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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 16:08:26 | 只看该作者
Milito aiming for his 100th Nerazzurri appearance
Wednesday, 07 December 2011 09:03

MILAN - (Stats by Football Data) If he features against CSKA Moscow tonight, Diego Milito will make his 100th appearance in a Nerazzurri shirt. The Argentine striker has played the full match 45 times, come on as a sub 19 times and been replaced 35 times, clocking up 7,113 minutes on the pitch. He has picked up five yellow cards but no red cards.

Milito's 99 appearances to date are divided as follows: 66 in Serie A, 8 in Coppa Italia, 2 in the Italian Super Cup, 20 in the Champions League, 2 in the Club World Cup and 1 in the European Super Cup. He made his competitive debut on 8 August 2009 in the Italian Super Cup in Beijing: Inter 1-2 Lazio.

The Argentine has hit the net 42 times for Inter, with 19 at home, 18 away, 5 at neutral grounds, 19 in the first half, 23 in the second half and 4 braces. He has won 2 Coppa Italias (2009/10 and 2010/11), 1 league championship (2009/10), 1 Champions League (2009/10), one Italian Super Cup (2010) and 1 Club World Cup (2010).

Milito's name will forever be linked to the Nerazzurri's 2010 Treble success, as he scored all four of the goals that clinched the three trophies: in the 1-0 win over Roma in the Coppa Italia final on 5 May, against Siena on the last day of the Serie A season (1-0 on 16 May) and both goals against Bayern Munich in the Champions League final in Madrid (2-0 on 22 May). His scoring average, with 42 goals scored in 7,113 minutes, is a goal every 169 minutes.

Press Office

12月7日米兰消息 - (根据数据统计)如果米利托在对阵莫斯科中央陆军的比赛中登场,那么将是其第100次代表国米出场。这位阿根廷前锋在45场比赛中打满全场,19次替补登场,35次被换下,登场时间为7113分钟,获得5张黄牌。



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 16:11:57 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 16:16:33 | 只看该作者
Cambiasso: "It always hurts to lose"
Wednesday, 07 December 2011 23:42

MILAN - Esteban Cambiasso, who scored Inter's temporary equaliser, spoke to Sky Sport Italia after the CSKA Moscow game: "We certainly had the right mentality but that's football for you: we had the chance to win it five minutes from the end and then they scored. It always hurts to lose games, but this time less than others. The positive note tonight was that some of the youngsters had the chance to show what they can do. The injured players will be returning soon? It's important for the coach to have options, that's a plus."

Press Office


12月8日米兰消息 - 坎比亚索,打进了国米扳平的一球,在赛后接受意大利天空体育采访时说:“足球就是这样地:我们在最后五分钟本来有赢球地可能,但是却被对手攻入一球,输球总是让人难过的,但这次有所不同,今晚有些年轻球员获得了他们表现自己的机会。受伤地球员会迅速归来吗?他们是教练很重要的选择,如果是,那就太棒了。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 17:23:37 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 17:25:14 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 17:26:15 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 17:57:25 | 只看该作者
Inter Channel, Pazzini: "Zanetti is amazing"
Thursday, 08 December 2011 20:58

APPIANO GENTILE - "Zanetti is amazing. I was in awe of him when I came here at first. He's a guy who can play twice a week and runs without even breaking sweat... unless it's really hot, of course," joked Giampaolo Pazzini during Prima Serata referring to the Nerazzurri captain before going back to talk about the bad spell Inter are going through.

"Do we feel more anger or disappointment? Both. We are all angry and disappointed. We aren't happy with the situation. We all feel the responsibility weighing down on us and we are all working to put things right and get back to where we should be. I can feel the fans are behind me, they are behind us, and they deserve to see some return for their support. But I hope we'll get out of this situation, both for me and for the team."

He then cleared up a point: "I want the fans to know that I'm not on any social network. I don't like them very much."

The conversation turned to the penalty he missed at the Stadio Meazza: Pazzini didn't try to find an excuse, but remarked on the conditions of the pitch and trying not to slip: "It was like walking on ice. Regardless of the penalty. Even those who were wearing longer studs were skating, and the pitch was even hard to the touch. I'm not sure whether it had anything to do with the re-surfacing of the pitch, but something was wrong. You slip and you can't get a grip no matter what boots you are wearing."

Prima Serata is starting now on Inter Channel.

