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发表于 2005-6-13 16:39:00 | 只看该作者
"Kaka said to me that’s enough please"

Hernan Crespo left the stadium. He crossed the Monumental Stadium at one in the morning, but it took him almost an
hour. Forty-five minutes separated him from the changing room to his pick-up. Laughing, he answered a thousand
questions, signed 20 autographs and had 15 photos taken.

The 30-year [sic. 29] old forward who will stay at Milan, and the father of Nicole, left the stadium and said to Ole: "Now I
can enter the church calmly without them wanting to kill me, ha, ha."

That’s right, tomorrow he will marry Alessia Andra Rossi (they already married in Italy) and will have a grand celebration at
La Salle college, where he studied.

And soon after the two goals against [Brazilian goalkeeper] Dida, he celebrated alone with his future wife at Asia de Cuba,
a restaurant in Puerto Madero. With the joy of having seen how the people celebrated an historic triumph at el Obelisco,
with him as the hero.

-- What did Pekerman say afterwards?

-- When? At the end? We were jumping and singing in the changing room.

-- The best game in your life?

-- No, I won’t exaggerate. It made me very happy, but honestly there have been many other nights when things have gone
very well for me. It’s clear that this one has to be one of the top five games… Having the possibility of qualifying for the
World Cup against Brazil and the way we did it, we played a great game... It was a dream. And everything happened in a
game against Brazil, in front of our public and we’re happy about this.

-- But a great moment.

-- I’m well, but it’s a pity that it’s already over, everything (laughs)... Now I’m on holiday. I’m happy after a spectacular
season. A great game in the National Team, winning against Brazil and being able to score two goals, that was a dream for
me. And I got it. I came from a hard defeat in the Champions League, and didn’t even have the desire to put my boots on.
It was troubling, how we could have such bad luck.

-- You imagined this?

-- No, I dreamt of it. I dreamt of having a great game, that the team would win, that I would score, and that the people
would enjoy it. This is always our aim but sometimes it doesn’t happen. This time it happened against the best rival...
Argentina showed that it has superiority.

–- Why made it so easy?

-- Because we played great. We went with the ball, dedicated ourselves to the game, and knew how to take advantage of
the confusion... They don’t like to mark, they like to have the ball and we hid it.

-- Could you talk to Cafu or Kaka in the game?

-- (Laughs), Yes. There was one episode in the second half when Kaka said to me: "Enough, that’s enough please.” We
laughed, because logically, they didn’t want to lift the foot off the accelerator either. They, if they had been able to,
would have drawn with us. I would have liked to have cloned myself and been in the stands to see how Argentina were
playing. I enjoyed it on the pitch.

-- At half-time did you think about what had happened to you in the Champions League against Liverpool?

-- Yes, I thought about it... I thought that if it happens to me again I’ll kill myself, ha, ha. After Adriano’s one hit the bar, I
said: "That’s it, you can’t draw with us.”

-- How can you maintain the level of the first 45 minutes in the World Cup?

-- Ha, ha. If a manual existed, great, I would have bought it already. We need to enjoy this game because we won against

-- Who do you dedicate it to?

-- First, to the squad. And Bielsa to Pekerman. And to the squad of players who killed themselves, because nobody puts a
gun to your head to travel 14 hours here and back. It's soul destroying and you risk everything. It’s the fruit of hard work,
of an amateur spirit which Bielsa always talked about and which continues with Pekerman today…

-- What would you say to Brazilian fans?

-- That we returned the favour to them... In Belo Horizonte, the sad thing was that it was 3-1, with Ronaldo’s three
penalties. That made us enjoy it even more. I don’t know if they’ll take revenge on us, but it was our turn to take revenge.

-- And Maradona, you went to visit him on Tuesday?

-- His visit was an incredible, incredible boost. He came to see us and he was great, full of integrity…

-- Do you feel that the No 9 shirt in the World Cup is going to be yours?

--No. My experience says no. Now I only want to enjoy myself...

By Hernan Claus, 《Ole》2005.06

Translated by lisu

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发表于 2005-9-18 18:15:00 | 只看该作者
From Valdanito21

Crespo Hopes To Repay Blues Fans
Fri 16 Sep, 9:47 AM

Hernan Crespo is determined to help Chelsea lift more silverware to demonstrate his gratitude for the loyalty shown by Blues fans.

Crespo arrived at Stamford Bridge amid high expectations following his £16.8million transfer from Inter Milan, but
despite making an encouraging start, he failed to settle in London.

The Argentina striker was loaned to AC Milan and returned to Chelsea over the summer with a question mark lingering over
his commitment to the Barclays Premiership champions.

But his attitude in training and a stunning injury-time winner against Wigan in the Blues' Premiership opener have erased
any concerns and now the 30-year-old is locked in fierce competition with Didier Drogba for the lone striker's role.

And Crespo revealed the backing of Chelsea supporters has helped make his return to the capital a painless experience.

"I want to say only one thing - the fans understand what I need. I need their warmth, I need to feel this. And I want to
demonstrate something for them," he said.

"It's like a theatre. You do something special in the theatre, everybody stands up and claps their hands. You feel very well.
When you don't work in this way you feel bad.

