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发表于 2003-9-20 14:47:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

" The first day already I thought of turning(becoming) "  

Roman revealed that almost gives the return when They Go Gaal said to him(her) that it(he,she) did not want it in the Barsa.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-21 12:44:02编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-20 14:47:00 | 只看该作者
S And Rivaldo had gone and the fans of the Barsa looked for Roman as the symbol of the new stage about facing to Madrid that already was anticipated(advanced) hegemonic. The Mole Gigio came to the airport The Prat and the culés delayed his(its) exit with his(its,her) samples of appreciation. They gave to him(her) the vest number 10 and everything seemed of fantasy. Until... It(He,She) Was in his(its) first day in Barcelona. The DT They Go Gaal him(her) approached and with brutal honesty he(she) said to him(her): " To you I did not want it, it(he,she) came here for the leadership ".

This happened 14 months ago. Roman remembered(reminded) that moment and, in a note to the program Tirachinas, of the Chain It(He,She) Corners, and in the conference of press that gave yesterday in Villarreal, it(he,she) revealed: " the truth? It was not a very pretty oírlo. The first day I thought of turning(becoming) to Buenos Aires as soon as possible ".

The bancó Roman. Though surely for what it(he,she) lived in his(its) relation with the Dutch more of once the return will have crossed for the head to Buenos Aires. In fact, there became mobile the idea of his(its) return to Mouth at the end of the season, before arranging with the Villarreal and after his(its) experience with the DT Radomir Antic.

What more commented?

" I came to Barcelona I still had five years and only I could be one. Equal, of Barcelona I prefer not speaking any more nor thinking any more ".

" I want(love) to be grateful for him(her) to the president Laporta because it(he,she) gave to me the option to choose the destiny at the end of the League. It(he,she) left me the opened doors in order that the year that comes decides my future ".

" It(he,she) pleases me that my companions of the Villarreal look for me to assume the responsibility of the conduction. In the Barsa I could not do it because rare(strange) things happened(passed) ".

" Since I came I am spending(passing) her(it) very well in this club and I hope that I go away better. Besides, it is very important that both my companions and the technician they trust in me. And it me they are demonstrating it ".

Another Roman. The local press continues being surprised for the good predisposition that shows Riquelme. This, because the references were on the coyness and Romy's parsimony with the journalism. An example: the diary The Mediterranean will deliver on Monday a scarf with the colors of the Villarreal and a photographer asked Romy if it was possible to to take an image with the article(garment,security): Ex-mouth accepted contentment and without doing any claim. And they say that photos were extracted with more than thousand fans of Mouth who him(her) approached the practices. The chroniclers who cover the trainings also give fe of that he(she) never refuses to an informal dialogue and of the very good relation with all his(its,her) companions. And the technician Floro demonstrated his(its) satisfaction even out of microphone.

It(He,She) does little the managing director José Manuel Llaneza confessed that, before Romy was to Barcelona, he travelled to Buenos Aires and met the steering wheel. There it(he,she) offered to him(her) for the first time to play in the club. It is clear that in the Villarreal it they want all.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 12:45:00 | 只看该作者

Riquelme: “ I do not want to speak any more of Barcelona; only of the Villarreal ”

Juan Roman Riquelme, Argentine mid-field player of the Villarreal, he(she) assured on Friday to be very satisfied and integrated to the equipment(team) castellonense and assured that one wants neither to speak nor to think any more in Barcelona, club that has yielded him(her) during this season and the close one.  

`Del Barcelona I prefer not speaking already any more nor thinking any more. I am a player of the Villarreal now and the only thing that I want is to centre on my equipment(team), and all contentments to help in order that we are and happy `, it(he,she) indicated.

The international Argentinian assured that after three weeks he is totally integrated. `Desde the day that I came I am very satisfied in this club, the truth that I am spending(passing) her(it) very well and hope that this goes every day to better. Besides, it is very important that so much my companions, as the technician, trust in me and it me they are demonstrating it `, it(he,she) appeared.

On the current importance of his(its) equipment(team), Riquelme emphasized the difficulty of a rival as the Celt of Vigo from which it(he,she) hopes that it(he,she) complicates the things in The Madrigal, in the meeting league of next Sunday.

`El Celt is a good equipment(team), an equipment(team) that plays of place or of visitor it(he,she) goes out to look always for the victory. Besides it(he,she) has very good players, for it I believe that on Sunday it is possible to to give a great party(game) `, it(he,she) affirmed.

Finally, Roman assured that in spite of the fact that the European competition approaches and that one very important month comes for the Villarreal, so much he(it) since(as) his(its,her) companions are centred on the league.

