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【10-11 ZM专贴】280L:替补伊布戴帽助瑞典5-0横扫芬兰

发表于 2011-4-7 19:18:39 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-4-8 18:18:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-10 04:07 编辑

Barcelona 5-1 Shakhtar Donetsk: Shakhtar incapable of dealing with runners from deep
April 7, 2011

The starting line-ups

Barcelona became the third side to take a massive lead into the second leg of the European Cup quarter-finals.

Pep Guardiola was still without Carles Puyol and Eric Abidal, so Sergio Busquets continued at the back. Pedro Rodriguez was only fit enough for the bench, so Andres Iniesta played in the front three, and Seydou Keita started in the middle.

Former Barcelona centre-back Dmyto Chygrynskiy was unavailable for the away side, but otherwise it was Mircea Lucescu’s expected 4-2-3-1 side.

Like in the other two high-scoring games this week, the home side got off to a tremendous start when Iniesta slotted home after two minutes to put Barcelona ahead.

Shakhtar threaten

Despite the eventual scoreline, the away side were an attacking force in the game, especially in the first half, and looked to have all the required characteristics to expose Barcelona at the back. First and foremost, they had pace upfront. Luiz Adriano’s lightning acceleration kept causing Busquets problems (he’d also come unstuck by Giuseppe Rossi’s speed at the weekend), and he had a golden chance early on to give Shakhtar an away goal.
Their second strategy was more intelligent – with Alves playing very high up the pitch, the Ukrainian side tried to hit direct balls into Barcelona’s right-back zone, and exploit the fact the Brazilian was frequently out of position. An early shot from a narrow angle tested Valdes, and Alves contributed to the danger down that flank by being very sloppy in possession – conceding possession on the flank unnecessarily, and then underhitting a backpass which almost put Adriano in.

Late runs prove crucial

It was Alves who got the second goal with a trademark run on the blind side of the defence to meet an Iniesta lofted ball over the top. That run has caught out many sides this season, but Shakhtar seemed to be especially prone to it – no-one tracked him whatsoever, and Alves was one-on-one with the goalkeeper.

Shakhtar tried to play into Barca's right-back spot 矿工队的进攻试图寻找阿尔维斯身后空间

Shakhtar’s’ inability to cope with late runs continued to be a problem throughout the game – in fact, despite Barcelona scoring five goals, none of them came from the two forwards on the pitch, David Villa or Lionel Messi – or Pedro, when he came on. Keita and Xavi added goals later on from midfield, whilst Gerard Pique’s untracked run from a corner to the near post found him in acres of the space.

The goals were all preventable – but Barcelona were using their players cleverly, with the forwards dragging defenders out of position and midfielders exploiting the space.

Open play

Shakhtar tactics without the ball seemed to be to press Barcelona quickly when they played the ball in midfield, attempting to force Barcelona to play the ball backwards – at which point, Shakhtar dropped off. They played a reasonably high line but offered no pressure on the ball at points – this resulted in the Alves goal – which was suicidal.
Barcelona’s pressing was also more important than ever here, as Shakhtar tried to play on the counter. In their previous tie against Roma, Shakhar’s transitions were excellent, but here they found it difficult to get past the first press, and therefore rarely countered from defence effectively.

Chalkboards 战术题板

Messi continued to play in a deeper, classic playmaking position(梅西继续到低位,即经典的前腰位置上接球和拿球):

Messi's received passes 梅西接到的传球

Despite having a solid ’square’ of two centre-backs and two holding midfielders, Shakhtar frequently lost tackles in key, central positions(矿工频繁地丧失在关键的中路中央位置上的拦截):

Barcelona usually take their corners short, but in the past couple of games have been trying to send in near post corners to Busquets, who flicks the ball on to Pique. It’s clearly a training ground move – it worked against Villarreal and nearly worked again here. Pique did get a goal, from a near post run as his marker was blocked off.

Barcelona's corners 巴萨的角球

Barcelona were even more keen than usual to play square passes – a third of their attempted balls were played sideways.

Barcelona's square balls 巴萨的横向转移球


What many billed as a potential banana skin turned out to be a comfortable victory for Barcelona, though they did have problems with pace in behind the defence in the first half.

The main lesson to take from this match is Barcelona’s use of midfielders making late runs – llegada. Neither of their main goal threats scored, instead they focused on creating space. It was noted in the Roma game that Shakhtar often only truly defended with six players – perhaps they needed more defensive awareness from the front four.
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发表于 2011-4-8 18:37:00 | 只看该作者
不过裸奔这厮也的确厉害,球感要强 ...
午时靡深蓝 发表于 2011-4-7 15:41

不能光论球感, 球感的话就凭小西上一场欧冠打进枪手的挑球,他认第二谁敢认第一??


罗本可谓居功至伟, 而且在关键场次所发挥的作用,我个人感觉甚至略强于小西。

反正我认为,健康的罗本和C罗伯仲之间, 比小西略逊半筹。
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发表于 2011-4-8 20:56:53 | 只看该作者
不能光论球感, 球感的话就凭小西上一场欧冠打进枪手的挑球,他认第二谁敢认第一??


罗本 ...
小豆丁梅西 发表于 2011-4-8 18:37

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发表于 2011-4-8 21:16:56 | 只看该作者
不能光论球感, 球感的话就凭小西上一场欧冠打进枪手的挑球,他认第二谁敢认第一??


