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发表于 2011-9-8 13:00:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-9-8 13:03 编辑


Fundaciòn PUPI, all'asta due posti a cena con Zanetti!

Un'occasione imperdibile per fare beneficenza e regalarsi una notte indimenticabile. La Fundaciòn PUPI di Javier Zanetti ha infatti messo all'asta su eBay due posti per la cena speciale dei 10 anni della Fondazione dove il capitano sarà ovviamente presente per giovedì 15 settembre alle ore 19, in via Achille Papa 30, a Milano. L'asta si concluderà lunedì e c'è l'opportunità di regalarsi una serata splendida in compagnia della colonna eterna dell'Inter festeggiando i 10 anni di una Fondazione straordinaria, che ovviamente manderà ai bambini argentini più bisognosi anche l'incasso di questa asta come di tutte quelle portate avanti in 10 anni vissuti con passione, affetto e cuore. Per Javier Zanetti, per i più bisognosi e per una serata imperdibile: clicca qui per partecipare all'asta!
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发表于 2011-9-14 12:36:38 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-9-14 12:40 编辑

P.U.P.I. Foundation: "Thanks for 10 years"
Monday, 12 September 2011 19:25:17

MILAN - Ten years have passed since Paula and Javier Zanetti decided to establish the P.U.P.I. Foundation (Por Un Piberìo Integrado), with the principal mission of addressing the problem of poverty and marginalisation and supporting children in difficulty. Zanetti stressed during the conference at the World Join Center of Milan: "There are so many, more than you can imagine. Children who we are helping thanks to our efforts but also, and most of all, thanks to the generosity of the Italian people." Zanetti felt the need to emphasize, "Because Italy welcomed us with love, welcomed me with love. And I will never stop giving thanks for that. How time flies. It seems just yesterday that we began [the captain smiles next to his wife Paula and father-in-law Andres De La Fuente, president of the P.U.P.I. Foundation, ed.]. I'm very proud of what has been done. When we set out on this road it was not at all easy. But as soon as I made it known what I wanted to do, so many people supported me. Ten years of hard work, but most of all satisfaction, which is great when witnessing the smile of a child. For this Thursday we're throwing a big party for these 10 years. A party, however, that is also the beginning of a road leading to new objectives, with a desire to continue to grow."
Paula explained: "There are many projects that have been started in Argentina. Among them the integration project Un'alternativa di vita and Mama Amor I and II, the sports project Lo Sport ci rende uguali, the project of productive qualification Recuperiamo la dignità, the housing project Costruiamo la nostra casa and many others. In 10 years of concrete work, about 1,000 people, including children, adolescents, youths, mothers, fathers, families and their communities in general have benefited from these projects. Now, among our future plans, there is also the desire to influence public policy in Argentina so that our model, which has proven to work, can be replicated throughout the nation."

To celebrate the first 10 years of activity, Paula, Javier Zanetti and all of the P.U.P.I. Foundation are organizing a series of events starting at the end of 2011 and running through all of 2012 in order to experience the emotions and satisfaction of these years together with all the friends of the Foundation, recounting the many achievements and outlining future goals.

The first of many initiatives will take place on 15 September 2011 at the WJC (World Join Center, www.wjc.it) in Milan before dinner, where there will be festivities of celebration and fun. Roberto Scarpini will be the host for the evening, welcoming guests and friends and presenting entertainment and improvisation.

Among the many surprises that await those present will be a photographic exhibition by Paula, which covers 10 years of the Foundation in all of its most emblematic activities. A charity auction is planned with unique pieces donated by the greatest representatives of world sport. The auction will begin on 15 September and continue with the inclusion of more precious items from the official P.U.P.I. Foundation page of Ebay, in order to give consistency to the initiatives connected to this amazing anniversary. The 'Pagina Bianca' characterises an artistic moment; a blank page upon which all the guests will be able to leave a message, it was born with the idea of creating the largest performance of public art ever created in Milan, the most vast painting surface ever seen in the history of contemporary European art. The cultural association Art Kitchen (www.artkitchen.org) proposed to the P.U.P.I. Foundation an initiative of public art and poetry led by Ivan, an artist and street poet, which interacts with the urban fabric and involves citizens in a context that is creative, challenging and unexpected.

