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11-12 ZM专贴(拜仁1-1蓝军:客队赢得点球大战)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 00:46:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 19:32 编辑


2011-12英超第三轮 - 哲科4球纳斯里3助攻 曼城客场5-1热刺

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 00:46:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 19:57 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:45:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 19:56 编辑


[1112英超]哲科大四喜纳斯里首秀3助攻 曼城5-1大胜热刺 中文解说
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:46:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:46:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 11:29 编辑

Manchester United 8-2 Arsenal: Wenger’s heaviest defeat as Arsenal manager
August 28, 2011

The starting line-ups 双方首发阵容

An astonishing game ended with a resounding Manchester United victory. 一场惊世骇俗的大战,是以曼联主场的前所未有的、酣畅淋漓的胜利而谢幕。

Sir Alex Ferguson kept the side that defeated Tottenham on Monday, with Danny Welbeck continuing upfront. 曼联主教练阿莱士·弗格森爵士沿用了上周一击败托特纳姆热刺队的首发风格,即继续让丹尼·维尔贝克与鲁尼搭档前场二人组。

Arsene Wenger was without Thomas Vermaelen and Bacary Sagna to add to various previous injury and suspension problems, so Carl Jenkinson played at right-back, and Johan Djourou in the centre. Francis Coquelin made his debut in the centre of midfield. 由于托马斯·维尔马伦和巴卡里·萨尼亚加入各种以前的伤停行列,阿森纳主教练亚森·温格布阵更加捉襟见肘,所以卡尔·詹金森打起右边卫,约翰·朱鲁充当右中卫。 弗朗西斯·科克林也首秀出场,出现在中场单后腰位置上。

The match was a barely believable stream of United chances in an amazingly dominant display. Arsenal were wretched from start to finish, completely unable to make the most of their numerical midfield advantage, and remarkably disorganised at the back. 这场比赛,几乎就是曼联一方以令人惊讶的优势在上演炮轰流(曾经的NBA太阳队风格)打法。可怜的阿森纳人,这个夜晚至始至终都在遭受煎熬,中场人数上的优势荡然无存,而其后防组织也是非常混乱不堪。


Where to begin? It’s difficult to look at an 8-2 and break it down into specific areas that went wrong. Arsenal were simply poorer in every possible attribute that goes into competing in a football match, and the logical continuation of this stream of thought is that Arsenal’s problems do not lie predominantly in tactical issues – there’s something deeper that must be addressed.

That’s not to say that there weren’t tactical problems, however. For a start, they lacked any kind of cohesiveness without the ball. Some of the side seemed to be pressing, some seemed to be standing off. Coquelin, thrown into such a huge game on his debut, played a relatively deep position and picked up Rooney. Bizarrely, despite Rooney claiming a hat-trick, Coquelin did reasonably well: Rooney’s impact upon the game in open play was relatively little in the first half, and all three of his goals came from set-piece situations. Wenger’s decision to remove Coquelin at 3-1 on 61 minutes (though possibly because of fitness reasons) backfired spectacularly.

That was the only thing that went OK for Arsenal. The problem with pressing meant that Arsenal frequently had no pressure on the ball in midfield – despite the fact that they could afford Coquelin sitting, because Aaron Ramsey and Tomas Rosicky could close down Anderson and Tom Cleverley. Somehow, and again arguably due to fitness reasons, this failed – Anderson and Cleverley got time on the ball and could hit passes over the top.

The secondary issue was with the high defensive line, which is suicidal enough when there is no pressure on the ball – but that almost becomes a pedantic point when the main issue was that the back four was incapable of moving as a unit. Two players would step up, two would drop back. Sometimes it was amazingly easy for United players to waltz through and score – the Nani goal being the best example. On other occasions a lone Arsenal player would become trapped behind the rest of his defence and be forced into a last-ditch tackle – Jenkinson collected both his bookings in this fashion.

United were frequently pleasing on the eye, and the quality of their finishing was consistently superb, but they didn’t even have to play particularly well. They passed the ball much better in the 3-0 win over Tottenham and in the 3-2 win over Manchester City. Some of the goals – the Park Ji-Sung shot, the Welbeck header – simply came as they had too much time and space on the ball. Rooney’s three goals came because Arsenal had conceded fouls by diving in. Young’s strikes were superb – yet if they’d been the only goals in a 2-0 win, we would have been here questioning why a right-footed player was allowed to come inside onto his stronger side so easily. Almost everything went wrong for Arsenal.

