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本帖最后由 紫 于 2012-5-14 16:45 编辑 7月27日米兰消息 - 2011-12赛季意甲赛程公布,以下是国际米兰的具体赛程: 第1轮 国际米兰4:1莱切(12月21日 ) 第2轮 巴勒莫4:3国际米兰(9月11日) 第3轮 国际米兰0:0 ...


红蝶 发表于 2012-5-18 10:07:04
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-5-26 21:17 编辑

【意甲|第38轮】拉齐奥3:1国际米兰 赛后FcInternews.it评分:

CASTELLAZZI 5,5 – Per quasi un’ora è spettatore non pagante, il primo intervento è una parata facile facile a terra su tiro di Ledesma molto lento. Più insidiosa poco dopo la conclusione di Candreva che devia in corner; dal quale arriva il gol di Kozak sul quale non appare del tutto esente da colpe.  Poi era troppo potente il tiro di Candreva che porta la Lazio in vantaggio. Discreto riflesso su Kozak nell’occasione del gol del 3-1 di Mauri.

MAICON 5,5 – Prova a dare il suo contributo, riesce anche a strappare il calcio di rigore prendendo il contatto dentro l’area per pochi centimetri. Ma nell’azione del gol di Candreva, Lulic lo aggira come fosse un paletto di uno slalom gigante. Cerca riscossa provando anche a impensierire Bizzarri da fuori area.

LUCIO 6 – Venti minuti senza particolari problemi, poi un ottimo intervento in chiusura su Kozak. Provvidenziale anche una chiusura su Candreva poco prima del gol del vantaggio laziale. Tenta anche la conclusione vincente da posizione improbabile. Nell'azione del gol di Mauri si trova sbilanciato così come tutta la squadra.

SAMUEL 5 – Provvidenziale al pronti-via su Mauri lanciato in rete; sempre affidabile almeno fino a quando fa saltare la marcatura da Kozak nell’occasione del pareggio. Bucato dal ceco nell’azione del 3-1.

NAGATOMO 5,5 – Prova subito a far fruttare la sua velocità in avanti, mettendo due palloni interessanti in mezzo nei primi minuti. I problemi li dà però l’ottimo Candreva in fase difensiva. Gradualmente la sua spinta si esaurisce.

ZANETTI 5,5 – Anche lui tocca con mano la ruvidezza dei laziali: strappa a Lulic la prima, legittima ammonizione della partita. Poco appariscente, solo un affondo a punire Konko. Applausi per lui dall’Olimpico quando aiuta il castigatore Candreva colpito da crampi.

GUARIN 6  – E’ l’elemento che crea i primi veri pericoli per la Lazio: spolvera il guantone di Bizzarri con una gran conclusione da fuori che costringe il portiere argentino alla super-parata, poi dopo poco da pochi passi calibra male la conclusione. Dopo il gol del 2-1, continua a provarci ma senza la giusta lucidità.

CAMBIASSO 5,5 – Qualche botta di troppo: una alla caviglia dopo due minuti, poi una pallonata involontaria di Samuel che lo stende. Qualche errore iniziale in appoggio, appare a volte poco reattivo. Getta via una buona occasione in mischia,

POLI 6 – Generoso e propositivo, anche se forse un po’ troppo scomposto.  Però pressa, si porta in avanti, costruisce anche una bella azione che Milito sciupa malamente in conclusione.
DAL 76’ LONGO SV – Il suo debutto in Serie A arriva in un momento delicato per l’Inter: quindici minuti nei quali Stramaccioni tenta il tutto per tutto. Purtroppo, però, non ha molte occasioni per mettersi in mostra.

ALVAREZ 5 – Tempistica da rivedere: un contropiede ottimo sfuma perché trattiene troppo il pallone. In posizione ideale per tirare viene poi ignorato da Milito. Anche un cross sprecato su contropiede al bilancio. Grigio.
DAL 61’ PAZZINI 5,5 – Prima del match, la brutta notizia della mancata convocazione per Euro 2012. Entra poco dopo la rete del pareggio, e la sua prima conclusione, servitagli da Milito, finisce in Curva Sud. La seconda, a pochi centimetri da Bizzarri, trova il palo (con la complicità netta di Biava) a dirgli no. Un frammento che vale un’intera stagione…

MILITO 6 – Stramaccioni lo vuole attivo a tutto campo, pronto a rientrare sui calci piazzati e a spingersi in avanti. Spazi non ce ne sono e lui allora si inventa costruttore di gioco, come dimostra l’uno-due con Guarin. Purtroppo spreca la grande occasione servita da Maicon, colpendo a lato. Ci vuole un nuovo tiro dal dischetto, trasformato in maniera impeccabile, per sbloccare la gara. Pochi istanti dopo, rischia di trovare lo 0-2 su erroraccio di Konko, ma Bizzarri salva tutto. Nella ripresa gli arrivano in verità pochissimi palloni.
DAL 93’ JUAN JESUS SV – Quando ormai è tutto finito, la gioia (per così dire) di 40 secondi di debutto in Serie A.

