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[原创翻译]Cucho makes his mark

发表于 2003-5-20 18:54:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Cucho makes his mark [不用怀疑我打错字,那本杂志上就是这么写的,Cucho,因为是因为,我觉得这样可以推测Cuchu的发音了...] 是2003年2月的杂志 World Soccer,发现自己最近成为全系最爱往图书馆跑的人了... Argentinian midfielder who has finally established himself in Real Madrid’s first team 阿根廷中场终于在皇马一队中确立地位 Any doubts about the class and quality of young Argentinian midfielder Esteban Cambiasso were wiped away in the closing stages of Real Madrid’s centenary match against a FIFA World XI. 对于这位年轻阿根廷中场艾斯特万·坎比亚索的技术和素质的任何怀疑都在近阶段皇马与世界球星联队的皇马百年庆祝比赛中烟消云散。 Madrid’s many substitutes had hit back twice from 3-0 down and were tracing pretty patterns around the Estadio Bernabeu in search of a diplomatic equaliser. The ‘Eriksson’ nature of the comings and goings between pitch and bench had not assisted cohesion and teamwork, so it was clear it would take an individual effort to balance the scoreline. 皇马的众多替补在0-3的不利情况下争回两球,同时保持了完美的阵型在伯纳乌将比赛最终踢成3-3,与对方握手言和。刚转会来的以及长期坐板凳的球员在凝聚力和合作力方面毫无援助,所以我们很清楚的认识到,完全是个人作用将比分锁定在平局。 Right on cue with four minutes remaining, Cambiasso took possession outside the World penalty box, sent two defenders the wrong way and curled a left-footer around keeper Albano Bizarri and inside a post. 在终场前四分钟,坎比亚索在禁区边缘,用假动作骗过了两名后卫,以左脚一记漂亮的弧线球绕过了守门员比萨里 [查了google阿根廷的守门员有一位叫这个名字,曾在1999-2000在皇马踢球,现效力于西甲的瓦拉杜利德],为皇马锁定比分。 It was a goal confirming all the progress Cambiasso has achieved in the past half-season – his first as a senior at Madrid since the 1996 transfer that made such big headlines both in Spain and Argentina. 这个进球使坎比亚索第一次确定了他在过去半个赛季中在皇马,自1996年转会以来,的首发位置。这也成为西班牙和阿根廷在1996年以后第二次一同关注的焦点。 The fuss was not because the fee rivaled the world records that Madrid splashed out on the likes of Luis Figo, Zinedine Zidane and Ronaldo. Quite the reverse, Madrid sgined Cambiasso for next to nothing but, then, he was only 15 at the time. 这些忙乱亦或者是大惊小怪并不是因为转会费可以和皇马曾经轻轻弹指般付出的巨额资金相提并论,尽管皇马有很多这样的例子:费戈、齐达内等等 [就是不喜欢翻那个人的名字!]。恰恰相反,马德里几乎没有为坎比亚索付出多少钱,因为那时,他仅仅只有15岁。 ‘Cucho’ had not yet made his Argentinian top division debut, and fans in his home city of Buenos Aries were infuriated that one of their potential new heroes could be whisked away before they had even enjoyed his potential. “Cucho [不是Cuchu?]”当时并没有在阿根廷顶尖的联赛中 [不知道阿根廷的联赛分什么等级,这里是类似于甲A的意思] 登场过,这使得他在家乡布宜诺斯艾利斯的球迷相当愤怒,他们担心在他们欣赏到他们具有潜力的新英雄施展才华之前,他就已经飞奔到其他城市消失无踪。 Madrid were accused of cradle-snatching. But since, below the age of 16, the player was not old enough to sign a professional contract, the deal had been arranged by his father, who had, in effect, been guarding the cradle. 马德里因cradle-snatching [分开来翻译是摇篮和攫取,意会吧,就是那种夺取明日之星的感觉,不过翻译出来就有点过了……] 而成为被告。因为当时,在16岁以下的球员是不能签专业性的合同的。这件事情最终被解决了,在他的父亲有效的监护下。[这里我已经开始翻的有点晕了。] Now the kid around whom such a storm blew up has emerged as one of the key figures at Madrid. However brilliantly may shine the haloes of Zidane, Figo, Raul and Ronaldo, they still need someone to dig in and win the ball before they can work their magic. 现在这个如卷起的风暴一般引人注目的孩子,在马德里已经渐渐成为那些关键球员中的一个。无论齐达内、费戈、劳尔的光晕如何耀眼,在他们能够表演他们的魔术之前,他们仍旧需要有人来帮助他们赢球。 Cambiasso started to kick a ball in childhood earnest with Argentinos Juniors of Buenos Aries, where Diego Maradona began his career. His energy and skill quickly attracted the Argentinian federation’s youth-scouting programme, and it was while on national junior duty that he was spotted and recommended to Madirid. 在孩童时代,坎比亚索在布宜诺斯艾利斯的阿根廷青年者队开始踢球,那是迭戈·马拉多纳开始其职业生涯的地方。他的精力和技术很快吸引了阿根廷足联青少年-守侯活动 [不确定机构名称,感觉有点像捕兽夹子在等猎物的那种机构,但也有可能是指阿根廷联赛的球探] 的注意,在国家青年队不久,他便被推荐去马德里。 [翻的很乱,等我周日去问外教吧,说不定我忘记也有可能……] Before Argentinos Juniors or the federation knew what had happened the deal had been done. Cambiasso duly flew to Madrid with his father and goalkeeping brother – who also joined Real as part of deal. 在阿根廷青年者和足联知道发生了什么事情以前,坎比亚索适时的和自己的父亲、作为守门员的兄弟一起飞到了马德里,他的兄弟作为交易的一部分也加入了皇家马德里。 [非常想知道他兄弟现在的去向] The club were disconcerted by the publicity, and so was Cambiasso. He was tucked away in the youth and nursery teams in the Spanish Second and Third Divisions for two seasons but the level of expectation and homesickness proved a double handicap to his progress. 俱乐部官员对坎比亚索的表现有些困惑,坎比亚索自己也是 [我不懂他们在困惑什么...]。他先后被安排进皇马少年队 [原意是托儿所] 和青年队在丙级和乙级比赛中踢了两个赛季,但是期望和思乡病成为了他进步的一个双重阻碍。 [还在打字中,欲知后来,敬请期待游言的龟速打字~~~ Loading。。。] 顺便放上平井坚的Life is... [曾被我拿来做死者之书时的背景音乐] [mp=500,50][/mp]
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-20 19:03:57编辑过]
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发表于 2003-5-21 16:30:00 | 只看该作者
感动感动超级感动中!! Albano Bizarri 是世界明星队的第三门将,因为卡恩没来。所以上场踢半场。 top division debut 应该是说阿甲吧。他去了皇马C队。所以他基本上是皇马的青训系统培养出来的,像帕文卡西他们一样。 goalkeeping brother 是二哥,尼可拉斯·卡洛斯·坎比亚索,后来回到了阿根廷,现在在阿乙作守门员。没有他这么漂亮。笑。顺便说一句,他是运动世家出生。老爸和大哥打篮球,他是全家最矮最小的,所以只能踢足球,笑。 disconcerted 从小就顶着雷东多的名字~~哎~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-21 16:32:00编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-22 09:06:00 | 只看该作者
In the autumn of 1998 Madrid loaned him back to Independiente and he made his Argentinian League debut as a substitute in a 2-2 draw at Ferrocarril Oeste. Cambiasso spent two seasons with Independiente but Real decided he was not yet ready for the cut and thrust of La Liga. Thus he stayed another 18 months in Argentina, this time with River Plate – the great Alfredo Di Stefano’s original club.
在1998年的秋天皇马将他租借回独立队,他Ferrocarril Oeste以替补身份登场,他的第一次阿甲比赛以2-2的平局收场。坎比亚索在独立队待了两年,但是皇马觉得他还没有准备好去适应西甲(La Liga居然是西甲……打死我都没想到……)比赛的激烈。因而他又在阿根廷等待了18个月,这次是在河床队,伟大的阿尔弗雷德·迪·斯蒂法诺最初所效力的俱乐部。

