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【10-11 ZM专贴】280L:替补伊布戴帽助瑞典5-0横扫芬兰

发表于 2011-2-13 11:22:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Man Utd 2-1 Man City: Rooney wondergoal 曼联2-1胜曼城:鲁尼绝妙世界波 February 12, 2011 City started well but United grew into the contest, and Wayne Rooney’s astonishing overhead kick settled the game. 曼城开场打得不错,但是曼联逐渐融入了比赛,纳尼打入领先球,而且最终由鲁尼打入一记惊艳的倒钩球,锁定了这场德比的胜利。 The starting line-ups 双方首发阵容 Sir Alex Ferguson went with his 4-5-1 system, dropping Dimitar Berbatov to play Rooney upfront alone. Rio Ferdinand and Jonny Evans were out so Chris Smalling started. Michael Carrick was the central midfielder left out. 弗格森爵士采用4-5-1阵型,射手王迪米塔·贝尔巴托夫坐在替补席,而让鲁尼担当单前锋重任。里奥· 费迪南德和约翰尼 · 埃文斯没有进入大名单,所以克里斯·斯麦林首发。中场麦克尔· 卡里克坐在替补席。 Roberto Mancini left out Edin Dzeko to play Carlos Tevez alone upfront. James Milner played in Nigel de Jong’s position, and Aleksandar Kolarov started on the left. Joleon Lescott was chosen over Kolo Toure. 罗伯托·曼奇尼,将艾丁·哲科放在替补席,由卡洛斯·特维斯担任单前锋。詹姆斯·米尔纳出现在奈杰尔·德荣的位置上,而亚历山大·科拉罗夫则出现在左前卫位置上。乔莱安·莱斯科特首发,而克洛·图雷坐在替补席。 City were the better side in the opening 20 minutes, completing 99 passes compared to United’s 80. They also created the best chance in that period, through a brilliant neat passing move, but David Silva poked wide. 曼城开场20分钟里占据上风,完成了99次传球,而曼联只有80次。曼城人还在这段期间中通过华丽清晰的传递而有序推进至曼联禁区,创造了全场最佳破门良机,然而可惜的是,大卫·席尔瓦在门前右侧的打门,却堪堪与球门失之交臂。 United start sluggishly 上半场曼联冷劲慢发 United’s passing was poor – they misplaced passes even when under little pressure at the back. Here, the absence of Ferdinand was felt – in addition to United having a much better defensive record when he is in the side, he also offers reliable, solid distribution from the back. The fault was not with Smalling, who had a good game, but Vidic feels the need to bring the ball out of defence more, and his passing range is not particularly impressive. 曼联的传球质量不佳 — 他们甚至在稍有压力情况下,后卫就会传球失误。列位瞧瞧,左路缺乏费迪南德的窘境感到了吗?! — 当他在场时,曼联额外就有了更好防守记录,他还能从后防位置上为中前场提供可靠的、稳固的传球。斯麦林本场表现很好,他与人的合作上缺陷,不是他的错,但维迪奇却多次感到非要把球踢出去,才会对后防无碍,而且,维迪奇的传球范围,并不是特别令人印象深刻。 He is a superb defender, however. He and Vincent Kompany have probably been the division’s best two centre-backs this season, and according to OPTA’s stats, neither lost a challenge in this game. 然而无论如何,他维迪奇,是一位巨星后卫。维迪奇和文森特·孔帕尼,恐怕是本赛季英超2个最佳中后卫了,而且根据OPTA统计,本场比赛他们没有丢失挑战本色。 United were better when they let Paul Scholes have the ball, and as in the meeting between these two sides at Eastlands last season, he was the difference early on. City’s distribution from the centre of midfield from Gareth Barry, James Milner and Yaya Toure was short, calm and reliable – nothing wrong with that – but Scholes’ long crossfield balls constantly changed the point of attack and made it more difficult for City to get into the right positions. The distance of his passes on the chalkboard is notable. 当曼联人让保罗·斯科尔斯持球时,他们局势改观了,这在上赛季在曼城主场双方遭遇时已经证明,生姜头早就是与众不同。曼城阵中,来自中场的传球 - 加雷思·巴里、 詹姆斯·米尔纳和亚亚·图雷 - 都是短传、舒适波澜不惊和有效可及 - 无懈可击 - 但是斯科尔斯的长传转移球,却不断改变着攻击点,给曼城人在右侧位置上制造着困难(/使曼城人难以出现在正确位置上?)。在下图所示的战术演示板上,斯科尔斯的传递距离,是显而易见的,非常可观:总共62次传球,成功53次。 by Guardian Chalkboards City’s midfield acted as a three, with Toure starting highest up but sometimes becoming the deepest player if Milner or Barry moved forward. This worked nicely, because Silva always moved inside and Milner overlapped to provide width – playing more passes from the right flank than Silva, despite their starting positions. 曼城中场由图雷、米尔纳和巴里三人组担纲:图雷起初时最靠前,但有时如果米尔纳或者巴里向前时,他则拖在最后。这样效果很好,因为右前卫席尔瓦总是向里深入,而当米尔纳重叠补入这个位置时则可以提供宽度 — 不管他们的起始位置如何,这时这位右肋则可以比席尔瓦提供更多的传球(参见下面的题板,席尔瓦和米尔纳传球图示和数据,传球成功率:席尔瓦43/60、米尔纳35/44)。 by Guardian Chalkboards United’s wingers played different roles – Nani generally stayed on the touchline but Ryan Giggs came inside and saw more of the ball. Nani became increasingly frustrated at his lack of service, however, and started to wander. The goal came when both wingers were more narrow than usual, with Giggs playing in Nani to finish well in the 41st minute. 曼联边翼们则扮演着不同的角色 — 纳尼总靠近边路游弋,而瑞恩·吉格斯向里走而且多时看着球跑。然而,当纳尼缺少支援时,就变得越来越沮丧,于是开始游荡了。当这两个边锋比往常更靠近,随着吉格斯传球发挥,纳尼接球在第41分钟时完成了曼联第一个进球任务Second half 下半场 Mancini’s first change came soon after the break. Shaun Wright-Phillips (who had only played 130 minutes so far this season) replaced Kolarov, with Silva moving to the left – although as Silva comes inside so much, this didn’t affect his positioning much. Mancini could have taken off Pablo Zabaleta, who lost Nani for the first goal, and put Kolarov to left-back, but he seems to trust Zabaleta more than Kolarov defensively. 曼奇尼的第一次换人是在中场休息后不久。 邵恩赖特-菲利普斯(SWP)(本赛季至今仅上场踢了总计130分钟时间),取代克罗拉夫上场了,与席尔瓦一起打左路 — 虽然席尔瓦如此一来更多向里切,但这不会过多影响他的位置感。曼奇尼也许可以换下巴勃罗萨巴莱塔而把科拉罗夫置于左后卫上,因为红魔的第一个进球则是因为萨巴莱塔失去对纳尼的防守,但曼奇尼似乎更信任前者而不是后者的防御能力。 His second change was forced on him – Milner went off through injury – but Mancini took this as the opportunity to go towards more of a 4-4-2 shape, with Dzeko joining Tevez, and Toure deeper in midfield. The two subs combined for the City equaliser, a fortunate goal that deflected in off Silva’s back. Nevertheless, Wright-Phillips’ pace and directness did give City another dimension, stretching the United defence, so we should put that substitution down as a good move from Mancini. 曼奇尼第二次换人,则是他受到了压力 - 因为米尔纳受伤不得不下场 - 但是他抓住这次机会改打442阵型,让新援高中锋哲科与特维斯打前锋,图雷中场拖后。这两次换人的结合效果,为曼城带来扳平的机会和结果,一个幸运进球,是打在席尔瓦身上折射入网的。不过,赖特-菲利普斯的边路冲击和下底传球,的确开辟了曼城的另一走廊,抻开了曼联的防线,所以我们应该将这样的换人,看作是曼奇尼临场指挥上的一步好棋。 Ferguson responded with a similar change – going to 4-4-2 with Anderson off and Dimitar Berbatov on. Having gone from six central midfielders at the start to just four by the end, the game opened up significantly and a third goal seemed to be on the cards. 弗格森此时针锋相对地也对阵容做了相应调整 - 换下安德森换上贝巴改打4-4-2战术。从首发时6个CM到结束时4个CM一路演进,本场比赛显著地上演了开放大战,那么第三个进球似乎就要来到。 Rooney’s winner, from a deflected Nani cross, was astonishing, and a fitting winner in any game. 鲁尼的进球,来自纳尼的偏斜向底、长距离的横传球助攻,这绝对是惊艳的绝杀球,而且,这种最后阶段的禁区内万军丛中倒钩打门进球,对于任何一场比赛而言,都是再合适不过的完美进球了。 Conclusion 结论 Nothing too exciting tactically – both started at 4-5-1 to keep it tight, then switched to 4-4-2 to try and provide more goalscoring threat. In that respect, the game was rather like the Manchester United v Valencia game at the Mestalla earlier this season – where United also got a late winner. 战术上趋于保守,不太令人兴奋 - 双方开始都排出4-5-1阵型,保持紧密防守姿态,接下来转向4-4-2阵型试图加强进攻并获得进球威胁机会。在这一点上,本场比赛很像本赛季初期曼联对阵瓦伦西亚那场比赛 - 在梅斯塔拉球场,曼联同样赢得了像今天一样晚到的胜利。 The game was also notable for the identity of the forwards – the smaller, pacier Rooney and Tevez preferred over Berbatov and Dzeko from the start. The false nine is no longer an abstract concept, it has become an established role in modern football- especially in big games like this. 这场比赛,对于前锋角色认知而言,也有显著的意义 — 象双方首发时,分别选择了小前锋鲁尼和特维斯,而不是中锋贝尔巴托夫和哲科。伪九号,不再是一个抽象的概念,它在现代足球已成为一个稳固确立的角色 - 特别是在这样的重大关键的德比战中。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-9 20:26:11 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-9 20:20:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 20:23 编辑

