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发表于 2005-2-3 09:59:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
克雷斯波带领AC米兰走出连败怪圈!!!!! 克雷斯波又回来了,今天凌晨克雷斯波梅开二度,并且首先进球,带领AC大胜. AC本场对手虽然是升班马,但外界都不看好AC,以为AC没有舍瓦,还会进球吗? 克雷斯波第8分钟就告诉所有人,我也是一个射手王!只是上场时间不够.本场克雷 波虽然只上了70多分钟,但是进了两球,我相信如果克雷打完全场上演帽子戏法是 绝对没问题的!!!!!!克雷斯波加油,在没有舍瓦的日子好好进多一些球吧!!!!!!
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发表于 2005-2-3 10:46:00 | 只看该作者
欢迎jollyfan来克雷版! 还没看比赛,很开心克雷进了两球。加油! 意甲焦点战-克雷斯波梅开二度 AC米兰4-1终结连败 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年02月03日05:32 新浪体育   新浪体育讯 北京时间2月3日3时30分(意大利当地时间2日20时30分),在圣菲利波球场开始的意甲第22轮比赛中,AC米兰客场4比1大胜墨西拿,克雷斯波梅开二度,复出以来在正式比赛中已经打进11球。托马森也攻入2球,本赛季联赛进球增加到4粒。下半时,皮尔洛射失1个点球。由于尤文本轮告负,AC米兰将比分差距缩小到5分。 AC米兰此前2轮连败,而且近4轮只有1场进了球,托马森顶替受伤的舍甫琴科,状态欠佳的斯塔姆失去了首发位置,结束停赛的内斯塔与马尔蒂尼搭档。墨西拿本赛季曾经在圣西罗击败AC米兰,在主场已经取得6场胜利。前锋伊利耶夫停赛,赞奇与柳泽敦回到首发,给单前锋詹帕尼亚提供支持。   开场后,AC米兰主动进攻。第3分钟,加图索就在门前获得绝佳机会,托马森传球,克雷斯波直传禁区右侧,加图索在门前13米处右脚却打飞了。此后,卡福右路沿着底线突入禁区回敲后门柱,卡拉泽在门前14米处左脚抽射高出。第9分钟,西多夫中路直塞,卡卡在禁区前沿脚后跟磕给克雷斯波,托马森扯动分散了对方注意力,阿根廷人在门前14米处冷静地右脚推射打进球门正中,AC米兰1比0领先。   詹帕尼亚对内斯塔犯规,接着又向贝尔蒂尼抗议,被黄牌警告。第15分钟,科波拉远射偏出右门柱。就在墨西拿加强进攻时,AC米兰趁机将比分扩大。第18分钟,克雷斯波在右肋距门23米处右脚直传,卡福右路下底低传,门将斯托拉里双掌将球封出,托马森在门前5米处右脚补射打进空门,2比0。   第20分钟,有“西西里的罗伯托-卡洛斯”之称的帕里西主罚的任意球势大力沉,几乎将迪达连人带球轰进门内。第23分钟,詹帕尼亚在禁区边缘射门被迪达没收。第25分钟,AC米兰几乎将比分改写为3比0。西多夫主罚战术角球传中,无人盯防的克雷斯波在门前11米处左脚凌空偏出近门柱。第28分钟,西多夫在禁区边缘射门稍稍偏出。   第30分钟,帕里西左路传中,柳泽敦前点接应却没碰到球,球落到了背对球门的詹帕尼亚面前,詹帕尼亚在门前10米处精彩的右脚倒钩射门弹入左下角,2比1。第40分钟,赞奇对西多夫犯规,被黄牌警告。第42分钟,柳泽敦分球,科波拉右路传中,詹帕尼亚在门前8米处头球角度太正,迪达将球没收。上半时补时阶段,雷扎伊丢球,但托马森在门前23米处右脚射高。   下半时开始后,墨西拿加强了进攻。第51分钟,詹帕尼亚被放倒,帕里西主罚任意球打在人墙上,詹帕尼亚在禁区混战中摔倒,他认为内斯塔拉扯球衣,并向主裁判贝尔蒂尼表示不满。第54分钟,柳泽敦在门前18米处左脚射门没打正部位,迪达倒地将球拿到。第58分钟,克雷斯波接到托马森传球,在禁区前沿突破佐罗后被放倒,皮尔洛左路主罚任意球打远角,斯托拉里指尖托出底线。   AC米兰顶住了墨西拿的反扑,开始加强进攻。雷扎伊对托马森犯规,被黄牌警告,他将错过下轮对切沃的比赛。第60分钟,克雷斯波几乎将比分扩大,他接到卡卡传球,在门前14米处起右脚射门,但斯托拉里用脚挡出。第63分钟,詹帕与多纳蒂配合,在门前22米处打近角,迪达扑救脱手,但随即将球拿到。   第64分钟,AC米兰打出教科书般的默契配合,克雷斯波中路分到右侧,卡卡低传被卡福从裆下漏过,克雷斯波控球面对出击的斯托拉里,在门前9米处左脚推射得分,3比1。墨西拿随即换上从罗马加盟的达格斯蒂诺和巴西后卫拉斐尔。第70分钟,卡卡在禁区边缘右脚射门偏出。斯塔姆换下卡福打右后卫。   第73分钟,克雷斯波传球,卡卡被出击的斯托拉里扑倒,赢得毫无争议的点球,斯托拉里被黄牌警告,皮尔洛右脚主罚点球,斯托拉里向左侧扑封出。安切洛蒂开始收官,用安布罗西尼换下了克雷斯波。穆蒂则用迪纳波利换下詹帕尼亚。第75分钟,内斯塔放倒迪纳波利,被黄牌警告。   第80分钟,卡卡传球,斯塔姆突入禁区右侧传出,托马森单刀推射被斯托拉里不可思议地扑出。第86分钟,迪纳波利与马尔蒂尼接触倒地,他索要点球,但贝尔蒂尼叫他赶快起来。第89分钟,托马森拖延时间,被黄牌警告。补时第2分钟,托马森接应西多夫斜传反越位成功,在禁区右侧右脚扣过替补后卫拉斐尔,在门前8米处左脚低射,虽然斯托拉里碰到了球,但球还是慢慢滚进门内,4比1。   墨西拿(4-4-1-1):1-斯托拉里/8-佐罗,6-阿罗尼卡,2-雷扎伊,19-帕里西(68'拉斐尔)/27-赞奇,24-科波拉,5-多纳蒂,17-詹帕(68'达格斯蒂诺)/20-柳泽敦/9-詹帕尼亚(75'迪纳波利)。   AC米兰(4-3-1-2):1-迪达/2-卡福(72'斯塔姆),13-内斯塔,3-马尔蒂尼,4-卡拉泽/8-加图索,21-皮尔洛,20-西多夫/22-卡卡(88'潘卡罗)/15-托马森,11-克雷斯波(75'安布罗西尼)。   (马舸) Serie A Week 22 - 2/2/05 (20.30 GMT) Messina 1 - 4 Milan Crespo 9, 64 (Mi), Tomasson 18, 92 (Mi), Zampagna 30 (Me) Stadio San Filippo Hernan Crespo bagged a brace and Andrea Pirlo saw his penalty saved, but Milan have rediscovered their form and close the gap on Juventus back to five points. The Rossoneri's Scudetto hopes were in tatters after falling eight points behind leaders Juventus going into the Stadio San Filippo. Andriy Shevchenko and Pippo Inzaghi were out injured, but Carlo Ancelotti did not change his tactics. Messina were missing the suspended Ivica Iliev and were looking for their seventh home win of the season and had already beaten Milan 2-1 at the San Siro. The reigning Italian Champions poured forward from the start and a great team move concluded with Gennaro Gattuso's shot off target. Moments