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发表于 2010-7-5 22:18:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 diego1990 于 2010-7-7 04:50 编辑



02:30 世界杯半决赛 荷兰 - 乌拉圭[61] CCTV5高清(CCTVReg 标清) PPTV直播(CCTVreg) QQ直播(QQlive) 酷6直播(CCTVreg) CCTV高清(CCTVreg) CNTV体育(CCTVReg) CCTV1高清(CCTVReg) 比分直播 地点:开普敦 解说:贺炜



FIFA World Cup™ 世界杯
1974Hanover 15/06/1974 URU0:2 (0:1)NED Group matches
Friendly 友谊赛
1980Montevideo 30/12/1980 URU2:0 (2:0)NED First  stage


乌队参赛史及其战绩见上表。从1970算起,乌队本次进入四强已恍然相隔40年!那么,此前参赛世界杯10次的乌拉圭队共夺得2次冠军,分别是在1930本土以4战4胜进15球失3球的成绩夺冠,和在1950巴西以4战3胜1平进15球失5球战绩夺冠。当然,这还 不如现在的美洲杯冠军有分量呢,不过毕竟是世界杯先河中荣耀吧。

荷兰队参赛史及其战绩见上表。从1998算起,荷队本次进入四强亦恍然相隔12年!那么,此前参赛世界杯8次的荷兰队共夺得2次亚军,分别是在1974德国世界杯上取得7战5胜1平1负的战绩,以及在1978阿根廷世界杯上取得7战3胜2平2负的战绩,因此而获得了近40年来世界杯无冕之王的称号,因为是克鲁伊夫和橙衣军团使得全攻全守打法风靡全 世界的。


乌拉圭前5场比赛之赛程、对手和战绩                                      荷兰前5场比赛之赛程、对手和战绩

乌队5场比赛之得失球、红黄牌和最佳射手                               荷队5场比赛的得失球、红黄牌和最佳射手


乌兹别克人IRMATOV Ravshan

Role: RefereeCountry:UzbekistanDate of Birth: 09.08.1977Height: 183 cmOccupation: School football instructorMother tongue: UzbekOther languages: English, RussianInternational since: 2003 First international: Vietnam-Lebanon (31.03.2004)Hobbies: Football, swimming, tennisFondest memory: 2003 AFC Champions League (China PR); U-20 WC Canada 2007

4 40年后再次进入四强,南美珍稀贵族~乌拉圭队可否独力抗衡欧洲三强,不至于使2010南非世界杯决赛,则继续上演欧洲杯的独角戏,就看本场决战了?!这不仅是代表美洲,也代表非洲和亚洲,从广义上来讲。捍卫南美荣誉的重任,就在乌拉圭人今晚战斗中承载着
4 弗兰会成为超越王子佛朗西斯科的乌拉圭新民族英雄吗?上赛季的欧洲金靴得主,本届杯赛上已打入3球,多次力挽狂澜,期待他带领乌队复制且重现世界杯白金贵族的历史基因。
4 对荷兰队来讲,重振70年代橙衣风暴的雄风,也在此一举了。此战若胜利,那么新的三剑客~罗本、斯内德和库伊特将隆重诞生,以及纵贯线范布隆霍斯特-范博梅尔-斯内德-范佩西(还是亨特拉尔?),将从此扬名立万,而且新三剑客已经超越了当年米兰三剑客在世界杯上的成就。然而,问题将不止这些的。
4 斯内德可否超越博格坎普?本届5场战斗,他已打入4球,而前辈博格坎普用2届11场比赛的成本打进了6球,虽帮助荷兰队打入四强,但2次均输给巴西而遭淘汰出局。这一次1/4赛中,斯内德却用精妙的2球击溃了5星巴西,至少重现了74年克鲁伊夫2-0灭巴西的橙色风暴的历史。
4 当然,最直接问题就是,乌队这次可否复仇?因为74年小组赛乌队正是被荷队2-0击溃的,而对后面出线之战造成重大影响。
4 荷队可否打破南美队最近2次对其冲击更高目标的阻截囚笼?一是94年被巴西在1/4赛淘汰,二是98虽1/4赛闯过阿根廷蓝白军团那一险关,但最终在半决赛里点球惜败于巴西队。这一次虽然在1/4赛闯过了巴西队那一关,但是半决赛又遭遇另一南美雄英乌拉圭,那么无冠之基因的无冕之王,可否冲出94和98南美人制造的牢笼呢?也就在此一举了
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-5 22:18:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 diego1990 于 2010-7-6 10:12 编辑



