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发表于 2004-1-3 00:31:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
“ I finish my contract and I return to the rgentina ”  

Bati, that is playing in To The Arabi of Qatar, confirmed that when it(he,she) finishes his(its) link with the Arabic club will return to the Argentina for “ to help the young players of my country ". In an interview with the daily Spanish Marca, the scorer, who has one more year and a half of contract, assured that in his(its) career only there are two hanging bills: World 2002 and the Golden ball.

B atistuta decided to half of 2003 to leave the European football to happen(pass) to play in the League of Qatar, where the dollars give the orders. Bati signed a contract of 8.000.000 of Euros for two seasons with To The Arabi, where also there plays the German Stefan Effenberg. Many people were sorry this decision of the santafesino, which was entering this way the west of his(its) career.

This was confirmed today. In an interview that publishes the daily Spanish Marca, the Argentinian confirmed that " I Am going to do everything possible for contributing(paying) to the development of the football in the country. It is my duty as professional player. But I do not have thought remain here. At the end of my contract I will return to Argentina to help the young players of my country ".

Then, in the Argentine winter of 2005, Bati will be again in Argentina, and his(its,her) fans will never return to shout one of his(its,her) goals. For the ex-Newell's, River, Mouth, Fiorentina and Rome, the blow received in Korea and Japan it(he) was too much: " It is probably the worst recollection of my career. My dream was to return with the Glass of the World, but this accident in the Selection has marked me very much. For this reason I decided to move back(to retire) from the national equipment(team) ".

The player of 34 years said also that the Golden ball is different of his(its,her) hanging subjects. " I never regret having obtained the Golden ball. I have not been rewarded for the years that I spent(passed) in the top of the scorers ", it(he,she) finished that of Reconquest, Santa Fe.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-3 0:39:39编辑过]

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发表于 2004-1-3 16:39:00 | 只看该作者
" I am going to return to the Argentina to help the pibes "  

Batistuta spoke about his(her,your) sensations from Qatar and revealed his(her,your) desire for when his(her,your) contract finishes in To The Arabi. Welcome be.

L Ejos of the great European market, Gabriel Omar Batistuta, close to fulfilling 35 years the 1 ø of February, continues breaking nets in Qatar. Behind his(her,your) steps along Newell stayed " s, River, Mouth, Fiorentina, Rome and Inter. And, certainly, his(her,your) 56 goals in 79 parties(games) in the Selection Argentina. Now Doha is his(her,your) stop of route and in his(her,your) last eight parties(games) in To The Arabi, it(he,she) shouted seven times.

— how him(her) does life go here?

—Al beginning(principle) was afraid of not finding the happiness, but on having come I discovered that the country is agreeable. It(he) is very small, but there is many tranquility. I am happy. I play to the golf, go to the sea, see the friends and besides already I do not suffer the pressure of the press, since it(he,she) was happening(passing) in Italy.

—Recibe a treatment(deal) of luxury. Did he(she) surprise it(him,her)?

—Sí, much. He(she) believed that it(he,she) would be to except of the chambers(cameras) and of the hunters of autographs, but where it(he,she) wants that I go the people come behind me to ask me a little and I agree tast.

— does not he(she) find difficulties for living in a Moslem country?

—No, by no means. From the moment in which the customs and traditions are respected of others and his(her,your) religious rites. I got used to seeing my companions to saying five times a day.

—Su life has changed completely. How does it(he,she) take it?

—Sí, it is true. It has been a total change. The life in Europe is very different. There are many things that I lost, but to change I learn other customs. I swear that I do not get bored. Besides, I could have gone to Italy a couple of times.

— how do you see the level of the football in Middle East?

—El football evolved very much in the latter years in the countries of the Gulf thanks to the arrival of foreign technical personnel, but the problem of the professionalism stays. Still(yet) there is no this mentality and it(he,she) will be necessary to wait years to see her. But I realized that countries like Japan and South Korea have evolved a heap in this. His(her,your) results in the last World one testify it.

—Varios players who were his(your) companions play for these lands...

—Sí, and many people are friends. First Caniggia, with whom I have a friendship since we play in the selection in the South American of Chile in 91. With Leboeuf I play often to the golf. I have relations with Iron, Basler... And with Effenberg, I am happy to have it here to my side. I never imagined this scene(stage) for our reunion.

— have you come for the money or for a new adventure?

