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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-10 23:58:00 | 只看该作者
除了兔子,  巴塞罗那的哈维可能也上不了  据说也受伤了.  
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-11 15:41:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2006-11-11 19:45:00 | 只看该作者







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发表于 2006-11-11 20:46:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-12 09:20:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-12 09:37:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-12 14:17:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-11-12 20:08:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-13 07:43:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-11-13 09:21:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-11-13 10:59:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-13 16:05:00 | 只看该作者

为了争取这场比赛拿分,  这场萨拉格萨也算是搏了一把,无奈整体实力是和巴塞罗那有差距,上半场梅西和小罗两个边路打得象风火轮一样,中场也压得非常靠前, 狂攻萨拉戈萨,可惜中锋顶了个古迪这样的没有杀气的中锋,   不过他们这样狂攻不仅压制了萨拉格萨的两个边路后卫,而且还使大头小丑疲于防守. 比赛在进了一个球后稍微了好点,萨拉戈萨稍有攻势,  而在梅西受伤下场后压力巨减.

比赛的真正转折点在兔子上场, 巴塞罗那的前锋明显锐利了很多. 创造了很多机会.  而今天小罗的状态是red hot, 突破起来象头野牛一样, 尤其是定位球,角度刁钻弧线好力量大,以前看他的任意球经常是浪费机会 10个几个才能进一个  这场爆发了 定位球失球也是没办法的.他们的运动作战中的机会也不多. 

萨拉格萨的遗憾是没有打出自己进攻中的东西, 只有零星的几次反击机会, 大头的发挥一般, 角球助攻一个但没有输送多少威胁球, 而刚刚伤愈复出的小丑把更多的力量用到防守上去了. 看了比赛更是感觉萨拉格萨的后场球员迫于压力还是象前几场对强队一样喜欢长传碰下运气,无奈这种球经常落在巴塞罗那脚下被压着打 没有控球权  直接后场和前锋对话 中场没有发挥. 尤其是在后腰的位置上 萨怕塔和塞尔得嘶压力太大, 都是破坏很少有清晰的向前输送球 组织下进攻.

另外感觉前锋主力应该是加西亚和大米搭档而不是巴西人爱伟顿,  爱的速度虽然非常快,但不太喜欢和中场配合.  而加西亚在串联大米和大头小丑之间更好,也更积极.

因为吃牌  主力中场大头  主力后卫小米   右后卫迪奥戈全部停赛.  主力后腰塞尔德斯还受伤,  损失惨重.  不过下一场是支弱旅

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-13 17:53:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-11-13 18:05:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-11-15 17:27:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-19 20:29:00 | 只看该作者

List of credits

3 - Barcelona: Valdés; Zambrotta, Puyol, Márquez, Silvinho, Edmilson (Motta, min.29), Iniesta, Deco, Messi (Giuly, min.23), Ronaldinho and Gudjohnsen (min.67).
1 - R. Zaragoza: Caesar; Diogo, Sergio, Gabi Milito, Juanfran, D'Alessandro (Lafita, min.68), Zapater, Celades (Ponzio, min.27), Aimar (I itched, min.79), Ewerthon and Diego I militate.
Goals: 0-1: Gaby Milito, min.16. 1-1: Ronaldinho, min.30. 2-1: Ronaldinho, min.86. 3-1: Saviola, min.95.
Referee: Iturralde González (Basque School). It showed yellow card Zapater (min.38), D'Alessandro (min.45), Diogo (min.45), Ponzio (min.50), Márquez (min.68), Juanfran (min.74), Ronaldinho, Silvinho (min.83), Deco (mi.91) and I itched (min.94). Also it taught red card to Motta (min.72), to the second trainer of Barcelona Johan Neeskens, to Gabi Milito (min.75) and the delegate of the azulgrana set Naval Carles (min.80).
Incidences: Party corresponding to the tenth day of League disputed in the Camp Nou before 73,201 spectators

By Jose Carlos Franco (Joca)

They will be the 42 years that do that the Real Zaragoza does not win in league in the Nou Camp. Although all the conditioners aimed at the optimism, the heavy and clumsy shade of Iturralde González returned to glide on the streamlined zaragocista figure. The Aragonese equipment made one of the most complete parties, in which to the tactical and defensive parcel it makes reference but it did not count on the ineptitude of a referee who already the mess the season last in the Stage of the Romareda in third of the encounter disputed before the Athletic one of Madrid.

Victor Fernandez did not climb down itself to visit the Nou Camp and raised the most offensive equipment, the eleven in full dress, went the arsenal to his visit to the old field yet of corts. Nevertheless the initial minutes were of the FC Barcelona. The Catalan equipment besieged portería of Caesar from the first minute to minute 16. Minute in which the Aragonese equipment mounted one against which it finished in corner. Corner hurled D'Alessandro and Gaby Milito, who entered from back frees of mark was able to beat portería of Victor Valdés and to write down the 0 to 1.

The Barça against was with a goal after all what it had tried to beat portería of Caesar and nevertheless the Real Zaragoza in his first approach had been able to write down. The party continued trepidante with occasions and arrivals for both equipment, seemed that soccer fabircaba without effort, that the plays remained inacabadas by the necessity to generate a new one that it added to talent and spectacle to the encounter. An encounter that it had up to three injured of consecutive form. Edmilson and Messi broke themselves and had to be replaced and Albert Celades had to retire also injured when as soon as 29 minutes of encounter had passed.

At those moments the Real Zaragoza was leader of the first division. Something that did not happen at this point of competition from past times. But… the dreams, because that, dreams are and had to arrive the sad Ronaldinho and to return to smile. It did it after a serve of corner that it frees of mark by the empanada one that took Ponzio, just left the bench to replace Celades, beats Caesar of head. Tables in the marker and aim of the first part.

