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发表于 2014-5-18 15:04:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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西甲决赛日巴萨vs马竞球员评分 (来自BBC足球网页)
Barcelona v Atletico Madrid: La Liga decider player ratings
17 May 2014 Last updated at 21:53 GMT

Atletico Madrid fought back from a goal down to secure the draw they needed against Barcelona to win the Spanish league title. 一球落后的马德里竞技队,发动反击且取得了他们为赢得本赛季西甲联赛冠军所需要的对巴萨最后一战的平局。

Barcelona had to take the three points to snatch La Liga at Atletico's expense and it looked like it was going to be their day when both Diego Costa and Arda Turan went off injured for the visitors, before Alexis Sanchez opened the scoring with an incisive drive. 巴萨要拿下三分才能打劫马竞曾经的领先而在主场攫取西甲冠军,那么随着比赛进行,在桑切斯一次精准攻击破门前马竞2位主将迭戈科斯塔和阿达图兰接连受伤离场,巴萨人似乎看到新气象。

But Atletico hit back after the break, Diego Godin heading in to make it 1-1 and ensure it would be Diego Simeone's side smiling at the final whistle. 但是,马竞在下半场一个反击,由迭戈戈丁头球将比分扳平了,那么此后比赛直到哨响,西蒙尼一方笑到了最后。

Here's how Spanish football writer Andy West rated the players: 下面是板鸭足球专栏作家安迪韦斯特对本场比赛球员评点

巴萨 Barcelona

门将何塞·平托 6分 Jose Manuel Pinto (goalkeeper) - 6

The veteran back-up didn't look comfortable with the ball at his feet - he never does - but made a decent save from Adrian, just about dealt with a batch of dangerous crosses and had no chance with Atletico's goal.

右边后卫大鲵·阿尔维斯 7分 Dani Alves (right-back) - 7

One of the few Barcelona players who looked to take the initiative and show any dynamism in the game, this would be a sad way for Pep Guardiola's first signing in 2008 to leave the Nou Camp if rumours of a summer switch to Paris St-Germain are true.  巴萨队中为数不多一开场就能展现主动性的球员,并在整场比赛中随时都春满活力。令人悲伤的是,这位由佩普瓜迪奥拉在2008年上任伊始第一个签约的球员将要离开诺坎普,如果这个夏季转会到巴黎圣日耳曼的传言使真的话。

中卫格拉德·皮克 6分 Gerard Pique (centre-back) - 6

Rushed back from injury and initially looked rusty, getting booked and nearly turning a cross into his own net. He settled as the game grew and was even thrown forward as an emergency striker in the final stages, but to no avail.

中卫哈维尔·马斯切拉诺 6分 Javier Mascherano (centre-back) - 6

A typically committed display from the converted midfielder, whose tenacity helped to blunt the threat of David Villa. Another one who could be on his way soon, having hinted this would be his last Barca game.  这位从后腰转型而来的山寨中卫,一如既往不遗余力地疲于奔命地再展现铁血防守同时也暴露出致命短板———防空和位置感先天不足,虽然他的坚韧不拔全力以赴促使巴萨后防线将比利亚的尖刀威胁变为钝呆。他是另外一个即将结束诺坎普生涯球员,此前已经有暗示这将是他最后一次参加巴萨的比赛。

左边后卫阿德里亚诺 6分 Adriano (left-back) - 6

Produced Barca's first shot on target in the game with a typically well-struck effort after cutting inside from the left, but was a subdued presence after that as Barca struggled to mount any left-wing attacks all game.

后腰塞尔吉奥·布茨克斯 5分 Sergio Busquets (centre midfield) - 5

Normally so reliable in front of the back four, on this occasion he was outplayed by Atletico's swarming midfield and proved unable to provide his usual smooth link between defence and attack. Withdrawn through injury.

