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发表于 2004-6-26 22:01:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最喜欢小城的宁静和美丽,所以偶从不同地方挖来了这些文章和图片~~~~ 12座小城,都是偶的梦想哈:一个城住一个月,嚯嚯,做梦啊做梦~~ SIENA(意大利) 一个初春的早晨,驱车从位于意大利西海岸中部的马萨出发,经过近两个半小时的路程来到了锡耶纳。锡耶纳是意大利中世纪时重要的商业城市,地处意大利中部。锡耶纳的城市广场作为中世纪城市设计的典范,在许多关于城市设计的书籍中被提到。那天的天气有些阴冷,车子停在旧城外边,我们徒步向旧城中心走去。古老的建筑肩并肩地街道两旁,它们被保护得很好,暖色调的灯光从沿街的商店橱窗中透出来,街道和建筑显示得既古朴又富丽,充满着生活情趣。“为人设计的城市”,这正是意大利中世纪城市设计的精华。   通过一个带台阶的门洞,我们来到了坎坡广场(campo)。该广场位于城市的中心,平面像一个贝壳,市政厅及其高耸的钏塔控制了整个广场。广场像古希腊的半圆形剧场一样,地面则向市政厅前的一个排水口汇聚、倾斜。周围建筑紧密地连在一起,大部分进入广场的道路均通过位于建筑下面的门洞。这样广场同建筑形成了一个连续的整全,她就像这个城市里的“起居室”,人们在这里享受着生活的乐趣。我们在市政厅对面一个餐厅的阳台上吃着比萨饼,这时丝丝细雨飘落到广场上,天空中乌云与湖蓝色的天空交织在一起,向广场上倾酒着变幻不定而生动的光线。人们在细雨中伴着飞舞的鸽子,领略着这个古代城市设计杰作的魅力。 (对于这个小城,球队锡耶纳更被偶们这些球迷熟知哈) <img src="attachments/dvbbs/200462621575156083.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="if(this.width>document.body.clientWidth*0.5) {this.resized=true;this.width=document.body.clientWidth*0.5;this.style.cursor='pointer';} else {this.onclick=null}" alt="" /> <img src="attachments/dvbbs/200462621585075913.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="if(this.width>document.body.clientWidth*0.5) {this.resized=true;this.width=document.body.clientWidth*0.5;this.style.cursor='pointer';} else {this.onclick=null}" alt="" />
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:05:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:10:00 | 只看该作者
SINTRA (葡萄牙)
       里斯本近郊的新特拉市(Sintra) 是摩尔贵族与葡萄牙王室的夏宫所在地,位于与城市同名的山脚下,是一个美丽的地方。这一带山峦起伏,宫殿、城堡和别墅就坐落在这一碧连天之中,人文景观与自然风光柔合在了一起。它独特的风景文化使联合国教科文组织将它列为世界遗产。同时考虑到它的自然风景如同它的历史建筑一样重要,因此联合国教科文组织还为它创造一个特别的类别--" 文化风景"类。新特拉山上覆盖了非常丰富的植被,是新特拉自然公园(Sintra-Cascais)的一部分。
     从很早时期新特拉就已经有从伊比利亚半岛(Iberian Peninsula)过来的各种各样不同人类居住的痕迹,这些都被陈列在这个城市郊外的奥德林哈斯考古学博物馆里(the Archaeological Museum of odrinhas)。在12世纪, Dom Afonso Henriques, 葡萄牙的第一位国王, 夺取摩尔人的城堡, 并且他的后继者在这个阿拉伯宫殿的废墟上修造了假日居所, 现在成为这个城市的国家宫殿。很多摩尔人存在过的遗迹都保存在这里, 尤其是一些瓦片, 庭院和喷泉, 并且他们样貌都被绘制在中世纪建造的两个极大的圆锥形烟囱上。
新特拉其它的一些宫殿也很出色,如佩纳宫(the Pena palace),是一座多种建筑风格综合在一起的城堡,建于1840-1850年,距今近一个半世纪;建造在山顶的罗马时期建筑,以及18世纪的瑟特阿斯宫(Palace of Seteais),现在成为一个高雅的酒店,它的花园成为辛特纳音乐节最重要的活动--舞蹈之夜的场地,以及莫色拉特宫(the Palace of Monserrate),都以拥有独一无二美丽的异国情调花园著名。
新特拉当地食品特别值得一提,特别是"travesseiros" (一种糖果混合的蓬松食品)和按照12世纪配方制造的奶酪饼干,味道都非常棒。

