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发表于 2004-7-3 07:21:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-3 9:28:22编辑过]
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发表于 2004-7-3 11:12:00 | 只看该作者




那场比赛是坎比亚索职业生涯的转折点,他从欧洲租借回阿根廷的那段时间,他被人们称做 'El Cuchu',他为独立队出场98次,打进14个进球,然后为河床队出场37次,12个进球.他是1997年马来西亚世青赛冠军队阿根廷队的成员,并且他参加了97年和99年两次南美U20青年队锦标赛!





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 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 12:05:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-7-3 12:34:00 | 只看该作者

--?Cómo se dio tu llegada al Inter?
--El club italiano se interesó por mí desde hace un tiempo y a mí también me gustó la propuesta. Me siento muy feliz por este paso que acabo de dar y quiero compartir esta alegría con mis amigos y con mi familia.

--?Por qué el Inter?
--Porque es uno de los clubes más grandes del mundo y porque tiene una propuesta seria y un objetivo claro: ser protagonista en todas las canchas y tratar de lograr cosas importantes tanto en el Calcio como en las Copas de

--Vas a tener a varios compatriotas como compa?eros...
--Sí, es verdad. Aquí es muy querido Javier Zanetti, quien fue el capitán
del equipo. Sé que también habrá otros muchachos con los que compartí
entrenamientos y partidos en la Selección Argentina. Seguro que eso ayudará
en mi adaptación a este nuevo país y a un nuevo campeonato.

--?Y qué sentís?
--Que di un gran paso. No era sencillo conseguir un club que colmara las
expectativas luego de haber jugado en el Real Madrid, pero cuando me
hablaron del Inter ni lo dudé porque sé que es un club grande y con mucha

--La gente les va a exigir un título...
--Seguro que el hincha quiere lo mejor y nosotros intentaremos darle una
alegría. Pero lo único que yo puedo prometer es trabajo y que voy a dejar
todo por esta nueva camiseta.

--Independiente, River, Real Madrid y ahora Inter. ?Cuánto has recorrido con sólo 23 a?os?
--Sí, la verdad es que llevo una linda carrera y que estoy contento. Comencé muy joven en las Inferiores de Argentinos Juniors, me llegó la posibilidad
de ir al Real Madrid, luego Independiente, más tarde River, donde pude ser campeón, y después mis dos temporadas en el primer equipo del Real Madrid en
las que aprendí muchas cosas y también conseguí objetivos importantes. Pero ahora ya estoy mentalizado en el Inter e intentaré aportar lo mío.

--?Y la Selección Argentina?
--Ojalá que tenga un gran desempe?o en la Copa América y que le vaya muy
bien. Lamentablemente sufrí un problema en el tobillo derecho que me marginó
de este importante torneo. Sin dudas que me hubiese gustado estar.
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发表于 2004-7-3 13:04:00 | 只看该作者



—当然,不可避免。特别是Javier Zanetti,他是国米的精神领袖和球队的队长。(在拍队长马屁了~[])


— cuchu,大家在等着头条消息……



[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-3 13:09:41编辑过]

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发表于 2004-7-3 13:12:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-7-3 16:26:00 | 只看该作者
Cambiasso will play with Verón, Zanetti and the Kily

It remained free of the Real Madrid, where played two years, and now will continue its career in the Calcium. Yesterday it passed without objections the revisación medical.

Esteban Cambiasso, who played the last two years in the Real Madrid and June 30 last remained with the pair in its power, signed a contract with the Inter of Milan by the next four seasons.

Cambiasso, of 23 years, surpassed yesterday with success the medical revision of its new club, and the next week will be incorporated al I work of pre-season of the team.

The Cuchu had offerings of important clubs of Germany, England and of Spain but, according to its official place in Internet ( www.cuchu.com),), was decided for the significance of the Inter and because enthuses it to play in the Calcium.

