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发表于 2004-7-19 17:04:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Mourinho says Crespo never fitted in Fri 16 July WEST DRAYTON (Reuters/AFP) - Unhappy striker Hernan Crespo has left Chelsea because he failed to adapt to English football and the British way of life under Claudio Ranieri, the club's new manager Jose Mourinho has said. Crespo agreed a one-year loan to AC Milan on Thursday, sealing a similar return to Serie A as Chelsea team mate and fellow Argentine Juan Sebastian Veron, now on loan at Inter Milan. Mourinho made no secret of where he felt responsibility lay for the two men's failures after last year's big-money moves to Stamford Bridge, telling a news conference on Friday: "I think you should ask Mr. Ranieri what was wrong with them. "Because what was wrong was last season. You have to ask why big players like Veron and Crespo did not have enough success at Chelsea. It's not my problem. But I think the problems started with the players because they were not happy in the past. "Ask Ranieri why world-class players like Veron and Crespo did not do so well in the Premiership. That was his problem, not mine," said Mourinho on Friday. "I couldn't speak with Veron because everything was decided before I came," said the Portuguese coach who joined last month. "But with Hernan I was open, saying 'I don't like to work with people with problems, people who are not happy'. He's not happy in the club, he's not happy socially, and he's not happy in the family because he's not happy in his job." By contrast, another of last season's signings, Romanian striker Adrian Mutu, has made it clear to Mourinho he wants to stay and fight for his place.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-20 15:14:00 | 只看该作者
穆里尼奥:克雷斯波在切尔西遭遇失败只因力不从心 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年07月17日18:21 新浪体育   新浪体育讯 切尔西新任主帅莫里尼奥周五表示,郁郁寡欢的前锋克雷斯波离开这家英超俱乐部,是因为他在拉涅利时代没能适应英格兰足球及当地的生活。   克雷斯波周四同意租借至AC米兰一年,而他的阿根廷同胞贝隆也以类似方式重返意甲赛场,后者从切尔西租借至国际米兰。   莫里尼奥谈到两人失败的责任归属时毫无避讳,他在记者会中说∶“我想你们应该去问问拉涅利先生,他们到底出了什么问题。”   “因为问题出在上个赛季。你们必须问像贝隆和克雷斯波这样的大牌球员为何在切尔西未能成功。那不是我的问题。”   “我对克雷斯波开诚布公地说,『我不想与存在问题的人合作,不愿和不开心的人合作。』他在这家球会不开心,社交方面不开心,家庭生活也不开心,因为他的工作不愉快。”(完)
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发表于 2004-7-20 17:14:00 | 只看该作者
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