Basic errors

The most striking thing from the chalkboards is that even in the basic areas, the most primitive concepts in football, Arsenal were outclassed. United completed 64% of the tackles they attempted, Arsenal just 45%:

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards

Another example – despite the ball spending most of the time on the edge of the Arsenal area, United managed to block six shots compared to Arsenal’s one:

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards

Getting tackles in, getting blocks in – not sophisticated, not the Arsenal way and unlikely to be a deciding factor upon the game, but when your side can’t keep the ball, can’t keep an offside line and is letting the opposition play, these are the things you have to be halfway decent at. If not, you’re liable to concede eight goals.


Part of the issue, in simplistic terms, is that Arsenal didn’t have players who were fit to perform the tasks required. Some of this was because they lacked experience, some because they were simply the wrong players for the situation. Laurent Koscielny finished with a 100% pass completion ratio…yet kept getting caught too high up the pitch when defending. Carl Jenkinson was a force going forward and got an assist…yet didn’t make a single successful tackle. Ramsey and Rosicky are creators, not battlers. To use these type of players in the positions they played in, you must be in control of the game, and Arsenal were never close to that.

United continue their impressive start, though even they must have been surprised at how easy it was. Their 4-4-2 shape (with two strikers coming deep) provides forward runs from a lot of different angles, and with Nani and Ashley Young being able to go down the line or inside for a shot, they are very dangerous going forward.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:54:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 11:20 编辑



Rivaldinho 发表在GoalHi足球·英超专区














<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards


<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:55:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 20:27 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:55:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 09:56 编辑


Fountains of youth
August 27, 2011

By Miguel Delaney

After the joyous vibrancy of Monday night at Old Trafford, it's incredible to think how jaded Manchester United looked just 10 months ago.

PA Photos
Arsene Wenger and Sir Alex have been key in bringing young players through

Wayne Rooney wanted to go to Manchester City. The club seemingly didn't want to sign premium-level new players. But, after the late October win over Bursaspor, Alex Ferguson wanted to send a message.
"I had a player once who said to me that Rooney and [Cristiano] Ronaldo weren't good enough and he was not prepared to wait until they were good enough. But that's the trouble with potential. People don't identify potential. They're very poor at it. I've identified all my life the potential in young people. I know potential. I know how to develop and have faith in it. And young people surprise you when given the opportunity. That's what this club is all about."
Considering the events of the time, as well as Rooney's apparent criticism of what the club had come to be about, Ferguson's words seemed no more than an admirable - but ultimately empty - statement of defiance. The average age of the first XI was touching 30 and their performances were barely getting past patchy. With the Glazers seemingly refusing to invest, Rooney's complaints appeared justified.
Typically, though, it was Ferguson who would eventually be vindicated.
A 22-year-old in Javier Hernandez would transform from an impact sub into a Champions League match-winner. The 20-year-old Chris Smalling would mature into a modern defender. Nani would continue his progress from one of the most wasteful players in the Premier League to the most productive and a forgotten Fabio would overtake his twin brother Rafael. At Sunderland, Danny Welbeck was building up the confidence he needed to receive a chance at United while Tom Cleverley was doing the same at Wigan.
One of the results - beyond last season's title and Champions League final appearance - was a thrilling 3-0 win over Tottenham delivered by a team with an average age of 23. United have been, quite literally, rejuvenated.
Amid all the praise for Ferguson's faith in potential, though, it's been overlooked that the average age of Arsenal's team last weekend was also 23.
Or, if not quite overlooked, then predictably viewed through an entirely different prism. Whereas belief in youth has brightened United, it continues to slowly bring Arsenal down from the position they were in seven years ago.
To a degree, the issue seems to define the differences between the two managers. Indeed, two phrases that have been repeated a lot around the Emirates and Old Trafford over the last while are particularly pointed.
In Manchester: "Wenger talks about youth. Fergie just goes and does it."
In London: "We don't need a change in manager, we just need the manager to change."
Either way, both men have always seen investment in youth as their defining managerial traits. And, given that the issue fundamentally boils down to numbers, it's interesting to directly compare their records.
In 25 years at Old Trafford, Ferguson has given 103 young players their debut (for the purposes of clarity, we've included both academy graduates and those signed before the age of 20): that's 4.1 a season. In 15 years at the Emirates, meanwhile, Wenger has blooded 84: that's 5.6 a season.
From those numbers:
• 23% of Ferguson's graduates have played over 30 games for his club; 31% of Wenger's have
• 12% of Ferguson's graduates have played over 100 games for his club; 15% of Wenger's have
• 10% of Ferguson's graduates have played over 200 games for his club; 5% of Wenger's have
• 23% of Ferguson's graduates have succeeded elsewhere in the Premier League or another elite European top flight; 26% of Wenger's have
• 1% of Ferguson's graduates have been sold to a club at Manchester United's level; 7% of Arsenal's have been sold to a club at Arsenal's level
And, perhaps most tellingly:
• 23% of Ferguson's graduates have won medals with his club; 13% of Wenger's have
To a degree, the numbers prove what we already know: Wenger is more likely to initially flood young players into his squad, Ferguson is better at finishing the job - in a few senses. But that also perhaps raises issues about both men's clubs as actual breeding grounds beyond the academies.
When Wenger first arrived at Arsenal, for example, he could neither introduce a nucleus of readymade graduates nor immediately enforce his ideals. Rather, he had to adapt around the existing qualities of that old Highbury core. In the process, though, they all became better players.
The success that mix brought entrusted Wenger with almost total control of the club's playing structure. But it has also meant that, since then, he has altered it so his youth system only produces particular types of players. Famously, Wenger has physical and technical ideals for every position. And the result, effectively, is that Arsenal release a stream of similar prototypes.

