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发表于 2004-2-24 16:50:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Interview 采访 OLE Magazine No.2 《奥莱》杂志第二期 September 2000 - October 2000 2000年9月-2000年10月 DIEGO SIMEONE Football is my passion 迭戈·西蒙尼 足球是我的最爱 By Santiago Durante He was born April 28, 1970. When he was 17 years old he played his first game on the First Division. He is about to celebrate his 100 games in the National team; he is one of the great players of Marcelo Balsa’s team, and he is doing his best to make his dream come true: to win the World Cup. 他生于1970年4月28日。年仅17岁时他就代表成年队踢了第一场比赛。他即将庆祝他代表国家队的第一百场比赛;他是马尔赛罗·贝尔萨的球队中一名伟大的球员,他正在尽全力使他的梦想实现——那就是赢取世界杯。 Argentine football has hardly enjoyed him for three years. He developed as a player at Vlez S V field club and there he started on the First Division on September 13, 1987. When he was 20 he left the country and fulfilled his dream to be successful in Italy and arrived in Pisa. But he did not make it. He played two seasons but the team dropped to series B. So he was transferred to play next to Diego Maradona and then to Atllico Madrid to win the Spanish League after 20 years, beating Real and Barcelona. His wish to be important in Italy reappeared when he was transferred to the Inter of Milan, and he touched the sky when he got the long loved cudetto wearing the Laziest shirt. 他已经有三年的时间没有享受到阿根廷足球的乐趣了。他在Vlez S V field俱乐部成长,并于1987年9月13日在那里完成了代表成年队的首场比赛。当他20岁时他离开祖国实现了自己登陆意甲的目标来到比萨市。但是他没能取得成功。他踢了2个赛季但是球队却降入了乙级。于是他转会到了赛维利亚与迭戈·马拉多纳并肩作战,最后又去了马德里竞技队——帮助该队在20年后击败了皇家马德里和巴塞罗那赢得了西班牙甲级联赛的冠军。他期望在意大利获得的重视在转会到国际米兰后重新出现,而当他得到那件向往已久的拉奇奥球衣时,他终于达到了颠峰。 All along his way, Diego Pablo Simeone left his print of leader; that of a dynamic winger, one who always plays fighting like a dog and one whose rivals are afraid of. He even said once: you have to play with a knife between your teeth. 在他的职业生涯中,迭戈·保布罗·西蒙尼显示了他的领导才能;一个精力充沛的边锋,总是像一条狗一样战斗着,让他的对手害怕。他曾经说过:你不得不嘴衔着刀踢球。 --Those are ideas made up around a player: Maybe I have been described that way. I am convinced that I am not only that way. I have got many more things. Obviously, to say it sounds boastful. But I think that specially when I have played in other positions, I know I do not possess Aimer’s skill, but I do have a complex approach and according to my position on the field, I score quite a lot of goals. In short, I would describe myself as an important player. 以下是这位球员的一些想法:可能我被形容成那样,但我坚信我不仅仅是那样,我获得过更多的东西。显然,这听起来像是在自吹自擂。但是我觉得尤其在我踢其他位置的时候,(我知道我没有艾玛尔的技术可我确实有一种复杂的方法,)依据我在场上的位置,我进了不少的球。简单说来,我把自己形容成一个重要的球员。 His early transfer to European football did not make him forget his great love: the National Team. His first debutant in the Argentine team was July 14, 1988 with a defeat 4-1 against Australia. From there, each time he was asked to play, he answered yes with full of great conviction. Thanks to that he has nearly taken part in 100 games wearing the blue and white shirt and only a step ahead of Oscar Ruggeri who holds the record of 97 games within the National Team. 早年在欧洲踢球的经历并没有使他忘记自己的最爱——国家队。他代表国家队的处子战是1988年7月14日4:1战胜澳大利亚的比赛。从此,每次他被国家队召唤,他总是明确肯定地说“是”。因此他已经身穿蓝白参加了100场国际大赛,比奥斯卡·鲁杰里还多。后者代表国家队打了97场。 --(After a few seconds break). It is difficult not to think of that possibility but I do, even if it is not easy for me. To deny that I would like to have that amount of games played within the National Team would be a lie. But I am more enthusiastic to win the World Cup. There were 12 happy years in which I was able to be on the Argentine National Team: the greatest the football has. I have had wonderful times. From the best to the worst, They were all great. from the best to the worst. Winning the World Cup is still missing, though. (几秒钟的停顿。) 