ALLENATORE: STRAMACCIONI 5,5 – Doveva essere un’Inter da battaglia, si vede più che altro un’Inter accorta, che ha buone occasioni ma ha la colpa di sciupare troppo al cospetto di una Lazio troppo rinunciataria almeno fino a inizio ripresa, quando i biancocelesti prendono fiducia e per l’Inter, come a Parma, arriva il black-out: come al Tardini, impressiona la sequenza dei gol, due arrivati a stretto giro di posta, l’ultimo nel recupero. La stagione si chiude con un sesto posto che oltre a simboleggiare un’annata da dimenticare, nonostante gli ottimi sforzi del tecnico, porterà con sé le prime scorie anche nell’inizio della prossima stagione.
发表于 2012-5-18 09:52:48
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-6-21 21:00 编辑

Zanetti: "Thanks fans, now for a fresh start"
Monday, 14 May 2012 00:37

ROME - Javier Zanetti didn't try to hide his disappointment after Inter's defeat to Lazio: "We're sorry we couldn't win because it would have meant a round less to play in the Europa League," the skipper told Inter Channel. "But that's the way it went and we must thank all the fans who stood by us throughout the season despite all the difficulties. We can make a fresh start now. We're determined to do things differently next year and become a major player again."

What advice does the captain have for Andrea Stramaccioni? "I don't think I need to give him any advice. He knows he has to work very hard with all of us so that we can get back to challenging at the top. A club like Inter deserves to be higher than this and we'll all work together to make that happen."

Zanetti's biggest regret this year was "not being more consistent. We played well at times but were found wanting in too many games. Our final league position reflects that. The desire was there but all too often we failed to achieve what we were capable of."

The captain also had a special thought for Paolo Orlandoni, who announced his retirement before Lazio v Inter: "I want to thank him because he joined Inter a long time before me. He's a great man and a top professional. I know we're going to miss him."

Press Office


5月14日罗马消息 – 在被拉齐奥击败后,萨内蒂并没有隐藏自己的失望,他对Inter Channel说:“很遗憾我们没能赢下比赛,因为如果我们赢了我们就能在欧联资格赛中少打一轮。但事已至此我们必须要感谢所有支持我们的球迷,这赛季我们经历了很多低谷但他们一直陪在我们身边。我们现在可以重新开始了,我们决心在明年做出一些不同。”



发表于 2012-5-18 09:41:01

发表于 2012-5-18 09:39:46
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-6-21 21:07 编辑

Lazio 3-1 Inter: Nerazzurri finish 6th
Sunday, 13 May 2012 23:09

ROME - Inter came up short at the Stadio Olimpico and saw their faint hopes of Champions League qualification vanish, although wins for Napoli and Udinese would have made it impossible anyway. Lazio's 3-1 victory leaves the Nerazzurri in sixth place on 58 points and Inter will now face Europa League qualifiers on 2 and 9 August. Milito's conversion from the spot had put Inter in front at half time but Lazio turned the tables after the restart with strikes from Kozak and Candreva before Mauri added a third in injury time.

FIRST HALF – Against a Lazio side missing star striker Klose, Stramaccioni fielded a five-man midfield (Guarin, Cambiasso and Poli in the centre, Zanetti and Alvarez wide) with Milito operating as a lone striker. Castellazzi stood in for the suspended Julio Cesar while the back four was made up of Maicon, Lucio, Samuel and Nagatomo.