"I didn't come here to be a tourist. If I score a lot of goals, very good, but the most important thing is that Chelsea
continue to win."

Crespo's first spell in London proved a difficult time which reached its nadir when his partner Alessia Rossi lost a baby early
in pregnancy.

Rossi has since given birth to their first child Nicole, who celebrated her first birthday on Saturday, and Crespo admits
fatherhood has altered his outlook on life.

"My mind has changed. When you understand, when you see your baby, everything has changed. When you have
problems and things don't go the right way, you are very angry," he said in Chelsea's matchday programme.

"But when I come home and see my baby all this is gone. It's happiness. It's the most beautiful, beautiful thing I do in my
life. Now everything has a sense, all my sacrifices, everything."

Crespo has started just two Premiership matches this season, scoring one goal, but with the Champions League now in full
swing manager Jose Mourinho is ready to start rotating his squad.

Drogba has been first choice to date but his disappointing display in the 1-0 victory over Anderlecht on Tuesday night
could see Crespo given the nod for the clash with Charlton.

Crespo builds Barnes bridge

Hernán Crespo está buscando una casa en Londres, comprometiendo su futuro en Chelsea - pero su elección del lugar
podría ser una sorpresa. Su esposa exigió salir de Londres en el 2004, deciendo que "estaba maldecida" después de una
cadena de acontecimientos desafortunados culminados cuando ella se encontraba en la casa de Juan Verón cuando un
hombre con un hacha entró en la casa. Los Crespo ahora están mirando para comprar una casa en la vecindad de Barnes -
el antiguo barrio de Veron.

Saturday August 20, 2005

Crespo builds Barnes bridge

Hernán Crespo is looking for a house in London, having committed his future to Chelsea - but his choice of location might
be a surprise. His wife demanded to leave London in 2004, saying it was "cursed" after a string of unfortunate events
culminated in her finding herself in Juan Verón's house when it was broken into by a man wielding an axe. The Crespos
are now looking to buy a house in Barnes - Veron's old neighbourhood.


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发表于 2005-9-19 00:03:00 | 只看该作者
《La Nacion》Tuesday 16 August 2005


Hernan Crespo, who will play in the friendly against Hungary tomorrow, admits that continuity will be decisive for
reaching the World Cup in the best form

BUDAPEST, Hungary. ...The most prominent personality of the team is Hernán Crespo, scorer of that great winning goal
[against Wigan] for Chelsea the day before yesterday. A group of Hungarian children, not more than seven years old, who
were invited to be ball boys at the Ferenc Puskas stadium yesterday, surrounded him at the waist to get an autograph.
"Jernán Crespó, Jernán Crespó", the boys shouted. He was grateful and gave them all autographs.

- You didn't want to go to England, you wanted to stay in Milan. But it hasn't been so bad right?

- No, because I found a new club. Chelsea is very different from two years ago, as far as the organisation and
infrastructure are concerned. It's Abramovich's third year, so things have improved. There are better training centres.
Things are good and I can live in a better way.

- What was bad before?

- In Abramovich's first year I saw everything with a certain distrust. I thought, "Let's see if they get rid of me, or if they
don't get rid of me. If the new president says that I'll stay, or that I'll go."

- Now they treat you differently?

- Not the people in the club. It's more with the fans. In England, they only watch the English Premiership, the Champions
League and the [Argentine] national team only when it plays against Brazil. That was fine, because with Milan I scored two
goals against Manchester United, then two against Liverpool; and with the national team, two against Brazil. For that
reason the fans saw me with different eyes. But in human terms, the treatment at the club has been the same. It has been

- This is a smaller game [against Hungary], nevertheless you're here. Wouldn't you prefer to wait for more important

- No. We only have a few games to play between the friendlies and the World Cup Qualifiers, so it's important to be there.
It's most important to reach the peak that we want.

- This season ends with the World Cup and the last time you all had problems there. Do you think it's not going to be

- It's not something that can be calculated. You play your best in your team and the most games possible to have the
continuity that benefits you in the World Cup. There's no need to make too many calculations.

- What do you think of Messi?

- I saw him in some of the World Cup Under-20 games, but I missed the final... If he's here, it means that he can play in
the national team. Because nobody gives anything to you. He must take advantage of it and be happy to be part of it.

- When was your first callup?

- I was 18, just like him. But I could not make a debut in the game in Santiago, against Chile, because of an ankle injury.
Later I played in February 1995. It was magical, in Mendoza, a game against Bulgaria. We won 4-1 and it was a great

- He's going through something similar, can you give him some advice on how to enter the group?

- It's a younger group than Passarella's time. For me it was less traumatic than what it could be for Messi.

- It is difficult to enter this national team?

- It's always difficult to coexist with everyone...

- The age difference did not help?

- Yes, it was like that, but not for us. The group is very healthy and things are going well. We’re united, we get along well.
The problem is coexisting with the pressure to play in the national team and at Barcelona. Both are asking something
different from him. It's not easy. If he finds the balance he'll adapt. Hopefully he'll find it. But we don't demand too much
from him. Enjoy it and don't live with the pressure, because it will turn into a boomerang.