Sweden 5-0 Finland: Ibrahimovic off the bench to score a hattrick as Finland are demolished
June 8, 2011

The starting line-ups. Ibrahimovic came on after 25 minutes and took the place of Toivonen, with Elmander dropping deeper

Sweden kept up their excellent record in 2012 qualifying with a convincing win over neighbours Finland.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic hadn’t fully recovered from injury, so started on the bench – but came on after 25 minutes when Ola Toivonen picked up a knock. Erik Hamren only made one change from the 4-1 win over Moldova, as Emir Bajrami replaced Tobias Hysen on the left.

Mixu Paatelainen dropped Veli Lampi and Jukka Raitala after the narrow 1-0 win over San Marino, bringing in Roman Eremenko and Joona Toivio. He also left out goalkeeper Lucas Hradecky, with Anssi Jaakkola coming in.

Sweden were dominant for the entire game – Finland were not awful with the ball and created some decent chances, but were shambolic defensively, and 5-0 wasn’t harsh on the away side.

Finland attempt to play

Finland tried to play good football, but the difference in quality meant an open game didn’t suit them. They tried to play out from the back, they wanted to keep a reasonably high line, and they attempted to make the pitch as wide as possible when in possession, but all these factors helped Sweden break quickly when they won the ball.

Sweden were allowed to control the game from deep in midfield, as Anders Svensson and Kim Kallstrom played calm, short passes towards the attacking players, taking it in turn to move forward a little on the ball. Generally, Roman Eremenko stayed deep and kept an eye on Toivonen (and Johan Elmander, who dropped into that position once Ibrahimovic replaced Toivonen), whilst Mika Vayrynen played higher up, ready to track either Kallstrom or Svensson. This meant one of them was always free, however, and with little help from the front two, Finland were always likely to lose the numbers game in midfield.

Sweden threat

Despite Finland’s vulnerability, Sweden took a while to start causing Jaakkola consistent problems. They went ahead through a fortunate goal – Kallstrom’s free-kick (like Tranquilo Barnetta’s against England at the weekend) missed everyone in the box, and went all the way in. Finland had consistent problems with the Lyon player’s set-piece delivery, though – they later conceded their fourth goal when Ibrahimovic nodded in another Kallstrom free-kick.

It was Ibrahimovic’s introduction that really spurred Sweden on – he lifted the crowd and played higher up the pitch than Elmander. His movement was also better -he was more willing to play on the shoulder, to move into the channels. Kallstrom’s through ball to him was finished confidently moments after he came on. His second, and Sweden’s third, was scored when Sweden took advantage of sloppy Finland play at the back – again, they passed the ball out from a goal kick, but the passes were slow, predictable and dangerous, and they paid the price.

Finland tactics

Finland were sometimes a threat with the ball. They had two promising tactics – first, one of their forwards dropped deep and tempted Daniel Majstorovic out. He dived into tackles and Finland had the chance to move into the space behind him.

The second approach was a product of their width – they got the ball out wide and then flashed crosses across the goal from near the byline – good centres were put in by Toivio from the right and Perparim Hetemaj from the left, and also by substitute Mika Ääritalo after the break. The movement from the forwards wasn’t good enough, though – Mikael Forssell often seemed a couple of yards behind play.

Second half

Two substitutions at half time smacked of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic for Finland, with Ääritalo and Markus Halsti both coming on – though Finland remained in roughly the same shape.

And it was roughly the same pattern of play – Ibrahimovic’s header was followed by Emir Bajrami’s late goal on the break, but the game was over by half time.


The two most talented players on the pitch did the damage here – Ibrahimovic got three goals and one assist, Kallstrom got one goal and two assists. Sweden did nothing spectacular but played confidently and professionally.

The tactical interest came from Finland’s failings – Paatelainen should be admired for his commitment to playing open, expansive football, but it’s probably not the right approach when you’re away from home against such a superior side. Finland played too wide – they needed their wider players to tuck in and help win the ball back – and their forwards were guilty of not doing enough without the ball, which meant that (a) they lost the numbers game in midfield and (b) there was no pressure on the ball when the defence was trying to play high up the pitch.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-9 20:19:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-9 20:16:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 20:18 编辑

Belgium 1-1 Turkey: a possession-based game finishes all square
June 6, 2011

The starting line-ups

Two goals in the first quarter of the game gave Belgium and Turkey a point apiece.

Georges Leekens shuffled his pack, bringing both Eden Hazard and Marvin Ogunjimi back into the side, amongst others, and used a 4-2-3-1 system.

Guus Hiddink’s formation was more of a 4-1-2-3, with Selçuk Şahin deep ahead of his own back four. Kazim Kazim (aka Colin Kazim-Richards) surprisingly played as the lone striker, though he frequently came towards play as something of a false nine.

