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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:32:29 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:33:50 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:36:28 | 只看该作者
Tiago was successfully operated on his right arm fracture

28 de February, 2013 - 16:46

Tiago was hospitalized after returning from Seville and was successfully operated on in Majadahonda Fremap Clinic.

Tiago Cardoso Mendes had surgery on Thursday morning of the right arm fracture that occurred in the second leg of the semifinals of the Copa del Rey match at the Sanchez Pizjuan. The midfielder had to come off in the first half after a strong kick that caused the fracture when struggling for the ball with Medel. Upon arrival at Madrid he underwent tests that confirmed the extent of the injury and was admitted overnight to be operated on at midmorning.

The surgical technique was to fit a metal plate and a screw in the middle third of the right ulna. The operation was successful and the player will be watching developments. The doctors that were involved in the surgery were José María Abad Morenilla, Fernando García de Lucas, Enrique Monzo, Gabriel Ruiz and Ramón Carosini.

I tried to keep playing but I realised I could not continue, the bone was broken and I felt the whole arm move
 Tiago spoke for the Atlético website about the injury, the game and the fact they’ll be playing another final. The midfielder said that "we were very focussed on the match. We knew what we had to do, get the ball and be strong, with clear ideas and we were lucky that Diego Costa got a goal and almost scored the second. With the tie 0-2 we were almost through".

On the injury he said that "on that play Medel caught me. He was going to clear the ball and to protect my face I put my arm in the way. I felt that something was wrong because I did a lot of damage. I tried to keep playing but I realized I could not continue. The bone was broken and whole arm moved. It hurt so much and I tried to hold it with the other arm so it does not move much."

It comes at a bad time for him because "I was feeling pretty good in the squad. The team is giving a very good response after a less good time. Injuries never come at a good time and now I have to recover well. We have a team full of great players and we will work to see what we can do in Malaga".

The team is already thinking about the next game and Sunday against Malaga. "It will be a difficult game against a direct rival in the fight for the Champions League place. They come full of confidence and the team is good. We will try to get the maximum points," he concluded.
# ÁnimoTiago, trending topic in Spain
The painful withdrawal of Tiago from the pitch clutching his broken arm caused a chain reaction of support on social networks like Twitter. Thousands of fans sent their tweet with the hashtag #ÁnimoTiago, making it a trending topic in Spain.

etiquetas: Tiago, Injury, Football Kings Cup, Copa del Rey de Fútbol, Atlético de Madrid, Sevilla

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:39:05 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:40:52 | 只看该作者

I love you, Atleti!

28 de February de 2013

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:42:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 风中的风之子 于 2013-3-1 00:52 编辑


http://en.clubatleticodemadrid.c ... heir-19th-cup-final

Atletico make their 19th Cup final

28 de February, 2013 - 0:00

After securing their place in the final at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan the club from the bank of the Manzanares will play their 19th cup final, the 5th final in the last three years.

Upon arrival at the helm of Atletico Madrid, Diego Pablo Simeone defined the club as "a cup team" and the Argentina was right in what he said. The coach will lead his third final since he became manager of the club, the 19th in the clubs history.

In the 18 previous finals, luck has been divided with 9 wins and 9 losses. The vast majority of the trophies (8) were won in the Bernabeu, while La Romareda witnessed the first of two titles in the Double years. The first final we played took place in San Mames in 1921, while the first trophy was won in 1960 at the Bernabeu with Real Madrid as rival, te same team who we will meet in the final in May.

A continuación, todas las finales de Copa que ha disputado el Atlético:

