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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-23 11:20:50 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 16:08:43 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 17:34:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-5-11 14:28 编辑

I love u, only u now~~~


"And I'm not willing to say this is enough."
A historic achievement in Inter-Roma: "Myself, my father, the debut, chills, tears, triumphs.  Tired?  Never."

Appiano Gentile - Javier Zanetti, just hours before the game number 1000 in your career.  What do you see when you look back?
"The face of my father, Ignacio Rodolfo.  He and I, before the night of my debut, were together at home.  I must admit that I only slept for a few hours.  Just like the night before the final in Madrid because I'm one that before I play I always sleep."

Will you be thinking of your father again tomorrow night?
"I always think about my father: he was a bricklayer and taught me and my brother the value of certain things and I always find myself using those values whenever I have a difficult time.  I remember that I helped him as his work, later I helped my brother Sergio who was a postman, or my cousin Carlo to delivered the milk.  And my father helped me to understand life."

Let's go back to the first game?
"September 1992, Buenos Aires, Nacional B, third matchday and at five in the afternoon.  We played at home, a very small stadium with about 5000 fans more or less, called Talleres de Cordoba.  The game ended 2-1 in favor of us and I played for 90 minutes on the right side of a three-man midfield."

And less than three years at that time, you arrived at Inter...
"President Moratti and his son had already discovered me in a videotape at Pan American with the Under 21, and then Giovanni Branchini and Paolo Taveggia, both were in Argentina for Rambert and Ortega, and after they saw me in Banfield-Gimnasia De La Plata I signed for Inter later.  I was in South Africa for a friendly with Argentina (May 15 1995) and the Argentina coach told me that: 'Inter had taken you.'"

And you?
"I then phoned my agent, Filippo Cavadini and he confirmed everything to me: 'We are working on it.'  There were like 10 members of Banfield and yet five days later there was no agreement.  He then telephoned the President of Argentine Football Association, Grondona: 'You have ten minutes to find a solution, the boy must go to Italy.'"

So, the boy arrived in Italy and is still here 16 years and one thousand games later: but what is your rapport as time is passing by?
"I live with serenity, enjoy every training session, every game.  I feel happy everyday.  I know one day I will have to say enough is enough but right now I'm not thinking about it."

Will that hour come in 2013 when your contract expires?
"If by then, I still feel like I am today then perhaps even later."

Are you afraid that you are going to make a mistake?
"I know the most important thing is that when I will feel to be the right time to retire.  I will know when it comes.  I hope to stay here, with a role that everybody can be happy, Inter and myself.  But that role is not going to be as a coach."

What coach did you learn the most from?
"I have learned something from everyone but Bielsa taught me the best way to live and play football."

Game number 1000: unable to tell us which was the game that you played the best in?
"Perhaps the final of the 1998 UEFA Cup in Paris.  And probably my first with Inter against Vicenza."

And the worst?
"Inter 3-5 Lazio (October 18 1998 ): Conceicao made me crazy."

Which game would you love to replay again?
"Lazio-Inter on May 5 of 2002.  I still don't know what happened that day."

What victory is still missing for you?
"A title with Argentina, but in July we have the Copa America tournament at home..."

Which opponent is the strongest?
"I would say there are two: Ryan Giggs and Kaka."

Your first roommate?
"Benny Carbone at a retreat in Cavalese and Roberto Carlos in Pinetina."

And the last?
"Cordoba usually is but now that he is injured so before Inter-Roma I will share a room with Nagatomo."

The thrill that you can not forget?
"Our fans' curva in Madrid: I already had goose bumps an hour before warming up."

The time when you had the most anger?
"Juve-Inter in 1998 with Ceccarini as referee.  We were carrying that game with us for a year and we could not do anything."

The tears that you could not detain?
"After the second derby in the semifinals of the Champions League in 2003: the San Siro that night I was never seen it like that and still haven't seen it.

The statement that accompanied you throughout the years?
"Giacinto Facchetti once told me: 'Javier, no gain without sacrifice.'  Giacinto spoke very little but his words were like stones."