By Juan Manuel

(Translated by lisu)

El delantero de Chelsea, que ma?ana será titular en el amistoso con Hungría,
confiesa que la continuidad será decisiva para llegar de la mejor manera al Mundial

BUDAPEST, Hungría.- Ganan millones y tienen el futuro asegurado. Pero
mientras tanto, la fama les muestra un lado difícil. El que les
impide ser uno más en la calle. Los jugadores argentinos están
encerrados en su concentración mientras esperan el partido de ma?ana
frente a Hungría. Aún no se pudieron dar el lujo, y tal vez no se lo
den, de visitar esta impactante ciudad, que sorprende desde la
inmensidad del Danubio, que dividía a dos grandes ciudades, hoy
fusionadas en esta metrópolis. La que convive con la modernidad, y la
que respeta su pasado con inmensos castillos y construcciones

La personalidad más saliente de ese equipo es Hernán Crespo, autor de
un golazo que le dio la victoria a Chelsea anteayer. Un grupo de
ni?os húngaros, de no más de siete a?os, que fueron invitados como ?
alcanza pelotas? en la práctica de ayer en el estadio Ferenc Puskas,
se le cuelgan de la cintura para conseguir un autógrafo. "?Jernán
Crespó, Jernán Crespó!", gritan los chicos. La situación le causa
gracia y él complace a todos con las firmas, además de saludarlos.

-No querías ir a Inglaterra, querías seguir en Milan. Pero no te va
tan mal?

-No, porque encontré un nuevo club. Chelsea es muy distinto a lo que
fue hace dos a?os, en cuanto a la organización e infraestructura. Es
el tercer a?o de Abramovic, así que las cosas mejoraron. Hay centros
de entrenamiento importantes. Es bueno y me permite vivirlo de mejor

-?Qué era antes lo malo?

-En el primer a?o de Abramovic uno miraba todo con cierta
desconfianza. ?A ver si me echan, si no me echan. El nuevo presidente
dice que me quedo, que me voy?, pensaba.

-?Ahora te tratan de otra manera?

-Las personas del club no. Pasa más con el hincha. Allá, en
Inglaterra, se mira solamente la Liga inglesa, la Champions League y
a la selección nada más que cuando juega con Brasil. Y bueno. Con
Milan le hice dos goles a Manchester United, después dos a Liverpool;
con la selección, dos a Brasil. Por eso los hinchas me miran con
otros ojos. Pero humanamente, el trato en el club es el mismo. Hay
buena predisposición.

-Este es un partido menor, sin embargo estás. ?No preferís esperar
para partidos más importantes?

-No. Entre amistosos y eliminatorias tenemos pocos partidos para
jugar, así que hay que estar siempre. Eso es lo más importante para
llegar al techo en el momento que nosotros queremos.

-Esta temporada desemboca en el Mundial y las última vez tuvieron
allí el problema. ?Lo hablan para que no se repita?

-Es algo que no podés calcular. Tenés que jugar lo mejor en tu equipo
y la mayor cantidad de partidos posibles para tener la continuidad
que te lleve bien al Mundial. No hay que hacer demasiados cálculos.

-?Qué te pareció Messi?

-Lo vi en algunos partidos del Mundial Sub 20, pero me perdí la
final. Me enteré solo por los medios. Si él está acá, significa que
puede jugar en la selección. Porque nadie te regala nada. Tiene que
aprovecharlo y estar contento de pertenecer.

-?A qué edad fue tu primera convocatoria?

-Tenía 18, igual que él. Pero no pude debutar en un partido en
Santiago, con Chile, por una lesión en el tobillo. Después jugué en
febrero del 95. Fue mágico, en Mendoza, en un partido con Bulgaria.
Ganamos 4-1 y fue una emoción bárbara.

-A él le pasa algo parecido, ?le podés dar algún consejo sobre cómo
llevarse con el grupo?

-Es que aquél era un grupo joven en la época de Passarella. Para mí
fue menos traumático que lo que le puede resultar a Messi.

-?Es difícil entrar en esta selección?

-Siempre es difícil convivir con todos. La selección no es un hecho
más, es sobresaliente, y es complicado convivir con todo lo que se
genera alrededor tuyo.

-?No ayuda la diferencia de edad?

-Sí, es así, pero no por nosotros. El grupo es muy sano y se va a
encontrar bien. Somos unidos, la pasamos bien. El tema es convivir
con la presión de jugar en la selección y en Barcelona. Todos le
están pidiendo algo diferente. No es fácil. Si él encuentra el
equilibrio se adaptará. Ojalá que lo logre. Pero no le pidamos
demasiado. Dejemos que disfrute y que no lo viva con presión, porque
sino va a ser un boomerang.

