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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:27:59 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:29:14 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:33:10 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:35:22 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:36:59 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:38:04 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:38:11 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:40:32 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:41:35 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:42:44 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 11:44:36 | 只看该作者

7月9日平佐洛消息 - 继西尔维斯特雷之后,另一位国际米兰的新援加入了训练,他就是萨米尔·汉达诺维奇。在训练结束之后,他通过国米频道首次作为内拉祖里球员向大家发来了问候。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 12:40:55 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 13:45:25 | 只看该作者





The Argentinian explains: “There are no clans at Inter.”

And on Destro: “I could already see that he would be great when he was here training.”


“At Inter there are no clans.  Sorry for those who have left but if we win, I would go blond.”

Milan – L’Intoccabile: The Untouchable. Because the transfer market seems going around and around without touching Diego Milito, Prince of all, King of last season when he resurrected by scoring 24 goals.

Milito, a few weeks ago there is this headline in some newspaper: “Barca want Milito.”
“Never heard anything, really.”

A year ago, however, PSG were looking for you.
“I repeat when you find a place where you are feeling good, you can also said no.”

So is that the feeling of being untouchable?
“I always said that I am feeling well here with my teammates, with this club, and with the fans from whom I have always felt the love.  I will always have to repay all the affection that Inter fans have for me.”

What they want is also what you want: to win.
“I am convinced that we can start winning again right away, otherwise I would be home.”

Inter are in a rebuilding mode but is a trophy possible?
“This is a fundamental period that we are living in.  We must have a strong start, stay united, have the right mindset and ready to suffer.  Without suffering we will get nothing.”

Without having balance you would not score 24 goals after the mistakes in previous season that won you the Bidone d’oro.
“I won’t deny that I missed a lot of goal-scoring opportunities but I never wanted to be dramatic about it.  The fact that changing coaches should be not underestimated: we started with one, continued with another and finished with a third.”

The added value that you have now is that you will have the same coach.
“A huge plus.”

In the meantime, Pazzo said those words (“I’m not a part of this club”).
“That surprises me a little bit and that outburst, we cannot do anything about it.  If Pazzo leaves, I would dislike it a lot just like with my other teammates.”

There is already talk of his replacement: Mattia Destro, you know him well.
“He trained with us in the treble season, with Mourinho.  Already then I knew that he would be a great and complete striker technically and that was confirmed by the great season that he just had.  Especially he will have all the time to even get better.”

About that treble: few of those players remain.  Julio Cesar and Maicon could also leave and that number of players will be even less.
“I’m not here to talk about transfer market rumors, let’s see what happens and then we’ll talk about it.  Certainly I would dislike it if I lose my teammates and friends.  I was very disappointed with the departure of Lucio and even Forlan with whom I had a beautiful relationship.  But I say this: the club is focusing on a new project and Inter always come first.”

Here is the players count: for now Argentina is beating Brazil 7-5.  Soon it could be 7-3.
“It is not a matter of Brazilians vs. Argentinians.  We all have always moved forward in the same direction and will continue doing the same, our victories will confirm this.”

Naturally the story of an Argentinian clan is common.
“I try to ignore it but of course I don’t like hearing a certain things because every day, we work together regardless of nationality.  I know that outside, there are those who see that way and they speak of a clan: but it is wrong and it is time to stop it because there is no such thing.”

Now you have Palacio and Silvestre in addition.
“They are two players worthy of Inter.  They have demonstrated that in Italy, all the years where they have got so much experience to bring them here.  Among other things, both played in a great team: Boca Juniors.”

After the first training game, you could see a formation with Sneijder (for now Coutinho or Alvarez) behind the duo of Palacio-Milito.  Not bad at all.
“It would be a very strong formation if Stramaccioni considers it, not to forget Cou and Alvarez of course.”

What would you do to win this season? Would you go blond?
“I would do everything even dying my hair: it washes off anyway.”