later Marcos Cafu ran riot down the right and Kakha Kaladze blasted over the bar. The deadlock was eventually broken after nine minutes with a fantastic move. Hernan Crespo and Kaka duetted all the way up the pitch before the Brazilian's backheel found the former Chelsea star for a cool finish. The Sicilians hit back and a Coppola strike from 30 metres whistled wide of the target, but Milan were dominating and doubled their lead with another impressive move. Cafu charged down the flank and his cross was pushed into the path of Jon Dahl Tomasson from eight yards. The Rossoneri had scored just two goals in their last six games and here bagged as many in 18 minutes. Alessandro Parisi showed why he is nicknamed 'The Sicilian Roberto Carlos' with a powerful free kick that nearly pushed Dida back into his net. But the visitors were having the better of the play and Clarence Seedorf's rising strike was palmed out by an acrobatic Marco Storari. Seedorf has been dropped recently in favour of Vikash Dhorasoo, but he had another great chance to make it 3-0. Instead, Messina got themselves back into the match on the half-hour mark with a spectacular goal. Yanagisawa missed the Parisi cross, but Riccardo Zampagna caught it with a marvellous overhead kick that beat Dida at the near post. Storari flew to palm a long-range Gattuso effort over the bar as it was end to end stuff at the Stadio San Filippo. Zampagna nearly drew Messina level before the break, but his header was too central and Dida smothered it with some difficulty. The Sicilians were more aggressive after the break and there were penalty appeals for Alessandro Nesta's tug on Domenico Giampa'. Milan went close to a third when Crespo turned Parisi and got his shot in from the edge of the box, but Storari managed to block the ball with his feet. They finally made it 3-1 with another well-worked move, as Crespo and Kaka exchanged passes for the Argentine's low drive from nine yards. Storari rushed off his line and brought down Kaka as he was about to score, but the goalkeeper was only shown a yellow card and the penalty awarded. Andrea Pirlo stepped up and Storari made up for his error by saving the spot- kick. Storari performed another stunning point-blank save on Tomasson after Jaap Stam's cross had found its way through to the Dane. Tomasson eventually got his goal in stoppages, springing the offside trap and dribbling round Rafael before Storari got a hand to his shot - not enough to keep it out of the net. Messina: Storari; Zoro, Aronica, Rezaei, Parisi (Rafael 68); Zanchi; Giampà (D'Agostino 68), Coppola, Donati, Yanagisawa; Zampagna (Di Napoli 75) Milan: Dida; Cafu (Stam 72), Nesta, Maldini, Kaladze; Gattuso, Pirlo, Seedorf; Kakà (Pancaro 88); Crespo (Ambrosini 75), Tomasson Football Italia []
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发表于 2005-2-3 10:48:00 | 只看该作者
进球下载: http://www.argstorm.com/2003NewVersion/download/show.asp?id=904
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发表于 2005-2-3 10:55:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2005-2-3 10:57:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-2-3 11:56:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2005-2-3 17:39:00 | 只看该作者
媒体点评:Goal.com 7.5分
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发表于 2005-2-3 17:56:00 | 只看该作者

