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发表于 2006-5-9 09:59:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式






April 07
hey you!

in case u didn't know, juan roman riquelme has officially joined andriy shevchenko, thierry henry and ronaldinho as the best four players in europe...

who is he?

see right hand side's little pic...

now wat's the difference between a good player and a magic player?

a magic player can create miracles.

see city of villarreal (population of only 40,000) on top of europe this year...

"Nos vamos a Paris! We made history tonight, Riquelme is the fulcrum of this team. This is the proudest, happiest, most surprising and loudest day in the history of Villarreal as a community. We are small but we are great."

03 apr 2006, El Madrigal (Spanish 原意:情歌球场)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-9 10:09:18编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-9 10:08:00 | 只看该作者

朋友的回复(是女生,大连人,看球时间比我想象的要长,大概97年开始吧~ 算到现在也将近十年了,是偶高中同学,不过估计还是停留在看帅哥的阶段,意迷):

they can only beat shit team like inter.... watch how Henry play him in semis!


hoho, y do u need a Riquelme jersey?? He can't shoot penalty... 嘿嘿,好像不应该在这刺激你的
happy b-day!




don't front, weren't u embrassed to death when romi were about to shoot that penalty??
coz if it went in, it's a 10 shot to 1, possession 58% to 42%, and 1:0 game. Arsenal is such a joke, defend with 11 men for 90 minutes like a turtle, still got caught on penalty, haha...
if forlan took that penalty, it probably went in ha... then how is arsenal not embrassed?
obviously it was just bad luck... but arsenal really sucked big time, like friday's lakers.
stats says all.


May 06
上一次因为看比赛而掉眼泪要退回到1997年了,在金州体育场对伊朗2:4输掉的那次10强赛。第一次体会到原来体育比赛不只是几个人的竞技游戏,它可以带给观者们喜怒哀乐,可以让人随之一同体会大喜到大悲。记得那次比赛完后嚎啕大哭,真觉得世间最悲痛的事情莫过于此了。后来回想起来会觉得自己幼稚可笑,也自诩再也不会因为 “只是一场游戏“ 的竞技比赛而伤心难过了。
今晚我下定了决心,如果湖人输了,我今年不会再看NBA了。结果湖人还是输了,而且是大溃败。电视上播放了这一个系列赛的回顾,回顾了科比那个扳平比分的floater, 回顾了最后的绝杀,也回顾了和人渣bell的对位。如果不是一开始我们的一片形势大好,也许现在也不会这么悲痛。就如当初十强赛时,如果没有了中国队2:0的领先,如果只是伊朗4:0的取胜,我想我也不会伤心吧。但是我们本来差一点就胜利了。。。。。。看着第四场比赛之后科比握紧拳头的样子,我就忍不住哭了。当太阳对主场所有球迷一齐喊着:“Kobe Sucks!" 的时候,他只是把手张开放在耳朵边,"要求" 太阳球迷的嘘声来得更猛烈一些。球馆里的几万人也无法掩盖这位孤胆英雄的光芒,他的出现只能使周围的人显得更渺小!更低劣!其实在所有场合都是这样,人群中的科比是天使,是神,高高在上的俯瞰着下面不属于他的世界。
今天也应该是他最后一次身批8号紫金战袍出现在战场上了, 这个上帝曾穿过的球衣就这样完成了它的使命。这个赛季他已经带给我们太多的惊喜,书写了太多的神话,能够亲眼目睹这些神奇我已经觉得自己是世界上最幸福的球迷了。 thanks Kobe, best wishes,明年的KB24会更加辉煌!
April 06