罗本 ...
小豆丁梅西 发表于 2011-4-8 18:37

罗本带球的视觉冲击力有时候比小西给我来的更彻底 更high。。。
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发表于 2011-4-8 22:10:17 | 只看该作者
罗本带球的视觉冲击力有时候比小西给我来的更彻底 更high。。。
鸽子 发表于 2011-4-8 21:16

记得当年上海申花有一个甲A大杀器,洪都拉斯前锋 S. 马丁内斯
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发表于 2011-4-8 22:18:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-10 04:08 编辑


比利亚雷尔0-1巴塞罗那 战术复盘:梅西上场改变比赛,巴萨获8分优势  
由 kaminosin 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer
























[ 此帖被Sulley在2011-04-04 21:35修改 ]
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发表于 2011-4-8 22:22:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-8 22:31 编辑


由 cnzcnz 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer





















[ 此帖被Sulley在2011-04-05 15:58修改 ]
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发表于 2011-4-8 22:42:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-14 23:14 编辑

由 余文乐 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer

The theoretical starting line-ups...










...and how the sides actually matched up after Crouch's red card









Cristiano Ronaldo's shots





[ 此帖被余文乐在2011-04-06 10:49修改 ]
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发表于 2011-4-8 22:45:56 | 只看该作者
记得当年上海申花有一个甲A大杀器,洪都拉斯前锋 S. 马丁内斯
这位同学在甲A赛场带球突破起来的视觉冲击力极度震撼,而且说得稍微夸张点没啥技术含量,就是拿球往空白地带一趟,然后凭借极度变态的爆发力和速度优 ...
北极海 发表于 2011-4-8 22:10

那时申花多屌啊,阿尔贝茨 ,马丁内斯 佩特科维奇
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发表于 2011-4-8 23:23:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-13 13:59 编辑

由 Rivaldinho 发表在GoalHi足球·英超专区 http://bbs.goalhi.com/yingchao





4-4-2 v 4-4-2























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发表于 2011-4-10 04:11:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-13 14:01 编辑

由 anniex1426 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer  




























[ 此帖被Sulley在2011-04-10 14:10修改 ]
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发表于 2011-4-10 04:26:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-10 04:28 编辑

Benfica 4-1 PSV: overlapping full-backs crucial
April 9, 2011

The starting line-ups

Benfica will take a commanding lead to Holland next week after a confident performance in Lisbon.

Jorge Jesus was able to bring back Oscar Cardozo and Maxi Pereira after they missed the weekend defeat to Porto, whilst Jardel started at centre-back.

Fred Rutten named an unchanged side from the XI that lost to Twente last Saturday (the teams came into this game off the back of similarly devastating results) in 4-2-3-1 system.

The game was open and exciting throughout – five goals were a fair reflection of an attack-minded contest.


The match-up in formations was interesting from the start. Benfica played their usual attacking diamond system, a 4-1-3-2. PSV were in their usual 4-2-3-1 – they tended to defend in two banks of four with Otman Bakkal a little further forward, but this meant they had problems coping in the centre of midfield when Eduardo Salvio and Nicolas Gaitan were in central positions, as Benfica were 3 v 2 in that zone.

The slightly unusual nature of Benfica’s carrileros often causes problems for opponents, as the central midfielders and full-backs have to communicate throughout the match and pass the player on as he becomes higher up the pitch. PSV struggled with this in the opening stages.

Pablo Aimar was playing well and caused problems with his movement into deeper positions, allowing Salvio and Gaitan to move forward into that space, whilst Saviola’s movement was also superb – both in build-up play on the edge of the box, and in the penalty area when the ball was wide.


The one problem with Benfica’s front five was that they tended to play too narrow. Gaitan, on the left, was particularly keen to move into the centre of the pitch, and whilst Salvio stayed a little wider, it was essentially the same issue.

However, Benfica did well to get their full-backs forward, stretching the play, increasing the gaps in the PSV side, and forcing PSV’s wingers – neither of whom particularly like defending – into their own third.

The roles of the full-backs differed slightly – Fabio Coentrao on the left had plenty of space to break into, with Gaitan cutting inside, so he tended to storm forward on solo runs, or with off-the-ball runs. On the right, Pereira combined well with Salvio, getting past Balazs Dzsudzsak and creating 2 v 1 situations up against Erik Pieters, who had a poor game.

It was down the left that the two first half goals came – both after Coentrao was involved. First, he moved high up the touchline, pulling Stanislav Manolev out of position – the space was exploited by Salvio, who crossed for Aimar. Then, Coentrao got forward to provide the assist himself, for Salvio. Both goals came after Saviola had linked play in very deep positions.

The third strike, after half time, also came after good work from Saviola a long way from goal. He passed to Salvio, who scored a great individual goal.


Throughout the first half, Benfica had pressed PSV intensely, not allowing them to get the ball forward. PSV like to build moves slowly from the back and the centre-backs take an active role in launching these moves, and they were clearly troubled by the lack of time on the ball at the back.

PSV attacks

The away side’s best chances came when Dzsudzsak got the ball and beat Pereira, before crossing the ball into the middle. Benfica’s centre-back partnership is not particularly established and there was a weakness in that zone. Markus Berg received plenty of balls into feet and had a couple of good chances, but his touch was terrible and his poor form continues.

Three things combined to get PSV back in that game. First, Benfica’s full-backs were more reserved, which meant that Dzsudzsak and Jeremain Lens were allowed to work higher up the pitch, in their natural positions. Second, Benfica were unable to keep up their pressing, and stood off, allowing PSV to play football. Third, Berg was replaced by Zakaria Labyad, who emphasised Berg’s woes by scoring with his first touch. He had gone to the right, with Lens through the middle, and PSV were much more fluid.

That looked like the tie was back on, but Benfica reclaimed their three-goal lead in the 94th minute. Again, it was a full-back getting forward to get the assist – Pereira – and Saviola applied the finish. Those two players were excellent, and deserved their part in the final goal.


Few matches this season will be so obviously all about one thing – full-backs getting forward, stretching play and providing overlapping runs. Sometimes they provided assists themselves, sometimes they allowed Benfica’s attackers more space – but either way PSV didn’t work well enough as a unit defensively to stop them.
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发表于 2011-4-12 16:15:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-12 16:37 编辑

Blackpool 1-3 Arsenal: Arsenal continually exploit Blackpool’s high defensive line
April 10, 2011

The starting line-ups

Arsenal had some nervous moments, but attacked intelligently and were comfortable after their third goal.

