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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-14 13:44:00 | 只看该作者


Tuesday, 13 March 2007 16:41:39   
 MANCHESTER - Inter's Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Marco Materazzi left this morning for Manchester where they will take part in tonight's charity friendly to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and Manchester United's 50 years in European competitions. The two players are among a host of stars on show at United's Old Trafford ground. German official Markus Merk will referee the match between the Red Devils and a Europe XI, to kick off at 20:00 local time.
Tuesday, 13 March 2007 22:38:56   
 MANCHESTER - Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Marco Materazzi played the first half of Tuesday's charity match between Manchester United and a Europe XI at Old Trafford, organised to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and Manchester United's 50 years in European competitions

Ibrahimovic, who won the Europe XI a penalty before sending his spot kick against the bar, spent time with his team-mate Materazzi and Valencia pair Canizares and Ayala ahead of kick-off. The four players stood alongside one another as the two teams posed for a group photo - a clear sign of fair play one week on from the Champions League match at the Mestalla.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-14 13:46:00 | 只看该作者


Tuesday, 13 March 2007 20:22:18   
 MILAN - Inter Campus Worldwide's Aldo Montinaro is back from a successful trip to the project's football school in Qingdao on the east coast of China.

Inter Campus Qingdao president Song Weimin, whose pupils are back in the classroom after the annual Spring Festival holiday, plans to extend the project to a hundred more children who live in conditions of poverty in a Shandong province village.

Other future plans include a visit of Inter Campus Qingdao representatives to Italy, a technical training course to be held by two Inter Campus coaches from Italy, and the setting up of Inter Club Qingdao to give voice to Nerazzurri fans in the area.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-16 14:25:00 | 只看该作者


Thursday, 15 March 2007 11:18:27   
 MILAN - Base activity head Roberto Samaden and Under-12 team coach Stefano Bellinzaghi are guests of English club Liverpool for a conference which runs until Friday 16 March. During their presentations, the two representatives of Inter's academy will illustrate the organisation of Inter's youth set-up, the Inter Campus project and the network of Inter football schools. Specifically, Samaden (pictured) will talk about the academy's organisation in general and football as a competitive sport for young players, while Bellinzaghi will focus on training sessions.


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 22:36:00 | 只看该作者

Saturday, 17 March 2007 06:56:01   
 MILAN - Many happy returns to our Uruguayan forward Alvaro Recoba, 31 years old today.


Friday, 16 March 2007 19:56:01   
 APPIANO GENTILE - Uruguayan striker Alvaro Recoba, who turns 31 on Saturday, was interviewed by Sky Italia ahead of Friday morning's training session at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti:

Recoba: your best goal in ten years with Inter?
"The one from the halfway line against Empoli."

And the least spectacular one?
"Against Bologna in the Coppa Italia. A team-mate headed a corner to me and I scored with my hip."

The friendliest team-mate you have had?
"There have been a lot of friendly people. Taribo West was perhaps the friendliest of all. In terms of personal friendships, Matias Almeyda was the one I got on best with, and the one I'm still in contact with."

And the team-mate you hit it off with least?
"There have been many players in ten years at Inter, and I have got on well with more or less all of them. There have been a few lads, like Keane, for example, who only spoke English, so we didn't talk that much. But I have never had any problems in personal relationships. The only person I've had a big argument with was Francesco Toldo, and we're almost like brothers now."

The strongest player after Recoba?
(smiles) "Ibra has really impressed me a lot because he's so, so strong. Messi of Barcelona is doing well at the moment. And Kakà impressed me in the derby, even though we won. There are three or four very strong players, like Ronaldinho, for example."

Can we compare Ibrahimovic to the Ronaldo you played with at Inter?
"No. They are two different players. In those years you couldn't give Ronie a yard of space, or you had to have a five- or six-metre advantage to keep up with him. You have to stay very close to Ibra because he does what he wants when he gets the ball. They are two different champions, and I have had the honour of playing with both of them."

A player who joined Inter and turned out to be less strong than expected?
(smiles) "I thought I was very strong, but I haven't played for two years... Jokes aside, each one of us does what he can, and there are those who get more publicity than others, like Beckham for example. And I say this without wanting to take anything away from him. Each person has what he deserves."

And the nicest coach?
"Lucescu. I remember he wanted to play me in midfield in front of the defence, and two weeks later I joined Venezia. But I remember him for his likeableness. Zaccheroni wanted to play me in that position too. They tried..."

And the most disagreeable coach?
"Perhaps it was Tardelli, maybe because there was talk of my big contract... But not in terms of the personal relationship, because we have seen each other since and there have been no problems. I have had a lot of coaches who when they have seen me again have told me I was the best player they had. Jokingly, I always reply that they could have thought about it before... However, I have never had any big problems with any coach."

And the most capable coach?
"The most capable coach is always the one who gets you to win. A coach can be the most loved or the nicest person, but in football he is dismissed if you don't win. I haven't won much at Inter, but what I have won has been with Mancini. The best is always the one who gets you to win. In terms of sentiments, I got on very well with Novellino at Venezia. I had six unforgettable months there and we avoided relegation. Look at Capello now: he's one of the best coaches in the world and he is being criticised because he's not getting results."

In your case, Massimo Moratti deserves a separate chapter. Do you agree?
"At this point I have said everything I could say about the president. He has always supported me, even through the most difficult times. I would have liked to have played a bigger part in this season in which we're doing well because I know he wants me to do well. But I have never taken advantage of the situation. If I have been criticised in these ten years, it means he hasn't pushed for me to be played. It has always been the coaches who have decided. Moratti has never put himself in the middle."

