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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-3 13:55:26 | 只看该作者
继瓦丝之后,大拿玩养成的新目标(人口还贩上瘾了哈 )开始正式拍马屁拜瓢巴子码头来了~

Dybala: "L'Inter c'è, io sogno la 10 nerazzurra. E Zanetti..."
A FcInterNews.it, Paulo Dybala si confessa e annuncia il suo amore per la Beneamata

Ha il volto da bravo ragazzo, Paulito. Uno che guardi e ti sembra già dire con quella faccia d'angelo di voler spaccare il mondo. Solo con due colori addosso, però: il nero e l'azzurro, la maglia dell'Inter. Per Paulo Dybala l'opportunità di arrivare a Milano è molto concreta e visto che era stato Javier Zanetti, il capitano monumento in Argentina, a fare ai nostri microfoni la sua investitura per questo talento classe 1993 dell'Instituto (rileggi qui le parole di Pupi), proprio Paulo ha scelto FcInterNews.it per una bella intervista esclusiva sul suo futuro.

Paulito, l'Inter ti vuole, ti cerca. Cosa si prova a essere nel mirino di un club così prestigioso?
"Sono sincero, provo emozione e orgoglio. L'interesse dell'Inter è davvero qualcosa di straordinario".

La tua volontà sembra essere chiara: l'Inter, nient'altro, per il tuo futuro.
"Devo dire che sentirmi cercato dall'Inter mi colpisce molto, perché questa società ha dimostrato di volermi assolutamente. Poi è inutile dire che l'Inter è uno dei club più importanti che esistano, una potenza mondiale, e per questo il mio entusiasmo è alle stelle".

Quindi i dirigenti nerazzurri premono per portarti a Milano.
"Me lo hanno confermato Rebasa e Peirone, i miei agenti. Mi hanno detto che i dirigenti dell'Inter sarebbero entusiasti di portarmi lì, un qualcosa che mi rende fiero e contentissimo".

Zanetti a FcInterNews.it non perse tempo, era dicembre: "Dybala è un talento puro", ci disse.
"Non ho una relazione diretta con Pupi (lo chiama proprio così, ndr), ma quel giorno in cui ho giocato per il match benefico della sua Fondazione non lo dimenticherò mai. L'ho conosciuto ed è stato meraviglioso. Ho letto quelle parole che ha detto Javier su di me, ne sono contentissimo perché Pupi è un giocatore straordinario e una persona fantastica, mi piacerebbe avere una carriera in Italia simile alla sua".

La trattativa con l'Instituto a che punto è? Ti senti vicino all'Inter o non ancora?
"Da quando l'Inter è interessata a me mi sono sempre sentito vicinissimo. Se avrò l'occasione di giocare per l'Inter darò la vita per quella maglia, altrimenti all'Instituto sono felice e continuerò a impegnarmi per questi colori con grande orgoglio".

Sinceramente, Paulito: per te l'Inter è più un sogno o una realtà?
"L'Inter è... un sogno reale (ride, ndr). Lavoro giorno dopo giorno per migliorare e così che tutti i sogni che conservo dentro di me possano avverarsi. L'Inter è uno di questi".

Hai avuto l'opportunità di discutere con qualche dirigente dell'Inter?
"Io personalmente no, ma lo hanno fatto i miei rappresentanti per me".

Cosa sai dei tifosi dell'Inter, della proverbiale Curva Nord, del popolo nerazzurro?
"La gente dell'Inter dimostra di amare il club. Sono veramente appassionatissimi, è un tifo caldo, lo conosco. Ci sono molti cori, ovazioni, queste sono cose che in un giocatore generano motivazioni a mille...".

Sognando quella camiseta nerazzurra addosso, Paulo Dybala. Ma con quale numero dietro?
"Beh, mi piace la numero 10... (ride, ndr)".

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-11 20:56:47 | 只看该作者






















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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-20 21:37:38 | 只看该作者
Inter: 104 years of passion
Friday, 09 March 2012 00:58

MILAN - On the evening of 9 March 1908, the newspaper 'Gazzetta Sportiva' announced the birth of Inter. We will be brothers of the world, said the founders, affirming that they were only interested in football and beautiful play, rather than nationality, and perhaps in that term, 'brothers', there was already the intuition of having to transmit an ethic, a loyalty and an interest to those with histories that were far away from Italy. It was a profound insight, because for 104 years Inter have had true brothers around the world, and today they have tens of millions of fans that follow them everywhere. 104 years of passion, in the fullest sense.

