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【联赛第七轮】萨拉戈萨VS皇家贝蒂斯 周日凌晨2点直播

发表于 2006-10-22 18:06:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-10-22 19:16:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-22 21:57:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用baise5hao在2006-10-22 19:16:00的发言:

 很遗憾,后来替换上场的oscar没有很好的起到中场组织作用 经常可以看到后场直接大脚 或者更多的是边路进攻, 左边路打得更多,而大头更多在右边路也许是教练的安排,另外大头的跑位和体能都显得不够好。另外那个解说员显得有点偏颇,因为大头打边路明显是教练的安排,他却一味责怪大头没有起到中场核心的作用。 当中场不能很有效的把球过渡到大头脚下,大头拿不到多少次球当然没法发挥了。

感觉萨拉戈萨在比分领先的时候 长传球打得太多,虽然有时候长传可以很好的撕破防线,或者扯出空当, 但是相对来说被对方断球的可能性远大于更精确的短传,何况两球在手,对手又少一个人士,更应该控制下皮球,消耗下对方体能,利用对手少一个人的优势,可以更好的寻找空当,打长传就很容易陷入对攻局面,而下半场萨拉俄萨球员也不怎么想进攻了。 而且在防守上整体打得太放松,下半场很被动 在萨拉戈萨球迷论坛 奥斯卡被批评没有很好起到中场组织串联的作用。 另外艾马受了点伤 ,下周中的国王杯比赛 肯定上不了了,  而下周末客场对强大的马德里竞技也有可能没法上场/萨拉戈萨的损失

 如果艾马上不了 希望教练能够把大头安排在中场的位置,这场比赛下半场太靠边 另外在防守上消耗了很多体能导致下半场没有怎么拿到皮球, 中路打不出来,无法占领控球权,那大头拿球机会也少 球队也会被动挨打


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-22 22:29:52编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-22 22:18:00 | 只看该作者
List of credits

2 - Zaragoza: Caesar; Diogo, Gabriel I militate, Sergio Fernandez, Juanfran; D'Alessandro (Longás, min.78), Celades, Zapater, Aimar (Oscar, min.46); Sergio Garci'a (Ewerthon, min.71) and Diego I militate.
1 - Betis: Toni Doblas; Melli, Juanito, Nano, Romero; Creek, Miguel Angel (Vogel, min.46); Odonkor (Captain, min.46), Edu, Wagner (Maldonado, min.79); and Robert.
Goals: 1-0, m.12: Diego I militate; 2-0, m.30: Diego I militate; 0-1, m.52: Robert.
Referee: Rodriguez Santiago (Castilian-leonine school). He expelled with direct red card the Edu visitor (min.43). He admonished with yellow card the premises Diogo and Celades and to the visitors Juanito and Vogel.
Incidences: Party corresponding to the seventh day of league disputed in the stage of the Romareda de Zaragoza before about 28,000 spectators. The players of the Real Zaragoza shone in the heating a t-shirt with the motto “I animate to Charly” in reference to Luis Carlos Cuartero, the captain of the equipment, that the past Thursday was operated of the breakage of the crossed ligament previous of the left knee.

Scores (from 0 to 5)
Caesar: 2. The goal him pilló to average exit. Of the others he was in favor correct in the little real danger that portería arrived at his.
Diogo: 3. Powerful in bold defense and in attack. It maintains the good level reached.
Sergio Fernandez: 2. He committed the first serious errors of the season, that luckily did not cost points. Whatsoever he was well.
Gaby Milito: 4. Their rapidity and positioning were of little that maintained still on to the equipment during the second part.
Juanfran: 2. Its good touch is decompensated by lack of speed end and some confusion. It obtains the approved one by the hairs.
Zapater: 4. To the ejeano it is going to have to sanctify this season to him. Without him, all the tactical framework of Victor would fall like a castle of naipes.
Celades: 2. Their intelligence and handling of ball are very interesting for the equipment. Its declivity in the second part is a pity.
D'Alessandro: 3. Although it decayed enough in the second part, in first it was a fundamental factor of the great unfolded game.
Aimar: 4. Its single presence in the game land distresses to the rival defense. It played very well between lines, it could mark and it gave an attendance of authentic luxury.
Sergio Garci'a: 3. He was another one of the factors that explain the combinativo and vertical game of the Real Zaragoza.
Diego I militate: 4. Distancings, combination, end with the two legs, goal sense of smell… Each party demonstrates the quality that was seen him from the first day.
Oscar: 0. He did not give one to rights. Good, nor to lefts either. If the Betis played with ten men, we also.
Ewerthon: 1. Very fast and vertical in his two first interventions, later it was diluted.
Longás: 1. It was disfigured in the left band.
0 - Null
1 - Loose, suspended
2 - Approved scraped
3 - Well
4 - Notable
5 - Exceptional

萨拉戈萨球迷评分大头3分  well 。

本场比赛的最佳 ,现在萨拉戈萨球迷论坛 大多球迷选艾马尔 ,  米利托兄弟得票都不少。

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发表于 2006-10-23 01:33:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-10-23 10:52:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-10-25 16:51:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-10-25 17:44:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-10-25 23:38:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-27 15:31:00 | 只看该作者

其实大头2001年无论左右两个边都打得很活跃,  在右路他的射门能力还是很强的,他很喜欢在右边路内切射门,  而在左路很少有射门的尝试.  而且萨拉戈撒右路没有合适的人员.


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