Source: Gazzetta dello Sport
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:07:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-11 22:14 编辑


ESCLUSIVA - Zanetti: "Ritirarmi? Chi l'ha detto? E i nostri giovani..."

Un vero mito, il recordman nerazzurro di tutti i tempi: per presenze, per rendimento, per devozione alla maglia. Javier Zanetti è una di quelle bandiere come ne sono rimaste poco nel mondo del calcio: calciatore e uomo modello, una freschezza di un ragazzino a 39 anni, e nessuna voglia di smettere. Non poteva che andare a lui il Premio Speciale della redazione di FcInterNews.it: nell'occasione abbiamo avuto anche la fortuna di scambiare con lui quattro chiacchiere in esclusiva. "Sono molto contento di questo premio - ci ha detto - dopo 18 anni in maglia nerazzurra questo riconoscimento è un coronamento importante alla mia carriera, a maggior ragione se viene da una redazione sempre attenta come la vostra".

Che aria c'è a Pinzolo quest'anno rispetto alla scorsa stagione?
Tanto entusiasmo da parte di tutti, tifosi e anche calciatori, in tantissimi ci sostengono e ci fanno sentire un calore speciale. Da parte nostra c'è tanta voglia di riscattare la scorsa stagione, speriamo che il lavoro porti poi i suoi frutti.

Come si lavora con Stramaccioni, alla prima a inizio stagione?
Sta lavorando bene, ci tiene molto alla parte fisica con test molto probanti, è molto preparato. Cerchiamo di accelerare la preparazione perché quest'anno abbiamo tanti impegni e inizieremo la stagione molto presto, cercheremo di farci trovare pronti ai nastri di partenza, in forma al punto giusto.

Molti calciatori storici hanno lasciato la squadra e altri potrebbero andar via, voi senatori come state vivendo questa situazione?
Sono giocatori che hanno dato tanto alla società, faranno sempre parte della famiglia interista, ma la società ha preso le sue scelte e noi dobbiamo rispettarle. Possiamo solo ringraziarli per quanto fatto per l'Inter, resteranno sempre nella storia.

Come vedi questo nuovo gruppo che sta prendendo forma?
Vedo tanti giovani bravi e determinati, compito di quelli più esperti sarà farli crescere e fargli capire cosa vuol dire indossare la maglia dell'Inter. Speriamo che tutti possano dare il proprio contributo alla causa.

Cordoba ha aperto una strada entrando nella dirigenza, per te è già pronta una scrivania?
Mi piacerebbe continuare a lavorare per questa società dopo che avrò smesso sul campo, vediamo, quando sarà il momento ne parlerò con la dirigenza e cercheremo la soluzione più adatta.

Ma sei proprio sicuro che questa sarà la tua ultima stagione da calciatore?
Penso che ci sia stato un malinteso, in quella intervista ho detto che sulla carta dovrei smettere perché sono all'ultimo anno di contratto, ma non vuol dire che mi ritirerò. In una stagione può succedere di tutto, vedrò l'anno prossimo come mi sentirò, ne parlerò con la società, i compagni e la mia famiglia e decideremo. Ora mi sento bene e se fosse per me continuerei ancora per anni...


言行举止、实力表现和倾注在这件战袍上的心血投入,铸就一位真正的传奇、蓝黑军团的活历史。无论场内场外,哈维尔·萨内蒂都是足以表率众人的罕见楷模之一,时至39岁仍保持着年轻人的活力,不言退却。FC Inter News为你带来独家采访,和萨内蒂一起谈论国际米兰这支新球队、训练营和他在俱乐部的未来:






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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:16:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-11 14:39 编辑

With Andrea Stramaccioni, "I've only talked about the players who have left and he told me he'd emailed Sneijder to tell him that I'm already here. Wesley replied: 'So tell him to get the sushi ready.'"