Wesley SNEIJDER斯内德官方资料链接http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/players/player=215002/index.html







打完加纳队后的总共5场比赛,乌拉圭得了6张黄牌和1张红牌。其中4号后防大将富西莱,参赛4场累计371min,嘉实多指数为8.66,但因累积2张黄牌,而不能出战本场半决赛,这是对乌拉圭的后防不小的影响。除此之外,后防大将2号Diego LUGANO卢加诺(嘉实多指数为9.03)、后场6号维多利诺、中场15号迭戈佩雷西(嘉实多指数8.51)和中场17号阿雷瓦洛(嘉实多指数8.86),各得1张黄牌,据说这些不会带入半决赛的。


4 苏亚雷斯

乌队9号苏亚雷斯的嘉实多指数为9.50 vs 荷兰队9号范佩西的8.54:


除此之外,11号罗本、7号库伊特、5号队长范布隆霍斯特、9号范佩西、23号范德法特、13号后场老将Andre OOIJER、3号海廷加、以及1号守门员,均有1张黄牌在身,不过,据说不会带入半决赛的。


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发表于 2010-7-5 22:32:01 | 只看该作者
插了么?萌苏亚雷斯,无条件支持乌拉圭= =...
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-5 22:40:14 | 只看该作者
3# 风已逝

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 07:21:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 diego1990 于 2010-7-6 07:30 编辑




不过,代表最近一段时间的荷兰队世界杯战绩的突出人物还是冰人博格坎普,参赛94和98二届世界杯,出战11场打进6球,居橙衣军团史上第二位(最多7球,是Johnny REP用74和78二届13场出战次数来夺得的),场均0.5个在橙衣军团史上居首。最重要的是,在98世界杯上,冰人帮助橙衣军团20年后又一次打进四强,而在半决赛中橘子队点球惜败于香蕉队巴西人。令阿迷至今难以忘怀的是,同样是98世界杯上,在1/4赛蓝白军团与橙衣军团战成1-1平局时,在后20min时逐渐取得上风,可是小毛驴奥特加一次不冷静行为,即进攻时吃大红牌被罚下,则导致场上形势急转直下,最后时刻,就是这个号称不能坐飞机的博格坎普,敏捷地接到后场长传球,以迅雷不及掩耳之势扣过当时的阿根廷后卫阿亚拉,犀利地打进绝杀球,令拥有巴蒂的蓝白军团饮恨出局。这是继74年克鲁伊夫军团制造4-0屠杀探戈军团的餐案后,24年来又一次橙衣军团战胜蓝白军团的杯具,虽然蓝白在78本土作战时,报了74年奇耻大辱之仇。

到目前为止,荷兰队参赛世界杯最多的球员记录就出自74和78届连续二届的Ruud KROL和Wim JANSEN,一共打满了全部14场比赛。
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发表于 2010-7-6 08:11:56 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 08:17:33 | 只看该作者
白与蓝之舞 发表于 2010-7-6 08:11

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发表于 2010-7-6 08:23:41 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 08:46:52 | 只看该作者
白与蓝之舞 发表于 2010-7-6 08:23

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 10:08:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 diego1990 于 2010-7-6 10:11 编辑

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 10:10:48 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-7-6 14:44:58 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 17:31:53 | 只看该作者
12# pech1860