Tom Cleverley: The latest young United star

Contrast that with Manchester United, where there has always been a huge variety of player styles produced - most notably in this crop. But Ferguson also tends to get the timing of their introduction right. Unlike Arsenal, there's always been a blend of proven winners and potential brilliance - right back to the Double-winning 1995-96 team. Wenger began to forego that complementary mix in 2004. Admittedly, as we've seen with Samir Nasri and Cesc Fabregas, not always by choice.
But then that also raises questions over whether Wenger has created a damaging cycle for himself. Indeed, one of those proven winners - Tony Adams - relays an enlightening story about Wenger's treatment of Lilian Thuram at Monaco. Despite the reputation the defender eventually forged, at first he offered up regular errors.
"It cost them game after game. But he kept him on... and encouraged him and encouraged him. Great for the player. No good for [Wenger] and the team."
History has clearly repeated itself.
But not in every sense. Sunday's match at Old Trafford is likely to be a far cry from the testosterone-fuelled face-offs between men like Patrick Vieira and Roy Keane. Another difference, however, is that - on the evidence of the past seven years, let alone the last 10 months - only one of the teams is likely to reach the kind of level those forerunners once did.
Miguel Delaney is a freelance football writer and owner of FootballPantheon.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:56:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 09:54 编辑



Rivaldinho 发表在GoalHi足球·英超专区


PA Photos














• 弗格森这里23%的年轻人为曼联踢了超过30场比赛,温格这里则有31%。
• 弗格森这里12%的年轻人为曼联踢了超过100场比赛,温格这里则有15%。
• 弗格森这里10%的球员为了曼联踢了超过200场比赛,温格这里则有5%。
• 弗格森这里23%的年轻人在英超或者欧洲其他顶级联赛立足。温格这里则有26%。
• 弗格森这里1%的年轻人被卖去了与曼联同级别的豪门,温格这里则有7%。

• 弗格森这里23%的年轻人随曼联夺得了冠军,温格这里则有13%。








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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 06:56:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 20:51 编辑


2011/12赛季第三轮 曼联8-2阿森纳 下半场01
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发表于 2011-8-29 07:53:10 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 09:10:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 09:12 编辑




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 10:07:48 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2011-8-29 12:33:17 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-29 14:44:00 | 只看该作者


Alex2011 发表于 2011-8-29 10:07

曼城与曼联的最大差距, 就是曼奇尼与老头子的差距。
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发表于 2011-8-29 15:35:20 | 只看该作者
曼城与曼联的最大差距, 就是曼奇尼与老头子的差距。
小豆丁梅西 发表于 2011-8-29 14:44



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发表于 2011-8-29 15:45:43 | 只看该作者

曼城手上的牌非常好,各种类型的球员都不缺,如果能找到一套稳定的技战术方案并形成自我的足球 ...
北极海 发表于 2011-8-29 15:35

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发表于 2011-8-29 16:17:20 | 只看该作者

曼城手上的牌非常好,各种类型的球员都不缺,如果能找到一套稳定的技战术方案并形成自我的足球 ...
北极海 发表于 2011-8-29 15:35




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发表于 2011-8-29 17:22:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 pedro 于 2011-8-29 17:26 编辑

Page last updated at 08:55 GMT, Monday, 29 August 2011 09:55 UK

Wenger hurt by Arsenal thrashing

Manager Arsene Wenger admits Arsenal's 8-2 Premier League defeat at Manchester United on Sunday was humiliating.