Press Office


12月6日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 国米电视台对帕齐尼进行了专访,当谈论蓝黑军团的队长时他开玩笑说:“萨内蒂太惊人了。我一来到球队见到他时多少有些敬畏。他是一个能够一周双赛不需要休息,甚至都不流汗的人……除非天气非常炎热。”



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 18:02:53 | 只看该作者


12月6日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 国米电视台对帕齐尼进行了专访,这位前锋接触了许多不同的话题以满足球迷们对他的好奇心。帕齐尼说:“有时候很多事情都是时好时坏的,但我总是尝试给予自己的全部。”




12月6日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 国米电视台对帕齐尼进行了专访时说:“当事情进展不顺利时,你不能幻想着选择逃避一切就会自动变好。”



12月6日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 国米电视台对帕齐尼进行了专访,话题是关于对阵乌迪内斯比赛中罚丢点球。“我重复观看了录像,感觉很不好受,对于罚丢我陷入自责之中,我们本可以获得比赛的胜利,却因为我的点球罚失让球队的士气遭受了打击。真希望这一切不是发生在自己身上,永远不要发生。我本打算选择角度射门,当我起跑时汉达诺维奇并没有移动,最终脚底打滑将球打飞……”

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-16 19:59:45 | 只看该作者
Lyon(FRA)  -- APOEL(CYP)
Napoli(ITA)-- Chelsea(ENG)
Milan(ITA) -- Arsenal(ENG)
Basel(SUI) -- Bayern Munich(GER)
Leverkusen(GER) -- Barcelona (ESP)
CSKA Moscow(RUS) -- Real Madrid (ESP)
Zenit St. Petersburg (RUS) -- Benfica (POR)
Marseille (FRA) -- Internazionale (ITA)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-3 13:30:38 | 只看该作者







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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-20 22:12:44 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-21 21:24:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-2-21 21:34 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-21 21:32:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-2-21 21:38 编辑


1 Julio Cesar, 12 Luca Castellazzi, 21 Paolo Orlandoni;
4 Javier Zanetti, 6 Lucio, 13 Maicon, 23 Andrea Ranocchia, 25 Walter Samuel, 26 Cristian Chivu, 37 Davide Faraoni, 55 Yuto Nagatomo.
5 Dejan Stankovic, 10 Wesley Sneijder, 17 Angelo Palombo, 18 Andrea Poli, 19 Esteban Cambiasso, 20 Joel Obi, 48 Lorenzo Crisetig;
7 Giampaolo Pazzini, 9 Diego Forlan, 22 Diego Milito, 28 Mauro Zarate.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-21 21:44:12 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-21 21:48:33 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 14:25:57 | 只看该作者
2月21日马赛消息 -  马赛同国际米兰比赛的前一天,周二下午,国际米兰进行了大约一个小时的训练。欧冠1/8决赛首回合将在北京时间2月23日凌晨3:45进行。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 15:04:21 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 15:05:41 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 15:09:19 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-2-23 12:10:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫 于 2012-2-23 13:19 编辑