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发表于 2012-7-11 14:16:34 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:18:54 | 只看该作者
7月10日平佐洛消息 - 在俱乐部副主席安杰洛马里奥·莫拉蒂和总经理马尔科·法索内的视察下,国际米兰今天进行了他们在训练营的第8次训练。由于下雨,内拉祖里球员们在体育馆内进行了力量和身体状态训练。


主力: Handanovic; Silvestre, M'Baye, Zanetti, Ranocchia, Chivu, Coutinho, Palacio, Milito, Guarin, Cambiasso.

替补: Castellazzi; Gugliemotti, Bianchetti, Benassi, Cannataro, Del Piero, Garritano, Romanò, Pazzini, Livaja, Longo.

RESERVES (Valid for both teams): Bardi, Belec, Nagatomo, Ogunseye, Pedrabissi, Samuel, Terrani.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:24:33 | 只看该作者
Inter Green 3-0 Inter Orange
Tuesday, 10 July 2012 20:15

PINZOLO – The Inter "Green" team beat the Inter "Orange" team 3-0 at the Stadio Pineta in what was the Nerazzurri's first friendly of the new season.

Two 30-minute halves were played with recent signings Handanovic, Silvestre and Palacio making their first appearances in black and blue. But it was an old favourite who started the year with a bang, as Diego Milito netted twice in the first half to give Inter Green a 2-0 lead at half time. After the restart, an inch-perfect pass from the unstoppable Zanetti almost gave Milito the chance to complete his hat-trick but Ranocchia beat the striker to it and put the ball into his own net.

Watching the friendly from the sidelines were vice president Angelomario Moratti, Bedy Moratti and managing director Marco Fassone.

FIRST HALF – Livaja gave Silvestre an early taste of his ability when he burst past the Argentine in the 2nd minute, his angled effort finishing wide. Coutinho then played Milito in down the other end but Guglielmotti closed him down well and the Prince was unable to trouble Castellazzi. Inter Orange carved out their first decent chance in the 10th minute: Livaja played a dinked pass towards Longo but the striker – recently promoted to the first team – got his touch wrong and the ball flew high. A minute later the deadlock was broken, but it was Inter Green and Milito who managed it: Zanetti passed to Palacio, who played the ball in on a plate for Milito to tap home.

Soon afterwards Palacio again picked out Milito but the striker's low cross was met by no one. A foul by Guglielmotti on Mbaye around the quarter-hour mark gave the referee no option but to award a spot kick to the Greens: Milito sent Castellazzi the wrong way and made it 2-0. Coutinho almost added a third on 18 minutes after collecting a ball from Cambiasso but this time Castellazzi did well to push clear at full stretch. In the 20th minute Silvestre connected with a header but couldn't get it on target. As the first 30 minutes came to a close, it was again the Greens causing problems: a delightful ball from Coutinho found Zanetti and the skipper laid off for Guarin, but the Colombian could only blast his effort over.

SECOND HALF – Four minutes after the break, Zanetti sent over a cross aiming for Milito's head, but Ranocchia got there first and knocked the ball into his own net. Zanetti didn't stop there: even at 3-0 he kept clocking up the miles on the wing and pinging in ball after ball. Likewise Milito's sights remained firmly trained on goal as he looked for his third. Palacio also tried to get on the score sheet and fired in a left-footed shot after 41 minutes of play only to be denied by Ranocchia, the defender knocking out of play. From the following corner the ball fell to Samuel, but the Argentine's effort was high. Belec showed safe hands in the 44th minute as he kept out Palacio twice in quick succession. Inter's new Argentine forward had another go after 48 minutes - Belec alert to it once more - before Longo tried his luck with the same result: the Slovene keeper was in no mood for being beaten.

Inter Green 3-0 Inter Orange
Scorers: Milito 11, 15 pen, Ranocchia 34 og.