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:15:00 | 只看该作者
BRUGES (比利时)

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:25:00 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:26:00 | 只看该作者

推荐:A brief overview of the Camino (photos)


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-26 22:36:18编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:30:00 | 只看该作者

  在捷克布拉格以南三小时车程远,就有这么一个中世纪小镇。契斯基库伦隆(Cesky Krumlov),也许你觉得它的名字拗口,但如果见识了它蕴藏的魅力,你绝不会忘记这个名字。
  守护着契斯基库伦隆的河叫伏尔他瓦河(Vltava),倒S形的它很忙碌,巧妙地穿过小镇,穿梭于河左岸的城堡区、Latran下游谷地,与右岸以市政广场(Namesti Svornosti)为中心的旧城区之间。
  再往前走,就是旧城区了。旧城区因为被河包围着,所以又称为“内城”。中心的市政广场上矗立着建于1716年的黑死病纪念柱(Plague Column),周边有好几家咖啡座及旅馆。广场外围的小巷弄里,更有好些商店,售卖传统捷克木制玩具、木偶、波希米亚水晶等。
   契斯基库伦隆大概没什么值得炫耀的名人或事迹,唯一较显赫的,就是奥地利画家埃贡希勒(Egon Schiele)了。
   旧城区巷弄里有一所埃贡希勒美术馆(Egon Schiele Art Centrum),希勒英年早逝,画作不算多,所以馆内除了收藏希勒作品外,也展览其他年轻画家画作。希勒与契斯基库伦隆的结缘,是在第一次拜访这个母亲的故乡时,爱上了这里的好山好水,决定定居契斯基库伦隆,专心绘画生涯。但画风开放喜画裸女的他,不久就遭到保守派宗教人士及人们的议论,没住几个月,就被当地居民赶走了。

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:34:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:36:00 | 只看该作者
   Tomar - History
This town was founded in 1159 by the first Grand Master of the all-powerful Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. The Order consisted of knights whose main purpose was to help the Portuguese in defeating the invading Moors. In return the knights received lands and political powers that in the end became their eventual undoing as their strength and wealth became too much of a threat to the Church. The Pope Clement V in 1314 decided to act and suppressed the Order. The Portuguese King Dom Dinis promptly reacted by creating the new Order of Christ and this organization was given the assets and power of the previous Knights Templar. The famous Portuguese Prince "Henry the Navigator" was made the Governor of the Order in 1418 and used liberally their funds together with their logo of a white cross to finance his exploration voyages of the world.
   Tomar - Description
The Igreja da Santa Maria do Olival was considered as the mother church of this Order and it is the resting place of many of the past Masters. The most important secret moments of this Order took place in the "Charola", an octagonal chapel painted and carved in the Byzantine style and is the heart of the Covento de Cristo. Much of the frescos, statuary and paintings decorating the "Charola" have been carefully restored to their former splendour. The 12th Century Castle attached to the Convento looks down on lively streets and historic buildings. The 15th Century Igreja de S?o Jo?o Baptista contains paintings that include a remarkable work, the “Last Supper” painted by Gregório Lopes during the 16th Century. In this town is one of the oldest synagogues in Portugal that was built between 1430 and 1460. Last used in 1497 it is now a small Jewish Museum in honour of Abraham Zacuto who was a renowned astronomer and mathematician from the 15th Century. Beside the 15th century bridge Ponte Velha is the Capela da Santa Ira built to celebrate the martyrdom of this 7th Century Saint. This town has many other churches of interest, particularly the 16th Century Nossa Senhora da Concei??o. The Museu dos Fósforos in the former cloisters of the Igreja de S?o Francisco is possibly unique in that it is devoted to matches exhibiting some 43.000 matchboxes from 104 countries.
   Tomar - Nearby Locations
To the west of Tomar is the holy shrine of Fatima which attracts thousands of pilgrims throughout the year. To the northeast of Fatima is the 15th Century impressive castled town of Ourém, the resting place of the Dom Afonso álvares Pereira. To the east is the National Dam, Barragem do Castelo de Bode, a sprawling lake with many islands lined by eucalyptus forests and now well exploited by the tourist industry and further to the north is the pretty village Dornes. Another charming village is that of Sardoel that lies slightly further east. The inhabitants were renowned in the 16th Century in the arts, both as competent painters and as folk dancers. To the south is the 13th Century fortress town of Abrantes that served as a military headquarters for opposing armies during the Peninsular War (1808-1814). To the west of Abrantes is the small pretty town of Constancia the birthplace of Portugal’s famous 16th Century poet Luís Vaz de Cam?es. Close by is the romantic 12th Century castle of Almourol that is recorded as never to have been successfully taken by any invading armies. Standing on its tiny island in the middle of River Tejo it abounds in fables and is reputed to be haunted by a lovely Princess. Slightly further west is the 12th Century fortress town of Torres Novas with its many churches and its museum dedicated to its local artist Carlos Reis (1863-1940). Outside this town is Vila Cardílio, the ruins of a important Roman villa that still shows some attractive mosaics, baths, and the under-floor central heating system. Also, close to the town is the Neolithic caves Grutas das Lapas that have been carved out of the rock. To the south of Torres Novas is the quiet town of Goleg? which explodes every November with thousands of horse lovers from many countries at its annual horse fair, Feira Nacional de Cavalo. Not be overlooked in this small town is the two museums, one devoted to the photographic work of Carlos Relvas, and the other exhibiting the work from the artist Martins Correia.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:39:00 | 只看该作者
HVAR (克罗地亚)
Hvar - town with the oldest communal theatre in Europe...
Hvar is situated on the south-western coast of the homonymous island, in a marvellous bay protected by the Pakleni otoci...
Once a town of turbulent history, today it is one of the most prominent and visited tourist centres in the Adriatic.
Among the monuments which will bring you back into the times when Hvar was under Venice, Austria and Napoleon, there are fascinating communal theatre, the oldest in Europe, the Fortress, the Arsenal, the City Loggia, the Cathedral, the Franciscan Monastery...
However, it is not only the monuments that make Hvar an extraordinary place. It is its port open to the sea and the Pakleni otoci, a unique climate perfect for health treatment, swimming beaches, restaurants, clubs,... which over the century and a half give off a splendor of a trendy tourist resort.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:41:00 | 只看该作者
EVORA (葡萄牙)

