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发表于 2004-8-4 12:37:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
NEWELL'S Bingo Ortega to Newell's! Yes, one met with Lopez, it fixed his part and today already one trains for the first time. The president has a plan to touch the Turks. ROSARIO (CORRESPONSAL). "Ortega accepted an invitation of Newell''s to loosen its conflict. And perhaps tomorrow (for today) one trains with the rest of the establishment ". It raises and low emotional of Ariel Ortega, that knows of violent oscillations, it retook the ascending way. The announcement of Juan Watercresses, representative of the Young donkey, reveals that jujeño has another one chance to play in Argentina. And it will not be in River, as it said it until the satiety. It is to be solved the legal conflict with the Ferenbahce, that requests an indemnification because jujeño was escaped in February of the 2003. Ariel has been 16 months without soccer. But from this late, when the establishment returns to work, it will reappear arranged to give his magic. The Galician Tolo, its friend, interyielded in the moved one and it called by telephone 20 days back to interest it. And if the managements advance, in just a short time will be seen more it again playing. The invitation. Although the last year informed its retirement, Ortega never let feel like soccer player. And chance that it had to go to the America of Mexico, as soon as assumed Ruggeri, woke up the bichito again to him. Its arrival to Aztec soccer did not take shape and Eduardo Lopez saw the open door. And he entered. It is not the first time that Lopez touched itself in recovering it. Already the year last, after well-known the sanction of the FIFA, presi asked to him Watercresses on the situation. It left frightened because the number that was required did not lower of the 11 million dollars. Now, the situation would be different and thus they let it know to Lopez from the AFA. With the wink of Julio Grondona, with whom met this week and he offered himself like guarantor in the international negotiations, the leprous big shot embarked in the management. In the last hours of the week everything was accelerated and for that reason the meeting for yesterday agreed, Sunday, in the hotel the Riviera, where it stops the soccer player. The appointment was to 18 but Ortega arrived before the 17. All a signal of its anxiety. Lopez appeared shortly after the 19. Next to him the manager arrived from the club, David Olivieri, habitual in charge to write up contracts. Char it was made in a room of meetings of the hotel. "I had to tipear enough, he is very long", it said Olivieri on the contract of the player, when one retired. And the secretary Lanzilotta Marks only declared: "the only thing that I can say to them is that it already signed". Hours it nails. Passed the 21,30, Watercresses gave a smoothed version of the negotiation, although it ratified that Ortega is to a passage of the return. "If the conflict is loosened, Ariel is going to play in Newell''s. I am not going to give details of how it is possible to be loosened, but if we came until here, it is because there are positive indications ", said the