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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-27 22:03:47 | 只看该作者
Antonio Cassano And The Inter Temptation

A sensational suggestion.  Yes, right now it is just a suggestion by the Gazzetta dello Sport which has reported that Antonio Cassano would be tempted by a transfer to Inter.  This hypothesis always came up over the years but never materialized.  At Milan, Cassano is not happy and there is a conflict between him and Galliani who did not appreciate his comments at Euro 2012 (“I don’t know if I’m staying”).  Milan only want happy players to stay at Milan and if Cassano is not, he can leave.

The player would love to make a return to Sampdoria to live in the city where he met his wife.  Cassano has rejected several offers from abroad including those from Russia and Qatar.  The only team that could tempt him is Inter, the team in his heart.  In the past, he was seen several times with his friends Valentino Rossi and Marco Materazzi attending Champions League matches at the San Siro.  The conclusion is, if Inter call, it would be hard for Cassano to say no.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-27 22:06:53 | 只看该作者
Emiliano Viviano To Palermo Done Deal

The meeting between Inter and Palemro in Milan for Emiliano Viviano has ended.  The long-waited white smoke has come and now the goalkeeper fully belongs to Palermo who will turn him to Fiorentina on loan.  Viviano had no response leaving Inter headquarters.

The one uncertainty is the actual figure of this deal. Palermo will pay, according to the Gazzetta dello Sport, 3 million euros while Sky reports it is 4 million.  After a medical, the player will be available for Vincenzo Montella.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-27 22:08:04 | 只看该作者
Marco Fassone: “New Stadium? Important Project”

Speaking to Marco Barzaghi of Sport Mediaset, Inter general director Marco Fassone talks about the future plans that he has for this Inter.

“We want to get back to the top of Europe where Inter deserve to be.  Moratti has given me precise objectives to reach in order to reopen another winning cycle.  We want to be among the top eight in Europe economically and in terms of sports as well.  It will not be easy because we must be attentive to the budget but we will try.”

Then the inevitable discussion of owning a new stadium.

“This is an important project that we are looking at and the fact that I am today at Inter means that this club really wants to move forward.  Fund from the Chinese for the stadium?  I read of these contacts but I do not know any more than what was published in the newspapers.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-25 13:57:10 | 只看该作者

Press release: Internazionale Holding S.r.l
Wednesday, 01 August 2012 22:47

MILAN, 1 August 2012 - Internazionale Holding S.r.l. announces that today it has reached an agreement which envisages the acquisition of a stake in F.C. Internazionale S.p.A. by a group of Chinese investors. The Moratti Family will keep the control of the Company while the group of Chinese investors will became the second largest shareholder.
At the same time China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co., Ltd., a company controlled by China Railway Construction Corporation, and F.C. Internazionale S.p.A. have started a joint effort for the construction of a new proprietary stadium expected to be completed by 2017. In the upcoming months the parties will jointly select the potentially suitable locations, define the project team and start the filing process to obtain the required authorizations.

To ensure that the new investors are fairly represented in the Company governance, Ms Kamchi Li, Mr Kenneth Huang and Mr Fabrizio Rindi will become members of the board of directors starting from next October.

F.C. Internazionale welcomes the new shareholders and is proud to give start to this new phase of the corporate life of the club, aimed at expanding its presence in the Asian markets to raise new resources for the enhancement of its international future development and winning perspectives.

Internazionale Holding S.r.l. and F.C. Internazionale S.p.A. have been assisted by Four Partners Advisory SIM S.p.A. and Lazard & Co. S.r.l. as financial advisers and by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP as legal adviser.

The counterparty and China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. have been assisted by Gallipos AG and UBS AG as financial advisers and by Studio Legale Associato Negri-Clementi as legal adviser.