The game was three minutes old when Samuel made a decisive intervention to block Mauri's shot from a decent position. Inter's hopes of climbing into third place depended on results elsewhere - namely Udinese losing to Catania and Napoli not beating Siena at the Stadio San Paolo - and at 20:52 Napoli took the lead. Destro levelled for Siena two minutes later while back at the Olimpico Inter were starting to look dangerous: first Nagatomo's cross was deflected away by Biava then Alvarez was closed down on the break. At 21:07 the news that neither side in Rome wanted to hear filtered through: Di Natale had put Udinese in front. Soon afterwards Samuel came to the rescue with another great block, this time to thwart Candreva. In the 25th minute Maicon picked out Milito and looked to latch onto the return pass before going down in the box following contact with Ledesma: the referee waved play on. Two minutes later Guarin unleashed a fierce left-footed drive from some distance forcing Bizzarri to fly through the air and tip over the bar. On 29 minutes the Lazio keeper frustrated Guarin again – this time just yards from goal. At 21:22 Napoli restored their lead (2-1) while Milito almost broke the deadlock at the Olimpico when he got on the end of Maicon's ball, nodding just the wrong side of the post. The Prince had another chance a minute later but couldn't keep his shot down. On 44 minutes the referee pointed to the spot after Ledesma fouled Maicon. Milito stepped up and made no mistake to equal his best ever haul of 24 league goals in a season. A minute of stoppage time was played and the first half ended with Inter a goal to the good.

SECOND HALF – The second period got under way with no changes made. Alvarez charged down the wing in the 53rd minute but couldn't wrap his foot around the ball properly and his cross ended on the top side of the net. Castellazzi did well after 57 minutes to smother Ledesma's powerful strike and again showed great reflexes minutes later to keep out Candreva's effort. Yet there was little he could do on the hour mark as Kozak rose to head home from a corner. That was instantly followed by more bad news: Udinese were two-nil up in Sicily. Within a matter of minutes Lazio had completed the comeback after Lulic's mazy run and pullback provided Candreva with the chance to fire home. The Nerazzurri tried not to lose heart and kept playing at a high tempo, Lucio powering a shot over the bar from the far post following a corner in the 73rd minute. Primavera forward Samuele Longo came on for his Serie A debut as Stramaccioni threw caution to the wind with three strikers (Pazzini having previously replaced Alvarez). Inter remained on the attack and Bizzarri kept out a typically ferocious drive from Maicon on 81 minutes. A minute later Zanetti got down to the byline and crossed into the six-yard box for Pazzini; Biava got there first and turned the ball onto the post. That was as close as Inter came to an equaliser. Mauri added a third as the game entered added time and immediately afterwards Juan made his Nerazzurri debut. After 93 minutes the match ended Lazio 3-1 Inter, a result which means the Nerazzurri will be competing in the Europa League next season: they will start from the third qualifying round on 2 and 9 August.

Lazio 3-1 Inter (HT: 0-1)
Scorers: Milito 45, Kozak 59, Candreva 63, Mauri 90+1.
Lazio: 1 Bizzarri; 5 Scaloni, 21 Diakité, 20 Biava, 29 Konko; 27 Cana, 24 Ledesma; 87 Candreva (Zampa 90+2), 6 Mauri (Garrido 90+2), 19 Lulic (Gonzalez 83); 18 Kozak.
Unused subs: 16 Berardi, 28 Makinwa, 53 Rozzi, 78 Zauri.
Coach: Edoardo Reja.

Inter: 12 Castellazzi; 13 Maicon, 6 Lucio, 25 Samuel, 55 Nagatomo; 4 Zanetti, 14 Guarin, 19 Cambiasso, 18 Poli (Longo 76), 11 Alvarez (Pazzini 61); 22 Milito (Juan 90+2).
Unused subs: 21 Orlandoni, 2 Cordoba, 23 Ranocchia, 37 Faraoni.
Coach: Andrea Stramaccioni.

Referee: Antonio Damato (Barletta section).
Booked: Lulic 16, Diakité 52, Konko 79.
Added time: 1+3 minutes.

Press Office












拉齐奥(4-5-1):1-比萨里/5-斯卡洛尼,21-迪亚基特,20-比亚瓦,29-孔科/27-卡纳,24-莱德斯马,87-坎德雷瓦(90' 41-赞帕),6-毛里(90' 14-加里多),19-卢基尼(82' 15-冈萨雷斯)/18-科扎茨。
国际米兰(4-5-1):12-卡斯特拉齐/13-麦孔,6-卢西奥,25-萨穆埃尔,55-长友佑都/4-萨内蒂,14-瓜林,19-坎比亚索,18-波利(76' 81-隆戈),11-阿尔瓦雷斯(61' 7-帕齐尼)/22-米利托(92' 40-胡安)。
红蝶 发表于 2012-5-11 12:44:23
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-5-27 22:09 编辑





Zanetti: "There's hope with Stramaccioni"
Saturday, 12 May 2012 15:44

APPIANO GENTILE - The last game of the season, and with it the last episode of "A tu per tu" on Inter Channel. Ahead of Lazio v Inter, Javier Zanetti is the guest on the show presented by Roberto Scarpini.