真正的升级在后来我贴的BLOG, 哈哈:

mr. kobe choker bryant
to K8 lovers: DDL, yale and rea...
the nite before exam and first ever in my blog i'm writing non-personal stuff. i said it before the series started and i said it when suns were down 1:3 and i said it before game 7. i said it all before and i'll say it again:
george's axiom:
lakers wanna go deep into playoffs ?? kobe wants his mvp ??
there's only one way: kobe keep himself's scoring under 30 pts every game.
and y'all saw in every single game of this series that my axiom is soooooooo true~
and i heard ppl say "kobe 4 mvp" "kobe deserves mvp more than steve nash", lol, and the funniest thing is that ppl r saying the supporting cast kobe had is much worse than suns. they say lakers lost becoz kobe's teammates can't provide enough offensive firepower at clutch time.
lol, YOu gotta be f**king kidding me!!! lol...
lol, u know wat, shaq had firepower, lots. but kobe forced him out of LA. karl malone had firepowers, clutchy plays. kobe had trouble with him, too.
lol, this is an all-star team that kobe brought down single handedly. and now u r saying lakers need to invest better players??? lol...
on a second thought, r lakers lineups really that bad? u know wat, if u give odom or brown to nash... lol, saw tim thomas? and if u give marion or diaw to kobe... lol... u can tell if u got some kind of basketball IQ.
an mvp is a player that helps six teammates gain career highs in pts average, an mvp is a player that leads his team to best franchise regular season record.
an mvp is not a player who also plays the position of guard, and... had only 1 assist in a decisive game 7 ?????
only 1 assist in game 7 ????
kobe is the best 1 on 1 player on this planet. word.
congrats to nash for consecutive mvp, i never undersand wat a mvp does until he plays kobe.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-9 11:26:25编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-9 10:11:00 | 只看该作者


to kobe hater + ARG lover: george
on kobe's point first:
为什么今年mvp的人选里竟然有kobe呢?(in early years, he wasn't even a contender)
就是因为今年湖人那么滥的阵容还在西部获得了第七,如果把科比换成联盟里任何一位后场摇摆人(arenas? vc? a healthy t-mac? 我实在想不出联盟还有哪个摇摆人能和科比相提并论了。让nash来也就还是playoff第一轮的水平) 都不可能把现在这支湖人带入季候赛。你竟然还说湖人阵容比suns厉害??all star?? c'mon!!
i can't believe you are even saying that suns dun have firepower, 他们已经被所有人认可为联盟最有攻击力的球队了。。。。。。give me one player who cannot shoot jump shot on suns team, please.
and talking about clutch time.... 湖人众龙套的playoff经验加在一起是多少。。。。?
严重怀疑你根本没看比赛,都这个年代了,咋还有人说科比出手多呢?科比最后一场才出手几次,第三节还根本就不出手了,他已经很尽力的在改变自己给队友传球了,结果呢????湖人那些龙套全是N中一!!那天还跟yale 说到,如果最后一场他按照自己以前的习惯,一个人开始发飚,那么结果可能还会更好些。
他整场确实只有一个assist, 你也不看看他传球以后其他队员都做了什么,外线jump shot不进也就罢了,但是篮下layup都不进,更别提turnover了。如果太阳其他球员命中率都那像湖人龙套那么低,那nash即使传出了球,又能算作几个assists呢?
不过归根结底,我觉得大好形势下输球不是哪个队员的过错,主要就是龙套们的心态和经验问题,和早就被高估的phil jackson 的临场指挥问题。
谁也没说nash doesn't deserve mvp. 但是不能因为他拿了mvp就证明科比什么也不是吧。给nash一个好的内线队员又怎样? 去年小斯那种表现,太阳不也一样差点让马刺横扫。而像你说的把marion或者diaw换来lal, 科比就不用那么累了!也不用还让人指责one man team 了。
他们打得位置也不同,nash本来的职责就是组织,就是负责传球的,你用他的长处跟科比的短处 (也不算短处)比,真得太厚道了。。。那我是不是也应该说nash can never get a 50 point game...?
p.s. i thought you were a kobe fan also....
on arsenal:
p.s. 看了里克尔梅的表现真觉得阿根廷今年又没希望了,他和小罗的差距就是阿根廷和巴西的差距。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-9 10:13:00 | 只看该作者
给你MARION,给你DIAW,放在KOBE身边…… LOL…… 不用大家说,你自己想想看…… or ask yale about it... LOL……
太阳联盟进攻力最强,说得好,不过是什么时候开始的呢? 为什么MARBURY时代不是进攻力最强呢???呵呵……
太阳强又怎么样?还不是被马刺横扫??呵呵…… 这句话太有道理了……
关于NASH为什么助攻多…… LOL…… 是因为太阳都是神投手?? LOL…… 一年前你认识barbosa? diaw? james jones? eddie house??
KOBE助攻少因为他都是被动传球不是主动传球!第七场你帮我回忆一下他传给队友,然后队友无人防守上篮不进的场面……当然想不出了!因为他唯一的那个助攻还是包夹以后传给队友投三分的。他全场没有一次帮助队友获得无人防守的近距离扣篮机会,NASH传出的ALLEY HOOP就两次~~~对不对啊??
所以说科比是个好球员,宇宙无敌超级得分王,只是可惜 得分王 不等于 MVP…… 这点你不会反对吧??
百年历史的ARSENAL好象也是历史上第一次进四强吧?汗…… 而且好象是两回合一个点球淘汰一个公认最弱的小队。很自豪吗?
ARSENAL一周三赛?呵呵,ARSENAL板凳阵容太单薄太寒酸是吧~ REYES? VAN PERSI? BERGKAMP? PIERES? 呵呵…… 一周三赛影响真是大啊,那周VILLARREAL就一赛是吧?不踢联赛?
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发表于 2006-5-9 15:04:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-10 06:05:00 | 只看该作者