Ian Holloway kept his back four unchanged, but brought four players into the side, with only Charlie Adam and Gary Taylor-Fletcher surviving from the side which lost 3-0 to Fulham last weekend. DJ Campbell returned after suspension.

Arsenal had Abou Diaby in for Alex Song, and also had a late change in goal, where Jens Lehmann returned after Manuel Almunia went down with an injury shortly before kick-off.

This was a strange game, where the pattern of play seemed to be identical in both halves. In that respect, it was perhaps ‘two halves of two halves’, with a high tempo from the home side in the first minutes of the two periods followed by a period where they put no pressure on Arsenal’s midfield, and were opened up easily.

Blackpool pressure

For the first ten minutes of the game, Blackpool were on top. Whether this was a deliberate Arsenal strategy – to sit back and play on the break – is questionable, but either way they wouldn’t have wanted to invite quite so much pressure early on, especially with Lehmann back in goal. Blackpool whipped in a couple of corners into the six yard box (something Lehmann always used to be uncomfortable with), and Arsenal looked nervous.

Blackpool’s strategy with the ball was the usual – they played lots of long diagonal passes, which is certainly the defining feature of their game. That said, Premier League teams seem to have figured out Blackpool’s way of playing, having initially been surprised by the slightly unusual approach, and Blackpool’s pass completion figures (and results) have dipped in recent weeks. Adam was their main playmaker – he sat deep and hit balls to the flanks, but only completed 54% of passes, bringing a premature end to attacking moves.

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards

Blackpool’s best work came without the ball – they were energetic and closed Arsenal’s midfield down quickly, preventing Wenger’s side from playing their quick, sharp passing game in the opening stages.

High line

At some point, Blackpool’s pressure on the man in possession suddenly stopped, and soon after, Arsenal took the lead. Cesc Fabregas, having spent the first few minutes unable to exert an influence on the game, dropped deeper into midfield to pick up the ball, which helped Arsenal retain possession deep in midfield – and also meant he could hit long balls over the top to Robin van Persie, who peeled away to the left.

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards

Blackpool were attempting to play a stupidly high offside line, which in combination with the lack of pressure in midfield, meant Arsenal were able to cut Blackpool open at will. Two early chances fell van Persie’s way (one pass he miscontrolled, the other shot was saved by Richard Kingson), and he also received a ball over the top to cross for Diaby for Arsenal’s opener. Samir Nasri also had a chance in a similar situation, where he hit the post. Soon after the first goal, a quick Arsenal passing move made it 2-0, through Emmanuel Eboue.

Second half

Blackpool came out for the second period fired up, again closing down quickly in midfield and attacking well. They got a goal back in the 52nd minute through Taylor-Fletcher, after Jack Wilshere was beaten in midfield and the home side broke speedily. This hinted that Arsenal were going to suffer another second half collapse, but Blackpool were unable to keep the game at a high tempo, and Arsenal’s ball retention became much better as the second half went on.

The lack of pressure on the ball again resulted in Blackpool becoming vulnerable to the ball over the top – though the defence played deeper after the break. Still, the introduction of Theo Walcott was always likely to cause problems, and a direct attack down the right ended with Walcott squaring for van Persie for the third goal. It was similar to Arsenal’s second goal against Wolves recently, and another good example of a forward staying in an offside position as the move develops, then becoming onside when the winger catches up with him, as outlined before.

Blackpool didn’t really recover from the third goal, and aside from mistakes by Lehmann and Gael Clichy late on, Arsenal were fairly comfortable.


A game dominated by one key aspect – Arsenal being able to play direct passes to exploit Blackpool’s high line. For much of the first half, it was amazingly easy for Arsenal to create chances through this route, reminiscent of Newcastle’s suicidal defending away at Manchester City earlier in the season.

With both sides playing high lines, the game was congested in the midfield, and was a bit of a scrap in that zone. Arsenal sometimes struggle with that sort of game, but both Diaby and Wilshere were impressive when it came to physical challenges.

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards
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发表于 2011-4-12 16:17:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-13 14:01 编辑


由 余文乐 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer
Blackpool 1-3 Arsenal: Arsenal continually exploit Blackpool’s high defensive line
April 10, 2011

The starting line-ups




















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发表于 2011-4-12 16:39:18 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-12 16:42 编辑

Valencia 5-0 Villarreal: spare man at the back, and direct football going forward
April 10, 2011

The starting line-ups

Third-placed Valencia demolished fourth-placed Villarreal at the Mestalla.

Unai Emery brought Ever Banega back into the side in the centre of midfield, and also recalled Portuguese defenders Miguel and Ricardo Costa at the back.

Juan Carlos Garrido was forced to change things at the back, after the news that centre-back Gonzalo Rodriguez is out for the rest of the season with a broken leg. He gave a rare start to Kiko, resisting the temptation to move Carlos Marchena from his ‘new’ central midfield position.

Valencia started the game in control, and aside from a brief spell towards the end of the first half, that was how the game stayed. Villarreal’s sheer inexperience at the back cost them, whilst Emery got the better of Garrido tactically.

Spare man

Pre-match television graphics showed Valencia lining up in their usual 4-2-3-1 system, but this was not to be the case. Instead, as in the reverse fixture earlier this season, Emery decided to use a three-man defence, with central midfielder Mehmet Topal deployed as an additional centre-back.

The idea here was basically to give Valencia a spare man at the back. The problem with facing Giuseppe Rossi and and Nilmar is that they make unusual runs, from inside to outside – if they’re tracked too far, it leaves the centre of the pitch completely open. Therefore, a spare man there is a good idea, and has the extra benefit of being able to cover when the Villarreal strikers use their pace to get onto balls over the top.