The passion is nourished by great enthusiasm and great pain. It knows no boredom and is never grey, especially when the chosen colours are blue like the ocean and black like the night, along with touches of gold. They are colours of life, and a life this long had its characters and personalities over time. It has raised trophies to the stars; those same stars to which we have entrusted those who have departed us. 18 league titles, 7 Coppa Italia, 5 Italian Super Cups, 3 UEFA Cups, 3 Champions League titles, 2 Intercontinental Cups, 1 Club World Cup. Today, more than ever: Forza Inter.

Press Office




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-25 17:10:50 | 只看该作者

3月19日米兰消息 -  3月19日晚上,在国际米兰和倍耐力共同举办的为罗马尼亚儿童慈善组织捐助的活动中,上百位客人来到倍耐力在米兰的旗舰商店里。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-25 17:13:17 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-25 17:15:11 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-25 17:16:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-3-25 17:19 编辑

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-7 01:58:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-4-7 01:59 编辑


4月3日米兰消息 - 有人从国际米兰诞生的那一刻就见证着它的传奇直到今天吗?没错,玛利亚·拉德埃利,这位著名的国际米兰球迷今天已经满113岁了,她是意大利最长寿的人,在欧洲排名第二。



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 09:04:18 | 只看该作者

PHNOM PEHN - Inter Campus Cambogia, una nuova missione per consolidare l'ultimo programma aperto. A Phnom Pehn Francesco Toldo che, insieme alla delegazione di Inter Campus e Missione Possibile, ha partecipato alla recente visita in Cambogia.

Ufficio Stampa

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发表于 2012-4-25 22:11:23 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-4-25 22:19:30 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-28 00:37:18 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-28 00:46:39 | 只看该作者

Moratti, The Man With A Plan?
Source: Gazzetta dello Sport


The president: "Bravo coach, is his confirmation (for next year) linked to the third spot? That's one way to look at it..."
France is certain: the Brazilian wants the Nerazzurri.

Milan - Before we begin, let's look back.  Because it's worth to recall (again) that phrase spoken by Massimo Moratti on June 4, 20111 when Leonardo was still on the Inter bench. "Leonardo was very good as a coach, however, I continue to consider him more like a director," said Moratti a few days after winning the Italian Cup against Palermo.  "I think he would be a great director, because he has visions of things and situations and can put those together."  A few days later, Leo went to PSG.  Now a year later, he could return to Inter because he is in the clear.  But in a suit and tie.

Too much pressure This story is not new to anybody but it is taking shape.  The last piece of the puzzle was put together by RMC.fr, which recorded a conversation between Leonardo and PSG president, Nasser El Khelaifi where the Brazilian said that "I would love to work and continue to do so without so much pressure."  In short, PSG are being impatient.  The French press also bemoans of the prolonged absence of Leo who currently would be in Brazil for transfer market reasons.  But everyone is wondering if this is true or not because the rumors about the increasingly large crack between him and PSG continues to spread daily.  And in France, people believe that he would definitely return to Inter also because of the will of his girlfriend Anna Billò.  And the rest, the eventual decision, will be up to the desire of Massimo Moratti.

Offer and thought Certainly, the relationship between Massimo Moratti and Leonardo has always been good despite his sudden escape to France which put the Inter bench in chaos.  So here is the picture of the situation at the moment and according to France-Milan sources: if he is leaving, Leonardo would push for a return to Inter.  Moratti would think about it purely managerial and not for the bench.

Strama  In all of this, meanwhile, Massimo Moratti has another thing to worry about: his coach Andrea Stramaccioni.  "The numbers say that we are now in a better position to fight for the third spot but the arithmetic also depends on the results, so we'll see.  The game in Udine was a really good test, very good by the coach above all, and the players who expressed themselves the way the coach wanted.  Then again, with their quality they knew how to give more."