Press Office

8月2日米兰消息 -  在同中国投资集团签约之后,马西莫·莫拉蒂主席接受了天空体育的采访,“首先,签订新合约是对俱乐部实力的增强,然后我认为这是一次非常愉快的合作,对方是一个来自中国的投资者,一个中国最强大的企业之一。从长远的角度来看,我相信这次合作非常重要。”





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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-25 23:41:29 | 只看该作者


8月2日米兰消息 - 马西莫·莫拉蒂今天离开萨拉斯办公室时回答了守候的记者们的提问。





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发表于 2012-8-30 09:41:28 | 只看该作者

8月22日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 今天是安东尼奥·卡萨诺在国际米兰征程的第一天。今天早晨这名意大利前锋抵达安杰洛·莫拉蒂体育中心,主帅安德雷·斯特拉马乔尼和队长哈维尔·萨内蒂早已等候在这里向他送上热烈的欢迎。


小狼狗来可以小补俺因海豚被撸走的伤心~  发表于 2012-9-2 15:47
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发表于 2012-8-30 09:53:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫 于 2012-8-30 11:16 编辑




      8月29日米兰消息 - 他是国际米兰历史上最伟大的守门员之一。7个赛季,300场比赛,无数青史留名的精彩扑救,以及他惊人的能量和高尚的品格:这就是蓝黑色的朱里奥·塞萨尔,这些甚至还不足以描述他——蓝黑色的朱里奥·塞萨尔。



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发表于 2012-8-30 10:29:16 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-8-30 12:44:39 | 只看该作者


哈哈,烤肉帮的阴毛论果然渗入人心哇~ 900万的年薪,难以承受了  发表于 2012-9-2 15:38
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发表于 2012-8-30 12:45:21 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 15:56:40 | 只看该作者
8月29日米兰消息 - 国际米兰足球俱乐部宣布,朱里奥·塞萨尔已经通过协商解约方式离开球队,所有相关文件已提交意甲联赛委员会。

8月29日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  在国际米兰同瓦斯卢伊比赛的前一天,安德烈·斯特拉马乔尼在新闻发布会上说道:“我已经说过,而且今天要重复,感谢朱里奥·塞萨尔,他给了我很大的帮助。这是俱乐部做出的一个艰难的决定,因为我们不得不面对真正的情感。所有人都爱他,莫拉蒂主席也是如此,因此他应该得到一次同球迷们告别的机会。我相信那将是非常美好、非常感人的一幕,在他为国际米兰创造了不可磨灭的历史之后。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 16:13:55 | 只看该作者
8月31日米兰消息 - 国际米兰足球俱乐部宣布,队内后卫麦孔·道格拉斯·西塞南多正式转会曼彻斯特城足球俱乐部,相关文件已完成提交。

在这支征服了意大利,欧洲,乃至世界的国际米兰队中,麦孔留下了难以磨灭的印记。被队友们称为Maic,被球迷们称为the Colossus(巨人)的麦孔即将翻开人生中新的一页,这一页或许看上去与他刚刚来到国际米兰的那天有些相似,因为他将在曼彻斯特城投入国际米兰前主帅罗伯托·曼奇尼的帐下。  
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 16:32:02 | 只看该作者
Moratti: "Inter, home for Julio Cesar and Maicon"

Thursday, 30 August 2012 20:39

MILAN - As soon as he arrived at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza for Inter v Vaslui, Massimo Moratti paused to talk to Sky Italia. The questions were of course to do with the transfer market with the president responding that: "The game is more important and I want to see what happens with the weather, and how the pitch holds up. One last signing? They claim we're looking at all sorts of players, that we need a back-up for Milito. If something interesting comes up, we'll see, if not things are fine as they are. What irritates me? Our new faces who I've not yet seen in action!"

The president was then asked to comment on Julio Cesar and Maicon and whether it's already time to wish them farewell: "I've already done so. It's sad for us but it will also motivate them to perform well. We are very fond of them and Inter will always be their home."

