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【新闻集帖一】 2006-11 至 2007-03 新闻集

发表于 2006-11-21 17:14:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<font color="#ff0000">该帖集中了2006年11月至2007年03月关于马兽的外文新闻(<font color="#000000">因主楼目录内容超出上限,现新开新闻帖,望各位XDJM们见谅</font>)。</font><p></p><p><strong>.(2007-03-16)Tevez: I'm not fat but I love your fish and chips -- <span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'times new roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'times new roman';">特维斯访谈:莫说我胖, 炸鱼土豆条是美味^_^</span></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">24</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">360</font>楼、第 <font color="#ff0000">25</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">363</font>楼、第 <font color="#ff0000">364</font>楼、第 <font color="#ff0000">365</font>楼、第 <font color="#ff0000">366</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-03-09)<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'times new roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'times new roman';">法甲马赛看上野兽~_~</span></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">24</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">354</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-03-06)<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'times new roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'times new roman';">关于野兽的流言飞来飞去~_~</span></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">22</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">333-342</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-03-02)<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'times new roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'times new roman';">西汉姆被起诉,野兽受连~_~</span></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">22</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">325</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-28)<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'times new roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'times new roman';">内忧外患的西汉姆联~_~ & <span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'times new roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'times new roman';">杰拉德赞赏小马</span></span></span>^_^  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">22</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">319</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-26)<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';">拉法为马斯切拉诺的首演喝彩</span>!^_^  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">22</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">318</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-24)特维短访消息  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">21</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">314</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-21)联盟批准红军注册马斯切拉诺 铁腰终获出场资格!^_^  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">21</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">303</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-18)小马在利物浦的最新训练图,帅啊!^_^  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">20</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">297</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-15)好事多磨,小马春节转会?<span lang="ZH-CN" style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><font face="Arial"></font></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">20</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">291</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-13)Kia considers Corinthians return -- <span lang="ZH-CN" style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><font face="Arial">KIA考虑重回科林蒂安斯</font></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">19</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">275</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-12)Liverpool assured of Mascherano decision this week -- <span lang="ZH-CN" style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><font face="Arial">小马将在本周获准登场</font></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">18</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">270</font>楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-12)<span lang="ZH-CN" style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><font face="Arial">特维斯无力回天</font></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">18</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">263</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-12)West Ham's Walker: Mascherano never had a chance! -- <span lang="ZH-CN" style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';"><font face="Arial">西汉姆门将披露:马斯切拉诺从来没有过机会</font></span>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">18</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">262</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-12)<span lang="ZH-CN" style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';">好事一拖再拖</span><font face="Times New Roman">,</font><b style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"><span lang="ZH-CN" style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'mso-hansi-font-family:';">贝尼特斯愈发担忧</span></b>  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">18</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">260</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-08)关于马斯切拉诺“口误”的真相  [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">17</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">252</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-08)关于转会西汉姆联是否合法的流言非语 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">17</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">245</font>楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-08)小马进入利物浦欧冠大名单 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">16</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">238</font> 楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-06)Mascherano