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发表于 2011-7-8 08:20:03 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-7-8 18:15 编辑

Set-pieces dominate the first week of the Copa

July 7, 2011

For a tournament often hailed for its flair and unpredictability, the Copa America has clearly been lacking excitement.

So far, the goals per game count stands at a pathetic eight, from seven matches. That gives a goals per game rate of just 1.14 – roughly half the goals per game rate of last summer’s World Cup, where the figure was 2.27. There have been three 0-0s, and only Chile have scored more than once.

Further analysis of the method of the goals reveals that – five of the eight goals have been scored from set-pieces. Only three have been from open play – Javi Guerrero’s cool finish after a long ball against Uruguay, Luis Suarez’s quick shot in that same game against Peru, and Adrian Ramos’ winner against Costa Rica.

The other five goals have come quickly after set pieces. The ratio of goals scored from dead ball scenarios is generally between 30-40%, but so far in this tournament it is 62.5%.

It’s not as if teams are actually scoring a greater number of goals from set plays, simply a greater proportion. To take a ‘normal’ number of goals per game (let’s take the ratio of the World Cup, 2.27) and multiply that by the number of games so far (7), we could have expected 15.89 goals.

Since the ‘normal’ percentage of goals scored from set-plays is 30-40%, we would have expected to have seen between 4.77 and 6.34 goals from set-plays so far. The figure of five is nothing unusual.

The problem, of course, is those goals have been obvious as there have been few goals scored from other methods. Three goals in seven games from open play is a disastrous figure – and whilst defensive organisation should get some of the credit, it’s been obvious that the main problem has been a lack of creativity.

Too many sides are depending upon one player (Lionel Messi, Ganso) for creating chances, rather than possessing a number of skilful players in the side to play key passes. The most exciting side so far, Chile, have been the side who have attacked with the greatest number of players – they’re also the only side to score two goals, and the only side to win a game against eleven men. And yet, even Chile’s two goals both came from set-pieces.

Hopefully managers will pick a greater number of players in the second week and the Copa will improve, as this is a worrying trend.
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发表于 2011-7-8 08:22:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-7-8 18:13 编辑

由 kaminosin 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球

美洲杯第一周 定位球是关键









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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 18:29:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-7-8 18:35 编辑






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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 18:55:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-7-8 19:24 编辑

Lionel Messi is an easy target for Argentina's collective failings


When the albiceleste underperform with Messi in the side, he's the one blamed. Against Colombia, they underperformed again


Lionel Messi reacts after Argentina's goalless draw with Colombia in the Copa América. Photograph: Fernando Vergara/AP

He had his opportunity. With 10 minutes to go, Argentina won a free-kick by the right corner of the Colombia box. Lionel Messi stepped up. This was his chance to silence the grumblers, to mark his return to his home province with a deft assist, or perhaps even a goal. For a left-footer, the angle seemed inviting. He approached the ball – one step, two steps, three. Back went the left-foot, and ballooning high and wide went the ball, neither shot nor cross nor anything other than an indication of the lack of confidence that seems to submerge his game every time he pulls on the albiceleste shirt. As he trudged off at the final whistle after a goalless draw against Colombia, a smattering of boos rippled across the Estanislao López.

What makes it worse is that this was supposed to be his triumphant return home. It was only 110 miles to the south that Messi first kicked a ball. Some people say the boy's grandmother made the coach do it; Salvador Ricardo Aparicio himself says that he was a player short and asked the boy's grandmother if the five-year-old, who'd been kicking a ball against a nearby wall, would like to play. Everybody who was there on that dusty field in Rosario agrees what happened next. The ball came to the boy, clad in a shirt several sizes too big for him. He prodded at it with his right foot. When it came to his left, though, he started dribbling "as if he'd done that all his life", his grandmother said.

Those around reacted as if they'd seen a vision. Here was a pibe in action, the incarnation of the ideal of Argentinian football. The figure is an archetype that runs back to the earliest days of Argentinian football, from the days in the first decade of the 20th century when it first began to establish an identity distinct from that of the British ex-pats who had established the game in the country.