The events of 15 September will be a fundraising meeting and an opportunity to raise awareness and involvement of people and businesses that want to get closer to a reality of practical help for those in need. It will also be an opportunity to meet the people who have supported the Foundation's projects over the years and to present the achieved objective that crowns this tenth year of life; the construction of a new headquarters in Buenos Aires. It is a more complete structure in which children and families have the opportunity to benefit from the projects in which they have participated for many years in a building with more ample space, a better structure and without architectural barriers.

Press Office


9月12日米兰消息 - 十年前葆拉和哈维尔·萨内蒂决定建立PUPI基金会,致力于帮助贫穷和困苦的孩子。在米兰世界联合中心的发布会上,萨内蒂说:“有那么多需要帮助的人,超出想象。除了感谢基金会的努力,最重要还是感谢意大利人民的慷慨。因为意大利用爱欢迎我们,用爱欢迎我。我永远不会停止报答。我感觉基金会就像昨天刚刚建立,对至今所做的成绩非常骄傲。我们选择这条路不容易,但当我公开了自己的想法后,有那么多支持我。十年的辛勤工作令人满意,看到孩子们的笑容是最好的回报。本周四我们会为十周年举行大派对,也是新计划的开端,我们将继续成长。”




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发表于 2011-9-14 12:41:23 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-14 12:42:05 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-14 12:43:02 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-14 12:43:33 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-14 12:44:36 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 14:22:06 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 14:28:57 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 14:31:27 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 14:37:27 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 14:41:11 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 14:44:45 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 14:47:33 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-17 19:39:08 | 只看该作者
Cambiasso: "Zanetti si impegna tanto per la Pupi"

Dai microfoni di Inter Channel, Esteban Cambiasso spende belle parole per Javier Zanetti e la sua Fondazione benefica: "La Fondazione Pupi è una realtà che ormai ha dieci anni e per come lavorano durerà ancora per tanti, tanti anni. Sappiamo bene l'impegno che ci mette Javier con Paula in questo progetto".
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发表于 2011-11-28 14:58:23 | 只看该作者

PUPI Foundation: 4th edition of the outlet
Thursday, 24 November 2011 22:30

MILAN – After the success of the previous editions, there's a new association between fashion and sport with an OUTLET SOLIDALE, or solidarity outlet, to fund the P.U.P.I. Foundation. This non-profit association created by Paula and Javier Zanetti is a non-governmental organisation which provides help to children in difficulty in an extremely poor area of the Argentine Republic, without political, racial or religious discrimination.

Thursday 1 and Friday 2 December from 15:00 to 19:30 and Saturday 3 December from 10:00 to 15:00 in the Arredare shop in Corso Indipendenza, 24 in Milan there will be a collection to finance the projects of the foundation which helps infants in Argentina.

Prestigious labels from the Italian world of fashion and companies involved in the furnishing sector, ornaments, gifts etc. will donate some of their most prestigious products which will go on sale to the public during the inauguration and the two days which follow it.

The Outlet Solidale of the P.U.P.I. Foundation will be a great opportunity for the public who love shopping but who also feel the need to contribute and do good for others. The presence of Javier Zanetti and other friends of P.U.P.I. will contribute to making this encounter between fashion, sport and solidarity even more interesting.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-12 10:41:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫 于 2011-12-12 10:56 编辑

萨内蒂基金会举行慈善晚宴 赞法拉奥尼可成大器







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发表于 2011-12-14 13:29:10 | 只看该作者
Zanetti on Sky: "Watch out, Genoa are improving"
Sunday, 11 December 2011 21:51

MILAN – "I missed a match, yesterday, after the first red card in Serie A of my career, but the important thing is that the team won, after two defeats. It's important that this Inter always bounces back, as they did," said Javier Zanetti, exclusively on Sky Sport Italia, at the Pupi Christmas Gala charity evening held in the Hotel Melià in Milan.
Claudio Ranieri's comments regarding not referring to the victory over Fiorentina as the turning point, were reported to the Nerazzurri captain: "The coach is right. Whenever we talk about the turning point we find ourselves at the receiving end of another blow. We hope to pick up all the points on the run-in to the Christmas break. Can we shorten the distances in the table in Genoa? They are improving and want to climb back up. It'll be an important and complicated match, but we'll do our best."