—Por both things... It is my duty as professional player. I do not have thought to remain here. At the end of my contract I will return to the Argentina to help the boys of my country. The money counts very much for the players, but also the desire to discover another world is a motivation.

— he(she) believes that football players matter it(he,she) stars, though they are major, is a good politics to promote the football in Qatar?

—La operation is costly, but the young players can learn of us. It(he,she) will be necessary to think about his(her,your) formation.

— there is enthusiasm for the football in this country?

—Es the second religion here. It(he,she) is nice to see 20.000 spectators in a party(game) if it(he,she) is in a country in which there are less than 600.000 inhabitants.

— how does he(she) compare his(her,your) yield of today in relation to that of ten years ago when it(he,she) was playing with the Fiorentina, in the Series B?

—No there is comparison. It(he) was fresher physically, the environment is different, the system...

— did he(she) think about the retirement after his(her,your) bad experience with the Inter?

—No. I wanted to change air after 10 years in Italy and in three different equipments(teams), with different experiences.

— is it a nightmare the elimination in the World one of 2002?

—Sí, it is probably the worst recollection of my career. My dream was to return with the Glass of the World, but this accident of the Selection marked me very much. For this reason I decided my going of the national equipment(team).

— about what other things is he(she) sorry?

—No to have obtained the Golden ball. I was not rewarded for the years that I was in the top of the scorers of the world. About it yes I complain.

—Fiorentina, Rome, Inter. Three different experiences. Can it(he,she) compare them?

—Fui very happy in the Fiorentina. This club forms a part of my life and me of his(her,your) history. I give them them thanks to the tifosi it(he,she) violates for having removed in his(her,your) heart. I have a statue at the entry of the club. It is enough to me. In the Rome I lived the happiness of obtaining a Scudetto and adding 22 goals. In the Inter, it was a brief step and in which(whom) I did not know the success. In short, Italy has been the country of my dreams.

— the one who was the best football player of the Argentina?

—Maradona, in spite of everything.

— better that I Peeled?

—Cada one in his(her,your) style. The epoch was also different.

— and the best of today?

—Los geniuses always are present. There is Zidane, Beckham, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Vieri, Totti, Of The Piero, Henry, Raúl...
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发表于 2004-1-4 17:22:00 | 只看该作者
" My dream is to go to the Olympic Games "

With almost 35 years, Gabriel Batistuta wants a new opportunity in the Selection to close his(her,your) path with a medal gilded in Athens. It(he) is recovered of the straight ankle and already there surprises the competitive football of Europe.

In the way of the extensive chat in his(her,your) house of Reconquest, to Gabriel Batistuta the face is illuminated: " The Selection was like a love for me. Silver I did not win, but I enjoyed since(as,like) I it did not do in any other side. I felt in my house. "

— would not you like to withdraw yourself in the Olympic Games?

— (it(he,she) reddens ...) The Olympic Games always were my dream and I could never fulfill it. It(he,she) had many desires of playing in Atlanta, when the final got lost in 1996, but Passarella chose another people (Sensini, Simeone and Chamot). The only thing that I can say is that my dream is that one: to play the Olympic Games.

— ¿ and is it possible to expire?

—Sí. But now there are other priorities. I have to put physically well, that is what I am doing. Of the ankle, I recovered two weeks before travelling to the Argentina. But it was a very slow, very hard thing. Now that me turn the desires of which the balls swell me and of which they ask for goals me, we are going to see...

For years, Bati fights against this straight ankle, where it(he,she) suffers a chronic injury: " I saw the ball there, it(he,she) knew how to do the things but the ankle to answer me. Or it(he,she) had to think of supporting firstly well the ankle and later to resolve. This way it(he,she) is difficult and the desires are passing. But, when vos are physically well, that ask you what they want. Now, the priority is to support this physical form and to treat of that the desires turn me. "

— how querés that the fan honours you for everything what him(her) gave to the Selection?

—Cuando go to Buenos Aires, one with River's vest says to me Big, Bati. The same thing that of Chacarita, Independent, Racing or another equipment(team) that is not A Mouth. Better honoring that that one does not exist. And this does not happen to many players. It(he,she) happens to me and is a great honoring. Later, if the party(game) of farewell is, the field fills, they throw(shoot) globes and do what they did to Maradona, better... But it is not anything that I need.