If Argentina wanted to erect a statue to its footballing spirit, the journalist Borocotó wrote in El Gráfico in 1928, it should depict "a pibe with a dirty face, a man of hair rebelling against the comb; with the intelligent, roving, trickster and persuasive eyes and a sparkling gaze that seem to hint at a picaresque laugh that does not quite manage to form on his mouth, full of small teeth that might be worn down by eating yesterday's bread."

The true embodiment of the pibe, of course, was Diego Maradona. Even Maradona accepts that Messi is his equal for skill, and he has a similar urchin build. Notably, though, Messi's hair no longer rebels against the comb – in fact, his may be the most sensible footballer's haircut since the days of Kevin Sheedy and Peter Davenport; a streak of European discipline has entered his soul.

It seems a trivial point, but it's not insignificant. Messi left Rosario for Spain at the age of 13, and there is a sense that Argentinian fans still don't entirely trust him. In that, he resembles another native of Rosario who found fame abroad and was never entirely accepted back home: Che Guevara. The move undoubtedly did Messi good, and not just because it secured him the growth hormones Newell's Old Boys could no long afford. It protected him, both against temptation – Pep Guardiola, then the reserve coach, quickly stepped in when he started partying with Ronaldinho – and against the machinations of agents, which may yet destroy the career of his contemporary Carlos Tevez.

But it also means that every time Messi underperforms for the national team – or, more accurately, every time the national team underperforms with Messi in the side – he is the one who takes the blame. In part that is natural for the best player in the team: he is the star, the genius, it's his shirt the counterfeit merchants are selling outside the grounds; therefore it's his job to drag the game the way of his side. But there is also a sense that whatever he does it will not quite be enough, that there will always be a suspicion that he doesn't quite give his all for Argentina. Given that he had the opportunity to play for Spain's youth teams and turned it down, that seems a little unfair.

To an extent the issue is generational. Younger fans accept that players leave for Europe as soon as they can; older fans seem still to find it hard to accept that the primera has become a diminished league. After the first game a taxi-driver even claimed that Argentina would be better picking only four Europe-based players if they wanted the team to play with pride.

There were chants for Messi before kick-off in Santa Fe but even here, the cheer for Tevez, rougher-edged and thus the more authentic avatar of pibismo, was much louder than the one for Messi when the teams were read out before kick-off. The stadium announcer neatly encapsulated the mood: "Con la 10, el mejor del mundo, Lionel Messi. Y con la 11, el jugador del pueblo, Carlos Tevez." Messi is the best in the world, but Tevez is the player of the people.

Messi, in truth, didn't look much like the best player in the world. He mooched around looking largely ineffective, perhaps all too aware that when he came deep in search of the ball it was not Xavi or Andrés Iniesta going ahead of him as it would be at Barcelona, but Esteban Cambiasso. Only once, after 34 minutes, as he slid a pass through for Ezequiel Lavezzi, was there a flash of his brilliance. The Napoli forward, though, described by Sergio Batista as Messi's co-pilot, was denied by Luis Martínez.

It's not Messi's fault, of course. Tevez, however popular he may be, was no more effective. This is an environment in which no player looked comfortable, anxious with the expectation and burdened by a tactical system that seems to suit nobody. As against Bolivia, Batista switched to a 4-2-1-3 late on, but Messi looked as uncomfortable as an enganche as he had as a false nine. This is a collective failure, tactical and mental, and ultimately Batista must take responsibility. It is Messi, though, the pibe with the European manners, who provides the easier target.