`De moment, only we think about the party(game) of the Celt and about these three points, besides we have clear that a victory would be the best preparation for this party(game). What this clear, it(he,she) is that the better(best) thing in order that an equipment(team) has confidence they are the victories and if we win the Celt us it(he,she) will come very well for what comes `, he(she) concluded.

On his(its) part(report), defense Argentine Fabricio Coloccini who was happening(passing) for being one of the most serious doubts with a view to this close party(game), assured today that he(she) is in conditions to play.

`Estoy well, today I have not had inconveniences(troubles) and if everything is still equal do not believe that there are complications to be able to play and to be to the orders of the Mister(coach) `, it(he,she) indicated.

With regard to the party(game), as his(its,her) companions, defense Argentine recognized the hardness and the difficulty of the rival. `El Celt is a complicated equipment(team) that comes besides needed from the victory, for what we know that we must be very attentive and concentrate to be able to add the victory `, it(he,she) indicated.

`Estamos all contentments of how the things go and we would like to be still like that and to be improving in what it(he,she) can, but supporting the good results `, it(he,she) finished.
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发表于 2003-9-21 13:46:00 | 只看该作者
里克尔梅: 我不想再谈巴塞, 只想说说VILLA REAL.
胡安 罗曼 里克尔梅, VILLAREAL的阿根廷中场球员, 这个星期五向我们表示他很高兴, 而且他已经能够融入球队了, 也表示不想再谈有关巴塞的话题了.

对于巴塞我不想再说, 也不愿意再想了..现在我是VILLAREAL的人, 只希望能够全心投入我的球队帮助使大家都快乐开心~~

他说到, 从到这个球队的第一天就觉得很开心, 在这里过的很好, 希望每一天都有更好的进展. 对他来说有很重要的一点就是要队友们和教练信任他, 而他正可以从他们身上看到这一点. 在3个星期的训练后里克尔梅觉得他已经完全可以适应和融入这个队伍了.

说到他所在的球队的现状, 里克尔梅觉得在下周日在El Madrigal联赛的对手Celta de Vigo 可能会使情况变得复杂一点.

"Celta是一只很强劲的球队, 一只不管是玩主场还是客场通常都会胜的球队, 而且他们有很棒的球员, 所以可以期待下周日有精彩的比赛了."

然后, 罗曼还说, 虽然欧联赛的逼近, 而且将要来的一个月队VILLAREAL来说是很重要的, 但是不管是他 还是他的队友们还是很专注联赛.

暂时我们还是只关心下周日和Celta的比赛, 还有那3分. 我们很清楚每一次的胜利是对下一场比赛最好的准备. 因为, 对一只球队来说很重要的是自信, 而自信只能从胜利来, 所以如果我们赢过CELTA, 以后的比赛就不会有那么大压力了~

另一方面, 原来给下一场球赛留下最大的疑点的后卫 阿根廷球员Fabricio Coloccini, 今日确认可以参加比赛了.

"我感觉很好, 今天甚至没有觉得不舒服, 如果一切正常, 到时候我完全可以参加比赛的"

说到下周日的球赛, 后卫球员和他的队友的看法一致, "CELTA是一只比较麻烦的球队, 而且他们这次怀着必胜的决心, 所以我们一定要很小心也很专心才能获得胜利" 将是场艰巨而困难的比赛.

"虽然大家对于现状都很满意了, 但是希望在保持的同时, 能够尽量努力成为更好!"最后 里克尔梅总结到.

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发表于 2003-9-21 16:19:00 | 只看该作者
里克尔梅说到当Van Gaal 说不想要他在巴萨的时候, 自己就想要打包回家了...
Rivaldo走了, 巴萨的球迷们找来里克尔梅作为新一轮对抗马德里的标志, 从这里面可以嗅出一丝巴萨权威的气味. Topo Gigio 到达El Prat 机场, 工作人员以非常客气和尊敬的态度给他带路.
还送了他一件10号的球衣, 一切都很美好. 直到...那是他第一天去巴萨报道Van Gaal教练靠过来, 以有些粗鲁却诚恳的口气说, "你来这里并不是我想要的, 而是上面的意思..."

这发生在14个月前, 罗曼昨天在Cope电视台Tirachinas节目里的记者招待会上, 讲到,"说真的, 听到那样的话 不是件令人愉快的事情, 才第一天就让我起了尽快回布市的打算."

但是罗曼忍下来了, 大家都可以想象得出, 以他们的关系, 里克尔梅在那里肯定不止一次打算回布市来. 甚至那个赛季结束的时候 在他和Radomir Anti教练发生问题之后, 和VILLAREAL开谈之前, 他就打听过回博卡去事情.


