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发表于 2004-8-15 23:36:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
热身赛:Milan点球负于桑普多利亚 2004-8-14 (from sina.com)北京时间8月14日3时(意大利当地时间13日21时),在圣西罗开始的"SEAT杯"赛中,Milan在90分钟内2比2被桑普多利亚逼平,并且点球大战中3比4告负.上半时,托马森与卡卡各下一城.下半时,塞尔吉尼奥主罚点球射中门柱,此后,巴扎尼与弗拉基连下两城追平比分.在点球大战中,克雷斯波,波齐,迪达的点球被扑出,桑普多利亚射进了6轮点球中的4个,因而以4比3胜出.   圣西罗球场气温宜人,经过夏天的保养之后,场地状况相当理想.国家队新任主帅里皮也临场观战,马尔蒂尼,西多夫,大因扎吉,安布罗西尼,潘卡罗因伤缺阵,Milan的变化主要在中后场,首次亮相的斯塔姆与内斯塔搭档中卫.科斯塔顶替了参加奥运会的皮尔洛,出现在后腰位置上.场上队长舍甫琴科与托马森联袂锋线.桑普多利亚主帅诺维利诺则排出传统的4-4-2阵型.   开场不久,托马森在越位位置将卡福的传中推进门内,进球被判无效.第11分钟,舍甫琴科大力射门稍稍高出.第15分钟,桑普多利亚边路传中,今夏热身赛表现出色的多尼头球高出.此后,塞尔吉尼奥左路下底起球,卡卡头球摆渡,但托马森将球顶高.第20分钟,卡福在禁区前沿施射稍稍偏出右门柱.第22分钟,弗拉基右路斜传,又是多尼抢到落点头球偏出.   斯塔姆与内斯塔的配合毫无陌生之感,毕竟他俩在拉齐奥就已经建立默契,而卡卡的状态较前一阵已有明显提升.此后,Milan连续获得射门机会.卡卡左侧开出角球,斯塔姆在门前20米处大力抽射偏出.此后,卡卡,科斯塔与舍瓦连续配合,塞尔吉尼奥左侧射门被挡出底线.第34分钟,卡卡与科斯塔作任意球配合,舍甫琴科劲射打高.   第37分钟,Milan终于打破僵局.内斯塔后场起球,逐渐找回感觉的科斯塔一记极具穿透力的直传,托马森反越位成功,在禁区中央拿球晃过门将安东尼奥利,将球推进空门,1比0.上半时结束前,塞尔吉尼奥左路传球,托马森横敲中路,卡卡施展其拿手的远射功夫,在门前22米处射进球门顶角.   中场休息后,安切洛蒂换上克雷斯波,科斯塔库塔与多拉索.下半时开始3分钟,桑普多利亚后卫托内托禁区内手球,塞尔吉尼奥主罚点球却打在门柱上,错过了扩大比分的绝好机会.缺少了斯塔姆的中路防守,缺少了卡卡的组织突破,缺少了舍瓦的力量与跑动,下半时的这支Milan明显不如上半时,多拉素的组织与拦截均不力,克雷斯波仍未找到状态.第51分钟,托内托左路传中,巴扎尼顶出一记漂亮的头槌入网.   仅过7分钟,弗拉基在禁区内接巴扎尼传中起脚射门,迪达扑球脱手,只能目送皮球缓缓滚进门内,桑普多利亚将比分追平.Milan希望夺回领先优势.多拉素直传禁区,托马森小角度射中边网.第71分钟,科斯塔库塔长传,克雷斯波射门被安东尼奥利化解.第78分钟,卡福开出任意球,波齐头球偏出.第82分钟,卡福禁区内抢点射门高出横梁.最后时刻,桑普多利亚替补前锋罗西尼的射门被迪达封出.   双方进入点球大战.沃尔皮首先将球射进,克雷斯波的射门则被安东尼奥利扑出,接着法尔科内与塞尔吉尼奥命中,罗西尼将球射偏,波齐的射门又被安东尼奥利扑出,迪达也不甘示弱扑出托内托的射门.此后,科斯塔库塔,库图佐夫,内斯塔全部命中,两队前5轮踢成3比3.第6轮,埃杜塞伊一蹴而就,迪达亲自上阵却被安东尼奥利扑出,桑普多利亚笑到了最后. + 双方出场阵容: 米兰(4-3-1-2): 迪达/卡福,斯塔姆(46'科斯塔库塔),内斯塔,卡拉泽/加图索,科斯塔(77'阿巴特),塞尔吉尼奥/卡卡(46'多拉素)/舍甫琴科(46'克雷斯波),托马森(77'波齐). 桑普多利亚(4-4-2): 安东尼奥利(46'图尔西)/泽诺尼(46'萨凯蒂),法尔科内,卡斯特利尼(46'卡罗齐耶里),托内托/迪亚纳(46'库图佐夫),沃尔皮,埃杜塞伊(78'皮萨诺),多尼/弗拉基(86'帕亚诺),巴扎尼(69'罗西尼). Milan 2-2 Sampdoria, 5-6 after penalties MILAN – If Carlo Ancelotti took any important indications from the encounter with Sampdoria ahead of the Italian Super Cup it would have been that Rui Costa slotted into the defensive midfield position with ease. The Portuguese star interpreted the role perfectly, showing excellent tactical acumen and a wide range of passing that made the absence of Andrea Pirlo less noticed than was first thought. Despite taking a 2-0 lead, the