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发表于 2004-1-31 15:55:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-1-31 17:48:00 | 只看该作者

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-31 17:55:35编辑过]

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发表于 2004-2-3 19:33:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-27 02:05:00 | 只看该作者

"Inter linked with Ranieri"

Inter are the latest club to be linked with Chelsea boss Claudio Ranieri,
according to the Italian media.

The reports suggest that he would bring Juan Veron and Adrian Mutu with him.

(来源:Football Italia)
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-27 13:17:00 | 只看该作者


http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年03月26日10:53 新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 罗马王子托蒂留在球队中的前景进一步蒙上了阴影,此前就有皇马等豪门球队对他垂涎,如今,第一个正式出价求购的买家终于冒了出来,这就是这个赛季起购买力堪称天下第一的切尔西。






[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-27 13:29:41编辑过]

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发表于 2004-3-27 18:54:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用千寻在2004-1-9 19:56:00的发言:

说的对啊 还未全部盛开呢
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-4 11:54:00 | 只看该作者

Milan reject Chelsea bid for Shev

Milan have rejected out of hand reports claiming they are selling
Andriy Shevchenko to Chelsea for £80m. “We do not sell our champions,”
said club supremo Ariedo Braida, “particularly players such as Shevchenko.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-4 11:54:00 | 只看该作者

Chelsea make Totti bid

Chelsea are said to have made another approach for Francesco Totti after
being encouraged by his agent, who claimed the London club were favourites
to sign the Italian if he is sold.
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发表于 2004-4-14 10:10:00 | 只看该作者
从今不当切尔西“忠诚的猎犬” 拉涅利向阿布摊牌


http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年04月13日15:28 球报








留与不留48小时内请给说法 拉涅利怒下“最后通牒”


http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年04月13日02:43 东方体育日报








[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-14 10:11:41编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-14 19:07:00 | 只看该作者
Chelsea are apparently close to signing target Walter Samuel from Roma.
The Argentinean international defender was reported to have said on Tuesday:
"If I must be sold in July, then I only ask that I am sold to a foreign club.
It's not that I do not want to stay in Italy, but I would find it impossible playing
against Roma. I just couldn't play in front of Roma's fans for a club like Juventus
or Inter Milan."

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-16 21:39:00 | 只看该作者

Lucio and Roberto Carlos to Chelsea?

切尔西为德塞利找好替代者 巴西第一双刃剑愿来英超

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年04月13日05:57 新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 卢西奥,效力于德国勒沃库森队的巴西中卫,看来他的下一个新东家可能就是切尔西。日前,他向《科隆快报》的记者透露说,他很高兴在勒沃库森结束他3年的德甲生涯,而后前往斯坦福桥效力。







西电台爆皇马内幕 卡洛斯与切尔西草签合同收下签字费

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年04月15日15:28 新浪体育

卡洛斯已是蓝军? 点击此处查看其它图片

  新浪体育讯 眼下皇马的境遇是名副其实的“一波未平,一波又起”。昨天,西班牙CADENA SER电台再向世人披露惊人内幕:皇马主力左后卫卡洛斯与切尔西已经草签了转会合同,巴西人将于下赛季披挂蓝衣驰骋英超赛场。

  CADENA SER电台于此的报道并非空穴来风。据可靠消息证实,卡洛斯的经纪人兼律师马克-莫塔已经先期赶赴伦敦,就卡洛斯转会同切尔西在细节上达成了一致,同时卡洛斯还


  其实,英超首富阿布拉莫维奇对卡洛斯“情有独忠”早已不是什么危言耸听的新闻,自本赛季开赛以来,来自英国各大媒体披露阿布行将向卡洛斯“下手”的消息始终未间断过。事情发展至今,似乎总算这一传闻有了些许实质性进展。此前,不管阿布多么苦口婆心的向巴西人“表白”,后者却似乎是下定决心一概“婉拒”。也许真的水滴石穿?于是CADENA SER电台于此引述了就在不久前卡洛斯一番“耐人寻味”似有所指的“倾诉”。卡洛斯说:“也许有一天我会做出一些外界看来不可理喻、也无法理解的事情,可是无论如何人们必须明白,足球世界里发生的事情往往是极其残酷的。” 更具说服力的是,皇马在连续与齐达内和罗纳尔多续约之后,几乎是同时开始的与卡洛斯的合同谈判却迟迟没有下文,时至今日已经处于完全停摆的状态。