Rooney delighted at milestone

Report: Man Utd 8-2 Arsenal

Ferguson delighted with victory

Wenger on humiliating defeat
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发表于 2011-8-29 17:29:58 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 pedro 于 2011-8-29 17:33 编辑


Man Utd 9-0 Ipswich - Mar 95

Tottenham 9-1 Wigan - Nov 09

Chelsea 8-0 Wigan - May 10

Newcastle 8-0 Sheff Wed - Sep 99

M'brough 8-1 Man City - May 08

Nottm For 1-8 Man Utd - Feb 99

Chelsea 7-0 Stoke - Apr 10

Arsenal 7-0 Everton - May 05

Blackburn 7-0 Nottm For - Nov 95

Man Utd 7-0 Barnsley - Oct 97

Arsenal 7-0 M'brough - Jan 06
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 20:56:08 | 只看该作者
WLSOUTMAN 发表于 2011-8-8 19:20


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 21:01:36 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-29 21:14 编辑


2011/12赛季第三轮 曼联8-2阿森纳 下半场02
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发表于 2011-8-29 21:49:10 | 只看该作者

20110828英超第3轮 曼联VS阿森纳 全场(詹俊解说)
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发表于 2011-8-30 18:27:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-8-31 06:37 编辑

Barcelona 5-0 Villarreal: Guardiola switches to a 3-4-3 (diamond) and Barca run riot巴萨 5-0 维拉里尔战术分析:瓜迪奥拉变阵3-4-3(钻石型),巴萨于是在诺坎普为所欲为
August 29, 2011

Barca's system in detail 巴萨战术体系细解

Barcelona demolished a lacklustre Villarreal side in their first La Liga game of the season.

Pep Guardiola was without Dani Alves, Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique, so played just one nominal defender, Eric Abidal, and used Sergio Busquets and Javier Mascherano alongside him. Xavi Hernandez and David Villa were benched with Thiago Alcantara, Cesc Fabregas and Alexis Sanchez all starting.

Juan Carlos Garrido went for the side that was largely expected – Bruno Soriano returned to midfield after his midweek spell in defence, and Gonzalo Rodriguez returned to centre-back.

This was much less competitive than the excellent game last year – Villarreal offered little attacking thrust and rolled over for Barcelona.

Barca’s system in isolation 巴萨体系的解析

First, this was such an unusual system from Barca, that it’s worth outlining exactly how it worked on the pitch. Lining up as roughly a 3-4-3 with the ‘4′ a diamond, the two players who remained in their positions at all times were Busquets, the sweeper, and holding midfielder Seydou Keita.

Abidal and Mascherano pushed slightly higher up the pitch, trying to force Giuseppe Rossi and Nilmar back. The outside midfielders, Andres Iniesta and Thiago Alcantara, tried to come inside and moved forward to switch with Cesc Fabregas. With those three fluid and Keita the only holder, it was more like a 3-1-3-3 for much of the game.

With Barcelona having nothing like full-backs or wingers, the front three spread even wider than usual, with Sanchez and Pedro keeping more width rather than coming inside immediately to make diagonal runs towards goal (although this still happened, simply less frequently). In all, it was very similar to Marcelo Bielsa’s 3-3-1-3 system, albeit with ball-playing midfielders on the outside of the diamond, rather than wing-backs making diagonal runs, as in Bielsa’s system. Sanchez, of course, knew how to play this formation perfectly.

Perfect for playing Villarreal 完美肢解维拉里尔的体系

This was Barca’s first match of the 2011/12 season, and there is some speculation that this will be their first choice system this campaign. Some caution is required, however, because Guardiola has a history of playing different systems in one-off games to counter an opponent’s particular strength, or exploit a certain weakness. He moved to a 3-4-3 (with wing-backs) against Atletico last season to push their wingers back into their own half, for example. He also played Dani Alves even higher up the pitch than usual against Sevilla. In fact, he generally tries something different against teams that play two strikers against Barca.