is training with Reds</strong><strong> -- 小马已随队(利物浦)训练 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">16</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">231</font> 楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-04)Mascherano makes Reds vow -- 小马关于前尘旧事及未来的访谈 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">15</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">222</font> 楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-02)Mascherano decision delayed -- 英足总:小马转会申请结果延至下周公布 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">14</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">208</font> 楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-02-01)West Ham's Tevez: Mascherano exit good for me -- 特维斯:小马的离开对我们俩都有好处 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">14</font> 页 -- 第 <font color="#ff0000">203</font> 楼<strong>] </strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-31)Masch excited by Reds chance -- 小马最新访谈 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">190</font> 楼<strong>] Sky Sports</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-31)OLE    特维斯的最新采访 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">188</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-30)利物浦队将在今天同西汉姆的问题球员马斯切拉诺签订一笔为期18个月的租借合同。 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">184</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><strong>.(2007-01-15 Begin)FIFA对小马转会申请回复跟踪 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">139</font> 楼<strong>]<font color="#ff0000">(2007-01-30 Ok)</font></strong><p><strong>.(2007-01-16)<span class="norm12">小马的转会还在操作中</span> [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">135</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-15)<span class="norm12">野兽伤停六周</span> [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">134</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-09)<span class="norm12">Juve: Reds winning Masch race </span>--尤文承认利物浦在小马转会操作中领先 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">129</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><strong>.(2007-01-07)<span class="norm12">野兽振铁锤,主帅正视听</span>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">124</font> 楼<strong>]</strong> 每日电讯周日版<strong><p><strong>.(2007-01-06)<span class="norm12">Juve back in for Mascherano </span>--尤文反悔!!重新求购马斯切拉诺!!!</strong><strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">121</font> 楼<strong>] </strong>Sky Sports </p><p><strong>.(2007-01-05)关于西汉姆联的相关转会传闻</strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">120</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-05)<span class="norm12">Curbs expects duo to </span>--科比什利认为马兽会留下来</strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">119</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-05)<span class="norm12">Liverpool make move for Mascherano </span>--利物浦寻求马斯切拉诺转会</strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">114</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-03)<span class="norm12">贝尼特斯---小马的最后选择?</span></strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">112</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-02)<span class="norm12">Juve pull plug on Mascherano </span>--尤文放弃追求马斯切拉诺</strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">109</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-02)<span class="norm12">特维斯和马斯切拉诺何去何从? </span></strong><strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">107</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2007-01-01)<span class="norm12">Hapless Hammers hit for six </span>--连吃6蛋的西汉姆联</strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">106</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><font color="#ff0000">2007---Begin</font></p><p align="right"><strong><font color="#ff0000">2006---End</font></strong></p><p align="right"></p><p align="left">.(2006-12-31)<span class="norm12">Mascherano issues quit threat </span>--小马的最后通牒 <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">99</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2006-12-31)<span class="norm12">科比什利期待新年翻身</span></strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">96</font> 楼<strong>]</strong><br/>  <font color="#0000ff"><strong>**官网消息</strong></font></p><p>.(2006-12-31)<span class="norm12">尤文放弃小马,利物浦加速运作</span> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">93</font> 楼<strong>]</strong> tribalfootball.com</p><p>.(2006-12-31)<span class="norm12">Man City condemn West Ham to the drop zone </span>--曼城将西汉姆逼入绝境 <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">92</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-12-30)<span class="norm12">Who wants whom? Premiership wishlists and those they would let go</span>--谁将转入,谁将转出(节选,只选了与俩宝相关的转会信息) <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">91</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-12-20)<span class="norm12">Mascherano seeks chance to impress Curbishley</span>--小马欲奋蹄,新帅买账否? <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">82</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2006-12-17)<span class="norm12">Mascherano set for January West Ham exit</span>--马斯切拉诺计划离开西汉姆联,投奔尤文图斯</strong> <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">69</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-12-17)<span class="norm12">Tevez torments departed Pards</span>--特维斯戏说帕度 <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">66</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-12-15)<span class="norm12">Meanwhile Juventus have declared their interest in signing Javier Mascherano from West Ham</span>--小马的转会新短讯  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">56</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-12-10)<span class="norm12">Four-star Bolton leave Pardew's men for dead</span>--四星博尔顿宣布帕度球队死亡  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">55</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-12-01)<span class="norm12">Magnusson 'not happy' with deal for Tevez and Mascherano</span>--冰岛雪人马格森不爽二宝的神秘交易  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">47</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-12-01)<span class="norm12">"Carlos and I are not like Siamese twins......" </span>--特维斯<font face="宋体">和我不是连体双胞胎</font>(小<font face="宋体">马</font>的最新<font face="宋体">采访</font>)  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">33</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-11-29)<span class="norm12">"I am a person that likes to fight for everything until the end." </span>--特维斯“坚持战斗到底”(近期小特较全的关于处罚问题的回应)  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">31</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-11-29)<span class="norm12">Ahhgie Tevez's Brazil kit horror</span>--特维斯将身披巴西队服?