  加之几天前皇马体育经理巴尔达诺在面对媒体时似乎某种预言般的讲话,强调“对皇马来说卡洛斯是无可替代的,无论如何我都没法想象如果有一天卡洛斯离开伯纳乌皇马将会作何弥补。我代表皇马忠心期待巴西人不会选择离开。”再联系今天CADENA SER电台有关巴西人与切尔西已草签合同的报道,人们难免感慨,阿布顽固终于也有得到回报的一天。



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-16 21:43:00 | 只看该作者
Inter up offer for Veron
Inter have upped their offer for Chelsea midfielder Juan Sebastian Veron.
Nerazzurri officials Marco Branca and Lele Oriali have now tabled £10m plus
Nigerian striker Oba Oba Martins for the Argentine.
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发表于 2004-4-16 22:03:00 | 只看该作者
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-16 22:03:24编辑过]

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发表于 2004-4-17 00:44:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-22 15:31:00 | 只看该作者
《The Sun 太阳报》说如果有别的俱乐部想购买小克,隆哥,马克莱莱,啊布愿意让他们走了。希望不是真的消息。

"...Despite the lingering optimism, owner Abramovich is seriously worried Chelsea could yet blow
automatic qualification to the Champions League proper for next season by failing to clinch the Premiership’s
runners-up spot.

The word is out that second place MUST be achieved as the Blues fight it out with Manchester United behind
runaway leaders Arsenal.

But team spirit is dipping in certain quarters as some of the club’s top stars get the vibe they may not be
wanted in the summer.

Both £16.8million striker Hernan Crespo and £14m midfielder Makelele will be sold if sensible offers come in,
as it is felt they are not sufficiently committed to the cause.

Veron is also marked for the exit door, while Desailly is heading for the Middle East riches of Qatar."
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-22 15:52:00 | 只看该作者

克雷斯波受英国电视台〈SKY Sports〉的采访时,说他想留在蓝军,在英国很开心,但承认切尔西的管理人可能要卖他。

Wednesday 21st April 2004

Hernan Crespo has told skysports.com that he wants to stay at Chelsea, but admits the Stamford Bridge
paymasters may have other ideas.

The Argentine arrived at Stamford Bridge with huge expectation on his shoulders after The Blues shelled
out £16.8 million to bring him to London from Internazionale.

The striker has had a tough baptism of fire in The Premiership, due to the fact that he has suffered from niggling
illness and is vying for a place in the team with the likes of Adrian Mutu, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and Eidur

Crespo claims he is enjoying life in England and wants to prove himself to the Chelsea faithful, but admits he
would consider a return to Italy if he is deemed surplus to requirements at Stamford Bridge.

"I am enjoying life here in England," he told skysports.com. "But it is not always up to players whether you stay
or go.

"I had the intention of staying at Inter too, but things worked out differently.

"It's those who run the clubs that make these decisions."

Commenting on what he would do if Chelsea opt to move him on, Crespo added: "Of course Italy would
be a very good option for me.

"Should offers come my way, I would certainly consider them."

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-22 16:22:00 | 只看该作者

Porto manager lines up May 4 talks with Blues

JOSE MOURINHO is poised to take over as Chelsea boss after claiming:
"I will be moving to London in the summer."

The Porto coach cancelled a meeting planned with Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich and chief executive
Peter Kenyon on Monday, but confirmed talks will take place on May 4 after his side have completed their
Champions League semi-final with Deportivo La Coruna.