i think an assist is only scored when somebody score... true?
stop hating good players man... i mean u can dislike them... but... dont put them down like dogshit and all...
about MVP, u can only argue for a person is good enf to be MVP... u can only give credit for wut ppl did... cant assume ppl will do sth and bash them when they dont.... i mean if kobe is supposed to do all the shit... then he should be MVP hands down... it was just a fluke cuz he choked... and did not do as well as he should or could rite??
man... cant put kobe down like shit man... him dumping shaq is like the time u had this arguement with a hot girl that u wanna be with... ppl make mistakes... so chill man... cant let shit haunt a ppl forever u know... the stink dissipates after a while... even children know that...
so... some respect for KB-8(1)... kobe is cool, and his wife is hot... so show some respect, kids... alrite... i'm out



你的论调还不也是和其他科黑一样,总是拿科比挤走了shaq 来说事。Shaq 和马龙都在那年湖人很强么??靠运气进了西部决赛,最后又被活塞爆了。他现在有抱怨身边没有帮手么?不是科比抱怨,他得到了他梦想得到的老大位置,所谓抱怨只是我们这些科蜜自己希望看到科比“一人“带队夺冠的意淫罢了。

我承认,纳什拿mvp我没意见。但这个series进行一半的时候,他的mvp确实开始被质疑了吧,如果第五场龙套的表现哪怕能赶得上前四场的一半,结局就是湖人晋级,纳什也可以拿mvp,但那就是个笑话。我也可以说纳什在第四场choke,而且是两次!都是在最后关头!“凭纳什的能力,clutch time送出两次低级失误,我才是真服了这样得mvp……”, 这么说有意思么?可是你但你就偏偏咬住科比一场比赛那一个助攻不放。如果不是龙套们那么浮躁,bell被罚下那场就应该41了,那么mvp给科比也没什么吧。嗯,我承认我又废话了,但是科比不仅仅等于得分王。

