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发表于 2008-11-4 20:15:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
海因策:“当事情没有解决时,我们需要承受” 加布里埃尔·海因策是皇马的一员,在新闻发布会上表达清晰。海因策喜欢直接,不喜欢隐藏。首先他承认,周日他们表现得不好,但是他表示:“在球场上你必须展现自己。”面对下周是三和尤文的比赛,他们有一个很好的机会证明自己,他说:“我会全身心投入其中。”。这个阿根廷人不喜欢攀比并表示他只会对皇马忠诚:“我不会关注其他球队,在这里我需要做的太多了。” 最后他认为卡西利亚斯捧得金球奖是实至名归的。 巴塞罗那继续保持领先 我不认为与阿梅利亚的比赛踢得好,因为我们只取得了一场平局。巴萨现在领先2分,但是负责宣传的是你们而不是我们。我们对此一点兴趣也没有。 上周,弗格森说,皇马签下你是为了引诱C罗? 当我看到像他这样受人尊敬的人道听途说时,感觉很伤心。对那件事我没什么想补充的,我了解事情发展的经过。我觉得很遗憾,因为他(弗格森)给了我在世界上最好的球队踢球的机会,也因此很感激他。我可以理解一个在足球这个领域中没有取得过成就的人做出的评论,但是他(弗格森)却是功成名就的人,这让我感到很伤心。他是一位老人,他应该知道他在说什么。 对于马拉多纳出任阿根廷国家队教练,你怎么看? 我们这些队员都很激动,因为马拉多纳对于我们来说不仅仅是前国脚。他的当选对球队很有利。对于外界的传言,我真是悲喜交加,他都还没开始教练生涯呢。我认为对于像马拉多纳这样的人来说,这是好事,他的心被足球占据着,他为这项运动还有阿根廷做出了很多贡献,应该给他这个机会。我是以一个阿根廷人,而不是球员的身份来说这些的。马拉多纳得到了所有队员的支持。他可以决定是否让我上场,但无论最终会发生什么,我都希望他做的很出色,因为我了解,他始终是为球队(阿根廷队)着想的。 C罗,卡西利亚斯,梅西……你认为谁会最终捧走金球奖 他们不用为此担心,因为这是对他们优秀表现的奖励。我可以理解当名单即将被公布时他们有多紧张。判断谁能拿金球奖很困难,有很多问题需要考虑。C罗和梅西基本上差不多,但C罗获得了更多的冠军。卡西利亚斯是守门员,因此不能以进球数评价他,但他也是实至名归的。我不知道最终的结果怎样,但他们三个都应该得到。 在与阿尔梅里亚的比赛后你看上去很生气。你是不是觉得自己的队友缺乏斗志? 我很难过也很生气,因为我们没有赢下比赛,也因为我没有阻止那个进球。我确实生队友的气,因为我希望全队都是最好的。足球是集体项目,每个队员都有自己的想法。我们有时会发生口角,但是我没有恶意。我认为每个队员都希望球队表现到最好。以上就是我生气的原因。 Negredo在周日的比赛后说,皇马和巴萨的比赛有很大的区别 我无话可说。的确,巴萨赢得了比赛,而昨天,我们却没有。我不关心其他的球队,我只专注于自己的。昨天我们确实没有赢得比赛,我们的目标是不得不取得3分,因为我们拿下了一场艰难的比赛。他们坐上第一的宝座是应该的,他们确实发挥的很好。我们所要做的就是改正错误,我们正在为回归第一而努力。 你如何在对尤文的比赛时,改变球迷和球队的态度 在周三的比赛中我会为球队拼尽全力。如果我让球队满意了,那自然球迷就满意了。在这里对他们说出豪言壮语没用,关键是要在球场上证明自己。 因为尤文取得第一回合的胜利,球队再面对尤文时会紧张吗? 这2只伟大的球队的交锋一定会很激烈。有人不喜欢和尤文比赛吗?对于我们而言,获得胜利就意味着拿到了晋级的门票,这很重要。我们也希望在自己的主场重振我们在欧洲的雄风。我们的目标是踢精彩的比赛,然后取得胜利。面对尤文,我们不能再犯任何错误。 对于佩佩的缺席你担心吗? 他是个伟大的球员,但是现在其他人可以胜任他的位置。这就是他们出现的原因。他的缺席很关键,但其他人也可以达到他的水准。 在更衣室中,你们很迫切得想找尤文复仇? 不是复仇,我们想夺取胜利。我们把精力集中在踢一场精彩的比赛上,我们不认为即使事情进展不顺利,我们也要忍受。这区别于一般比赛。当你从一片场地上到另一片场地去等待胜利的回归,这该是多棒的比赛啊。 你认为拉莫斯会上场吗? 他表现得不错,他很镇定,也过得很开心。每个球员都有机会,在他的一席言论后,人们开始比较多的谈论他,但他踢得很好。我们对那个故事已经没有兴趣了,但是媒体却很在意。他现在表现很努力,这就是我所关心的。 你喜欢马萨还是汉密尔顿? 我不清楚。我知道昨天有F1比赛,但是我对此一无所知。 [ 本帖最后由 maplemike5 于 2008-11-4 23:19 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-4 20:17:03 | 只看该作者
"We also suffer when things don't work out" Heinze press conference
Gabriel Heinze spoke loud and clear. He didn't like to draw against Almeria and believes Iker Casillas deserves the Balon d'Or.

