the world.

I will never be tired of repeating, at the risk of sounding trite: Inter are a different creature from all other teams. In our DNA, perhaps there is a small dose of good and bad. Inter are genius and reckless. Inter are suffering. Inter are pain and ecstasy. From Inter, you can expect everything and all of its opposite. Impossible victories and resounding defeats with crossings of matches of a lifetime and unimaginable emptiness. This Inter fan was accustomed to suffering, but never gave up, never jumped the ship in time of need. This Inter fan was and is a loved chronic, a passionate one. He had the character of an Argentine. He was loyal, passionate, for better or for worse. He was also bright, intelligent and ironic. Just read many blogs around the Internet and many books created to talk about the misery and splendor of our beloved team. yeah, because it takes a little bit of irony to cheer for Inter. We all know this great Interista, without a doubt, he was the most embodied in the role of a Nerazzurri fan: Peppino Prisco.

He was one of the most beloved of this great Inter family.

For him, there is only Inter. “In Milan, there are only two teams: Inter and Inter Primavera,” he said. His another motto is: “"Inter were born by the defecting associates from AC Milan. That shows you how far you can go starting from nothing.” Or: “When I shake with a Milanista, I wash my hands. And when I shake hands with a Juventino, then I count my fingers.” Peppino Prisco was like that: an integral part of Inter, a man (also a skier, his other great passion) who lived his life in the shades of Inter. He knew how to do it thanks to his innate wit, but for this he was respected and loved even by the opponents that he made fun of. I had the good fortune to know him: he was always very friendly, sarcastic, available to all, a fine person with unparalleled intelligence and charisma. I remember him when I met him and he always said: “You’re my man, I trust you.”

Following his death, his irony, manner and competence were lacking especially in difficulty times. Peppino would surely have found a way to defuse the most difficult situations. When we lost the derby 6-0 against Milan in 2001, few had the courage to face the cameras. Among those he, himself, waited for the entire year for the derby, could only accept the defeat against anyone, but not against Milan. At the end of the season, despite that horrific game, we managed to overcome the Rossoneri in the standings: we were fifth and they were sixth. The lawyer took the ball and said: “Now I understand why the Milan fans greeted me by six fingers from both hands, because they arrived in sixth place.”

He died in December of that year. It was another sad day, like the day when Giacinto left us. With the disappearance of Prisco, Inter have lost another great figure in its history, another important point of reference. We miss him a lot. People like him are only good for football. He knew how to lighten any situation, to get around opponents without ever falling into vulgarity. He had a unique class of unmatched wit. He left behind a great track for Inter. Perhaps more often, we should remember that Inter used to have people like him. We must be proud and proud of our history, our coat of arms, the integrity that has always characterized Inter. After all, we are the only team that has never relegated to Serie B. And when someone reminds us of our failures, our dark moments, it might be worth recalling that we have not bent at dark and devious power plays, and that what we have built in our history is only the fruit of our efforts, no outside help or anything. “Serie A is in our DNA,” Prisco said. It has became the key of the anthem of Inter, it was written by Elio and sung by Graziano Romani. It is the song that sums up what Inter really mean to its fans, because there is no team like Inter, capable of everything and all of its opposite. Others, we let them talk. They can discredit us by any means to diminish our value, to criticize our coaches and players, but they will never tarnish our love. Because for us, for better or for worse, there is only Inter.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:28:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:21 编辑

13. A un passo dal sogno / One step from a dream

The claims of retaliation and the desire for redemption were not met. The year 2000-2001 began under an unlucky star which would accompany us throughout the season. A left adductor muscle injury kept me on the bench during the pre-season. Forty days without football and it was the first time such thing had happened to me. Everything turned awry from the start, the qualifying round of the Champions League, when the unthinkable happened: we were eliminated from the little known Swedish team of Helsingborg, not exactly the cream of European football. One of the biggest disappointments since I was at Inter: we struggled to achieve our goal by winning the tie against Parma, and then, at the time our efforts were thrown away into the wind. A little of bad luck, a little due to the absences. But the dark period was just beginning. On the first day of the championship (league) at the Granillo stadium against Reggina, another and new defeat took place here. Heavy, very heavy defeat because it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Marcello Lippi, having already vented toughly against the players, suggested that he was no longer able to handle the cabin. A few hours after, the divorce was consummated. After a little bit more than a year, his “romance” with the black and blue colors was at the terminus. In his place, there was another former Juventus player who, at the same time, had Inter in his resume: Marco Tardelli. Meanwhile, I was still struggling with my rehabilitation work, trying to speed up the return to the field as soon as possible to give my contribution. Once I’d healed, in any case, things continued to go badly. I am convinced that this was the most miserable season of my fifteen years at Inter. The elimination in the Champions League, the sudden change of coach: we were all in disarray, and the boat was sinking. The understandings between the players and this new coach were never born. And there was no getting around it. I, myself, had several problems with Tardeli: many discussions, many arguments. We had different ways of conceiving football. It happens: you just can not get along with everyone. In this climate, we were not certainly at peace and got sucked into a vortex, thus exposing different figures. The 6-1 against Parma in the Italian Cup, the 6-0 against Milan in the derby, the elimination in the UEFA Cup against Alaves, and to complete that, strong protests by the fans. Now the pieces were broken, and putting them together would have been useless. The blow suffered in the derby was almost logical, as unjustifiable as that might sound, for this true annus horribilis (horrible year in Latin). Almost full circle, we were also victims of an unfortunate episode of violence: a Molotov cocktail was thrown at our bus when we were on our way to the San Siro before the second leg in the Italian Cup against Parma. It was the lowest point of the season, the apex of the darkness. Losses, blunders and eliminations were nothing compared to that unfortunate gesture. Our lives were really at risk because of a mindless thug, a criminal masquerading as a pseudo fan. The floor of the bus caught on fire, and we were followed by endless minutes of genuine panic. We were seriously at risk because we were all dry and had that fire caught the gas thank and it would have been the end. A similar incident happened a few years later, in 2006. We were coming back from the trip to Ascoli on Saturday after being eliminated by Villareal in the Champions League. Once we arrived at Malpensa airport, we were assaulted by a group of imbeciles who pretended to be fans. A real ambush. Fifteen minutes of madness. Our cars were kicked, the players were pushed, all kinds of threats. Cristiano Zanetti was struck in the back. Only the intervention of the police officers was able to calm everyone down. Only a few times in my life had I felt so afraid. Gesture like that have nothing to do with football. I think the fans have everything to boo, even insults if they just can not help it when things don’t turn the right way. However, when dispute leads to acts of barbarity, then it has nothing to do with sports anymore. It becomes a pretext to vent their bestial instincts, to hide behind frustration or even more serious diseases.

Between bombs and defeats, we ended that season in fifth place, with the only consolation of having overcome Milan in the table. But the torments, personally, lasted throughout the summer. For a long time someone insinuated that I wanted to leave Inter, flattered by the offers of Real Madrid and Manchester United. Far from it. In fifteen years of my career at Inter, I never thought of changing the atmosphere. Probably someone – certainly not the president nor the directors – that did not see me eye to eye. Everything returned to normal when the new coach was officially announced. Hector Cuper, Argentine of Chabas, leaped to the headlines for having achieved, in years, as many trips to the Champions League Final with Valencia.