The start of the game was played at a high tempo, with the pace largely set by the home side. Valencia pressed Villarreal excellently, and whilst Garrido’s men continued with their short, patient passing, they weren’t quite on their game, and struggled to get Santi Cazorla, the link player, involved.

Villarreal also pressed high up, and the result of both sides taking a proactive approach to defend was a congested midfield battle, with the play squeezed into the middle third of the pitch. Both sides were caught offside in the opening moments.

High line exploited

Like in Arsenal’s trip to Blackpool earlier in the day, the key here was an offside line being continually exploited by a striker. Here it was Roberto Soldado, fresh from four goals in his last outing against Getafe. He played towards the right of the pitch, up against the newcomer Kiko, and managed to successfully break past the Villarreal backline in the right-hand channel on three separate occasions in the first half. Twice he was denied by Diego Lopez, but the other time he took the shot very early, and finished into the far corner.

Valencia's transitions from defence to attack were simple but effective. With Villarreal's wide players coming inside, Valencia's wing-backs could charge forward to create 3 v 2 situations down the flanks - Miguel did this for Soldado's first goal

Villarreal were putting a decent amount of pressure on the ball in midfield, but they struggled to cope with Valencia defenders coming out with the ball from the back. In particular, since Villarreal’s wide players end up in the centre of the pitch, it was fairly easy for Valencia’s wing-backs to move forward in possession, and they had time to pick a pass after creating 3 v 2 situations – see the diagram on the right. Miguel provided the pass for Soldado’s opener.

Valencia continued to exploit Villarreal’s weaknesses intelligently. Emery’s side is often praised for their short, patient passing approach – but here they attacked extremely quickly, often taking advantage of Cazorla out of position down Villarreal’s left – in fact, the first three goals all came down that side.

Valencia remain in control

Emery suffered the loss of Tino Costa towards the end of the first half, and brought on Angel Dealbert instead – he played at centre-back, and Topal moved back into midfield, strengthening Valencia defensively in that part of the pitch.

Villarreal were surprisingly clueless with the ball. The woes started from the back, where their makeshift back four simply isn’t as comfortable in possession as Garrido would like, but continued deep in midfielder (where Bruno and Marchena were pressed), and simply getting the ball forward was a problem. Rossi was barely noticeable, and Nilmar scooped Villarreal’s only decent chance over the crossbar just before half time.

Latter stages

At 2-0, Garrido tried to change things by removing Juan Capdevila and throwing on Marco Ruben, a more physical central striker which in theory allowed them to play longer passes (also, this substitution had got Villarreal back i nthe game in the reverse fixture) but the only effect of this was to further weaken Villarreal down their left – and they conceded the third goal almost immediately as Bruno failed to cover that side of the pitch.

From then on, Villarreal’s heads dropped and Valencia took full advantage – Juan Mata and Pablo Hernandez were in superb form and ruthlessly demolished Villarreal’s backline. More impressively, the home side kept up their intensity, their tempo and their pressure on the ball, and weren’t troubled at the back despite Villarreal’s extra striker.


Two factors here, at each end of the pitch. First, Emery swapped his back four for a back three (or a back five, if you like) which allowed a spare man and therefore guarded against the movement and pace of Villarreal’s forwards. Going forward, Valencia had an obvious strategy to play direct football, moving the ball quickly down the flanks and getting Soldado in behind Kiko – it worked excellently, and though Villarreal themselves had a spare man, the back four simply wasn’t quick enough to justify playing so high up the pitch.

Almost every individual played well for Valencia – the movement and interplay of the front three was fantastic, whilst Banega pulled the strings in midfield, and overshadowed Villarreal’s technical players in the centre.

Valencia now have a commanding hold of third place in La Liga – six points, plus a head-t0-head advantage – which surely means the end of the fight for that position. Villarreal, meanwhile, have an eight-point advantage over fifth-placed Sevilla, and may now turn their attention to the Europa League.
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发表于 2011-4-12 16:44:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-12 16:56 编辑


瓦伦西亚 5:0 比利亚雷亚尔战术分析: 后场自由人, 前场靠直塞  
由 kicervalen 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer




在球队主力中卫贡萨洛.罗德里格斯腿部受伤受伤并且赛季报销后,胡安.卡洛斯.加里多被迫对后防作出调整。他很罕见地用基科做为首发中卫, 而没有让马切纳从他中场中路的“新”位置回归后防线。



赛前电视画面里排出的瓦伦西亚首发阵容是4-2-3-1, 但实际上并不是这样子。实际上,就像双方第一循环交锋时的那样, 埃梅里排出了一个3后卫防线,由托帕尔负责“擦屁股”的任务。






和稍早时候黑池与枪手的比赛一样,比赛的关键点在于某一支球队造越位的平行防线完全暴露在对方的前锋面前。今天得益的前锋是刚刚在上周与赫塔菲的比赛中上演大四喜罗伯特.索尔达多。 他在前方稍微靠右的位置活动,正好对位对方的菜鸟中卫基科,而且沿右路3次成功地突破潜水艇的平行防线并获得单刀射门的机会。其中两次射门被门将蒂亚戈.洛佩斯挡出,另外一次由于索尔达多很早就起脚,皮球缓缓地在洛佩斯右下方滚进球门远角。

瓦伦西亚的由守转攻的连接简单而高效。因为潜水艇两翼球员喜欢向中路活动,因此瓦伦西亚的边后卫可以轻易地带球前进, 进而在边路形成3打2的局面-米格尔就在这种情况下帮助索尔达多首开纪录。

比利亚雷亚尔那时候正在不断地对瓦伦西亚中场施加压力, 但对瓦伦西亚后卫直接带球前进的战术,他们却显得办法不多。尤其因为比利亚雷亚尔两翼球员喜欢向中路靠拢,因此他们在两翼都留下大片让瓦伦西亚边后卫可以轻易带球前进的空间。而且在形成3打2的局面后,他们还有充裕的时间来接球(看右图)。在这种情况下,米格尔为索尔达多送出助攻,令索尔达多首开纪录。