Kenyon has persuaded Abramovich that Mourinho, 41, is the man to replace Claudio Ranieri, who sealed his
fate with the horror-show substitutions that cost Chelsea so dear in Monaco on Tuesday.

Mourinho said: "The Premiership is the biggest league in the world. Anyone would aspire to work there and
when the chance comes I'm going to take it. I will be moving to London in the summer."

But Porto are furious and have formally reported Abramovich to FIFA, accusing the Russian billionaire of arranging
a meeting in which he would have tried to induce Mourinho to walk out on his contract.

Kenyon laughed when asked about Mourinho - who speaks excellent English - but did not try to deny he was
first-choice to take over next season.

Abramovich and Kenyon had flown to Spain by private plane on Monday and were pictured at Vigo airport on
the way to meet Mourinho.

But he pulled out at the last minute and the Chelsea duo met instead with top Portuguese agent Jorge Mendes.

Porto's grumble to FIFA was dismissed with a shrug by Kenyon, who said: "Have they made a complaint?
I'm not aware of that. Why would they complain to FIFA?

"You're telling me there's been a complaint. I don't know it.

"I know there are pictures of Roman and me. There are pictures everywhere.

"We were in Spain. We do a lot of things."

But angry Porto president Nuno Pinto Da Costa accused Abramovich of trying to set up a meeting with Mourinho's
representative, Mendes, in the Portuguese city of Setubal on Monday.

The talks were called off at the last moment - after Kenyon and Abramovich arrived at Vigo in
northern Spain - with Mourinho not wanting to be distracted from last night's semi-final first leg against Deportivo.

Chelsea will only switch their target if negotiations with Mourinho break down, although Roma coach Fabio Capello
has signalled his interest in taking charge.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-22 16:22:04编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 23:13:00 | 只看该作者


With Inzaghi sidelined for most of the season and no other substitute in the Milan attack except for
Tomasson, it's no wonder that Galliani is looking around for another quality strike who can increase the
depth of the forward line. The rossoneri seem to have found in Crespo the perfect player, as the Argentinean
seems out of sorts in the Premier League, mostly due to injuries, even though he did score 10 goals in 18
matches this season.

Hernan Crespo would surely welcome a return to Serie A where he has enjoyed excellent seasons with Parma,
Lazio and Inter and Abramovich can easily bring in another striker, including Filippo Inzaghi who can be sacrificed
for the younger Crespo.

Still, Crespo wants to prove himself in the Premier League, even though Argentinean players seem
to adapt better to Italian football, so the striker will most probably remain with Chelsea for at least another

MILAN: 30%

SA Europe


http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年04月23日01:40 人民网





  AC米兰:30% (江江)

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-25 13:23:00 | 只看该作者

《SKY Sports》Trez edges closer to exit door

Friday, 23 April 2004 Reports in Italy claim that it is now certain that David Trezeguet will leave Juventus during the summer. The French international striker has long been linked with a move from the Stadio delle Alpi after expressing unhappiness over his pay-packet with the Turin giants. Juve seem prepared to let the prolific former Monaco star move on and Barcelona have been mooted as his most likely destination. Indeed, the French media suggested that Trezeguet had concurred on a three-year deal with the Catalan giants last week, but a new suitor for his services has emerged. Unsurprisingly the club in question is Roman Abramovich-backed Chelsea who are said to be ready to use Hernan Crespo as a makeweight in any deal for Trezeguet. The Blues' Premiership rivals Arsenal are also said to be monitoring the situation, though the player has made little secret of the fact that Camp Nou would be his preferred destination.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-26 14:40:00 | 只看该作者

At least he will be back with his old coach Ancelotti and Nesta.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-27 21:52:00 | 只看该作者
This is just getting crazy... probably all bulls**t!

Carlos set for Real exit
Roberto Carlos has been offered to several Premiership clubs. The Brazilian left back has yet to sign an
extension with Real Madrid and the Spanish giants are ready to cash in on the ex Inter ace. Chelsea are
reported to be leading the chase.