He spoke about his team-mate Maicon's return after injury: "A man who can make the difference and having him back is a great boost; just like players such as Sneijder, who isn't available at the moment or Forlan, who should make his comeback. We have had a few injury problems for example Lucio and Stankovic, but if this Inter has everyone back fit, they will be extremely competitive."

Press Office


12月11日米兰消息 - “昨天我因为意甲生涯的第一张红牌缺席了一场比赛,但重要的是球队在两场失利之后赢了。国际米兰能够反弹,这很重要。”哈维尔·萨内蒂在“Pupi圣诞夜”慈善晚会上对意大利天空体育说。


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发表于 2011-12-14 14:23:24 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "Inter's strength is standing together"
Monday, 12 December 2011 10:20

MILAN – "I hope Inter have come out of this bad spell and now we must think about finishing off the year as well as we can," said Nerazzurri captain Javier Zanetti, as he arrived at the Pupi Christmas Gala, the charity event which had been organised in the Hotel Melià.

"We know we can do much better. We don't bother looking at the league table, we just go ahead match after match in the hope that the others will drop points. Inter's strength lies in standing together, along with president Moratti, both when we are winning and when things are going badly. The fans know this and that's why they are always there to help us. This is a team that has always had the strength and the courage to react."

Press Office


12月11日米兰消息 - “我希望国际米兰能走出这段困境,现在我们要尽可能以最好的方式结束这一年。”蓝黑队长萨内蒂参加“Pupi圣诞夜”慈善晚会时说。

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发表于 2011-12-14 20:41:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-12-14 21:11 编辑

Zanetti on Sky: "Faraoni is an unpretentious lad"
Sunday, 11 December 2011 23:48

MILAN – In his interview on Sky Sport Italia, Javier Zanetti was asked first of all about Davide Faraoni, who put in a marvellous performance yesterday and then about Philippe Coutinho: "I'm really pleased to talk about them, Fara is an unpretentious young man who wants to grow. Yesterday he had a great game. I hope it's the beginning of a great career for him at Inter. Coutinho played very well too. He hasn't been able to find the continuity he needs because of various injuries, but he and other young lads will be important."

He was also asked about the treble-winning Inter: is it true, as Ranieri said, that it no longer exists? "It will always exist in the history of the club and in our hearts, but now we have another team. Some players have moved on since then and we have a different coach, but we still want to achieve things. Milito? He's a close friend. I know how much he cares about performing well and scoring and the effort he puts into it. At the moment he's going through a bad spell, but I'm sure he'll come through it. Yesterday he picked up a slight knock to his ankle but he'll try it out again tomorrow and I hope he'll be fit in time."

This Inter team has been criticised a lot because the players are 'old'. Zanetti smiled: "Let them say what they want to. Should I apologise because I can still run so much at my age? My conscience is clear."

So has Giampaolo Pazzini already handed out the invitations to the party he's throwing after scoring yesterday? Was another question for Zanetti: "Not yet," he said [smiling, Ed], but I know he has to keep his promise. I'm pleased for him. He considered it and still considers it very important, so I was very happy for him."

The captain was then asked about today's error by referee Rocchi at the Stadio Dall'Ara, during Bologna v AC Milan: "I didn't see the game so I can't give an opinion. All I can say is that he made a lot of errors with us, but that's all part of the job. It's important that it was an honest decision. These things happen. Let's leave the referees in peace."