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 18:43:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 diego1990 于 2010-7-6 18:46 编辑

7月6日的重头戏,就是乌拉圭抗衡欧洲列强之战Uruguay versus Europe in last four

In focus
Diego Forlan v The Big Four
Deprived of strike sidekick Luis Suarez, who is suspended, the Atletico Madrid forward knows that Uruguay’s destiny in the competition lies squarely on his shoulders. Forlan has already hit three vital goals in South Africa and will not be lacking in motivation when he sets out to add to that haul on Tuesday. Unlike his opposite number Tabarez, Netherlands coach Van Marwijk has an embarrassment of riches up front. While Dutch fans are hoping to see the Big Four of Arjen Robben, Wesley Sneijder, Dirk Kuyt and Robin van Persie ride together once more, they also have the security of knowing that trusty understudies Ryan Babel, Eljero Elia, Klaas-Jan Huntelaar and Rafael van der Vaart are all waiting in the wings.  
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 18:47:43 | 只看该作者
Forlan: We're ready for the challenge弗兰:俺们准备好去面对挑战

(FIFA.com) Tuesday 6 July 2010
Getty Images

Already recognised one of the finest finishers in the game today, Diego Forlan has merely bolstered his reputation at South Africa 2010.
The Uruguay striker is the touchstone of a solid and tightly knit team that has surprised most observers by checking into the semi-finals, where they face the Netherlands. Forlan has made a huge contribution to that run, scoring three goals along with strike partner Luis Suarez, the last of them a swerving free-kick that brought the South Americans level against Ghana in last Friday’s quarter-final.
Breaking off from his preparations to face the Dutch, the free-scoring Forlan spoke exclusively to FIFA about their dramatic win over the Black Stars and his expectations for Tuesday’s big game.
FIFA: Diego, the Netherlands are up next. What lessons from the Ghana match can you take into the semi-final?Diego Forlan: We started well and we had a definite gameplan. But then we began giving the ball away and tried to play them at their own game, which we shouldn’t have done. The good thing is we managed to pick ourselves up from their goal at the end of the first half. That was a real blow and it was good to fight back.
You were just a penalty kick away from going out in extra-time. What was going through your head then?The idea of having worked so hard only to go out in the 120th minute was too much to bear. I buried my head in my shirt because I honestly thought we were out. Then, when I saw the ball hit the crossbar I couldn’t believe it, and even less so when I saw it drop behind the goal.

We know people are getting really caught up in it, especially the youngsters, who’ve never seen Uruguay go this far. Uruguay's Diego Forlan

The incident that led to the penalty was a controversial one, of course. How is your team-mate Luis Suarez?He’s happy because he helped the team but sad at missing out on the semi-final. Both he and Jorge [Fucile] reacted instinctively on the line and they knew they’d be sent off if they handled the ball. At the end of the day Luis gave us another chance and we took it.
How do you go about preparing for a penalty shoot-out?All the players who took penalties against Ghana had been practising before and we knew what to do. Even Maxi [Pereira] struck his well and he only just missed. You really suffer at times like that, though, and we hope we don’t need another shoot-out against the Dutch.
What do you think about the Netherlands?Everyone knows they are a great side with some world-class players, especially up front. They are solid at the back too and they are all comfortable on the ball. That makes it an even more difficult game for us.
What is the key to winning the game?To keep on doing the things that have got us this far. We’ve had respect for all our opponents and we won’t be making an exception now. We know how to play teams like the Netherlands too, and you have to be ready to face the challenge, whether it’s 90 or 120 minutes. The team’s definitely ready to face this one.
Suarez and Fucile are suspended, your captain Diego Lugano is rated doubtful and Nicolas Lodeiro is definitely out... They are all important players but the ones who came in against Ghana showed they could rise to the occasion. To be honest, the whole squad’s ready to play. We’ll just have to wait and see how the coach [Oscar Tabarez] approaches the game, but I’m sure will be going into it in the best possible shape.
Finally, how is the team reacting to all the excitement back home?It’s fantastic to see and pretty hard to explain. We get lots of emails, message and calls but we’re so far away that we’re experiencing it in a different way. We know people are getting really caught up in it, especially the youngsters, who’ve never seen Uruguay go this far. And on a personal level I’m thrilled to be bringing so much joy to the Uruguayan people. Let’s just hope we can give them more to cheer about.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 18:49:30 | 只看该作者
Uruguay shouldering the weight of history乌拉圭承担着历史重任和复兴之举