The game went through phases, with both sides playing very short patient football. With Hiddink a Dutchman, this was something of a Low Countries derby in terms of the ideology of the two managers, and that was reflected in the style of football on the pitch.

Belgium approach

The hosts went ahead very early on, when Ogunjimi fired in a shot at the second time of asking, following a cross from the flank. That wasn’t particularly typical of Belgium’s approach, however, as they generally brought their wide players inside quickly, with both Hazard and Nacer Chadli running with the ball.

A more common tactic in the final third was to play the ball into the channels for Ogunjimi – in particular, threaded balls down the outside of Serdar Kesimal threatened, as Ogunjimi looked to play on the shoulder and get on the end of through-balls.

The wide players narrowing meant that Belgium had three sources of creativity from central positions, but it also made their attacks slightly predictable. This was not a problem with the wide players themselves, more an issue with the lack of attacking threat from full-back. Toby Alderweireld and Jan Vertonghen are both centre-backs rather than full-backs (in fact, they are partners at the heart of Ajax’s back four) and whilst they’re both good enough on the ball to be comfortable when played wide, they still don’t have the natural tendency to skip down the line and provide overlaps.

The benefit of playing four centre-backs was the extra height from corners, and with Volkan Demirel flapping at the ball nervously early on, this appeared to be a promising area for Belgium.

Despite Turkey left-back Caglar Birinci enduring an extremely nervous opening to the game on his debut, Hazard didn’t take advantage of this weakness – his natural game is to come inside, when he might have been better off exposing Birinci.

Turkey approach

Turkey took a while to get going – in fact they only really got a grip on the game after they scored on 22 minutes, a goal which came against the run of play.

Hiddink’s side were able to get a grip on the game when they realised that both Emre and Selcuk Inan could get time on the ball when they moved into deep positions, because Belgium’s double pivot wasn’t willing to move so high up the pitch to close them down. When Turkey’s two ball players started to set the tempo and play some more ambitious balls forward, they looked much more dangerous.

The reluctance of Timmy Simons and Steven Defour to move forward was partly because Turkey’s wide attackers didn’t stay on the flanks – they came inside and posed a threat between the lines. Turkey were at their best when those two combined – as they did for the goal – and Belgium found it difficult to cope with those players running with the ball inside.

Turkey sometimes attempted to hit long balls to Kazim, which were unsuccessful because (a) he isn’t really a target man and (b) Belgium had plenty of aerial power at the back. Kazim was more useful when he dropped deep, which forced Vincent Kompany out of the back (he sometimes struggles when coming up the pitch) and created space in the Turkey defence.

Hiddink wanted his players to press reasonably intensively, but Belgium’s players were all very good on the ball, and generally kept possession well.

Second half

The major change in the second half was the introduction of Dries Mertens, in place of the quiet Hazard. Mertens didn’t really do anything different to Hazard in terms of style, but he was certainly more effective – drawing defenders towards him, having a couple of efforts from range, and also winning the penalty that was wasted by Axwel Witsel.

Thomas Vermaelen had replaced his old Ajax teammate Vertonghen at left-back – again, pretty much a straight swap.

Belgium were a little more willing to close Turkey down in the midfield zone after the break, with Defour playing a little higher up the pitch and playing more aggressively, and Simon playing more of a covering role, rather than as part of a double pivot. This meant Belgium pressed better, and after Turkey enjoyed a good spell of dominance either side of half time, Belgium reasserted themselves on the game late on, and but for the missed penalty, would have been rewarded with the win.

Hiddink waited very late to introduce the two Mehmets, Ekici and Topal – as a whole, there was little tactical excitement after the break.


A decent game that was all about control through possession – both sides were very patient with the ball, although neither actually scored when they were dominating the game – Belgium’s first goal came before the game had settled down, whilst Turkey’s came before they’d really imposed themselves in midfield.

Both sides lacked something in the final third – Leekens was braver with an earlier use of his bench. It would have been interesting to see Hiddink introduce his substitutes earlier – with Belgium using a powerful but slightly static back four, removing Kazim for another attacking midfielder and playing without a true striker would have been an interesting option.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-9 20:08:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 20:15 编辑


译者:netfish513 发表日期:2011-5-29 13:39:00


















原文地址:http://www.zonalmarking.net/2011 ... -league-final-2011/

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发表于 2011-6-9 17:33:54 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-6 18:12:13 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-6-6 18:06:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-6-9 17:30 编辑

由 jessicaje 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccerJune 5, 2011



1. 阿什利杨不排入首发是个错误




2. 英格兰还是无法保住控球权




3. 无球时英格兰缺乏有效战略



4. 乔哈特的主要问题在于他的分球能力



5. 4-3-3是英格兰的默认阵型吗?


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发表于 2011-6-6 18:03:58 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-6-6 18:05 编辑

More questions than answers for Capello after Switzerland draw
June 5, 2011

The first half formation

Two poor goals conceded and then a decent fightback, but it’s hard to draw many positive conclusions from England’s 2-2 draw with Switzerland.

1. Leaving out Ashley Young was a mistake

It’s difficult to see the logic in omitting Young. He had probably been England’s best performer over the last three games, and tactically was important because of his ability to move off the flank. England were good against Wales in the 4-3-3 system because Young and Wayne Rooney were able to come inside into central positions and provide connections with each other, the midfield players, and Darren Bent upfront.

Against Switzerland, there was no clear objective to the attacking play. James Milner scurried up and down the wing and Theo Walcott was direct, but neither are particularly good crossers. Meanwhile, midfield runs from Jack Wilshere and Frank Lampard were rare until England went 1-0 down, when Wilshere moved forward to win the penalty. There was no-one in the ‘red zone’ Swiss coach Ottmar Hitzfeld often speaks of.

It was notable how much England improved when Young came on in the second half. He played centrally and combined with Darren Bent, but also with the two wide players by making diagonal runs to the flanks – as a ‘central winger’. He was again crucial in what England did well, and should be regarded as one of the side’s key players.

2. England still can’t retain possession

England had 52% of possession against Switzerland. A majority, but considering this was at home against a side often content to sit back and play defensively, England should have been enjoying much more of the ball.

Possession doesn’t equal victory, but when Capello’s main excuse is tiredness, the obvious solution is to try to hang onto the ball for longer, and spend less time chasing. Capello’s use of three central midfielders should, in theory, make it easier to keep the ball, but the mentality is still not there – England aren’t patient enough.

The second half formation

3. England don’t have a cohesive strategy without the ball

Sometimes England press, sometimes they stand off. In this game, they stood off and then dived into tackles unnecessarily, conceding free-kicks around the box. Even Rio Ferdinand managed to pick up a booking, having gone 65 games without a caution.

It would be tempting to conclude that England play in phases – sometimes pressuring the ball, sometimes dropping off – but there is an inconsistency within the side at individual moments that makes this generous interpretation impossible. Capello supposedly wants Barcelona-style pressing, but with fitness levels poor, England needed a different approach.

4. Joe Hart’s main problem is his distribution

Two embarrassing goals conceded, but the blame can be shared – the first should probably have been headed away, the second was clearly the fault of James Milner in the wall.

