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发表于 2006-7-13 02:01:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
伟大的法国足球巨星席丹,到底是受到什么样的激怒,会在他个人最重要的比赛中失控?世界杯已结束两天,被他「头锤」倒地的义大利球员马特拉吉12日终于对义大利媒体透露,他的激将祕方:「我更喜欢脱掉你太太的衣服。」 义大利「米兰体育报」报导,肇事者义大利后卫马特拉吉终于第一次公开当时的事情经过,并且承认自己曾经侮辱了席丹,但坚持自己对席丹说的话不过是最寻常的国骂,「是那种球员们在球场上听过成千上万遍的脏话」,他否认骂席丹是「恐怖分子」。

马特拉吉说: 「我是拉扯了席丹的的球衣,好几秒鐘后,席丹转过头,傲慢无比地说道,如果你那么想要我的球衣,一会儿我会送给你的。而随后,我就骂了他一句,事情就是这样。」 马特拉吉对义大利媒体承认了自己对席丹的言语侮辱。不过在承认了曾经向席丹挑衅的事情时,马特拉齐却始终否认他曾经说席丹是恐怖分子,他表示自己当时对席丹戏嚯的回击是「我更喜欢脱掉你太太的衣服。」 他说,「这是生活中最为司空见惯的脏话了,尤其是在球场上你可以听到无数次这样的诅咒?我并没有叫他恐怖分子。我不是一个有修养的人,我不知道什么伊斯兰恐怖分子。」 马特拉吉也否认了曾经侮辱了席丹的母亲,马特拉吉表示「对于我来说,我一直认为母亲是神圣的。」 国际足联12日也插了进来,开始着手调查此事的详细经过。不过国际足联的这个举动引起了义大利媒体的强烈不满。  

Zidane explains

Zinedine Zidane
Zidane spoke about the headbutt incident for the first time
France captain Zinedine Zidane was sent off in Sunday's World Cup final defeat for headbutting defender Marco Materazzi in the chest.

The midfield star, who has now retired from football, appeared on French television on Wednesday to explain his actions.

Here is a translation of what he told the TV channel Canal Plus about the Materazzi incident.

Interviewer: You know the Italian players well because you played in Italy for five years. Did you have any problem with any of them beforehand?

Zinedine Zidane: Not at all. You always have friction with certain players...that is the game, it has always been like that. But I never had any clashes with anyone.

Interviewer: Nor Materazzi?

Zinedine Zidane: No, never. There was nothing beforehand and nothing in the match until he started pulling my jersey.

He grabbed my shirt and I told him to stop. I told him if he wanted I'd swap it with him at the end of the match.

That is when he said some very hard words, which were harder than gestures. He repeated them several times. It all happened very quickly and he spoke about things which hurt me deep down.

Interviewer: Everyone wants to know exactly what he said...

Zinedine Zidane: They were very serious things, very personal things.

Interviewer: About your mother and your sister?

Zinedine Zidane: Yes. They were very hard words. You hear them once and you try to move away.

But then you hear them twice, and then a third time... I am a man and some words are harder to hear than actions. I would rather have taken a blow to the face than hear that.

Interviewer: He said these things about your mother and sister two or three times?

Zinedine Zidane: Yes. I reacted and of course it is not a gesture you should do. I must say that strongly.

It was seen by two or three billion people watching on television and millions and millions of children.

It was an inexcusable gesture and to them, and the people in education whose job it is to show children what they should and shouldn't do, I want to apologise.

Interviewer: You apologise to them but do you really regret having done it?

Zinedine Zidane: I can't regret it because if I do it would be like admitting that he was right to say all that. And above all, it was not right.

We always talk about the reaction, and inevitably it must be punished. But if there is no provocation, there is no reaction.

First of all you have to say there is provocation, and the guilty one is the one who does the provoking. The response is to always punish the reaction, but if I react, something has happened.

Do you imagine that in a World Cup final like that, with just 10 minutes to go to the end of my career, I am going to do something like that because it gives me pleasure?

Interviewer: No of course not. But at the moment you exploded...

Zinedine Zidane: There was provocation, and it was very serious, that is all. My action was inexcusable but you have to punish the real culprit, and the real culprit is the one who provoked it. Voila.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-13 07:08:27编辑过]
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发表于 2006-7-13 06:17:00 | 只看该作者



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