考虑这种可能性是困难的但我却在考虑,尽管对我来说不容易。否认想为国家队踢这些比赛是一个谎言。但是我更热切地想要赢得世界杯。我已为阿根廷国家队效力了12年,那里有最了不起的足球,让我度过了美妙的时刻。从最好到最差,他们一直很伟大,但是,世界杯却一直没有。 It is not by chance he repeats the wish to lift a World Cup. It is the thorn he has got. Carlos Bilardo did not call him the months before his trip to Italy 90, but in the United States 94 and in France 98 he was first player and the dream vanished before he expected. So Japan-Korea World Cup will be the third for Simeone, who dreams third time to be lucky. 这不是他偶尔重复提及举起世界杯的愿望。这是他的忧愁和苦恼。卡洛斯·比拉尔多90年在踏上意大利征途前没有召他入队,但是94年的美国和98年的法国他都是主力而梦想随着期待又破灭。所以日韩世界杯对西蒙尼来说是第三次,他想象着第三次会是幸运。 --It is a long way. First we have to qualify, and play game after game. I am convinced that teams should think of the games day after day. The coming game is the only important. That is the only way to be able to be in the next game, and in the next again and so on. Once you imagine being within eight games, you realize you did nothing. 这是一条漫长的路。首先我们要打预选赛,一场接着一场地踢。我相信球队要一天天地考虑比赛。只有即将到来的比赛才是最重要的。这样才能进入下一场,再下一场。一旦你设想是打八场比赛,你就会意识到你什么也没做。 This strategy to think one game after the other does not hide, however, Someone’s wish which agrees with that of the National Team he is in: which he objective is to become the World Cup champion. If the goal is clear, we will reach it playing well and training. But, first, we have to develop since to reach such an important instance, we need men wishing to improve, besides being great football players! 一场一场考虑的策略没什么可以掩饰的,然而,西蒙尼的希望和他所在的国家队一样;这个希望就是成为世界杯的冠军。如果目标清楚,我们可以通过训练和出色的发挥来实现。但是,首先,我们不得不努力直到到达那重要的时刻,虽然成为了出色的球员,我们也需要人们的祝福来提高。 The team run by Marcelo Bielsa is coming on stage. The team is on the lead but it is not given the credit it had some months ago. The stumbles suffered by the team scattered doubts on the National Team`s future although Simeone shows an unshakeable faith on what is to come. 马尔赛罗·贝尔萨率领的球队即将登台亮相。这支球队处于领先但是并没有得到像前几个月那样的赞许。西蒙尼表示了对球队未来的坚定信念, 而球队经历的失败也消散了那些怀疑。 --I am convinced that regularity defines what a team is like. It is advisable to keep to the bases and to the system before any result, to keep a level and a continuity of play is what defines what the team is like. 我相信规律性会界定一支球队的风格。在有成果前坚持基础和体系是明智的。坚持一定的水准和连续的比赛会界定球队的风格。 What does the National Team have to be where it is? 国家队会是怎样的一个水平呢? --It has great players who understand a play system, who take risks, who are thinking of winning the game all the time. That is why it has been successful so far. 它有许多懂得阵型、敢冒险、一直在思考赢球的伟大球员。这就是到目前为止它取得成功的原因。 What is missing? 那还缺少什么呢? --It is missing that each one goes on developing in everything, without thinking that since we have won a couple of games we are near the ideal team. I think that the ideal for every playing staff willing to develop and be good has to be far away, thinking that in each line and in each individual player something is to be improved. 现在缺少的就是每个人全方面的继续发展,自从我们赢了2场比赛之后我们正在接近理想的球队,就没有再去思考这一点。我想完美对每一位球员来说都是愿意去追求的,虽然它很遥远,想象一下每一条线上每一位球员都在提高。 Do they understand the system because it is a team coming from another process? 由于这是由另一个制度而产生的球队,他们都能理解这个方式吗? --No, the real thing is that the knowledge we have of our mates from other teams helps to know the way you are both inside and outside the field. That is very important, no matter that all these players have reached a certain level in Europe or the National Team which they have won through a lot of games which are not possible to buy or get anywhere else. That helps us so that later we are able to understand the systems more rapidly. 不,真正的情况是我们对来自其他球队的队友的熟悉帮助我们了解你在场内场外的态度。