Posted by Jonathan Wilson in Santa Fe Thursday 7 July 2011 14.57 BST guardian.co.uk
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 18:59:41 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-7-9 12:38 编辑


阿根廷集体失败 梅西却成替罪羔羊
由 kaminosin 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球

美洲杯阿根廷0-0平哥伦比亚后梅西的反应。图片来源:Fernando Vergara/AP











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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-9 12:40:30 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-7-9 14:20:19 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-7-9 14:34:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 elite 于 2011-7-9 15:55 编辑

Argentina's failures at the Copa America are system-based

Story Highlights 全文要点:

Lionel Messi has borne the brunt of the criticism for Argentina's poor play;

The real issue is the use of three holding midfielders and no real link man;

Argentina's players have also been guilty of overdribbling at times

The use of three holding midfielders such as Esteban Cambiasso (right) has stifled Argentina's midfield creativity. Jaso Jacome/Landov 使用象坎比亚索这样的三后腰战术(图中右边)已经限制了阿根廷中场创造性发挥

One player has emerged from the first week of the Copa America with his reputation enhanced. Sadly for Argentina, that player is Spain's Xavi Hernandez. 美洲杯开赛1周以来,有一个球员的形象愈发突现在球场上,人们对他渴望与日俱浓。(但是),这种渴望对阿根廷人来说是悲伤的,那位球员就是西班牙队的哈维-赫尔南德斯。

Outside of the Barcelona support structure, without the tiki-taka legions at his back, Lionel Messi has looked worryingly ordinary. 离开巴萨支持结构、缺乏身后的tiki-taka系的支援,梅西在美洲杯赛场上已经显现出之前令人担忧的平庸。The doubts that Argentina fans had about him have been magnified by his performances in the draws with Bolivia and Colombia. 阿根廷球迷对他的质疑,已经被他在阿根廷与玻利维亚和哥伦比亚两场交战的平局中的表现所强化。This has been a systemic failure, tactical and mental, for Argentina, and the more Sergio Batista tries to calm the fury of fans and the media by insisting this tournament is primarily about preparation for the World Cup, the more loudly comes the response that the next stage of that preparation will be to get rid of him. 这种情势和后果,对阿根廷队而言,已经是系统性失败了,不论战术还是精神层面;不仅如此,塞尔吉奥-巴蒂斯塔,还一再强调这届美洲杯主要是为2014世界杯作准备的,这样来面对球迷以及媒体的不满和愤怒,他愈加想要保持平静,那么,舆论对此反应是,下一步的准备工作就是要他从主帅位置上滚蛋的吼声,则愈发强烈。

Against Colombia on Wednesday in a 0-0 draw, it wasn't just that Argentina lacked a little spark, as it had against Bolivia, it was that it was shockingly, crassly open at the back. Colombia's Adrian Ramos and Dayro Moreno were guilty of extraordinary misses, and three one-on-ones were wasted in the second half. Colombia should have won the game comfortably and, had that happened, Argentina would be facing Monday's game against Costa Rica needing a win just to be assured of third in the group.

"The worst moment under Batista," said La Nacion. "Batista is directing the Titanic into an iceberg," said As. "The national team doesn't start," said Clarin. It was shambolic. The pattern was similar to the Bolivia game -- 20 minutes of calm, measured if slightly toothless soccer, followed by 70 minutes of panic and chaos. And at the heart of it all, oddly glum, stood Lionel Messi. Anybody who still believes soccer is just about picking the best players and letting them get on with it needs only to look at Batista's Argentina to see how flawed that idea is.

Batista has done his best to retract the comment, but before the opening game he said he wanted his team to play like Barcelona: a 4-3-3 with Messi used as a false nine, dropping deep from his center-forward's position to create space for the wide forwards to cut in, and for players to make breaks form midfield. This, he had decided, rather than as a classic enganche -- literally "hook" -- between midfield and attack, was the way to get the best out of his best player.