随后瓦伦西亚很聪明地继续利用比利亚雷亚尔这个弱点。埃梅里的球队经常因为耐心的短传渗透而备受赞誉,但今天他们的进攻非常快速简练, 而且经常利用潜水艇左路卡索拉向中路靠拢后留下的空档发起进攻。实际上,瓦伦西亚的前三球都是这样打进的。


埃梅里在上半场快要结束的时候损失了蒂诺.科斯塔,因此瓦伦主帅用迪尔贝特换下了受伤的阿根廷人。迪尔贝特是打中后卫的,因此托帕尔重新回到中场中路, 这样的部署令瓦伦西亚的中场拦截力和拦截强度大大提升。

比利亚雷亚尔在拿球时的不知所措令人有些意外。整个问题从后防开始,因为临时组建的防线上的4个人在控球的时候没有一个可以令教练加里多安心的, 然后这问题延伸到中场(马切纳和布鲁诺却被牢牢压制)。由于中后场无法顺利过渡组织进攻,因此传给前锋的球大多都是很匆忙而随意的。因此,罗西上半场基本没有表现,而尼尔马在上半场结束前挥霍了比利亚雷亚尔唯一的机会——射门挑高了。


在2-0之后,加里多尝试调整,他用身体强壮的中锋马尔科.鲁文换下了卡普德维拉, 这样他们理论上能用高球向瓦伦西亚发起进攻(而且这一调整也曾经在双方第一循环交锋时出现过)。但今天的这次调整的唯一效果只是进一步弱化了比利亚雷亚尔的左路防守。他们在这一侧因为布鲁诺无法及时补位丢掉第三球。



瓦伦西亚前后场各一妙招造就了一场如此经典的比赛。在后场方面,埃梅里用3后卫的阵型(也可以说是5后卫)代替了惯常使用的4后卫阵型, 这个3后卫阵型允许自由人的存在,并因此遏制了比利亚雷亚尔前锋跑位和速度的发挥。进攻方面,瓦伦西亚明确的采取了简单直接的战术。他们把皮球沿两翼快速向前传递,交给偷袭基科身后的索尔达多。这套战术很出色也很有效,虽然比利亚雷亚尔在后场相对瓦伦西亚有人数上的优势,但今天采用造越位战术的潜水艇的4个后卫很在回追速度上明显处于劣势。

几乎每个瓦伦西亚球员的表现都很优异,前场三人组(马塔,巴勃罗,索尔达多)的跑位和配合都十分默契和出色, 巴内加在中场的串联的衔接也很出色, 并且令比利亚雷亚尔的技术型中场们完全处于下风。

瓦伦西亚现在处于联赛榜第三位,并且对第四位的潜水艇有一个很牢固的优势:6分,还有对赛成绩占优, 因此这意味着争夺联赛第三的战斗已经宣告结束了。比利亚雷亚尔同时对第五名的塞维利亚有8分的优势,因此现在他们可以将自己的注意力转移到欧罗巴联赛了。


[ 此帖被Pigpearl在2011-04-11 23:40修改 ]
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发表于 2011-4-12 16:59:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-12 17:02 编辑

Udinese 1-2 Roma: quiet first half followed by exciting second, and frantic finish
April 10, 2011

The starting line-ups

Francesco Totti was the hero again, scoring a chipped penalty and a 94th minute winner.

Gokhan Inler was suspended for Udinese, so fellow Swiss international Almen Abdi took his place. Alexis Sanchez was initially named in the starting XI, but a late injury meant he dropped out of the side, with German Denis coming in.

Vincenzo Montella was without Philippe Mexes, Jeremy Menez and Julio Sergio. Aleandro Rosi started on the right, with Matteo Brighi ahead of David Pizarro and Daniele De Rossi in the midfield trio.

The first half was slightly subdued, with neither side putting together many good attacks, and each slightly waiting for the other to make the first move. The game opened out in the second period, as both sides went for the victory.


Udinese were playing their usual shape, a broad 3-5-2 system that could also be defined as a 3-1-4-2. The late change had a significant impact on the way the team played, however. Denis is no Sanchez – certainly not in terms of ability, and not in terms of style either. Whilst Sanchez drops deep to pick up the ball and comes to the flanks, Denis is more of a classic central striker, and Udinese hit long balls towards him early on. This hampered their build-up play, usually based around slick, short passing.

Roma’s problem was not dissimilar, in that they tried to play their usual system with a functional player where they could have done with a skilful one. Brighi is not really a central attacking midfielder – he’s more of a defensive, energetic battler, and he played quite deep, making Roma look more like a 4-3-3 than the 4-2-3-1 Montella might have intended. Mirko Vucinic played his usual role high on the left, but Rosi was much deeper on the right.

Roma attacks

Rosi was Roma’s most promising player in the early stages, given a decent amount of space because of how the two formations matched up. Marking Vucinic was Mehdi Benatia’s man – Vucinic played high up against him, and Benatia was happy to move to the touchline with two covering defenders in the middle, especially as Roma lacked pace in attacking zones aside from Vucinic. Down that side, Mauricio Isla’s defensive job usually involved keeping an eye on John Arne Riise, rather than Vucinic, until Roma’s attacks developed further.

It was more complicated on the other side, however, where Udinese had to pass Rosi between Maurizio Domizzi and Pablo Armero. Rosi couldn’t be picked up solely by Domizzi – that would have left Udinese 3 v 3 at the back, with the three spread across the width of the pitch with huge gaps inbetween, and so Armero had to be more defensive-minded than Isla. Whilst Kwadwo Asamoah tended to make runs towards the left when attacking to provide width on the left, Armero still got forward. Rosi often tracked him, but Armero’s advanced position meant that Rosi was sometimes able to scamper into space down that side. Indeed, Pizarro found him free on that flank with a wonderful pass after just 45 seconds, and although Rosi’s end product was disappointing, he was a threat.