The words that you did not say but wanted to?
"Those to clarify my argument with Hodgson (after UEFA Cup final where we lost to Schalke 04, May of 1997): but not to him because we both knew what happened and we re-embraced each other after that.  But to clarify to those who thought they knew what really happened that night."

You will play this historic game against Roma which is the opponent you have scored the most against in your career.  A sign of destiny?
"The most goals but only one on the penalty (Italian Super Cup 2008 ) since I played and many have had their hands in the hair.  I want the same against them and it is not a bad way to celebrate."

Zanetti, but in the 999 games, have you ever felt tired?
"Maybe after the final in Madrid, when the adrenaline went crazy for two weeks with the Scudetto, Champions League, and Italian Cup all at once.  But you must believe me:  I get tired a lot more with Sol and Ignacio, my children when we play a game..."

Peter Shilton(1390场)
Ray Clemence(1118场)
Pat Jennings(1096场)
Alan Ball(1054场)
David Seaman(1047场)
Paolo Maldini(1040场)
Andoni Zubizarreta(1013场)
Roberto Carlos(1010场)
Tommy Hutchinson(1000场)

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 17:51:23 | 只看该作者

Berti: "Zanetti può giocare per altri 4 anni"

【Corriere dello Sport】Nicola Berti, dalle colonne del Corriere dello Sport, parla di Javier Zanetti esaltando la sua carriera e il suo regime di vita: "Ricordo che era veramente timido. Al suo arrivo in Italia, tutti avevano occhi per il suo compagno Rambert, di cui sinceramente ho perso le tracce. Posso ben dire che da allora non è cambiato per nulla e la sua carriera gli ha dato tante soddisfazioni. E' l'esempio di calciatore perfetto, tutti dovrebbero seguire il suo regime di vita, altrimenti non si spiega come mai un giocatore di 36 anni giochi a quei livelli. Ha un grande fisico ma soprattutto grande costanza nel lavoro quotidiano. Può giocare sino ai 40".
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 18:12:59 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-5-11 14:06 编辑


Le mille emozioni di capitan Zanetti: "L'Inter mi ha dato tutto, finirò qui"
Il capitano si racconta alla vigilia della sua millesima gara in carriera

Per Zanetti l'Inter è più di una squadra. La maglia nerazzurra per lui è diventata una seconda pelle. Più che argentino, Pupi è interista. L'Inter è tutto per lui e lui è tutto per gli interisti. La carriera di Zanetti, prima o poi, finirà. E quel giorno Pupi indosserà la maglia nerazzurra, togliendosela per l'ultima volta. I giornalisti argentini ci provano ad ogni intervista, chiedendogli di tornare in Argentina, almeno per chiudere la carriera. Ma Javier, gentile e cordiale come al solito, dice no: "Tornare a giocare in Argentina? No, credo proprio di no. Perché mi trovo davvero molto bene qui, dove sono da 16 anni nella stessa squadra. Questo club mi ha dato tutto, ed essendo il capitano, sento anche una grande responsabilità. Quindi finirò la mia carriera all'Inter". Anche dopo il ritiro, Zanetti non ha intenzione di trasferirsi in Argentina: "Penso che andrò avanti e indietro tra l'Argentina e l'Italia, perché quando lascerò il calcio avrò più tempo per tornare nel mio paese. Ma la verità è che io e la mia famiglia ci troviamo benissimo e siamo felici qui. Dopo il calcio voglio godermi la famiglia. I miei figli vanno a scuola in Italia e parlano molto bene l'italiano".

Mille partite ufficiali, tra Inter, Banfield, Talleres e Argentina, non si giocano per caso. Un traguardo che Javier taglierà mercoledì contro la Roma. Ma Zanetti non ha segreti: "Mi alleno insieme alla squadra, circa due ore al giorno. Ma sempre al 100% quando si deve preparare una partita. Cosa mangio? Pasta, carne e verdure; ma non sono ossessivo, mi piace mangiar bene, come l'asado. Tra i miei compagni c'è Walter Samuel che è un fenomeno a fare l'asado. All'Inter ci sono molti argentini: stiamo sempre insieme e anche le nostre mogli sono amiche tra di loro. Passiamo dei bei momenti insieme. Il calcio mi ha dato l'opportunità di conoscere delle brave persone, è una delle cose belle di questo sport".