       &Eacute;vora - History
Initially the Romans named it “Ebora Cerelis” linking the town to the importance of the Alentejo plains for growing wheat. The surrounding area provided open mining of copper and iron, whilst the high quality marble went to embellish their fine villas. It well fortified city was captured from the Moors by the famous Portuguese general, Geraldo Sem-Pavor in 1165. Later évora became an important place in the middle centuries when it was chosen by the Jesuits as a seat of learning and culture. In 1663 Dom L?oa de áustria lead the Spanish into the city which was later recaptured by the English forces. Until the annexation of Portugal by the Spanish in 1580 the Portuguese Royal House of Avis (1385-1580), often used the town as a location from which to conduct their court. In the 18th Century its influence waned when the University was closed. This walled city with its strange enchantment has since been declared by UNESCO as one of their World Heritage Sites. Inside the city are many interesting buildings and ancient remains dating as far back as to the Dolmens and Neolithic times. The region surrounding évora is scattered with signs of the Roman occupation and even the much older Megaliths, dated between BC 4.000 to 2.000. As the region has always been an agricultural area there are many large private estates with their suitable manor houses.
    évora - Description
Basically the town today likes to be considered a seat of learning with its University founded in 16th Century by Cardinal Dom Henrique. Within the surrounding wall the most prominent feature is without doubt the 2nd or 3rd Century ruins of a Roman Temple dedicated to the Goddess Diana. Before being rescued from its neglected state of ruin in 1870 it had been used in its history as a armoury, theatre, and even a slaughterhouse. Another attractive feature is the 15th Century Convento dos Lóios that has been reconstructed as a luxurious Pousada. The city’s 13th Century cathedral took some 50 years to build and is reminiscent of a fortress except for having been flanked by two unmatched towers. The main square with its 16th Century fountain has a sad history. Among other events Dom Jo?o II witnessed the beheading by his orders of his brother-in-law the Duque de Bragan?a. Equally unpleasant were the "auto-fe" ceremonies held by the Jesuit Inquisition as impressive spectacles to place fear into the spectators. A macabre reminder is the Capela dos Ossos in the 15th Century Igreja de S?o Francisco. Here lies the bones of some 5.000 monks with an entrance sign reading “we bones that here await yours”. There are several museums, principally the Museu de Arte Sacra, Galeria de Arte Casa Cadaval, the Museu de Artes Decorativas Religiosas and the Museu de évora. The museum, formerly the palace of the Bishop and built with many worked stones from previous buildings in the city houses some interesting religious items. A specialty of the town is the “P?o de Rala” bread-cake made with pumpkin.
    évora - Nearby Locations
To the north is the town of Arraiolos with its prominent 14th Century castle and 16th century church. This town has made its name from as early as the 17th Century with its superb quality handmade carpets and rugs depicting historic and religious events or attractive floral designs. However, there is evidence that this cottage industry is believed to have commenced in the time of the Moors. To the southwest is the quiet sleepy town of Alcá?ovas that attracted Dom Dinis. Its origins are pre-Roman but in 1283 it was granted a charter as a town by Dom Afonso III. It was the historic location in 1457 for the wedding of Portuguese princes to two Spanish princesses, and it was in this town that the Peace Treaty of the War of Spanish Succession was signed in 1668. Directly to the south is the town of Viana do Alentejo, raised to the status of a town in 1313 by Dom Dinis. To the south-east is the 13th Century town of Portel where little remains to remind us of its historic past. There are several interesting buildings in this attractive small town that also date back to Roman times. Directly to the east is the town of Redondo set in the heart of the wine district. This area has many megalithic monuments indicating that during the past Neolithic period it was a populated area. There is still evidence left in Portel of its castle built by Dom Dinis in the 14th Century.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-26 22:44:00 | 只看该作者
LEVOCA (斯洛伐克)