"I gave a great step. It was not simple to obtain a club that filled the expectations after to have played in the Real Madrid, but when they spoke me of the Inter neither I doubted it because I know that is a large club and with a lot of history", explained the Argentine, that will not occupy one of the plazas of foreigner in the team since possesses European common passport.

On the other hand, Cambiasso will not participate with the selection Argentina of the Cup America, that will be will carry out from July 7 next in Peru, due to that in one of its last practices in the Real Madrid suffered a distension in the tobillo right, for which was all its holidays doing the pertinent recovery to be in optimum conditions at the moment of to be incorporated al.

In the club milanés there will be more Argentine besides Cambiasso: Javier Zanetti, Cristian Kily González and Juan Sebastián Verón will be its companions.

"Sure that it will help in my adaptation to this new country and to a new championship", commented the Cuchu.

Besides, for today, it is predicted the arrival to Milan of the former defender of Mouth Juniors, Nicolas Burdisso, that soon will be incorporated al team.

The Personage

NAME AND SURNAME : Esteban Nicolas Cambiasso.

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH : 18 of August of 1980, in City of Buenos Aires.

PATH : Lower of Argentines (until 1996), Real Madrid B (1996-98), Independent (1998-2001), River (2001-02) and Real Madrid (2002-04).

DEBUT IN FIRST : 15 of August of 1998, in Independent vs. Newell's (1-2).

PARTIES PLAYED : 309 (42 in Real Madrid B, 105 in Independent, 46 in River, 55 in Real Madrid, 55 in youthful selections and 6 in the biggest).

GOALS : 41 (3 in Real Madrid B, 17 in Independent, 14 in River and 7 in youthful selections)

TITULOS : 7 (3 in youthful, 1 in River and 3 in Real Madrid).
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发表于 2004-7-3 16:36:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2004-7-3 18:17:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Odin在2004-7-3 16:26:00的发言: Cambiasso will play with Verón, Zanetti and the Kily It remained free of the Real Madrid, where played two years, and now will continue its career in the Calcium. Yesterday it passed without objections the revisación medical. Esteban Cambiasso, who played the last two years in the Real Madrid and June 30 last remained with the pair in its power, signed a contract with the Inter of Milan by the next four seasons. Cambiasso, of 23 years, surpassed yesterday with success the medical revision of its new club, and the next week will be incorporated al I work of pre-season of the team. The Cuchu had offerings of important clubs of Germany, England and of Spain but, according to its official place in Internet ( www.cuchu.com),), was decided for the significance of the Inter and because enthuses it to play in the Calcium. "I gave a great step. It was not simple to obtain a club that filled the expectations after to have played in the Real Madrid, but when they spoke me of the Inter neither I doubted it because I know that is a large club and with a lot of history", explained the Argentine, that will not occupy one of the plazas of foreigner in the team since possesses European common passport. On the other hand, Cambiasso will not participate with the selection Argentina of the Cup America, that will be will carry out from July 7 next in Peru, due to that in one of its last practices in the Real Madrid suffered a distension in the tobillo right, for which was all its holidays doing the pertinent recovery to be in optimum conditions at the moment of to be incorporated al. In the club milanés there will be more Argentine besides Cambiasso: Javier Zanetti, Cristian Kily González and Juan Sebastián Verón will be its companions. "Sure that it will help in my adaptation to this new country and to a new championship", commented the Cuchu. Besides, for today, it is predicted the arrival to Milan of the former defender of Mouth Juniors, Nicolas Burdisso, that soon will be incorporated al team. The Personage NAME AND SURNAME : Esteban Nicolas Cambiasso. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH : 18 of August of 1980, in City of Buenos Aires. PATH : Lower of Argentines (until 1996), Real Madrid B (1996-98), Independent (1998-2001), River (2001-02) and Real Madrid (2002-04). DEBUT IN FIRST : 15 of August of 1998, in Independent vs. Newell's (1-2). PARTIES PLAYED : 309 (42 in Real Madrid B, 105 in Independent, 46 in River, 55 in Real Madrid, 55 in youthful selections and 6 in the biggest). GOALS : 41 (3 in Real Madrid B, 17 in Independent, 14 in River and 7 in youthful selections) TITULOS : 7 (3 in youthful, 1 in River and 3 in Real Madrid).
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-3 18:32:55编辑过]
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发表于 2004-7-3 18:22:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 22:29:00 | 只看该作者
Saturday, 03 July 2004 16:09:05   
MILAN - According to Cambiasso, to play with words is easier than facing opponents on the pitch. And in his presentation news conference, the Argentine midfielder always found the right answers to the many questions. An example? They asked him which is the team to beat next season. He replied calmly: "Inter." He showed diplomacy and wore a smile when replying to a question about Inter's new coach. "I keep reading on Inter's official site that it still hasn't been announced..."

