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发表于 2006-12-13 22:45:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p><font size="4"><font size="5">改变命运</font><br/></font>——国米老将克雷斯波厌倦亚军宿命</p><p><br/><font size="4">埃尔南·克雷斯波现在相信人自有天数。2005年利物浦队在世人的见证下完成了足球历史上最经典的一次逆转而称雄欧洲冠军杯,同时也是他职业生涯中最刻骨铭心的一个夜晚。当问他是什么决定了这场比赛的结果,他毫不犹豫地说:“命,”他说,“命不想让我们得到那座奖杯。”</font></p><p><font size="4">米兰统治了120分钟比赛中的113分钟,并在上半场就以3-0领先。但就在剩下的7分钟里,第54至60分钟,贝尼特斯的球队连进三球将比分追平。加时赛中,利物浦的守门员Jerzy Dudek左扑右挡,以不可思议的表现彻底破灭了安德烈·舍甫琴科为米兰打入致胜球的希望。</font></p><p><font size="4">“就像你看到的那样,舍甫琴科在离球门线1米处将球打在了守门员的身上。在这种(运气如此坏)情况下,你是不可能获胜的。”克雷斯波如是说。当晚利物浦在点球决胜后捧起了他们历史上的第五座冠军杯。</font></p><p><font size="4">米兰的心碎了。“用这样的方式输掉一场比赛,我在很长时间内都无法摆脱它的阴影,”他的声音颤抖了,尽管已经过去了18个月。“巨大的悲痛让我难以承受。”</font></p><p><font size="4">伊斯坦布尔之夜发生的一切投射了克雷斯波那同样充满戏剧性的职业生涯。他感受胜利喜悦的次数屈指可数——少年时代随河床队获得两次阿根廷联赛冠军和一次南美解放者杯,在帕尔马赢得意大利杯和欧洲联盟杯,以及上赛季切尔西的英超联赛冠军——但更多的是失败和挫折。最著名的就数2002世界杯了,阿根廷主教练马赛罗·贝尔萨剥夺了本属于他的主力位置,让巴蒂斯图塔取而代之。在阿根廷人耻辱性出局的小组赛中,他踢了区区71分钟,除此之外唯有服从命运安排,眼睁睁看着最后一丝希望残酷地破灭。</font></p><p><font size="4">他是1996年亚特兰大奥运会的最佳射手,并带领球队杀进了最后的决赛。决赛中到16分钟球队以2-1领先,但对手尼日利亚人最终上演了大逆转,夺金而去。</font></p><p><font size="4">四年后,克雷斯波转会到了意大利冠军队拉齐奥,成功看起来唾手可得——球队群星闪耀,包括贝隆,内斯塔,内德维德,西蒙尼和萨拉斯。克雷斯波很好地完成了自己的任务,以26个进球笑傲于联赛射手榜,但主教练埃里克森却中途出走入主英格兰队,结果可想而知——失去了主心骨的拉齐奥在联赛结束后滑落至第三。</font></p><p><font size="4">一年后克雷斯波转会去了国际米兰,目的是填补罗纳尔多留下的空缺。再一次,命运展示了它无情的一面。克雷斯波第一次参加冠军杯就6场攻入8球,但一场严重的伤病突袭了他,使他错过了3个月的重要比赛。当他康复时,国米已经失去夺得联赛冠军的可能,不得不再次接受亚军。但最沉重的打击来自与同城对手AC米兰的冠军杯半决赛,两场比赛均以平局收场——0-0和1-1——尽管两队同用一个球场,但不幸的是国米在第二场为主场,从而被铁面无私的客场进球规则淘汰。</font></p><p><font size="4">俄罗斯亿万富翁阿布拉莫维奇要不惜一切金钱代价把切尔西改造成国际无敌豪华舰队,他指定了克雷斯波。命运之神在黑暗中等待时机,安排切尔西的主要对手阿森纳成为英格兰109年历史上第一支以不败战绩获得冠军的球队,让克雷斯波又一次品尝了亚军的滋味。</font></p><p><br/><font size="4">在切尔西与摩纳哥的冠军杯半决赛中,命运表现得更加无情无义。在比分持平并下半场比对方多一人的情况下,蓝军向来保守的主教练拉涅利做出了几次大胆的(有些人认为简直不可理喻)换人。缺兵少将的摩纳哥以3-1赢了这场比赛,之后拉涅利摇摇欲坠的帅位被穆里尼奥取代,俱乐部管理层想靠他赌博一把。这场变故中,不在计划内的克雷斯波成了阴谋的牺牲品。</font></p><p><font size="4">接下来的一个赛季他租借去了米兰,但他糟糕的运气仍丝毫没有改变。米兰名列联赛第二,但最让人哭笑不得的是冠军尤文图斯后来因假球案被剥夺了冠军头衔,而红黑军团不会从中获得任何补偿。另外,就是赛季末那场在伊斯坦布尔进行的冠军杯决赛了。</font></p><p><font size="4">去年克雷斯波终于在切尔西获得了他在欧洲的第一个联赛冠军,尽管他要与德罗巴轮换上场的事实让胜利的光辉减了几分。2006德国世界杯可能是克雷斯波的好机会——终结了三个赛事6次亚军的历史后——去争取属于自己的东西。</font></p><p><font size="4">他进了3个球,带领阿根廷队在1/4决赛杀到了德国队面前,并率先取得了1-0的领先。再过11分钟就即将进入半决赛的时候,克雷斯波却被克鲁斯换下。不到1分钟后,克洛泽为东道主扳平了比分。克雷斯波坐在板凳上目睹球队被拖进点球决胜却无能为力。阿根廷,可能是这届世界杯上最好的球队,就这样被淘汰出局了。</font></p><p><font size="4">现在他回到了国际米兰,一个比其他所有球队花费了更多金钱、却在过去的17年里联赛始终颗粒无收的俱乐部。“回来是不容易的,”克雷斯波说,“但球队信任我,我能感受到他们的信心。”</font></p><p><font size="4">国米教头曼奇尼今年夏天选择克雷斯波的原因没有太多疑问。克雷斯波是教练们喜欢的选手类型,他不单能进球(意甲进球数排在现役球员的第三位),还可以帮助他的队友。颇具讽刺意味的是,一个被命运如此薄待的男人,却帮助改变了众多他人的命运,为他们打开缺口并获得更好的机会。</font></p><p><font size="4">“他在球场上与众不同,”拉涅利说,“他的不寻常之处在于他总能找到最合适的射门角度,给队友创造空间,让对方后卫失去位置。作为教练,当你尽力给你的球员们灌输一种思想时,总有人比队友领会得更快更透彻,埃尔南就是这方面的大师。”</font></p><p><font size="4">上述的各项能力解释了在他14年的职业生涯里为什么转会费能累计高达1亿7000万美元的原因,他转至拉齐奥的6500万美元至今仍是前锋的最高身价(为历史第二高身价,仅次于01年转至皇马的齐达内)。但不论在国内还是国外,克雷斯波都没有得到与其身价相匹配的评价。在阿根廷国内还好理解,毕竟他已经远离祖国十年。距离无助于产生更多的美,何况是在新星层出不穷的阿根廷。</font></p><p><font size="4">“他们说国内的球员更好是正常的,因为要为报纸的销售和广播的收听着想,”克雷斯波说,“我真切地感受到了阿根廷对我的肯定,国内一些球员被高度赞扬的趋势也是合理的。但很多优秀的球员都离开了这个国家,其中的一些人在欧洲拥有伟大的职业生涯。”</font></p><p><font size="4">拉涅利则对克雷斯波在欧洲为何被低估有自己的看法。“首先,他不是一个喜欢自我宣传的人,不会主动去寻找镜头的焦点。”这位教练说。“而且,他的频繁转会对提升知名度不利。”</font></p><p><font size="4">事实上,近6个赛季的6次转会使他不得不随时做好旅行的准备。但可笑的是,这些转会大多都不符合他本人的意愿。不论是金融垮台(从拉齐奥到国米),管理决策(国米到切尔西),还是流动资金不足(米兰到切尔西),总有一些无法抗拒的因素迫使他如忙碌的梭子一般在欧洲大陆穿来穿去。</font></p><p><font size="4">他会说这是命运。不断重复的相同命运让他心痛,让他无奈。现在他31岁了,已经习惯与之朝夕相伴,没有其他的选择。但久经考验也许不完全是一件坏事。命运已经欠了他,欠他一个伟大的时刻。