Inter Green (4-2-3-1): 1 Handanovic; 2 Silvestre, 3 Mbaye, 4 Zanetti, 5 Ranocchia, 6 Chivu, 7 Coutinho, 8 Palacio, 9 Milito, 10 Guarin, 11 Cambiasso.
Inter Orange (4-4-2): 1 Castellazzi, 2 Guglielmotti, 3 Bianchetti, 4 Benassi, 5 Cannataro, 6 Del Piero, 7 Garritano, 8 Romanò, 9 Pazzini, 10 Livaja, 11 Longo.


Inter Green: Bardi, Bianchetti, Silvestre, Samuel, Nagatomo, Guarin, Cambiasso, Coutinho, Palacio, Livaja, Longo.
Inter Orange: Belec, Mbaye, Cannataro, Benassi, Guglielmotti, Romanò, Garritano, Ogunseye, Del Piero, Terrani, Pedrabissi.

Referee: Mr. Davide Barozzi (Rovereto)
Assistant (1): Mr. Paolo Barbera (Rovereto)
Assistant (2): Mr. Andrea Angheben
Spectators: 3,000.

Press Office

国际米兰绿队 3-0 国际米兰橙队

7月10日平佐洛消息 - 在皮内塔球场进行的内拉祖里新赛季第一场友谊赛中,国际米兰“绿队”以3-0击败国际米兰“橙队”。



国际米兰绿队 3-0 国际米兰橙队
进球者:11' 15'(点球) 米利托,34' 拉诺基亚



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:26:04 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:30:26 | 只看该作者
Milito: "It's about finding fitness and..."
Tuesday, 10 July 2012 21:56

PINZOLO - Inter's first goals of the season came from the feet of Diego Milito. It might only have been a friendly played between team-mates but the striker is already showing his desire to get backing to winning, to being successful, to being Inter. "It's important for us to find our fitness and strike up the best understanding possible with our new team-mates," El Principe told Inter Channel. "I knew Palacio already, while Silvestre I'd only met as an opponent. I can see that he's a very strong defender, he has a great physique, and I'm sure he'll prove to be a very useful player for us over the course of the season. This is the first time in three years that I've been here at the start of pre-season training and it's important. Stramaccioni is really determined. He's trying to improve the team and once the transfer window is over he'll be able to do that even more calmly."

Press Office


7月11日平佐洛消息 -  迭戈·米利托已经打进了他本赛季的前两个进球,尽管只是一场队内友谊赛,但国际米兰锋霸展示出了对进球和胜利的强烈渴望。“找回状态和集中注意力非常重要,”米利托对国际米兰频道说道,“我很早就认识帕拉西奥,斯尔维斯特雷则是以前的对手,我可以说他是一个非常强大的后卫,身体素质非常棒,我认为他对球队非常有帮助。斯特拉马乔尼非常有动力,他是在不断的加强球队,当转会市场结束时,希望他会有更多自信和平静。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:31:47 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:33:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-7-11 14:34 编辑

Milito: "It's about finding fitness and..."
Tuesday, 10 July 2012 21:56

PINZOLO - Inter's first goals of the season came from the feet of Diego Milito. It might only have been a friendly played between team-mates but the striker is already showing his desire to get backing to winning, to being successful, to being Inter. "It's important for us to find our fitness and strike up the best understanding possible with our new team-mates," El Principe told Inter Channel. "I knew Palacio already, while Silvestre I'd only met as an opponent. I can see that he's a very strong defender, he has a great physique, and I'm sure he'll prove to be a very useful player for us over the course of the season. This is the first time in three years that I've been here at the start of pre-season training and it's important. Stramaccioni is really determined. He's trying to improve the team and once the transfer window is over he'll be able to do that even more calmly."