La crueldad y los elogios
La prensa inglesa destacó ayer el golazo que marcó Crespo el domingo
último para que Chelsea pudiera vencer, en tiempo de descuento, al
modesto Wigan. "El tiro cruel de Crespo deshace a los incomparables
de Wigan", tituló The Guardian. "El rayo cruel de Crespo contra
Wigan", describió Daily Telegraph.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-19 0:04:20编辑过]

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发表于 2005-9-27 16:10:00 | 只看该作者
BBC talks to Hernan after Wigan game 克雷的英语有很大进步,很好听! Crespo: Because when I kicked the ball, the first idea was shoot a goal because I knew that maybe it was the last opportunity to score because the time was up... But it was an amazing sensation. Reporter: Did it get rid of some of the horrible memories you had of your first spell at Chelsea when things didn't go well for you? Crespo: We didn't play very well, because normally - the season had just begun - and normally, you don't play very well, you didn't play like what we want. But it's like this. It was the first match... I'm sure we'll improve. Reporter: How important was it for you as well to get a goal like that because it's now Hernan Crespo hero again for Chelsea fans. Crespo: No hero, (it's a) big word. (Laughs) No, I'm very happy. I'm very happy because I want to show that Crespo's true, and this is the way, this is the way. I want to score a lot of goals. But (what's) most important is the team. If the team plays very well, if the team wins, I'm very happy. Then we'll talk about hero. Reporter: You've scored lots of goals, lots and lots of them, great goals. Where does that one fit in? One of the best you've ever scored? Crespo: Maybe, yes. Because I don't remember scoring a lot of goals with the left foot, outside of the box. (Laughs) It was a good sensation. Maybe I'll try again. Reporter: You know you broke a lot of hearts here today, Wigan hearts. Crespo: Yes, yes. I want to congratulate them, because they played very well, they played very well. They didn't deserve to [be] defeated in this match. But football is like this. When you play against a great team, maybe somebody will do something to win, and Chelsea have a lot of players to do something like this.
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发表于 2005-9-28 22:56:00 | 只看该作者
Mourinho advises restraint but Crespo wants revenge The Daily Telegraph 27/09/2005 Jose Mourinho claims the word 'revenge' is not in his football vocabulary, but Hernan Crespo is likely to introduce him to the principle when Chelsea play Liverpool in the Champions League tomorrow. Mourinho is adamant he will not be thinking of last season's controversial semi-final defeat at Anfield when Chelsea return to Merseyside for a Group G fixture, but for Crespo the match has added significance. The Argentine striker is unable to forget the 2005 Champions League final in Istanbul, when he scored twice for AC Milan, only to see Liverpool stage a remarkable comeback to draw 3-3 and then win on penalties. "It still makes me crazy," said the forward who is now back at Chelsea following a year on loan in Italy. "Every time I see the television now, I see Steven Gerrard with the trophy and I'm still angry. It's like a knife." Crespo is not the only Chelsea player looking to make up for past disappointment in the Champions League, because his team-mates are still smarting at the way they were beaten 1-0 in last year's semi-final, when Luis Garcia's 'goal' appeared not to cross the line. Crespo said: "We are hungry for this competition. Chelsea lost a semi-final they didn't deserve to lose - they have lost two in two years. For me, too, in the last three years, I have arrived in two semi-finals with Inter and Chelsea and lost in the final with Milan. I feel we must take something we deserve this time." Mourinho has also placed European success high on his list of priorities but has advised his players to be motivated by Champions League points and not by the chance to avenge previous wrongs. He said: "There are certain words in football that are not in my vocabulary, and they include 'revenge'. In my vocabulary the word is 'work'; be professional, do your best. Then you have a chance to win. "What happened last season does not matter; what matters is how we perform this time." Chelsea go into the match with question marks over the fitness of winger Arjen Robben, who was substituted against Aston Villa on Saturday with a slight strain. The tie may also come just too soon for left-back Asier Del Horno, who has been out since Sept 10 with a thigh problem but is close to full fitness. As for Crespo, he will challenge Didier Drogba for the position of lone striker and will no doubt be hoping that destiny this time is on his side. 克雷斯波 那晚的痛还在 时间:2005-9-28 10:58:00 来源:体坛周报 作者:燃一   如果时间能重回到5月26日的伊斯坦布尔阿塔图尔克球场,如果克雷斯波的2粒进球能够为AC米兰锁定胜局,那么现在他很可能还身披红黑战袍。但他现在是切尔西的一员,他所在的俱乐部将在未来1周内两战利物浦,埃尔南的复仇,就从28日的冠军联赛开始。   输掉冠军的那个晚上让克雷斯波刻骨铭心,“我想忘掉对利物浦那场决赛,竭尽全力想从记忆中抹掉,但没有用。这让我要疯了。我在决赛里进了2个球,但还不够,现在每次在电视上看到杰拉德和冠军杯,我都非常生气。那就像一把刀。从那以后,我一直睡不好,因为那场比赛的很多画面无数次地在我脑海中闪过。”妻子的劝解也无法让他释怀,他自始至终无法理解3比0领先、自己打入2球后为什么还会输球。   克雷斯波明白,要忘记那场比赛的唯一方式就是为切尔西赢得冠军联赛。最近3个赛季以来,克雷斯波先后随国际米兰、切尔西两次折戟冠军联赛半决赛,上赛季又随AC米兰在决赛被翻盘。命途多舛的他希望本赛季能够有所收获,“我们要赢——赢得所有冠军。而我感觉,我们这次能够得到应得的东西。”克雷斯波的上一个冠军还是在1999年在帕尔马获得的联盟杯,他想要打破宿命就要从利物浦开始。   尽管夏天克雷斯波并不情愿地回到了伦敦,但他还是很快融入了球队。联赛7轮,他首发4次,考虑到穆里尼奥对他和德罗巴出场时间上的一视同仁,打入2球还算差强人意。克雷斯波在不久前特别感谢切尔西球迷对他的支持,“我只想说一件事,球迷对我的理解。我需要他们的温暖,我需要感受到这一点。我想为球迷们带来一些东西。这里就像个剧场,如果你表现得好,所有人都会起立为你鼓掌。”   2003-04赛季克雷斯波在伦敦过得并不开心,当时他的女友怀上了孩子却突然流产,这让克雷斯波陷入了低谷。如今他的孩子刚刚满1周岁,三十而立的他肯定会在赛场上更加成熟。   让克雷斯波无法忘却的是伊斯坦布尔之夜,让队长特里难以平静的是上一次做客安菲尔德——5月3日冠军联赛半决赛第2回合,“那是一个可怕的,可怕的夜晚,对于所有人来说都是糟糕的回忆。这是个挽回失败的绝好机会。回到安菲尔德给了我们更多的动力。我们知道球迷会很疯狂,他们期待这样的比赛。但是我们的心里会保持平静,因为我们知道,回到那里就是要复仇。”
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发表于 2005-9-28 23:54:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-10-5 15:28:00 | 只看该作者