The meeting with Hector immediately clarified the situation. At the beginning of the summer, he called me aside for a chat. He asked if it was true that I wanted to leave Inter and at the same time, he told me that I was an indispensable element in the project, the team, that he had in mind. The reassurance was enough to throw my worries last year and all the rumors about me behind. And I began the season more determined than ever. Cuper demonstrated right away that he was a very knowledgeable coach with great personalities. His training methods were like “sergeant of iron”: on the field, he was inflexible and required a lot of discipline by imposing rules to be followed scrupulously. However, with that type of discipline, passion was also involved: every time, before going down to the field, he patted on the chest of each player and said: “Yo soy contigo” or “I am with you”, a phrase that showed how much he cared about the cause. With Cuper, my role was once again changed as I returned to play purely as a right-back, the same position that I had in my debut game with Banfield. It was, from my point of view personally, one of my best seasons. In this new role, I found myself marvelous, the mechanisms of the team were improving little by little and everything seemed to go for the best. In a long time, we remained anchored at the top of the standings, and as the days gone by, the dream of conquering, finally, the agnostic Scudetto became more real. Then we came to the finish that everybody knows and still remembers, with that incredible finale “pazza Inter” style. At this point, however, more explanations of the “mysteries” of May 5 are need. Or we need to search for the psychological reasons of our defeat, I think it is proper to make some clarifications. The 2001-2002 season was the great illusion. That year, full force of the pride of all Interisti emerged. The conquest of the Scudetto seemed to be a mere formality. It would be enough to win on the last day in Rome against Lazio, a team that had little to ask for more in this championship. The gap between us and our competitors, Juventus and Roma, had been thinned the previous matchday. We reached the epilogue with one one point over the Bianconeri and two on the Giallorossi. And this is precisely the issue I think. Probably that one point lead we had could had been more. We could be in the game in Rome with the title already in our pocket, in some occasions, if things had not happened rather strangely, to say the least. I am referring to the game against in Verona against Chievo, the third from last in the league. The final result was 2-2, but the game had a sharp impact on a glaring error of the referee, who did not award a clear penalty kick to Ronaldo. At that time, there was talk of a simple oversight (even referees can make mistakes just like the players), but when, five years later, the scandalous Calciopoli exploded and so our suspicions were confirmed. The referee of that game was Massimo De Santis, one of the more involved in the “system” which for years had ruled Italian football.

This is not to hind behind a finger or justify our defeat against Lazio that costs us the title. But the episode, along with many others from previous season, was yet another hint of something that as undermining the world of football. We had to wait years to finally rid of that cancer that, for such a long time, had crept in the stadiums of the Peninsula.

On that May 5, everything was written and said. I, who experienced this firsthand, can say that we arrived at that game with too much pressure on us and a little tired from the physical point of view. A foggy period happens to each team during the season and we got that misfortune at the end just when we could reap the benefits of the whole year. For the entire week, we did not talk about that game. Each of us was convinced that we could do it but perhaps, unconsciously, there was too much pressure and we played a bad joke. To cut our legs was the second goal of Lazio, which made it 2-2 at the end of the first half. In the second, everything was cracked beyond repair. Head and body were turned over, and there was little to do. Football is like that. And defeats just like victories, are part of the game, whose beauty lies in its unpredictability. Losing games when they seemed to be won. And this time, it was our turn.

Throughout the Inter world, May 5 corresponds to the collapse of a long cherished dream. What happened next you can imagine. It was like we were an inch from the sky and we could not touch it. A boundless delusion. At the end of the game in the dressing room we did not feel a fly. There was too much pain in all of us. Tears and anger. Being angry, arguing and blaming someone would have been useless. From first to last, without exception, we were all the architects of our defeat.

To regroup was hard, very hard, but in these situations that character shows. It is in difficult times that shows the making of a champion and the strength of the group. “Never give up,” sung by our fans has always been my motto. Throwing in the towel after a defeat would have been cowardly. The big dream had vanished but the hope of grabbing it again was not yet dead. Football, fortunately, always offers a second chance.

We expected more hard times but we could make it.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:28:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:22 编辑

14. Il capitano dei Pupi / Captain of Pupi

If on the field, things were not good, in Argentina the situation was much worse. The terrible economic crisis of 2001 was a tremendous blow to my country. The serious debt and the consequent devaluation of the peso caused a wave of problems, bringing hundreds of thousands of families on the brink abyss. Paula and I watched helplessly, and saw the harrowing images on the television passing by. It was a total collapse, a point of no return. I remember that, at that time, every day, I phoned by parents to know, to understand what was really happening across the ocean, where a dramatic event was taking place light years away in the golden world that we were living in Italy. Losses, eliminations, and small football hysteria was really nothing compared to the pain I felt during this disaster, while watching from a privileged position.

Daily through the Internet, I followed closely the shattering of my country. Paying the consequences were mostly children of the poorest districts of the metropolis. There was talk of over a dozen children died each day because of starvation, infected water, poor hygiene, lack of medicines and care.

I am from a humble background, but in my childhood I never missed the necessities of life. Even at time of the dictatorship that we had seen, it was not as bad as in 2001. The roll-ups/shutters of shops were down, social unrest, bank accounts frozen, misery and despair everywhere. In addition to the helplessness of not knowing how to help my country, I felt a sense of anger. Argentina has many resources, both human and material, and it is historically one of the major foot exporting countries in the world. Yet this crisis sent all to ruins, crumble every hope.

In this sad and dark time that Paula and I decided to roll up our sleeves and contribute our small parts to improve things. The experience with Bindun, Beppe Bergomi’s association, gave us the first input. It was time that we had to do something for our country, to be put at the service of our people, and especially our children. That crisis was only served to accelerate the process. To tear the heart during that martyrdom, in particular, was in fact the images of the children. It was time to build something concrete as we watching children’s future without spring. The support of my wife was instrumental in making a decision, and especially to figure out which direction to move forward. The fact that I was a famous footballer in the world make it a little bit easier. I believe that everyone, especially when they can count on a strong popularity, has a social responsibility within the community in which they live or grew up.

It didn’t take much to go from thoughts to actions, because we found many friends and relatives that willing to lend a hand. The name was chosen early, without even the need to race one’s brains: Fundación Pupi, Pupi Foundation. Pupi is my football nickname and it is an acronym for “Por un por integrado” or “Build for a childhood”.

From the very beginning our concepts were clear: The Foundation’s purpose was to satisfy the basic needs of children, to give them food, education, hygiene, and thus help their families. The problems we were facing that time were not only related to the economic crisis. The discomfort of some neighborhoods, especially in the poorest suburbs of Buenos Aires, was still a reality. In the urban areas of Argentina, more than two and a half million children from zero to nine yeas old, 48 percent of whom live in absolute poverty. The district of Lanus was one of the areas where this discomfort reached its peak. For this reason, we decided to focus our attention on that area, specially on the villa of Traza in the suburb of Remedios de Escalada, where the bulk of the population was forced to live in dilapidated shacks, without the slightest hope of being able to aspire to a better future. For miles and miles, a wasteland stretches. Just beyond Villa Fiorito, another slum dominated by degradation, which has become famous for being the birthplace of Maradona. The majority of children who grew up in these villas de emergencia was forced to live on their wits. Unfortunately not everyone has the good fortune of being born with the chromosomes and the talent of Maradona. Since children are left in the lurch, to survive, they are after forced to exploitation by adults to sell drugs on the street or begging. To resist the pangs of hunger, they often rummage through the garbage, or in some landfill. Unacceptable situations, like from the Middle Ages. Our Foundation has started from there, between the folds of misery. We started with 23 children, the needy, reported on social assistance. Today, Paula and I are adoptive parents of more than 150 children. In total, however, the Foundation is responsible for more than 1000 people, including relatives of the children.

All of this was made possible by the help of my father-in-law, Andres de la Fuente, a former University professor, who is in charge as the president. My mother-in-law, Monica Giacoletto, however, is a psychologist and has played a key role in the organization of educational programs. For many children now, the Foundation has become the first home, a safe place to spend the afternoons and grow in harmony, respecting those fundamental rights that were previously denied.

The idea of a home is for it to serve as a refuge, a protection and as a healthy environment. Going back to my past as a bricklayer, when I was a little I used to work alongside my father in construction sites. And I always see a house as the main right of every person. And the Foundation is now the home for many children, the starting point for a better future.

Initially, the programs were only for the guests, but soon we realized that the children were living in a virtual reality: from Monday to Friday, we found a padded and safe world, but by the weekend, they returned to their family with a sad reality. What emerged was the idea of extending the network, even to family members, in order to combat ignorance and poverty through a full grogram.