Rossoneri were pegged back to 2-2 and eventually lost out in a penalty shoot-out but Ancelotti would not have been too concerned as it was obvious that the side would fade in the second half after such an intense week of hard training. Both coaches fielded starting elevens which will be a lot different from the sides which will kick-off the Serie A season on September 12. As well as Rui Costa taking over from Pirlo, Jaap Stam made his debut in the centre of defence while the visitors had ten of the eleven regulars from last season. In front of a large crowd, Kaka was at the centre of most of the early moves, showing great control and speed while Marcos Cafu continued to shine in the pre-season games along the right flank. It was Rui Costa who set up Milan's opening goal on 37 minutes, with a vertical pass to the advancing Jon Dahl Tomasson who finished neatly beyond goalkeeper Francesco Antonioli. Kaka then doubled the lead on 43 minutes as the young Brazilian turned and finished from distance. Ancelotti brought on Vikash Dhorasoo for Kaka and Hernan Crespo for Andriy Shevchenko at half-time but the complexion of the game turned in the first five minutes of the second half when first Serginho missed a penalty and Fabio Bazzani scored for Samp on 50 minutes. Walter Novellino's side drew level on 61 minutes through Francesco Flachi and could have taken the lead with 15 minutes to go as Christian Doni went close. As tiredness set in, the game remained at stalemate before Sampdoria came out on top in the penalty shoot-out to lift the trophy. (AC Milan web site) GOALSCORERS: 37’ Tomasson (M), 43’ Kakà (M), 50' Bazzani ( S), 61' Flachi PENALTIES: Volpi(o), Crespo(x), Falcone(o), Serginho(o), Rossini(x), Pozzi(x), Tonetto(x), Costacurta(o), Kutuzov(o), Nesta(o), Edusei(o), Dida(x) MILAN (4-3-1-2): Dida; Cafu, Nesta, Stam ( 46' Costacurta), Kaladze; Gattuso, Rui Costa ( 80' Abate), Serginho; Kakà (46' Dhorasoo); Shevchenko (46' Crespo), Tomasson (76' Pozzi) SAMPDORIA (4-4-2): Antonioli (46' Turci); Zenoni (46' Sacchetti), Castellini, Falcone (46' Carrozzieri), Tonetto; Diana (46' Kutuzov), Volpi, Edusei, Doni (80' Pisano); Flachi, Bazzani (68' Rossini)
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