by Nadia Carminati -  SKY SPORTS 4 Oct 2005

Chelsea's Hernan Crespo has stated that he's happy in England, despite missing the social life he had in the Italian

Crespo was expected to join Milan permanently in the summer after a successful loan spell, but a deal could not be agreed
and he returned to owners Chelsea.

The Argentina international has been in better form on his return to The Premiership, although he is yet to really show his
true ability for The Blues.

"I'm missing Italy socially and on a football level because it's a country I feel is like my home," said Crespo.

"But I feel good in England. I'm happy; I like working with Jose Mourinho who also respects me.

"Mourinho told me that, when he was Bobby Robson's assistant he flew to Buenos Aires to sign me when I was a young
talent at River Plate.

"As for Milan. I can't forget they gave me the will to play again.

"They picked me up again last year after a really difficult 18 months."
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发表于 2005-10-5 15:30:00 | 只看该作者
Crespo happy for Brazil to take favourites role

Wed Oct 5, 2005 5:38 AM IST

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina striker Hernan Crespo said he was happy for rivals Brazil to be considered as favourites
to win the 2006 World Cup.

Crespo remembered that Argentina arrived at the previous World Cup as favourites, only to be knocked out in the first
round, while Brazil started as dark horses and went on to win a fifth world title.

"It's best not to talk about Argentina as favourites," he told reporters on Tuesday. "Let's see how they (Brazil) handle the
pressure this time.

"When we were the candidates at the other World Cup, we didn't do well, so it's best not to have to go with that sort of

"Brazil are the ones with the best chances."

Argentina beat Brazil 3-1 in a World Cup qualifier in June in Buenos Aires, when Crespo scored twice, but Brazil hit back to
win 4-1 in the Confederations Cup final three weeks later when Crespo was being rested.

The two South American giants have already made sure of their places in Germany.

Argentina are at home to Peru, already eliminated, in a World Cup qualifier on Sunday and away to Uruguay three days
later when they complete their 18-match programme.

"Even if we're already qualified, there are no easy matches and they're all useful for something," said Crespo.

Argentina will be looking for a significant improvement on their last game, when they lost 1-0 in Paraguay.

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发表于 2005-10-5 16:19:00 | 只看该作者
克雷斯波 这可能是我最后一场比赛

时间:2005-10-6 20:28:00 来源:阿根廷风暴 作者:charade





这番话让大家吃惊。不过当然,对阵秘鲁之后,在国内就不会再有世界杯赛事,直到本届杯赛结束。记者们立即开始提醒他巴蒂斯图塔认为他应该成为德国世界杯上的九号。克雷斯波带着微笑回答道:“他这么说,我很高兴。不过最好是佩克尔曼这么说……像巴蒂这样有份量的人这样评论,我很高兴。” 他开始把话题转向河床这个见证他国家队首演的俱乐部:“我2006年会不会回河床踢解放者杯?不大可能。除非老板付不起我的工资了…… 不过我不会完全否决这个可能性。”



"It could be my last game"


Stay calm, Crespo's not going to retire. But he warned that Sunday could be his last game wearing the national team
shirt at the Stadio Monumental

The first thing he felt was the cold in Buenos Aires: When he arrived at 8 o'clock in the morning on an Air France flight,
the thermometer in Ezeiza had not reached 5 degrees. Hernan Crespo had a summer style, and wasn't wearing many
clothes...  Not even a long-sleeved t-shirt. All the same, the climate didn't prevent him from broaching different subjects.

Before the classic question - how he expected the game to go on Sunday for River, surprisingly, the forward said
nostalgically. "It's going to be very special for me to be in the Stadio Monumental against Peru, since it could be the last
time that I play on this pitch wearing the national team shirt. It could be my last game in the World Cup qualifiers. I'm
already 30 years old."Certainly, there won't be any more [national team] games in the country until after the World Cup.