Finally he was asked about José Mourinho: does Zanetti think he'll ever have him as coach again? "You never can tell... [smiling again, Ed]. I got on very well with Mourinho and I still do, but now he's in Madrid and I hope he's successful there. He deserves it both as a man and as a professional. Losing to Barcelona? Knowing him he'll just keep on looking ahead as he always has done."

Press Office


12月11日米兰消息 - 接受意大利天空体育采访时,哈维尔·萨内蒂首先被问到对法拉奥尼的评价,昨天比赛中法拉奥尼和库蒂尼奥表现出色。“我很高兴谈论他们,法拉奥尼是个谦虚的年轻人,他想要成长。昨天他踢了一场好球。我希望这是他在国际米兰伟大生涯的开端。库蒂尼奥也踢得非常好。由于各种各样的伤病,他未能找到连续性,但他和其他年轻人都很重要。”





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发表于 2011-12-14 20:59:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-12-14 21:20 编辑

Gesto fantastico di Ranieri con Zanetti all'asta

Un meraviglioso gesto di Claudio Ranieri merita di essere evidenziato dal Pupi Christmas Galà. All'asta finale, Ranieri ha preso a 3.000 euro la riproduzione originale della Coppa del Mondiale per Club. Una volta presa la Coppa, Ranieri ha dichiarato: "Restituisco la Coppa a Zanetti perché ha fatto tanto per vincerla e, soprattutto, ha fatto tanto per questa fondazione e i suoi bambini. E' giusto che la tenga lui". Tutti in piedi, ovazione per il mister!

Zanetti aspetta un figlio maschio! "E in tribuna..."

Dopo Ignacio e Sol, Javier Zanetti ha annunciato al galà della sua fondazione di aspettare dalla moglie Paula l'arrivo di un nuovo figlio maschio. Il capitano, sorridente, ha poi festeggiato con una clip sui suoi momenti più belli. Poco dopo, Nina Senicar gli ha chiesto cosa ha provato a vedere l'Inter dalla tribuna sabato sera: "Ho sofferto ma i miei compagni sono stati bravissimi e hanno vinto, la squadra si sta ritrovando e stanno rientrando alcuni compagni importanti per noi".
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发表于 2011-12-14 21:05:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-12-15 07:48 编辑

Paula Zanetti a FcIN: "upi espulso? Una fortuna! Sul figlio in arrivo..."

La notte dei desideri, la notte di Pupi. Il Gala di Natale della Fondazione creata da Paula e Javier è servito per raccogliere molti fondi per i bambini poveri dell'Argentina. Bambini che ora potranno realizzare i loro desideri. I progetti della Fondazione Pupi continuano e il Gala di ieri sera è stata un'occasione per conoscerli. Sotto Natale sono tutti più buoni, avranno pensato i coniugi Zanetti. E proprio Paula si è fermata ai microfoni di FcInterNews.it per parlare della serata: "E' andata molto bene. E bisogna considerare che è un momento difficile per l'Italia. La più grande soddisfazione è stata che un bambino cresciuto con la Fondazione Pupi, senza genitori, ora può aiutare gli altri bambini. E' un cerchio che si chiude".

Ieri sera è emersa pubblicamente la notizia della dolce attesa di Paula. Per Zanetti è in arrivo quindi il terzo figlio, un motivo di grande gioia. Paula racconta: "Ne abbiamo parlato ad agosto di questa possibilità. E lui ha fatto colpo subito (ride). Siamo molto felici".

Per una settimana Paula si è trovata il marito "tra i piedi", ma ha trovato come tenerlo impegnato: "er fortuna è stato squalificato (ride). Così, venerdì, siamo potuti andare insieme al concerto di Jovanotti. Alla fine è andata bene così (sorride ancora). Solo poche volte eravamo potuti ad andare ai concerti, ad esempio a quello di Ligabue a teatro. Ci avevano proposto di andare sabato, ma Pupi non poteva perché c'era l'Inter. Lui sabato è andato a vedere la partita a San Siro, io sono rimasta a casa".