Many children we have have no knowledge of hygiene, they did not know what a shower is and had never had lunch or dinner at a table set. The first step was to teach them basic hygiene rules, and meet for 75 percent of their daily food needs, through a midday meal, a snack in the afternoon, and a large snack later, since for many, dinner is a chimera.

The Foundation’s programs are and have been studied in details by a team of professionals. In the morning, each child is taken from his home to kindergarten or school by bus. At the end of the lessons which are accompanied to the Foundation, where, after lunch, they will start with complementary activities. Children are followed by professionals in many different activities including music, gymnastics, dance, design, theater, swimming, rugby and football of course, thanks to Inter Campus and in the summer, it will make its facilities available for the older brothers of our guests. Rugby is another sport which is very useful in terms of behavior. In Argentina, it is considered a scheme or the reach, and the fact that our children, who have nothing, are playing it means that they are on equal footing with others, and shows that their exclusion is not absolute. Whoever needs special care and attention then they can count on a group of educational psychologists who can offer assistance in oral motor assessment, psychomotor, and psychological.

Today, in addition to the parent homes, we have added three more homes closer to Traza, where other activities take place which directed mostly to family members. In one of these, a micro-enterprise has risen for women where women to set up a sewing workshop after being trained by the Foundation. Now they are real full-scale tailors and workers: they learned to operate a regular salary, to meet schedules, to take care of the machinery and to relate to colleagues. The job placement is another of our objectives. By partnering with some companies, we have been offering some courses to the parents of the children of the Foundation. Carpentry, courses to learn how to grow vegetables, technical advice to improve their homes by hand. The other house serves as a warehouse while the latter hosts a project called “Mama Amor” which deals with pregnant women and newborns. The goal is to teach mothers, or future mothers, how to take care of their children through workshops for hygiene and cooking. And others, in which one learns to interact with children and play with them. Every woman can also count on the medical care due to the presence of gynecologists and obstetricians.

The greatest joy in these seven years of life of our project was to see the progress of some of the children. Many arrived with thousands of problems and then completely revived thanks to the care and love they received day after day at the Foundation. I often return to Argentina to spend some time with my children. When Paula and I arrived, it is always a party. Warmth, affection, the joy that children bring us have no bounds. I like to spend my free time with them, to inform them of their progress, you know, just by my presence, I can be their source of happiness and serenity. When they see me, they run towards me, hug me and jump in my arms: I feel kind of like their captain.

In recent years, I have witnessed many wonderful stories. I will never forget that Martin ran to meet me and spoke my name, but not many other children who could manage to turn around a tragedy. Another wonderful story is that of Gisela. She joined the Foundation at four years old, reported on social assistance because of mental retardation, the same disorder affecting the mother and siblings. In two years of patient and consistent with children psychologists, Gisela was able to catch up, enrolling in primary school with an IQ within the norm. She was a child destined to illiteracy and social exclusion as a result. With a full program of recovery, she has become a little girl with the same possibilities and hopes just like others. She is now nearing the end of elementary school within ever having repeated a year.

And then there is the story of Nazarena, for years a victim of a violent and alcoholic father. She came to us when she was five, with very serious problems in relating to others. Thanks to the intervention of the Foundation, the father was ousted from his home. Now the girl lives with her grandmother and seven years later, she is another person. She laughs, plays and jokes. She has so much in need of affection from those who understand her, play with her and those who can make her smile.

Finally, there is Denise. She joined the Foundation at four years old. She could not walk because of a slight physical deformity. The real problem, however, was that no one had ever encouraged her to walk, no one had ever been near her. For twelve months, twice a week, she was advised by a physiotherapist. Long exercises, tests and then she started showing big improvements. Now at nine years old, she is walking perfectly.

The ideas of the Foundation immediately took root also among my teammates. I have to thank once against Inter and many friends in the years I have always been given a hand by participating enthusiastically in all our charities.

One of the first to understand the important and social value of the project was my friend Ivan Zamorano. Even in Chile, at that time, wasn’t doing very well because the country was caught between economic crisis and misery. Thanks also to his support, the first step which was raising fund was completed. The cost for managing the Foundation like this is huge, more than three hundred thousand euros per year, but despite the difficulties, we have continued to believe and to enlarge our way because we have found wonderful people, always willing to support us. For self-financing, many ideas have been put in place and many of them ran by my wife. She is in constant touch with the Foundation over the Internet. Spending all day to organize charity events, finding new ideas to involved people from world of sport and entertainment. Her passion for photography was very important. We have been producing calendars, the last of them with the special participation of Paolo Maldini, captain of Milan and a person of quite exquisite sensibility.

It is often said that football is a sport populated by spoiled children, greedy people who only think about money and success. For myself, I can say just the opposite because I have found many teammates who are ready to help in any way. One of the successful initiatives raising funds was to auction football shirts through the web portal e-bay, from those of my teammates or from the shirts we exchanged for at the end of games. The generosity of the Italian has been a pleasant surprise: if today, one hundred and fifty children and their families can hope for a better future, much is due to them. Children can be sponsored or “adopted” with a contribution of less than one euro per day. With that, children are promised to be provided food, education, health, and clothing. At the Foundation we have a motto: “There is no one strong enough to go alone, no one is so weak that they cannot help.”

The support of fellow players is not limited to the exchange of shirts. Many have participated in the events that we present during the year. During the Christmas season, when Argentina is hot, it has become a tradition to organize a charity match in Buenos Aires at the mythical Bombonera, the stadium of Boca Juniors. Champions of yesterday and today, teammates and former comrades continue helping me out so generously. And it’s always a celebration: playing football, knowing that it can produce only good is a fantastic feeling, knowing that our presence on the field will bring some benefits to a single child is something priceless. I repeat: nothing is more beautiful than to be helpful to others. Also a concept dear to many entertainers. The prime example was the publication of Stelle and Pupi, a DVD that contains several sketches made by me with the people like Ligabue (one of my musical legends), Aldo, Giovanni, and Giacomo, Ale and Franz, the band of Gialappa and with a special appearance by a friend as Roberto Baggio.

Thanks to them, and the affection of many fans who support the Foundation (not only Interisti), today, the children in Lanus can actually believe in a more peaceful tomorrow. I feel responsible for their future, and I want to continue with the collaboration of the people, especially my wife who is the head of the Foundation, and everyday she is by my side, to pursue this dream. When the City of Milan, in 2005, gave me of the Ambrogino d’oro, one of the city’s most important award, for my activity with the Foundation, for me, it was like winning the Golden Ball. It was more a spur to continue, and the recognition to the many efforts made in recent years. But we are not at the beginning of the journey: our children are our future, and their hope of a better future is mainly dependent on us.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:28:53 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:22 编辑

15. Io sono interista / I am Interista

Picking up the pieces after May 5 was simple. Not even the World Cup in South Korea and Japan in the summer of 2002 could remove the memory of our defeat in the league. And in August, at the start of a new season, many things changed. Ronaldo, the most loved player by the fans of Inter, decided to marry elsewhere, preferring to pursue a career in Spain with Real Madrid shirt. I never shared his choice nor agreed to the motivations that led him to leave Milan, a separation, it was said, due to alleged conflicts with Hector Cuper. I said then and I repeat today: Ronie was one of the greatest footballers in the history, probably the best player with whom, I had the honor of playing, but at that moment Massimo Moratti and the millions of Inter fans, who had chosen him as the undisputed idol, were waiting and suffering with him during his two long injuries. For him, after his ordeal, I gave up the captaincy to let him know that the team supported him and how much he was important for us all. It was not enough. But football is like a wheel: players, directors, presidents and coaches will go by, the club’s colors remain.