</font></p><p><font size="4"></font></p><p>原文</p><p>Trying to change destiny<br/>Inter veteran Hernán Crespo tired of finishing second <br/><br/>  <br/>  From Sports Illustrated<br/>  <br/>  Hernán Crespo believes in destiny. Ask him about the cruelest night of his career, when Liverpool staged arguably the greatest comeback in soccer history to take the 2005 Champions League crown from AC Milan, and Crespo has no doubt about what decided the game. <br/>  "It was destiny," he says. "Destiny did not want us to win that cup."<br/>  Milan was up 3-0 at halftime in a match it would dominate for 113 of the 120 minutes played. But in those other seven minutes, between the 54th and 60th, Rafa Benítez's men scored three goals to level the match. And in extra time, Liverpool goalkeeper Jerzy Dudek contorted his body into an impossible position to deny what would have been Andriy Shevchenko's winner for Milan. <br/>  "When you see something like that, with Shevchenko getting the ball one meter from the goal line and his shot smacking against the goalkeeper's body -- in those situations you can't win," says Crespo. Liverpool went on to take its fifth European Cup on penalty kicks.<br/>  Milan was dealt a crushing psychological blow. "If you lose a game like that, it's very difficult to get past it," Crespo says, his voice quivering even now, 18 months later. "It was a terrible pain to endure."<br/>  In a way, that night in Istanbul reflected Crespo's entire career. He has enjoyed comparatively few highs -- two Argentine Apertura titles and a Copa Libertadores when he was a kid at River Plate; a Coppa Italia and a UEFA Cup at Parma; and a Premiership crown last season at Chelsea -- and even fewer unquestioned setbacks, the most notable being the 2002 World Cup, at which Argentina coach Marcelo Bielsa put his eggs in Gabriel Batistuta's basket and limited Crespo to 71 minutes as Argentina suffered a humiliating first-round exit. The rest of the time Crespo has been at the whim of destiny, which has brutally served up a string of near-misses.<br/>  He was the top scorer at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, leading Argentina's charge to the final, where it held a 2-1 lead with 16 minutes to go before Nigeria mounted an improbable comeback to snatch the gold medal. <br/>  Success seemed just as certain four years later when Crespo joined the Italian champions, Lazio -- a powerhouse club that featured Juan Sebastián Verón, Alessandro Nesta, Pavel Nedved, Diego Simeone and Marcelo Salas, Galácticos before Florentino Pérez co-opted the term. Crespo did his part, notching 26 goals to lead the league, but coach Sven-Göran Eriksson walked out in midseason to become England's manager, and Lazio, in disarray, slid to a third-place finish.<br/>  <br/>  A year later Crespo moved to Inter, where he was asked to fill Ronaldo's big shoes. Again, destiny showed no mercy. Crespo scored eight goals in his first six Champions League games, but he was injured and missed three crucial months. By the time he was fit again, Inter's title hopes were dead and Crespo again had to settle for second place. But the worst blow came in the Champions League semifinal against crosstown rival AC Milan. Both legs ended in draws -- 0-0 and 1-1 -- but, even though the two clubs share the same stadium, fate decreed that Inter was the home side in the second leg, and the pitiless away-goals rule did the rest.