这一点非常重要,无论这些球员在欧洲或是国家队通过其他地方没有的大量比赛达到什么样的水平。那会帮助我们以便我们能更快地理解这种方式。 The fact that the team is almost made up, does it close the door to other players or does it make it more difficult for them to join it? 事实是球队已经基本上成型了,也就是说对其他球员关闭了大门或者说是让他们的入选变得更加困难。 --I think the National Team always has the door open. The National Team belongs to everybody. We all come to do our best without expecting any reward or anything. That is why I think that those wishing to join the National team will have to go on struggling and trying to do their best until that chance comes true for them. Because the chance always comes. When? You never know. You have to be prepared at the time it comes. 我觉得国家队的门始终是开着的。国家队是属于每一个人的。我们来到这里倾尽全力而不期求回报或其他什么的。那就是我感觉那些希望入选国家队而为之不懈努力的人会最终梦想成真的原因。因为机会随时会来。什么时候?你从来不知道。你只能随时做好准备。 That key moment to show that they can be useful at the National team too – the same as in River – came to Aimar and Saviola. Both have had the chance to play and be near those who are successful at the most competitive football world-wide. Do they talk to you knowing that you are one among those who have great experience? 对艾马尔和萨维奥拉来说,表现他们在国家队重要性的关键时刻来了,就像在河床队时那样。 他们两人已经有机会踢了并且极有可能在最激烈的世界级比赛中成功。在得知你是那些拥有杰出经历的人时,他们与你交谈过吗? --No, it is a completely different time from that in which we were called. A few days ago, I was watching Saviola and I saw myself reflected in him at 18 arriving at the National Team. It is an extremely good time. I cannot tell, nobody can understand what a young boy feels sitting at the National Team. Now the times have changed a lot and today players adapt themselves very fast to any group. That is good as long as they keep the humble mood of 18 or 20 –year-old boys. 没有,我们被召集的时间完全是不同的。几天前,我在看萨维奥拉的比赛,在他身上我似乎看到了18岁刚进国家队的自己。那是极其美好的时刻。我无法表达,没有人可以明白一个年轻男孩呆在国家队里的心情。现在时代变了,如今的年轻球员可以很快地适应集体。只要他们保持18、20岁男孩的谦逊的心态就很好了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-24 16:51:22编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-24 16:50:00 | 只看该作者
People are not happy with the last performance of the National Team and the smile they had after the first five dates of the qualifying rounds has disappeared from their faces. 大家对国家队最近的表现不太满意,最初个预选赛比赛日后的笑容已经从他们的脸上消失了。 --The fans are each time more demanding since the present National Team performance does not keep with the names of the players who are part of it. 自从国家队的表现不符合部分球员所应该具有的水平,球迷们一次次变得更加挑剔。 --The fan will always identify themselves with the results and the good play. I will never forget that with Basile we won 33 games, we were beaten once, and we played against Colombia to qualify for the United States Cup, we were beaten by many goals and so nobody was good enough. That is, people do not live on the past. They lie for the next game, of what they read and listen. They are waiting for something, whatever you can give them. That is why, we have to be always giving without expecting anything back. 球迷总是把比赛结果和球队的表现与自己的心情联系在一起。我不会忘记贝尔萨带领我们连续取得了33场比赛的胜利,我们输了1场,和哥伦比亚争夺美国杯的资格赛时,我们被灌了好几个球,没有人表现出色。大家不能活在过去。他们指望着下一场他们所能看到或听到的比赛。他们在等待你所能给他们的东西,无论是什么。这就是为什么我们总是给予胜利而不希望回报。 When Simeone was 20 years old and left his family to devote himself to football, he was not like others who set about to look for an adventure. Quite the opposite, his age showed a man with very clear goals ready to struggle and do his best to reach them. What does football mean to you? What did it give you? And what did you give up for it? 当西蒙尼20岁离家投身足球时,他不象其他人是去寻求冒险。相反,他的年龄表达了一个有明确目标的男人正准备去奋斗并尽全力实现。足球对你来说究竟意味什么?它给了你什么?