"我去到巴萨是想要在那里待上5年的, 结果只能待1年..但是, 现在我即不想讲, 甚至不要去想这件事. "

"我想要感谢Laporta主席, 是他让我在联赛都快结束的时候还能有一个选择的机会, 等于是把明年的门开在那里让我自己选择."

"我很高兴在VILLAREAL里, 他们愿意把中场这个重要的位子交给我, 在巴萨发生些奇怪的事, 使我没有这个机会."

"从我的到来, 我一直都很开心一切都很顺利, 希望未来的日子里会更好. 我也从队友和教练那里得到我最需要的信任."

不一样的罗曼! 总是留有映象认为他是很内向的有点距离感的...这一次完全让我们吃了一惊. 比如周一, 一个记者送了条带有VILLAREAL颜色的围巾给罗米, 摄影师说可不可以让他拿着围巾照张像, 罗米愉快的答应了, 还说, 他至少跟一千个在球场靠近他的球迷们合影过. 在场也有人见证罗米从来不拒绝一个非正式的拍照的要求, 而且他跟队友们的关系也都很好, 连Floro教练也对他很满意.

看得出在VILLAREAL大家都很喜欢他, José Manuel Llaneza(顾问?) 前不久也曾说过, 早在罗米去巴萨之前他就专门去布市表达过希望罗米加入的意愿....
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 19:49:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 20:28:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-21 20:29:00 | 只看该作者
汗~ 还有两个地方怪怪的~
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 20:32:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-21 20:36:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 13:46:00的发言:
对于巴塞我不想再说, 也不愿意再想了..现在我是VILLAREAL的人, 只希望能够全心投入我的球队帮助使大家都快乐开心~~

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 20:39:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 20:36:00的发言:
[quote]以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 13:46:00的发言:
  对于巴塞我不想再说, 也不愿意再想了..现在我是VILLAREAL的人, 只希望能够全心幫助我的球队,使大家都快乐开心~~


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发表于 2003-9-21 20:40:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 16:19:00的发言:
但是罗曼忍下来了, 大家都可以想象得出, 以他们的关系, 里克尔梅在那里肯定不止一次打算回布市来. 甚至那个赛季结束的时候 在他和Radomir Anti教练发生问题之后, 和VILLAREAL开谈之前, 他就打听过回博卡去事情.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 20:47:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 20:40:00的发言:
[quote]以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 16:19:00的发言:
  但是罗曼忍下来了, 大家都可以想象得出, 在這樣不友善的氣氛下, 里克尔梅在那里肯定不止一次打算回布市来. 甚至那个赛季结束的时候 在他和Radomir Anti教练发生问题之后, 和VILLAREAL开谈之前, 他就打听过回博卡去事情.


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发表于 2003-9-21 20:48:00 | 只看该作者
嘻^^        麻烦JJ了......
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发表于 2003-9-21 20:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 16:19:00的发言:
不一样的罗曼! 总是留有映象认为他是很内向的有点距离感的...这一次完全让我们吃了一惊. 比如周一, 一个记者送了条带有VILLAREAL颜色的围巾给罗米, 摄影师说可不可以让他拿着围巾照张像, 罗米居然很爽快的答应了, 也没有不开心的表情  还说, 他至少跟一千个在球场靠近他的球迷们合影过. 在场也有人见证罗米从来不拒绝一个非正式的拍照的要求, 而且他跟队友们的关系也都很好, 连Floro教练也对他很满意.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-21 20:52:36编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 20:53:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 20:52:00的发言:
[quote]以下是引用尘在2003-9-21 16:19:00的发言:
  不一样的罗曼! 总是留有映象认为他是很内向的有点距离感的...这一次完全让我们吃了一惊. 比如周一, 一个记者送了条带有VILLAREAL颜色的围巾给罗米, 摄影师说可不可以让他拿着围巾照张像, 罗米居然很爽快的答应了, 而且也没有不开心的表情  还说, 他至少跟一千个在球场靠近他的球迷们合影过. 在场也有人见证罗米从来不拒绝一个非正式的拍照的要求, 而且他跟队友们的关系也都很好, 连Floro教练也对他很满意.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-21 20:54:09编辑过]

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发表于 2003-9-21 20:57:00 | 只看该作者
....这句原来是: 摄影师说可不可以让他拿着围巾照张像, 罗米愉快的答应了, 还说, 他至少跟一千个在球场靠近他的球迷们合影过. 在场也有人见证罗米............
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 20:58:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2003-9-21 21:00:00 | 只看该作者
[]每次都是这样, 写完之后要全部改过~~     抱歉
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 21:01:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-21 21:02:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 21:04:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-21 21:05:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-21 21:07:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-21 21:12:00 | 只看该作者
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