<br/>  When Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, sparing no expense to turn Chelsea overnight into an international juggernaut, called on Crespo, destiny was waiting in the shadows. It decreed that Chelsea's main rival, Arsenal, would become the first team in 109 years to go undefeated for an entire English season, leaving Crespo -- again -- to taste second place. <br/>  <br/>  Fate was even more perfidious in the Champions League, in which Chelsea faced Monaco in the semifinals. With a tie score and a man advantage early in the second half, Claudio Ranieri, the Blues' normally conservative boss, made several aggressive (some would say incomprehensible) substitutions. Monaco, short-handed, won 3-1. Later Ranieri would say that insecurity over his job -- he had seen José Mourinho, who would succeed him at Chelsea, in the company of club officials -- had prompted him to take the biggest gamble of his life. Regardless, once again events beyond Crespo's control had conspired against him.<br/>  He moved to Milan on loan the following season, but his fortunes did not change. The Rossoneri finished -- what else? -- second in the league, a result made all the more galling by the fact that the winner, Juventus, was later stripped of the title amid match-fixing allegations. And, of course, the Champions League debacle in Istanbul followed at the end of the season.<br/>  Crespo finally won his first European league title last year at Chelsea, though some of the shine was taken off it by the fact that he constantly alternated with Didier Drogba up front. Germany 2006 was supposed to be Crespo's chance -- after finishing runner-up on six occasions in three competitions -- to finally put destiny in its place. <br/>  He scored three goals in leading Argentina to the quarterfinal against Germany, where it took a 1-0 lead. Eleven minutes from a place in the semifinals, Crespo made way for Julio Cruz. Less than 60 seconds later, Miroslav Klose equalized for the host nation. Crespo watched powerless from the bench as the match dragged on to penalty kicks and Argentina, perhaps the best team in the tournament, went out.<br/>  Now he is back at Inter, a club that has futilely chased a domestic title for the past 17 years while outspending every other team in the world. "It wasn't easy to go back," Crespo says, "but the club had faith in me, and I felt their confidence."<br/> <br/>  There is little question why Inter boss Roberto Mancini picked him up over the summer. Crespo is the type of striker coaches love, not just for his goals (among active players he is Serie A's third leading all-time scorer) but because he makes his teammates better. Ironically, for a man treated so poorly by destiny, he helps guide the destinies of others, making gaps and opportunities appear for them.<br/>  "His movement on the pitch is what sets him apart," says Ranieri. "He is exceptional at choosing the right angles, at creating space for teammates, at pulling defenders out of position. As a coach, you try to teach that kind of thing to all your strikers. But the truth is that some get it more than others. In that sense, Hernán is the master."<br/>  Such skills are why he has changed clubs for a combined total of about $170 million during his 14-year career. And why, to this day, his transfer to Lazio for $65 million remains the most expensive ever among forwards (and the second biggest in history, after Zinédine Zidane's move to Real Madrid in '01). Yet there is still the sense that Crespo is underappreciated, both at home and abroad. In Argentina that may be simply because he has been away for more than a decade. Absence doesn't necessarily make the heart grow fonder, not when Argentina continues to churn out stars year after year.