Press Office


7月11日平佐洛消息 -  迭戈·米利托已经打进了他本赛季的前两个进球,尽管只是一场队内友谊赛,但国际米兰锋霸展示出了对进球和胜利的强烈渴望。“找回状态和集中注意力非常重要,”米利托对国际米兰频道说道,“我很早就认识帕拉西奥,斯尔维斯特雷则是以前的对手,我可以说他是一个非常强大的后卫,身体素质非常棒,我认为他对球队非常有帮助。斯特拉马乔尼非常有动力,他是在不断的加强球队,当转会市场结束时,希望他会有更多自信和平静。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:33:20 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:35:53 | 只看该作者
66# memes
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-11 14:43:26 | 只看该作者
Rai Sport interview with chief exec Marco Fassone
Wednesday, 11 July 2012 02:32

PINZOLO – FC Internazionale managing director Marco Fassone gave an interview to Rai Sport's Thomas Villa from the Nerazzurri's training camp in Pinzolo.

Read what the club's chief executive had to say on inter.it:

What's the atmosphere like at this training camp?

"Very good I'd say. I'd been to Pinzolo before so I already knew the Trentino region and how good they are at organising first-rate training camps. You only have to look at the other clubs based here to see that. So from a logistical point of view, very good. As for the mood in the camp, the atmosphere and morale within the group, I see the right spirit going into a season as important as the one ahead."

An important season, because as everyone knows Inter are turning the page. A few big names have left, a few others have joined. What does it all mean?
"It means we've taken the experience of last year on board. It means rejuvenating, which doesn't mean revolutionising or downsizing but immediately restoring that sparkle which set Inter apart in the five-year period from 2006 to 2010; making choices that – as the president has said – may be painful but which are made with the aim of putting this team back at the top of the pile where it belongs, not only in Italy but in Europe too."

Perhaps with a little less experience but renewed energy and enthusiasm...

"You have to have the right mix: top players – who bring prestige, experience and class – and youngsters who in many cases have come through a youth academy that has proved it is among the very best in Europe, and new signings. A blend of those three things, which will hopefully be compatible with the club's sporting and financial requirements."

Are these transfers the final effect of a new project? Which direction is Inter moving in?
"No, I think they are the initial effect. For now all you can see are the early signs of a project that on one hand – and this has been the most noticeable aspect in this initial phase - must pay close attention to costs; on the other hand - and I think this a concern not only for Inter but for Italian football in general - we must focus on closing the gap. I think our system has lost ground on the Spanish and German clubs especially in recent years: they've moved some way ahead of us regarding turnover. We must place the emphasis on growth and to grow we need to have a game like the one we had 15 years ago in terms of entertainment, being able to attract fans and being able to ensure that football in Italy is the most beautiful game in the world again. We may have had a few distractions recently but we need to get back to focusing on this other aspect as well."

So how can the gap with those teams – like the two from Manchester and the Spanish clubs – be closed? They have sources of income that don't exist in Italy.
"We all know that in Italy there are three main areas that clubs can exploit to boost their income. One where I think we're generally doing well in Italy is TV rights, which is still main source of income for all Serie A sides. There are a couple of areas where we can do better. One is stadiums. I don't want to repeat the same old story about Juventus being the only Italian club capable of equipping itself with a modern, state-of-the-art stadium and seeing the benefits both on the pitch - because in the stadium's inaugural season they won the Scudetto - and off the pitch, given the huge financial benefits. The other area is the one more generically know as marketing, merchandising, licensing, sponsorships. And there I think our German friends can teach us a thing or two."

Are Inter good enough to challenge for the title, given how strong Juventus and AC Milan are?
"Being amongst the top teams in Italy and Europe is part of Inter's history, so I'd say that's a rhetorical question. Of course you can't expect the squad that the coach has on 10 July to necessarily be the same one he will have on 31 August. I think generally all clubs are at that early mid-July stage where the squad is in a state of flux. We'll do everything we can to leave the coach with the best squad possible on 31 August."

So there might be more players to come?

"Some might arrive, some might leave. There are 45 days to go until the end of the transfer market so deals are in progress."

Press Office


7月11日平佐洛消息 -  国际米兰俱乐部总经理马尔科·法索内周二出现在了平佐洛训练基地,他接受了RAI体育的专访。以下是专访的内容:






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