Hart’s more obvious weakness is with the ball at his feet – constantly in danger of his kicks being charged down by opposing strikers, and even when he is free to play a pass, he simply doesn’t have the ability to pinpoint a teammate in space. Being a good ball player used to be regarded as a bonus for a goalkeeper, but these days it is a must. One can’t blame Hart for England’s poor passing as a whole, but just as Barcelona’s slick passing starts from their keeper, England’s lack of imagination in possession starts from theirs.

5. Is 4-3-3 now England’s default formation?

Whether England played 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1 throughout the World Cup qualifying and World Cup tournament itself is debatable, but that/those system(s) are clearly different to the 4-3-3 Capello has used against Wales and Switzerland.

The problem was, of course, that it didn’t work very well here, and Capello had to revert to a 4-2-3-1 with Ashley Young as a central attacker. In that sense, Capello might be back to square one – and whilst the result and performance wasn’t a complete disaster, England are no better off a year on from the embarrassing World Cup exit last summer.


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发表于 2011-6-6 18:00:03 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-6-6 17:56:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-6-6 17:59 编辑

Portugal 1-0 Norway: Portugal attack, Norway sit back, and Postiga gets the breakthrough
June 5, 2011

The starting line-ups

Helder Postiga’s well-taken goal gave Portugal an important victory.

Paulo Bento was without Ricardo Carvalho through injury, so Pepe was partnered by Bruno Alves. Joao Pereira came in at right-back, and the midfield trio was the three Ms.

Egil Olsen played his usual 4-5-1 system, with the expected XI. John Carew was upfront, and Vadim Demidov came in at the back for his first start in the Euro 2012 qualifying campaign.

The game was simultaneously extremely predictable and quite exciting. The two sides have vastly different styles of football – Portugal have skilled technical players, but a classic problem with potency upfront, and a secondary problem with creativity from midfield. On the other hand, Olsen always favours men behind the ball, before launching quick breaks with direct passes forward.


Portugal used a 4-3-3 system, with two wingers coming inside, and attacking full-backs. Raul Meireles played deep in midfield and had time on the ball to distribute intelligently forward, whilst Cristiano Ronaldo played slightly narrower than Nani on the opposite side.

Olsen’s system is never quite a pure 4-5-1, because he likes to use one wide midfielder (Morten Gamst Pedersen) and one player who is a winger-cum-second striker (Erik Huseklepp). Huseklepp plays higher up the pitch and makes diagonal runs inside, so Bjorn Helge Riise had to move out to the right to cover that flank when Portugal broke quickly. This was a slight worry, with Ronaldo and Fabio Coentrao down Portugal’s left.


With Norway content to drop deep and favouring a zonal system of defence, the game was not so much about individual battles according to the formations. It was more about two factors – (a) whether Portugal had the creativity to break down Norway and (b) whether Norway’s transitions were good enough to cause a threat on the break.

With Norway defending quite deep and narrow, Portugal were keen to get the ball wide quickly. Ronaldo looked to come inside and shoot but was quickly surrounded by players, and Nani was more involved early on down the right. The 3 v 3 battle in the centre made things congested in that zone and Portugal rarely looked like creating chances from that part of the pitch, although the long-range ability of Meireles and Carlos Martins (plus the two wingers coming inside) meant Norway had to close down quickly. Carew played left-of-centre up against Pepe, so the Real Madrid player was unable to bring the ball out of the back, as he often does to create an extra man in midfield.

Norway breaks

Despite spending most of the game on the edge of their own box, Norway had a couple of great chances in the first half when they stormed forward quickly. Carew was barely involved in the game, and Pedersen didn’t play particularly well, but Huseklepp was a threat down the right – he had a good early chance on the counter, and also combined well with Bjorn Helge Riise, who played a very energetic game and made good ‘underlapping’ runs inside Huseklepp.

With Carew marshalled well by Pepe, diagonal ball were the key for Norway in getting up the pitch, and they were fortunate to have Henning Hauger free ahead of their back four – he was usually in space, and had time on the ball (plus a clear vision of what was ahead of him) to sweep passes wide.

Portugal variation

It was mainly Portugal with the ball, however. Whilst their general strategy means that the typical deep-and-narrow defensive approach should work well against them (as sides play against Arsenal and Barcelona, for example) Portugal are comfortable crossing from wide areas – and it was their willingness to centre the ball that paid dividends.

In Postiga, Portugal have a forward who can get himself on the end of crosses (and also one who is comfortable coming deep, but with the Norweigan defenders letting him go free and a lack of ‘llegada’ from the Portuguese midfielders, this wasn’t so useful). They also have Ronaldo, who can come inside as a second striker and has a superb leap, and this meant that they could knock the ball out to Nani, an excellent crosser, and have two good targets in the centre. Nani didn’t have a great game overall, but his low cross for Postiga just after half time put Portugal into the lead.


The situation at 1-0 was slightly odd, because Olsen was concerned about the head-to-head situation in the group (this is used as the decider for teams level on points, rather than goal difference, and Norway won the previous meeting between the sides 1-0) and so Norway didn’t really push forward much at 1-0.

In fact, the tactics for both sides remained the same until the final whistle. Substitutions were like-for-like, and Norway continued to sit back in their own half and wait for Portugal to come onto them – which they didn’t always do. Portugal’s midfielders sat deeper and Norway couldn’t counter, so their build-up play was a little less basic. The introduction of Mohammed Abdellaoue for Carew also meant hitting the ball long quickly wasn’t such an option.

The Norweigan full-backs got forward a couple of times, and the away side won their first corner in stoppage time, but the scoreline never looked likely to change after Postiga’s goal.


We knew what to expect here, and we got it. A game very similar to the first meeting between the sides produced another narrow home win.

Bento’s side played well, but the midfield zone still doesn’t feel right. With Meireles, Moutinho and Martins, there are three decent users of the ball – but not enough attacking threat, nor a true holding player to prevent opposition counter-attacks down the centre. It’s the same problem ZM identified before last summer’s World Cup – “on the Venn diagram of what they (the midfielders) bring to the side, there’s too much crossover.” As if to prove the point, Meireles was playing as Portugal’s most attack-minded midfielder when that article was written, and here played as the deepest of the three…

Norway were classic Norway, and we discovered little that we didn’t know before this game. They’ll have been disappointed to have conceded a goal from a cross, as they are generally very good at penalty box defending. Still, along with Portugal and Denmark they are on ten points and joint top of Group H, and arguably have the best run of remaining fixtures of those three sides, so remain in a very strong position.
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发表于 2011-6-6 17:55:59 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-6-6 17:53:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-6-6 17:55 编辑

Inter 3-1 Palermo: Sneijder-Eto’o combination twice opens up Palermo
May 30, 2011

The starting line-ups

Leonardo won his first trophy as a coach, as Inter lifted the Coppa Italia.

Wesley Sneijder was fit to start for Inter, with Yuto Nagatomo at right-back, and Cristian Chivu on the opposite side.
Delio Rossi used his 4-3-2-1 system. Fabio Liverani was left out, and Afriyie Acquah played the holding role.

Palermo had the majority of possession, spent most of the game in the Inter half, and probably had more chances. They lacked a cutting edge, however, and Inter were ruthless with their quick breaks – a little like in the Champions League final last season.

Inter tactics

Palermo’s Christmas tree shape was largely as expected, but Leonardo’s formation was a slight surprise. A 4-3-1-2 was expected, but instead the Brazilian chose a 4-4-1-1 system, with Samuel Eto’o high up on the left, Wesley Sneijder in a free role, and Giampaolo Pazzini alone upfront. This was welcome news, as it made the match-up between formations more interesting.