(FIFA.com) Monday 5 July 2010
Getty Images

First ever winners of the FIFA World Cup™ but the last team to qualify for South Africa 2010, semi-finalists Uruguay are savouring their unexpected return to the limelight. It is 60 years since the erstwhile global titans stunned hosts Brazil to claim their second and last world crown, yet La Celeste are now the sole defenders of South American honour after Europe’s finest asserted their supremacy in the last eight. Never, in fact, have Uruguay enjoyed a better chance to cast off the burden of their own history.
Los Charrúas have been dining out on past successes for half a century, seemingly resigned to living in the shadows of their mighty neighbours Brazil and Argentina. Even their most loyal fans have held out little hope of the golden years returning, despite a total of 18 major international titles clinched down the years: including two FIFA World Cups, two gold medals at Men's Olympic Football Tournaments and no fewer than 14 Copa America wins.
Those Olympic triumphs date back to 1924 and 1928, when victory in the competition was taken to reflect global supremacy. As a result, the South Americans were chosen to host the maiden edition of the FIFA World Cup in 1930, when Jose Andrade and his colleagues stormed to glory by signing off with a 4-2 win over Argentina in the Final.
Select company
Unable to hit the same heights as the tournament switched to Europe for the next two editions, Uruguay worked their way back to the summit on 16 July 1950, when star performer Juan Schiaffino and Alcides Ghiggia found the target in a 2-1 success against heartbroken hosts Brazil. “Only three people have managed to silence the Maracana: the pope, Frank Sinatra and me,” explained Ghiggia recently, the 83-year-old happily signing autographs in the streets of Montevideo.
That win marked the last of Uruguay’s four most notable achievements, the quartet of stars on their shirts also echoing their pair of Olympic wins. Indeed, tough times lay ahead for the world champions, as writer Juan Sasturain had the foresight to predict. “The Uruguayans will forever carry around with them the glory and ill fortune of having been great,” he explained.
Uruguay’s small population of 3.5 million inhabitants slowly became accustomed to failure after 1950, but not before talented generations in 1954 and 1970 masked the general decline by sealing semi-final spots. Schiaffino grabbed the headlines at Switzerland 1954, helping his side down England 4-2 in the quarter-finals, and 16 years later it was Ladislao Mazurkiewicz who stood out, the country’s most reliable goalkeeper of all time steering a solid line-up through to the last four, where they fell 3-1 to eventual winners Brazil.
Hot and cold
The story of the next 40 years and nine FIFA World Cups before South Africa 2010 was one of recurring disappointment, La Celeste falling short of the final tournament on five occasions. Their form during these preliminary phases varied greatly, with much dependent on the intermittent emergence of gifted players such as Victor Esparrago in the 1970s, Enzo Francescoli, Ruben Sosa and Ruben Paz in the 1980s and 1990s, Daniel Fonseca in the latter decade, Alvaro Recoba around the turn of the century and Marcelo Zalayeta at the start of the new millennium. In 2002, they needed a play-off with Oceania winners Australia to advance after finishing fifth in South America, and worse came four years later when they failed at the same hurdle with the Socceroos this time turning the tables.
Few believed in their chances this time around when their struggling side was pitted against North, Central American and Caribbean hopefuls Costa Rica, but Uruguay narrowly prevailed thanks to a 1-0 away win and 1-1 draw in Montevideo. “The qualifiers are very difficult in South America,” said forward Diego Forlan. “We play matches against very strong teams like Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Paraguay. We play at altitude, in the heat, in the cold and on all different types of pitches. Before qualifying for the World Cup, we had to concentrate on every game without looking ahead to the future.”
“This is a very united squad and most of the players have been together for four years now,” added coach Oscar Tabarez. “That’s an important factor. Perhaps we lack a little experience as we have several younger players, but this team still hasn’t lost and it possesses certain qualities. These guys have shown me two things: that they give everything on the pitch and that they’re capable of turning a situation around.”
Confidence mounting
El Maestro, as the coach is known, has played his part as well, shedding Uruguay of their reputation as a combative, workmanlike team devoid of flair. A new crop of players has come to the fore, epitomised by striker Luis Suarez – who will be suspended for the Netherlands game – and with those emerging talents proving their worth, the future looks promising for Los Charrúas beyond their current campaign. The fact that confidence has been mounting with every passing game only adds to the impression too, and no one displayed the team’s belief better than Sebastian Abreu in the penalty shoot-out against last-eight rivals Ghana, El Loco coolly lofting his spot-kick down the middle to secure victory.
“The Netherlands have a great team with great players, but we need to believe in our chances,” said Tabarez, looking ahead to Tuesday’s test. “There’s hope and we have to hold on that.” The prize on offer for Forlan and Co is so much more than simply a FIFA World Cup decider, of course. They will be playing to lift themselves up from under the weight of past achievements – and if they manage to pull that off, expect the bus drivers of Montevideo to put down their calabash gourds of mate and clap with both hands.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 18:51:45 | 只看该作者
Van Marwijk: All about the next match荷兰主帅范马维克:一切关乎半决赛

