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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-23 10:54:50 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-25 11:13:56 | 只看该作者
8月24日米兰消息 - 马里奥·科尔索明天将年满70岁,“其中53年与国际米兰在一起。”他的昵称是“上帝的左脚”。“让我们谈谈这53年。”他笑着说,“这让我感到更年轻……”好的,但为什么是53?“因为我在17岁生日前进入俱乐部,国际米兰已是我永远的一部分,尽管53年中有些时候我不在这里工作。爱和激情超越合同,对我来说国际米兰一直是、现在仍是个大家庭。”





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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-31 15:58:10 | 只看该作者
Sneijder: "Olanda, finito l'allenamento. E oggi..."

Con un tweet dal ritiro olandese, Wesley Sneijder informa sulle ultime novità per gli oranje: "Abbiamo terminato l'allenamento odierno, con la Nazionale - ha scritto Wes nel primo pomeriggio -, oggi avremo un incontro di cortesia con degli sponsor". Pensiero finale dedicato alla moglie: "Mi manchi, amore", con tag a Yolanthe.

Yolanthe da brividi: "Seguirò Wesley dovunque andrà"

La moglie di Wesley Sneijder, Yolanthe Von Cabau, tramite Twitter fa sapere che seguirà il marito dovunque: "Dovunque Wesley andrà, lo seguirò perché lo amo da morire! Buona serata!", ha scritto la Yol. Al momento, però, novità di mercato non ce ne sono sul numero 10 nerazzurro.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-3 12:11:04 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-3 13:57:15 | 只看该作者
Un libro e un radio-documentario per Facchetti
In occasione dell'anniversario della scomparsa, Radio Popolare omaggia il Cipe con uno speciale, mentre Gianfelice è pronto a pubblicare "Se no che gente saremmo"

Domenica mattina, alle 10.40, in occasione del quinto anniversario della scomparsa di Giacinto Facchetti, Radio Popolare manderà in onda il radio-documentario  "Tremila tamburi rossi – le Italie di Giacinto Facchetti", realizzato da Claudio Agostoni e Paolo Maggioni. "Abbiamo voluto parlare dell'evoluzione della nostra società e del calcio narrando la storia di una persona che è rimasta sempre se stessa - spiega proprio Maggioni a Sportal.it -. La formula del 'radio-documentario', che abbiamo già sperimentato parlando del grandissimo giornalista Beppe Viola, ha scarsa diffusione e da qualcuno viene considerata un po' antica, ma a nostro parere rende bene, a maggior ragione quando vi partecipano persone in grado di emozionare. Tra queste Gianfelice Facchetti, che parla del papà. Da parte nostra è sembrato giusto onorare la figura di un uomo che non c'è più e che negli ultimi tempi qualcuno ha cercato di mettere in cattiva luce".

Saranno riprese alcune parole di ricordo del Cipe da parte di Candido Cannavò, storico direttore de La Gazzetta dello Sport, con una intervista inedita registrata nel 2008 al Museo dello Stadio di San Siro, oltre che del suo rivale sul campo, l'ex milanista Giovanni Lodetti. Gianfelice Facchetti, inoltre, sta per dare alle stampe per Longanesi un libro dal titolo "Se no che gente saremmo" che racchiude cinque anni di vita senza il padre, vissuti – anche - nel tentativo di salvaguardarne la memoria. Ad arricchire il racconto, il cantautore Roberto Vecchioni, il gallerista Arialdo Ceribelli e il musicologo Paolo Caliari, insieme alle testimonianze di alcuni giocatori dell’Inter che hanno avuto Facchetti come presidente: Javier Zanetti, Esteban Cambiasso, Ivan Ramiro Cordoba, Marco Materazzi, Francesco Toldo e Paolo Orlandoni.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-4 11:54:47 | 只看该作者

Sneijder svela: "Mou mi ha detto di restare. Ho voluto l'Inter, e Gasp..."