industralist, whom also it indicated that the Young donkey" is not going to speak until he is player of Newell''s ". The operative return of Ortega will follow today. The rosarinos leaders will appear in the AFA with the contract signed with the player, to whom considers it frees, and will request transfer to the Turkish Federation, knowing that the Ferenbahce is arranged to negotiate. In Rosary they try to pay up to six million dollars of indemnification to the club of Turkey. If the tratativas do not advance, Lopez handles a plan B: he will resort to Justice to try to loosen it in the labor law. He will use the one of the Diego? The presence of Ortega revolutionized Rosary. And nor that to speak of the establishment of Newell''s. Mario Jardel, the first superstar fichada by Lopez, crossed it in the corridors of the Riviera -- also lives there -- and it was motivated still more. It is that the Young donkey has the dawn of the chosen ones. Like that leper used the 10, 11 years back. If the stocking, will have confirmed the theory that it stays like the worthy successor of Diego Maradona. "What step? It happened that they ratified the sanction. And I made the decision: nongame more to soccer ". Thus Ortega took leave to November of the last year. The time happened, the wound closed a little more and the smile of jujeño is on the verge of being recuperada 毛驴复出在即?保持谨慎乐观 奥特加即将复出加盟纽维尔斯老伙计队?是的,在与该队主席洛佩斯的一次会谈后,双方基本谈妥相应事宜,随后奥特加与纽维尔斯老伙计队进行了第一次合练。现在剩下的工作是主席如何与土耳其人交涉。 罗萨利奥讯:“奥特加接受了纽维尔斯老伙计队的邀请以从禁赛中解脱出来。在明天或今天他就将与球队的其他队员进行一次合练” 在经历了又一次的挫折之后,奥特加仍准备卷土重来。毛驴经纪人Juan Watercresses声明这是毛驴又一次在阿根廷踢球的机会,但不是奥特加的老东家河床,因为河床一直没有做出相应的举动。当然首先还要解决因为去年毛驴擅自离开费内巴切所遗留下来的法律问题,土耳其人想要得到一笔补偿资金。奥特加已经16个月没有踢过正规比赛了,不过我们相信,只要他能够回到场上,仍将是那么神奇。他的朋友Galician Tolo一直在努力促成此事,通过20多天的电话攻势终于使毛驴对此 事产生了兴趣。而现在如果一切顺利的话,我们很快就能重新在球场上看到奥特加的身影。 在去年宣布退役之后,奥特加仍有多次重返赛场的机会。鲁杰里在执教墨西哥美洲后,就曾像奥特加提出邀请,虽然阿兹台克之行未能达成协议,但纽维尔斯老伙计队的主席Eduardo Lopez从中看到了毛驴复出的机会,他期盼已久的机会。是的,这并不是他第一次试图邀请毛驴加盟,去年,在国际足联的制裁令刚发出的时候,他就与毛驴的经纪人Juan Watercresses谈过,但那时,1100万美元的高额赔偿金使得一切努力都毫无意义。然而时过境迁,现在情况已大为改观,Eduardo Lopez敏锐地从阿根廷足协看出了端倪。朱利奥 格隆多纳在上周与Eduardo Lopez会面,并表示愿意充当国际调停人以促成此事。在上周的最后几个小时里,许多问题都迎刃而解,所以,周日,在Riviera的宾馆里,Eduardo Lopez与奥特加进行了会谈。 原定的时间是晚上六点,但奥特加五点之前就赶到了,看得出来他也对这次复出的机会充满了渴望。而因为事务缠身,Eduardo Lopez在七点刚过的时候才姗姗来迟,随后,俱乐部负责起草合同的经理David Olivieri也来到了会场。会谈在宾馆的一间会议室里进行,“我记录了很多,因为合同很长”David Olivieri说,而秘书Lanzilotta Marks则申明“我唯一能说的事情就是他已经签约了”。 会谈花了不少时间。直到9:30,Watercresses才给出了相应的协议,认可了这次奥特加复出的机会。“如果禁赛被解除,奥特加将为纽维尔斯老伙计队效力。我不会说出我们努力解除禁赛的细节事宜,不过我们谈到了这一步,当然是得到了一定的正面暗示的”,Watercresses说,同时他还强调在为纽维尔斯老伙计队效力之前,奥特加不会就此事发表任何言论。 帮助毛驴解禁复出的行动将从今天开始。Eduardo Lopez将带着与毛驴达成的协议来到阿根廷足协,然后通知土耳其足协,再与费内巴且俱乐部进行磋商。纽维尔斯老伙计队想将赔偿金降到600万美元,如果不能达成协议,Eduardo Lopez将进行B计划,上告法庭,通过劳动法解除制裁。 Eduardo Lopez将从这笔交易中得到什么?奥特加的到来会大大振兴纽维尔斯老伙计队,实际上,纽维尔斯老伙计队正在努力成为一支强队,在此之前,Lopez已经网罗到了Mario Jardel贾德尔。但是,只有马拉多纳二世的到来才可以使球队提升一个档次。 “发生了什么?他们提出了制裁。而我只好选择退役,再也不碰足球了”去年11月奥特加退役时的悲伤言语仍在耳旁。而现在,卷土重来的机会到了,希望能重新看到毛驴脸上灿烂的笑容。 ----------------------- 看来格隆多纳这次也帮了忙,应该有成功的机会吧
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-4 20:44:00 | 只看该作者
Monday, day D for Ortega   
In Zurich, they will meet leaders of Newell´s and Fenerbhace, of Turkey, to resolve the situation of the jujeño; Spanish said: "This is an ideal club for Ariel"