Press Office
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 16:37:41 | 只看该作者

8月27日米兰消息 -  阿尔瓦罗·佩雷拉正式加盟国际米兰。国际米兰俱乐部已经向意大利足球联盟提交了乌拉圭球员的转会资料。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 16:39:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-9-5 18:55 编辑



8月28日米兰消息 -  国际米兰俱乐部正式宣布,萨穆埃莱·隆戈将租借至西班牙人队。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 17:05:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-9-2 17:18 编辑


Cassano: "Inter above the sky"
Saturday, 25 August 2012 14:38

APPIANO GENTILE - Antonio Cassano was in the mood for talking. The 'new Antonio', as he defined himself when presented to the media at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti today. Wearing a smile, overflowing with emotions and pointed. Without trying to hide the truth. With no fear.

Cassano is a happy man now and you can tell: "The most important thing for me was that Marco [Branca] and Piero [Ausliio] agreed with the coach about signing me. I want to thank president Moratti, who is in charge of it all and who welcomed me affectionately the other day, but also Marco and Piero, because when things aren't going so well everyone is quick to point it out, but when things are going well given the excellent transfer business that has been done nobody talks about it, because they're no good at licking you know what... I can tell you that I'm happy and it's very important for me that they've bought me, it's important that they've placed their trust in the 'new Antonio'.

Lots of questions from curious journalists, with the forward reminded of what he said the day he was unveiled as an AC Milan player ("There's nothing above Milan but the sky. If I mess up here I want locking away."). Cassano retorted: "I said 'if I mess up', but I wasn't the one who messed up. Somebody else who is above the coach messed up. He made promise after promise but it was all talk and no action, and that's why I had to leave. Do I mean Galliani? Those are your words... I would like to thank everyone at Milan and the fans. When I had my heart problem they gave me lots of support, my team-mates too. I'm not going to thank him, all talk and no action. I thank Silvio Berlusconi, who offered me all his support. I thank Barbara Berlusconi, who was really nice to me. Tavano, who saved my life, and Tassotti. Not others. And that's not ingratitude. And another thing: I said there's nothing above Milan but sky? After the sky - above the sky - there's Inter."

Press Office


8月25日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  “全新的安东尼奥”,这是卡萨诺在新闻发布会上对自己的定义。现在的卡萨诺非常幸福,他说道:“对我来说重要的事情是,马尔科和皮耶罗(布兰卡和奥西里奥)同教练对于我的购入达成了一致,所以我才能来到这里。我要感谢莫拉蒂主席,他对我非常欢迎。我现在非常幸福,国际米兰能够买下我非常重要,感谢大家对这个全新安东尼奥的信任。”

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 17:16:58 | 只看该作者

8月27日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  沃尔特·加尔加诺在国际米兰同佩斯卡拉的比赛中已经代表球队出场,现在他将正式同媒体见面。8月28日,周二下午13:00,加尔加诺将在“安杰洛·莫拉蒂”体育中心的媒体大厅同媒体见面。


8月28日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  在同佩斯卡拉的比赛中已经出场并且有出色的表现,沃尔特·加尔加诺周二下午正式同媒体见面。他谈到了在那不勒斯的5年经历,“那是美好的5年。那不勒斯和国际米兰的差别?国际米兰更有经验”。此外他还表达了加盟国际米兰的喜悦心情,“我在正确的时候来到了正确的俱乐部,这是我的梦想。从小我就是国际米兰球迷,现在我感到就像回到家了一样。队友们都非常欢迎我,我们就像认识很多年的朋友一样。小时候不管是看球还是打游戏,我都选择国际米兰。现在我期待自己在这里效力很长时间。”



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 21:37:38 | 只看该作者

寂寞像大海 已泛滥成灾
最坚韧的心 也一点点剖开

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 21:53:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-15 21:14:43 | 只看该作者
Workshop 2012: welcome to the home of Inter
Thursday, 06 September 2012 21:36

APPIANO GENTILE -  The original idea - which has been consolidated over the years - was to create a team spirit between Inter and its partners, like the Nerazzurri on the pitch.

It's no coincidence then that the club should meet its partners at 'home': the annual meeting between the club and its sponsors was held this evening at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti in Appiano Gentile. The team which met the guests was made up of strategic director Milly Moratti, managing director Marco Fassone, commercial director Mario De Vivo, coach Andrea Stramaccioni, team manager Ivan Cordoba and players Javier Zanetti and Esteban Cambiasso.