(特维斯对巴西队服这一烂主意的回应^_^)  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">29</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-11-27)<span class="norm12"&gtardew set to ship out Argentinian pair as Magnusson brings hope on the home front</span>--帕度的旧爱新欢(帕度计划冬季转会转出双雄)  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">27</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-11-26)<span class="norm12"&gtardew is dismayed as Tevez shapes up - and ships out</span>--野兽愤而离场,主帅惊而沮丧 [第 <font color="#ff0000">25</font> 楼<strong>] </strong></p><p>.(2006-11-25)<span class="norm12"><strong>CARLOS TEVEZ stormed out of Upton Park to overshadow West Ham's first win of the Eggert Magnusson era.</strong></span> --<strong>特维斯的愤怒离场使马格努森的首场胜利失色 </strong>[第 <font color="#ff0000">24</font> 楼<strong>] </strong></p><p>.(2006-11-24)Pardew admits Argentinian worry --帕度谈马兽:最近有点烦 [第 <font color="#ff0000">19</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-11-22)Tevez: "La adaptación al fútbol inglés es un desafío que me hace crecer" --特维斯的访谈:“适应英超对我来说是一次挑战,这让我成长。” [第 <font color="#ff0000">17</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-11-22)New regime gives Pardew £10m to spend in new year --帕度的新年礼物:千万球员购置款<br/>  <strong>[</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">12</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p>.(2006-11-21)THE SCRAMBLE IS OVER --拔乱反正 [第 <font color="#ff0000">8</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p><strong>.(2006-11-21)West Ham saga ends in takeover --西汉姆风波将以收购完成告终 [</strong>第 <font color="#ff0000">2</font> 楼<strong>]</strong></p><p></p></strong><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>开始<<========================</strong></font></p><p>该帖主要是用来专门放置国外媒体关于俩宝的新闻稿的。看来我喜欢收集东西的爱好,在这帖里可以得到最大的发挥。</p><p>拒绝水份的闲聊哦^_^</p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713"&gtICCER</font></strong>弟加油,你可是首席翻译官啊^_^</p><p><font size="3"><strong>口号:<font color="#ff0000">All for one, One for all!</font></strong></font></p>大家找到的与俩宝相关的英文新闻都可以直接帖在该帖内(注明来源),我们英语水平高的兄弟们都上啊。<br/><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 9:04:32编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 17:15:00 | 只看该作者
<p><a name="01"></a><strong>2006-11-21</strong>&nbsp;</p><p><table width="95%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><div align="center">原文</div></td><td><div align="center">译文(<strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713">ICCER</font></strong>翻译)</div></td></tr><tr><td><p align="center"><strong>West Ham saga ends in takeover </strong></p><p>Martyn Ziegler <br/>Tuesday November 21, 2006 <br/>The Guardian </p><p>West Ham are expected to announce to the Stock Exchange this morning that a takeover bid by an Icelandic consortium has succeeded. The final details of the deal were being completed yesterday in preparation for the announcement of the buy-out for &pound;75m plus an agreement to take on the club's &pound;22.5m debt. </p><p>Eggert Magnusson, president of the FA of Iceland, will become the new chairman, although he will have to wait several weeks, while changeover is processed, until he replaces current incumbent, Terry Brown, formally. Once Magnusson is installed he will resign his Icelandic FA post and step down as a member of Uefa's executive committee. </p><p>Magnusson, 59, met Brown over the weekend and confirmed that after completing the due diligence on Friday the consortium was preparing a formal offer which will see it buy more than 70% of the shares. The consortium's main backer is the billionaire financier Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson, the chairman of the Icelandic bank Landsbanki. </p><p>The takeover should not affect Alan Pardew's position: Magnusson has already met the manager to reassure him of his support and that he will have funds for signings in the January transfer window. </p><p>Less secure, however, are the positions of Carlos Tévez and Javier Mascherano, the Argentinians brought to West Ham by the Iranian-born Kia Joorabchian, who then led his own takeover bid but which failed to lead to any offer for the club. </p><p>Magnusson said recently: "I have always had a soft spot for West Ham - their trademark for many years was good attacking football, and that's what I like." </p></td><td valign="top"><p align="center"><strong>西汉姆风波将以收购完成告终</strong> </p><p>Martyn Ziegler <br/>11月21日<br/>卫报 <br/></p><p>西汉姆联队将于今天早晨在伦敦证券交易所宣布股权收购结束。具体的细节将在随后披露。收购价为7500万英镑,同时冰岛收购团也将承担西汉姆2250万英镑的债务。 </p><p>现任冰岛足协主席Eggert Magnusson将在不久的将来成为球队的主席,取代目前的Terry Brown。几个星期后的股东会将正式作出此项决定。 Magnusson 也将辞去冰岛足协主席以及欧足联执委的职务。 </p><p>现年59岁的Magnusson上周同terry brown进行了会晤并表示将收购超过70%的股份。 金融寡头Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson, Icelandic bank Landsbanki 的老板提供了主要的资助。 </p><p>收购不会影响帕度的职务,他在1月份转会期间还能获得一些新的转会资金。 </p><p><font color="#ff0000">伊朗出生的 Kia Joorabchian 没有成功收购西汉姆,这也导致了马兽的前途不容乐观--KIA拥有马兽的所有权。</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Magnusson 认为,西汉姆悠久的历史和卓越的潜力是他收购的主要动因。 </p></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-21 17:20:36编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-22 09:00:00 | 只看该作者