Paula sta parlando, la interrompe Javier: le chiede dove sono le chiavi della macchina. Si torna a parlare del concerto di Jovanotti, che è piaciuto molto anche a Javier. Ma è tardi, è ora di andare a dormire. Eh sì, è proprio la notte dei desideri.

Si ringrazia Paula per la cordiale disponibilità.
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发表于 2011-12-15 08:54:00 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-30 14:38:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫 于 2011-12-30 14:40 编辑

PUPI Foundation: on the pitch in Buenos Aires
Wednesday, 28 December 2011 12:48

BUENOS AIRES – During the night in Italy the 10th charity match of the PUPI Foundation was played in Buenos Aires in support of the projects being carried out in Argentina. And of course Javier Zanetti could not miss the appointment. He spoke to the microphones of Sky Sport 24 and also discussed Inter's situation.

The captain explained: "We started the season with some difficulty, mostly because of the coaching change and the absence of so many important players who were injured. But in the last month we've won six out of seven games. We're recovering, we know that the road is still long, but we hope to be contenders until the end."

The Serie A, the Coppa Italia and the Champions League. Zanetti commented on these competitions: "We're still in all three competitions. But we know, however, that we still have to make up ground in the league and we also know that it will be difficult because the teams that are ahead of us are strong. But we believe."

Zanetti was then asked why there are so many rumours about the coach of Inter. He smiled, as someone who knows everything about the Nerazzurri environment, and reminded us that "people are always talking about Inter. But what is important for us is to continue to work and be a united group. Let's not forget that this club, over the past seven years, has won everything there is to win. What is happening to us now may be something normal after this kind of consistency. Now we're with coach Ranieri; he has clear ideas, as do we, and we'll follow him and hope to do well."
Zanetti then said that he "very much agreed" with Inter's intentions of focusing on youth because, as he explained "in this way the club is building a very important replacement. However, we must give time to these youngsters because they're valuable and can give us a great hand."

On the transfer market, the captain provided no names, but he's certain of one thing: "I am sure that the club will make a great effort to make this team even more competitive. We must work with the players we have and then if some new ones arrive they will be welcome. AC Milan want only Tevez? I know Carlitos well. We're talking about a great champion who hasn't played for a while, but it is normal for a big club like AC Milan to want to sign a champion like him."

布宜诺斯艾利斯接受Sky Sport 24专访

      12月28日布宜诺斯艾利斯消息 - 在意大利阿根廷儿童慈善基金会成立十周年的慈善赛上,国米队长萨内蒂接受了Sky Sport 24的采访。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-30 14:47:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫 于 2011-12-30 14:56 编辑

Argentina v Uruguay, a derby for charity

LA PLATA - A South American derby between Argentina and Uruguay with the aim of helping children in need find something to smile about once again: it took place yesterday at the Estadio Unico de la Ciudad de La Plata. This charity match was played to support the projects being developed in Argentina by the P.U.P.I foundation – a festival both on and off the pitch, in front of over 15,000 people.

The match was organised by the Fundación P.U.P.I., assisted by the Fundación Celeste. Argentina won 4-3. Nerazzurri stars Javier Zanetti and Diego Milito were on the pitch as well as  Sergio Goycochea, Mariano González, Leonel Gancedo, Erik Lamela, Luciano Galletti, Gonzalo Higuaín, Patricio Rodríguez, Andrés D'Alessandro, Guillermo Barros Schelotto and Martín Palermo, playing for Argentina. The Uruguay team was Juan Castillo, Fabián Pomar, Diego Lugano, Guillermo Sanguinetti, Peña, Sebastián Eguren, Enzo Francescoli, Alvaro Pereyra, Sergio Manteca Martínez, Sebastián Abreu and Gabriel Cedrés. Germán Denis, Paulo Dybala, Diego Pérez, Tony Pacheco and Mauricio Victorino also took part in the match.

Argentina's goals came from Mellizo Guillermo, Patito Rodríguez, Gonzalo Higuaín and Paulo Dybala; while Uruguay's scorers were Eguren, el Loco Abreu and Alvaro Pereyra.

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