   It was proved that the town and its surroundins were settled in the New Stone Age. The old Levoca was situated on the left side of the road from Levoca to Spisska Nova Ves, where the archaeologists excavated the foundations of a Roman church, the size of which was quite respectable: it is  23.5m long, the width of the nave is 12m and the apse is over 8m.  It was the Church of St. Nicholas dating back to the 11th-12th century . The next large settlement, or a  little town and a rotund church from the 11th century are situated next to what is now Kosicka Gate. When in the 12th century,  and also after Tartar Raid in 1241,the German colonists arrived in Levoca, they found the original settlements- the little towns which, with their own new dwellings, became the foundation of the present town.
   The oldest document, where Levoca is mentioned for the first  time, was issued by Hungarian king Belo IV in 1249 and he documented the act of  presenting the grounds to the Spis Prior. It says that: "The border of the ground called Jablonov descends to the road which leads to Levoca."  In 1271  Levoca becomes the center of the Saxons' province and, like the other Spis towns, uses the rights of  free king's  towns: they have autonomy, judicial authority, personal freedom, the right to mine ores, exploit forests, perform crafts, carry on trade and the right of store, which caused a long-lasting conflict with the town of Kezmarok, which won it only thanks to a trick. The conflict is known as "Hundred-year War" and Levoca was the winner. In 1402 the citizens of Levoca  were freed from the right of store of other towns, in 1419 the rulers freed Levoca's merchants from the thirties duty all over Hungary. Thanks to its advantageous position on the crossroads of trade routes and and substantial support of the both political and economic priviliges from the rulers, finances started to flow to the town's treasure, as well as to the burghers' purses, allowing general development. It was the period of architectural, educational, cultural, artistic and crafts splendour. The fires in 1550 and 1599 caused a lot of damage. But the strong and rich town recovered succesfully from those  disasters and kept its significant position till the end of the 16th century.
   The town of  Levoca used to be surrounded by the well -preserved Town-Wall, which was rebuilt several times. The architecture of the burghers' houses in the square was changing from Gothic to Renaissance, as we know it now. Due to the fires, only the remains of the Gothic house have been preserved and they are discovered during the reconstructions. The Town Hall is built in Renaissance style,too. Religious brotherhoods, and especially churches , were the centers of  spiritual culture. The most important were: the Church of St. Nicholas, Holy Spirit, St. John and probably the Church of  St. Elizabeth, too. But the most significant of them is the church of European importance, the Church of St. Jacob. Since the 15th century the town supported education by giving certian sum of money to school. There were a library, pharmacy, bath and some doctors worked here as well.  
   In the  last century of this millenium the town becomes administrative center of  district and later county importance. It is also a town of schools. Still its most impressive treasure is its heritage- artistic.  They were why the town has become historical reservation  in 1950. Life is coming back to the restored historical buildings thanks to the restorers- artists and skillful craftsmen. In the stylish buildings, there are new centers of social, cultural and economic life of the town.

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发表于 2004-6-28 17:28:00 | 只看该作者
噼里啪啦 ,赞一个先,8过还是习惯看中文哈,
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发表于 2004-6-30 22:48:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-7-5 17:33:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-7-6 22:38:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-7-8 16:22:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-3 12:51:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-6-3 21:44:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-7-18 19:58:00 | 只看该作者
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