"Il calcio è cambiato molto negli ultimi anni e le cifre che girano sono altissime. Sono d'accordo nel dire che noi siamo privilegiati, perché facciamo quello ci piace e ci pagano molto bene. Ma tutto ciò deve essere visto in un contesto più ampio" - dice Zanetti spiegando gli interessi commerciali che ci sono dietro alle grandi squadre. Ma Pupi aggiunge: "Io vivo il calcio con molta passione e questo si vede anche in campo. Cerco sempre di dare il massimo per la squadra quando gioco".

La selecciòn è sempre importante per Zanetti, che detiene il record di presenze: "Quando indosso la maglia albiceleste e suona l'inno nazionale, rappresento l'Argentina e sento il paese sulle spalle". In nazionale può giocare al fianco di Messi: "E' il migliore al mondo. Lo sostenevo già l'anno scorso, non lo dico adesso. E' un giocatore diverso dagli altri, perché può fare la differenza e risolvere una partita in qualsiasi momento. Maradona è unico, uno dei migliori calciatori della storia, ma Messi è sulla buona strada per raggiungerlo". Proprio Maradona non convocò Zanetti per il Mondiale sudafricano. Una scelta che fece giustamente discutere e di cui probabilmente si sarà pentito dopo aver subito 4 gol dalla Germania. Ma Pupi non è il tipo che fa polemiche: "Non abbiamo più parlato dopo l'esclusione. Ma io non ho mai avuto problemi con lui e abbiamo sempre un rapporto molto cordiale".

Ora c'è Batista, che sta preparando la Copa America: "Sta facendo molto bene da ct, perché ha avviato un nuovo ciclo in cui ci sono giocatori sia esperti che giovani. Abbiamo una bella sfida: la Copa America nel nostro paese. Spero di poter vincere, sarebbe un buon punto di partenza per prepararsi al Mondiale in Brasile". La prossima Coppa del Mondo si giocherà nel 2014. Zanetti, nato il 10 agosto 1973, avrà quasi 41 anni, quindi preferisce non pensarci: "No, sinceramente non ho in programma di giocare il Mondiale. Con l'età che ho mi pongo solo obiettivi a breve termine. Per quanto riguarda la nazionale, mi concentro solo sulla prossima Copa America. Poi si vedrà". Vedremo, ma per Zanetti ormai lo sappiamo: nulla è impossibile.

Zanetti passa in rassegna le differenze tra il calcio argentino e quello italiano: "In Argentina ci sono molti più spazi per giocare. In Italia invece il calcio è molto tattico e si hanno pochi secondi per pensare. In Argentina si hanno molte occasioni, mentre in Italia le partite sono più chiuse". Molte differenze anche in allenamento: "Ci sono modalità molto diverse di allenamento. Qui si insiste di più sulla parte fisica e solo da qualche anno si fanno più allenamenti con la palla. E' uno degli aspetti in cui il calcio italiano può ancora crescere. Poi, essendoci la stagione lunga, c'è solo un ritiro estivo. In Argentina invece ci sono due campionati più corti".

Della vita privata di Zanetti si parla poco, perché c'è poco da dire: "Faccio una vita tranquilla. Sto con i miei figli e con mia moglie, a volte andiamo al cinema o a mangiare fuori". Javier inizia a pensare a quando avrà appeso le scarpette al chiodo: "Il calcio mi mancherà. Ho giocato per 20 anni e alla fine sarò un po' stanco. Come vorrei essere ricordato? Come un bravo ragazzo, che ha sempre dato tutto quello che aveva per il bene della maglia. Mi piacerebbe che i miei compagni e miei tifosi mi ricordassero non tanto per quello che ho fatto in campo, ma più per come sono fuori come persona". Ma non è ancora il tempo dei ricordi. Ci sono ancora tante partite da giocare, coppe da sollevare, tifosi da far esultare. Ci sono campi da percorrere e avversari da scartare. Ci sono tifosi che vogliono vederti ancora in campo, con la maglia dell'Inter e quella fascia al braccio, da capitano vero.