<br/>  "It's normal that they speak better of those who are still in the country, because that sells papers and generates ratings on the radio," Crespo says. "I do feel appreciated in Argentina, but it's logical that there is a tendency to over-exalt someone [who plays] at home. But while many great players have left the country, just a few of us have had great careers in Europe."<br/>  Ranieri has his own opinion as to why Crespo remains underrated outside Argentina. "For a start, he's not a self-publicist, he doesn't seek the limelight," the manager says. "And the fact that he has moved so often certainly has not helped."<br/>  Indeed, Crespo's six moves in the past six seasons suggest that his bags are permanently packed. The irony is that most of the moves were outside his control. Whether they were due to financial meltdown (Lazio to Inter), managerial choice (Inter to Chelsea) or insufficient liquidity (Milan to Chelsea), it was something other than Crespo's own will that was busy shuttling him back and forth across Europe.<br/>  He would say it was destiny. The same destiny that caused him so much heartache. At 31, he has learned to live with it. He has no choice. But maybe that's not a bad thing. After everything it has put him through, destiny owes him one. Big time.<br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-30 1:01:02编辑过]
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发表于 2006-12-13 23:27:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-13 23:29:00 | 只看该作者



指出一个错误Indeed, Crespo's six moves in the past six seasons suggest that his bags are permanently packed. 不是克雷斯波近6个赛季的6次转会使他腰包殷实’的意思,应该翻做‘近6个赛季的6次转会使他一直做好旅行的准备’。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-14 04:07:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-14 06:26:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-13 22:56:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-12-14 07:51:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-12-14 16:05:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-14 21:52:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-14 22:01:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-15 00:03:00 | 只看该作者




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发表于 2006-12-15 14:53:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-14 10:21:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-15 23:08:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-15 16:45:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-12-25 17:36:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-12-25 17:43:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-25 21:46:00 | 只看该作者


没有克克进的  很是不爽,值得欣慰的是他的后脚根助攻排名第一``


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-25 23:03:00 | 只看该作者


论惊艳,博格坎普 ZIDANE RONALDO 这三个 那真是经典入球的大师。

克雷斯波最多过2-3个人,而RONALDO可以过N个。。。哈哈 不说了

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-9 16:40:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-23 14:36:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用蓝白小丑在2007-1-9 16:40:00的发言:


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-23 19:25:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-1-27 21:17:00 | 只看该作者



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