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发表于 2008-4-26 13:21:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
在被阿斯报的采访中,海因策谈到了他的夺冠期望,而且说阿亚拉是世界最好的中卫。 在西班牙的体育报纸阿斯报的采访中,海因策让读者知道了他是多么的想获得西甲的联赛冠军。 Q:你是不是擅长防守但是攻击能力不好呢? (沉默中)就在我还是小孩的时候我就被告知要当防守球员,而且防守球员就要好好防守。 Q:你喜欢当左边卫还是中卫呢? 当你逐渐变老的时候你就会想着要向中间靠拢,但是两个位置我都很喜欢。 Q:在所有中卫中你最喜欢哪位? 在我看来,罗伯特.阿亚拉是世界上最好的中卫。没有人可以像他那样做得那么好,我见到他能做到一些别人不能做到的事情。他是我们所有人的榜样。我跟他一齐踢了六年球,他教会了我很多。 Q:是不是有卡西利亚斯在你后面你就会感到更安全呢? 是的,我们通常都会这样,因为他是现象级的球员。我想让他正在做一项伟大的工作。在你必须叫你的队友要集中注意力的时候,你就要大喊。但是比赛结束之后,这一切就结束了。我没有凭据去评价伊克尔,但是他已经在世界最佳门将的行列之中了。 Q:谁是你的偶像? 迭戈.马拉多纳就是我的偶像。迭戈.马拉多纳让我感觉到了其他足球运动员不能让我感觉到的东西。我们的关系很好。 Q:他最好的特质是什么? 迭戈.马拉多纳现在感觉就像其他老球员一样。从我所听跟所见中,他的队友总是最先到。他总是先为他的队友战斗,然后再为自己战斗,这就是真正的队长。 Q:那劳尔呢? 在这一年中,我对劳尔并不了解,但是无论在场内还是在场外,他都是皇马的象征。劳尔最重要的方面就是在日常生活中他为其他人设置了一个榜样,而且那也是队长的要求之一。 Q:你觉得什么时候是去丰收广场庆祝联赛冠军的最佳时刻? 我不知道,我们在这一年中付出了很多去让皇马球迷们快乐。我不在意什么时候去庆祝。现在我唯一想的就是要在星期天的比赛中获胜。
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-26 13:41:35 | 只看该作者
Just thinking about [the title] gives me goosebumps"

In an interview with Spanish sports daily AS, Gabriel Heinze lets readers know just how eager he is to win La Liga.

Are you good at defending and bad at attacking?

(Silence) As a kid I was told I would be a defender and that defenders had to defend well.

Do you prefer playing as a left-back or centre-back?

When you get older you tend to gravitate towards the centre, but I like both positions.

What centre-back to you look up to?

Roberto Ayala is the best centre-back in the world in my opinion. There will never be anyone like him. I've seen him do things that no one else can do. He's an example for all of us. I spent six years playing with him and he taught me so much.

Does having Casillas behind you give you peace of mind?

Yes, we get into it every so often, but he's phenomenal. I think he's doing a great job. There are always problems on the pitch. There's a lot of shouting, and if you have to insult a teammate to get his attention, you do it. But once the match ends it's all over. I don't have the credentials to judge Iker, but he's among the best in the world.

Who is your role model?

Diego was always my idol. Maradona made me feel things no other football player could. We have a good relationship.

What's his best trait?

Diego nowadays feels just like any old player. From what I've heard and seen, his teammates always came first. That's what I call a true captain. He always fought for his teammates first and then himself.

Is Raúl like that?

I don't know Raúl that well, only from this year, but he's the reference point of this Madrid both on and off the pitch. The most important aspect of Raúl is that he sets an example on a daily basis, and that's a lot to ask of a captain.

When do you think you will be at Cibeles Fountain celebrating the league?

I don't know, but just thinking about it gives me goosebumps. We've gone through so much wear and tear this year to make Madrisismo happy. I don't care when it happens. I am only thinking about winning on Sunday.
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发表于 2008-4-26 14:40:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-26 15:16:54 | 只看该作者
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