That may be true, but soccer is a holistic game. Can Carlos Tvez and Ezequiel Lavezzi cut in from wide? Yes, they can. In that sense the front three should work, and there were indications against Colombia, most notably in the sublimely-weighted pass Messi slipped through for Lavezzi 10 minutes before halftime, that some sort of understanding was being generated there. These things, of course, take time: at Barcelona they have been worked out over a period of a decade or so at La Masia; note how it took even David Villa, coming in to a settled and successful side, four or five months fully to adapt. Batista doesn't have a decade -- he has had maybe three weeks -- and to that existent he is due the sympathy of any national coach in the modern era.

So let's move to the next layer. When Messi drops deep for Barcelona, he has Xavi and Andres Iniesta breaking beyond him; with Argentina, it's Ever Banega and Esteban Cambiasso. Banega and Cambiasso are perfectly serviceable holding midfielders. Cambiasso has even shown a certain knack for getting forward to score over his career, but they are hardly players of the wit, intelligence or movement of Xavi and Iniesta. When they get the ball, it stops -- as it does with Tevez and Lavezzi; this isn't the pass-and-move tiki-taka of Barca; it's something a little more ponderous, something, frankly, heretical as it may seem in Argentina, with too much dribbling, and it leaves Messi playing at a different rhythm to the rest of his team.

Then there is the issue of the fullbacks. At Barcelona, the wide forwards can drift inside knowing that they have a very attacking fullback overlapping, both providing width and drawing the opposing fullback. This is the beauty of Barcelona's system: when Messi goes deep a midfielder can go forward or a wide forward can cut in opening space for a surging fullback. One player's movement creates a vacuum and that generates the swirl of movement. Argentina simply doesn't have that. With Pablo Zabaleta, Argentina had a measure of attacking width from deep -- he certainly seemed far better suited to the system than Marcos Rojo had -- but he is no Dani Alves (after all, who is?), and neither can the 37-year-old legs of Javier Zanetti offer regular surges forward on the other flank. Moreover, when players do push on, the instinct to cover isn't there. Javier Mascherano drops in as a third center-back at times, as the holding player does for Barcelona, which should in theory liberate the fullbacks , but the mutual understanding isn't yet there -- and, with the players available, may never be.

Amid all the Batista-bashing, it should also be said that Colombia's coach, Hernan Dario Gomez, got it absolutely right tactically. The use of Carlos Sanchez as a holding player in a 4-1-4-1 meant that there was always a player in the space into which Messi wanted to move, so that he never had the opportunity to turn and run at goal from that dangerous central area 30-40 yards out. The use of Ramos and Moreno wide also helped dissuade Zabaleta and Zanetti from being too aggressive.

So what does Batista do next? He could, as he did in the final stages, field Gonzalo Higuain as an out-and-out center forward with Messi in behind in a 4-2-3-1. Or he could heed the calls of the public for Javier Pastore to be used in midfield and stick with his 4-3-3. In theory, the linkup between Messi and Pastore could be devastating, but the dangers are twofold, particularly given the lack of practice-time available. Messi and Pastore could effectively end up occupying the same space and/or Pastore, not being used to this style of 4-3-3, could play too high up the field become isolated from the two holders, as Ganso did for Brazil.

The bonus for Batista is that Costa Rica should provide limited opposition; this is a game in which there probably is scope for experimentation before the quarterfinals. Then again, everybody thought that about Bolivia.
Jonathan Wilson is the author of Inverting the Pyramid; Behind the Curtain; Sunderland: A Club Transformed; and The Anatomy of England. Editor of The Blizzard.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/jonathan_wilson/07/07/argentina.struggles/index.html#ixzz1RaU4J6Nk
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发表于 2011-7-9 14:38:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 elite 于 2011-7-9 14:41 编辑


Jonathan Wilson:美洲杯阿根廷的失败得怪体系

由 kaminosin 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球

派上3个像坎比亚索这样的后腰限制了阿根廷中场的创造力。Jaso Jacome/Landov











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发表于 2011-7-9 15:12:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 elite 于 2011-7-9 16:04 编辑