(FIFA.com) Sunday 4 July 2010
Getty Images

Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk warned that it was vital his players put their quarter-final victory over Brazil behind them as he looked forward to Tuesday's semi-final against Uruguay in an interview with FIFA.
FIFA: Congratulations, you've reached the semi-finals. What a match on Friday against Brazil.
Bert van Marwijk: It was a match with everything in it for us. At the press conference afterwards, I said that you could see the last two years reflected in one match. We're a team that look very stable and can fall back on good organisation, and through that, we also have confidence and can play football very well. We're a team that can also be patient but we were facing a situation like this for the first time. In the first 20 minutes you could see that we weren't ourselves and in that period we could have easily lost the match.
What do you think went wrong in those first 20 minutes?
Our organisation wasn't right when they scored. Apart from that I think the players were positioned well during the whole match. But before the game I also said that against Brazil you really have to be yourself and play your own game, dictate your own tempo. We had decided that before and spoken about it, but then you begin and you see that, somehow, Brazil were just that bit smarter, that bit more aggressive, and more professional as well. They had a bit more confidence and we were missing that. We should have shown more initiative and self-confidence. You could see that after 20-25 minutes, it was coming back a bit and I hoped then that if we got to half-time at 1-0, we'd still have a chance in the second half. It was then that we shook off all the pressure and we played a very good match.
How proud are you of your players?
For me, the best moments are the moments when you get rewarded as a team for all the work you've done. That's what I enjoy most. The boys played fantastically well and showed the right mentality and on such a stage, in such an important match with so much pressure they came back from 1-0 down. That's just very good.

The euphoria at home is massive at the moment and maybe it's good that we're so far away and can't witness it because we really need to focus on Uruguay and that won’t be easy.
Bert van Marwijk, Netherlands coach

You said yourself that the team process is important. If you had to describe yourself as a coach, what do you think is most important?
I'm very clear to the players. They should be able to call you at night and I'll be there for them, but I like to show some very clear boundaries. I think it’s important that you're in the middle of the group at the right moments, but also take a distance from them at the right times. It's important that you can influence but that you don't get influenced. These are some of the most important characteristics for a coach. Everyone does it in his own way and me as well. Everything I say is my truth, not the one and only truth.