Inter’s attacking build-up play was poor when they didn’t break quickly. Nagatomo tried to get forward down the right, covered by Javier Zanetti, but on the other side Chivu wasn’t quick enough to overlap to allow Eto’o inside. In the centre, Sneijder often got into space between the lines but passes rarely came his way – Thiago Motta and Dejan Stankovic are both good ball-players, but were more concerned about protecting their back four from Palermo’s double trequartista threat than playing football themselves. Meanwhile, Pazzini was isolated upfront, and hopeful lobbed balls towards him in the air were predictably unsuccessful.Battlegrounds

Partly because of that, Javier Pastore and Josip Ilicic weren’t particularly involved in the early stages of the match, although there was one occasion when Inter’s defence was opened up when both Lucio and Andrea Ranocchia got dragged up the pitch – this should have put Pastore in, but his control was poor.

There were two interesting battlegrounds on the pitch, and both were eventually won by Inter. The first was in Palermo’s left-back zone, where Mattia Cassani wanted to attack and provide width for Palermo, but was troubled by the presence of Eto’o.

The second was Acquah against Sneijder. The young Ghanaian allowed Sneijder to go free between the lines and got sucked into the midfield battle ahead of him – it’s difficult to see why, because Palermo had numbers in that zone (more so that if Inter had played 4-3-1-2, certainly) and Acquah had no need to get involved. He could have stayed goalside of Sneijder, but moved up the pitch, missed a tackle, and then Sneijder sent the ball through to Eto’o, who came inside and finished with typical confidence.

Second half

The line-ups midway through the second half, after some substitutions

Rossi really pushed his side forward in the second period. It was immediately obvious that the two full-backs were even more attack-minded (and even wider) than before the break, and on 54 minutes Palermo brought on another forward, Fabrizio Miccoli – with Acquah sacrificed.

This was obviously a very attack-minded move, and some reorganisation was necessary. Antonio Nocerino and Giulio Migliaccio played a little deeper to compensate for the absence of a true holding player, and Ilicic also dropped back a little to the right. Miccoli played left-of-centre, Pastore came to an inside-right position, and Abel Hernandez continued to play upfront.

This meant that Palermo now had a front four playing very narrow – but this was OK, because the width was coming from the full-backs, keeping the active playing zone large enough to stretch Inter. And Palermo played some fantastic football – Ilicic saw more of the ball because he wasn’t really being picked up by anyone, and Pastore kept beating players cleverly. All that was needed was a finish, but Hernandez’s shots were poor, and Inter got some last-ditch blocks in.

Closing stages

Leonardo saw Cassani as a threat down the right, and Eto’o was reluctant to drop back and defend too much, so Goran Pandev replaced Pazzini, with Eto’o going upfront. This had two benefits – first, Pandev was more defensively aware on the left flank, and second, with Palermo pushing forward and playing high up the pitch, Eto’o’s pace was an obvious danger in a central role. He took up good positions outside the two centre-backs, and Sneijder kept trying to play him in down the centre-right channel – a few balls were cut out by substitute Moris Carrozzieri, but the Dutchman (now enjoying even more space after Acquah’s departure) eventually played another ball to Eto’o, and that same combination doubled the lead.

That should have been game over, but there was a flurry of activity very late on. Ezequiel Munoz scored a hilariously free header from a corner, then was sent-off and left a hole at the back, and substitute Diego Milito pounced to make it 3-1 in stoppage time.


An entertaining game – Palermo were better in midfield and their build-up play was very good, but Inter had the most deadly player on the pitch, and Samuel Eto’o scored two stereotypical goals to settle the game.

It’s fair to say that both managers performed well here. Rossi’s side were frequently creating chances by playing neatly in midfield, but were lacking in the penalty box, whilst Leonardo’s surprise starting line-up made the Sneijder-Eto’o combination possible for the first goal, and his substitutions also worked nicely in the second half.

A good tactical battle.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-29 15:12:36 | 只看该作者
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Rivaldinho (38级) 2011-05-29 09:40

































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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-29 15:11:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 18:40 编辑

Barcelona 3-1 Manchester United: Barcelona are European Champions
May 29, 2011

The starting line-ups

Goals from each of Barcelona’s front three gave Pep Guardiola’s side victory at Wembley.

Sir Alex Ferguson named his recent ‘big game’ XI – which meant Javier Hernandez upfront with Wayne Rooney behind, and Ryan Giggs and Michael Carrick in the centre of midfield. The biggest surprise was Dimitar Berbatov not even being on the bench.

Guardiola was able to call on Eric Abidal at left-back, but not Carles Puyol at centre-back, so Javier Mascherano started in defence after all.

The overall pattern was not completely different from the 2009 final. United enjoyed a good opening few minutes, but were then the poorer side for the rest of the contest.

Barca dominance

There are two ways to consider the game. The first is the obvious approach – Barcelona are clearly the best side in the world, arguably one of the best of all time, and when they are on top of their game, they are unstoppable. It’s an approach that suits everyone – Barca are happy to take the plaudits, United can take the defeat easier knowing they’ve been beaten by a superb side, and the neutral can take pleasure from witnessing such a marvellous performance.

On the other hand, United probably shouldn’t have been dominated to such a large extent. Losing 3-1 is far from shameful, but the overall shots figure (22-4 to Barcelona) and the shots on target figure (12-1 to Barcelona) demonstrate quite how superior Guardiola’s side were. Tactics is not a case of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ depending solely upon the approach, but it’s difficult to argue that United’s tactics helped them compete in this game at all, even when starting from the earlier viewpoint – that Barca are by far the best around.

Hernandez starts

The key decision before the game was whether Hernandez would play upfront, or be dropped in favour of another midfielder. The choice to play him was an attacking move from Ferguson, but the inevitable knock-on effect was that Carrick and Giggs were overwhelmed in the centre of midfield. Wayne Rooney was given the job of tracking Sergio Busquets – a difficult task considering Rooney wanted to be in space when United won the ball – but Busquets started many of Barcelona’s attacks, and was able to find more attack-minded teammates in space very easily.

Hernandez isn’t the consistent threat over the top he should be considering his speed (though he’s obviously had a fantastic first season in terms of goalscoring) and he found himself frequently offside early in the game. Credit should go to Barcelona for that – in fact, in a game where Barcelona were largely able to play their ‘natural’ game, their aggressive offside trap was one of the few key tactical features. It takes a lot of confidence to be able to play so high up the pitch against Hernandez, especially with a back four that had played as a unit for just 60 minutes before this match.

United early pressure

United looked dangerous early on, and much of their good play came down the left, trying to get in behind Alves

All this said, Hernandez did help press Barcelona early on in this match – and Ferguson’s side were helped by the fact that Barca were without Puyol at the back – he’s a better passer than Abidal or Mascherano, and so it wasn’t a disaster if either of them had time on the ball. United settled quickly, won the first couple of tackles against Messi and played long balls, sometimes diagonal, into dangerous areas. Daniel Alves started nervously and Park Ji-Sung was a threat in the opening minutes.

Out of possession, Valencia and Park dropped deep and played narrow, helping United out in the centre of the pitch. The potential problem with Iniesta identified in the preview was part-solved by Valencia playing close to him. This then gave the Barcelona full-backs time on the ball, however, and it was partly because of that freedom that Barca were able to grow into the match and keep possession.