O. Marseille 1-0 Inter: cruel finish in 93rd minute

MARSEILLE - Andrè Ayew's goal was a cold shower. It flew past Julio Cesar to ripple the net in the 93rd minute and provide a cruel finish for the Nerazzurri. Ranieri had surprised everyone with his initial choices, but he showed he was right thanks to a first half in which Inter did not score but created the best chances through Forlan, Zarate and Cambiasso. In the second half it was Stankovic who came close, but it was not enough in this first leg match of the round of 16 of the 2011/12 UEFA Champions League, and Inter left with a 1-0 defeat to Olympique Marseille.
FIRST HALF - Claudio Ranieri surprised everyone from the first minute and fielded Sneijder as a playmaker behind the unexpected attacking pair of Forlan (seasonal debut in the Champions League) and Zarate (his first start in 2012). Stankovic was again in midfield, while Milito and Pazzini started from the bench. Also watching the match at the Stade Vélodrome were president Massimo Moratti, accompanied by his son Angelomario and nephew Angelo.
OM kicked off and used a pressing game that saw them get the first shot on goal in the 3rd minute when Cheyrou's attempt from distance was deflected out for a corner. However, the first true chance fell to Inter on 11 minutes; Cambiasso's long ball found a sprinting Forlan and the Uruguayan attempted a half-volley on the run but he had to tip his hat to a fantastic save from Mandanda, who managed to swat the ball over the crossbar while diving backwards.
Again it was Inter, as the relentless Zanetti battled with Morel, overcoming him and putting in a ball for Zarate, with the Argentine getting the better of Mandanda only to then see the ball go out for a goal kick. Azpilicueta responded at the other end when his rising shot from distance sailed just over the crossbar. Then Forlan, on the edge of offside, was prompted by a pass from Zarate, but he failed to get the right power behind his shot from a tight angle. In the 27th minute Sneijder found Zarate who was fouled by Diawara; the Dutchman took the ensuing free kick but his attempt slammed directly into the wall of French players.  A minute later Cambiasso came close to opening the scoring with an instinctive right-footer from Zanetti's cross, which produced another spectacular save from Mandanda before Cakir whistled Cuchu for offside (minimal, but still there). Then it was Julio Cesar's turn to sweat as Diawara came dangerously close to putting away a rebound from Valbuena's free kick before seeing the ball go into touch. Also this time the referee whistled for offside. A one-two between Cambiasso and Zarate in the 37th minute saw the forward penetrate the French defence, but his right-footed touch caused no problems for Mandanda. When Sneijder lost the ball Samuel was forced to stop the advance of Brandao with a foul on the edge of the box (with the Brazilian embellishing the contact), but Cheyrou's following free-kick attempt was rather forgettable. Cambiasso did his part in attack and didn't miss out on an attempt at goal when Forlan set him up in the 44th minute, but Mandanda again blocked the shot. At the 45-minute mark both teams went into the dressing rooms with the score still at 0-0.
SECOND HALF – The second half began with Nagatomo coming on in the place of Maicon (the Brazilian was having problems with his right knee). Marseille pushed in the first 15 minutes, as did Inter, but the Nerazzurri ended up receiving two bookings (Stankovic and Zarate). The Argentine then came off for Obi in the 63rd minute. Later, Sneijder's free-kick found the head of Stankovic; Forlan nearly got to it but Cheyrou cleared away the danger. Contact in the box between Amalfitano and Obi in the 66th minute left the Nigerian on the deck, but Cakir swallowed his whistle. The Turk however did not feel the same regarding Chivu's challenge on Amalfitano and showed the Romanian a yellow card that will see him suspended for the second leg. In the 73rd minute Sneijder's free kick found Forlan, who headed the ball on to Stankovic; Mandanda smothered the Serb's attempt just a yard from the goalmouth. Then OM responded at the other end when A. Ayew headed Amalfitano's cross narrowly wide of Julio Cesar's right-hand post. Andrè Ayew continued to cause problems in the dying minutes, with a header in the 89th minute, followed by a left-footer from distance three minutes later. But it was in the 93rd minute that he finally found the net from a corner kick that was headed past Julio Cesar, closing out the match with a cruel 1-0 finish.

Olympique Marseille 1-0 Inter (HT: 0-0)
Scorer: A. Ayew 90+3.

Olympique Marseille: 30 Mandanda; 2 Azpilicueta (Fanni 80), 21 Diawara, 3 N'Koulou, 15 Morel; 4 Diarra, 7 Cheyrou (Kaborè 84); 18 Amalfitano, 28 Valbuena, 20 A. Ayew; 9 Brandao (J. Ayew 69).
Unused subs: 1 Bracigliano, 10 Gignac, 13 Traoré, 26 Sabo.
Coach: Didier Deschamps.

Inter: 1 Julio Cesar; 13 Maicon (Nagatomo 46), 6 Lucio, 25 Samuel, 26 Chivu; 4 Zanetti, 5 Stankovic, 19 Cambiasso; 10 Sneijder; 9 Forlan, 28 Zarate (Obi 63).
Unused subs: 12 Castellazzi, 23 Ranocchia, 18 Poli, 7 Pazzini, 22 Milito.
Coach: Claudio Ranieri.



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发表于 2012-2-23 12:14:53 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫 于 2012-2-23 13:00 编辑

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发表于 2012-2-24 22:31:35 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-26 17:29:17 | 只看该作者
172# 永远的阿奎罗 流感没好完
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-26 17:33:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-2-26 18:13 编辑

【欧冠|八强战首回合】马赛1:0 国际米兰 赛后FcInterNews.it评分:
JULIO CESAR 6 – Brividi prima creati di per sé con un dribbling azzardato su Brandao, poi da Azpilicueta con un tiro da lontano. Tranquillo sul colpo di testa di Brandao. Poi affronta una sorta di duello personale con Andre Ayew, si produce in un intervento ottimo nei minuti di recupero, pochi istanti prima che venga trafitto.

MAICON 6 – Il Marsiglia prova a pungere molto sulla sua fascia, costringendolo a quantificare le sue proiezioni offensive. Controlla comunque con ordine. Deve uscire per un problema fisico anche serio.
DAL 45’ NAGATOMO 5,5 – Subito un tentativo di cross, innocuo per Mandanda.  Prova a dare più incisività alla manovra interista, anche se rischia in difesa quando si fa sovrastare da Andre Ayew che non si coordina bene sul colpo di testa. Brucia un ottimo pallone per Forlan che lo rimbrotta.

LUCIO 6,5 – Costretto al lavoro extra sin dai primi minuti di gioco, dove deve mettere più di una pezza alle iniziative avversarie. Parte bene, mantiene lucidità, innesca anche l’azione chiusa da Cambiasso. Unico neo quando rischia la gaffe clamorosa su Valbuena. Di testa non ne sbaglia una, facendosi sovrastare solo nel finale da Ayew.