Wesley Sneijder può finalmente tirare il fiato e respirare con serenità. Il mercato è finito, l'Inter lo ha trattenuto con il sorriso e lui, tanto per non farsi mancare nulla, ha piazzato due gemme con l'Olanda con un assist a fare da dessert. Il campione di Utrecht, rilassato e felice, alla Gazzetta dello Sport si confessa su quello che è stato il mercato che lo ha riguardato negli ultimi mesi: "C'erano tanti i soldi in ballo? Sì, ma per me è meglio lo scudetto con l'Inter", ha risposto Wesley. Poi, la rivelazione: "Ho sentito José Mourinho e anche lui mi ha consigliato di restare all'Inter".

Ma l'incognita trequartista con Gian Piero Gasperini come potrà essere risolta? Sneijder è sereno: "Gasperini è un tecnico assolutamente preparato, se non vuole un trequartista saprò arrangiarmi alle sue idee tattiche". Sneijder è disponibile e contento. Ricominciamo, Wes.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-5 16:27:10 | 只看该作者








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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 10:49:10 | 只看该作者
Inter Campus: football becomes magic in Cambodia
Thursday, 22 September 2011 13:19:13     

PHNOM PENH – These are days given over to celebration in the village of Roong, which is in the Bati District, about 50 km from the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. One hundred and fifty children aged between 8 and 14 are celebrating the start of the new Inter Campus programme. They attend the school with a catchment of 400 children in the Province of Takeo which was built by the Missione Possibile non-profit organisation – partners of Inter Campus in Cambodia.

On this occasion, the new pitches, which were created thanks to contributions made by Inter Campus and with the invaluable support of Gattinoni Travel Network, Castello di Cigognola and Valextra, were inaugurated.

These are now extremely important meeting places for the community, as previously there were only two football pitches in this province which has a population of 250,000.

Together with the delegation from Inter Campus and Missione Possibile, representatives of the Ministry of Education and officials from the District and Province attended the opening ceremony.

It was a very emotional moment for all concerned when the children were presented with their Nerazzurri shirts and then seeing their commitment during the training sessions which began immediately after the ceremony under the guidance of the Inter Campus technical staff and local educators.

As had already been noted in the countryside in China where Inter Campus is also active, the Cambodian children in the village were not familiar with the rules of football, but the ball, as ever, acts like a magnet for everyone's enthusiasm. This is an extra stimulus for Inter Campus to work with dedication and perseverance in the country until the magic of football and those blue and black colours can become a means of educating, integrating and communicating joy, which are the fundamental and unique objectives of this new project.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-26 15:52:27 | 只看该作者
Photos: Ranocchia and Poli for Versace
Sunday, 25 September 2011 11:35:54

MILAN - It's Milan Fashion Week and Versace, who are providing F.C. Internazionale with made-to-measure suits this season, have presented their women's Spring-Summer 2012 collection. At the parade representing Inter were Andrea Ranocchia (currently suspended in Serie A) and Andrea Poli (who is not fully match fit yet). Among the other guests were Ilaria D'Amico and Valeria Mazza.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-14 13:05:56 | 只看该作者
Internationals: Stankovic, 101 and not out
Friday, 07 October 2011 22:16:56

BELGRADE - 101 and not out. An immense achievement by Inter midfielder and Serbia captain Dejan Stankovic, as he made his 101st senior international appearance this evening against Italy (his 100th came against the Faroe Islands). Now he's just one step away from Savo Milosovic's record of 102 caps.

Before this evening's match at the Marakanà, Stankovic received an award from the presidents of the Serbian and Italian FAs, as part of a UEFA ceremony recognising footballers who have made at least 100 appearances for their national sides. All that remains now for Dejan Stankovic, a symbol of the Serbia team, is to become the all-time record appearance holder.