例如“庸才”一词,这是个定性说法,最好不要轻易使用。而原文只不过是ordinary, 乃普通、平常、正常等的意思。

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发表于 2011-7-9 16:17:37 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-9 16:19:50 | 只看该作者
弗爵爷 发表于 2011-7-9 16:17

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发表于 2011-7-9 16:21:13 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-7-9 16:37:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-10 04:07:18 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-7-11 00:21 编辑

Chile 1-1 Uruguay: in-game changes dictate the pattern of play
智利1-1乌拉圭: 比赛中调整支配着双方发挥的格局
July 9, 2011

The starting line-ups

Goals from Alvaro Pereira and Alexis Sanchez meant another Copa draw. 阿尔瓦罗-佩雷亚和阿莱克斯-桑切斯的分别进球意味着,智乌之战是两队自美洲杯开赛以来的又一场平局,这场战罢,他们在c组均各积2分,分列第3、4名。

Both managers made changes. Claudio Borghi dropped Mati Fernandez and brought in Luis Jiminez behind the front two, but kept the same shape as in the opening day win over Mexico. 两队的主教练都对阵容做了调整。克劳迪奥-伯尔奇撤下马迪-菲尔南德斯而是让路易斯-吉米内斯出现在两位前锋之后,不过仍保持同首场取胜墨西哥时一样的首发阵型,即3412。

Oscar Tabarez made two changes from the draw against Peru. Nicolas Loderio dropped out and was replaced by Alvaro Pereira, whilst at the back Sebastian Coates came in for Mauricio Victorino, as Uruguay switched to a three-man defence. 奥斯卡-塔巴雷斯对首战秘鲁平局的阵容做了2处调整。首战打中场的尼克拉斯-罗德里奥被拿下,代之以阿尔瓦罗-佩雷亚出场,而后卫线上用塞巴斯蒂安-克雅特斯替换马里西奥-维克多里奥,这样乌拉圭则改打三后卫阵型了。

The game took a similar pattern to Chile’s game against Mexico – they were the stronger side in possession but couldn’t break down the opposition until late in the game. 比赛走向同智利与墨西哥之战一样的格局——智利队在控球方面则显得更强一些,但是难以给对手致命打击,直到比赛后期才破门逼平对手。

Uruguay defence

Tabarez has switched to a three-man backline before – he did so against France in the opening game of the World Cup, when he was (perhaps too modestly, in hindsight) playing for a 0-0, having experimented with the shape in the pre-tournament friendlies. This three-man defence was more about creating a spare man at the back against the pace and power of Humberto Suazo and Alexis Sanchez, and the youngster Coates had a very good game as the sweeper, constantly covering for the other two centre-backs and getting in the way when Suazo thought he was clear.

The three-man defence was less successful as a whole, however. Sanchez is a very intelligent player and understands the tactical nuances of the game very quickly, and recognised that there was little point in him remaining high up against the centre-backs. Instead of moving to the right, as he did against Mexico, he dropped into the midfield more, as he did at Udinese throughout 2010/11 – see the game against Inter, for example. This meant Uruguay had a surplus of defenders, and Chile dominated the midfield ground.

The other interesting element of the midfield battle was that, with Lodeiro not in the side and an extra man at the back, the Perez-Arevalo duo had more freedom, with Arevalo venturing forward more.

Chile defence

The main battles were at either end, though, and Chile had to put up with a dangerous 3 v 3 situation at the back. Borghi’s predecessor Marcelo Bielsa always wanted a spare man, of course, and would have instantly changed to a back four – but Borghi stuck with his three, with the small caveat that Gary Medel dropped back and helped out.

The difference in the numbers in defence meant the two sides played with very different styles in their build-up play. Chile had midfield superiority and had to try and overload the Uruguayan defence, so played slowly and patiently in order to get midfield runners forward. On the other hand, Uruguay tried to play more direct to take advantage of the 3 v 3 situation. Their best two chances (a Luis Suarez shot and a Diego Forlan volley) came after long balls.

The 3 v 3 also meant they could press Chile at goal kicks easily, and Borghi’s side struggled to pass out from the back.