next Monday will be the decisive day for the future of Ariel Ortega, when a meeting be produced in Zurich, Swiss, among the leaders of Newell´s and those of Fenerbhace, of Turkey. The key that destrabará the situation is a good figure of money that someone should pay. The president rojinegro, Eduardo López, is willing to disburse an important sum of money to raise the inhibición that interposed the Turkish club.

¿It will be of five million dollars as indicate the rumors? Will be with the income of a supposed sale of Mauro Rosales to Europe? In the negotiation will be the pair of some player of the staff? If there is not economic agreement, the other alternative is to present a resource of protection before the justice, to request a permission of work.

In the meantime, the DT Américo Spanish sonríe. Yesterday, after the training performed in the morning, left its impressions. "It of Ariel is a hope, although me do not I do illusions. If later does not it pass what I believe that it can pass I am going to feel me badly. Then I take it as that Ortega comes me to visit to my house and comes to be coached. But I cannot deny that in my mind there is another thing."

-¿ What sabés of the march of the negotiations?

-Knowing it Mr. July (Grondona), if he said that it can be, he there are more possibilities.

-¿ Why Ortega arrived at Newell´s?

-Is that is the ideal club for Ariel. I tell him because I know him and I know that he does not want so much luxury, so many meetings, to have to go to press conferences from here for there. The humblest things please him and therefore I did not doubt when I called him. Aside, when I was not working, always we played together in Works in Buenos Aires and I know that is a boy that one must spoil it.

-¿Something it existed that have it seduced especially?

-Ariel is a player that always played here. Besides, the president (López) also brought him last year. That he had the possibility to play in head Office? I do not believe, has the blood rojinegra.

-¿ How did it see it physically looking al Opening?

-If they supply it, will arrive for the beginning of the championship because has a spectacular physicist. As Maradona.

Pablo Casazza

Second day of practice
While the problem of its pair is solved, Ortega was coached yesterday again in the ground of Beautiful View during two hours and together average al remainder of its companions. The jujeño will not form part of the delegation that today in the afternoon will play a friendly one with Union, of Holy Faith, in Paraná.


下周一将是决定奥特加未来命运的一天,那天,纽维尔斯老伙计队与费内巴切队的首脑将在苏黎世展开会谈。会谈的核心问题是赔偿金的数目。Eduardo López,纽维尔斯老伙计队的主席,愿意出一笔钱来补偿土耳其人。

金额会是传说中的500万美元吗?会来源于将Mauro Rosales卖往欧洲的收入吗?谈判桌将是考验两家俱乐部工作人员能力的赛场,如果没有达成经济上的协议,下一步就只有是对薄公堂,以争取获得工作许可证了。

与此同时,纽维尔斯老伙计队表示了对奥特加的热烈欢迎。在昨天早上的训练结束后,Américo Spanish sonríe说了他的感想:“拥有奥特加是我的一个梦想,当我知道这很困难的时候我十分沮丧,于是我首先邀请他造访我家并请他出任球队的教练,但随后我发现我的脑海里想的是另一种可能。”



---阿列尔一直是顶尖的球员。此外,去年,主席先生(Eduardo López)就曾试图引进他。他(ortega)在高层也有影响力?这我倒不怎么觉得。



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发表于 2004-8-4 22:49:00 | 只看该作者
" And I made the decision: nongame more to soccer "去年看到这句话的时候我心都碎了,那个版本还是西班牙语的:(
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