前腰塞斯克·法布雷加斯 6分 Cesc Fabregas (centre midfield) - 6

Unfortunately, this was a performance typical of Fabregas for Barcelona in the really big games: some promising moments, plenty of desire to contribute to his team's attacks but ultimately little end product. Replaced by Xavi. 不幸的是,法布雷加斯回归巴萨以来每逢真正大场面之战,丫都是介么一个屌样:在进攻端能制造一些令人看到黎明曙光的时刻,给巴萨进攻多次带来瞬间希望,可每逢此刻丫总是脑子跑得比腿脚快以至于终结端总是颗粒无收。没啥说的了,马蒂诺只好把老牛哈维推上去替下他。

前腰中场小白 5分 Andres Iniesta (centre midfield) - 5

Just couldn't get into the game. Diego Simeone is a huge admirer of the dribbling wizard and he had clearly made great efforts to ensure his team did not allow Iniesta to shine. Unusually uninvolved and ineffective. 受到限制至始至终,他只是无法融入比赛正点节奏上。迭戈西蒙尼对这位运球大师极为推崇备至,他绞尽脑汁对马竞中后场防守布局做出谋划使得马竞全队竭尽全力限制伊涅斯塔闪耀一二光芒。(事实上西蒙尼队伍成功冻结了小白),使得他陷入马竞无休止纠缠中不得脱身而碌碌无为。

右边翼阿里克斯·桑切斯 7分 Alexis Sanchez (right wing) - 7

The Chilean was easily his team's most dangerous attacking player in the first half and scored a sensational goal which briefly looked like giving Barca the title. Faded after the break, as did the whole team. 智利前锋显而易见是巴萨最有威胁的进攻球员,上半场取得的唯一进球是那么的令人浮想联翩心潮澎湃,这一度使得巴萨距离拥吻西甲桂冠奖杯只差45分钟距离!中场休息后桑9表演大大褪色,就像整个巴萨整个团队一样萎靡不振。

前锋莱奥内尔·梅西 6分Lionel Messi (striker) - 6

Utterly anonymous in the first half, with his only significant contribution coming when he mis-controlled for Sanchez to score. Much better after the break and had a goal disallowed, but couldn't exert an impact in the penalty box except a goal rightly ruled out for offside.  丫的评语太苛刻了,神马上半场完全消失,连那个助攻都说是控球失误造成滴。下半场梅西表现大为改观,打进1球但被判为无效。然而除了那个被判为越位的进球外,他对马竞禁区产生威胁性影响作用则可以忽略不计

Lionel Messi: "Utterly anonymous in the first half" 梅西:“上半场完全消失” —— 介是真的吗?那助攻呢?

左边翼佩德罗 5分 Pedro (left wing) - 5

The pacy and hard-working winger barely featured, hardly getting a kick and doing next to nothing to trouble Atletico's super-disciplined defence. Replaced by Neymar and his long-term Nou Camp future is in doubt.

替补 Substitutes

内玛尔 5分 Neymar - 5

Like Pique, the Brazilian star was rushed back from injury and introduced as a desperation sub in the second half, but despite wholehearted effort he couldn't create anything and - worryingly - again appeared to have no chemistry with Messi.

阿里克斯·宋 Alex Song - 6
Came on for the injured Sergio Busquets and ended up playing in the centre of defence as Pique pushed forward. Steady enough.

哈维 6分 Xavi - 6

Shockingly left out of the team by Tata Martino in a decision that could be interpreted as something of a statement in the Argentine's last game in charge. Little chance to make an impact.

马竞 Atletico Madrid

门将 库尔图瓦 7分 Thibaut Courtois (goalkeeper) - 7

Chelsea's on-loan keeper wasn't forced into too much action, wonderfully protected by his outstanding defence. But he made one good save from Dani Alves and provided an assured figure under crosses. 蓝军租借门将受到压力不大,表演的亮点不多,对那个丢球也没有展现其杰出扑救技艺。不过他对阿尔维斯做出了良好扑救,对其频繁传中骚扰表现出稳如磐石形象。

右边后卫 胡安弗兰 8分 Juanfran (right-back) - 8

The Spain international was simply outstanding, brilliantly nullifying the threat of first Pedro and then Neymar, whilst also showing his trademark deceptive attacking ability to regularly create danger going forward. 介位板鸭国脚上半场面对佩德罗之后面对内玛尔,防守端表现堪称出色,成功地冻结了巴萨左路一叉戟两个拷贝的轮替的进攻力量。同时当他上前助攻推进中,又能展现其招牌式带有极大忽悠性的进攻能力以制造致命威胁,为马竞右路进攻奉献一臂之力(联想客战蓝军时扳平比分的那个助攻)

左中卫米兰达 7分 Miranda (centre-back) - 7

As always, solid as a rock and utterly dependable. Miranda's unflappable partnership with Diego Godin has been a major reason for Atletico's success and many regard him as one of La Liga's best centre-backs. He showed why today.