Immediately, he remembered that Gabriel Batistuta commented that he should be the No 9 at the World Cup in Germany.
Smiling, he replied: "It would make me happy to say that, but it would be better if Pekerman said that... Still a comment
like that from someone of Bati's calibre makes me happy."

He then continued talking about the past and about the club where he made his career debut. "Would I return to River for
La Copa Libertadores in 2006? There's no chance. Unless the club cannot pay me... Although I would not rule out
returning home."

He also reaffirmed his support for Juan Sebastian Veron. [] (希望隆隆再进入国家队,能去德国!)He respected Jose
Pekerman's decision not to call him up, although he denied rumours that they had had a conflict.

Reporter: There has been a lot about them wanting to take revenge for the last time and he is not here now. What do you

Crespo: One must respect the wishes of the coach.

Reporter: Do you agree?

Crespo: I don't believe it's important whether or not I agree. It's a decision of Pekerman's not to call him up. I was asked
previously whether Veron was a negative leader and I said that was not the case, and it is totally wrong. Now if it's a
personal opinion, that's fine.

The World Cup in Germany is less than nine months away and Hernan showed his cunning: he threw the ball to his classic
rivals. "Brazil is the candidate. That's what happened to us in the last World Cup, so it's better not to talk about us being
the favourites. Let's see how they handle the pressure this time." Then there was a wink for Argentina fans. "Hopefully
there will be a party at the stadium on Sunday and we're going to be top of the World Cup Qualifiers: We want to end this
tournament at the top."

And finally, on the last game against Uruguay, he said: "We're all going to suffer and sweat to reach the target -  we're not
going to give them anything at all."

(translated by lisu)


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发表于 2005-10-5 17:23:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-10-6 16:50:00 | 只看该作者

《The Mirror》《镜报》6 October 2005

Milan blew it, so could Chelsea warns Crespo

HERNAN CRESPO believes AC Milan's Champions League Final nightmare proves Chelsea do not have the title race sewn

As a loan player with Milan back in May, Crespo suffered the heartbreak of losing the Serie A title to Juventus with just
one game to go.

Days later he had the Champions League trophy wrenched from his grasp by Liverpool in a shoot-out - after scoring two of
the goals in the final to put Milan 3-0 up at half time.

Now he is refusing to accept the widely held belief that the title race is a foregone conclusion. Crespo said: "For the time
being, yes, everything feels good. But we can only know whether we have won at the end of the year.

"Last season everything was going so well at Milan. We were very consistent throughout the whole season. Then, in the
final month, everything went down.

"The luck went totally against us. I can still remember with much pain the Champions League Final against Liverpool.

"I still also remember the way we lost the Scudetto. In both cases we were in a very strong position yet we could not
complete our objectives. So while we are in strong position at Chelsea, we must wait and see."

Crespo, away on international duty with Argentina, has not completed any of Chelsea's eight League games this season,
sharing the lone striking role with Didier Drogba.


But while the likes of Ricardo Carvalho have fallen foul of Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho for complaining about the rotation
system, Crespo has no qualms.

He insists that playing a supporting role in the club's push for silverware will keep him sharp for next summer's World Cup

The striker added: "My dream is to play in another World Cup so to me it is fantastic that I do not play every game.

"If I have to play 70 games in one season - it could be terrible.

"To play just 35 or 40 games is probably the perfect way to arrive in Germany in perfect physical condition. Not by playing
all the games, never."

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发表于 2005-10-9 12:17:00 | 只看该作者
Crespo strikes it rich

THE SCOTSMAN, 9 Oct 2005

YOU could be forgiven for thinking that Argentina's World Cup hopes rest solely on their newest superstar Lionel Messi,
such is the coverage in his homeland of his ongoing battle to get EU citizenship at his club Barcelona.

But although the talented Messi is a star in the making - Argentina coach Jose Pekerman is happy to compare his skills to
those of Diego Maradona - he was sent off 100 seconds into his international debut against Hungary in August, and his
only appearance in the World Cup qualifiers was Argentina's last game, a surprise defeat to Paraguay.

Argentina were hardly struggling without him: they were the first South American team to qualify for Germany next year
and, thanks to a crushing 3-1 win over Brazil in June, still top the Conmebol standings with two games left to play.

Juan Roman Riquelme took the plaudits after that game, scoring one goal and setting up two, scored by Hernan Crespo.
"Riquelme is extraordinary," said the Chelsea forward, who was on loan at AC Milan at the time. "I put myself in position
and wait for the pass which I know will come and give me the chance to score." Crespo got married the day after that
game, and laughed when one Argentine journalist asked him if he had enjoyed "his stag night with a few Brazilians".

More than Messi, and just as much as Riquelme, Crespo has become key to the success of this Argentina side. He is their
top scorer in qualifying with seven goals so far, and tends to save his goals for the games that really matter: two in that
win over Brazil, the only goal of the game in a crucial home wins over Colombia and Ecuador, and an equaliser away at
Colombia at the start of the campaign. These goals have reduced the role of Carlos Tevez, the highly-rated Corinthians
forward tipped to follow Crespo in the Argentina and Chelsea sides, to a bit-part role. Tevez, who has started three of last
year's eight qualifiers but not scored, will stay on the margins as long as Crespo keeps finding the net.