Barry Glendenning and Paul Doyle
Tuesday November 21, 2006
Guardian Unlimited

Many tycoons were linked with West Ham in recent months, but in the end it makes sense that it's an Icelander - Eggert Magnusson - who's bought east London's hottest geezers. Biscuit magnate Magnusson is the (eggstraordinarily large) head of a consortium that today snapped up the club for an all-in fee of £108m. Given that West Ham have tens of thousands of loyal fans and over 100 years of tradition, and that British taxpayers have already begun forking out five forking billion for a four-week tournament in the same area, the Fiver reckons the egghead's got a decent deal. Though the fact that he now has to pay good money to Carlton Cole every week does, admittedly, leave him with at least a little egg on his face.

Today, after meeting his new lackeys and insisting he's been an Irons man since the 60s, Magnusson reassured manager Alan Pardew that not only are there no imminent plans to behead him at the Boleyn Ground, but there's a substantial transfer kitty available. "I will talk with Alan Pardew on how he sees the future of the playing side," eggsclaimed Eggert, who'll be officially enthroned as chairman next week. "That's very much his domain and he has my full confidence. He knows funds will be available for January but we need to discuss his needs and the investment that might be required."

As befits a man with a planetarium for a head, Magnusson intends launching his new club into orbit. "We have high hopes for West Ham," he boomed. "We will, I hope, take them to the next stage," he continued before hinting that lift-off is scheduled for Friday. "We'll take it one day at a time, it will not happen tomorrow or the day after." Word is, however, that Argentinian flops Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano will not be invited to join the mission. In fact, they're to be offloaded as soon as possible for fees in excess of £10m each, which, under the terms of the deal that brought the pair to Upton Park, could generate up to 5p for the Hammers.


Barry Glendenning and Paul Doyle

最近几个月中,很多大亨都跟西汉姆联队扯上了关系。不过当尘埃落定的时候,冰岛人  Eggert Magnusson 成了东伦敦宠儿的主人. 饼干业巨头 Magnusson 是收购团的领袖,他们整整花了1.08亿英镑才搞定西汉姆。考虑到西汉姆拥有数以万计的球迷以及100多年悠久的历史,而且2012年奥运会也在附近举行,这笔交易还是很划算的。 尽管付给 Carlton Cole 高额工资有一点点的不爽。

今天,新老板安抚了他的员工--帕度,并承诺没有打算让人替代他,而且一个甜美的馅饼还等着西汉姆主帅--大量的转会资金。 "我将会通帕度讨论球队在竞技方面发展的问题,"  冰岛人说道,他下个星期就是西汉姆名正言顺的主席了. "帕度知道,他在球队管理方面有完全的自主权。一月份的转会资金也不是问题。不过具体的计划我们还是要讨论一下的."

掌握球队所有权后,前冰岛足协主席将注意力放到了如何使得球队平稳过渡的问题。 " 我们对西汉姆充满信心," 他如此憧憬. " 我们会把他们带入一个新的阶段" 在星期五正式收购仪式之前,他说道。. " 我们不会太急,妥善行事才是上策." 尽管如此,阿根廷球星特维斯和马斯切拉诺却不在计划之中。 他们将被以超过1000万英镑的价格出售(每人),这样西汉姆可以得到转会费的5%。 

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-22 12:50:49编辑过]
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发表于 2006-11-22 09:28:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-22 09:42:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-22 13:32:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-22 17:27:00 | 只看该作者


译文( PICCER翻译)
New regime gives Pardew £10m to spend in new year

Matt Scott
Wednesday November 22, 2006
The Guardian

Matt Scott

Alan Pardew has more than £10m to spend this January after the completion of Eggert Magnusson's takeover of West Ham yesterday. Magnusson, a member of Uefa's executive committee, takes over as chairman following his purchase yesterday of 83% of the club's shares in a bid that values the club at £107.5m. His first act was to hold an extended meeting with Pardew to discuss what direction the club will now take.


The manager was told that he is held in high regard by the club's new owners and was asked to draw up a list of transfer targets for the coming window. It is not expected that Magnusson will overrule any of his manager's suggestions.


"I think he is a great manager, he has done great things with West Ham," said Magnusson. "He has absolute power over his team and it is his decision who he wants to add to his squad. I will work very closely with him on what his desires are in the January window and going on to the next level."