最后,纳什配得上mvp, 科比是mvp第二,我其实是肤浅地迷他的外形和他得“人格魅力“,我都发誓不看NBA了,你也别继续拍我了。


潜水艇进4强跟人口有什么关系??拜托不要把比烂这种方法又用在罗米身上。。。。forlan, sorin, franco我真的认识,而前年的波尔图除了deco我谁也不认识
我都不知道我为什么还在替枪手说话,我从去年冠军杯才开始看他们的,也只是因为他们干掉了尤文才支持他们的。。。。但是你愿意比阵容,我就不得不说说,reyes, 人家本来就是主力,皮雷是他的替补,而且那星期还停赛了;pires, 他还很年轻,一周三赛还能保持状态是么??;博格坎普,还是不比烂了,毕竟是很喜欢的队员,可是那感觉也好比bierhoff还在给德国队当替补,不复当年勇吧?van persie,他顶替过法布雷家斯或者永贝利,效果真的很差,他也是一个被高估的新?星?
也没说就是罗米一个人的问题,光是ivory coast后面那两个图雷 + 埃布就够你们前锋应付的了。
I've been knowing u for quite a while. Never thought u've been this insightful and critical. Well done!! To all those Kobe fans: although u come up with all different reasons to say No. 8 is the best. U guys all have one thing in common. Go figure it urself. If u can't figure it out, e-mail me. To those particular Kobe fans who think NO. 8 is so cool that he looks like a black white dude, or white black dude or whatever. Well, according to that Roger guy, Michael Jackson is more like a black white guy, isn't he? Anyways, hope u guys enjoy the rest of the playoffs, there're some real MVP caliber players that worth to watch, not just some overrated selfish bastard.
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-10 08:13:00 | 只看该作者


说科比也就罢了~ 至于阿根廷……



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-14 02:16:00 | 只看该作者


y'all gotta be fucking kidding me... have you watched any of lakers games? is anyone even capable of consistently making jumpshots? other than kobe and odom, who the hell on the lakers can start for any other nba team? smush parker? he was playing in europe last year.... luke walton? plz, white man is seriously weak... kwame brown? i can catch passes better than him... how many times did kobe and odom shove the ball into kwame's hand and yet he managed to fumble most of them. the man is just a big stiff... simply without kobe, lakers wouldn't even win 30 games...
now let's break down the suns... nash is obviously one of the best passers in the game, but "hair canada" got no defense at all... and let's face it, he only won it coz he's white and canadian, gary payton had much better years and i didn't see him win mvps.... rest of the team is rock solid: shawn marion was already the matrix before nash, in case you didn't know; raja bell was a well known defender with a decent shot in Utah; tim thomas has always got skills on the offensive skills, he just fit into the system perfectly; boris diaw probably made as many plays as nash in the game, he's good, not just coz of nash, coz he's a playmaker; and finally barbosa, the brazillian wonderkid can probably start on 2/3 of nba teams, yet is riding the pine. geez, i guess the suns team is not that good... the real mvp for the suns is Jerry Colangelo...
The fact is, suns had a much, much superior team, yet it took them one lucky bounce in game 6 to win against lakers...
another factor for mvp is play in clutch, an interesting point is that the suns is winless this year in games decided by 3 pts or less...who would you want in clutch, kobe or nash? don't be a fool...
plus, jeff, wat the fuck are you talking about? lol... gotta go easy on them grass, bro...
further on JOKER's bs pts.... don't give me the bs about kobe broke up the great lakers team, it takes two to tangle.. it wasn't like shaq was cutting him any slack in his rap songs..... and how can you coexist with a man after he hit on yourwife when you are away like that?(the mailman)
karl malone was washed up anyways... shaq isn't his old self, and certainly not worth 30 mil... i say the lakers made a good decision letting him go (but didn't get enough in return)... look at them now, plenty of cap space to sign a REAL center....
it's haters like you that pisses me off, but then again, kobe do feeds off the haterade.....
oh! I cannot believe it! the rocketsfever roger??
and one more thing: Raja bell is nothing but a D-I-V-E-R, juz like those Villareal players!!
of course it's me, always got a soft spot for kobe and the lakers... he's just so pleasing to watch, so smooth, different from lebron. lebron is explosive and power, kobe is pure skill...
lol, rocketsfever showed up, shit gets sour~~~
i finished my last exam today, but UEFA cup final is tmr 2:30, i think it's either on score or tsn, gotta watch that so no bs today...
i think the final is middlesbrough vs sevilla, so one side is england's future manager and the other side is of course javier saviola for me~
i'm not really a kobe hater, and no one, not even jeff says kobe is not good, he is good, skillful, and he is actually becoming better!! he took much less shots in the series and they got suns into game 7!!! and that's intelligence!!! but even tho he can't pass the ball like a point guard, he can still learn from LBJ about HOW to help a team, try to do some triple doubles instead of useless 30+ pts.
and i'd love to have kobe to play in clutch time for sure. one reasonable approach is play nash for 3 quaters and let kobe play the last 2 minutes instead the opposite. wouldn't u agree?
igore about salary cap fact (lakers $67.6m to suns $59.8m), wat do u mean suns is a much superior team? do u mean if u trade nash with kobe, suns will win more and lakers will win less?? lol... u sure it's not the opposite??
kobe is so damn good, he hits big shots, is unstoppable from anywhere on the court~ it's true it's true it's true. but too bad his team is not winning as it used to be, and there was only one reason to it: mr. kobe bryant.
so george, you admit that kobe is clutch, thus he's not a choker as stated in your first post..... fact is, he carried lakers in the series... especially in game 6, when it counted, he made a fade away 3 with the team trailing, then drove to the hoop for the 3 pt lead, only to have the suns get a lucky bounce... game 7, wat can he really do when the rest of the team shoot 4 for 19 behind the arc... part of the reason they lost is coz of jackson's refusal to play vujecic...
further more, did you even read my breakdown of both teams? i made it absolutely clear that suns have much, much better players, try to refute that point... if you switch kobe and nash, suns would win easily, why? coz lakers don't have a lockdown defender, they'll have to double kobe consistently. and when he's double teamed, he can actually AFFORD to pass to players who can actually shoot... as for nash, i don't see him racking up assists with the laker players shooting 20% outside the arc...
a mvp is one who carries the team when needed (and lakers needed him to carry them badly), and one who the team can depend on in crucial situations.... learn from LBJ? kobe don't need to learn shit from LBJ, they are completely different players....
if you want to give the mvp to nash, then why not chris paul? paul took an atrocious new orleans team without all-star magloire to within few games of playoffs, if ya wanna talk about pg, then paul should get some votes as well... fact is, i don't like one dimensional mvps, this is the reason why you will never, ever see carmelo win a mvp...