Motivations and decisions There is a string that ties Strama and the third place together.  "Is his future tied to the preliminaries of the Champions League? That is one way to look at it but it's always a good to set objectives because it's a motivation to do better."  Moratti is reflecting on how to prepare for next season.  With Strama or not.  With Leonardo or not.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-29 10:11:05 | 只看该作者
Awards: "Le Ali della Vittoria" to Stramaccioni
Tuesday, 24 April 2012 10:38

ROME - "Le Ali della Vittoria" is the celebration of Italian amateur football, it's the ceremony which, more than any other, confirms the close relationship between the Lega Nazionale Dilettanti (the Association of Italian Amateur Football) and the heart of Italian football. The LND is at the core of a movement which has positive values to convey. Italian football is a family trying to pick itself up following the criticism which has rained down on it, and the inquests which have undermined its credibility on the professional level. This is the spirit in which president Carlo Tavecchio hosted the 6th edition of the awards at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, in the Petrassi room. We mustn't forget, however, that a member of this big family is no longer with us. Piermario Morosini is only the latest on the sad list that has claimed victims in so-called minor league football, players who didn't receive the coverage which came with the passing of the late Livorno player. A memory, then, which will embrace players and officials of every level who have left this world, dedicating their lives to football.
"Le Ali della Vittoria" is an award ceremony which was first held in 2004 and whose past winners include some of the most famous faces in Italian sport. People like the Honourable Rocco Crimi, Deputy Minister for Sport, state officials Petrucci, Pagnozzi, Abete, Vicini, Albertini, Macalli and Valentini, Moratti as club director, Sacchi, Prandelli, Del Neri, Zaccheroni and Ballardini as coaches, players Muzzi, Corradi, Bazzani and Grosso, and Pizzul, Palombo, Civoli, Scarnati, Bianchi and Moretti as sports journalists.

Aside from the appearance of the president of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) - a man who always keeps a close eye on what is happening in the game -  there was an even more important guest, as the 2012 awards welcomed FIFA president Joseph Blatter. Following UEFA president Michel Platini, the head of the game's governing body responded with enthusiasm to president Tavecchio's invitation and is back in Italy for the second time in eight months after the opening ceremony of the Beach Soccer World Cup in Ravenna in September.

Last night's edition, besides honouring Blatter, also saw awards given to long-serving state officials who have given a life-time of support to grass-roots football, namely vice president of the LND Antonio Cosentino and the tax advisor Edmondo Caira. Of course there were also important figures from the FIGC, Damiano Tommasi (president of the AIC) and Stefano Palazzi (state prosecutor), two men who help to make Italian football an example of diversity and a game which is played in the right spirit. "Le Ali della Vittoria", though, is essentially about the football played on the pitch and so it's only right that we celebrate the people who carry the name of amateur football, working in close contact with youngsters week in week out. This is true of coaches like Ciro Ferrara, an example for football lovers everywhere and Robert Menichelli, who recently won a European bronze medal for the Italian 5-a-side team. It is also true of Massimiliano Esposito, the national coach of the beach soccer team, and Andrea Stramaccioni, now Inter coach, but previously in charge of a number of amateur sides. From the dug-out we move to the pitch where an excellent prospect of Italian football is recognised, in the shape of Sassuolo striker Gianluca Sansone (who also played for the national under 18 amateur side). So too is the decorated women's footballer Melania Gabbiadini of Bardolino, and indeed the last line of the Azzurri defence in 5-a-side football, Stefano Mammarella, voted best goalkeeper in the world. A key figure without even kicking a ball, the international official Nicola Rizzoli won the best referee award. Sport - and football in particular - would not be the same without the media, who through their work are able to bring it to life. This year's winners were the editor-in-chief of the Gazzetta dello Sport Andrea Monti, the journalist from the Corriere dello Sport-Stadio, Roberto Di Gianfrancesco and the radio journalist Emilio Mancuso, host of the show, "La Politica nel Pallone."

It was a great celebration of football at the Auditorium della Musica in Rome. Andrea Stramaccioni, busy with Inter preparing for the re-arranged league game against Udinese was represented by Massimiliano Catini, his long-time colleague and assistant at Inter.

Press Office

斯特拉马乔尼获得Le Ali della Vittoria奖

4月24日罗马消息 - "Le Ali della Vittoria" 是意大利职业足球的盛事,是意大利足球业余联赛的奖项。

"Le Ali della Vittoria" 最早开始于2004年,这一奖项过去的获奖者包括了很多意大利体育界的著名面孔。负责体育事务的总理府国务秘书罗科·克里米,官员彼德鲁奇、帕格诺奇、阿贝蒂、维奇尼,阿尔伯蒂尼、马卡利和瓦伦蒂尼,俱乐部主席莫拉蒂,教练萨基、普兰德里、德尔内里、扎切罗尼和巴拉尔蒂尼,球员穆奇、科尔拉蒂、巴扎尼、格罗索、齐沃里、帕隆博、斯卡纳蒂和比安奇,体育记者莫雷蒂。