Es uno de esos futbolistas, o mejor, una de esas personas que hablan claro en la vida. A Gabriel Heinze le gusta llamar a las cosas por su nombre y no se esconde ante nada. Es el primero en reconocer que el domingo no jugaron un buen partido, pero lejos de soltar discursos fáciles, afirma que “es en el campo donde hay que demostrar”. Inmejorable oportunidad para hacerlo que el próximo miércoles ante la Juventus de Turín: “tengo que salir y partirme el alma”. Al central argentino no le gustan las comparaciones y asegura que él sólo se fija en lo suyo: “yo no miro a otro equipo, demasiado trabajo tengo en el mío”. Palabra de Heinze.

Barcelona continue to distance themselves...
We don't think our game was great because we drew. Barcelona have a two-point lead, but you are in charge of the propaganda, not us. We aren't interested.

Last week, Ferguson said Real Madrid signed you to approach Cristiano Ronaldo...
It makes me sad to see someone as well respected as he, who everyone listens to, say such stupid things. I can't say more than that. I know how things are. I'm sad because he gave me a chance to play for one of the best clubs in the world and I will always be grateful to him for that. I would understand such comments as coming from someone who hasn't actually achieved anything in this sport, but he has and it makes me sad. He is old enough to be aware of what he says.

Maradona is to become Argentina's national coach. What do you think of that?
Us players are very happy because he is more than just a former player to us. It could be good for the squad. I laugh and get angry at everything that's being said because he hasn't even started yet. I think it's good for someone like him, who has football in his heart and has done so much for the sport and Argentina, to be given a chance. I say this as an Argentine, not as a player. He has all the players' support. He will decide if I play or not, but whatever happens I want him to do well because I know he feels for the team.

Cristiano, Iker, Messi… Who do you think will win the Balon d'Or?
They shouldn't be worried about it because it will reward the good job they are doing. I would understand it if they get anxious when the announcements are meant to be made. It is difficult to decide who will win. Many things have to be considered. Cristiano and Messi are basically equally spectacular, but Cristiano has won more titles. Iker is a keeper and therefore isn't considered as important as those who score goals, but he also deserves the award. I don't know how decisions are made, but the three of them deserve it.

You seemed angry after the game. Do you think your teammates are slightly apathetic?
I was sad and angry because we didn't win the game and because I couldn't prevent the goal. When I argue with my teammates I do so because I want the best for the team. Football is regrettably a team sport and there are different opinions on the same squad. We sometimes insult each other... But I never mean any harm. I think every player wants the best for his team. I was angry because of what I mentioned before, that's all.

Negredo dijo el domingo tras el partido que hay una diferencia muy grande de juego entre el Real Madrid y el Barcelona.
Es respetable, no tengo nada que decir. Es verdad que el Barcelona está ganando partidos y nosotros ayer no lo hicimos. Yo no miro otro equipo, demasiado trabajo tengo en el mío. Veo que mi equipo ayer no ganó, nos metimos un gol que no nos debieron meter porque teníamos tres puntos ganados en un partido difícil. Se merecen ser primeros porque están haciendo bien las cosas y nada más. Lo que tenemos que hacer es corregir los errores que estamos cometiendo para volver arriba.

How can you convince the fans that the team's attitude will be different against Juventus?
I'll have to do my very best on Wednesday, first and foremost for my team. If I please the team I will surely please the fans. There's no sense in saying anything to them; we have to prove our worth on the pitch.

Is the team especially anxious to defeat Juventus because of their victory in the first leg?
It will be a clash between two great teams. Who doesn't like to play against Juventus? A victory could give us a ticket to the next round and that's very important to us. We also want to recover our European authority at our stadium. Our goal is to win and to play a serious match. We can't afford to make any mistakes against Juventus.

Are you worried about Pepe's absence?
He is a great player, but there's other men on the squad capable of playing well. That's why they are here. His absence will be important, but other's can also play at a high level.

¿En el vestuario hay ganas de venganza contra la Juve?
Revancha no, queremos ganar para tener encarrilada la clasificación. No es venganza pero sí tenemos muchas ganas de hacer un buen partido porque aunque no lo creáis nosotros también sufrimos cuando las cosas no van bien. Este es otro partido. Lo bonito del fútbol es que cuando te vas triste de un campo esperas a otro para irte contento.

How do you think Ramos is playing?
I think he's doing fine and that he's calm and happy. Every football player goes through several streaks. People talked much about him after what he said, but he is playing well. We're not interested in that story anymore, but the press is. He is working hard and that's all that matters to me.

Massa or Hamilton?
I have no idea. I know there was and F1 race yesterday, but I know nothing about it.
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