Crespo made his Argentina debut in 1995 and is the longest-serving player in the squad for this week's games. Captain
Javier Zanetti first played one year earlier but he is currently missing with a long-term injury. Crespo has played under three
different coaches - Daniel Passarella, Marcelo Bielsa and Pekerman - and in that time has scored 29 goals in just over 50
games, making him Argentina's third-highest goalscorer behind Gabriel Batistuta and Maradona.

When Bielsa was in charge, he looked unlikely to join that trio: Bielsa preferred Claudio Lopez and Batistuta, whose
partnership with Crespo never took off. The final stages of the coach's reign coincided with a long absence for Crespo
from the national side. Pekerman has restored him to the lineup and reaped the benefits. "I don't feel like I've booked my
place for the World Cup yet," Crespo admitted. "Experience tells me that right up until the last moment nobody gives you
any presents."

It is Crespo's experience that Pekerman, who coached the forward at Under-21 level as well, relies on. Not that the World
Cup is a particular favourite on his CV. Next summer will see Crespo's third appearance at a World Cup finals: in his first, in
1998, his only game was in the second round match against England. He came on as a second-half substitute and went
on to miss the only spot-kick Argentina failed with in the penalty shoot-out.

In 2002, when rumours swept the Argentine media that Bielsa was unhappy that Crespo's girlfriend Alessia was staying in
the team hotel without permission, Crespo played in all three group games against Nigeria, England and Sweden, but only
as a substitute. Argentina were knocked out after those three games.

"What happened at the last World Cup we can use as experience. We were favourites and we were dumped out after the
first round," Crespo said.

Now, he is pleased that Brazil are going to Germany as pre-tournament favourites. "Brazil is the team that has the best
chance," he said. "It's better for us if nothing is said about Argentina. Then we will see how they get on with that extra
pressure on their shoulders."

Crespo is expected to start tonight in the stadium of his former club River Plate, which he admitted will be an emotional
moment. But you sense that the Bielsa years have left a legacy, and part of him is still surprised whenever he gets a call-up
from Pekerman, despite his status as senior striker and the choice of Batistuta, now a radio pundit, to lead the line.

"I still feel the same way about playing for my country as I did when I started 10 years ago, and I feel like a kid each time
I come back to Argentina from Europe."

As for Batistuta's opinion, he added, "I'm happy that Gabriel says I should be Argentina's No.9 in Germany. That someone
of his quality should say that makes me feel good - but it would be better if it was coming from Jose Pekerman."

Pekerman almost said it himself: "He's an extraordinary player and his capacity to score goals places him amongst the best
strikers in the world."

Crespo is in better shape than his former Chelsea team-mate Juan Sebastian Veron, who has found himself out of favour
under Pekerman due to the impressive form of Riquelme as playmaker and Esteban Cambiasso, the former Real Madrid
player now at Internazionale, in defensive midfield. Cambiasso missed Inter's first ten games of last season for Inter, but
kept his place thereafter. Cambiasso fans now like to remind anyone that Inter picked up more points than any other team
in Serie A, including champions Juventus, in the final 28 games of the season in which Cambiasso played.

Veron's absence has not stopped the rumour mill from suggesting he has had a big fall-out with Pekerman or, even better,
a 'him-or-me' clash with Riquelme which the Villarreal star has won.

"If anybody has a problem with Seba, they should talk to him," said Crespo, inadvertently adding fuel to the fire. "He isn't
a difficult player, quite the opposite - and it would be a shame if Veron were not in the team for personal reasons. If he
isn't around I hope it's because of football reasons or individual tastes and that it's also only for a short spell. I appreciate
him as a person but he's also a great player. He's in good form at an important club."

Crespo's form is also pretty good, although Chelsea fans have only seen it fleetingly this season. He has been used mainly
as a substitute by coach Jose Mourinho, and with some success - most memorably his opening-day, last-minute winner at
Wigan got them off to a perfect start.

And though he is seen at second-choice behind Didier Drogba at the moment, the status does not bother him - and in fact
he thinks it will benefit the Argentina side.

"Being first choice at Chelsea has relative value as you play so many games a season," he said. "Maybe I'll play 25 or 30
games from 50. And in a World Cup year, you don't want to play too much or too little.

"You have to find a balance. If I had to play every game for Chelsea I wouldn't be available for the national team in top
physical shape. It's good to alternate things in a World Cup year. It's important to rest and compete. So I'm not depressed
I started off on the bench. The World Cup means a lot to me, it's probably my last one. How can you prepare by playing a
million games a year? You have to be in good shape."

With his poor World Cup record behind him, Crespo has a point to prove in Germany next summer. He is already preparing
for it.
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发表于 2005-10-9 12:55:00 | 只看该作者
"Crespo places Mourinho in the clouds"

Wed, 5 Oct 2005

Hernán Crespo has found the best coach in the world in Jose Mourinho. "There is no one like him", Crespo said on his
return to Stamford Bridge after his loan spell at Milan last season. And that's with the rotation system used by the
Portuguese coach and the great competition in the squad which means that he is far from certain of being called up. He
didn't even play in the [Premiership] game [against Liverpool] in Anfield on Sunday.