But Pardew also has decisions to make regarding his existing squad. The futures of Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano would seem to be compromised after the failure of Kia Joorabchian, whose investment company owns the players' transfer rights, to push through his own takeover proposal for the Hammers.


Pardew had little say in the deal that brought the Argentinians to Upton Park on transfer-deadline day in August, though he could have exercised a veto to prevent it. It is understood that Tevez has recently expressed to Joorabchian a wish to stay at West Ham.

帕度在马兽转会的时候并没有说什么,虽然他拥有购入球员的否决权。 不过,最近有人透露,特维斯跟他的转会决定人KIA说道,他想留在西汉姆联。[em14]

Pardew has spoken highly of the pair's recent performances in training and is understood to be amenable to their remaining in east London. The manager feels that the hard work has been done in developing their fitness to Premiership match standard and that now is the time to reap the benefits.


Whether Mascherano, who is understood to be frustrated at a lack of first-team opportunities that have left him out of the team since the 1-0 defeat at Tottenham on October 22, will see it that way is another matter. Joorabchian is believed to have received several offers for the players, most prominently that from the Brazilian club Flamenco.

不过,从10月22日起就没有参加一队比赛的马斯切拉诺可不一定这么想 (PICCER:其实预备队的比赛都很少参加) 。伊朗色魔(豆丁语)的手头已经攥着不少求购要约,最主要的是弗拉门戈。

The former chairman Terry Brown, meanwhile, has been offered an honorary position of vice-president while the finance director Nick Igoe stays on to work under the new regime. Scott Duxbury, the company secretary, has been promoted to a chief executive role.


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-23 11:04:19编辑过]
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发表于 2006-11-23 10:11:00 | 只看该作者


Matt Scott








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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-23 11:06:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-23 11:12:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-23 19:29:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-24 12:01:00 | 只看该作者


译文( 尤里西斯翻译)
Tevez: "La adaptación al fútbol inglés es un desafío que me hace crecer"



El delantero aseguró que con el técnico Alan Pardew tiene una buena relación y que no pensó nunca en irse del West Ham. "Tengo que seguir aprendiendo cosas, no me las sé todas", afirmó. Luego, la posibilidad volver a Boca el próximo semestre: "Me sorprende que se diga eso, además Kia (Joorabchian) se pega un tiro", contestó a pura risa.

阿根廷前锋确认自己跟帕度之间关系良好,并表示从未有过离开西汉姆联的想法。“我必须不停歇地学习新的事物,因为我还不了解所有的事情。”他坦白道。对于下赛季回到博卡的可能性:“我很吃惊有人这么说。 Kia 也会吓了跳的。”他大笑着回答道。

Carlitos Tevez no es de hablar mucho, pero cuando lo hace no le escapa a ningún tema. Esta vez, el Apache afirmó que pese a no estar atravesando por un buen momento en lo futbolístico, no analizó la posibilidad de irse del West Ham, y aclaró, por las dudas, que con el técnico Alan Pardew tiene una buena relación.


"El fútbol inglés es muy físico y exige mucha rapidez. Mascherano y yo sabemos que es difícil y que hay que tener paciencia", dijo Carlitos en declaraciones al programa Hay Equipo , que se emite por Radio Mitre. Y agregó: " No sé nada de mi salida de West Ham , todos están preguntando si nos quedamos. acá también hacen la misma pregunta, pero nosotros seguimos practicando".

“英国足球很讲究身体条件。此外,它还要求迅速。马斯切拉诺和我都清楚这很艰难,但必须要有耐心。”卡洛斯在接受 Radio Mitre 的 Hay Team 节目采访的时候如此说道。同时,他还表示:“我不知道任何关于我要离开西汉姆的事情。所有人都问我们是否会留下来,现在我也被问及了这一问题。但我们还在继续训练。”

Luego, Tevez se refirió a su adaptación al fútbol inglés. "Sabía que era muy distinto. Pero no pensé que tanto, ahora que me toca vivirlo de cerca me doy cuenta. Acá no se ve mucha gambeta, es todo a un toque, porque si no te comen la piernas. No hay ningún defensor chiquito, son todos grandotes. Además, tenés que estar 100%, si no no podés jugar ", explicó.