During the second year with Cuper as coach, the colony of Argentina began to grow. Besides me, Nelson Vivas, Matias Almeyda and Andres Guglielminpietro, also came were Killy Gonzalez, Hernan Crespo and then, during the season, there was another great striker Gabriel Batistuta. Even without Ronaldo, our most representative player, Inter were the protagonist of a good season, but again, another tremendous disappointments came in the Champions League. The memory still hurts me now. After twenty-five years, Inter managed to reach the semifinals in he most prestigious cup in Europe. The urn of the draw was, however, very evil: Inter-Milan, the challenge that everyone, on both sides, wanted to avoid in anyway. For days, we did not talk much about it. On the other hand there was the first Euro-Derby in the history, the first time that these two teams clashed in Europe. Easy to imagine the pressure and anxiety that engulfed the days prior to the game. The derby already in itself is an unusual game, the most feared and the same time the most fascinating. Inter and Milan are not just the two Milanese teams, there are two contrasting styles and two philosophies. But I have always had a sincere respect for the “cousins” and for many players of the Rossoneri. First and foremost, Paolo Maldini, in my opinion is one of the greatest of all time. Until then, the derby was always seen as a challenge for supremacy in the city, but in May 2003, it was turned into something much more important. Europe was at stake, and Milan became the capital of continental football: it was not just any derby, it was the Euro-Derby.

The first leg ended 0-0. Few chances for both sides, and a result that substantially good for us because, on paper, we were playing away. It was not, however, enough to rest easy in the view of the second leg. It was another week of passion. Everyone on the streets was talking about the game as well as the radio, newspaper and television. It would have been enough for us to win 1-0 for a dream to come true after five cultivated decades, and fly to Manchester to play for the final. I remember that night the San Siro was a bedlam. There was no half a seat in the stands and every corner and of course the Curva Nord, the colors black and blue were seen. And just like the first leg, the game was very balanced, but at the end of first half came the cold shower: Shevchenko slipped away from Cordo and beat Toldo. At that point, to qualify, we had to score two goals. In the second half, we put on our souls and maybe something more. And thanks to the thrust of our fans, with eight minutes left in the game, we equalized with a goal by Martins. The last few minutes, the game was played with a high level of adrenaline. The draw bent Milan at which point the situation was reversed to our favor, except now that the time was running out. I will never forget the final attacks, with the entire stadium standing to incite a tide that Inter wanted to push the ball in the net. One good occasion happened to Kallon in injury time but Abbiati, Milan goalkeeper, with a miracle that shattered our dreams of glory. The final whistle of the refereed was the rock on our hopes. At the end of the game, we were destroyed. Physically and psychologically. I had so much anger inside and so much frustration that I could not hold back the tears. I cried like a baby. I got discouraged. Eliminated without losing, against Milan in the semifinals of the CHampions League. I don’t know if that was harder to digest than the defeat of May 5. In terms of my football sorrows, that deserves the top sport on an equal footing.

The following year was a transition year. After six league games Cuper, the man who had brought us to the brink of league title and the Champions League final, was relieved. We didn’t a good start in that season, and Moratti thought that it would be right to change to give a jolt to the team. Alberto Zaccheroni arrived: a declared Interista and the former coach of Milan which on the Scudetto in 1999. The coach had little time to inculcate his tactical ideas. The fact was that that season was not memorable because we got eliminated in the Champions League and then in the UEFA Cup. We got the fourth spot in the league so it was worth Europe with other great teams.

In the 2004-2005 season, a new cycle opened that would, in short, win us the coveted title. Roberto Mancini came on the bench, a former great player who I had met a few times on the field, including the 1998 UEFA Cup final. The colony of Argentina, despite the loss of certain “pieces”, meanwhile, continued to thicken. First came Cruz, my teammate at Banfield, and Gonzalez, then Veron, Burdisso and finally El Cuchu Esteban Cambiasso.

The first two years with Mancini served as apprenticeship. The team was revolutionized in both in the formation and our module of play. We started with mixed results, but the conquest of the Italian Cup against Roma, the team that in subsequent seasons would be our biggest rival, marked the first step to forge a winning team. In Europe, however, things went less well. The fate in store for us was another Euro-Derby against Milan. The chance of revenge after the bitterness of 2003. Unfortunately, things immediately began badly and we went down 2-0, then the return game was suspended a few minutes after some smoke canisters were launched by our fans. I do not condone the incident, but their patience had reached its limit. However, they only needed a few months to recombine the pieces of the puzzle.

The following year was in fact one of turning point. Not only for Inter, but for the entire Italian football. The wind changed forever. Still with Mancini at the helm, came another victory in the Italian Cup, also against Roma. But while important, it was not the signal that confines the past. In the summer of 2006, all nodes were solved. In my first twelve years, the Nerazzuri had won a UEFA Cup and two Italian Cups. Not much, but I felt that I missed a couple of Scudetti, and that if everything was done according to the rules, those titles would have ended up at Inter.

That summer was very hot, and not just because of the temperature and the Italian national team won the World Cup. It was the watershed between the past and present. When I hear that Calciopoli was all a fabrication, a plot hatched by Inter makes me laugh. The people involved know every well that it is not. The hind behind a finger. There are tests, there are facts and there are interceptions that reveal everything.

It was tough for us, for the Inter fans to endure for years the scams, power games and the teasing of opposing fans who usually sing the chant: “You never win.” The change was consumed within a couple of months. And the truth, what some still hard to accept finally came up. The “system” as defined, for years played us out. This is not to say that there were errors on our part, however, those errors were certainly magnified by the context.

Football, as I wrote, is like a spinning wheel. I have always believed strongly that, sooner or later, our time would come. The 2006 Scudetto was assigned to us as compensation for all those that were stolen in previous years. Nothing more. We only did our duty. It was certainly not our fault if the two teams that preceded us in the standings were punished, and then penalized. Many critics and journalists, also authoritative, condemned the decision of Moratti to accept the title arriving in the mail. Sure, it was not the same thing to win a title like that without being able to celebrate on the field with the embrace of the supporters. But why would we give it up? We had nothing to hide, we were clean. Above all, we were proud Interisti. And adjective is worth more than a thousand words.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:29:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:23 编辑

16. Italiani d'Argentina, argentini d'Italia / Italians of Argentina, Argentinians of Italy

I consider myself as an emigrant of return. In Italy, I found a second home, that my ancestors left so many years ago. Maybe because of this reason I would never move and right now I have no intention of doing so. Italy is a country that has given me so much, that welcomed me when I was a stranger and allowed me to become a true footballer. I could never forget my roots and my home country, but after fifteen years, I feel like an Italian. My children, Sol and Ignacio were born in Italy and my love affair with Paula grew up in this country. I’m also in love with Como and its lake. I love Italian foot and I am often called me Saverio (Xavier) instead of Javier a little bit because my name is not easy to pronounce (and many have mangled it) and a little because, probably, by now, I am considered Italian in all intents and purposes. Honorary I’d say.

Inter have frequently been criticized for having too many foreigners in the team. But one could see that these last names of the recent players in the last few years like Zanetti, Cambiasso, Burdisso, Crespo, Solari… were born in Argentina but with clear Italian roots. Natives, we used to say. It is because of our chromosomes that we adapt more easily to life in Italy and Serie A. Being in Italy for us is like being at home, even if we miss our country very much. At Inter, I have had good fortune to play with so many countrymen. The “Argentinian colony”, as many call it, has been a strong point of the last few seasons. But we have never been a clan. People sometimes talk about the dressing room of Inter being divided into “small groups”: nothing further from the truth. It’s a little bit like the story of the rivalry between Brazilian and Argentinians. The rivalry exists, it’s true, but only when the two national teams meet. With fellow Brazilian teammates I’ve always had great relationship with. I was a good friend with Roberto Carlos, among other things, he was a very nice and simple guy. He was outgoing and always cheerful. I notice the same thing everyday with the likes of Maicon and Julio Cesar: other than the rivalry, with them, there is always fun.