United’s defence dropped deep when Barca kept the ball, and so when it was played forward to Andres Iniesta, his favoured through-balls between centre-back and full-back trickled out of play for goal-kicks.

Space between the lines

The defence playing deep meant that Messi enjoyed too much time on the ball between the lines. It was obvious from the first minute that United’s strategy was to allow Nemanja Vidic and Rio Ferdinand to move forward to confront Messi, but this didn’t always work, and Messi got into intelligent positions to cause them problems.

The first goal came about because of space between the lines in two ways – first Xavi Hernandez became free there, and then Messi being unoccupied dragged Patrice Evra towards him, opening up space for Pedro Rodriguez to fire home.

Almost all Barcelona's chances came from passes played to a position on the edge of the 'D'

That summed up United’s failings without the ball, because they were too easily dragged out of shape – although usually in the midfield, rather than at the back. Giggs, Park and Valencia all found it difficult to compete, and Carrick was faced with Xavi and Iniesta coming past him, and Messi in behind him. That’s 3rd, 2nd and 1st in last year’s World Footballer of the Year award forming a triangle around him – he desperately needed help, and United needed another body in that zone.

And yet they managed to get back in it, though it was after the pressing that had worked early on, rather than good work in the midfield. They boxed in Barca when Abidal took a throw in the left-back position, won the ball quickly and then Rooney played an excellent double one-two with Carrick and Giggs, and finished superbly.

Second half

After the break, Giggs and Park were told to switch positions permanently, though they’d sometimes swapped in the first half. The wisdom of this was questionable – yes, United needed more energy in the middle, but Park was guilty of switching off for Aaron Ramsey’s goal recently when pushed into the centre, and when watching the replay for Messi’s goal here, he seemed to have given up off before Messi had struck the ball. That said, as mentioned earlier, it was the centre-backs’ job to come up towards Messi, and they were slow to do so.

The other effect of the switch was Giggs becoming exposed to Alves’ runs, and twice in the first ten minutes of the second half, Alves was through on goal after one of his classic darts down the right – once he shot at Edwin van der Sar, the other time he squared for Messi. Ferguson knew something different was needed in midfield, but switching Park and Giggs was unlikely to be the answer. With three central midfielders on the bench – Darren Fletcher, Anderson and Paul Scholes – he did have options.

Final stages

Messi dribbled past opponents easily in the 'number ten' position

Ferguson waited until the 69th minute to make a change, and that was enforced, as Fabio da Silva was struggling, possibly with cramp. Nani came on, Antonio Valencia went to right-back. Incidentally, it’s not uncommon for Fabio to depart because of fitness problems. He’s started 16 games this season and been removed 10 times, whilst his twin brother Rafael has been taken off in 8 of his last 9 games. These figures include tactical substitutions as well as changes because of injury, but a decent number have been fitness-related, and therefore it was a surprise that Ferguson named no full-back on the bench, with John O’Shea left out of the 18 altogether.

The substitution had little impact on the game, because David Villa soon curled a brilliant shot into the net to put Barcelona 3-1 up, and that settled it. United rarely threatened at two goals down, and Barcelona – particularly Messi – were keen to keep the ball rather than extend the lead.


“We never really controlled Messi,” Ferguson admitted after the game. “But many people have said that. We never really closed the midfield well enough to counter them. We tried to play as near to the way we normally play. For instance, it’s alien to us to try to man-mark players. We tried to play as normally as we can. It wasn’t good enough on the night, we acknowledge that.”

Guardiola was pleased with his side. “We pressed the ball a lot, we were on top of Carrick and Giggs and that shows the quality of our team. You’ll always have problems in the Champions League final but we had less problems than in Rome – we had more chances and we made more of them.

Lionel Messi is the best player I’ve seen, the best I will ever see probably. We have good players but without him I don’t think we’d be able to make that decisive leap.”

As both managers touched upon, there were two key factors – first, United didn’t get to grips with Barca in midfield, and second, Messi was sublime.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-29 15:10:02 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-29 15:01:53 | 只看该作者
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phyth (9级) 2011-05-28 07:25




















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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-29 14:58:56 | 只看该作者
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Barcelona v Manchester United: tactical preview
May 27, 2011

Both side's "first choice" line-up

There’s certainly been no shortage of tactical debate ahead of this game.

Indeed, ever since a repeat of the 2009 final was confirmed, all the talk has been about how the sides will play – more specifically, how Manchester United can stop Barcelona. Even current players have been asked for their tactical thoughts, with the likes Jack Wilshere and Cesc Fabregas outlining surprisingly detailed tactical ideas – the latter showed off a neat chalkboard to demonstrate his ideas visually.

The one common theme – it’s probably not appropriate to call it a mistake – is an exaggeration of how much United were dominated in 2009. Indeed, you wonder if some of the players themselves have forgotten how even the first half of that game was. Paul Scholes, for example, said that this time United “intend to at least give it a go” – which doesn’t do justice to their performance in Rome – although considering Scholes only came on for the final twenty minutes, when Barcelona were 2-0 up and played keep-ball, it’s perhaps understandable. Still, it’s worth reading ZM’s analysis of that game, or even rewatching the game as preparation for this one. In the first half in 2009, United had better chances and almost an identical number of completed passes.

Team news

Manchester United have no major injury doubts, but the fitness of Darren Fletcher and Anderson are both talking points, and may dissuade Sir Alex Ferguson from using either.

Pep Guardiola would like to use Eric Abidal at left-back, but the French defender is probably not yet up to full speed after recovering from his operation. Therefore, Carles Puyol seems likely to play at left-back, with Javier Mascherano at centre-back.

The big decision

Everyone agrees that the main decision at the start will come from Ferguson. Should he continue to use Javier Hernandez, a key part of Ferguson’s recent ‘big game’ side, or drop the Mexican in order to use another central midfielder, and go for more of a defensive system? Hernandez starting would certainly be the popular move.

The decision is perhaps more complicated than many think. The obvious argument is that Hernandez’s lightning pace – he was the quickest player at the World Cup last summer – will catch out Barcelona’s high line. In fact, Hernandez has done something very similar last year at international level against Carles Puyol and other Barca players.

For such a pacey player, however, Hernandez hasn’t scored a great number of goals in this fashion. There was the recent opener in the league clash against Chelsea, but the primary cause of that goal was David Luiz’s mistake rather than Hernandez’s pace itself. Most of his goals have been poacher’s strikes from close range, often after crosses. Getting the ball wide and then centring it remains United’s natural approach, and they are simply not used to playing through balls – not when compared to, say, how Liverpool used Fernando Torres’ pace so blatantly with balls into the channels.

Besides, Hernandez hasn’t been particularly influential in games that are likely to take the same pattern as this one – ie with the opposition dominating possession. Against Arsenal at the Emirates recently, United only had 45% of possession and Hernandez only completed four passes in open play, and there’s a suspicion that he doesn’t contribute an awful lot when he doesn’t have the ball. He didn’t have a shot in that game, and the same was true in the league game at Stamford Bridge. He would still be a huge threat and probably United’s best chance of a goal if he started, but Ferguson has to balance that threat against the fact that the midfield would be more open, and United might struggle to get the ball forward.