Cambiasso news conference (2):

Inter fans have always loved very determined players. You're one of these...
"I thank all those that think I'm a player of great heart and great determination who gives everything on the pitch. I hope I can show what they've being saying about me for many years. I hope I can confirm these talents with Inter as well."

You wore the number nineteen shirt at Real Madrid. What number would you like at Inter?
"This is not a priority problem. I imagine myself coming on to the pitch at the San Siro in a Nerazzurri shirt. The number doesn't count."

You left Real Madrid after a season in which you weren't a first-string player. What are you expecting from your experience at Inter?
"Inter's project is wonderful. For a player it's fundamental to have important objectives. Inter is one of the most important incentives for a player who decides to face up to a challenge. I want to face up to this challenge and fight for my place in the team. It's normal not to have a guaranteed place in a great club, both in Italy and Spain. But it's better to be part of a great project than have the certainty of playing in a small club."

You have played in great derbies. What are your expectations of the Milan derby?
"I've played in Boca Juniors v River Plate which is a great derby. And I've played in derbies in Spain, especially the ones against Barcelona. I think the Milan one is more similar to the South American ones and as soon as the championship calendar is released I will memorise the date of the first clash with (AC) Milan."

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 22:30:00 | 只看该作者
Saturday, 03 July 2004 15:51:27   
MILAN - In the first part of his presentation news conference, Esteban Cambiasso underlined his desire to be part of Inter's new project.

Cambiasso news conference (1):

A lot of players dream of playing for Real Madrid. Cambiasso has chosen Inter. What's the reason for your decision?
"Just like everyone in Spain wants to play for Real Madird, everyone in Italy wants to play for a great team like Inter. I had a strange career at Real. I arrived when I was very young, then I returned to Argentina then went back to Spain. Now I'm here to do very well for Inter, to show all my value and show everyone what I'm capable of doing."

What's your preferred position on the pitch?
"I'm often asked this question. I'm a midfielder; I've played a bit in every role in this department according to the coach's demands: stopper or playmaker. I consider myself quite eclectic and I feel I can cover just about every position in midfield. But if I have to choose I prefer to be a playmaker."

How come you didn't reach an agreement with Real Madrid?
"There weren't any particular problems with Real Madrid. I just wanted to start a great new adventure with Inter."

What's your objective for this great adventure in Italy with Inter?
"I want to help Inter reach all the objectives the club sets."

You finished your season at Real with a right ankle problem. What are your physical conditions at the moment?
"Every day I face up to the problem I've had with my ankle. I'll do everything to start next season in the best possible condition. I still haven't trained with the ball; I'm running and going ahead with a detailed athletic programme. But it was just a sprain and nothing serious. I think I'll be ready well ahead of Inter's first competitive fixture in the Champions League qualifying round."

Have you spoken with Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos about Inter?
"Yes, I have spoken with them. They told me that Inter is a great club and a great team. Inter is a passion which involves a lot of people and this is an extra motivation."

Will you take part in pre-retreat training next week?
"I'm ready. I'm available. If we started this afternoon I would already be ready."

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 22:31:00 | 只看该作者
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