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-14 02:19:00 | 只看该作者
other than the fact that you admitted you were wrong about kobe being a choker, here's some other points:
Steve Nash
Kudos to him for increasing his scoring and seamlessly integrating seven new teammates into Phoenix's offense; in many ways, he was better than last season. He's the only current player whose unselfishness seems to transfer (almost by osmosis) to everyone else on his team. On the flip side, he's even worse defensively than last season; just in the past two months, I watched Shaun Livingston, Delonte West and Kidd completely outplay him in separate games, capped off by Billups simply CREMATING him in Detroit two Sundays ago. Would an MVP ever get decimated like that by someone who plays the same position? Please.

Put it this way: Nash was a cute choice last season, mainly because none of the other candidates stood out, and I could see why someone would have been swayed. (It was like ordering one of those fancy foreign beers at a bar, the ones in the heavy green bottles with the 13-letter name that you can't pronounce, only someone else is drinking it, so you say to yourself, "Ah, screw it, I'm tired of the beer I always drink, lemme try one of those.") But this year? I'm not saying he should be ignored, but if you actually end up picking him, either you're not watching enough basketball or you just want to see a white guy win back-to-back MVP's.

. Kobe Bryant
You don't know how much this kills me. Actually, you probably do. But Mamba passes all three MVP questions ...

Question No. 1: When remembering this season 10 years from now, which player will pop into your head first?

Answer: Kobe. The dude scored 62 in three quarters against Dallas, then 81 against Toronto a few weeks later. He's about to become the fifth player in NBA history to average 35 points a game (along with Wilt, MJ, Elgin and Rick Barry). He made up with Shaq. He made up with Phil. He made up with Nike. He appeared on the cover of Slam Magazine with a Mamba snake wrapped around him. He did everything but make the obligatory cameo on "Will and Grace." No player took more abuse from writers, broadcasters and radio hosts this season, but Kobe seemed to feed off that negative energy. It was almost Bondsian. And just when it kept seeming like he might wear down, he'd toss up another 50 just to keep you on your toes. Kobe was relentless. That's the best way to describe him this season.

