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发表于 2007-5-14 20:39:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p>Inter 4-3 Lazio <br/>Sunday, 13 May 2007 16:59:24 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>MILAN - Hernan Crespo netted a hat-trick and Marco Materazzi stole a late winner as the Nerazzurri came from behind to beat Lazio 4-3 at the Giuseppe Meazza. </p><p>The Argentine forward neutralised efforts from Pandev and Mutarelli, and scored again late on after Ledesma had put the Biancocelesti back in front before the interval.</p><p>Materazzi grabbed a dramatic winner to see Italian champions Inter set a new record of points in one 20-team Serie A championship. </p><p>Like their city rivals last Wednesday, Lazio made a blinding start to the match and were two goals up after just five minutes. </p><p>Macedonian striker Goran Pandev, who joined Lazio after a spell with Inter's academy, opened the scoring in the third minute, chipping Julio Cesar via a deflection off Materazzi after receiving short from Cristian Ledesma. </p><p>Two minutes later, Massimo Mutarelli rose at the far post to nod in Jimenez' right-wing cross. </p><p>Inter came back at Lazio and created chance after chance. Stankovic was twice denied by the Biancocelesti backline, with Crespo backheeling wide before heading off target a pin-point curling cross by Recoba. </p><p>It was third time lucky for the Argentine forward, who slotted Maicon's cross past Ballotta to reduce the arrears in the 20th minute. </p><p>An inspired Recoba danced past three Lazio players and tested Ballotta with a low left-foot shot. Stankovic then went close with a lob shot that finished inches over the bar. </p><p>Lazio hit back after the sustained period of Nerazzurri pressure, with Pandev seeing his venomous strike blocked. Inter broke out of defence and Alvaro Recoba almost did what he did against Empoli back in 1998. Five yards inside his own half, the Uruguayan unleashed a long-range effort that went just over the angle between crossbar and post.</p><p>Crespo levelled the match with his eighteenth of the season on 35 minutes. Vieira crossed from the right and the Argentine volleyed in at the back post.</p><p>Lazio were back in front after a two-footed challenge by Burdisso on Jimenez. From the resulting free kick Ledesma found the top left corner with a curling shot.</p><p>The heat took its toll on the players throughout a lower-key second half. </p><p>The match came alive in the final ten minutes when Crespo steered in Mariano Gonzalez' low cross from the right to complete his hat-trick and make it five goals in two matches against the Roman teams.</p><p>Lazio played the remaining minutes with ten men after the dismissal of Siviglia for protesting. </p><p>Materazzi lifted the roof off the Meazza five minutes from time, rising at the back post to head in Stankovic's corner and complete a memorable comeback. </p><p>Inter 4-3 Lazio (HT: 2-3)</p><p>Scorers: Pandev 3, Mutarelli 5, Crespo 20, 35, 81, Ledesma 41, Materazzi 85.</p><p>Inter: 12 Julio Cesar; 13 Maicon, 16 Burdisso, 23 Materazzi, 6 Maxwell (19 Cambiasso 71); 14 Vieira, 5 Stankovic, 21 Solari (7 Figo 46), 4 Zanetti; 20 Recoba (91 Mariano Gonzalez 64), 18 Crespo.