We Argentinians often make common cause, but for a simple cultural identity. In retreat, we always have a great time playing guitar as Burdisso, Walter Samuel and I, alternating, strumming it. It is a way to ease the tension before matches, and also to the group. I really enjoy playing and signing songs by Ligabue, one of my favorite musicians together with Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti and Los Piojos, literally “lice”, one of the most important Argentinian rock bands. Music has always been part of my life. Luckily, I also sing so when it comes to signing I don’t hold back. Like Pazza Inter for instance, it is the song which has became the anthem of this team at the San Siro and that resonates every time we enter and exit the field. Singing it is a wonderful experience. However I will never forget the duet with Mina, the Queen of Italian music. I was chosen as the male voice of “Parole Parole” over other prominent candidates including a certain Antonia Bandera. Unfortunately we did not record simultaneously but it will certainly be among my best memories.

Another ritual for us Argentinians is drinking mate in the team. This is an infusion prepared with the so-called yerba mate, an herb that grows in South America, in a container and then you drink it after adding hot water and sugar. In Argentina, it is a ritual just like grilling meat. The pork, barbecued beef, is our specialty. Usually we grill together with our families and as well our teammates all night. We have often held barbecues inviting the whole team, including the president. Masters of the grills are Samuel and Nicolas Burdisso, grim defenders on the field but also refined chefs. A barbecue can be used to pull the group together, to celebrate a victory or to forget a defeat. The strength of a team can be seen in these little things. It’s all part of the group. It is the harmony between players, technical staff and directors that can make good results. And in recent years, at Inter have formed a real group where the individualism is placed at the center of the team, the only thing that matters.

They say that in football, there are no more symbols. Perhaps it is partly true, there are fewer players who really become attached to the shirt. But if you look at the great teams, all can count on a leader, a captain who gives his soul for these colors for so many years. Paulo Maldini for Milan, Allessandro Del Piero for Juventus, two great players and two extraordinary people and beyond the football rivalry, I have always respected them. I never like to celebrate these things but, unfortunately the age gives me no escape, I am the bandiera (flag or symbol) of Inter. Also Massimo Moratti has defined me as so and for him saying it is a great satisfaction. Perhaps only when I pass Giancinto Facheeti in the number of appearances at Inter and become the second in the player in the history of Inter after Beppe Bergomi, I will really understand what it means to be a flag. Passing a legend like Giancinto, the player who best and most than anybody embodied the spirit of Inter, is something incredible. No one wanted to bet half a cent on this when I arrived in Italy, and I think that no one did. However, although I’ve got so high I certainly will not stop.

I am often asked the secret of my longevity in football. My answer has always been the same: there is no secret. I have to thank mother nature for giving me this body, although someone said the boy was too small to play… And then I’ve been making my living as an athlete, healthy, free from injuries. I never stray. I always train with the utmost seriousness and great obstinacy so I never suffer serious injury. For me, after so many years on the football field, it is still a pleasure to play. I enjoy it just like the beginning. I think this is another key factor. With time, then, of course, I learn to manage better, to estimate the forces with more caution than when I was 20. At 35 years old, i still play every game non-stop, even when I have to travel across oceans to play with my national team. I am now so familiar with flying that I fall asleep before takeoff. It is a way to optimize time. And then with small children who are always moving, so in the summer I keep on training by chasing after them all day: a beautiful grind. Many call me a “robot”, I simply believe that I know how to use my gifts and cultivate them well.

I hope in particular that I can become an example for younger ones. With only talent one is not going anywhere, if there is no also added perseverance and application. I like being around my kids and I am pleased that my younger teammates can sometimes ask me for some tips like I am their big brother. At Inter, there are many players who have picked up my inheritance. My friend Esteban Cambiasso is seen by all as the captain of the future: he has all the qualities, he is a great player and a person of value. I also hope that Davide Santon can do the same. I don’t want to put on the pressure but if he continues with the same commitment and with the same humility, he will do great things.

Hoever, at least until 2011, my successors will have their hearts in peace. I have no intention of letting up now that Inter have started winning. And I do not feel at all satisfied, despite the many records that I have achieved in recent years. I feel I can still give a lot to this shirt. When a reporter asked if Cambiasso in 2014, the year in which the contract expires with Inter, will be the captain; between seriousness and facetious, Cuchu replied: “No because in 2014 Javier Zanetti will still be on the field.” Who knows if he isn’t right.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:29:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:23 编辑

17. La Seleccíon / La Seleccion

I have never felt the weight traveling around the world wearing the shirt of my national team. I have been in Italy for fifteen years but the charm of the Seleccion, I have never been able to resist: so I will continue flying overseas to make my contribution. It is an action that does not make me feel tired even though that I am no longer a little kid. My love and passion for Albiceleste in the early days have remained the same. Nothing has changed: for any player, it is a huge gratification to defend the colors of his country no matter if he’s in his 20s or 30s.

I was lucky enough to get into the national team early. When I was in 20s, I made my debut: Daniel Passarella gave me a call-up for a friendly against Chile, in Santiago, a few months after my debut in Argentina’s Primera Division with the shirt of Banfield. The team needed to rebuild after the disappointment of the ’94 World Cup in the USA, the tournament that practically marked the end of the line for Diego Armando Maradona. It was a great start: 3-0 for us. Who would have thought that my adventure would last for over fifteen years. In fact, I believe that the beauty is yet to come. I want to go all out and realize one of final dreams as a footballer: to play in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. I will be almost 37 years old but if everything goes smoothly, I think I can be useful to the cause. After all I have to heal some wounds. So far I have not won a title with the national team. I have almost touched it a few times but haven’t been able to reach the highest step of a podium yet.

On the other hand, I was awarded much satisfaction with the shirt of Argentina. For years, I’ve been the captain of the team and for some time, I am holding the record for appearances, 129 at the moment (but I hope this number is growing even more). If I look at this special list, I almost get chills. Behind me there are real superstars in our football: Ayala, Simeone, Ruggeri, Maradona, Ortega, Batistuta, Passarella… I am very proud of this record, to be entered in the history of my national team. Just for this, although I played very little in the Argentinian league, I am becoming a symbol of football in my homeland. Anyway, I hope that not only my positive influence can be found on the field but off of it as well. I was never interested in idolatry strictly related to sports: I wish that my countrymen can see this as well and understand that I am attached to my country despite leaving far away.

My first great adventure with the Seleccion, after the debut in Santiago, was dated back to July and August of 1996 when the Olympics were held in Sydney. With the U-23 team, coached by Passarella, we took much satisfaction although the gold metal escaped away from us. But that adventure has remained in my heart. It was my only participation in the Olympics, a competition that is distinct from all others. Athletes from all over the world come together in an atmosphere of celebration and brotherhood, it is a special feeling. For many years, Argentina was unable to win a medal, precisely since 1928 when the Seleccion went to the second step of the podium. So much expectation was on us because we were a team that can really go all the way. Passarella organized a young team, according to the regulations, however, which consists of players who had some experience already on their shoulders. They were the one that destined to become the backbone of the national team of the future. Among my teammates, there were those who followed me to Inter like Diego Simeone, Hernan Crespo, and Matias Almeyda but also many others who had tasted the proscenium of Serie A like el Piojo Lopez, Sensini, Ayala, Chamot and Ortega.

All would have bet on a final between Argentina and Brazil, a team that had Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Bebeto and Juninho. But to everyone’s amazement, the Selecao was eliminated in the semifinals by Nigeria. For us, in the semifinals, we beat Portugal 2-0 thanks to two goals from Crespo. So the final was set: Argentina and Nigeria. There was a lot of Inter’s future in this game. Other than myself, Almeyda, Simeone and Crespo, on the other side were Nwankwo Kanu and Taribo West: the first came to Milan right away after the game, the second also came as reinforcement for the defense (also brought a lot of cheerfulness, Taribo was a mythical figure) during the era of Gigi Simoni. It was a very exciting game. We took the lead thanks to Lopez then they equalized with Babayaro. They scored again with Crespo then again equal. The tied game lasted up to a handful of seconds before the end when the specter of extra time seems inevitable. But at the end, the goal of Amuneke condemned us to second place. The silver medal has a historic achievement because a medal was missing for sixty eight years.