It's time to look back on this season. Let's start with records. Can we at least define this season as a record-breaking one for you personally?
"On a personal note, yes, I've broken a lot of records this year. But sadly it's been a very unusual year for the team, with numerous problems, changes in coach and injuries. We've never found consistency. At the end of the season, however, we've at least found enough consistency in our results to still have a chance of getting into the Champions League, seeing as we're already in the Europa League."

What happened with Gian Piero Gasperini and Claudio Ranieri, who always had the full backing of the players?
"We all showed desire when things were going well, both the coaches and we the players, but unfortunately we were inconsistent. With the first coach, Gasperini, his ideas for the team in the opening few games didn't match our expectations, we lost a lot of games and that's why the decision was taken to bring someone else in. Then Ranieri came in, a coach with a lot of experience, and with him we were able to put a little run together, but again we had a setback and we couldn't get back up again. It was like this until Stramaccioni took charge, he's very young, in fact he's 3 years younger than me," smiled Zanetti. "He's got a clear vision for the club though and he's allowed us to at least hope that we're 90 minutes from making the Champions League qualifiers."

Would you say that Stramaccioni has managed to rediscover that strength that was always there in the players, the players who have won everything there is to win, but that perhaps you'd lost confidence after a series of defeats?
"It could be the way you read things, because you start you ask yourself questions when results aren't going your way. The squad perhaps lost confidence because we weren't sure of what we could achieve. This doesn't mean we were lacking desire - we've always had that - the squad has always been together, it's just that we went through so much, that those problems came about. We've rediscovered our confidence because results help a great deal."

Did it not anger you when you heard Rafa Benitez saying the players no longer wanted it?
"It irritated me because I could see that it wasn't the case. I've trained with my team-mates every day for years and I remember that when he coached us the players gave their all, because the aim was to bring success to Inter. Let's not forget we won the Super Cup and the Club World Cup while he was in charge. We would never have won those titles had we not still been hungry for success. Before you can comment on something you need to know the facts and the reasons why things happen."

Last week Julio Cesar said he couldn't wait for the start of next season.
"I agree with him. Now we've got one game left and then we can look back over the last 8 years and this is the first tough year we've had, having won everything over the last seven. It might be that this moment was bound to come along sooner or later, and it all happened to us in the space of one season. Now everyone has it in their mind to go again, to change the way things are going, so that we can once again challenge for the positions that we've been accustomed to over the last few years."

So the sharp mind of a young coach like Stramaccioni might be the best thing for Inter at a time like this?
"Yes, we like Stramaccioni. We enjoy training with him, he gets us all involved in the sessions, he's got a good vision for the club and he's very calm. All we're interested in doing is performing well for the club and getting back to winning ways."

You play to win, so do you like having a coach who tells you to go out and win by attacking?
Yes, because we're a side which is set up to attack, so it's a case of striking a balance in every area of the side, but the main aim is still to win all our games."

Tomorrow's game will be a case of waiting and hoping for both Inter and Lazio. How do you approach a game like that?
"Sadly it's not only up to us but I think first of all we need to do our bit and then wait to see if we can get third place, something which seemed impossible a month ago. We know it's going to be very tough but we're used to the fact that in football anything can happen. And why not, perhaps even this time..."

If Inter don't get third place, who deserves it most?
"I think Udinese because they're on a great run, it's a very young side, with a bright coach. I think it's difficult to stay up near the top but Udinese have been the most consistent."

What do you think when you hear talk of betting?
"It's sad these things go on but I think everything is being done to get the credibility back into football. Therefore we, as players, must the be first ones to set the example. Football is such a great game, I hope everything gets resolved and that we can all enjoy great football."

At the start of next season you'll no longer have Ivan Cordoba alongside you to lead the jogging. Who will replace him? Esteban Cambiasso perhaps?
"There are a number of players who could do it, but Ivan will always be Ivan, a great friend of mine, he's like a brother to me. We need to recognise everything he's done for this club and this shirt, it was great to see him smiling on Sunday, he deserved the victory, the surprises and the affection of the fans. I think he'll still be nearby, ready to help out in another role."

Press Office


5月12日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 –明天的比赛将是这赛季意甲最后一场比赛,这也是这赛季最后一期"A tu per tu"。今天比赛的嘉宾是萨内蒂。











发表于 2012-5-11 08:45:27

风之子90 发表于 2012-5-7 14:08:40
帽子v5 舌头v5 萨队v5。。

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