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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 18:37:57 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-11 18:10:57 | 只看该作者
What would you like to say to Javier Zanetti, who will make his 1000th professional appearance against Roma?
"A thousand? What can you say about that, other than to wish him another thousand? Javier is writing footballing history and I count myself lucky to have met him and to be able to work with him every day and go out on the pitch alongside him, because you learn so much from someone like him. His desire to keep going, never giving up, is a fantastic example to us all. When one of us is out it's another reason to try and return as quickly as possible, so that we can join him again."


—— I. Cordoba.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-11 18:31:11 | 只看该作者
There was also a mention of the 1000 professional appearances Javier Zanetti will have made if he features tomorrow in the Coppa Italia match against Roma, with president Moratti asked in particular about the memories he shares with the Nerazzurri captain: "I think what everybody remembers is that he never has a hair out of place... [smiling] Then there's the fact that, even when he's exhausted, he's able to maintain the dignity, desire and pride of a professional footballer, the like of which I don't think has ever been seen before. What sticks most in my mind when I think about Zanetti? The moment in which he was at his absolute happiest, which I think was in Madrid when we won the Champions League. He's not the sort of player who expresses his joy wildly - he also has his role as captain to keep up - so the times when you see him really happy stick in your mind. That night he turned back into the young lad he was when I first signed him."
—— M. Moratti.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-11 18:49:31 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "Target one thousand: pride and passion"
Tuesday, 10 May 2011 17:09:38

APPIANO GENTILE – The target is one thousand. One thousand appearances as a professional footballer – the number Javier Zanetti will reach tomorrow if he plays against Roma in the Coppa Italia semi-final return leg. "I'm proud to have reached this figure. A thousand games, all of which mean a lot to me. It's a very important personal achievement. So far I have made 33 appearances with Talleres, which was my first club, 66 with Banfield, 12 with the Argentina Under-23 side, 140 with the senior side and 748 with Inter: 999 in total. If I play against Roma, I'll make it to 1000, which is a huge milestone. I've always done everything in my career with passion. Football has given me a lot and I've tried to do my bit whenever I've been called upon. Reaching this figure is also significant because there aren't many players who have done it, just nine, and I'll be the tenth; they are all famous names so it makes me very proud to be among them." That was how captain Zanetti spoke, almost moved, about the milestone he hopes to reach in tomorrow evening's match at the Meazza.

Of the other nine who have made it to the 1000 mark - Peter Shilton, Ray Clemence, Pat Jennings, Alan Ball, David Seaman, Paolo Maldini, Andoni Zubizarreta, Roberto Carlos and Tommy Hutchinson – the Nerazzurri captain has particularly fond memories of Roberto Carlos and Paolo Maldini, "Two people that I have always admired a great deal; I'm very happy to be joining them. Maldini gave so much to world football, and from the moment I arrived in Italy I've always admired him for the career he had and for the person he is. Derby matches with him as an opponent were always very intense but also very fair. I have great memories of those."

Zanetti then spoke about his behaviour on and off the pitch throughout his career: "I have always acted on the pitch just like the person I am. I always try to be myself - that's very important to me." And it seems it is appreciated not only by Nerazzurri fans but also by supporters of other clubs: "It's so nice to meet people who maybe aren't Inter fans but who come up to pay me their compliments anyway. That is a great recognition."

Turning to the Coppa Italia semi-final and looking beyond, Zanetti said: "Tomorrow is a big moment for us: a cup semi-final against an excellent team such as Roma. Hopefully we'll be able to celebrate afterwards. Then... I want to continue: 1001, 1002 and so on, until the time comes for me to say enough is enough."