Udinese frequently found their wing-backs free, and switched play from one flank to the other

Udinese attacks

Udinese didn’t play well with the ball, and clearly missed Sanchez. Antonio Di Natale had to play deeper and perform some of the tasks the Chilean would usually do – which made him less of a goal threat. Denis battled hard but had little effect on the game.

The main feature of Udinese’s attacks was simply a tendency to switch play from one side to the other. They played much wider than Roma, and usually one of the two wing-backs was spare on the flank. A quick crossfield ball changed the angle of the attack (Isla was often free as Riise tucked in), and Udinese probably should have made more of these opportunities.

Second half

The second half picked up broadly where the first left off, though both sides played higher up the pitch and were more attacking. The higher defensive lines meant both attempted longer passes over each other’s defence, with a few offside decisions just after half time.

There were no major tactical shifts before the first goal, scored by Totti from the penalty spot. Some neat passing down Roma’s right resulted in Pizarro being tripped in the area – cleverly winning fouls is another of his specialities – and Roma had a lead that, on the balance of play, they just about deserved.

Udinese response

Udinese aren’t particularly used to being behind in matches at home, and that was obvious after going 1-0 down, as their response was very poor. Part of the problem, of course, is their natural strategy – they get bodies back into position, particularly the two wing-backs, then look to win the ball deep and break quickly at pace.

That strategy isn’t very useful when behind, though – you need to press higher up, pressure the opposition into a mistake and force the issue. With Udinese sitting deep, Roma simply passed the ball across midfield, retaining possession and seeing the game out. It seemed they’d done a very professional job, and Montella switched to a 4-4-1-1 with Totti just off substitute Marco Borriello.

Late events

Franceco Guidolin made his substitutions relatively late on – 69, 72 and 86 minutes. He used them intelligently, however, and got Udinese back in the game. His first change was of little consequence, but his second – Bernardo Corradi on for Denis – made Udinese more dangerous with longer balls, as the former Lazio man competed much better against Roma’s centre-backs.

The third change, the young Czech Matej Vydra on for Domizzi, was simply a ’striker on for a defender with five minutes to go’ gamble, but it did cause confusion in the Roma penalty area, and provided extra energy upfront. He wasn’t directly involved in the equalising goal, but Corradi was – he won a header and knocked it down for Di Natale, who finished.

It looked like the game was over, but Udinese were suddenly very disorganised without Domizzi at the back, and were in a rough makeshift back four that looked vulnerable to Roma attacks. Totti found space in the hole, and with the last kick of the game, settled the match by poking in at the near post.


The first half was interesting rather than entertaining, with both sides trying to work the ball down the flanks. Neither side had anything like a trequartista and there was a lack of creativity from that kind of position (Pizarro was clearly the most intelligent passer on the pitch against his old side) which meant relatively few goalscoring chances.

Both tried to win the game, and Roma were the better team – they kept possession well and largely defended solidly.
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发表于 2011-4-12 17:00:42 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-4-12 17:08:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-12 17:11 编辑

Hamburg 1-1 Dortmund: late equaliser snatches a point for the leaders
April 11, 2011

The starting line-ups

Jakub Blaszczykowski scored a thunderous volley in stoppage time, so Dortmund’s lead now stands at five points.

Michael Oenning brought back Ruud van Nistelrooy and David Jarolim into his starting XI, playing a 4-1-3-2 formation.

Jurgen Klopp played his expected XI – unchanged from the previous weekend’s win over Hannover, and with the exception of long-term injury victim Shinji Kagawa, this was the standard starting line-up throughout the season.

This was a decent game – the entertainment value game from the tension and the importance of Dortmund’s result, however, rather than any great technical quality or major tactical interest.


There was an unusual match-up of systems. Hamburg’s 4-1-3-2 saw three midfield runners supporting the two strikers, with Jarolim holding. The Czech also joined the attack at some points, however, so it was a very fluid, offensive system from the home side. They were happy enough to let Robert Lewandowski wander between the lines.

Dortmund played their usual formation, with the attacking band of three playing quite narrow, coming into the centre of the pitch and perhaps trying to exploit the fact that Jarolim was often stranded ahead of his own defence – much in the same way Germany broke quickly against the exposed Javier Mascherano in last summer’s World Cup.

Attacking Combinations

With Dortmund taking a while to get going, the most promising part of the pitch was the left-hand side of Hamburg’s attack. Ze Roberto drifted towards that wing, whilst Dennis Aogo sprinted down the flank – they formed a triangle with Eljero Elia, and caused Dortmund problems early on in their right-back zone, especially as Mario Gotze was a little slow to get back and cover Lukazs Piszczek. It was a good move featuring those three players that resulted in the penalty just before half time – van Nistelrooy converted from the spot.

For their part, Dortmund were disappointing. Lucas Barrios kept falling foul of the Hamburg offside trap, whilst counter-attacks lacked momentum and purpose. The full-backs got forward to stretch the play, but there was a lack of cohesion in attacking moves.

Second half

The truth was simply that Dortmund weren’t playing well – sloppy with their passing, and lacking true creativity. Gotze took a while to get back into the game – though showed his quality in the second half – whilst Nuri Sahin seemed to play deeper than usual and didn’t have his usual energy.

The away side’s best chances actually came when they put longer balls from deep positions into the box. They hit first the post (via a deflection) and then the crossbar after lofted crosses from the left flank, and Barrios headed just past the far post from a similar situation.


Dortmund’s hopes were dealt a big blow when Barrios went off with an injury. He was replaced by Mohamed Zidan, whilst Lewandowski was replaced by fellow Pole Błaszczykowski. This left Dortmund desperately needing a goal without their most potent goalscorer, Barrios, and their hopes looked slim.