SAMUEL 6 – Ordinaria amministrazione, anche perché Brandao non lo sottopone a particolari stress. Almeno fino a quando il brasiliano lo incastra costringendolo ad un intervento a pochi passi dall’area (accentuata la caduta). Comunque, presenza importante.

CHIVU 5,5 – Se da un lato l’Olympique batte più di un colpo, dalla sua zona si nota meno. Gode anche della buona protezione di Cambiasso. Purtroppo spende un giallo pesantissimo per un fallo su Amalfitano: salterà la gara di ritorno. E’ lui a perdersi Ayew nell’azione del gol beffa, rovinando una partita per 92 minuti comunque dignitosa.

ZANETTI 6,5 – Prima azione degna di nota, un gran bel recupero di grande coraggio ed esperienza su Morel a servire Zarate. Corre, recupera palloni anche importanti, aiuta, ci mette la consueta grinta.

STANKOVIC 5 – Inizia prodigandosi a dare una mano al reparto difensivo spingendosi a ridosso della terza linea. Grande impegno al quale però si aggiunge qualche imprecisione e un bel po’ di fatica in contenimento. Nella ripresa mostra molta più irruenza prendendosi anche il primo giallo del match. Sua però la palla più pericolosa della ripresa col tiro rasoterra bloccato da Mandanda.

CAMBIASSO 7 – Partendo da esterno sinistro di centrocampo, è l’elemento che prova a dare i palloni migliori alle punte, in due circostanze con Forlan e in una con Zarate che però non concretizzano. Quando il Cacha prova a ricambiare, l’argentino trova la smorzata di un difensore. Comunque, il primo tempo del Cuchu è fatto di tanta sostanza. Addirittura nella ripresa si sacrifica anche in difesa, diventando salvifico quando mura su Cheyrou.

SNEIJDER 5 – Il gioco che prova a fare l’Inter, fatto molto di lanci lunghi verso Forlan, tende a tenerlo un po’ avulso dagli schemi: la sua prima azione illuminante arriva dopo 28 minuti a lanciare Zarate. Una sua incomprensione con il Cuchu rischia di costare caro all’Inter. Nella ripresa, oltre che per un paio di spunti infruttuosi, si nota per un urlaccio abominevole nel contestare una decisione di Cakir. Ottimo un lancio per Forlan che però viene anticipato da Nagatomo.

ZARATE 4,5 – La grande scommessa di Ranieri: riproposto dopo tante settimane d’inattività e addirittura dal primo minuto. Prova a inventare qualcosa di interessante, guadagnandosi anche una buona punizione, ma non incide, commettendo talvolta degli errori grossolani. Quando Cambiasso gli regala un ottimo pallone, lui strozza troppo la conclusione. Anche ammonito prima di uscire: chiusura ingloriosa di una partita incolore.
DAL 63’ OBI 5,5 – Parte molto avanzato, e col piede pigiato sull’acceleratore. Purtroppo gli mancano i tempi dell’attaccante puro e non incide molto. Rischia qualcosa quando si intestardisce perdendo un pallone da Fanni.

FORLAN 5 – Splendida la palla gol regalatagli da Cambiasso, con il Cacha che (in posizione dubbia)  esalta i riflessi di Mandanda. Ci riprova dopo qualche minuto ma in maniera completamente scoordinata. Ma perlomeno prova a farsi vedere appena ha un po’ di spazio. Anche se il feeling coi compagni non è propriamente immediato, cosa che nella ripresa costa la perdita di qualche azione importante.  Ci starebbe anche un giallo per N’Koulou per un fallo ai suoi danni ma l’arbitro sorvola. Quando Sneijder riesce a lanciarlo, si vede contrastato da… Nagatomo.

ALLENATORE: RANIERI 5,5 – Doccia gelata? No, di più: prendere un gol a trenta secondi dalla fine, dopo una partita dove comunque l’Inter ha saputo contenere le iniziative di un Marsiglia che pur spingendo parecchio a partita in corso, solo nei minuti finali ha dato una scossa alla sua partita, sa di beffa amarissima. Peccato, peccato davvero, perché alla fin fine l’Inter non ha fatto niente per meritare una sconfitta così, pur essendosi proposta a sprazzi in attacco. E invece, la rete di Ayew costringe i nerazzurri ad affrontare una salita dura (ma non impossibile, sia chiaro) anche in Europa. Rimane il fatto che il suo azzardo iniziale, alla fine, non ha pagato e che i tiri in porta continuano a latitare. E ora, cosa succederà?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-26 17:45:15 | 只看该作者
【欧冠|八强战首回合】马赛1:0 国际米兰 赛后米兰体育报评分:
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