The skipper also mentioned the first coach he had as a professional, Norberto D'Angelo, at Talleres: "D'Angelo gave me the chance to begin this adventure in football which has taken me to where I am today. I'm grateful to him."

His trip down memory lane than took him through his early Inter days: "My first coach was Ottavio Bianchi. My first room-mate at La Pinetina [Inter's training ground complex – ed.] was Roberto Carlos: we had both just been bought by Inter and we shared a room. Actually, my very first room-mate was Benny Carbone, in Cavalese during our pre-season preparations, then it was Roberto Carlos once we started playing matches."

Finally, a special thank you: "Thanks to all the fans I have had, who have always shown me so much affection – that's something you can never forget."



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发表于 2011-5-12 09:53:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 梦幻般的探戈 于 2011-5-12 09:59 编辑

现场直击:萨内蒂魅力超国歌 球迷为埃托奥抱不平http://sports.163.com/11/0512/08/73REFT1700051CD5.html


    本场意大利杯半决赛头号焦点人物莫过于迎来自己第1000场正式比赛的萨内蒂,现场宣读首发名单时,现场主持人特别高声喊出“今天他将迎来职业生涯的第1000场比赛,他就是我们的队长——哈维尔”全场球迷几万人随即喊出“萨内蒂”!双方球员入场后,军乐队开始演奏《意大利国歌》,因为今年的意大利杯在特别纪念意大利建国150周年。多数现场球迷起立高唱国歌。国歌声后主持人说到:“我们的队长今天迎来了第1000场职业生涯比赛……”之前国歌响起而没有起立的球迷也全部起身为萨队鼓掌,在球迷的掌声中萨内蒂从国米俱乐部经理布兰卡手中接过纪念银盘。北看台也亮出横幅“从1995年到今天,从失败的眼泪到胜利的眼泪。1000场我们为你自豪。”看台上也响起“C'e Solo un Capitano(我们有一个队长)”这样的声音。




(本文来源:网易体育 作者:龙雷)

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 09:54:32 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-5-12 09:59:12 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-5-12 10:02:42 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-5-12 10:05:15 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:08:47 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:10:05 | 只看该作者
梦幻般的探戈 发表于 2011-5-12 10:05

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:11:15 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:12:26 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:13:15 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:23:11 | 只看该作者
Coppa Italia, Inter 1-1 Roma: we're in the final!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 23:03:39

MILAN - Inter will travel to the Stadio Olimpico on 29 May to contend the Coppa Italia final with Palermo. If Stankovic was the man who hit the winner in the first leg, this evening it was Eto'o who got the ultimately decisive goal. The 1-1 return-leg draw means the Nerazzurri reach the Coppa Italia final for the sixth time in seven seasons, on the night captain Zanetti made his 1000th career appearance.

The first half ended goalless despite several chances for both sides, Maicon and Pazzini for Inter and De Rossi and Borriello for the visitors. In the second half the Cameroon striker showed his class once more with a well-placed shot that sent the Meazza wild. Borriello headed in an equaliser for Roma with six minutes of normal time remaining but Inter held on to go through 2-1 on aggregate.

FIRST HALF - Missing both Sneijder and Stankovic (scorer of the match-winning goal in the first leg at the Stadio Olimpico), Leonardo fielded Zanetti alongside Kharja and Eto'o in the attacking trio behind Pazzini. Cambiasso and Mariga provided the protection in front of the Nerazzurri defence, which had Lucio and Chivu in the centre flanked by Maicon and Nagatomo.

Tonight's game at the Meazza was a special moment for Javier Zanetti as he made his 1000th professional appearance, joining an elite group - with just nine other footballers - to have reached such a milestone. Pupi wore an armband made just for the occasion, and before kick-off Inter technical director presented the skipper with a commemorative silver plate, to the thunderous applause of the whole stadium.