你又为它放弃了什么? --Football is my passion, it is everything to me. I do not know if I overdo it. Maybe I feel a bit ashamed to say it is everything, but this is it. I feel absolutely identified with football. It gave me the chance to meet a lot of people, and the chance to give my family a good living. It allowed me to know many things that I would not have known if I had not been a football player, and it gave me the chance to do something I love. In short, it made me happy. And what did it take away from me? I have nothing to reproach to it despite that when my son was born in 1995 I was with the National Team playing the America of Uruguay Cup and so I could not be by my wife. But I do not complain because, all in all, football has given me more than I have given up for it. 足球就是我的最爱,它对我来说就是全部。我不知道我是否太过强调它了。也许我应该感到一点羞愧,但确实是这样。我感到自己和足球完全融合。它给我机会去接触很多人,给我机会提供给家人优越的生活。它使得我知道了很多我不做球员不可能会知道的事,给我机会做我爱做的事。总之,它让我快乐。它从我这里带走了什么?我没什么可以抱怨的,尽管1995年我儿子出生的时候,我正和国家队一起在乌拉圭打美洲杯而没有陪伴在妻子身旁。但我没有抱怨,因为,从各方面来说,足球给我的比我为它放弃的要多得多。 How long will you still be playing football? 你还会踢多久呢? --I am ready to fight for another 2 years, no doubt. I think that if 10 years ago I did my best to play, today I have to do my best to keep it, which is sometimes more difficult. When you are 25 if your performance is low, they say to you: hell, it is a bad game? but when you are 30 and play a bad game, everybody looks at you and says: hell, that is all?(smiles). So you have to go on to keep it. 毫无疑问,我已经做好准备再战斗2年。我感觉10年前我全力去踢,现在我不得不尽最大的努力去坚持——这有时候更加困难。当你25岁的时候,如果你表现糟糕,他们会对你说:“嘿,那场比赛踢得真臭!”但是当你30岁的时候踢得很差,大家都会看着你说:“嘿,那样就结束了吗?”(笑)所以你不得不持续地坚持。 And after football what is going on? 退役后你会从事什么呢? --I think I would not work in an office or doing anything else not connected with football. But how and when to start it will be difficult like all changes are, anyway. I wish my heart and my head could tell me when to stop before my legs start failing me. If it were up to me I would go ahead every day. But, well, there will come a time to say up to here? I hope to be able to reach the right time to choose it well. My idea is to keep the contact with football. I do not know if as a coach but definitely not in an office or going on trips. I see myself inside a field for the time being. We know life may change in a second but it is wise to have goals to reach. No matter what, without goals life is not worth while. And after being a football player which will end some day, I will have another goal which will probably be to become a coach. 我想我不会去坐办公室或者从事与足球无关的工作。但是总的来说,如何开始、何时开始像所有的变化一样是很难说的。我希望我的心和我的头脑能够在我的双腿衰退前告诉我什么时候停止。如果由我决定,我每天会踢球。但是,总会有一天要结束的。我盼望能够在一个合适的时间选择结束。我的想法是与足球保持联系。我不知道是否是做教练但可以肯定不会是坐办公室或是去旅行。在那时我将看到自己还在场内。我们知道生活可能经常会改变但是去实现目标是明智的。无论怎样,没有目标的生活是不值得期待的。做球员的日子总有一天会结束,我会有另外一个目标,可能是做一个教练吧! As soon as the interview has finished, he takes the Italian paper. a Gazzetta dello Sport?not to miss all the details about the performance of his team ?Lazio ?and then he will take a rest before going training at the National Team for the ninth time. Simple examples of somebody very much in love with football; unable to live in another world away from that of the ball? A world that already bears the print of wholo?in each corner. But Diego Pablo Simeone is not satisfied with that. There is always an idea getting into his head. And at present he would like to sign his name on everything done, fulfilling in this way his greatest dream: win the World Cup. 采访快结束的时候,他拿起了一份意大利文报纸——Gazzetta dello Sport。他不想忽略关于自己球队拉奇奥表现的任何细节报道。随后他将要休息一段时间然后第九次参加国家队的集训。他只是那些热爱足球的人们中一个简单的例子,无法生活在远离足球的另外一个世界。这个世界对他来说无论在哪一个角落都是全部。但是,迭戈·保布罗·西蒙尼并不满足。有一个念头始终徘徊在他的脑海中。现在他要在所做的每一件事上都刻上自己的名字,以次来实现他最大的梦想:赢取世界杯。
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