This system, then, was perfect for Villarreal. They usually play a 4-2-2-2 with two wide midfielders coming into the centre of the pitch, though sometimes they play more of a 4-3-1-2. Either way, it’s very narrow – the system here was probably a cross between the two, as Borja Valero shuttled between a role on the right, and a position closing down Keita.

Starting from the back, Barca had a spare man. Mascherano tracked Rossi and Abidal moved on Nilmar as those two typically moved wide, whilst Busquets could sweep up. One danger of playing against Villarreal’s 4-2-2-2 is that they sometimes have four central midfielders, but by playing a diamond, Guardiola was able to counteract that threat by keeping it 4 v 4 in the midfield zone. Further forward, Villarreal’s full-backs – who must overlap to allow the narrowness further forward – were pinned back by Pedro and Sanchez. It was the best theoretical formation to use against Villarreal.

The starting line-ups 双方首发阵容

This was such an unusual battle of formations, but there is a parallel with Kenny Dalglish’s tactics earlier in the year against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. Carlo Ancelotti, having just acquired Fernando Torres, played a 4-3-1-2 system, and to keep a spare man at the back whilst not being overpowered in the midfield, Dalglish went for a back three with a diamond midfield.

The difference was that Dalglish’s formation was much more reactive than Barca’s, and so on the flanks he used wing-backs in deep positions, rather than wide forwards. But they did the same job – in tracking the Chelsea full-backs, and so the idea was pretty much the same.

How Barcelona won 巴萨取胜之道

So, the actual details of the game. The first goal of the match made perfect tactical sense, because it came from the Barca player with the most freedom. Villarreal’s system involved playing two holding midfielders, using Valero in that shuttling position, and Cani much wider on the left to provide an easy out-ball when Villarreal won possession.

That worked well a couple of times early on as Cani dribbled forward, but the downside was that he often let Alcantara go. That was the reason why the youngster was allowed to come inside, dribble, and dribble, and dribble, and shoot into the net – without any pressure from Villarreal’s midfield.

The second goal demonstrated what Cesc Fabregas brings to the side. Barcelona did slightly lack a player like him last year – someone who runs from central positions to exploit Messi’s movement deeper. Iniesta occasionally did this, but he prefers to play deeper. Fabregas is perfect if Barca want that additional movement from central positions – he’s not so much a classic number ten (which often doesn’t work well with a false nine) but instead a player who likes bursting forward past the defence. Indeed, his relationship with Messi worked so well immediately because he’s done roughly the same thing with Robin van Persie at Arsenal for the last two seasons. It fits with Tom Williams’ astute observation last year that to go with a false nine, we may have a false ten.

The three second half goals came largely because Villarreal pushed their defence higher up, and Barca played balls over the top easily. At 3-0 it was over.

Conclusion 总结

A brilliant performance from Barca technically, and a great selection from Guardiola tactically. He could have maintained a back four, perhaps by dropping Keita into the back or bringing in Andreu Fontas, but his decision to go 3-4-3 was logical and fully justified. 5-0 is a huge scoreline against a team who gave them such problems last year.

Will it be Barca’s permanent formation? Maybe. It’s important to remember that they were playing against opponents who play a very particular way (probably different from any other La Liga side), and also that 3-4-3 is not necessarily any more attack-minded than a 4-3-3. Dani Alves would also need to be accommodated.

The future – hopefully, for reasons of tactical interest – is a hybrid between this system and the usual 4-3-3. If Pique and Puyol returned to the defence and allowed Mascherano or Busquets to step forward, Barca could switch between the two systems, with a forward-playing centre-back able to drop in when he likes. Ironically, that might be the best way to stop systems with a false nine thriving, if that becomes the tactical norm.

Edit: Mike notes in the comments below that a comparison to Ajax is probably in order. He’s right – check out Mohamed Moallim’s excellent post on Louis van Gaal’s Ajax.
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发表于 2011-8-30 18:28:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-8-31 06:41 编辑

rhapsodia 发表在GoalHi足球

巴塞罗那 5-0 比利亚雷尔:瓜迪奥拉变阵3-4-3(菱形中场),效果凶猛

























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