A crucial moment came when Anis Ben-Hatira was dismissed for a second bookable offence. This allowed Klopp to make a third substitution, removing Lars Bender and introducing Patrick Owomoyela, generally known as a right-sided holding player, or a right-back.

Late drama

Owomoyela went upfront, however, and used his height and aerial ability to win long balls pumped forward. That’s not to say that Dortmund resorted to route one, because they generally worked the ball out wide to the flanks (particularly the left) before lofting it into the box. Sahin moved into a very deep position to dictate play and switch the ball from side to side, leaving five players ahead of him, plus two advanced full-backs, to try and get the goal. Even Mats Hummels went forward in the closing stages.

Oenning tried to shut up shop at the end of the match, withdrawing van Nistelrooy and Elia and putting on Marcell Jansen and Guy Demel, two defenders. However, Hamburg still found themselves outnumbered at the back as Dortmund pushed men forward, and whilst the away side’s goal never seemed to be a formality, its nature was predictable – a long ball from Marcel Schmelzer on the left wing and a header won by Owomoyela. The finish, from Blaszczykowski, was absolutely superb and may turn out to be crucial come the end of the season.


Rarely this season have Dortmund had to scrap for points, but this match showed they have it in them – ‘the mark of champions’ and the usual cliches come to mind.

Klopp should be given credit for the way he altered his side’s strategy late on – he wanted his side to hit longer passes, but they did so via the flanks rather than with the centre-backs hoofing the ball forward, and the passing ability of Sahin was crucial to supply the full-backs.

Throwing Owomoyela on for Bender has to go down as one of the substitutions of the season. The former German international hadn’t provided a goal or an assist for over a year, and hadn’t featured at all since September because of injury, but turned out to be crucial in providing flick-ons and knock-downs, one of which produced the crucial equaliser.
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发表于 2011-4-12 17:12:45 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-13 17:41 编辑


2011-04-13 / dogtu






















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发表于 2011-4-13 14:09:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-13 17:41 编辑

Liverpool 3-0 Manchester City: Liverpool find space between the lines
April 12, 2011

The starting line-ups

This game was over by half time as Liverpool scored three goals in the opening period.

Kenny Dalglish gave a start to young John Flanagan at right-back, and played Fabio Aurelio at left-back. The front six was as expected, in a 4-4-1-1.

Roberto Mancini rested a couple of players ahead of next week’s FA Cup semi-final, giving a start to Edin Dzeko upfront, with Carlos Tevez in behind. James Milner started on the left.

The first half was about constant Liverpool pressure. Both sides tried to press in the first few minutes, but Liverpool settled much quicker and passed the ball better, and had wave after wave of attack.

Problems in the hole 曼城的漏洞问题

Manchester City’s main problem was an inability to deal with either Luis Suarez or Andy Carroll dropping deep between the lines. Most frequently this was Suarez, who drifted around the pitch and proved very difficult to pick up, though Carroll sometimes switched places with him (see the through ball to Suarez when the Uruguayan hit the post) and Dirk Kuyt also came in from the right to move into central positions.

City’s lines of defence and midfield were simply too far apart, and it’s quite simple to pinpoint the problem here – they were without their usual holding player, Nigel de Jong. For most of this season, he has sat in the deepest midfield position and allowed Gareth Barry and Yaya Toure to play higher up the pitch. Neither Barry nor Toure are strangers to the holding role (they’ve done so with England and Barcelona respectively), but here they seemed trapped in their usual mindset of having an extra midfielder to sweep up behind them, and wanted to pressure Jay Spearing and Lucas Leiva, leaving gaps behind them.

Carroll-Suarez 卡罗尔-苏亚雷斯

On the other hand, Carroll and Suarez’s partnership looked extremely promising. In theory they are a classic duo – a tall, powerful number nine and tricky, quick player who moves into space – and the theory translated well to the pitch. Carroll may have got the two goals, but Suarez was superb – finding room throughout the game and distributing the ball well with first time passes out wide.

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards

Carroll’s passing chalkboard looks less impressive on first glance, since he recorded just a 50% pass completion rate. However, considering that many of these are flick-ons and knock-downs for his teammates, the low figure is excusable. If you click ’show numbers’ below, and see that he found Suarez six times in positions on the edge of the box, his contribution in looks much better.

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards

City changes 曼城的被迫换人

Mancini was forced to bring Tevez off the pitch with a hamstring injury, and sent on Mario Balotelli instead. At first he played in Tevez’s role off Dzeko, but then Mancini changed his system and moved to a 4-5-1 formation with the Italian on the left, and James Milner tucked into the centre of midfield. This allowed a triangle in midfield, presumably an attempt to shut down the space between the lines.

Liverpool’s attacks continued, however, and Suarez was intelligent enough to get into dangerous positions regardless of City’s switch. Kuyt’s goal was at the end of another attack where Suarez played the ‘link’ role, whilst Carroll’s second came from a Raul Meireles cross – he was given time to play the ball because Dedryck Boyata was concerned about Suarez’s run past him, and so was slow to close down. Liverpool were 3-0 up at the break.

Second half 下半场

The second period was almost entirely without incident, though it was notable that Liverpool continued to press and close down well all over the pitch, working well as a unit and denying City time on the ball in midfield.

Amongst the star performers here were Kuyt and Meireles, who tucked in narrow and won plenty of tackles in the midfield.

<flash> by Guardian Chalkboards


City were completely unable to deal with Liverpool’s forward duo, particularly when they dropped deep. It’s fair to attribute this roughly 50-5o between Liverpool attacking well and City defending very poorly. It’s unlikely Liverpool will come across many other sides who play so poorly in that crucial zone of the pitch.