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10月7日贝尔格莱德消息 - 101场,尚未停止。这是国际米兰中场和塞尔维亚队长德扬·斯坦科维奇取得的重大成就,主场对意大利的比赛是他第101次国家队出场(对法罗群岛是第100场)。现在他距离萨沃·米洛舍维奇的102场纪录只差一步。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-14 13:11:14 | 只看该作者


在塞尔维亚历史上,只有米洛舍维奇一人完成过百场纪录,但代表三个不同国家队完成百场壮举斯坦科维奇是第一人,恐怕也难有后来者。欧足联刚刚通过 “百场名人堂”的决议,在下属53个会员国代表国家队出场百次的球员将得到特别嘉奖进入名人堂,斯坦科维奇不出意外也会获得这个荣誉。






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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-14 13:25:30 | 只看该作者

1. 英雄初登场

2. 法兰西之始

3. 咫尺天涯

4. 初恋欧洲杯

5. 德国留遗憾

6. 民族英雄

7. 击败德意志

8. 最后进球

9. 百场传奇

10. 历史第一人

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-16 09:41:12 | 只看该作者
Cordoba to Inter Channel: "Football in my future"
Thursday, 13 October 2011 19:52:51   

APPIANO GENTILE - "We all felt sorry about the departure of Gian Piero Gasperini," stated Ivan Ramiro Cordoba in an interview to air on Inter Channel at 21:00.

On Prima Serata, the Colombian defender was keen to stress that he felt "sorry for the person he was, because we had a great relationship with him. I agree with what Pazzini said recently: it was a loss for everyone, not just Gasperini, since we didn't manage to get to where he wanted us to be. None of us ever pulled back or passed the blame off on him; all of us together weren't able to manage it and unfortunately it is often the coach alone who pays. We all feel guilty. It's normal for a team so strong and solid to have responsibility, but this shouldn't make us scared looking to the future. It's to our credit when things go well, but it's also our fault when they go badly."

Cordoba then went on to talk about what his future will be like after hanging up his boots: "I'd still like to work in football, perhaps at more of an executive level. I don't think much about the idea of ??coaching. But you never know, however, because there are parts of the coaching job that I like, such as the tactical side, the work with the team, being on the pitch. But there are also other aspects of football that I like. We'll see."

Then, during the course of Prima Serata with Edoardo Caldara and Roberto Scarpini, talk turned to emotions: "Playing on a team like Inter, going to the stadium and hearing the fans singing your name – that's something incredible. I always get so moved, more moved every time."

From his relationship with the fans to the one with a special team-mate, Javier Zanetti: "It's no secret to anyone that Javier is the team-mate I'm most fond of," admits Cordoba.

Press Office


10月13日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - “我们都为加斯佩里尼的离去感到遗憾。”科尔多瓦在国际米兰频道的《第一夜》节目中说。“因为我们与他的关系很好,我同意帕齐尼最近说的话:这是每一个人的损失,不只是加斯佩里尼的,我们没能做到他对我们的要求。我们没有任何人给他制造过阻碍,大家没有实现目标,不幸这常常是教练一个人付出代价。我们都有负罪感。这样一支强大的球队应该有责任感,但我们不害怕面向未来。顺利时有我们的功劳,陷入困境时也有我们的错误。”



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-16 11:28:21 | 只看该作者
Stankovic on Inter Channel: "Now only for Inter"
Friday, 14 October 2011 17:02:59

APPIANO GENTILE – "Now Inter are my only concern": were the words of Dejan Stankovic on Inter Channel, during A Tu per Tu, which goes on air this afternoon on channel 232 of Sky Sport Italia.

The Serbian midfielder has decided the time has come for him to hang up his boots on the international scene and spoke of his sadness and the state of mind that had motivated his decision: "I'm really sorry about our being eliminated. I haven't got over it yet and I'm still rather confused. We had some hope of qualifying because we had picked ourselves up after a disappointing start, working a minor miracle. But then the dream of making the finals vanished. We were all devastated: if you think of the match in Belgrade against Italy, we would gave gone through, up until the 85th minute and then in the space of 7 minutes a miracle happened in Belfast... In the last match in Slovenia we conceded a goal from the centre of the pitch almost, which was really bad luck in the last second of the first half; we came back, but then we missed a penalty... I don't know. That's football. If it isn't supposed to go in, it won't go in. That's what helped me reach my decision, after 14 years in the full team and almost 20 altogether, if you count youth matches: I've decided to call it a day" because at 34 I can't start another series of qualification matches, which will go on for 2 years. It's a question of nature, physical strength and mentality. I've had enough and now I'll be able to concentrate on Inter, just like I always have...[Deki Smiles, Ed]. I've never mixed the two things. I've always felt the thrill of playing for Serbia and always the thrill of playing for Inter. I don't mean that now I'll concentrate on Inter because I've stopped concentrating on Serbia. I always have."

