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发表于 2008-4-23 00:19:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
如果你以前有关注过洛佩斯在瓦伦西亚,拉齐奥,墨西哥美洲或者阿根廷国家队的比赛,那么你就不会对这种美妙的助攻感到陌生.在堪萨斯巫师队对阵芝加哥火焰队的比赛中,客队凭借洛佩斯的中场附近的远距离妙传和久斯贝里的进球,从芝加哥丰田公园球场成功带回了三分.这场胜利也帮助堪萨斯巫师队在多赛一场的情况下,登上了美国大联盟东区的榜首. 本赛季,作为领着超过40万美元年薪的球队绝对主力,克劳迪奥.洛佩斯向美国人展示了出众的足球才华.人们期待这个超级球员能够利用他精确的传球和快如疾风的跑动帮助球队取得一场又一场的胜利.而他的确没有辜负球迷的期望,小虫用自己出色的发挥向美国人证明了自己是来联盟踢球而不是来度假的.他和来美国养老的德国人洛塔尔.马特乌斯不是一回事. "他是一个伟大的球员."堪萨斯巫师队的主教练奥诺弗这样评价自己的手下爱将."拥有像洛佩斯这种等级的球员,你总会希望他能够球队树立一个榜样.而克劳迪奥的确就是球队的楷模."巫师教头继续补充到. 签下一名已成名的大牌球员其实更像一种赌博性的交易行为.不信?你可以看看达拉斯队,他们买下了巴西球星德尼尔森,而这位单车高手却没有给球队带来任何实质性的贡献. 不过,事情也并非完全如此,像贝克汉姆,布兰科,洛佩斯这样的大牌球员不仅很好地完成了自己的作战任务,更给他们的队友点燃了不同以往的斗志. 以洛佩斯为例,盛名之下的阿根廷人在球场上很好地证明了自己并非浪得虚名.你从不需要担心他在球场上的表现. "你一旦签定了一份合约,就需要对白纸黑字上的内容负责,义不容辞."曾经以4400万美元天价从瓦伦西亚转会拉齐奥队的克劳迪奥.洛佩斯这样说到."当你在球场上时,你必须尽全力为自己的球队带来胜利.""能够继续在球场上踢球,并且能在一个新的国家生活和一个充满潜力的联赛中效力(成为美国大联盟的一份子),这就是我继续前进的动力."洛佩斯继续说到. 洛佩斯,这个堪萨斯巫师队更衣室中的新成员,给整个球队带来更上一层楼的动力.正是这种高水平的球员所带来的良性竞争压力,帮助球队取得了新的进步和成功. 堪萨斯巫师队的主教练奥诺弗坚信洛佩斯可以成为联盟中最优秀的球员. "我不认为这么评价他有什么过分."奥诺弗说到. 洛佩斯的到来令球队变得更加强大,成了对手眼里难以捉摸的球队.同时,拥有16年职业足球经验的他还承担起了指导球队年轻球员的重任. "我乐于承担这样的责任,或者说接受这个挑战.并且,我会尽我所能地帮助他们."洛佩斯说到. "我们不会要求他进行高强度的训练,这样,他就可以尽情享受足球带来的快乐."球队主教练奥诺弗这样说到. 综合编译(略有删节) / Terry 原文来自美国足球大联盟官方网站与休斯敦新闻报(Houston Chronicle)
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-23 00:45:48 | 只看该作者
April 22, 2008, 12:15AM
López adds dimension to Wizards
K.C. coach says newcomer can be MLS' best player

For the Chronicle

It was the type of pass you witnessed when Claudio López played for Valencia in Spain, Lazio in Italy, Club América in Mexico, and the national team in Argentina.

The type of pass we are seeing more in a league that just two years ago was thirsting for more impact players.

Now starring for the Kansas City Wizards, López plays the type of ball that few in MLS can. A ball that hit a spot around the top of the penalty area and behind the defense forced Chicago Fire goalkeeper Jon Busch into a decision he wished he didn't have to make.

The perfectly placed ball was run on to by teammate Jack Jewsbury, who proceeded to score into an empty net as Busch was left to watch. The goal wasall the Wizards needed to escape Toyota Park with a 1-0 victory over the weekend.

As a designated player, López makes more than $800,000 a year and is expected to make plays like that, to decide games with his mind, passing acumen and "man in motion" mobility.

Yet what stands out is his desire to produce and not take a vacation like some — German great Lothar Matthäus comes to mind — have done in MLS.

"He's a great pro," Wizards head coach Curt Onalfo said. "Everything you want in a designated player. You want that person to set the example."
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-23 00:46:10 | 只看该作者
Roll of the dice
Signing a designated player with a high profile can be tricky business, a gamble. Just ask FC Dallas, which last year acquired Brazilian Denilson only to watch the World Cup veteran fail to make an impression.

Designated players such as David Beckham, Cuauhtémoc Blanco and López are getting things done on the field by bringing their competitive spirit to the fray.

Talk to López, and you instantly get the sense he is all about business and his reputation as a player. It leaves you with no doubt that he aims to produce first for the Wizards and for MLS.

"The responsibility comes when one signs a contract, a sense of obligation," said López, once transferred for $44 million from Valencia to Lazio. "At that moment, you have to give 100 percent for it to turn out well. My motivation is to continue to play soccer and get to know a new culture and a new league that has a lot of potential. I want to be part of that."

Having López in the locker room raises the bar for his teammates, the coaching staff and the front office. It is this healthy pressure that can lead to club success.

Coach likes López
Onalfo said López can be the league's best player.

"I don't believe that is a bold statement," Onalfo said.

López's influence is also making the Wizards less predictable, and he is complemented by other skillful teammates.

With temperamental striker Eddie Johnson gone on to Fulham, the Wizards also seem to be a more collective and dangerous unit, but you don't have to be a genius to know
that López will have to put this team on his back over the course of the season, using his 16 years of experience to lead the youth.

"I welcome that responsibility, and I want it to happen," said López. "I will be up for the challenge."

Onalfo believes López's best soccer is still weeks away.

But with any talented player comes monitoring and nurturing him to get the best over the course of the grueling MLS season.

"We need to be smart and not overtrain him so he can enjoy his soccer," Onalfo said.

Former pro soccer player Glenn Davis hosts a weekly show on 790 AM.

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发表于 2008-4-23 00:46:30 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-29 21:33:08 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-29 23:02:41 | 只看该作者

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