出席的除了有意大利足球联盟主席——他总是热切关注着赛场上发生的一切——还有一位更重要的嘉宾,FIFA主席布拉特。UEFA主席普拉蒂尼之后,布拉特以热情回应了意大利足球联盟主席的邀请,去年9月沙滩足球世界杯开幕式8个月后重返意大利。 昨天晚上获得奖项的还有长期工作的官员们,他们以各种角色将他们的一生致力于草根足球:LND副主席安东尼奥科森蒂诺,税务咨询师卡伊拉。

除了他们,还有一些很重要的FIGC的人员,政治家和专家,他们使意大利足球成为了多元化的典范,使意大利足球代表了一种精神:AIC主席托马西,检察官帕拉齐。"Le Ali della Vittoria"是关于足球的,因而我们应该以业余足球的名义与年轻人保持紧密的联系。费拉拉教练,是足球爱好者的典范,梅尼切利最近带领意大利夺得了5人足球的铜牌;埃斯波西托,沙滩足球国家队主教练;和斯特拉马乔尼,前国际米兰预备队教练。从这些年轻人身上,我们看到了意大利足球的希望。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-29 15:55:55 | 只看该作者


Inter Club: a Stankovic "Le Due Torri" di Curno
Venerdì, 27 Aprile 2012 14:53

CURNO (BG) - "Quando tra pochi anni lascerò il calcio giocato, serate come queste mi rimarranno per sempre nel cuore. Sono veramente contento ed orgoglioso di aver ricevuto questo premio che è stato consegnato ai più grandi campioni della storia dell'Inter. Mi fa piacere sentire tutto questo affetto della gente, significa che in questi anni con la maglia dell'Inter sono riuscito a fare qualcosa di buono e a lasciare un segno importante".

Fra gli applausi scroscianti dei cento presenti, ha esordito con queste parole ieri sera Dejan Stankovic, ospite d'onore dell'Inter Club Curno in occasione della consegna del 31° Trofeo "Le Due Torri". Il campione serbo ha così iscritto il proprio nome fra quelli degli illustri predecessori che hanno vestito la maglia nerazzurra insigniti del rinomato premio che è stato istituito dal sodalizio bergamasco a partire dal 1970. L'opera in rame, realizzata dall'artista locale Edoardo Carozzi, viene consegnata al calciatore che nell'arco della stagione riceve più consensi dai tifosi dell'IC Curno. Assegnato per venti edizioni consecutivamente dal 1970 al 1989, la cerimonia della sua attribuzione si è un po' diradata nel corso degli ultimi anni. Così il trofeo conferito a Dejan Stankovic ha inteso anche premiare uno dei grandi protagonisti dello storico "Triplete" nerazzurro.

La piacevolissima serata si è svolta presso il ristorante "La Meneghina" e ha visto il presidente dell'IC Curno Riccardo Ferrari ricoprire i panni del provetto padrone di casa. Stankovic si è poi sottoposto con la consueta disponibilità che sempre lo contraddistingue al rituale di autografi e foto ricordo fino al momento del tradizionale taglio della torta.
A portare il saluto del Centro Coordinamento Inter Club era presente il suo direttore responsabile Fausto Sala, mentre, guidate dalla coordinatrice provinciale Rosella Cremonesi, hanno partecipato alla manifestazione anche le delegazioni degli Inter Club Costa di Mezzate, Mozzo, S. Paolo d'Argon, S.Pellegrino e Valle Imagna.

Questo l'albo d'oro del Trofeo "Le Due Torri":
1970 Corso
1971 Burgnich
1972 Facchetti
1973 Suarez
1974 Bertini
1975 Giubertoni
1976 Mazzola
1977 Boninsegna
1978 Bordon
1979 Oriali
1980 Bini
1981 Beccalossi
1982 Marini
1983 Bagni
1984 Zenga
1985 Altobelli
1986 Baresi
1987 Bergomi
1988 Ferri
1989 Serena
1992 Ernesto Pellegrini
1994 Sosa
1995 Pagliuca
1996 Zanetti
1997 Zamorano
1998 Winter
2000 Recoba
2001 Cordoba
2007 Toldo
2009 Cambiasso
2012 Stankovic
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-29 15:57:09 | 只看该作者


Inter Club: a Stankovic "Le Due Torri" di Curno
Venerdì, 27 Aprile 2012 14:53

CURNO (BG) - "Quando tra pochi anni lascerò il calcio giocato, serate come queste mi rimarranno per sempre nel cuore. Sono veramente contento ed orgoglioso di aver ricevuto questo premio che è stato consegnato ai più grandi campioni della storia dell'Inter. Mi fa piacere sentire tutto questo affetto della gente, significa che in questi anni con la maglia dell'Inter sono riuscito a fare qualcosa di buono e a lasciare un segno importante".