时间:2005-2-3 12:23:00 来源:竞技风暴









[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-3 17:56:52编辑过]

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发表于 2005-2-3 18:07:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-2-5 21:43:00 | 只看该作者


Yahoo Italia: 7.5分 "Migliore in campo in assoluto della partita: due gol (bellissimo il secondo) e
giocate da campione che restano impresse. Storari gli nega altri due gol."

IL GIORNALE: Dida 6;Cafu 6,5;Nesta 6; Stam 6; Maldini 5,5;Kaladze 6;Gattuso 6;Pirlo 5,5;
Seedorf 7;Kakà 7;Tomasson 7;Crespo 8;Ambrosini, Pancaro sv

LA REPUBBLICA: Dida 6;Cafu 7;Nesta 6;Maldini 6;Kaladze 6;Gattuso 6,5;Pirlo 6,5;Seedorf
6,5;Kakà 7.5;Tomasson 7;Crespo 7;Ambrosini, Pancaro e Stam sv

CORRIERE DELLA SERA: Dida 6,5;Cafu 7;Nesta 6;Maldini 6;Kaladze 6;Gattuso 6;Pirlo 6;
Seedorf 6,5;Kakà 6,5;Tomasson 6,5;Crespo 7;Ambrosini, Pancaro e Stam sv

TUTTOSPORT: Dida 6,5;Cafu 6,5;Nesta 6;Maldini 6;Kaladze 6;Gattuso 6,5;Pirlo 6;Seedorf
6,5;Kakà 7.5;Tomasson 7.5;Crespo 7.5;Ambrosini, Pancaro e Stam sv

CORRIERE DELLO SPORT: Dida 6,5;Cafu 7;Nesta 5,5;Maldini 6;Kaladze 6;Gattuso 6;Pirlo 5;
Seedorf 6,5;Kakà 6,5;Tomasson 6,5;Crespo 7.5;Ambrosini, Pancaro e Stam sv

GAZZETTA DELLO SPORT: MILAN: Dida 6,5;Cafu 7;Stam 6;Nesta 6;Maldini 6;Kaladze 6;
Gattuso 7;Pirlo 6;Seedorf 7;Kakà 7.5;Tomasson 7.5;Crespo 7.5;Ambrosini 6;Pancaro sv

Football Italia:Player of the Week: Crespo

Friday 4 February, 2005

It hasn't been the easiest of seasons for Hernan Crespo but the Milan man has silenced his many critics yet
again. After briefly rediscovering his goal touch, the sceptics were again starting to question his importance
to a Rossoneri side who seemed to be already out of the championship race last Sunday.

But the Argentine responded in style on Wednesday evening with two goals in the 4-1 win at Messina. A
victory that repaid the faith of boss Carlo Ancelotti, who had come under attack by some for refusing to
shake-up his side. Given Juventus' surprise loss to Sampdoria, Crespo literally fired his club back into the
Scudetto chase.

"I do suffer, sometimes a lot, when I read and hear the criticism directed at me," admits the on loan Chelsea
striker. "However, I'm able to sort out my problems by letting my feet do the talking. I really get upset and angry at times but fortunately I am able to transform this rage into positive energy. This is a part of my
character that I am very proud of."

Crespo opened the scoring after just nine minutes, allowing Jon Dahl Tomasson to add two strikes of his own
in a game where Kaka returned to his inspirational displays from last season.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-5 21:55:54编辑过]

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发表于 2005-2-5 21:48:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-2-5 23:26:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-2-6 17:51:00 | 只看该作者
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