Now it's Uruguay in the semi finals. How well do you know them?
We've already seen a lot of Uruguay and I know some of the players. It will be a very dangerous match. I warned this on the first day two years ago – there's always the next game. The euphoria at home is massive at the moment and maybe it's good that we're so far away and can't witness it because we really need to focus on Uruguay and that won’t be easy. They didn't reach the semi final for nothing, so we have to really focus again and not think that we're already there.
Is that the biggest danger for you – the euphoria and the changes you need to make?
We have witnessed it before in the past. Think about two years ago in Austria and Switzerland – we beat Italy and France and everybody already thought we would become European champions but we didn't even survive the quarter-finals because we thought that we were already there. That's what I've tried to make clear, that this has to be different. Until now, the players have shown that they've picked that up very well but this will be another important test.
So in that sense, you fully trust your players?
I've a lot of faith in my players and in everything – our whole organisation and the way we work. But in the end it's also the mindset at a particular moment that decides whether you win a match or not.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 18:53:45 | 只看该作者
Dutch coach plays down favourites tag荷兰教练玩拿手花活

(AFP) Tuesday 6 July 2010
Getty Images

Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk is keen to play down the fact his side are favourites to win their FIFA World Cup semi-final against Uruguay on Tuesday, saying he doesn't need the distraction. The Dutch have a 100 per cent record in South Africa, having won all eight of their qualifying games, but Van Marwijk said he was only focusing on the match ahead.
"In the group phase, we were always the favourite, never the underdog. Against Brazil (in the quarter-final), it was the other way around," he said. "I don't really have an opinion on that. We just want to concentrate on ourselves, we don't want to be misled or distracted by people thinking we are the favourites."
While Ajax defender Gregory van der Wiel and Manchester City midfielder Nigel de Jong are suspended and will not play, Van Marwijk still has a star-studded squad to choose from, with the likes of Bayern Munich's Arjen Robben and Inter Milan star Wesley Sneijder having been impressive so far.

We just want to concentrate on ourselves, we don't want to be misled or distracted by people thinking we are the favourites.
Bert van Marwijk, Netherlands coach

However, despite having plenty of talent, the Dutch have met with criticism in some quarters for not playing "beautiful" football, in contrast to sides like Argentina and Brazil, and even a rejuvenated Germany.
But captain Giovanni Van Bronckhorst said the team was in South Africa to win the FIFA World Cup whichever way they can. "Every game, you want to play well, the most important thing now is that we win matches," said the veteran defender. "In the past, we have started well and then gone on to lose, this time we are much closer and full of confidence.
"Of course, we want to win with beautiful football, but it is more important we win matches. This team always wants to play good football, but sometimes it is not possible."
He added that it had become harder as the tournament progressed to turn on their trademark flowing football, hinting that the Uruguay match would be more of the same. "It is becoming harder as we are in the last four, our opponents will be tough," he said. "If we win with beautiful football, great, but we would be happier with a victory."
If the Netherlands get through Tuesday's test, then either Germany or Spain will await them in the 11 July final in Johannesburg as the Dutch look to claim the first FIFA World Cup title in their history.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 18:55:06 | 只看该作者
Van Marwijk keeps Dutch united范马维克致力于橙衣军团的团结