1921 Athletic Club 4-1 Atlético de Madrid (San Mamés)

1926 F.C Barcelona 3-2 Atlético de Madrid (Mestalla)

1921 Athletic 4-1 Atlético de Madrid (San Mamés)

1926 Barcelona 3-2 Atlético de Madrid (Mestalla)

1956 Athletic 2-0 Atlético de Madrid (Chamartín)

1960 Atlético de Madrid 3-1 Real Madrid (Santiago Bernabéu)

1961 Atlético de Madrid 3-2 Real Madrid (Santiago Bernabéu)

1964 Zaragoza 2-1 Atlético de Madrid (Santiago Bernabéu)

1965 Atlético de Madrid 1-0 Real Zaragoza (Santiago Bernabéu)

1972 Atlético de Madrid 2-1 Valencia (Santiago Bernabéu)

1975 Real Madrid 0-0 (4-3 pen.) Atlético de Madrid (Vicente Calderón)

1976 Atlético de Madrid 1-0 Real Zaragoza (Santiago Bernabéu)

1985 Atlético de Madrid 2-1 Athletic Club (Santiago Bernabéu)

1987 Real Sociedad 2-2 (4-2 pen.) Atlético de Madrid (La Romareda)

1991 Atlético de Madrid 1-0 Mallorca (Santiago Bernabéu)

1992 Atlético de Madrid 2-0 Real Madrid (Santiago Bernabéu)

1996 Atlético de Madrid 1-0 Barcelona (La Romareda)

1999 Valencia 3-0 Atlético de Madrid (La Cartuja)

2000 R.C.D. Espanyol 2-1 Atlético de Madrid (Mestalla)

2010 Sevilla 2-0 Atlético de Madrid (Camp Nou)
http://www.clubatleticodemadrid. ... 19-final-de-la-copa
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:44:40 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:47:27 | 只看该作者
http://en.clubatleticodemadrid.c ... is-in-another-final

Simeone: "the fans will wake up happy because their team is in another final"

28 de February, 2013 - 8:41

The coach praised the attitude of his players and highlights the efforts of everyone in the group that makes up the squad.

Just after the game had started, Diego Costa put his team ahead putting his side in control of the tie. Diego Pablo Simeone said "I think there was a great attitude from the start. I felt that in the first minutes of the match we saw a team that had an important ambition to take the match and the truth was we responded very well especially in the first stage of the game. Then came the goals and that made us better. We are a team that left everythingon the field, we looked for the goal early on".

EOverjoyed to see the team fight for second in a competitive league to be back in a final
 The Argentine leaves satisfied and happy about what it means for the fans of Atléticoo be in another final. "Today the Atletico Madrid fans are happy. They’ll get up tomorrow morning and will be in a final, I’m overjoyed to see the team fight for second in a league as competitive as the Spanish and be in another final. That speaks highly of the players, the effort they are making, the people behind the scenes like the physios, doctors, kit men ... is a triumph of everyone because without the work of everyone it would be impossible to achieve what they’re achieving," he said.

Theres a long time until the final so Simeone and his men want to enjoy the present and focus on the important league clash on Sunday. "We are dedicated to enjoy the fact of reaching a final. Tomorrow we will think about Malaga, who are a direct rival and it will be a difficult game. We must be rested and recovered well face the game on Sunday. As for the final, the only thing we think about is the joy of returning to a major final," he said after the game. "After so much effort they put in, it’s not good to talk about the final yet. We should talk about how Falcao, Costa, Cata, Miranda played...That's the most important thing today. Tomorrow people will get up to go to work happy because their team is in another final," he concluded.

etiquetas: Simeone, Copa del Rey de Fútbol, Football Kings Cup, Atlético de Madrid, Sevilla

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 00:54:26 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-5 01:47:33 | 只看该作者

塞维中场孔多比亚因为在比赛中故意踢马竞前锋迭戈-科斯塔的要害部位而被直接红牌罚下,他也因此被停赛4场。不过他赛后却在推特上表示:这是我成为职业足球运动员以来首次因为一张红牌而要停赛4场。不过,科斯塔先生,下一次把那些猴子的叫声留给你自己吧 http://t.cn/zYYo4I6

对于国王杯决赛,大部分皇马球迷都希望在诺坎普举行;而大部分马竞球迷却希望在伯纳乌举行 http://t.cn/zYYKNXf;马竞主席塞雷佐则表示:上一场出现马德里德比的国王杯决赛是在伯纳乌举行的,这一次应该轮到在卡尔德隆举行了吧 http://t.cn/zYYKNXV

法尔考:我们进入国王杯决赛了,我对此感到很高兴。我们知道塞维利亚在主场会很拼的,双方都有不少机会,而且我们表现也很强势。这场比赛发生了很多事情,但最重要是晋级决赛,其他的就算了吧。决赛对阵皇马是一场重要的比赛,我希望马竞能为此做好准备 http://t.cn/zYY9bwJ


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-5 01:50:45 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-5 01:51:11 | 只看该作者
在客场淘汰塞维利亚进入国王杯决赛后,马德里竞技球员们乘坐西班牙高铁返回马德里。兴奋的马竞球员在高铁车厢里手舞足蹈地庆祝晋级,其中还有人跳起了Gangnam Style http://t.cn/zYTWrvo链接内附有视频
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-10 18:41:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 风中的风之子 于 2013-3-10 20:27 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-10 18:42:35 | 只看该作者

西班牙足协最终将本年度的国王杯决赛场地放在了皇马主场圣地亚哥伯纳乌球场,对此马德里竞技主席塞雷佐(Enrique Cerezo)并无任何异议,他认为马德里是双方共同的主场,同时更大的伯纳乌球场能让更多的球迷享受到这场比赛。
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