Chelsea bid for Ayala
Chelsea have offered Valencia £11m for defender Roberto Ayala. The Blues had a £10m bid rejected last January
but Valencia are reported to be ready to accept the new offer. The 31-year-old former Napoli and Milan defender
is seen as a replacement for ex Milan ace Marcel Desailly. Chelsea also like Roma's Walter Samuel.

Mutu to get the boot
Chelsea are set to dump Adrian Mutu. The former Parma striker has allegedly been shunned in the
dressing room for his failure to mix. Juventus have been linked of late.

Italy return for Veron
Juan Sebastian Veron has hinted that he may return to Italy over the summer. "I would like to go back but
not to Roma, because I am too much of a Lazio man," he said. "At the moment Chelsea is my first choice
because I have a contract but we will have to see who comes here as manager. Everything will be decided this
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-28 16:23:00 | 只看该作者

"Chelsea line up Mourinho, Ronaldo and Beckham“

天啊!切尔西的转会谣言越来越疯了。据说拉捏利对英国和意大利媒体承认切尔西要购买大罗和小贝。 This is turning into a nightmare. Wed 28 Apr, 8:32 AM LONDON (AFP) - Big-spenders Chelsea were reported to have lined up Porto coach Jose Mourinho as their new manager and were ready to snatch Ronaldo and David Beckham from Real Madrid. Mourinho was reported to have confirmed he would be taking over from Claudio Ranieri but Chelsea sources said he had yet to close a 4.5 million pound a year deal with club owner Roman Abramovich. And Porto president Nuno Pinto da Costa warned Abramovich he would go to war over the move. Porto have accused Chelsea of illegally approaching Mourinho about the prospect of taking over from Ranieri in the summer and da Costa insists he will not sit back and watch his coach leave. "I want to make it clear that we will go to war with Chelsea over Mourinho. We will bring in UEFA, FIFA - whoever we need to," he told Daily Star. "The attitude of the Russian (Abramovich) is the worst I have seen in the football world. He thinks that after buying Chelsea he can do what he wants and skip all the established rules." Abramovich bought Chelsea for 140 million pounds last July and the Russian oil billionaire splashed out the same amount on new players. But they have lost out to Arsenal in the English Premiership chase and face a Champions League semi-final exit at the hands of Monaco after losing the first leg 3-1. But Porto were also reported to be set to offer Real Madrid coach Carlos Queiroz their job as the Portuguese was expected to be sacked by the Spanish giants in the summer after failing to do what Real president Florentino Perez signed him for -- "win things". They were knocked out of the Champions League by Monaco and trail Valencia in the Spanish league. And Perez was expected to be ready to listen to an offer for his Brazil World Cup winner and England captain, whose celebrity lifestyle has taken the club by surprise, to fund another foray into the transfer market with presidential elections due this summer. "Yes, Chelsea are thinking of Ronaldo and Beckham," admitted Ranieri. "There is only one person in the world who can try to take them from Florentino Perez and he is called Roman Abramovich."
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-28 16:46:40编辑过]

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发表于 2004-4-29 08:59:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-29 23:37:00 | 只看该作者
Ronaldo is Chelsea target
Claudio Ranieri has confirmed that Roman Abramovich wants David Beckham and Ronaldo.
"Chelsea are thinking of Ronaldo and Beckham," said the Blues boss. "There is only one person in
the world that can try and take them from Real Madrid and he is called Roman Abramovich."

Milan want Crespo
Milan are reported to be willing to exchange either Pippo Inzaghi or Jon Dahl Tomasson for Chelsea’s
unhappy striker Hernan Crespo. Milan want to bring the former Inter ace back to the San Siro over the
summer but are unwilling to match the £16m the Blues paid Inter last summer.

(来源:Football Italia)

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发表于 2004-5-1 22:58:00 | 只看该作者
切尔西清洗穆图首当其冲 克雷斯波等大腕悉数在列


http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年04月28日03:19 重庆晨报





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