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发表于 2004-10-7 18:34:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
没有忘记贝尔萨 译自阿根廷《ole》 “我很高兴贝尔萨得到了认可。”这届国家队中最有经验的球员Javier Zanetti说道。 Roberto Ayala和Kily Gonzalez分别因为受伤和停赛没有入选,Javier Zanetti因而 成为阿根廷国家队中受人关注的一名球员。或许并不是因为他踢球的风格(这方面 更受人关注的是罗米、大头、Tevez或Saviola),而是因为他是这次队中穿蓝白球衣 首发出场次数最多的球员。在星期六,他或Juan Pablo Sorin将戴着队长袖标出战。 不过让他更为高兴的是另外一件事。是什么呢?Zanetti说:“我很高兴现在贝尔萨 得到了认可,事实上这是他应得的。好了,让我们期待星期六的比赛吧,看看到时候 会发生些什么。” 访谈从回顾过去开始,也说到了对未来的展望。 -你对贝尔萨的辞职有何感受? -惊讶。还有悲伤。贝尔萨得到了整支球队的认可此外他对阿根廷足球来说是个非常 有能力的人。贝尔萨为人很直率。他对媒体和对我们说的辞职理由是一样的。 -他给你留下了什么? -很多。不单单是足球,还有为人方面。他是个伟大的人,拥有一些在足球世界里很 少人具备的出众原则。我对此深信不疑。正因为这样,我对他的离开感到很难过,毕 竟经过了六年的时光我们之间有了很好的关系。 这个时候:需要结束有关贝尔萨的话题了。在开始一个新的时代之前,有必要说明一下: 尽管Zanetti是本次国家队中出场次数最多的球员,但跟其他人不一样,他至今还在为 他代表国家队的第一项荣誉而战:他没有参加在雅典举行的奥运会。 -对这次回来打比赛有什么期待吗? -一如既往:为阿根廷队尽我所能。我为能入选国家队感到自豪。 -可以前佩克尔曼并没有带过你。 -是的,但是何塞很了解我,因为在第一阶段他是阿根廷队的总教练,当我接受贝尔萨 指导的时候他经常观察到我的表现。我跟他有不错的关系,他经常和我们在一起。他清 楚我在国家队中的作用。 -你认为会有些什么改变吗? -我认为队伍会有延续性。虽然每个教练都有自己的风格,但是他和贝尔萨都热爱足球。 -现在对佩克尔曼执教成年队的能力可有些怀疑? -我相信他有执教的能力。在青年队的时候他做得很好,赢得了很多荣誉,我确信他在 成年队也会取得成功。 -球迷们在周六会有什么反应呢? -我认为大家一直和我们的球队在一起。我想没有人会希望球队越来越差。他们会像往 常一样鼓励我们。 -对比赛怎么看? -很艰难。我们在美洲杯上交过手,赢得并不轻松。乌拉圭队会在这里表现出他们的 实力。 -你知道你是本次国家队中首发出场次数最多的球员吗? -知道,我越来越老了。 P.S. 萨队看来还是没从“贝尔萨辞职综合症”中完全摆脱出来,而且也意识到自己 老了(难道要考虑退役啦......)
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-7 19:19:00 | 只看该作者
版主JJ,第一次在风暴上发翻译的ole文章 虽然大学的时候学过西班牙语辅修,不过现在已经忘了不少啦,很多句子都翻译 得不好,让你们读得不爽的话,还请多见谅啊! ^_^
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发表于 2004-10-7 19:35:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-10-7 20:00:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2004-10-7 20:03:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-7 23:04:00 | 只看该作者

原文是“Y, estoy cada vez más viejo”,或许翻译成“我每次的资格都更老了”会好一点?