右中卫 迭戈·戈丁 8分 全场最佳 Diego Godin (centre-back) - 8

Did everything right in defence, making umpteen clearances, blocks and tackles to snuff out Barca's increasingly hopeful attacks. And of course, he was also the goalscoring hero with an unstoppable thumping header. 对右(中)路的防守竭尽全力有条不紊,多次及时解围,一次次阻截化解巴萨不断升温进攻威胁,不断地扼杀他们在其主场取胜奢望。当然,大家都看到了,他那一记不可阻挡的头球重击,打破了诺坎普主场球迷本来就是侥幸的不断祈祷的弱弱的心灵!他就是全场最佳,他就是马竞夺冠大英雄!

左边后卫菲利佩·路易斯 7分 Filipe Luis (left-back) - 7

Although he wasn't able to get forward as often as usual, the Brazilian was solid in defence and smart in possession. Like compatriot Miranda, he is very unlucky to have been left out of Brazil's World Cup squad.

右中场安达·图兰 6分 Arda Turan (right midfield) - 6

Departed the field in tears after suffering a hip injury in a strong challenge from Fabregas. Now faces a race to regain fitness for the Champions League final.

后腰蒂亚戈 7分 Tiago (centre midfield) - 7

Disciplined and steady in midfield, the former Chelsea man would never have dreamed that he would end up as a La Liga champion at the age of 33, but he's been a key contributor in the last few weeks.    作为马竞纪律性和稳定性俱佳的双后腰之一,前切尔西人做梦也想不到,他会在33岁最终圆梦于一个西甲冠军,实际上他已经成为在最近几个星期以来马竞一路闯关蘸酱的关键贡献者。

后腰加比 8分 Gabi (centre midfield) - 8

Another selfless, wholehearted and utterly determined performance from the captain, who deserves far more recognition than he receives as Diego Simeone's right-hand man on the pitch. The ultimate team player. 马竞队长,是又一位展现了无私无畏的、全心全意的和完全靠谱有决断性奉献的球员。他所得到的高度认可,是不能仅仅局限于“他是西蒙尼在场上左膀右臂之一”这样吝啬评价的。 具有终极团队精神的球员。

左前卫 柯克 7分 Koke (left midfield) - 7

Although he lined up nominally on the left flank, he spent the majority of the game in the central midfield battleground and again showed he possesses more than a hint of steel to complement his silky touch on the ball. 名义上是左肋,他本场比赛大部分时间都是在中场中路这块战场上度过的。与在欧冠8强赛次回合淘汰巴萨及半决赛次回合淘汰蓝军比赛一样,他再次展现了他那刚柔相济的持球能力,顺溜如丝滑般的德芙那么飘柔,坚韧如蜘蛛精分泌织成的“钢”丝网撕不破扯不烂。这位90后的马竞助攻王,在属于他的这块地盘上抢球断球护球拿球持球运球,就好比蜘蛛侠,他就是马竞中枢钢丝侠

前锋迭戈·科斯塔 6分 Diego Costa (striker) - 6

Like Turan, he was left sobbing on the sidelines after suffering a recurrence of the hamstring injury which has bothered him for weeks. Now must be a major doubt for the Champions League final next Saturday.

前锋大卫·比利亚 David Villa (striker) - 6

Worked hard against his former club but now lacks pace and never looked like ending his two-month goal drought. His time at the top level could be drawing to a close.

替补 Substitutes

阿德里安 6分 Adrian - 6

Came on for Costa and initially struggled to impose his more subtle skills on the action, but played a big part in his team's fightback. Replaced when Simeone opted for more physicality in the latter stages.

·加西亚 7分 Raul Garcia - 7
Atletico's Mr Versatile replaced Turan and did a typically manful job on the right flank, working hard to support Juanfran in negating Barca's left wing threat. Also posed a danger in the box from set pieces.

·索萨 6分 Jose Sosa - 6
The hard-working Argentine came on for the final few minutes to give an added muscular edge as Atletico protected their point, and did everything that was asked of him. 当西蒙尼需要稳守他们1分成果时,这位打酱油的勤奋阿根廷人仅剩下短短几分钟上场时间,他在场上做了他该做的事情
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-18 15:15:57 | 只看该作者


柯克10次拦截成为亮点,加西亚4次射门,梅西5次过人,都是几项指标第一名,最终得分排名上柯克8.2 被评为全场最佳,助攻的加比和进球功臣戈丁也分列第二和第三。

总得来说,bbc评分和whoscored评分,区别不是很大,例如对加比和戈丁评分,两个来源都是很一致的 而对柯克评分相差1分,可能是在侧重点有所不同吧

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