Fra gli applausi scroscianti dei cento presenti, ha esordito con queste parole ieri sera Dejan Stankovic, ospite d'onore dell'Inter Club Curno in occasione della consegna del 31° Trofeo "Le Due Torri". Il campione serbo ha così iscritto il proprio nome fra quelli degli illustri predecessori che hanno vestito la maglia nerazzurra insigniti del rinomato premio che è stato istituito dal sodalizio bergamasco a partire dal 1970. L'opera in rame, realizzata dall'artista locale Edoardo Carozzi, viene consegnata al calciatore che nell'arco della stagione riceve più consensi dai tifosi dell'IC Curno. Assegnato per venti edizioni consecutivamente dal 1970 al 1989, la cerimonia della sua attribuzione si è un po' diradata nel corso degli ultimi anni. Così il trofeo conferito a Dejan Stankovic ha inteso anche premiare uno dei grandi protagonisti dello storico "Triplete" nerazzurro.

La piacevolissima serata si è svolta presso il ristorante "La Meneghina" e ha visto il presidente dell'IC Curno Riccardo Ferrari ricoprire i panni del provetto padrone di casa. Stankovic si è poi sottoposto con la consueta disponibilità che sempre lo contraddistingue al rituale di autografi e foto ricordo fino al momento del tradizionale taglio della torta.
A portare il saluto del Centro Coordinamento Inter Club era presente il suo direttore responsabile Fausto Sala, mentre, guidate dalla coordinatrice provinciale Rosella Cremonesi, hanno partecipato alla manifestazione anche le delegazioni degli Inter Club Costa di Mezzate, Mozzo, S. Paolo d'Argon, S.Pellegrino e Valle Imagna.

Questo l'albo d'oro del Trofeo "Le Due Torri":
1970 Corso
1971 Burgnich
1972 Facchetti
1973 Suarez
1974 Bertini
1975 Giubertoni
1976 Mazzola
1977 Boninsegna
1978 Bordon
1979 Oriali
1980 Bini
1981 Beccalossi
1982 Marini
1983 Bagni
1984 Zenga
1985 Altobelli
1986 Baresi
1987 Bergomi
1988 Ferri
1989 Serena
1992 Ernesto Pellegrini
1994 Sosa
1995 Pagliuca
1996 Zanetti
1997 Zamorano
1998 Winter
2000 Recoba
2001 Cordoba
2007 Toldo
2009 Cambiasso
2012 Stankovic
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-30 11:35:32 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 19:55:54 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 19:57:22 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 20:27:57 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-6 08:23:18 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-5-6 08:37 编辑

Ivan: "My last game in San Siro"
Saturday, 05 May 2012 18:48

Dear fans,

Tomorrow's derby will be my last match at the San Siro as a player. I've decided to tell you about my decision after speaking to the president, the directors and the coach.

At the moment I am focused on tomorrow's game, just as you and all my team-mates are, but there will be time over the next few weeks to talk about what my future holds and to look back on the thirteen marvellous seasons we've spent together - years shared with passion and respect, from the tough times through to all the fantastic success we've had.

We need your support tomorrow, just as we do in every game.

Ivan Cordoba

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-6 08:44:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-5-6 22:32 编辑

Julio Cesar: "300 games, 300 stories"
Saturday, 05 May 2012 17:19

APPIANO GENTILE – Three hundred matches for Julio Cesar. A huge number. And that's the number the Nerazzurri keeper will make if he features in tomorrow's derby. A huge match.

The derby is always huge, as Julio Cesar explained to Inter Channel's Roberto Scarpini during his interview for 'A tu per tu'.

"Yeah, it's a nice number to reach, though I'm obviously still miles away from Zanetti..." smiled Julio. "But I'm glad it might come in the derby - a game in itself, a whole 'season' in itself. Three hundred appearances and a special match: all we need now is a win to be able to really celebrate!"

