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发表于 2003-8-28 20:40:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:53 编辑

Chelsea have broken new ground in the capture of Hernan Crespo. The former Inter Milan striker arrives in the Premiership with a reputation as one of the world's best strikers, the jewel in the crown of Chelsea's amazing summer spending spree. His phenomenal scoring record in the Italian Serie A, where goals are such a rare commodity, suggests he will have a field day in the more gung-ho atmosphere of the English league. But while Crespo is now on top of the football world, the record-breaking striker did not always dream of being a footballer. His ambition was to be a rag-and-bone man. "The rubbish collector would drive past my house with his horse and cart, and I loved that," said the £16.8 million striker. "I imagined myself going around the city driving the cart." Crespo was born in Buenos Aires, in the middle-class suburb of Florida, and his love of football began when his father, Jorge, bought him a ball when he was four. He immediately showed amazing talent for someone so young and at the age of six was snapped up by local giants River Plate. But life at home was not easy and Crespo remembers the time he was caught shoplifting by his father. "I went with my father to go shopping," he said. "When we went to pay, he didn't have enough money. I was dismayed when he put back the powdered juice mix, so I put it inside my pants. When we got home and my father found out, he was very angry." At River Plate, Crespo fell under the influence of Argentine legend Daniel Passarella, who realised his young star had been blessed with a special talent. He gave Crespo his debut at 18 and the teenager responded with two goals in a 4-1 victory over Newels. In 1996, having earlier turned down a move to Juventus to further hone his skills, Crespo left River Plate after helping them to Argentina's biggest prize, the Copa Libertadores. He said: "The fans were chanting 'Crespo don't go away'. It is difficult to explain my emotion – playing with the team of my dreams, to score two goals in the final, 80,000 supporters chanting 'Don't go'. It is a very powerful feeling. It was beautiful, beautiful. Crespo left for Parma, but was soon homesick. He added: "I wanted to play with the very best in the world, but it was not easy. I had to adapt and I was expected to score goals. I learnt a lot about dealing with adversity." A prolific goalscoring record made him an instant hit at Parma but, in the summer of 2000, Sven-Goran Eriksson took him to Lazio, almost bankrupting the club by spending a world-record £35.7m on the young Argentine. "I decided to accept Lazio's offer because they were playing in the Champions League," he said. The huge price tag did not bother him as he continued to score, but financial problems forced Lazio to sell Crespo to Inter for £16.6m last summer. Linking with Christian Vieri, he scored nine goals in the Champions League but became fed up with living in the shadow of his famous strike partner. He told Chelsea TV: "I've come here to win things, not just to participate. It means a lot to me to come to Chelsea. It's a great sporting chance and a great social chance with a great group of players." Crespo, who will bank wages of £4.5m a year at Stamford Bridge, is one of the wealthiest players in the game. But he remains a quiet man who fears for the state of his crisis-torn homeland. "The most important thing for me is my family," he said. "I do not care about going out. I am in love with football. I don't do it for money, I never did." Whatever motivates Crespo, his new teammate Glen Johnson reckons he could be the final piece in the Stamford Bridge jigsaw. He said: "Crespo could really make the difference for us this season and win us the Champions League. He's a different class. I can't wait until he gets settled and starts banging in the goals." by Mark Fleming 本站强荐:185娱乐ㄞ城.足球ㄞ真_人.彩票齐全ㄞ手机可投ㄞ注任何游戏. 首次开户送10元.首存送58元.信誉绝对保证argstorm.com
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发表于 2003-8-28 21:40:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:53 编辑

对了,想到CCTV-10有个英语教学节目,叫伦敦流浪者队,还蛮有意思的~~~ 本站强荐:185娱乐┍城.足球┍真_人.彩票齐全┍手机可投┍注任何游戏. 首次开户送10元.首存送58元.信誉绝对保证argstorm.com
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-28 23:17:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-8-28 23:20:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 00:18:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:54 编辑

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-29 2:20:10编辑过]
本站强荐:185娱乐扌城.足球扌真_人.彩票齐全扌手机可投扌注任何游戏. 首次开户送10元.首存送58元.信誉绝对保证argstorm.com
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 00:24:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 01:00:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:54 编辑