<br/>Subs not used: 1 Toldo, 77 Andreolli, 15 Dacourt, 99 Choutos.<br/>Coach: Roberto Mancini.</p><p>Lazio: 32 Ballotta; 85 Behrami, 13 Siviglia, 25 Cribari, 8 Zauri; 26 Mudingayi, 24 Ledesma, 77 Jimenez, 5 Mutarelli (7 Belleri 80); 19 Pandev (68 Manfredini 64), 18 Rocchi (20 Makinwa 73).<br/>Subs not used: 14 Berni, 2 Stendardo, 3 Bonetto, 4 Firmani.<br/>Coach: Delio Rossi.</p><p>Referee: Luca Banti (Livorno).</p><p>Booked: Mudingayi 7, Burdisso 39, Mutarelli 58. <br/>Sent off: Siviglia 81.&nbsp;</p><p><img src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/inter/news/2007-05-13/U773P6T387D3021F8336DT20070513230219.jpg" border="0" alt=""/>&nbsp;</p><p>北京时间5月13日晚,意甲倒数第3轮国际米兰主场4比3逆转拉齐奥,追平了都灵在1947-78赛季创造的29胜的意甲单赛季赢球纪录(那个赛季有42轮)。克雷斯波三破老东家球门,本赛季进球达到19个,马特拉齐顶入致胜一球。</p><p>国际米兰最后3轮如果全胜,总积分将达到99分。蓝黑军团无法忘记2002年负于拉齐奥而将冠军拱手让出的惨痛经历,但另一方面,国际米兰如果击败拉齐奥,客观上将帮助AC米兰争夺第3名。曼奇尼与助手米哈伊洛维奇以及队员斯坦科维奇、克雷斯波面对旧主。伊布拉希莫维奇、萨穆埃尔因伤缺阵,布尔迪索顶替停赛的科尔多瓦。门将儒利奥-塞萨尔回到首发,维埃拉自伤愈以来首次先发。</p><p>拉齐奥赛前领先第5名恩波利8分,此役不败就将提前获得冠军杯资格赛席位,如国获胜则将打破俱乐部单赛季客场赢球纪录(8场),希门尼斯顶替受伤的毛里。门将佩鲁齐仍在养伤。开场仅3分钟,斯坦科维奇脚下打滑,莱德斯马断球短传,潘德夫在门前20米处吊射打在马特拉齐身上后变向破门,拉齐奥1比0领先!又过了2分钟,希门尼斯传球,穆塔雷利后门柱大力头槌破门,2比0!!继周中意大利杯负于罗马后,国际米兰又遭到另一支罗马球队的两记闷棍。</p><p>国际米兰第7分钟得到射门机会,索拉里突破贝赫拉米左路传中,维埃拉做给斯坦科维奇,斯坦科维奇在门前20米处射门被挡出。穆丁加伊对马克斯韦尔犯规吃到黄牌。随后,麦孔右路传中被莱德斯马头球破坏。第10分钟,拉齐奥队长扎乌里载左侧禁区前沿射门偏出。1分钟后,雷科巴左路似传似射被挡出底线,他连续2次角球都没有造成威胁。</p><p>斯坦科维奇禁区前沿左脚低射被老门将巴洛塔没收。第15分钟,马克斯韦尔左路传中打在贝赫拉米身上出了底线,雷科巴左侧开出角球,克雷斯波脚后跟射门偏出近门柱。两人随后又打出配合,雷科巴左路传出精准弧线球,克雷斯波头球差之毫厘!第18分钟,贝赫拉米对马克斯韦尔犯规,雷科巴左路开出任意球,马特拉齐后点顶回门前,但打他的中卫搭档布尔迪索头球高出。随后,潘德夫在门前20米处抽射偏出右门柱。</p><p>国际米兰终于在第20分钟追回一分,麦孔右路传中,克雷斯波在门前不远处推射破门,2比1。这是他在意甲的第131个进球。国际米兰已连续36个联赛主场破门。第23分钟,雷科巴禁区外低射被西维利亚挡出。国际米兰门前连续出现险情。第24分钟,扎乌里传球,潘德夫抢射被塞萨尔神勇化解。随后,罗基的射门经过折射后稍稍偏出远门柱。第25分钟,麦孔右路起球,索拉里没有顶到。第26分钟,潘德夫与贝赫拉米禁区内打出配合,马特拉齐破坏后,拉齐奥得球继续进攻,穆塔雷利将球射偏。</p><p>拉齐奥在反击中形成三打三,潘德夫接到希门尼斯传球,在门前20米处射偏。第29分钟,雷科巴晃过三名后卫左脚射门考验了巴洛塔。第31分钟,斯坦科维奇传过顶球到禁区前沿,克里巴里抢在克雷斯波前面头球解围。随后,斯坦科维奇接到维埃拉传球,可惜他的精妙吊射高出横梁。第34分钟,潘德夫射门被挡,国际米兰打出反击,雷科巴几乎重演了1998年对恩波利的进球,他在中线以后直接吊门稍稍高出门角!</p><p>第35分钟,维埃拉传到后门柱,克雷斯波凌空射门梅开二度,2比2!!这是他近3场比赛的第5球,也是他在近4天比赛中面对两支罗马球队的第4球。第41分钟,布尔迪索对希门尼斯犯规吃到黄牌,莱德斯马主罚任意球挂左上角而入,拉齐奥3比2再度超出!上半时补时阶段,罗基斜射被塞萨尔用脚挡出。</p><p>下半时,菲戈换下索拉里。第47分钟,拉齐奥又险些制造绝杀,但罗基没有停好莱德斯马的直传。菲戈连续几次传球,但门前都没有队友包抄。第53分钟,希门尼斯射门被塞萨尔奋力单手化解!穆塔雷利犯规吃到黄牌。第60分钟,斯坦科维奇右路传中,巴洛塔意外脱手,雷科巴转身射门被挡。第62分钟,维埃拉中路强突,扎乌里补防铲出底线,菲戈右侧开出角球,维埃拉头球高出。随后,穆丁加伊接应潘德夫回敲,在门前20米处射门高出。</p><p>潘德夫被曼弗雷迪尼换下,曼奇尼则用马里亚诺-冈萨雷斯替下雷科巴。第65分钟,罗基禁区边缘头球蹭高。坎比亚索替下马克斯韦尔,国际米兰用完了换人名额。罗西用前锋马金瓦替下罗基。斯坦科维奇遭到贝赫拉米侵犯接受治疗。第77分钟,穆丁加伊对麦孔犯规,菲戈开出任意球,马特拉齐后门柱头球被巴洛塔扑出。</p><p>穆丁加伊被巴莱里换下。第81分钟,马里亚诺-冈萨雷斯传球,克雷斯波门前铲射完成帽子戏法,3比3!西维利亚随后被红牌罚下。第85分钟,马里亚诺-冈萨雷斯左路突入禁区赢得角球,斯坦科维奇右侧开出,马特拉齐头槌破门,国际米兰4比3反超!!第90分钟,莱德斯马在门前32米处射门高出。补时阶段,菲戈晃过3名后卫左路切入射门被巴洛塔化解。</p><p><strong>国际米兰(4-4-1-1):</strong>12-儒利奥-塞萨尔/13-麦孔,16-布尔迪索,23-马特拉齐,6-马克斯韦尔/21-索拉里,14-维埃拉,5-斯坦科维奇,4-萨内蒂/20-雷科巴/18-克雷斯波</p><p><strong>拉齐奥(4-3-1-2):</strong>32-巴洛塔/85-贝赫拉米,13-西维利亚,25-克里巴里,8-扎乌里/26-穆丁加伊,24-莱德斯马,5-穆塔雷利/77-希门尼斯/19-潘德夫,18-罗基</p>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-14 20:56:00 | 只看该作者

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祝福小克 希望他熬过这个五月

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