Having mentioned Zanetti, and before going into detail about his own 300 matches, the Brazilian shotstopper couldn't help but underline his admiration for the Inter skipper: "He's very lucky from a physical point of view; God gave him an incredible body and that's helped him achieve all those records. But he's also an amazing professional and a marvellous example. Hats off to him."

Julio Cesar then spoke about his own time at Inter: "So much has happened in these 300 games. There have been good moments and bad moments, but I think in my case I can say there have been more good ones. If I had to choose my three most unforgettable moments? The first one has to be my debut, which came in Ukraine against Shakhtar Donetsk. That's were this journey began. The second is that save I made against Messi. That was like a goal for me, an overhead kick or a crafty lob... Yeah, that was my lob. Then of course it has to be the final in Madrid, where I only had two saves to make but one of them was crucial. Mourinho told me straight away that it was a key save and it was nice to hear those words." Julio Cesar then paused and smiled, before asking Scarpini, "Can I have five instead of three? Because I could never forget the 2007 Scudetto: I'd spent four years in Brazil with Flamengo fighting to stay up and one year when we finished mid-table, so it felt brilliant to win a league title. I also remember saving a penalty – that one against Empoli. If I hadn't saved it we would have drawn, but instead we went on to win. And if we hadn't won that game then Roma - who were second - would have been breathing right down our necks."

From memory lane to the present day, because there's a derby to play tomorrow and the derby is a whole world in itself: "There are no favourites or underdogs in a derby. A derby is a derby, a special game, a championship apart. It wouldn't matter if both teams were at the bottom of the table, nobody wants to lose the derby. We sure don't want to lose it, not for us, not for our fans. We feel a sense of responsibility towards our fans and that's another reason why we're determined to win: so that even though this season hasn't been fantastic - actually it's been horrible - the fans have something to be happy about. And that includes my son, Cauet. He's learnt to cope much better with defeats than he used to, but Inter-Milan is always Inter-Milan; no one wants to lose it and he certainly doesn't. All you want is to win, not even draw."

Julio Cesar is focused on tomorrow's match but he also had a few words to say about the defeat in Parma. "The fans might think Lucio is to blame for us losing but it's not true. If we do miss out on third place it won't be because of him - what happened can happen to anyone, myself included. If we do miss out then we'll have lost it in our first match against Novara and all the other games we messed up this year, a season when we've been poor generally speaking. We've been trying and we'll keep trying because mathematically we're still in with a chance, and even if it's only a small chance we must keep chasing that small chance. But I did want to clear up this thing about Lucio because he's not only my team-mate, he's a world-class player who has won everything in his career. And it's not his fault; Inter as a whole have had a terrible season. We've done so well in the past but unfortunately it's been a different story this year. Third place is even more difficult now but we hope to end the year as well as possible and then we'll concentrate on next season, which I'm sure will be very different from this year. I can't wait to start again, a bit like when you lose a game on the Playstation, you want to start again straight away. We know how good we are. On a personal level I want to prove I can still have my say and my team-mates want to do the same. Next year we'll have lots of things to play for: prestige, pride and the Scudetto too."

From one keeper to another, Julio Cesar was asked if he has a message for Gianluigi Buffon after the Bianconeri keeper's mistake in the last match: "I think he's having a fantastic season, and not only him but the whole team. You have to give Juve credit for what they've achieved this term – they haven't lost a single game. There's nothing to say to Buffon: he's top-class and he knows how to deal with these things by himself. He's won everything and after that mistake all the fans applauded him, they all picked him up, the fans, the coach and his team-mates. Everyone knows what a player he is and what he gives you not only on the pitch but in the dressing room too. There's nothing to say, all I know is that when we make mistakes like that we want the next game to come as quickly as possible because we want to show who we really are. This time it's happened to him but it's happened to me plenty of times before, just as it's happened to loads of keepers that people consider among the world's best – Casillas comes to mind. And it's in times like these that you see what you're made of: a great footballer mustn't let himself get down, he just has to keep showing what he's capable of."