Uruguay three becomes a four

Tabarez and Uruguay realised that with Sanchez dropping into midfield, they didn’t really need three centre-backs, and so as the game progressed, they increasingly looked more like a four at the back. This was a simple switch – Maxi Pereira played deeper, Alvaro Pereira pushed on, and Martin Caceres moved back out to become more of a left-back. It was a 4-4-2ish system. The half-time change – forward Edinson Cavani off and midfielder Alvaro Gonzalez on down the right – was another sign that Tabarez had changed system.

A byproduct of this change was actually crucial in the goal, because Alvaro Pereira found himself in the box and swept home the opening goal – it’s difficult to imagine that he would have been in that position as a wing-back, rather than a winger.

Borghi makes attacking change

Typically, Chile became even more attacking after going behind. Unlike against Mexico, Borghi’s substitution didn’t change the shape of the side, but it was an even more offensive move – Arturo Vidal became the left-sided centre-back, Gonzalo Jara was taken off, and Jorge Valdivia, the number ten, came on to provide clever passes from the centre of midfield.

This had an immediate impact – four minutes later, Valdivia’s incisive pass to the left played in Jean Beausejour, who cut the ball back to Sanchez, who finished.

Chile then had the momentum, although bringing on Carlos Carmona for Beausejour seemed to kill this slightly.
Tabarez tried to go for the second goal with Lodeiro on for Arevalo, but it finished 1-1.


This was an interesting match, with Tabarez switching to three at the back to deal with Chile, and then reverting to a back four when he realised that Sanchez was increasingly dropping off the front. The change to a 4-4-2ish shape meant both sides ended up with a spare man at the back, rather than the situation at the start when Uruguay had two spare men, and Chile had none.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-10 04:07:56 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-7-10 10:57:35 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2011-7-10 11:10:03 | 只看该作者


实际上智利队在防守阵型中也经常变成四后卫,后腰梅德尔的位置会回收到庞塞的身边,作为一名上抢的中卫 ...
北极海 发表于 2011-7-10 10:57

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-10 23:00:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-7-10 23:07 编辑

Brazil 2-2 Paraguay: Brazil snatch the draw
July 10, 2011

The starting line-ups

Mano Menezes ditched the “European” 4-2-3-1, went for a Dunga-style compromise system, then ended up with 4-2-2-2…

He dropped Robinho from his starting line-up, favouring Jadson who played much narrower on the right, as he has done in previous friendlies.

Gerardo Martino went for the 4-4-2 / 4-3-3 hybrid that he often favoured at last summer’s World Cup. Roque Santa Cruz played on the right, and made diagonal runs to a centre-forward position.

Both sides were ahead at some point in the game, but neither side ever had overall control. Brazil were much better than in the first game going forward, but looked significantly more vulnerable at the back (perhaps because they were up against a better team).

Paraguay tactics

Martino had a habit of frustrating bigger sides at the World Cup last year with this shape, and Brazil found it difficult to stamp their authority on the game. Santa Cruz nullifed Andre Santos, who wasn’t brave or intelligent enough to influence the game on the left, and the left-back also switched off and let Santa Cruz run past him for a couple of chances.

In the midfield, Enrique Vera sat deep and picked up Ganso, with two central midfielders ahead doing battle with Brazil’s two holders. Marcelo Estigarrabia took on Dani Alves. Paraguay generally defended very narrow both at the back and in midfield, forcing Brazil to go down the flanks.

Brazil tactics

The decision to bring in Jadson over Robinho was not about personnel, it was about shape. In Brazil’s first game against Venezuela, Ganso struggled to provide decisive passes for Brazil’s front three. Part of the problem was that there was too much emphasis placed upon him for creativity, and there was a separate issue: he played too high up, and Brazil couldn’t find him with an initial pass from midfield.