Strategic director Milly Moratti welcomed the guests to the home of Inter: "We feel a strong sense of responsibility in having a brand which immediately inspires confidence in our fans. We have a direct link to them and understanding people's needs is the new approach in finance."

Massimo Moratti was determined not to miss the opportunity to meet the club's sponsors. After receiving a heartfelt applause from the surprised guests, in a long speech the president highlighted how unique Inter is and the values the club stands for. Nerazzurri coach Andrea Stramaccioni and managing director Marco Fassone then took the floor.

The bosses of RCS Sport attended, while the news regarding this season at the San Siro was announced, along with the opportunities for the brands which have joined up with the Nerazzurri. Other than the usual display areas - which last season allowed the club to increase the number of sponsors and record excellent results - the stadium now also allows clients to have personalised hospitality lounges, which have recently been completed.

The reports also showed the important role played by foreign projects, like the tour to Indonesia, which went far beyond expectations, the Inter Academy projects, which have increased in number, and Inter's excellent image throughout the world.

International in every sense of the word. The sponsors were also given a first look at the brochure produced by Skira, celebrating 15 years of Inter Campus. Two hundred pictures telling the stories of 24 countries, where football teaches 10,000 children how to smile even in the face of hardship.

Press Office


9月6日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 我们最初的想法,就是在国际米兰及其合作伙伴们之间建立一种团队精神,一如内拉祖里战士们在球场上那样。经过多年的努力,这一创想正逐渐坚固。







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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-15 21:49:16 | 只看该作者
Massimo Moratti: "I believe in Inter"
Friday, 07 September 2012 17:26

APPIANO GENTILE - When you meet the sponsors, figures are on the agenda, so it helps if the numbers are healthy like Inter's. Surprise guest Massimo Moratti, greeted by rapturous applause, was invited to take the floor. Here the figures are important but so too is his vision for Inter. Different and unique. A big thank you to those who invest in Inter.

"It's an investment I've been making for years. I believe in Inter, not only from a financial perspective but I think Inter will be a model club and its this aspect of investment which I like."

Values which at times mean making sacrifices, an approach which the supporters agree with, both in Italy and abroad - especially overseas. A word on China, then thoughts turned to the action on the pitch because "our overall success with Inter is helped by our achievements on the field of play - that's what this club is all about."

Andrea Stramaccioni represents both continuity and modernity at the same time. The president explained: "I wasn't especially brave in choosing him, I thought he had all the attributes necessary to do the job and I was right about his qualities as a human being. While acknowledging the recent past, this was a turning point, both from a sporting and political sense, in an economy which must give us the strength to find positive values. We work harder and it's a good lesson for life. And we rely on a bit more creativity."

The team.

"I like being able to put my trust in young people and those who have made history at the club. I feel able to do so and that's the best thing."

How could Andrea Stramaccioni follow that up? He joked that it was impossible to top that but he spoke about his role in the project.

"This is a very important year, where we're building on Inter's core values - which I believe very much in. It's a key year, we want to be back challenging for trophies, the road will be tough and that's why I wanted to be here to thank the partners. They give us a lot of confidence and it's thanks to this that we can create a wider group which extends beyong the field of play."

Francesco Toldo announced the 15th year of Inter Campus and presented the brochure which is set to be released, compiled by Skira. Two hundred pictures from around the world, with Francesco declaring that "Inter Campus is unique."

Marco Fassone, appointed chief executive three months ago, was the last to speak. A thoroughly professional individual, he's part of the new order which the president spoke about.

Three months were enough to understand how unique Inter is. The figures confirm it, but they on their own cannot explain why.

Press Office


9月7日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  周五在阿皮亚诺,国际米兰的赞助商们齐聚一堂。马西莫·莫拉蒂主席突然到来,获得了大家的热烈掌声,他也被要求讲话。首先他衷心地感谢了来着对国际米兰俱乐部的支持。





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