接着,特维斯提到了他在英超的适应问题。“众所周知这是一件艰难的事。但我不想去多想。既然发生了,我意识到的是我必须挺过去。在这里,躲闪并不经常看到,全都是硬碰硬,否则的话就会被`吃掉'。在这里很少见到身材矮小的后卫,他们全都长得很高大。另外,你必须得拿出 100% 的状态,表现平庸将无法获得上场。”

Mucho se habló de un supuesto enfrentamiento entre Mascherano y Tevez con Alan Pardew. El delantero desmintió los rumores y aclaró que la relación con el DT es óptima. "Con el DT nos llevamos muy bien. El nos cuida y nos respaldó desde que llegamos, pero se habla mucho porque ustedes ven que Masche está en el banco y que yo no juego", contó.


Lejos de querer marcharse del West Ham, Tevez aseguró que se toma su paso por el fútbol inglés como un desafío. " Me hace crecer mucho como futbolista . En Sudamérica con la técnica te sobra, acá no. Tengo que tener paciencia y seguir aprendiendo, porque no me las sé todas", indicó.


Su estado físico fue un aspecto sobre el que la prensa inglesa se apoyó a la hora de criticarlo. Tevez reconoce que al principio le costó ponerse a punto y que "estaba un poco subido de peso. Pero ahora bajé y estoy muy bien. A la mañana entreno y a la noche voy al gimnasio".


Por último, El Apache se mostró sorprendido cuando le consultaron sobre la posibilidad de que juegue para Boca la próxima Copa Libertadores. Me sorprende la pregunta porque lo que menos me imaginaba era eso. Y además, Kía (Joorabchian) se pega un tiro en la boca, je".

最后,阿帕奇对“是否会为博卡打下一届南美解放者杯”的问题感到吃惊。“听到这问题我很吃惊,这是无法想象的事。 Kia 也会吓一跳的。”


Dispara en todos los frentes


El interés de River por repatriar a Mascherano : "No creo Javier tome la decisión de volver. El verá, no soy yo el que tiene que responder esa pregunta, pero conociéndolo sé que él va a querer estar bien y afrontar el desafío de jugar en este equipo".

关于河床想召回马斯切拉诺: 我相信哈维尔(马斯切拉诺)不会决定回去。但是,这个问题似乎不应该由我来回答。但是我深信他也一样希望会好起来,并勇于面对在这个队里面临的挑战。

La Selección : "Confío en mis posibilidades, el técnico me conoce bien y yo haré todo lo posible por estar en la Selección, porque es lo más grande que hay".

关于国家队: 我相信我有很大的机会。教练很了解我。我会尽自己全部所能继续呆在国家队里。这对我来说是头等大事。

La tranquilidad de Londres : "Acá te reconocen pero no te cargosean. Como máximo una foto, un autógrafo, algún argentino o brasileño que se te cruza".

冷静的伦敦: 在这里人们能认出你来。但顶多会要求合影、签名而已。而在阿根廷和巴西,大家会抱着你。

La música en el vestuario del West Ham : "Acá todo es hip hop. Me limpiaron la cumbia como un ajo. Me querían escuchar a mí cantar y cuando escucharon el tema sabés cómo me la sacaron".

西汉姆联更衣室的音乐 :在这里就是 hip hop 。他们也喜欢我的 cumbia 乐。他们想听我唱,听了之后他们都去买我的唱片了。 (漫步:跟上次报道说他不与队友交流音乐的报道不同喔)
Sus problemas para manejar en Inglaterra : "Acá es del lado izquierdo. Los primeros días tenía a mi papá que me ayudaba, ahora no. La rueda izquierda la tengo toda rayada, je. ¿Si me hicieron multas? Sí, pero como el auto es del club, a mí no me llegan". 关于在英国遇到的问题: 在这里车是靠左行驶的。开始的那些日子我得要我爸爸来帮我,现在不用了,我可以熟练驾驶左钛车了。如果他们给我开罚单?哈哈,现在车还是俱乐部的,罚单不会寄到我这。
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发表于 2006-11-24 12:09:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-24 19:08:00 | 只看该作者


译文( eyer 翻译)
Pardew admits Argentinian worry

Paul Jiggins
Friday November 24, 2006
The Guardian

Paul Jiggins
11月24日 卫报

West Ham's manager Alan Pardew insisted yesterday that he would like to keep Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano at Upton Park, but concedes the pair's future may be out of his control after Eggert Magnusson's takeover of the east London club. The players' transfer rights are owned by an investment company managed by Kia Joorabchian, the Iranian businessman who organised the Argentinians' August deadline-day move to the Hammers as a prelude to fronting a takeover of the club.