Press Office

5月5日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 –如果塞萨尔能够在今天的米兰德比中出场,这将是他第300次代表国米出场。300场,这是个大数字。今晚的比赛也是一场重要的比赛。



随后塞萨尔回忆了自己在国际米兰的时光:“在这300场比赛中发生了太多事,我经历过好的时光也体验过痛苦的时刻,但我认为大多数时候还是很好的。我最难忘的3个瞬间?第一个是我在国际米兰的首秀,那是客场打顿涅茨克矿工的比赛,那是我在国际米兰岁月的开始。第二个是我扑出梅西射门的时刻。那次扑救很漂亮,对于我来说就像进球一样。然后就是在马德里的欧冠决赛,虽然那次比赛我只做了两次扑救,但其中有一个非常关键。穆里尼奥告诉我那是一次很关键的扑救,听到他那样说我很开心。”塞萨尔停顿了一下,笑着说:“我能再说两个吗? 2007年国米获得意甲冠军的那个赛季,我在对阵恩波利的比赛中扑出了一个点球,如果我没能扑出去就只能收获一场平局,而竞争对手罗马获胜的话,我们之间的积分差距就会被缩小”

从回忆回到现在,明天将有德比的比赛要打,而德比本身就是一场至关重要的比赛: “德比中没有谁占据优势,德比就是德比,是一场特殊的比赛,与冠军无关。即使双方都在积分榜后面的位置,也没有人愿意输掉德比。我们当然不想输掉比赛,不只是我们不想,我们的球迷们也不想。我们对他们有一种责任感,那也是我们决心赢得比赛的另一个原因:这样即使这个赛季不是很理想——实际上很糟糕——球迷们也有值得开心的事情。当然那也包括了我的儿子。他现在正在学着适应更多的失败,但国际米兰总是国际米兰,他当然也不想我们输掉比赛。我们只想赢球,我们不想要平局。”


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-6 23:04:33 | 只看该作者

孤独站在这舞台 听到掌声响起来 我的心中有无限感慨
多少青春不在 多少情怀已更改 我还拥有你的爱

好象初次的舞台 听到第一声喝彩 我的眼泪忍不住掉下来
经过多少失败 经过多少等待 告诉自己要忍耐

掌声响起来 我心更明白 你的爱将与我同在
掌声响起来 我心更明白 歌声教会你我的爱
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-12 16:45:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-6-23 11:15 编辑

A splendid, powerful choreography (“Ti te dominet Milan” means “you rule Milan”) was on display by the Curva Nord in the Milan derby yesterday.  It was self-financed and taken the fans about 4 months of work.  A beautiful way to start a fantastic derby where Inter crushed Milan with the final scoreline of 4-2.


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-23 09:45:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-6-24 13:43 编辑

Orlandoni: "From an Interista to the Interisti"

Wednesday, 16 May 2012 12:31

"Thank you wonderful Inter!

My heart is still pounding but I wanted to share this emotional story with all of you. I came to Milan at 14 with a suitcase full of dreams, I lived in digs and I was desperate to become a great goalkeeper. After four years in the academy, I began to move around a lot, to gain experience. I played at every level but my heart was always here, at the San Siro, where as a kid I fought to become a ball boy and watch Walter Zenga from up close, especially when he used to get the fans behind him, in the end of the stadium where he too started out.

After various spells all over Italy, I was called back and I almost couldn't believe it as I packed my case for the last time. I was coming home, to Inter. I still remember that day. I was at a Serie B club where I was negotiating a possible deal when I received a phone call and..."Sorry, I have to go, that's where I need to be."

The last seven years have been fantastic, unforgettable. An extraordinary group of players have made footballing history. League titles, Coppa Italias, Super Cups, the Champions League, the Club World Cup.

Thanks go to president Moratti and his wonderful family.

I thank the directors. I'd like to thank all the people who work with and around the squad on a daily basis, those at Appiano Gentile, at the stadium, Inter Campus, Inter Club headquarters and at the Centro Sportivo Giacinto Facchetti.
I thank my team-mates who have always made me feel important, perhaps even overly so. I'd like to thank the coaches, the backroom staff, Professor Combi, the doctors, as well as the masseurs and physios who have...held me together.

I thank Inter fans everywhere. My dream has come true. I won't be the next Walter Zenga but they've always sung my name at the San Siro. I hope I've been able to return that affection, and show that I'm just one of you. The only difference is that I not only love this shirt as a fan, but that I also am lucky enough to play in it.

Now the first chapter is closed. In the second I'd like to realise a new dream, to become a goalkeeper coach. The best part is that I can do it here, at home. So I'll be able to tell future goalkeepers that playing for Inter is a privilege, something to be appreciated every day, it's something which gives you strength.

Forza Inter forever!"

Paolo Orlandoni

Press Office













——  保罗·奥兰多尼

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