(PA) Monday 5 July 2010
Getty Images

Bert van Marwijk is not the most high-profile coach at South Africa 2010, but so far he has achieved what more famous Dutch names in recent times have failed to do. He has taken the Nethelands to the semi-finals of the FIFA World Cup™ without any rows, backbiting or scandals. There has been the occasional fiery glance from Robin van Persie and the odd exchange of opinion when the Arsenal striker has been substituted. But in the main, the Dutch team which faces Uruguay tomorrow night at the Green Point Stadium for a place in the World Cup Final have all been singing from the same sheet.
Captain Giovanni van Bronckhorst has talked about "hunger" and "belief", while Everton defender Johnny Heitinga said: "If you want to win a title the most important thing is you have to be a team and fight for each other. It doesn't matter if someone makes a mistake, you have to cover his back. You have to put your ego away."
So far that is exactly what appears to be happening with a Dutch team who won all eight of their matches in qualifying and have won all five matches in South Africa, including fighting back from a goal down to beat Brazil 2-1 in the quarter finals. Both goals came from Wesley Sneijder, the second a fine header. But he is not the only Dutchman using his head at this World Cup.
Despite being a team with a history of high-profile internal clashes, Van Marwijk, appears to have convinced his biggest stars to patch up their wounds. That is no easy task, especially when Sneijder and Van Persie, arguably Holland's most influential players, came into this competition on the back of a two-year dispute. It emanated from a training clash plus a row over who should take Holland's free kicks, dating back to Euro 2008 when Holland were knocked out 3-1 after extra time in the quarter-finals by Russia. The conflict has simmered ever since, but the team do not seem to have suffered.
Sneijder vital
Much of that is down to Van Marwijk, the 57-year-old who won the 2002 UEFA Cup with Feyenoord and has shown himself to be a master pragmatist. Under his reign Mark van Bommel was restored to the squad having excluded himself under Marco Van Basten. In fact, the only controversy in Holland's build-up was when Van Marwijk banned his players from posting on Twitter. But it has been the well-being of Sneijder which is most important.
If Van Persie provides the fire power and Arjen Robben the touch of unpredictability then Sneijder is the orchestrator. He is a creator, a supreme passer and he is full of confidence after inspiring Inter Milan to Serie A and Champions League glory in May. More importantly Sneijder, the man who already has scored four of Holland's nine goals at this World Cup, has delivered at a tournament where Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and Lionel Messi could be said to have disappointed.
It is that cutting edge which suggests Holland can reach their first World Cup Final since losing to Argentina in 1978 amid the 'Total Football' era which made the Orange army such a vibrant force. And if they do, it will be Van Marwijk's triumph and a victory for harmony.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 18:56:41 | 只看该作者
Gullit: Dutch had the luck古力特:荷兰队有幸运女神的青睐、

(FIFA.com) Tuesday 6 July 2010
Getty Images

Still the only Netherlands captain to ever lift a major trophy, Ruud Gullit is full of praise for the current incarnation of the Oranje, who face Uruguay in the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ semi-finals on Tuesday in Cape Town. But the 1988 UEFA European Championship winner said on Monday that fortune had played a big part in the team reaching the last four.
“I think we've played well, but we've had luck at the right moments,” said the 1987 FIFA World Player of the Year. “The own goal against Denmark was lucky, the goal against Japan was so-so, and of course the own goal [which was later ruled to have been scored by Wesley Sneijder] against Brazil helped us to get confidence. We have played well and had a little bit of luck – that's the difference.”
The former Feyenoord, PSV, AC Milan and Chelsea star said that things could have been very different against the Brazilians, and that the Dutch couldn't take all of the credit for the famous quarter-final victory. “I was surprised by the outcome against Brazil,” he admitted. “In the first half, I think Brazil played much better than the Dutch team. If [Maarten] Stekelenburg didn't save that shot into the top corner and it had become 2-0, I think the game would have been over.
“Holland came out a little bit differently [in the second half], but I think the key moment was the own [Sneijder] goal. It was a gift. I was surprised that the Brazilians lost the plot. They lost their confidence, they lost their heads. We took advantage of them by playing our own game,” he said.