What Hernandez does, however (even without touching the ball) is force the opposition defence to play deeper, which then opens up the gap between the lines of defence and midfield, and creates more space for Wayne Rooney. But whereas Chelsea, for example, were clueless at times without a true holding player, Barca have Sergio Busquets who will stay goalside of Rooney.

The alternative line-ups. Guardiola could play Puyol at left-back and bring in Mascherano in the centre, and can play his wingers on either side. Ferguson may opt for a third central midfielder, and also has the option of O'Shea (or Rafael) at right-back

The case for playing another central midfielder looks stronger when you consider that Barcelona are far more possession-orientated than they were in 2009. United have a destroyer, but then they don’t need one – often you can’t get close enough to Barca to get a tackle in. What you do need is mobility, and it’s questionable whether there’s enough of that from Ryan Giggs and Michael Carrick in a duo, though the energy of the front three/four makes up for that to a certain extent.

Of course, the fitness worries of the candidates for the potential third central midfield position come into play here. Anderson and Fletcher might only be able to last 50 minutes. But Ferguson must be tempted to accept that, play either of them for that amount of time and tell them to close down and press like mad, safe in the knowledge they won’t have to play the full game, so tiring it not a problem. Then, as Arsenal have done twice in two years, really go for it in the final 25 minutes – it was notable how much Theo Walcott’s pace troubled Barcelona at the Emirates last year, and Hernandez might have the same effect.


Manchester United pressed Barcelona from the start in 2009, surprising Guardiola. They won the ball back quickly and forced Barca into mistakes, and they might try and do something similar here. United must be careful, though, because there is no logical solution for pressing Barcelona 4 v 4 without leaving the midfield open for Sergio Busquets, Xavi Hernandez and Andres Iniesta to dominate, not to mention Lionel Messi dropping deep.

It also means playing high up the pitch, which might be a problem for Nemanja Vidic, who has struggled with pace this season and doesn’t like having to turn quickly when a player is sprinting past him. Rio Ferdinand covers very intelligently but Barcelona’s movement upfront is both instinctive and very clever tactically. A particular approach is for Messi to drop deep and then for Pedro and David Villa to make diagonal runs in behind the full-backs and into the space Vidic is occupying (a little like Pedro’s disallowed goal in the Copa del Rey final) and the higher up the pitch United play, the more likely this is to be effective for Barcelona’s front three.

Manchester United wingers v Barcelona full-backs

This is probably the most interesting match-up on the pitch in terms of tactics, and it’s arguably the one area where Guardiola, not Ferguson, has the real decision to make – even after he’s decided on a left-back.

It would be a huge surprise if Park Ji-Sung and Antonio Valencia were not United’s wide players – Park will play a little tucked in on the left and track Dani Alves, whilst Valencia will stay wider and higher up on the right, as against Chelsea recently. Valencia will look to get into 1 v 1 battles, and is probably United’s most important attacking player considering he’ll be up against Barcelona’s weakest position.

Guardiola’s decision is about how much attacking freedom he wants to give his full-backs. At the start of the recent mini-series against Real, it was obvious that Xabi Alonso tried to exploit their attacking tendencies by hitting diagonal balls in behind them for the wingers to get onto. Guardiola might be wary of this threat – both from the wingers and the front two moving into wide positions (Rooney enjoyed getting into the space behind Ashley Cole against Chelsea recently) and tell them to stay back. Then again, he wants width from that position in order for the front three can narrow and link up.

Much of this might depend on whether Barcelona shift from their 4-3-3 to a 3-4-3, with Busquets dropping into the back. This seems logical - Guardiola only generally asks his players to do this against 4-4-2 or 4-4-1-1 systems, where there’s a clear front two and Busquets moving deep helps Barca get out of the ‘natural’ press of the opposition, which will probably be the case here. That would obviously allows the full-backs to move higher up the pitch without fear of leaving the wide areas exposed.


The key man in this game is Iniesta. He was superb in 2009 – Rooney called him ‘the best player in the world’ after that match.

Iniesta is in the nice position of being up against Michael Carrick. No offence intended to Carrick, but if he is deployed as United’s deepest midfielder, he’ll be asked to keep it tight between the lines to prevent Messi getting space, and possibly told to try and intercept any passes intended for the Barcelona No 10 too. Therefore, whilst Carrick would naturally be closing down Iniesta, he might not be able to. What happens if Iniesta moves deeper? Or moves to the left? Assuming United’s right-back is focused on dealing with Barcelona’s left-winger, it’s difficult to see how Iniesta wouldn’t go free and be allowed too much time on the ball.

If he moves left, it might even allow Barca to shift to something like their 4-2-4ish ‘plan B’ from last season, although sporadically rather than permanently. This would also mean Xavi would move deeper and get space away from Giggs, and could cause United real problems in the centre of the pitch.

Barcelona will surely dominate possession, and therefore creating chances depends on different things for either side. Barcelona need to play through-balls accurately and the forwards must time their runs well, whilst United need to be quick and decisive at transitions between defence and attack, to bypass Barcelona’s initial and expose their defence high up the pitch.
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发表于 2011-5-27 15:02:07 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-27 14:42:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 19:16 编辑


phyth (9级) 2011-05-26 21:49



6. 无人处理塞尔吉奥-布斯克斯



7. 曼联没有利用巴塞罗那在左后卫位置的弱点。



8. 伊涅斯塔给曼联制造了相当大的麻烦



9. 弗格森的最大失误是他的换人选择



10. 巴萨球队并没有像现在这样高度整合


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-27 14:41:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 18:48 编辑

Lessons from the 2009 final (part two)
May 26, 2011

The line-ups at the time of Barcelona's second goal - Berbatov and Tevez had come on for Anderson and Park

A continuation of the earlier conclusions from the 2009 Champions League final between Barcelona and Manchester United.

The majority of points are, of course, related to Manchester United’s tactics – since they lost that final, and have to put things right this time around.

6. Sergio Busquets wasn’t ‘occupied’

Ryan Giggs was asked to play as a central attacking midfielder, or perhaps a deep forward – playing ahead of the midfield line but clearly behind Cristiano Ronaldo. His job was to link the play, almost as a number ten – and United generally defended with two banks of four, with Giggs given the task of helping press the opposition centre-backs.

That ignored Busquets, however. Giggs didn’t even attempt to close him down, and Busquets had too much time on the ball. Two seasons ago, with Busquets in his debut season, a back-up for Yaya Toure and not a regular in the first team, we didn’t understand how crucial he is to Barcelona’s passing game. Now, it’s perfectly clear – and United can’t make the same mistake again. Assuming Javier Hernandez plays, Wayne Rooney must be given the job of picking Busquets up when not in possession.

7. Manchester United didn’t exploit Barcelona’s weakness at left-back

Sylvinho was drafted into the side to play left-back in 2009. He was 35, his best days long gone, and was allowed to leave for Manchester City after the final. United should have attacked him, tested his lack of pace and his defensive qualities, but instead they played Park Ji-Sung on the right. Park was probably the weakest of United’s four attacking players (Ronaldo, Giggs, Rooney) and was arguably less of an attacking threat then than he is now.

Is this relevant this year? Sylvinho is long gone, but despite signing two left-backs in two years, Maxwell and Adriano, it’s still Barcelona’s weakest position. Whoever plays there will have a weakness – Eric Abidal will not be 100% fit, Carles Puyol will be out of position, Maxwell and Adriano are simply not particularly great players. Antonio Valencia dominated Ashley Cole a couple of weeks ago and should be used in a similar way here – get him in 1 v 1 battles, and United might prosper.