We were not successful even in 2004, in the Copa America in Lima, Peru against our arch-rival Brazil. Once again, it was a game of Nerazzurri colors. And in this one occasion, it was my Inter teammate that made a joke once again at the end. I’m talking about Adriano, the author of Brazi’s second goal to equalize the game at 2-2 in the 93rd minute but which time we were looking forward to the sweet taste of victory. That goal turned over every perspective: for us it was a tremendous blow, a panacea for Brazil. The lottery of penalty kicks once again brought me the bad. Like in 1997, at the time of UEFA Cup Final against Schalke 04. Moral of this story was that the Brazilians did not miss a shot and Julio Cesar, Brazilian goalkeeper and my future Inter teammate, saved the first shot from D’Alessandro and condemned us to failure. Another dream vanished when least expected.

Coppa America and Olympics are two prestigious moments but for any player, the biggest is obviously the World Cup. No competition has the same appeal The Olympics are unique to the atmosphere because it is a hymn to the true value of sports. Copa America is a very sensitive local tournament that usually fires up all the participating teams but the World Cup is another matter. Playing in a World Cup is a culmination of a dream from childhood, the apex of the career of a footballer. The occasion came in 1998 in France. I was pretty pumped up after winning the UEFA Cup with Inter a few months before. It was the first World Cup after Maradona. We were presented among the favorites to win the tournament. This group was more or less the same with one that won the silver medal at the Olympics with the addition of other stars like Gabriel Batistuta and Veron (two footballers also played for Inter). The beginning of this adventure was immediately positive. Int the three matches of the group stage we had as many wins against Japan, Jamaica and Croatia. But in the round of 16, we got to play an opponent that we all wished we could have avoided: England. Twelve years after the hand of God, one of the most memorable matches in the history of football, here we were, facing the British enemy. Of course time had changed, the memory of the Malvinas war became more nuanced. But the rivalry was still the same, and for many of us, who were kids in 1986, this game with England is the Game with the capital “G”. For days, there were talks of great revenge, the British wanted to avenge the result suffered in Mexico, for our part we wanted to prove that what happened twelve years ago was not due to chance and luck. On the field, it was a real battle. We went in front with the goal from the penalty spot by Batistuta, then Shearer, again from the penalty spot, and Owen completed the comeback for England. Then a dream was realized. In the 45th minute, a free-kick for us almost on the edge of the penalty area. Instead of shooting straight at goal, Veron surprised everyone finding myself turning. I controlled the ball with the right foot, shot the ball with the outside of the left foot to the goal of Seaman. The ball ended up near the top corner where the English goalkeeper just could not get. It was one of the most important goals in my career, certainly you can not compare to those of Maradona but it was the goal that allowed us to get back on track to win the game. I remember the followed celebration. I didn’t understand what was going on while all jumped on me. I ended up lying on the ground, buried. My teammates started to embrace me while in the stands, the blue and white flags of Argentina were waving and the commentators must be going crazy with the ritual cry of joy: “Gooooooooool.” In the second half, the result stayed the same at 2-2. Despite the famous red card for Beckham because of his reaction after the foul by Simeon, England managed to hold up the tie to get to penalties. Once again, the Seleccion and my destiny was decided by just eleven meters. But this time, after so much bad luck, luck turned to our side. Twelve years later, Argentina managed to beat England at the World Cup again, just like that day in June 1986. With this momentum, we thought that we could really get to the final. Instead, we presented ourselves to the game with the Netherlands a little exhausted physically for such a long battle with the British. At that time we were once again unlucky because the goal was scored right at the end: beautiful goal for Dennis Bergkamp (many will remember him also at Inter) and 2-1 final for them.

Four years later, in Korea and Japan, we were once again among the favorites. But as it turned out, it could not have been worse. Eliminated in the group stage, this time, with a defeat by the British. The fate in store for us was a very tough group and many did not hesitate to define it as “the group of death.” Other than us there were England, Sweden and Nigeria. We started out well by beating Nigeria thus taking revenge for the Olympics but in the second game with the British came a stringing defeat by the goal from Beckham. In the last match against Sweden, a decisive one, we can only snatch a draw. Too little to qualify, so back home, it was the feeling of disappointment mixed with despair.

So I waited for another four years. But waiting for me was another backhanded slap although, to be honest, it was not really a big surprise. For some time, I knew that I was not in good graces of Jose Pekerman, the coach that the time. The fact is that my name was not there on the player list. Personally, that summer was bittersweet: on one hand there was my Inter who was taking back what had been stolen years earlier, my other disappointment was of course the exclusion of the Seleccion. My patience was rewarded because Pekerman resigned after that tournament, and with the return of Alfio Basile, my adventure started again.

Now my goal is to play (at least) another World Cup and try to win it so I can forget the disappointments of the past. Now there is Diego Armando Maradona, an absolute idol, leading us. For us Argentinians he will always remain a mythical figure but he has already demonstrated very well as a coach. I found him to be a very affable and quiet person, a coach with clear ideas and knows what he wants.

With him on the bench and the genius of Leo Messi on the field, we have that it takes to go far.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:29:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:24 编辑

18. Il capitano del centenario / Captain of the centenary

“They chose for us the colors of the sky and night. One hundred years have passed and we thank them again for having founded Internazionale Football Club. It was the evening on March 9, 1908 with more than forty: today we are millions. They gather in the heart of Milan at Orologio restaurant. They were rebellious and had a dream: to give equal opportunity to all Italians and foreigners to play football for the same flag of Nerazzurri. One hundred years have passed since that evening, one hundred years of passion and beauty, one hundred years of expectations, fantasy, on hundred years of challenges, victories and much pride: a lot of pride. This is the night of memory, the night of future that unites the champions of yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is the night where we will dream of that far away March 9 and gift it to our children. This is the night for all Inter fans: young and old, near and far. For one hundred years more, for one hundred years of emotions, and for always solo Inter!”

I still get chills when I listen to those words that Gianfelice Facchetti, son of the great Giacinto, spoke at the San Siro during the centennial celebration of Inter. I was lucky enough to experience first hand the celebrations, and especially as a captain to enjoy this memorable event. That evening will never be forgotten. It will remain forever etched in my heart, one of my dearest memories.

When I entered the field to greet the fans, along with other big Inter greats what accomplished much glory at Inter, I felt like a lost bullet in the Inter galaxy like I was submerged in the sea of people waiting to share with us this unique and irreplaceable moment. More than eighty thousand people came from every corner of Italy (and perhaps even abroad) to shout to the world their faith, to be embraced by everyone in this great Inter family, and thus to enter in its legendary history. It was during those moments that I really realized what it means to wear the armband, what it means to be the captain of one of the most important clubs in the world. A serious responsibility, but above all, a great honor and a privilege granted only a few chosen ones. If fate has its own logic, I don’t think it was just a coincidence that I was the captain of the centenary, an Argentinian, a foreigner. In its full name, Internazionale, is written the philosophy of this team: a team that has no boundaries, a team that was founded to “allow all Italians and foreigners to play football under the same flag of Inter.”

That night was a real glimpse into the past. I saw history passing before my eyes. At the San Siro came dozens of former players and teammates, all mythical figures. Among them there was also Lothar Matthaus. I already had a chance to talk with him a few years before in a party organized by FIFA for the centenary of the association, but the meeting at the San Siro was something very special. Our roles were reversed: he was now the “spectator” and I was the protagonist. A strange and exciting feeling at the same time as I shook hands with the great players of the past making compliments and prompted us to give our best for Inter. That was also a great opportunity to reunite with old friends, many friends who over the years had contributed to the history of Inter then fate brought them elsewhere. The symbols of Grande Inter – Mazzola, Corso, Burgnich and all others – those who competed in the 60s against “my” Independiente, or the great Germans of the 80s and 90s like Rummenigge, Klinsmann and Brehme. I was lost in front of these legends. Obviously it was a huge pleasure for me to see Roberto Baggio, Ivan Zamorano but also all other former teammates from Nicola Berti to Gianluca Pagliuca. It was a great reunion for this marvelous family, all returned for one night to relive the same old passion.