In purely numerical terms, having one man providing creativity and using three men higher up the pitch ready to put the finishing touches to moves didn’t make sense – the introduction of Jadson, in a deeper, more central role than Robinho, was about shifting the balance. Jadson meant Brazil’s build-up play was more gradual, and Ganso had a colleague in close proximity to help create.

This worked pretty well, even if Brazil’s attacking play was still patchy. The Ganso-Jadson combination caused problems for Paraguay between the lines, and twice they linked up well – first when exchanging passes for a great chance Pato wasted, and then for the goal, where Ganso teed up Jadson to fire home.

Interestingly, this change in system also meant an alteration to the way the two holding midfielders played. In the Venezuela game, Ramires generally played to the left of Lucas, but here he played to the right, presumably as Menezes wanted him to shuttle out to the right and cover the (barer than usual) right flank. Pato also moved out to the right more – his movement was less restricted with only one forward alongside him. Brazil again tried to hit long balls towards Pato, though, which doesn’t really play to his strengths.

Paraguay compete in midfield

Paraguay were defending well as a unit, pressing at the right moments and meaning that Ganso rarely picked up the ball on his way to goal – he had to come deep, or receive the ball with his back to goal, unlike in the first game, where Venezuela pushed up too high and gave him space between the lines.

Nestor Ortigoza was good on the ball for Martino’s side, dictating play from deep, and coming short to collect the ball. This caused Brazil some confusion in midfield as Lucas moved up the pitch to close down Ortigoza, when he would have preferred to sit deep with Ramires higher up.

The five stages of Menezes' move from 4-2-3-1. ONE: The 4-2-1-3 against Venezuela. TWO: The modified 4-2-1-3 for this game, with Jadson in for Robinho, and the two holders switching ides. THREE: Elano replaces Jadson on the right. FOUR: Lucas Moura comes on for Ramires, with Elano moving deep. FIVE: Fred replaces Neymar.

Second half

Menezes made a change at half time, withdrawing Jadson and bringing on Elano in the same position. His reasoning, presumably, was to guard against a second yellow card – and with Alves being given something of a difficult time by the tricky Estigarrabia, some extra cover was needed.

Unfortunately, this destabilized the Brazilian side, and despite enjoying a good relationship at club level, the Elano-Ganso combination didn’t work particularly well. Nor did it help defensively – Elano was caught out for Paraguay’s equaliser. Alves made an individual error for the slightly fortunate second Paraguayan goal.

Brazilian subs

Menezes made two further attacking substitutions to try and get back in the game. First, Ramires went off, and Lucas Moura came on. This meant Elano going deeper into the Ramires role, and Lucas Moura playing as something approaching a second number ten alongside Ganso, even more narrow than Jadson had played. There was now no right-winger, with Alves trying to cover the entire flank by himself.

That narrowed Brazil on the right, and the second change narrowed them on the left. The ineffectual Neymar was removed for Fred, who played as a central striker, and suddenly Brazil were more like a 4-2-2-2 – Lucas Leiva and Elano holding, Ganso and Lucas Moura creating, Fred and Pato upfront. This narrow system almost played into the hands of Paraguay’s narrowness, but late on an attack right through the middle got Brazil their equaliser – Ganso again got the assist with a clever flick, and Fred struck the ball into the corner.


The first Copa game with more than three goals in it – first and foremost, this was an entertaining match.

Martino kept roughly the same shape throughout, whilst Menezes chopped and changed. Neither conclusively won the tactical battle – Paraguay defended well in open play but sometimes got overloaded between the lines with two Brazilian creators.

Brazil’s problem defensively was their right flank, although Andre Santos had a habit of switching off and letting men run past him. Another change for the final group game wouldn’t be a surprise, perhaps with Fred starting permanently as a central striker.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-10 23:07:43 | 只看该作者
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例如“庸才”一词,这是个定性说法,最好不要轻易使用。而原文只不过是ordinary ...
elite 发表于 2011-7-9 15:12

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sailor_l 发表于 2011-7-9 16:37

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