A Batistuta of vacations counts in Reconquest that in Doha gets up at half after 6 to take the boys to the college. And later, four times a week, it(he,she) works with his(her,your) personal PF (Alberto Andorlini, trainer of the feminine Italian selection), English studies or " I learn to play to the golf ", he(she) says. " I am going to look for them to the midday, luncheon, sleep the siesta and at 5 a.m. I me go to training. I adapted immediately: I get on the markets, assimilate his(her,your) customs. It is a completely different world ", it(he,she) summarizes. He(she) laughs at the "boludeces" that he(she) read on his(her,your) life in Qatar: " that I am going to play to the pole? It is a lack of respect to the people. " And it(he,she) clarifies on the climate in the Arabic country: " It(He,She) Is unbearable in June, July and August: 50 degrees and, which can, go away to Switzerland or Germany because they have houses. But of September to May we spend(pass) it well: 20 or 25 degrees by day(in the daytime) and 15 or 16 to the night. "

The 1 ° of February will resume the championship qatarí being played 9 dates that are absent. " The first ones 4 will play the Glass of the Emir and other 4 the Glass of the son of the Emir... " Al Arabi, his(her,your) equipment(team), started(extracted) winning " but later we lost four followed(consecutive) parties(games). Now we are in half of the table. Goals? I did 9 in nine parties(games). It(he,she) is not bad, not? "

— what did you feel when a party(game) lost 7 to 0?

—En Italy had killed me... And there also I warmed up. Bah, I warm up always. But in Qatar you go out of the field, they you clap, it(he,she) does not matter, it will be the close one they say to you and not entendés nothing. In Fiorentina, I lost 7 to 3 with the Milan and 8 to 2 with Lazio and it was a tragedy. There one thinks: where was I? And where am I?

Bati clarifies: " I was to Qatar because my ankle was not giving any more. It(he,she) could not do anything, only I was lacking the crutches... It(He,She) had to leave the football or go to a place where they were not demanding me. And Qatar appeared like for art of magic. Already I recovered of the injury perfectly. And now I am recovering of the head, because the stress, after 13 years to the maximum, led me to feeling nauseas ".

— nauseas for the football?

—No exactly, because the football continues entertaining me. For the environment... Thankfully, never I was one of the heap. Always I had one more responsibility. And it(he,she) spoils it. Because tenés that to answer him(her) to the press, to give the face before the people, to support the close(united) group. It(he) was not simple...

— do you entertain you in Qatar?

— Síííí! It is what was searching: I enter(approach) to the field to play relaxed, that is what it(he,she) was not doing for moment. Before, it(he,she) had to enter to the field to win. Only I was amusing myself last 20 minutes when we were going 3 to 0...

— can they grow?

—Hasta now, one invested(inverted) many silver in taking us to us and in stadiums, which in any part(report) of the world dream them. But still(yet) they lack something: a minimum of organization. With everything what they have, in Europe or in Argentina they would do marvels.

— and to you why did they take them? Because Qatar looks like " the geriatric of the football ".

—Y... For the Sub 20 we are not. They took us to fill with enthusiasm the young men.

— are you going to expire two years of contract in Qatar?

—No have idea. Because I do not have desire of leaves the football that one that till now me had broken the balls, eh... On the other hand, I am getting used badly to the family, to being in house, to not living concentrated, to going to the field one hour and a half before... I have to solve this question: if I return to fight ready to face this responsibility. Because, where it(he,she) is going to play, they are not going to say this one is 35 years old; they are going to say this one is Batistuta and has to do a heap of goals. If I come to June like that, with desire, I am going to return...

— to Italy, to England ...?

—A any side. I see Costacurta with 37 years and Maldini that has my age (Bati fulfills 35 years the 1 ° of February) playing the final of The Intercontinental one and I think that I, with the ankles well, still(yet) can play in Europe. Eye, I do not want to return at any expense, am not desperate.

—Entonces, in June you decide if you continue in Qatar, if volvés to Europe or if dejás the football.

—Sí. Till now, the three are there. None extracts advantages.

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发表于 2004-1-10 13:10:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-2-3 01:21:00 | 只看该作者
argentia  is  the  best  choice   which i like !`````````````
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发表于 2004-2-3 14:39:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-2-3 17:49:00 | 只看该作者
Maybe this is the best choice!!
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发表于 2004-2-7 22:53:00 | 只看该作者
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