With the centenary celebrations, I was able to achieve another dream of mine: to meet the Pope. Being a Catholic as I am, it was really a touching moment that I had been waiting for years and it came right in one of the happiest moments of my career and history with Inter. The opportunity came during a trop to Rome to play a match in the Italian Cup. As captain, I was honored to personally present the Pope an Inter shirt with Benedict XIV written on the back. This was a very emotional moment like no other.

The centennial year was also special because we were able to won our first Scudetto on the field compared to previous year. The Calciopoli scandal had redesigned the appearance of Italian football. With Juventus in Serie B and Milan penalized by eight points, everyone, inevitably, saw Inter as the great favorite. In fact, not only we had the advantage but we were obligated to win the Scudetto. In the summer, the team was also strengthened with champions such as Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Patrick Vieira, Maicon, Hernan Crespo (for him it was a return after two years elsewhere), Maxwell and the new world champion Fabio Grosso. We had no more excuses: our historical rivals were not there and we were the team at a highest level. All eyes, from the press and fans, were on us. But winning would not be enough, we needed to win big. And as always we were alone, alone against a good deal of criticism that the league was too easy, as if we were to blame for the penalties or relegation against other teams. We were call, mockingly, “the band of honest men”, as if the honesty from Inter was a fault rather than a merit. Also for these reasons, we played every game from beginning to end to the best of our potential without sparing anybody, always trying to improve and achieve a new record every time. Today, it is no coincidence that that team, together with the formation that won us the Scudetto i 1989, is remembered as an Inter team full of records. I should consult an almanac to remember all the shattered records during that season. The 97 points, 17 consecutive victories, 33 straight games without defeat. There was never any doubt on where the Scudetto would go: excuse my immodesty but that year, there was no team that could compete with us. Roma were an worthy opponent but our we proved that we were to superior. Even Milan, already penalized in the standings, could do little or nothing against us and we came out winners in both derbies. The first victory was spectacular: a 4-3 win which for us did not do complete justice. If Marco Materazzi, one of the protagonists of that season, had not been sent off when we were up 4-1, it could have been a bigger result for us. From a personal perspective, I think that year was a turning point in my career: after years of going up and down on the wing, I saw the midfield again under Mancini, a position that was already tested during the first year with Hodgson. A position that doesn’t required a lot physically but I have to be smarter and carefully reading the game and the situations. Now I feel like a midfielder to all intents and purposes. Also, if the team misses a left-back, I would play on the left same thing on the right. For me, it is not a problem, but rather a pleasure to know that coaches can always trust me and that I can make myself useful to the cause in several ways. The will to demonstrate throughout Italy that we were the strongest team which continued to break record penalized us in Europe. We were eliminated by the hands of Valencia: two fatal draws, the last of which, on the road, ended with a sad brawl triggered by the provocation of the Spanish Navarro against Burdisso. It was a disappointment, although our primary objective that year was to win the Scudetto. We really wanted to finally have a chance to celebrate on the field together with our fans. The first match-ball, at the San Siro against Roma went blank. It was a bad joke maybe because of too much tension, or the fact that the gap was so wide even a misstep would not affect anything. And in fact, a week later, April 22 2007, in Siena, the long-waited dream came true. Two penalties converted by Materazzi which gave us the victory and at the same time Roma lost in Bergamo against Atalanta. Italian Champions. Finally we are Italian Champions. On the field. It hadn’t happened for 18 years. Magical moment, we were ecstatic. All the waiting and suffering of the past were swept away in a flash. You can imagine what happened in the dressing room: a wild party, including bottles of champagne, jokes, songs, and the inevitable teases to our “cousin” Milan and rival Juventus. That afternoon, Siena was our catharsis. Our revenge. Our first great feast. The joy of that Scudetto lasted all night. Once we were back in Milan, the team provided us a double-decker bus to parade through the streets in the center part of the city. We were so revved up that after a few minutes the roof was torn into half due to crazy celebrations. In doing so we created a sort of terrace where you can lean over and look down the endless stream of people. I have never seen so many people at once. Not even during a derby or during a World Cup match. The center of Milan had become an Inter inferno, the bust moved in snail’s pace up in Piazza del Duomo where there was really no room even for a pin. After all, it was a victory that the organization, the team and fans waited for a long long time. Everywhere there was a chorus: “Inter, Inter!” Everywhere you can see the pride of this unique club. Everywhere, there were only two colors, black and blue.

Of course, to the critics and detractors, that was a Scudetto of “cardboard,” a tittle won because of lack of opponents. Very few, apart from Inter fans, recognized Inter as a superior force than any other team. I strongly believe that even with Serie A at full strength, the Scudetto would have been ours. From the physical point of view were were predominately devastating from Ibrahimovic to Stankovic, Figo to Crespo, Cruz to Maicon and from Materazzi to Cambiasso.

The following year, 2007-2008 season, was that of the consecration. The “owls” of Italy were waiting at the gate hoping for one of our sip up to assert their outlandish theories. Serie A was back at full force with the promotion of teams such as Juventus, Napoli and Genoa. We repeated all from scratch. This time, no favoritism, no shortcuts, no fast track. Yet the beginning was very similar the previous year: Inter were on the run and all others were trying to catch up. Until March, things had gone very well, after which an incredible series of injuries slowed us down a bit while Roma just did not give up. The decisive game was precisely the one with the Giallorossi at the San Siro on February 27. It was the turning point of a period of decline but still managed to even out the competition with our direct antagonists. One of my dearest memories was the equalizer (1-1) with a handful of seconds until the end. It was a right footed shot right the edge of the penalty area. The feeling was more or less the same as that of Paris ten years earlier. Pure joy: I ran all over the field like a madman in disbelief (I am not accustomed to hit the opponent’s goal) for my prowess. That goal was essential enough to hold off Roma. I became “Scudetto captain” although the road to the title was still long and tortuous. The the elimination from the Champions League against Liverpool arrived in the days of centenary celebrations. It was an elimination full of regrets and it dealt a severe blow to the dressing room. The outburst after the return leg of Roberto Mancini, who announced to the press that at the end of the season he would leave Inter, in fact marked the end of a cycle. What remained was a very difficult league because there was a Scudetto to win. It was not easy to find concentration after those events but in the last two months emerged the strength and character of this group. Instead of sinking, the ship became more and more robust. Between problems and injuries we were able to hold off the comeback attempt of Roma, even though that the last few matches we complicated our lives. First of it was a defeat in the derby then a draw at home with Siena in a game that could give us the Scudetto arithmetically. So everything was delayed until the final day at the Tardini stadium against Parma just like in 2002. Many had already summoned the ghost of May 5, ready to celebrate our new defeat. But fortunately the history does not always repeat itself. It was a rainy day in an afternoon in May and it all happened in the second half. We ended the first half at 0-0 while Roma were winning in Catania. So with 45 minutes left to play, we, for the first time, were in the second place in the table after dominating the league. Other clouds were facing us, other spectra began to hover over the stadium, but in the second half, the story changed. We did not face this half with either fear or anxiety. Stepping onto the field was Zlatan Ibramiovic and in just a few minutes, he wiped out the owls and ghosts surrounding us with a winning brace: 2-0, the Italian Champions were still us. Another round, another unrestrained joy, another Cup to heaven, another black and blue river from the Tardini to the San Siro where there was yet another celebration. I don’t know which Scudetto that we won on the field is my favorite. The first in 2007 was my first love, unforgettable and memorable. The second was heart-pounding, thrilling race until the last second. Two different stories but with the same sweet finish. And now that I have finally tasted the taste of victory, I do not want to stop.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 18:29:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2014-8-29 17:29 编辑

19. Tutti insieme si può / Together we can

Paula and I are adoptive parents of more than one hundred and fifty children, but we are also very fortunate to have our own children: Sol, born in 2005 and her little brother, Ignacio, born in 2008. It is a just a mere coincidence but since they were born, Inter started to win. Their godfathers at baptism are Ivan Zamorano and Ivan Cordoba: two close friends and two great Interisti. Being a father is the most beautiful experience in the world and the love for our children is something immeasurable, beyond everything and everyone. My children have filled and changed my life for the better. Now, in addition to Inter, I am also their captain. It is one more responsibility but I gladly accepted. I hope to be a guide and an example which means, sometimes, I need to be able to say no. Affection and love cannot be measured only with gifts and caresses: I want my children to grow in a healthy environment and have every chance to choose, but also understand that in life you always have to struggle to reach your goals or objectives.