I was surprised that the Brazilians lost the plot. They lost their confidence, they lost their heads. We took advantage of them by playing our own game and therefore we won.
The Dutch legend on the quarter-final win over Brazil

But Gullit, who has also managed four clubs in three countries and is now working on the Netherlands/Belgium bid for the 2018 or 2022 FIFA World Cups, said the opportunity now was huge and that Bert van Marwijk's side needed to take the chance in front of them. “Everybody expects this to the moment. We have been twice to the Final,” he said. “The difference is with this time we won't play the hosts – because in Germany [1974], we had to play against Germany and in Argentina [1978] we had to face Argentina. This is a great opportunity to reach the Final.”
"Attacking teams have been rewarded"
Turning to the stand-out Oranje players, Gullit was full of praise for the dynamic Dutch midfield duo of Sneijder and Arjen Robben. “Sneijder is key and Robben has been a vital player,” he said. “A player of [Robben's] quality is important because he makes defenders go on their heels, they don't know what they're doing, they have to double up and other players can take advantage that. He's so quick and agile, so we're happy he is back. Of course Sneijder has been very important until now, scoring goals and providing goals...He's not particularly a goal scorer, he's a guy who usually makes other players score goals. Sneijder has not been a surprise for me, but it's a surprise for me that he has scored so many goals here.”
In terms of other players that have impressed him, Gullit mentioned Spain's David Villa as his pick for top scorer and Germany's Mesut Ozil as the biggest revelation. He also went out of his way to back struggling Spain striker Fernando Torres. But the formerly dread-locked player said the tournament had already been a success on the pitch. “The teams that have reached the last four are the strongest teams at the moment. I hope that Holland will go to the Final and we will see two teams that want to attack with their own identity.
"For me, luckily, the teams that played more attacking football have come to the finals. Destructive football is not going to survive, it's not going to win. I am proud that Spain, Holland, Uruguay and of course Germany – because Germany have been a revelation in the way they play – all the attacking teams have been rewarded, so for me that's what I will remember from this tournament.”
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发表于 2010-7-6 19:16:24 | 只看该作者
法国足球暗示斯内德金球先生 荷兰天王:邓加老马白痴2010年07月06日06:41   新浪体育     已有1249条评论   转发此文至微博
  新浪体育讯 荷兰队即将在世界杯半决赛中对阵乌拉圭,球队核心斯内德已经在本届杯赛上收获了4个进球,如果他把出色的状态继续下去并率队进入决赛直至捧起大力神杯的话,合二为一的FIFA足球先生和金球奖必然会成为斯内德的囊中之物。




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发表于 2010-7-6 19:17:15 | 只看该作者
荷兰战前集体削发明志 罗本笑场险害造型师“失手”2010年07月06日08:02   东方体育日报     已有229条评论   转发此文至微博
  本报记者 潘丽娟
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发表于 2010-7-6 19:18:45 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-7-6 19:19:08 | 只看该作者
半决赛停赛球员一览:荷兰受损最大 德国准MVP缺席2010年07月04日05:00  新浪体育     已有758条评论   转发此文至微博
  新浪体育讯 北京时间7月4日凌晨,南非世界杯四分之一决赛全部结束。荷兰、乌拉圭、德国和西班牙四支球队杀入半决赛。根据国际足联规则,四分之一决赛之后,累积两张黄牌或在1/4决赛吃到红牌的球员将停赛,而其他所有球员的黄牌将清零。按照这个规则,半决赛将有5名球员停赛,他们是:






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发表于 2010-7-6 19:19:46 | 只看该作者
荷兰VS乌拉圭交战记录:世界杯仅1次交锋 荷兰曾完胜2010年07月03日08:03   新浪体育     已有57条评论   转发此文至微博
  新浪体育讯 北京时间7月3日凌晨,2010南非世界杯进行第2场1/4决赛,结果乌拉圭与加纳苦战120分钟1比1战平,在互射点球中乌拉圭以4比2获胜,从而在时隔40年后曾经两届世界杯得主乌拉圭再次进入四强,但主力前锋苏亚雷斯因红牌无缘半决赛。乌拉圭在半决赛的对手是2比1逆转巴西的荷兰,这将是两队的第3次交手,在世界杯历史中,荷兰曾在74年世界杯中以2比0轻取乌拉圭队。









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