  Twelve goals in 37 games last spring for River brought Cambiasso to the fringe of the Argentina World Cup squad, but coach Marcelo Bielsa preferred to stick with his experienced player – and may later have regretted overlooking the youthful zest and creativity that Cambiasso could have brought to a highly disappointing effort in the Far East.

  Last summer, Madrid sports director Jorge Valdano and coach Vicente Del Bsque discusses how best to progress with Cambiasso. They wanted to introduce him to European football and had received enquiries from Benfica and Alaves, who both wanted to take him on loan. Madirid were templed by the Alaves option: it would have offered Cambiasso La Liga Experience and a chance adjust his game. Simultaneously, however, Madrid were also trying to offload player to lighten the payroll. Out went Aitor Karanka and Ivan Campo and, suddely, Valdano and Del Bosque realised they were looking thin in central defence. The easy answer was to switch Ivan Helguera back from midfield – but then who could do his job?

  The answer was staring them in the face. Cambiasso had the ability and verve, all he needed was experience and self-confidence. Thrown in from the start, he quickly set about seizing his opportunity with both hands. To the delight of Del Bosque and Valdano, and to the public approval of team-mates Fernando Hierro and Michel Salgado, he proved himself utterly unfazed – shouting commands and instruction as readily to Zidane and Raul as he did to new young full-back Raul Bravo.

  Off the pitch, it has been a different story. “I try to keep a low profile,” he says. “It’s enough to do my talking out on the pitch. If my team-mates think I am doing a good job that’s all that matters.”

  Cambiasso’s freshness has contrasted notably with the fatigued approach of some of his team-mates who went to the World Cup. In that sense, missing out worked to his adventage. “The Argentinian League finished early because of the World Cup,” says Cambiasso, “so I had two months away from competitive football. I relaxed for a month, then worked on my fitness on my own. I think it’s paid off – though I honestly didn’t expect to get a chance to establish myself in the team so soon.”

  Cambiasso’s hero is Fernando Redondo, who anchored Madrid’s Champions League victory over Valencia in 2000 and was then ruled out by injury for two years just after transferring weeks later to Milan. Critics compare Cambiasso with the young Redondo – but not Cambiasso himself. He says: ”So far I have not achieved even one per cent of what Redondo achieved. And you won’t catch me thinking, or saying, anything different. That’s the way I am.”
坎比亚索的偶像是雷东多(真的啊?),那是为皇马能在2000年击败瓦伦西亚获得冠军杯冠军的奠基人,但是却因为转会到米兰以后的伤病而缺席比赛达两年之久。评论家经常拿坎比亚索和以前的雷东多做比较——而不是以前的坎比亚索。坎比亚索说:“至今为止我并没有获得雷东多所取得的成就的百分之一。And you won’t catch me thinking, or saying, anything different. That’s the way I am。”(最后这句是不是很够个性,yes, that’s the way I am!)
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