切尔西终于得到了他们的战利品——赫尔南·克雷斯波(broken new ground 是不是个俗语啊,不明白,还有后面的in the Premiership)。这位从前的国际米兰前锋带着世界首席前锋的荣誉来到了这里,在切尔西那不可思异的夏季转会市场中,他宛如一颗王冠上的宝石。 他的在意大利的得分记录是A,他的每一粒入球都具有十分珍贵的价值,而这也正预示着他将在气氛更加热烈的英超联赛中把握更多机会。 虽然克雷斯波是当今世界足坛的顶尖球员,但这个打破记录的前锋却并不一直梦想着成为一个足球运动员,他想做一个rag-and-bone man(这个,我个人理解似乎是泥瓦匠,但总觉得不对|||||)。 “收垃圾的人每天会开着他的大装载车经过我的房门,我真喜欢那个,我甚至希望我能驾驶着那样的车子环绕整个城。”这些都出自一个价值1680万的球员之口。 克雷斯波出身在布宜诺斯艾利斯,佛罗里达的一个中等家庭,他之所以对足球如此热爱,也差不多都是因为他父亲——Jorge在他4岁的时候为他买的那个足球。而当他6岁时,便已展露出了他在足球方面那令人惊叹的才华,就在当地的河床俱乐部。 在家的时光是难忘的,克雷斯波依然记得他在商店偷东西,却被父亲抓住的事。 “有一次,我跟我父亲一起去购物”他说,“可当我想要有所奖励的时候,他说他的钱不够。当看着他把果汁粉汽水放回去,我非常沮丧,于是我就把它藏进了我的裤子里,可一回到家,便立刻被我父亲发现了,当时他是真的很生气”。
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-29 2:21:07编辑过]
本站强荐:185娱乐ㄡ城.足球ㄡ真_人.彩票齐全ㄡ手机可投ㄡ注任何游戏. 首次开户送10元.首存送58元.信誉绝对保证argstorm.com
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 01:39:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:54 编辑

在河床队,克雷斯波被收归到最俱影响力的教练丹尼尔·帕萨雷拉的帐下,而这时人们也开始意识到他们这位年轻球星的特殊才能,并祝福于他。在克雷斯波18岁时候,丹尼尔给了他初次上场的机会,而这个年轻也同样以两粒精彩的入球做为回报,帮助主河床以4比1的比分战胜对手。 克雷斯波很快便成为了河床队的英雄,在他的第一个赛季便打入13粒入球,他入球的视野以及他卷曲的头发,不得不让帕萨雷拉想起迭戈·马拉多纳和年轻的前锋巴尔达诺,当然,这也为克氏赢得了巴尔达尼特这个绰号。 他说“当我看到FANS们都高喊着‘克雷斯波不要走’时,我的心情真的很难说明——在我梦寐以求的球队效力,并在最后打入两粒入球,80000名支持者高喊着‘不要走’,那是一种异常强大的情感,它是那么的美好,太美了”。 克雷斯波最终离开了帕尔马,但他很快便开始想念原先的一切,他说“我很想在世界一流强队踢球,但那并不容易。在进球上我被寄予厚望,同时我也必需适应环境。我也学会了与逆境打交道”。 本站强荐:185娱乐┽城.足球┽真_人.彩票齐全┽手机可投┽注任何游戏. 首次开户送10元.首存送58元.信誉绝对保证argstorm.com
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 02:22:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:54 编辑

一份高产得分的档案让克雷斯波成为了帕尔马锋线上最直接的攻击武器,但在2000年夏季转会市场,埃里克松却将克雷斯波邀请到了拉齐奥,为了这位年轻的阿根廷人,俱乐部花费了近3570万英磅的天价,这使得拉齐奥差点儿破产。 “我决定接受拉齐奥的邀请,是因为它入围冠军杯”他说。 这笔巨额的转会费用似乎并没有影响到克雷斯波的进球,但金融问题却不得不迫使拉齐奥在一年之后以1660万英磅的价格将他卖给了国际米兰。与基督徒的维埃里搭挡,使得他在冠军联赛上攻入了9粒入球,但他也开始厌烦居身于他那最佳派挡影子下的生活。 他对切尔西的电视台说道“我来这儿可不是为了参与,我来是为了夺取冠军。这儿有很多进球机会,也有很多伟大的球员。” 克雷斯波每年将在Stamford Bridge银行领取450万英磅的工资收入,他有收入在足球运动员中颇高,但这样一个平静的男人却时常在为家乡的事担忧。 “家庭对我来说无疑是最重要的,我并不介意外出经营,我是如此的热爱着足球,但我从不为钱踢球,永远不会。” 他的新队友Glen Johnson 激励着他,预测他将在最后成为Stamford Bridge 的利锯。 他说“克雷斯波将在这个赛季为我们带来不同,并带领我们赢得冠军杯。他是那样的与众不同,在他开始上演一流的进球前,我已经无法再等待了。” 记者:Mark Fleming SO娱乐城:真_人.足球.彩票齐全| 开户送10元.首存送58元.手机可投注任何游戏顶级信用提现即时到账
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 10:01:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:54 编辑

希望克雷斯波能找回在帕尔玛和拉齐奥的自己 本站强荐:185娱乐㎡城.足球㎡真_人.彩票齐全㎡手机可投㎡注任何游戏. 首次开户送10元.首存送58元.信誉绝对保证argstorm.com
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 10:07:00 | 只看该作者
rag-and-bone man我觉得是收破烂的人,哈哈
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 10:25:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 10:29:00 | 只看该作者

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 10:39:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 守护Crespo 于 2016-1-28 16:54 编辑

沒錯啊,波波小時候的願望就是乘著馬車撿破爛遊遍布宜諾艾利斯[] SO娱乐城:真_人.足球.彩票齐全| 开户送10元.首存送58元.手机可投▅注任何游戏顶级信用▅提现即时到账
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 10:40:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 12:05:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 12:15:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-8-29 12:18:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 18:25:00 | 只看该作者
译得满不错的呢,给朵小花你 :p

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-29 18:26:51编辑过]

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-29 19:08:00 | 只看该作者
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