The experience at Inter has taught me a lot over the years. It is like living in a large extended family and as a big family, there are disagreements and tensions, but in the end what really matters is the common good. I’m proud of the respect that I have earned in these years, something that cannot be achieved overnight. When I did something wrong, it was done in good faith. I was never a computer. I have never put my own interests before those of the team. Because now Inter are my home. “When you came here, you were a child. Now we see that you have grown,” my friends Paolo Vedova, Claudio Rossi have always told me that. The best compliment that I can have is when the trust for me during these year has not changed. Despite the long militancy, I hope to be the same person who, 15 years ago, showed up with football boots tucked in a plastic bag. Even if one takes the armband, he must never forget the values that he grew up and started with. Of course, the role of a captain is one more responsibility: one must always be present when the team is in need, a guide in difficult times, a point of reference for younger teammates. It is a real pleasure to know that I am the starting example for others. The one thing that irks me about my role is the colors of the armband from time to time. I decide the design together with my friend Federico Enrichetti, president of Inter club Milano Centro. For each occurrence, we create a new one. They are very close to those that bear the logo of the Foundation and those which celebrated special records. Like the band designed for my 600 games at Inter: all the teams that I had faced, in small and large fonts, Italians as well as foreigners. And of course I will never forget the one dedicated to Giacinto, my teacher, that I worn after his death: “You are everything…,” read the sentence. Facchetti will always remain an example: even though that I had passed him in appearances, he remains the symbol of Inter, the emblem of football.

A captain must be a leader on and off the field. Honestly in my career, I don’t think I have ever argued or insulted any opponent or anyone. I don’t want to be a saint or anything but they are my characters. I play, I give my soul, but I don’t like provoking tricks or anything. Throughout my career, I only suffered one sent-off, a rather absurd one when referee Braschi gave three red cards at once to me, Beppe Bergomi and Francesco Colonnesse during a Italian Cup against Parma back in 1999. Too bad. But my fairness on the field was rewarded on several occasions. San Siro Gentleman is the award for those players who demonstrate fair play at its best and who play in Milan. I will never win the Golden Ball but for me, these awards are of equal value.

Being fair does not mean being submissive. Attitude is something else. You can be aggressive and fair at the same time. The motto that my father taught I have never forgotten. I still want to win a lot. After so much bad luck, the wheel seems to turn to our side. Football is a wheel. We must not fall when things go wrong and not too excited when you win.

I hope to open a new cycle with Jose Mourinho. He is a great coach, very well prepared technician. He explains concepts very clearly and when he says something, it is not in an uncertain term. I believe that Inter have much to give and that, sooner or later, after having conquered Italy, we will be able to do the same in Europe. And as always, I will try to make my contribution. I have no intention of becoming a coach – the work is too complicated – but I would continue my career as a director. I would like to build on the experience accumulated over the years in terms of organization. Working for Inter 360 degrees. We will see, but for the moment, I have no intention of hanging up my boots.

Overseas, in folds of poverty, there are always Gisela, Augustina, Martin, Narazena and all the others who are counting on me. On us. Becoming aware of the fact that with the help of everyone, without exception, is essential to improve things and make this a better world. If we really want, if we truly believe and come together on the same side, as a team, all together we can.

A year to remember

You never stop learning, and never stop being surprised by things. Not even at 36, when you think you’ve seen it all on a football pitch. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: luck comes and goes. This team who had not won anything, “the joke of Italy” as someone labeled us, in a few years, become one of the strongest teams in Europe and the world. I have always believed, even when everything had gone wrong, even when hovering over our colors seemed to be an insidious curse. The work will pay off, always. That is my motto. Since my arrival at Inter, I have tried to put it in practice: because you could have the talent of Maradona but you don’t apply yourself, don’t put in your passion and commitment, you are not going anywhere. My efforts, also those from management and my teammates have paid off this year, the season that every player dreams of: to arrive at the end of every competition, to be there and play until the last breath. Adrenaline running high, without a moment to catch your breath, always on the edge. But this is the beauty of football, these are the feelings and emotions that give a boost to continue fighting the give our best.

With Jose Mourinho, it was the beginning of a new cycle. After the Scudetto in 2009, my fourth consecutively, the team has become more mature. But everyone from the president to equipment manager wanted more. Being the strongest in Italy wasn’t enough. We wanted to prove to the world – and especially ourselves – that this team had all the little things to become great at all latitudes. No obsession: simply a dream that we built on day by day, with the help of every single member in the group. Only like that in football, with the strengths of the team and self-sacrificing, that we can improve. Because besides the sacrifices, all the training, traveling, tensions, there is a prize waiting: to be written and to be remembered forever in the history.

For many of us – myself included – that would probably be the last chance. We’re not getting any younger even if people think I am a bionic man, we must be realistic: two, three, or maybe four more years, I must resign myself to the idea of hanging up my boots. Dreams, however, do not age. And we dreamed, strongly believed in our dream. Already that summer, during training camp, we realized that this would be a memorable year. Despite the departure of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, our best player, the club managed to set up a team even stronger. Many other champions arrived: Milito, Sneijder, Eto’o, Lucio, Thiago Motta, Pandev. Many new players but with one goal in mind: to get to the very end. In every competition, without a preference. Everyone, from first to last person, wanted to apply themselves for that common objective. Our style of play had also changed: more movement, more technical, with more offensive weapons. Soon arrived our first satisfactions. The 4-0 against Milan in the August derby gave us the knowledge that we were still the strongest, just the first victories in the Champions League. At some point in the season, we had reached a structure to feel almost invincible. That was the strongest Inter that I have ever played for I can say that without a doubt. There were champions who always prepared to sacrifice in the name of the group, to become fullbacks in a few occasions for the good of the team. I, as always and with a great pleasure, played everywhere: right back, left back, central midfielder, outside midfielder. Many different roles but with one purpose: to be helpful to the group. That year, I went over 500 appearances in Serie A but unfortunately my record of 137 consecutive games was interrupted due to a disqualification for getting too many yellow cards. A day of rest, I thought, was something that I much deserved.

The turning point of the season was the game against Chelsea in London, the second leg in the first knockout round in the Champions League. We only needed a 0-0 draw to qualify, but staying in defense for 90 minutes would be too dangerous. And so we played an open game, without fear, confident of our strength. And we succeeded: after four consecutive eliminations in the second round, we had dispelled the taboo by winning at home of one of the best teams in the continent. From then on, the fly towards the end continued. We didn’t give anything up, and only those who are the players can understand how difficult it is to keep high concentration without the possibility of making mistakes. Everywhere, in every competition, only Inter remained: the thrilling duel with Roma in the league until the very last matchday, the Italian Cup victory over the same Giallorossi, and then the magical Champions League with the epic matches with Barcelona and then the final in Madrid against Bayern Munich, the game that hadn’t happened for Inter in 38 years. The game that I always wanted to play as a child.

The rest was history.

And if between winning and losing is a big different, I think that the important thing is to always do your best until the very end, never give up.

I am sure that my children on the other side of the ocean think so.
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