"Mourinho has invented a new way to play football", Crespo said, who did not hold back in praising his coach. "He's
brilliant. There is nobody in the world of football like him, who has these characteristics. I like to work with Mourinho at
Chelsea and there's a mutual respect," Crespo added.

In fact, Crespo revealed that 'Mou' once tried to sign him from River Plate when he was Bobby Robson's assistant at Porto.

"With Mourinho you don't endure stress or get bored. We have a lot of fun in training," Crespo said.

The Argentine striker said he was pleased with Mourinho's work on the Blues and said that Mourinho "had transformed
Chelsea into a fabulous team by introducing order, discipline and tactics without missing the playful element and the
instinct of English culture in football".

《Ole》translated by lisu

Crespo pone a Mourinho por las nubes

Hernán Crespo ha descubierto en José Mourinho al mejor entrenador del mundo. “No hay ninguno como él”, afirma el
delantero argentino en su regreso a Stamford Bridge tras su cesión al Milan la pasada temporada. Y eso que con el sistema
de rotaciones que emplea el técnico portugués y la gran competencia que hay en la plantilla no tiene ni mucho menos
asegurada la titularidad. El domingo ni siquiera jugó en la exhibición en Anfield.

“Mourinho inventó una nueva manera de jugar al fútbol”, asegura el argentino, quien no escatima elogios para su
entrenador. “Es genial. No hay nadie en el mundo del fútbol como él, con estas características. En el Chelsea me gusta
trabajar con Mourinho y existe una estima recíproca”, a?ade el futbolista. De hecho, Crespo revela que ‘Mou’ ya intentó su
fichaje cuando militaba en River Plate y el portugués era ayudante de Bobby Robson en el Oporto.

“Con Mourinho uno no sufre el estrés ni se aburre. En los entrenamientos nos divertimos mucho. Trabajamos el doble pero
siempre lo hacemos con balón”,asegura Hernán Crespo. El goleador argentino pone de relieve el trabajo de Mourinho al
frente de la plantilla ‘blue’ y destaca que el portugués “ha transformado el Chelsea en un equipo fabuloso introduciendo
orden, disciplina y táctica sin acabar con el elemento lúdico y el instinto de la cultura inglesa en el fútbol".


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发表于 2005-10-29 16:05:00 | 只看该作者

SKY Sports 21 Oct 2005

Argentine hit-man Hernan Crespo has warned the rest of The Premiership that Chelsea can still improve despite their
blistering start to the season.

The Blues have won their first nine games of the Premiership season and took a further step towards UEFA Champions
League group stage qualification with an emphatic 4-0 defeat of Real Betis on Wednesday.

Jose Mourinho's side have not lost in the league for over a year, and look almost impregnable having conceded just three
goals in all competitions.

However, Crespo, who scored the fourth goal against Betis, has now insisted that The Blues must take their game onto
another level, identifying the way they deal with high balls as an area to improve upon.

"We showed them great football and everybody is happy, but we need to improve again," said Crespo. "We haven't arrived
at the roof.

"We are a great team with great players and a great bench, but we have not peaked yet.

"We need to concentrate more on high balls.

"Maybe against Liverpool, twice, and Bolton we didn't suffer so much, but against Betis we suffered in the first half.

"We are in good shape though, and we need to believe in our way and our manager.

"We don't need to change much, we just need to keep going."
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发表于 2005-10-29 16:07:00 | 只看该作者
Crespo praises unique Jose

Sky Sports Saturday 29th Oct

Argentina striker Hernan Crespo claims coach Jose Mourinho is in a league of his own - even though he has yet to win his
battle with Didier Drogba for a place in Chelsea's attack this season.

Crespo has started only half of their eight Barclays Premiership games but is full of praise for the way Mourinho has turned
the club into one of the best in Europe.

The 30-year-old spent last season on loan at AC Milan and scored twice in the Champions League final defeat against

A permanent deal was in the offing for Crespo but Mourinho recalled the striker and has made him part of the first-team
squad this season.

Mourinho's faith has met with mutual admiration from Crespo, who said: "We have a coach who has invented a new style
of play.

"He's brilliant, there is nobody else like him out there. He's made Chelsea an amazing side, introducing order, discipline
and tactics without sacrificing the basic drive of English football.

"Chelsea are a fabulous team that win - and have fun doing it. I've never experienced anything like it. I'm happy working
with Jose - you don't get stressed or bored.

"It might seem strange that I defend him because I don't always play - but I haven't got anything bad to say against him.
The fight for the centre forward spot is tough but fair."

Meanwhile, Mourinho has prepared for a return to Premiership action against Bolton this weekend by continuing his
fightback against the critics who continually label his side as `boring'.

The Portuguese coach defended his side and style of play as they look to increase their lead at the top of the table at
Stamford Bridge.

Chelsea have yet to drop a point in the Premiership this season and have a nine-point lead over second-placed Charlton.

Mourinho fails to see how anyone could call his side boring but concedes it is a mentality they will have to live with for the
time being.

"I think they were very happy when Chelsea was a losing side," he told Chelsea TV. "At that time football in England was
not boring for them.

"We have to live with this kind of mentality, and give the answer at the right time. My only doubt sometimes is that the
critics have an intention or the critics are people who do not understand football well."
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