西汉姆联队的主教练帕度昨天表示,他很想把马兽都留在厄普敦公园球场;但是他也承认,两个人的前途在马格努森收购西汉姆之后变得扑朔迷离,超出了他的控制能力. 两人的转会权控制在一家伊朗色魔管理下的公司中.当初他们两个在最后一刻加盟英超,就是为了伊朗色魔收购铁锤帮做准备.

"They're owned by the takeover that didn't happen and that might be a problem," said Pardew of the Argentinians. "But, as far as I'm concerned, both players will be treated exactly the same and I hope they start to grow here quicker than they have done in the previous period.

 " 他们两个的拥有者在收购中失利,这可能是个问题"  帕度如此谈及阿根廷人 "但是,在我的权限范围内,我会对他们一视同仁的. 我们希望他们两个成熟的速度更快一点,在球队中起到更为积极的作用.

"I honestly think they are getting there. I look at some of the big names that have come to this country and the settling-in period our guys have had has not been fair. They've had some unfair criticism. They're only 22 and had huge changes. They still haven't got a grasp of English particularly well. It's a different type of game in the Premiership and they're adjusting very well at the moment."

"我真的认为他们两个已经和球队打成一片了.   和其他从不同足球传统国度来的明星相比,他们两个已经很适应了. 他们才22岁, 而且变化很大.他们的英文还不到位. 英超节奏不同,而他们两个已经很有感觉了.

Tevez has been surprised by the game here."English football is very physical and you have to be very quick," he said in an Argentinian radio interview. "I knew it would be different, but not this much. You don't see much dribbling, you only get one touch, otherwise they eat your legs. There aren't any small defenders, they're all big."

特维斯对英超如此注重身体而惊诧不已." 英超球员身体强壮而速度很快" 他在对一家阿根廷电台采访时说 "我知道比赛会很难,但没有这么夸张.  在这里人们很少带球,都是一脚出球.否则很容易被断下来. 瘦小的后卫很少遇到,遇到的都是大家伙"


Meanwhile Pardew has denied an FA charge of improper conduct for his part in the touchline row on November 5 with Arsenal's Arsène Wenger, who has admitted the charge. Both managers have requested personal hearings.

同时,帕度否认了他在与阿森纳主教练温格口角中有不妥的言行.  而后者已经承认了错误. 两人都要求进行听证以确定行为性质.

Bolton's manager Sam Allardyce will resist any attempt by Lyon to sign Nicolas Anelka in January. Lyon's president Jean-Michel Aulas is said to be "thinking very hard" about a move for the £8m striker, yet to score a league goal since his summer move from Fenerbahce. Leeds have taken Middlesbrough's defender Ugo Ehiogu, 34, on a month's loan. He has not appeared for Gareth Southgate's side this season.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-25 16:18:09编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-25 16:28:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-26 08:32:00 | 只看该作者


The Argentine produced a fine display during the 1-0 win over Sheffield United and was given a warm ovation when replaced by Teddy Sheringham with 25 minutes remaining.

Tevez, though, did not appear to take kindly to being substituted, as he trudged down the tunnel, collected his belongings and left Upton Park.      

                                                             天空体育   11月25日


太帅了,帕度和西汉墓真没面子。 新老板外号鸡蛋的马格卢森也来现场督战.看看接下来怎样吧

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-26 08:59:37编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-26 09:10:00 | 只看该作者



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-26 09:17:06编辑过]
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发表于 2006-11-26 09:22:00 | 只看该作者
我没看比赛,新闻是天空体育上的很短,后面说了点帕度要回去质问野兽,等待发落。 想不久会有更具体的消息,等着吧。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-26 09:28:00 | 只看该作者


译文( eyer 翻译)
CARLOS TEVEZ stormed out of Upton Park to overshadow West Ham's first win of the Eggert Magnusson era.

November 25, 2006


Hayden Mullins' first-half header gave the Hammers victory but it was Tevez who hit the headlines.

特维斯事件使Hayden Mullins在上半时的入球显得无关紧要了。

Tevez had played his part and had been applauded when taken off but he did not stay to see his team-mates hang on to their lead.


The incident will surely raise new doubts to whether Argentine will remain at the club past the January transfer window.


Pardew said: "He went straight home after the game and I am very disappointed about that. It has only happened to me once before.



"The first time was when I first arrived at West Ham and I fined the player a week's money because I think it is disrespectful to me, my staff and the players.


"I will have to listen to his excuse - I'm sure it is just disappointment but that is no good reason.


"We don't have that kind of discipline here."