Inter started the game brightly and threatened early on through Maicon and then Pazzini, but Roma had the first real chance ten minutes in: Borriello made his way into a decent position before firing a venomous shot fractionally over. Two minutes later Eto'o had a pop at goal but he also failed to hit the target. Back down the other end, some neat interplay from the Giallorossi culminated in De Rossi curling wide, and the Roma captain tried his luck from range in the 19th minute, shooting mere inches wide of Julio Cesar's right-hand upright. On 26 minutes, a floated ball from Mariga towards Pazzini in a central position proved just too high for the striker to get enough contact. Nagatomo then made an important interception in the 39th minute as Menez was bursting towards goal. A minute's added time ended a fairly intense first half, played at pace and with several chances but little precision and no goals.

SECOND HALF – Montella made a change during the interval and Greco came out in place of Pizarro. Six minutes after the restart the substitute whipped a dangerous free kick into the box that missed De Rossi's head by a whisker and ended up in the arms of a grateful Julio Cesar. The deadlock was finally broken just before the hour mark, and it was a clinical finish from the ever-impressive Samuel Eto'o. Mariga started the move by chipping into the box, before the ball then found its way to Kharja on the right; his cross was knocked clear via Perrotta's hand (which should have been a penalty to Inter), but only as far as the Cameroon striker, who took one touch to control the ball before slotting neatly through the legs of a defender and low into the far corner - his 34th goal of the season. Inter had a great chance to go two up in the 66th minute, when Pazzini wriggled his way past Juan and Riise only to see Doni show great reflexes and push his effort wide. Two minutes passed and it was Julio Cesar who came to Inter's rescue with a splendid save from Borriello. Having replaced Pazzini, Milito tried his luck in the 72nd minute: after striding into the box he did brilliantly to shake off his man but couldn't get enough power on his shot and Doni blocked with his feet. Roma's best chance of the match came on 76 minutes, and it must be said that luck was not shining on them: Borriello fired past Julio Cesar and onto the near post, with the ball then ricocheting onto the opposite upright and out. Eto'o tried to put the game to bed with around ten minutes remaining, his curling right-footed effort flying just over. Two minutes later Cassetti caused problems for Julio Cesar but the keeper managed to gather the ball at the second attempt. With six minutes to go, Roma drew level on the night through Borriello, who rose well at the far post to head in Perrotta's cross. Inter suddenly found themselves hanging on, since another goal by the Giallorossi would have put them through on away goals, but as the game entered stoppage time it was the Nerazzurri who should have been given the chance to wrap things up from the spot: Juan clearly brought Milito down with a raised foot in an attempted sliding tackle, but the referee decided not to award a penalty. After three minutes of stoppage time, and a few frayed nerves on the pitch - ex-Inter player Burdisso in particular - the match ended 1-1, with the Nerazzurri qualifying for the final with a 2-1 aggregate score.

Inter 1-1 Roma (HT: 0-0; AGG: 2-1)
Scorers: Eto'o 58, Borriello 84.

Inter: 1 Julio Cesar; 13 Maicon, 6 Lucio, 26 Chivu, 55 Nagatomo; 19 Cambiasso, 17 Mariga; 4 Zanetti, 14 Kharja (Motta 75), 9 Eto'o; 7 Pazzini (Milito 67).
Unused subs: 12 Castellazzi, 20 Obi, 23 Materazzi, 27 Pandev, 29 Coutinho.
Coach: Leonardo.

Roma: 32 Doni; 77 Cassetti, 29 N. Burdisso, 4 Juan, 17 Riise; 7 Pizarro (Greco 46), 16 De Rossi; 20 Perrotta, 30 Simplicio (Vucinic 56), 94 Menez (Caprari 73); 22 Borriello.
Unused subs: 1 Lobont, 3 Castellini, 15 Loria, 87 Rosi.
Coach: Vincenzo Montella.

Referee: Daniel Orsato (Schio).
Booked: Chivu 67, Maicon 87, Perrotta 89, Burdisso 90.
Added time: 1+3 minutes.
Attendance: 33,094.










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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:40:28 | 只看该作者
Statistics: Inter v Roma, Javier Zanetti hits 1000
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 23:10:23

MILAN - (Football Data) When he stepped out on the pitch this evening to face Roma in the return leg of the Coppa Italia semi-finals, Javier Zanetti made the 1,000th appearance in his long career.