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10月14日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - “现在国际米兰是我的唯一。”斯坦科维奇已决定退出国家队,他伤感地说:“我非常遗憾国家队没有出线,我还没有缓过来,仍为此难过。我们有过出线希望,因为我们在不利的开局后振作起来,几乎创造了奇迹,但打进决赛圈的梦想破灭了。想想在贝尔格莱德对意大利比赛直到第85分钟还有机会,还有在贝尔法斯特可能发生奇迹的7分钟……最后在斯洛文尼亚,我们很不走运在上半时结束前丢球,后来又错失点球……我不知道,这就是足球。或许命运就是如此,这促使我做出了决定,14年的国家队生涯,算上青年队有20年,我认为这一天已经到了,因为34岁的我无法再参加两年后的下一次预选赛,这是身体和心理的自然规律。我已拥有足够,现在我将专心为国际米兰踢球,一直以来也是如此……我从未把两者混淆。在塞尔维亚和国际米兰,我具备同样的热情。我不是说在退出国家队后才专注于国际米兰,一直以来两者都是。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-28 14:52:41 | 只看该作者
'Christmas for Colombia': Ivan's solidarity project
Thursday, 24 November 2011 21:39

MILAN – The Nerazzurri population will surely offer their support through the Inter Club Coordination Centre, because Ivan Ramiro Cordoba is as credible as he is sincere and he's put as much heart into this project as he does his football. The Nerazzurri population will surely help the Colombia te quiere ver Foundation, as they have since the very first day back in 2004, when Inter's vice captain and his wife Maria decided to help their country with concrete projects. Children who find it hard to go to school because they have no guarantee of a meal, families that have problems socialising, areas where only volunteers not representing the government (viewed as the enemy) can enter with a hospital boat via the rivers.

This afternoon at the hotel Melia Milano Colombia te quiere ver launched a new project. An idea that was born a month and a half ago and one that was immediately taken up and backed by Astoria Vini. Christmas for Colombia - a Christmas thought for Colombian children. "My dad coordinates the activities in Colombia but the Foundation has a legal committee and a beating heart here in Italy. There aren't many of us and we're trying to direct all the help as best we can and reduce expenses to a minimum, so that we can give as much as possible to those who deserve it," explained Cordoba. "So I wish to thank everyone, starting with Inter, the club and my team-mates, who have always supported these initiatives of mine. Inter have always shown a level of sensitivity that you can't find anywhere else, and that's also true of the fans - the people who follow us with affection and generosity. You don't need a lot to help a child in Colombia, to make sure they get a meal at the school canteen."

Offering their support alongside the Nerazzurri vice-captain were Luca Castellazzi, Andrea Poli, Diego Milito, Francesco Toldo for Inter Campus and Fausto Sala for the Inter Club Coordination Centre. A thousand exclusive packages come with the yellow, blue and red of the Colombian flag, a bottle of red wine and a bottle of brut, an attractive gift box and Cordoba's autograph: minimum offer €20. They can be purchased directly from the non-profit organisation (italiaporcolombia@tin.it). Celebrate Christmas in the name of solidarity with Ivan Ramiro.

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11月24日米兰消息 - “伊布了解国际米兰更衣室的感性。我要感谢他,因为他在这里时,每当我要他来帮助我的基金会,他总是乐意。他一直表现出感性的一面,因为他同样来自困难的地区。当然,我们知道有人会说这是凑数,但我不想卷入争论,这不是我的风格。”科尔多瓦在他最新发起的“哥伦比亚希望看到”计划发布会上说。





Cordoba: "My heart in Colombia, my head at Inter"
Thursday, 24 November 2011 23:01

MILAN – "Ibrahimovic knows about the sensitivity of the Inter dressing room. And I have to thank him because when he was here with us and I asked him to help my Foundation he was always forthcoming. He always showed a sensitive side, because he too comes from a difficult area. Then of course we all know that sometimes people say things to make... numbers, but I'm not going to get caught up in any dispute; that's not my style." Ivan Ramiro Cordoba spoke about everything and everybody at the presentation of his latest project for Colombia te quiere ver.