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-27 16:00:59编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-26 09:36:00 | 只看该作者


译文( eyer 翻译)
Pardew is dismayed as Tevez shapes up - and ships out

Stuart Barnes at Upton Park
Sunday November 26, 2006
The Observer

斯徒尔特巴恩斯 at Upton Park

In years to come, when Alan Pardew sits down to put his managerial career into some sort of perspective, he will have little trouble recalling the first half of the 2006-07 campaign. One after another, Pardew will tick off the events that kept West Ham in the headlines and multiplied the usual day-to-day pressures of Premiership management - from the circumstances surrounding the signings of Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano to a nightmare run of eight successive defeats; from the takeover by an Icelandic consortium which assured him his job was safe to the controversy over his touchline tiff with Arsene Wenger. Not to mention a court appearance for central defender Anton Ferdinand and the drinking and gambling problems that left his goalkeeper Roy Carroll suffering from stress.

当阿伦帕度有机会坐下来回顾他的执教生涯的时候,他很容易就能记起2006-2007赛季上半程的经历. 马兽的突然加盟,球队的8连败, 冰岛人的收购,和温格的冲突.....接踵而至, 让帕度压力倍增.  我们都还没有包含在法庭上为中卫费蒂南德作证以及他的门将卡罗尔酗酒和赌博的毛病.

Through it all Pardew - in public, at least - has maintained a stiff upper lip and for the most part a cheerful disposition. Now, he is staring at another row, despite this result which provided the club's new owners with a winning start and enabled his team to take another step away from the relegation zone. For more than an hour, Tevez played with vim and vigour alongside Bobby Zamora up front, suggesting that he might just be coming to terms with the physical demands of the Premiership. But when he became one of three substitutions at a time when West Ham's lead was coming under severe pressure, he stormed off the pitch and away from the ground.

不过,至少在公共场合,帕度还是正襟危坐,俨然一个君子剑的.  不过,他的角色开始转变了,尽管这场比赛的胜利给球队的新东家带来了开门红也让球队离降级区更远了一点. 在一个小时的表演中,特维斯斗志昂扬,与萨莫拉齐头并进,充当箭头,看上去已经完全融入了英超的快节奏中. 不过,当西汉姆的胜利已经受到了对手的严重威胁时,特维斯被替换下场. 特维斯对此异常不满,拿着他的东西就离开了球场(都没有看完最后的比赛).

'It was disrespectful to me, the players and staff,' said Pardew. 'He did not give me a chance to explain my reason. I'm disappointed and he has some explaining to do on Monday.' That apart, the manager was more than happy to take three points from a match his side controlled for much of the first half, but in which they lost their way after the break. 

'这样的表现对我,队友以及球队的员工都是不尊重的' 帕度说道. ' 他甚至都没有给我一个解释的机会. 我很失望, 解释的工作只能周一做了.'  尽管如此,西汉姆的主教练还是对得到三分异常兴奋,尽管他的球队下半场踢得很糟糕.

'With the new guy coming in, there was a lot of hullabaloo and a lot of pressure on us,' Pardew admitted. 'It was a massive game. If you had offered me 1-0 beforehand, I would have taken it. The result was everything. You certainly couldn't fault our character and commitment because they made it extremely difficult for us.'



Incoming chairman Eggert Magnusson was introduced to the crowd before kick-off, then saw some enterprising attacking play, in which Tevez and Zamora combined well, rewarded when Matthew Etherington's corner was flicked on by Ferdinand and headed in by Hayden Mullins without a serious challenge. Sheffield United failed to make use of some excellent delivery from the right flank by Keith Gillespie, and in the second half, when things were going their way, were downright wasteful. Nicky Law and substitute Christian Nade should have converted crosses from the Northern Ireland winger.

西汉姆的新老板马格努森, 在开球前被介绍给球迷.他也看到了一些精彩的进攻场景,领衔人是特维斯和萨莫拉.................................

When his team did get the ball into the net, through Rob Kozluk, Derek Geary was adjudged to have fouled goalkeeper Robert Green. United players, unhappy that an afternoon's work had yielded nothing, confronted referee Mike Riley - and manager Neil Warnock was no less annoyed afterwards. Warnock, told by Riley to wait for half an hour before speaking to him, said with heavy sarcasm: 'I expected a free-kick, considering what had happened throughout the game. I thought we were the better team, but it showed why we are near the bottom. We didn't take our chances and committed suicide in defence.'

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-26 10:44:55编辑过]
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