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发表于 2004-10-7 23:40:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-10-7 23:43:00 | 只看该作者
啊,感激不尽(BY 外语盲的某蝴蝶)~~~

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发表于 2004-10-7 23:45:00 | 只看该作者
Zanetti, with a thorn in the soul   

The steering wheel, that already carries a decade without titles in the selection Argentina, I am excited with the Olympic return: "I imagine returning to Ezeiza with the Cup"

TO the 13 years, helped its father, Rodolfo, to sting walls in the laborious position of bricklayer. Later, while it grew among the economic difficulties of Dock South, from four to eight of the morning, began to distribute milk. Also was al front of the verdulería of a cousin. It dreamed with being lawyer, but finally the destiny wanted that Javier Zanetti was player of soccer. The supportive heart of the capitano dell´ Internazionale, that a decade ago he settled his together life al lake of As, not to stops beating in heavenly and white. Therefore it is removed that thorn that crosses it, that fragrance of revenge that provokes it behind the end of tomorrow before Brazil. Raising the Cup America became an obsession to avenge ghosts of personal frustrations.

-¿ Cuántas times was crossed you the image of the Olympic return in the National Stadium?

-Would be very pretty to return to Ezeiza with the Cup. After 11 years, almost that already I imagine it myself and it I cannot avoid, although I know that it is convenient not to be left to gain for the anxiety. We find a pretty operation and I hope we crown it with the championship. This moment of the Argentine soccer deserves that we gain the Cup. We chatted with the boys the other day and we recalled that last year argentina gained the south americans Sub 17, Sub 20 and the pan-american Play, and at the beginning of this year also remained with the Preolímpico Sub 23. Good, now it touches us us.

- But is Brazil.

-Yes, another rival complicated one surely. It does not it matter if is the team TO, B or the C. Is Brazil and that also gives more company to the end. We gave since the beginning importance and priority to the Cup America and gaining it is the objective. I prefer to think about argentina: with Colombia we did a great party during 90 minutes. The team has shown along all the tournament that arrived at the end and we reach it with justice, merits they exceeded us. Good, as almost we obsess ourselves with reaching the definition, now we want the title. The ends are to gain them.

-¿ Temés that not to gain the end discolor the action of the selection?

-If we remained without the Cup do not there would be that to discredit neither the operation neither the attitude that the team showed up to now. Clearly that the intention of any is to crown a good tournament with the title. Remaining us in this instance would leave a sinsabor, but neither is crossed us that idea because I insist with which the obsession is gaining it.

- But the title would accelerate the popular reconciliation.

-I believe that the public that has seen argentina in the Cup America has been hooked with the team because appreciated a great soccer in many passages of the tournament. That is what they want and is also what we want. When I commented that the people had to be proud of this team, I told it after losing with Brazil in Belo Horizon and I imagine that many will have wanted me to kill. But in the group we perceived that the style was being consolidated and only they lacked the results.

- In the last parties your play grew, ¿you returned to feel valuable in the selection?

-Never I felt that no longer to serve. I am proud of my force in the selection and to myself nobody has given me nothing.

-¿ What companions of the selection that today are not he would please you that they were enjoying this end?

-Uhhh, many boys deserve to live this moment. The Witch Verón, Crisp, Samuel, Pablito (by Aimar) the Peeled (by Almeyda), to the Cholo, that already knows about these things, but was vital in a moment of the cycle? and a pile more. All. Them it would not be able to name. I hope also we gain for them. Of them would also be the title
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发表于 2004-10-7 23:48:00 | 只看该作者
Zanetti, a historic one that himself is not yielded

Equator, Venezuela and Colombia respect them and value. They know them large, especially to the ones that already are life associates of the select club of the European community of soccer. But here admire them and to come in unconditional form. The players of the Selection signed autographs and photos with local fans were removed barely an hour after to have earned 3-1 to their national team.

In the door of the hotel Marriot they shouted him " Pupi, Pupi " as if he was expecting the train in Remedies of Escalation or walking for the avenue Hipólito Yrigoyen in Banfield. And Javier Zanetti, captain before the absence of Ayala, posó, he smiled and he clarified: "This party with Peru was hard. He was put very hard after the expulsions. Argentina gained because never he lost the control".