8. United had serious problems with Andres Iniesta

We all know that Michael Carrick is not a classic destroyer and often struggles when coming up against creative midfielders. However, even by his standards, he found it very difficult to cope with Iniesta, who was constantly able to glide past Carrick very easily.

It’s difficult to know what will change here. Look at the individual battles in the 2009 final, and relatively few are set for a re-match here – but Carrick v Iniesta is one of them. Carrick probably needs to get tighter – but that will mean Messi potentially going free, and one of the centre-backs having to play higher up.

9. Ferguson’s biggest mistake was with his substitutions

If Ferguson’s starting tactics weren’t shocking, his use of his bench was. He opted for an approach that, frankly, seemed remarkably naive even at the time – he needed a goal, so withdrew midfielders and threw on extra attackers. The first move was at half time – Carlos Tevez came on for Anderson, with Ryan Giggs dropping into a deep midfield position alongside Michael Carrick. Worryingly, for United (considering Giggs-Carrick is likely to be the starting midfield duo on Saturday), they were immediately overrun in midfield.

Things got even worse when Park gave way to Berbatov – United were already struggling for energy in midfield, and it’s difficult to think of a worse possible substitution if we’re talking about mobility. The first goal will be all-important on Saturday, but if Barcelona score it, United can’t afford to concede the midfield again – Barca will just pass their way to victory.

10. Barcelona were not as cohesive as they are now

This is largely the same side as in 2009, and whilst they may not be regarded as having the same quality as they did when the won the treble, they are probably a tighter unit. In the 2009 final, the backline was makeshift because of suspension, the forward trio were playing in slightly unusual positions, and also had Thierry Henry and Samuel Eto’o: great players but probably more individualistic than Pedro Rodriguez or David Villa. The midfield three were the only truly cohesive part of the side – and even then, Busquets wasn’t a regular. Therefore, that trio didn’t have the experience of playing together it does now.

Put simply, Barcelona are much more difficult to play against. They hold onto the ball better – an average of 73.3% possession per game this season, compared to to 65.6% in 2009. They only had 51% of possession in the 2009 final – it would be a surprise if that figure wasn’t above 60% here, at the very least. They also work better as a unit without the ball, and their defensive record is much better. There is simply more of a collective feel, more of a defined identity about Barcelona – watch the 2009 final and they just don’t seem so…Barcelona.

The outcome? Manchester United can’t just correct any mistakes from 2009 and automatically be in control – they’re up against a different beast altogether.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-27 14:40:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 18:52 编辑

2011-05-26 / phyth




1. 曼彻斯特联队在比赛早期出色地向前压迫

“我没有想到曼联压得这么上,”佩普-瓜迪奥拉赛后提到。“他们在前场用4人来压迫我们的4人防线,给我们的第一传带来了很多问题。”压迫的效果非常好——曼联逼迫维克托 -巴尔德斯在第15秒的时候犯错从而赢得了一个界外球。在接下来的10分钟内他们几乎一直在巴塞罗那的半场,并且尝试了五次射门。


2. 巴塞罗那没有进行强烈的前压



3. 迈克-卡里克在有球时处理得相对不错



4. 中路的梅西在2009年是意料之外——而现在,这是常态



5. 达尼-阿尔维斯当时不在场上


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-27 14:40:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-6-9 18:44 编辑

Lessons from the 2009 final (part one)
May 25, 2011

The starting line-ups

As this season’s Champions League final is a repeat of the final from 2009, it’s well worth taking a look at that contest before Saturday night’s game.

The footage, if you’re interested, is available on YouTube here (with the following parts on the links down the right-hand side).

Here are five conclusions from that match – five more (plus the usual preview) to come.

1. Manchester United pressed excellently early on

“I didn’t expect Manchester (United) to press up so high up,” Pep Guardiola said after the game. “They pressed 4 v 4 and caused us problems for the first pass.” This worked really well – United forced Victor Valdes into a mistake within the first 15 seconds of the match, won a throw, and then spent almost the entire first ten minutes in the Barcelona half, attempting five shots in that time.

There was a tactical factor to the Barca goal – the surprise of Samuel Eto’o starting on the right, and Lionel Messi in the centre – but it was more down to individual mistakes. Michael Carrick let Andres Iniesta drift past him, Nemanja Vidic was turned far too easily, and Edwin van der Sar will have been disappointed with his effort for the goal. United started the match very strongly, and they went behind due to individual – not tactical – errors.

2. Barcelona didn’t press intensely

We’re used to Barca closing down high up the pitch these days, but in this match Manchester United’s centre-backs were given a fair amount of time on the ball. Eto’o and Thierry Henry dropped back and Barcelona often looked willingly like 4-1-4-1 without the ball, which is relatively rare these days – it only happens when they’re under sustained pressure.

It’s unlikely to be a similar situation in this game – Pedro Rodriguez and David Villa work much harder without the ball, and Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic will come under pressure much more quickly.

3. Michael Carrick played reasonably well on the ball

Often remembered as having a nightmare in Rome, Carrick was the only player who was really attempting to get United playing. OK, a couple of his through-balls were overhit, a couple of his long diagonals were underhit, but the problem wasn’t really Carrick, as such – the problem was that there was no creativity from higher up the pitch, so Carrick had to act as the main playmaker.

Nowadays, Carrick plays a much simpler game. His passes are shorter because he plays with wide players who like the ball in different positions – with Wayne Rooney and (in the second half of the 2009 final) Cristiano Ronaldo on the flanks in 2009, they wanted to run onto the ball in advanced positions. Now, with Antonio Valencia and Park Ji-Sung more classic wide midfielders rather than forwards, Carrick can do his job by playing simple balls into feet. Even when under pressure, he should be able to do that fine.

4. Messi in the centre was the surprise in 2009 – now, it’s the norm

This played its part in the first goal, as outlined earlier, and in the second, when Messi headed in Xavi Hernandez’s cross. It’s amazing how confused United were about Messi’s false nine positioning, and how they don’t react to the situation at all. Late in the first half, for example, Messi drops into a deep slightly right-of-centre position, and Patrice Evra comes high up the pitch to close him down – as if he was still used to Messi playing as a right-sided forward. It should have been the domain of one of the centre-backs, or one of the central midfielders.

Messi’s central positioning is now established – he played there for much of last season, and this campaign the number ten position is his default role. That doesn’t mean he’ll be easy to stop, and there are still question marks about whether it’ll be a midfielder picking him up, a defender picking him up, or a purely zonal system – but it won’t be as chaotic as in 2009.

5. Daniel Alves wasn’t playing

Suspended after being booked in the semi-final against Chelsea, Alves watched on from the stands. Carles Puyol was forced to play at right-back instead, and naturally played a much more defensive role than Alves would have.

There’s two ways to look at this. On one hand, United aren’t used to his energetic runs from deep positions down the touchlines, and will need to make sure their left-winger (probably Park Ji-Sung) is alert to the danger. On the other, Barcelona were down the flanks – Rooney was quiet, in particular, and Ronaldo in his centre-forward position was the main danger. Guardiola instructed his full-backs to sit deep against Real Madrid to prevent the diagonal balls catching Barca out, and considering that (possibly accidental) tactic also worked well against United in 2009, he might opt for the same strategy here.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-27 14:37:01 | 只看该作者
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