That said, even after City switched to a 4-5-1, Suarez’s movement was still fantastic and he found space in different areas – in the channels, on the flanks and in deeper positions. On the basis of this game, his best position is in the centre of the pitch, rather than the wide forward role he occupied at Ajax.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-13 14:10:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-13 23:20 编辑


由 韦陀主 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer
Liverpool 3-0 Manchester City: Liverpool find space between the lines
April 12, 2011


肯尼-达格利什提拔了年轻的约翰-弗拉纳甘(John Flanagan)出任首发右后卫,法比奥-奥雷里奥居左。前场六人组保持不变,4-4-1-1的阵型。


















[ 此帖被Sulley在2011-04-13 17:50修改 ]
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发表于 2011-4-13 14:25:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-4-13 14:29 编辑

Manchester United v Chelsea: tactical preview
April 12, 2011

The starting line-ups in the first leg

The only Champions League quarter-final that looks alive going into the second leg – all the focus here is on Carlo Ancelotti.

First, team news. Darren Fletcher is still unavailable and Rafael will have a late fitness test, but otherwise there are no major concerns for either side. No-one is suspended, and therefore both managers have a plethora of options for this contest.

Much of what was said in the preview for the first leg applies again here. The difference, of course, is that Chelsea need to score, and need to win. Therefore, Ancelotti is the man with the bigger decisions to make about strategy, and particularly how his side can offer more of a goal threat in the second leg.

Chelsea selection

With that in mind, it seems strange to suggest that Ancelotti’s first priority should be using another holding midfielder, but this seems to solve a lot of Chelsea’s problems – at least in theory. They had problems in the first leg with Wayne Rooney dropping between the lines, and both his goals at Stamford Bridge in the last six weeks – albeit very different types of goals – have come because Chelsea had no holding player picking him up. Ancelotti effectively won the league with a 1-2 victory at Old Trafford last season by using a 4-3-3 and dropping Drogba – could he repeat the trick here?

It seems increasingly certain that the 4-4-2 suits neither Frank Lampard nor Michael Essien. Both are constrained in this system, and besides, after both have endured significant injury problems in the last twelve months, neither has the energy to be getting through the work of three players between them.

Therefore, a return for Jon Obi Mikel could be on the cards – he started at the weekend against Wigan as Ancelotti tried a 4-3-3 in the first half. However, he was substituted at half time – and in fact, hasn’t completed 90 minutes since November 20th, so he’s clearly not an Ancelotti favourite. Instead, we may see Essien take up the holding role – as he did earlier this year – which is clearly not his best position when at his physical best, but may be the right solution for both him and Chelsea in the short term.

Frank Lampard would then be able to return to his natural position – breaking forward from a midfield three to join the front three, and Ramires could play his shuttling role on the right. Attention would then turn to the forward trio. Florent Malouda in for Yuri Zhirkov is a certainty, and then we’re back to the problem of which striker to drop. Nicolas Anelka is the only one of the three who can play wide-right, so he’ll start – and Ancelotti seemed to confirm yesterday that Torres would also play. Therefore, it would be a Malouda-Torres-Anelka frontline. Crucially, this would give Ancelotti the option to switch between 4-4-2 and 4-3-3, with Malouda dropping to the left of midfield, and Ramires moving to the right.

Potential alternative line-ups

It’s also likely we’ll see a change at right-back – Alex is fit again, and this would allow Branislav Ivanovic to move out to the flank. Jose Bosingwa made a mistake for the Rooney goal in the goal leg, and may be dropped. However, Ancelotti will remember that in last season’s victory away to United, his right-back, Paolo Ferreira, was crucial with attacking runs forward. Ivanovic is likely to start, but Bosingwa may be introduced later on if Chelsea need more attacking drive.

Manchester United selection

Sir Alex Ferguson may well choose the same side that started the first game – or at least keep the same system, with a couple of like-for-like changes. The two men Ferguson will consider bringing into the side are Nani and Paul Scholes. Ferguson likes to have Antonio Valencia up against Ashley Cole, so it’s difficult to see Nani playing on the right, but the Portuguese international may get a start on the left.

This could correspond with a slight change in formation for United, with Park Ji-Sung coming into the centre of the pitch, and Rooney playing upfront alone. United ended the first leg with Park in that position, and he also did a great job there against Milan last season. If Chelsea are looking to put more bodies in the midfield zone, Ferguson may respond in turn.

Chelsea strategy

‘Tempo’ was the key word for the first leg, and Chelsea will again want to make this more of a battle. They’ll be reluctant to start this way, though – United generally start games very well at home, and so getting through the first fifteen minutes unscathed may be Ancelotti’s approach, before steadily increasing the tempo from there.

Aside from stopping Rooney getting space between the lines, Chelsea must also put more pressure on Michael Carrick, who controlled the game in the first leg and also provided the superb crossfield pass that resulted in Rooney’s goal. Allowing Lampard to play higher up (with the use of a holding player behind) would help in this aspect.

The key for Chelsea, though, is interplay between the midfield and attack, particularly (assuming a 4-3-3) from the wide forwards. Again, this was something they did brilliantly at Old Trafford last season, as Malouda and Joe Cole (!) dropped deep to link play, as did Anelka in a false nine role. Ancelotti leaving out both Malouda and Anelka in the first leg was a bizarre decision – Malouda is always  going to link play better than Zhirkov, and Anelka, of the three forwards, is most natural at dropping deep. Chelsea were much better in the final stages when those two were on the pitch.

Torres actually did reasonably well in the first game. In the middle of such a high-profile goalless run, any game without finding the net will go down as a bad performance – but his movement was good, and he’ll relish playing as a lone forward.

Manchester United strategy

It’s unlikely Ferguson will demand anything unusual from his players – United are in control of this tie, and he’ll expect his side to keep the ball and look to close out the contest. Again, Carrick is crucial in this respect.

The wide players will be instructed to do a good defensive job against Chelsea’s full-backs, and the central midfielders will have different duties if Chelsea switch to 4-3-3.

The ball is firmly in Ancelotti’s court, however. Ferguson’s major decisions – if there are any to make – will come midway through the game, if it is not going to plan for United.
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