A decade has the romance of Zanetti with the heavenly and white one. Nevertheless, the steering wheel of the Inter sight for ahead: "I Return to Italy and in a pair of weeks already I am going to be put in the parties against Uruguay and Chile".

—¿Cómo you lived the obtaining of the medal of gold?

—Con a lot of emotion, because always I felt myself part of this Selection. Very I please by the boys. They caused they felt part of that historic success. Mark it (Bielsa) and the technical body deserved this and a lot more".

Zanetti is conscious of the great spare that experiences the Selection. "With the ones that we were before and the ones that have arrived. a great work is being done".

Goes fast Zanetti because has to fly to Buenos Aires and from there to Italy. The triumphs always are suitable and although in Europe they raise walls so that the life associates of America travel not followed to play for its selections, he, as said, will always be thinking about returning.
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发表于 2004-10-7 23:55:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2004-10-8 12:21:00 | 只看该作者

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-8 13:17:43编辑过]

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发表于 2004-10-8 12:24:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Cortega在2004-10-7 23:04:00的发言:

原文是“Y, estoy cada vez más viejo”,或许翻译成“我每次的资格都更老了”会好一点?

翻译成:“知道,我越来越老了”。看着很让人心寒难过的,或许翻译成 我的资历比较老而已会好点吧。。大概也和英语一样,有些意译过来就好了。。
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发表于 2004-10-8 13:04:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用红蝶在2004-10-7 23:45:00的发言:
Zanetti, with a thorn in the soul   

The steering wheel, that already carries a decade without titles in the selection Argentina, I am excited with the Olympic return: "I imagine returning to Ezeiza with the Cup"

TO the 13 years, helped its father, Rodolfo, to sting walls in the laborious position of bricklayer. Later, while it grew among the economic difficulties of Dock South, from four to eight of the morning, began to distribute milk. Also was al front of the verdulería of a cousin. It dreamed with being lawyer, but finally the destiny wanted that Javier Zanetti was player of soccer. The supportive heart of the capitano dell´ Internazionale, that a decade ago he settled his together life al lake of As, not to stops beating in heavenly and white. Therefore it is removed that thorn that crosses it, that fragrance of revenge that provokes it behind the end of tomorrow before Brazil. Raising the Cup America became an obsession to avenge ghosts of personal frustrations.

-¿ Cuántas times was crossed you the image of the Olympic return in the National Stadium?

Zanetti, 在灵魂中对决   
(The steering wheel是方向盘的意思??不知道该怎么翻译)
在选择了在阿根廷外漂泊了十年, 我兴奋地看到了奥林匹克的回归: "我想象着回到Ezeiza 举起那个奖杯"

在13年前, 当他还是孩子的时候,他就帮助做砖匠的父亲,干粉刷墙壁这个费力的工作。
他成长于海滨城市Dock Sud区,在经济困难船坞间生活,从清早晨四点到八点,开始和表兄verduler在一起送牛奶。他的最初的梦想做一名律师, 但命运最后选择了Javier Zanetti 成为了一名球员。 Capitano 小山谷是他眼里是Internazionale 的心脏, 想起十年前的上午他对着ofAce湖畔,这里天堂般的静谧给了他想要的安定生活,  所以他冲破了横在他眼前的阻碍来到了米兰,Zanetti认为自己不是个迷信的人,但每次上场前他总要在胸口画十字。    后边的小段看不懂了。。。

- 多少次您想象着奥林匹克的奖牌回归阿根廷国民体育场的景象?


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-8 13:20:56编辑过]

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发表于 2004-10-8 13:47:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-8 14:03:00 | 只看该作者




P.S. 版主能不能把那两篇访谈的西语原文链接贴出来啊,看这样的残缺英语很

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发表于 2004-10-8 14:28:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-10 13:50:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2004-10-10 23:25:00 | 只看该作者

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