Question No. 2: In the proverbial giant pickup game with every NBA player waiting to play, who would be the first player picked this season?

Answer: Kobe. He's the best all-around player in the league, the best scorer, the best competitor, and the one guy who terrifies everyone else. Plus, if you DIDN'T pick him, he would make it his mission to haunt you on the other team.

Question No. 3: If you replaced every MVP candidate with a decent player at their position for the entire season, what would be the effect on their teams' records?

Answer: If you replaced Kobe with a decent 2-guard (someone like Jamal Crawford) for the entire 2005-06 Lakers season, they would have won between 15 and 20 games. I can say that in complete confidence. Terrible team. When Smush Parker and Kwame Brown are your third- and fourth-best players, you shouldn't even be allowed to watch the playoffs on TV. Throw Kobe in the mix and they're headed for 45 wins. So he's been worth 25 victories for them. Minimum.

In a weird way, Kobe ended up getting what he always wanted: The Lakers completely revolve around him. He gets to shoot 25-30 times per game. He gets to take every big shot at crunch-time. He gets all the credit. Nobody else on the team dares to challenge him. And even better, because he lucked out with the only possible coach who could make this cockamamie situation work, his supporting cast kills itself to make him look good.

Basically, he's Elvis and everyone else is Joe Esposito. And it's working! That's the crazy thing.

Now they're a sleeper in the West -- seriously, do you think Phoenix wants any part of them in Round 1? -- and have the only player in the league who can win a playoff series by himself. He's the Black Mamba, he's Kobe Bryant, he's the 2006 MVP, and since we finally have that settled, I will now light myself on fire.

from my favourite sports writer Bill Simmons


"In a weird way, Kobe ended up getting what he always wanted: The Lakers completely revolve around him... Nobody else on the team dares to challenge him... his supporting cast kills itself to make him look good. "

wat more can i say??

nash kills himself to make his teammates look good. and that's why if chris paul take his team to no.7 spot, we wouldn't even talk about kobe here. right?

years ago lakers were winning back to back titles, now they r fighting for a playoff spot. why things turn around so quickly? plz name me a reason to this... GM? coach? players?

i got roger's pt: kobe's on, lakers' on, kobe's off, lakers' off. doesn't matter how well he's been rebuilding it, he ripped this balanced winning team apart initially. u get the credit for wins, u get the credit for losses. lol, how can u blame only the poor teammates but none on the leader if the team itself is now known as an one-man-show?

it's ok, baby raja~ it's just different understanding, u say mvp is the savior i say mvp is a helper, lol. and of course players like payton who shares the ball deserved his mvp, if jordan wasn't around.


lol~ dun quote bill simmons, 他明明就是个科黑,自己都说写了这篇要去自焚了。。。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-14 02:23:00 | 只看该作者

Vince Carter:

all of u guys.. Kobe sucks Dick... Nash sucks BIGGER COCK.... have u ever seen how VInce Carter dunk? over 7.2 foot guy.. that guy LITERALLY eat his ball... that's what I call dunk... have u seen how Carter dribble over Kobe and 360 dunk? Shaq was humiliated to be a teammate of Kobe because of that dunk...what really counts is dunk in B-ball.. nothing else matters... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..btw.. only Carter has the longer flight time then Jordan
ahahahah, there's another one, convincing argument, lol, i love summer...
about vc? let yale criticise vc15, lol... coz basiclly i agree everything yale said about carter~~~
hey, even a kobe hater like bill simmons came to his senses and gave the mvp to kobe, that shows something...
plus, joker didn't really refute any point that i made, just nitpicking...
as for the vince carter guy, go fuck yourself, don't know jack shit...
呵呵,我就是那个意思,我是说george quote错了句子(只断章取义的挑出那么一句来)。bill simmons写的那篇真的惊了,有点怀疑他搞无间道。不过虽然他黑科比,但是写的文章真的蛮有意思的。

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