"Inter want to carry on challenging for the big prizes," the Nerazzurri captain continued. "For now we have the humility just to get on with the task at hand, taking each game at a time. That's what we did in the Champions League and we qualified impressively. I think that will help us climb up the Serie A table as well. Scudetto talk? As I said, we mustn't hide from reality; but we must take responsibility. We'll go forwards step by step and then we'll see. I'm sure we have the desire and the ability to climb back up the table but for the moment I'm just thinking about... Siena."

Responsibility is an important duty for Cordoba. "Do Inter run the risk of not getting into Europe next season? We know that the warning light is on, and that Inter not being in Europe wouldn't be good for the club, but nor for any of the players in the group, so we have to be responsible and improve – work hard and improve. In that sense I think Ranieri can play, and in part he already has played, a big role. He's an experienced coach, he knows the Italian championship very well and in very little time he has got to know each of us individually. He's used the youngsters carefully, especially in a moment when we're struggling in terms of our league position, and he's asked the older members of the group to draw on their experience and show some aggressiveness, because a team must always be a good mix.

"We can't keep comparing the team to the Treble-winning side. That was a special Inter in a season that was fantastic and unique in its immenseness. Now we have this Inter and we must strive for other targets. I repeat, I think Inter should always be a protagonist, in all competitions, and I'm convinced we will be. We've already done that in Europe, we're coming along in the league and the Coppa Italia isn't too far away. That's what's so great about being at Inter: you always have a new challenge to motivate you to improve on the day before.

"My future? In Colombia to help my people, especially the kids, but in Italy and hopefully at Inter for everything else. Retirement? As long as I feel and I'm made to feel important for a team I won't consider it. And I'm not considering it."

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-2 17:52:18 | 只看该作者
Happy birthday, Francesco Toldo
Friday, 02 December 2011 06:58

MILAN – "I do still feel like a kid." Francesco Toldo grinned as he spoke during an interview to be broadcast this afternoon on Radio Blu.

Toldo is 40 years old and we wish him a very happy birthday on behalf of president Massimo Moratti and everyone at Inter. Today he was a guest on one of the main Tuscan radio stations – he who still holds Florence very much in his heart after spending eight years at Fiorentina: "My warmest greetings to Florence, a city I always love coming back to."
inter.it offers you an excerpt of the interview that will be broadcast at 18:00 on the programme Penta Sport, hosted by David Guetta. Toldo, who is now an ambassador for Inter Campus, speaks for over half an hour about everything and anything, including the burden of the years - that is, of responsibility: "I have two jobs with responsibility, my work with the Italy Under-20 team and promoting Inter Campus around the world. It's a wonderful solidarity project, something that only Inter has - no other team in the world. A project involving 10,000 children and we provide a set-up with 200 local workers to bring a smile to their faces through football. It's about teaching them to play the game, not for scouting purposes, and we always do it in their country of origin; and of course each country has different problems that have to be dealt with. Inter gets them playing football and gives them something to be joyful about. But they actually give us lots of joy as well. It's a magical feeling to see the delight in the eyes of these kids when you give them a shirt or when you train them. They have nothing and yet when "the Inter people" - as they always call us - arrive, they seem to find so much. I don't think there's another club at European level that has a similar project. And when you travel with Inter Campus, you don't see huge stadiums or 5-star hotels but you really adapt to the conditions of the country you're in."

Inter Campus and more besides: many topics were touched on during the interview, in which Toldo looked back on his career. Of all the team-mates he had, it was impossible not to mention one who really is "special", as the former Nerazzurri keeper described him: "Javier Zanetti is special on and off the pitch. He is and will be always be the symbol of this Nerazzurri era. I've never seen anyone like him, so incredibly fit as he is..."