Before tonight, between club and international matches (both at senior and youth levels), the Inter captain had played in 999 competitive games. Born in Buenos Aires on 10 August 1973, Zanetti made 33 appearances in the Argentine 2nd division with Talleres (1992/93) and 66 in the top division wearing the shirt of Banfield (from 1993/94 to 1994/95). With the national team he has 140 appearances, added to which are 12 caps gained playing for the various youth teams of his country.

Since arriving in Italy in the summer of 1995, he has racked up 749 appearances for Inter, remaining on the pitch for 64,756 minutes, entering as a sub 33 times, and being subbed off on 34 occasions. He has received 50 yellow cards and one red. His appearances in an Inter shirt are broken down like this: 534 in Serie A, 63 in the Coppa Italia, 140 in European competitions and 12 in other tournaments. He has scored a total of 21 goals for Moratti's club.

The Nerazzurri captain is the 10th player in history to reach the 1000-match milestone. In the lead we find English goalkeeper Peter Shilton, with 1,390 matches from 1966 to 1997, and behind him in the rankings is Ray Clemence (England) with 1,118 matches from 1965 to 1987. In third place stands a Northern Irishman, Pat Jennings, with 1,096 appearances from 1962 to 1986. In fourth is Alan Ball (another Englishman) with 1,054 from 1962 to 1984, and fifth is David Seaman (England), with 1,047 from 1981 to 2004.

In sixth place is an Italian, Paolo Maldini: the former Rossoneri captain, who played as a professional from 1984 to 2009, collected 1,040 career appearances, including 45 goals, for his club (901), senior national side (126), U-21 team (12) and the Olympic team (1). His debut came on 20 January 1985 in Udinese 1-1 AC Milan (Serie A), when he came on for Battistini. His appearances are divided like so: 648 in Serie A (including one play-off), 72 in the Coppa Italia, 161 in European competition and 20 in other tournaments. For Italy he totalled 126 appearances with the senior team, 12 U-21 appearances and 1 with the Olympic team.

In seventh place is Spanish goalkeeper Andoni Zubizarreta with 1,013 appearances from 1980 to 1998, and in eighth is a Brazilian, Roberto Carlos, with 1,010 appearances starting in 1991 (but in this case the statistics are not precise due to the lack of reliable sources, as is often the case regarding South American players). Finally, in ninth place is Scotsman Tommy Hutchinson, with 1000 appearances from 1965 to 1991.







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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:48:46 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "A moving evening"
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 23:38:57

MILAN - "It was a moving evening. I thank everyone, starting with my wife Paula and my children who were in the stands. Tonight's match was important in every sense, and for that I can really celebrate." Those were the opening words from Javier Zanetti who, in Inter v Roma, reached two objectives: 1,000 professional matches and a trip to the final of the Coppa Italia with his Inter. The Nerazzurri captain continued, speaking to Rai Sport: "It was a difficult match, as they always are against Roma, a team with players who can change the game. But we did very well to manage the match."

With a few words he brushed off the tension on the pitch sparked off by Nicolas Burdisso ("These things happen, now it's all over.") and the behavior of Gennaro Gattuso during the Scudetto celebrations ("Honestly, nothing surprises me."), then Zanetti gave an opinion on Inter's season: "It's been quite positive; we started by winning the Italian Super Cup, continued by winning the Club World Cup, and now finishing with the Coppa Italia would really be beautiful."

The skipper later spoke to Inter Channel: "A special game but also a difficult one. We really wanted to win it and I think we deserved to go through to play Palermo in the final. We were unable to wrap the tie up early, but we knew Roma would come back strong looking for goals. We defended well."

Asked if he has memories of playing any bad games, Zanetti replied: "Yes, there have been lots, but the main thing is being able to reach this goal, which you can only do if you're very, very consistent."




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:50:16 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:52:08 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 10:52:45 | 只看该作者

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