The second part began with a Real strong, forceful, dangerous but inefectivo Zaragoza in attack. That yes, the defense was full before any attempt of the Barça to come near to the white area. Thus, the time was passing until, going up to around minute 25 of the second part, Motta and Diego I militate struggle by a ball that the Brazilian controls. In order to take off the pressure of above Thiago it loosen manotazo that hits slightly in the face of Diego I militate, and as it sees that it has not given to too much well loose other him that does not get to hit. The zaragocista forward exaggerates the aggression and Rafa sees it. And it warns quick raudo and Iturralde that without doubting it only a moment it expels to Motta. It was the first card that the FC Barcelona saw while the Aragonese equipment had seen three yellows already. From there tangana mounts of size capital, from almost 5 minutes of parón, which Iturralde resolves with the expulsion of the second of attack of Rikjaard and of the delegate of field of the FC Barcelona, that by the way takes of the neck to Juanfran, act by which receives Valencian a yellow card.

Once again Rafa returned it to roll. The expulsion, if we only valued the degree of success in the aggression of Motta to Diego I militate, we say that with a yellow it could have been sufficient. Nevertheless, if we added the reiteration, that is to say, it gives twice and the intentionality, tries to attack, in that case the expulsion is right. Iturralde decided to expel it and no longer it had returned back.

Nevertheless, two minutes had not trascurrido nor, in the following play Gaby Milito, skillful until then, loses a ball that leaves to Saviola the space of the world only yet towards portería of Caesar. The Argentine power station hooks it and Iturralde, that went hotter than the ash tray of bingo, applies the regulation of correct form and expels to the zaragocista. From the Zaragoza it underwent one of the worse arbitrations there than they remember. Only comparable with the one of the own Iturralde the season last before the Athletic one of Madrid in the Romareda that gave rise to the Iturralde Show Festival (vol 1) or to the one of Teixeira Vitienes in Albacete.

The FC Barcelona overcomes the encounter with a hurled lack of skillful form by Ronaldinho. A completely nonexistent lack, on the brink of madness the area and supposedly committed by Sergio Fernandez. The result the goal of the Barça.

The hurt Aragonese equipment in its pride lay down above, to by the tie, and this the one of Zapater could arrive in two firings one of Lafita, and clearest, that to portería empty it sends it to the nth amphitheatre of the Camp Nou.

The last goal, the one of Saviola, to the margin of which out of play it is as great as the Sagrada Family, is merely anecdotal. It only served to deepen more in the wound of the Aragoneses. Lack comes from that hurls again Ronaldinho, which Caesar stops but not bloca and who the pibito Saviola, that was in out of play, ends to the bottom of portería.

Too much punishment for a Zaragoza who fell with the very high head, that left sparkles of its quality, that explained its candidacy to champions with spectacle but that had handicap of which while Ronaldinho decided to let be sad, passed the virus of the apathy to Ewerthon or Aimar, that happened inadvertent in an encounter in which too much was needed to them.

Scores (from 0 to 5)
Caesar: 2. First of the goals he has his aliquot part of fault with Ponzio not to leave underneath woods. The second of the goals is unstoppable and third for but not bloca.
Diogo: 3. It made a party very complete. I extend in attack by far danger and dried to Ronaldinho that only appeared in plays to stopped ball.
Sergio Fernandez: 3. The power station of the Aragonese equipment was magnificent cutting balls and in the anticipation. Perfect in defensive tasks with a very good mutual understanding with the rest of its companions.
Gaby Milito: 2. Until the expulsion he was perfect, impeccable. But its error, by nerves, confusion or deconcentration fruit of the exhibited tangana, was to him expensive to the Zaragoza.
Juanfran: 3. He was serious in defense although little in attack was extended. It dried so much to Messi as to Gyuli.
Zapater: 3. Once again impeccable in defensive tasks. It needed the goal that it sent to clouds. It is an injustice that the very old Spanish selector does not take it to the selection.
Celades: 2. One became to injure in a struggle by a ball. The Andorran, who was tooted in his retirement of the Nou Camp, was perfect in the organization and the containment in the minutes that disputed.
Aimar: 1. The stars of the Real Zaragoza were in another galaxy. It was but without being. Hardly it took part in the game and when it took part it did it without importance.
D' Alessandro: 2. Of it was approved right because from córner foundling by him the goal Zaragocista arrived. It is not normal that a forward is going to fulfill cycle of yellows to protest. It must learn to shut up the mouth and to loosen the ball before.
Ewerthon: 1. Neither it was his, nor it must of have been his day. The companion of Diego I militate obviously must have been Sergio Garci'a. The lack of the canterano of the Masía in the balls even noticed that nobody gathered of the center of the field to spurt of balls to pichichi of the competition.
Diego I militate: 2. It fought and it struggled, little obtained with its theater performance the expulsion of Motta but… more. The balls did not arrive to him from other occasions. In spite of it the Argentine forward continues being pichichi.
Ponzio: 2. It left to replace Celades and it left free of mark to Ronaldinho so that the Brazilian marked at night first. Of the others he was in favor acceptable in his intervention in center of the field.
Lafita: 2. It proved luck in portería of Valdés when Alessandro replaced D' and I aim was to mark. It has an extraordinary projection.
I itched: 2. It did not have excessive problems. It left to cover the absence with I militate in center of the rear after its expulsion and fulfilled. Him fault of the goals cannot be thrown.

0 - Null
1 - Loose, suspended
2 - Approved scraped
3 - Well
4 - Notable
5 - Exceptional

才2分  惨 .

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-19 20:38:00 | 只看该作者
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