And speaking of fitness, on the day he turns 40, Toldo joked about his own: "I could do with oiling up a few joints: my knees, my back and everything else is starting to creak a bit..."

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12月2日米兰消息 -  “我感觉自己还像一个孩子...”,在接受RADIO BLU电台采访时,弗朗切斯科·托尔多笑着说道。



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 18:12:07 | 只看该作者
Unforgettable Peppino: only and forever Inter
Saturday, 10 December 2011 00:05

MILAN - Today the unforgettable Giuseppe Prisco would have turned 90 years of age. He was born in Milan on 10 December 1921 and left us on the 12th of the same month in 2001. Inter's long-time vice president, he was renowned for his witty put-downs of rival teams. He was also an avid member of the Alpini and a key player at the Milan court.

A Nerazzurri man through and through, he followed the team everywhere. He was proud to have chosen the best and was humble enough to help the Inter cause whatever role he held within the club.

Those who knew him can still hear his voice: in a world where everything keeps getting faster, for the lawyer Prisco it is as if time has stood still as he remains in everyone's hearts.

To make his presence felt even closer, inter.it offers you an extract of the interview he gave (in Italian) to Susanna Wermelinger for Inter Channel on his 80th birthday.

Press Office


12月10日米兰消息 - 今天是朱塞佩·普里斯科的90岁诞辰。1921年12月10日他出生于米兰,2001年12月12日去世。长期担任国际米兰副主席的普里斯科以他贬低死敌的犀利言论而著称。他是Alpini的活跃会员,他是米兰法庭的关键人士。




'Peppino Prisco, una penna due colori' in bookshops
Saturday, 10 December 2011 08:58

MILAN - Ten years after his last birthday - his 80th - and his passing, Peppino Prisco, una penna due colori (Peppino Prisco, one feather two colours) reaches the bookshops. Published by ExCogita (in Italian only), it has been written by two Nerazzurri fans who are passionate about Inter but also about historical research: Marco Pedrazzini and Federico Jaselli Meazza, grandson of the great Meazza, to whom the same two authors dedicated another book, Il mio nome è Giuseppe Meazza, on the centenary of the legendary Nerazzurri striker's birth in 2010.

Both books expertly trace a life story by drawing on direct sources - in the case of the lawyer Prisco, his son Luigi. The result is a fascinating chronicle, weaved together with anecdotes, original documents and previously unpublished photographs depicting a life dedicated to two passions: the Alpini and Inter. Which Prisco himself defined as "my only extra-marital love affairs"(国际米兰是我唯一的婚外情).

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-14 10:22:27 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-14 10:27:11 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-28 11:12:59 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-1-28 11:14 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-28 11:17:05 | 只看该作者

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-29 11:22:06 | 只看该作者
鸟最新的访谈哦。。别的也不需要知道什么了,就看懂Forza Inter就好了。。。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-29 11:33:12 | 只看该作者

红蝶 发表于 2012-1-28 11:12

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-3 10:14:56 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-3 12:26:06 | 只看该作者
Transfer Marketing  Jan. 31, 2012

Juan Jesus - Permanent transfer - 3.7m, contract until 2016
Fredy Guarin - Loan with option to buy - 1.5m for loan, 11m to buy, contract until 2016 if redeemed
Angelo Palombo - Loan with option to buy - 1m for loan, 4m to buy, contract until 2015 if redeemed
Marko Livaja - Permanent transfer
Joel Obi - Permanent transfer - Obi's half was exchange with Crisetig's half, Inter now have all Obi's card

Philippe Coutinho - Loan to Espanyol
MacDonald Mariga - Loan to Parma
Sulley Muntari - Loan to Milan
Thiago Motta - Permanent transfer to PSG - 10m over 2 years
Jonathan - Loan to Parma with right to purchase half
Viviano - Half to Palermo
Caldirola - Loan to Brescia
Crisetig - Half to Parma
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