Moratti wore your Inter shirt under his jacket during the Champions League qualifier against Shakhtar two years ago...
"I want to point out that I have never taken advantage of the situation. People think that if he does this it means Recoba goes to his home every day, or that I'm always calling him, or because I often invite him for dinner. But I have never done these things. I think there's a good relationship because I have never made an issue of money, despite what has been said. On the contrary, when the time came to reduce my salary, I accepted without any problems because I knew it was an important issue for the president and the club in general. The president is a man who understands these things immediately and knows I have never thought about anything else apart from football. I have always considered myself lucky to have come to Inter. I have never taken advantage of this situation."

Could this be your last season at Inter?
"Yes, unfortunately I believe so. But it's not as if I'm ending my career because I'm fifty years old... I would have liked to leave by playing and helping the team win, and I haven't succeeded in doing that so far because I have often been injured. I'm not saying now that I will definitely leave, but the time has come to understand what I really want to do. I certainly don't want to stay here and play ten to fifteen matches a year. My goals are different now. Most of all I want to play football. Whether it's for a bigger or smaller club it doesn't matter, but I want to feel happy again. I want to be honest: I'm not saying this would be resolved one hundred percent if I went to another club, but I think that with a bit of continuity I would manage to be fitter."

From a physical point of view it has been an unlucky season for you, because you have been decisive each time you have played. But in what is such a good league season for Inter, can you still manage to be happy for what the team is achieving?
"I'm pleased because things are going well for the team. But I'll be honest. I can't say I'm jumping with joy; to be happy I have to play. I repeat: I'm happy for the team because they have a big chance to win, this year like never before. But I can't lie; I can't say it's fine like this and that winning is enough even if I play a minute in each match. It could have been like this at the start, but I can no longer say this now I have been sidelined for so long. But I want to say again that I am very pleased with what the team is managing to win."

Could these remaining eleven matches of the championship be a turning point for your season and make you change your mind?
"No, I don't think so. And I say this because the decisive moments of the season have already passed. We have to continue to do well until the end to celebrate the objective we have had since the start. I have been feeling in good shape for ten to fifteen days. I don't have any problems, and I'm at the service of the coach. But I don't think these eleven games will change the situation. I need to play football, not just concentrate on feeling good and staying at Inter because life is good or because you earn well. It's hard to go home on a Saturday or Sunday when you haven't played even a minute or when you have been in the stands. But for now I'm here and I'm proud to have been here for many years, so we will see what happens. I could even make a life choice and return to my country. We will see."

March has always been your month. Your birthday is in this month and you have always done well at this time of the year...
"This is true. And I felt good in training today too. Let's hope the coach saw me and plays me on Sunday, and that I can do well. I haven't even scored a goal this year. It's time to score a few in this last bit of the season."

What do you think about when you look back at these ten years at Inter?
"Our biggest mistake was in that match against Lazio on 5 May. If we had won that Scudetto, everything would have changed - and I considered myself a protagonist of that season because I had done well, particularly in the last part. Losing in that way was a harsh blow; it took us a while to recover. I'm not saying that championship affected many things, but if we had won that championship certain opinions would have been very different."

Do you think Inter have already won this championship?
"Yes, I think so. And I say this without taking anything away from Roma who have had a superb championship. We have done what we needed to do, we have won the decisive matches and dropped very few points along the way, while others have dropped them. We might not have won it yet, but we have a good ninety-five percent chance of winning it. It's true that you never know in football, but all our big games are at home and we have a sixteen-point lead over the second-placed team."

Has this season been easy or difficult?
"Victories always help you win. There are always problems, and there always have been in the dressing room. There have been a few small things this year, but they only come out when you haven't won. We're winning now and everything is going well, and it's right like this. Even the small things are going well and the other teams realise this because there have been some matches in which we have fallen behind and then come back as if nothing had happened. We are a very strong team, but the others have suffered a bit psychologically, which perhaps happened to us in previous years. We always score at the right time and we know the result will come sooner or later. With the players we have at Inter, everything is much easier."

What went wrong for Inter in the Champions League?
"In Spain there are four teams who play very well: Seville, Barcelona, Real Madrid and Valencia. In general, they play better in Spain than in Italy. Maybe it's because of the pitches or other things. You can see the difference if we compare the last Inter v Milan, which they said was very nice, and the last Real v Barcelona. We faced a team (Valencia) that was playing well and we found it harder. Everything might have changed if we had scored a second goal in the first half, but everything was more difficult with the draw to overturn in the return leg. And in any case they weren't an easy team to face and we were without a very important player in Vieira. We weren't inferior to our opponents; we were punished for our small mistakes. Unfortunately we got a 2-2 draw at home and a 0-0 draw away."

Is your goal now to score a goal that decides the Scudetto?
"My team-mates have already scored many decisive goals, like Hernan's at Roma and Cruz' in the derby, for example. I would be content with playing in these final matches. I still feel I'm part of the squad, but I don't feel I can say I am unless I have played at least five matches."

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 23:02:00 | 只看该作者


Saturday, 17 March 2007 20:14:29   
 MONTE SAN VITO (ANCONA) - The town of Monte San Vito in the province of Ancona has named a street after the late Inter president Giacinto Facchetti. The naming ceremony was attended by Gloria Anna Sordoni, mayor of Monte San Vito, former Inter goalkeeper Andrea Mazzantini, who played an important role in the initiative, Facchetti's wife Giovanna and son Gianfelice, Bedy Moratti, the parents of Roberto Mancini, and other officials representing the local authorities. The new 'via Giacinto Facchetti' leads to the local stadium.


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 23:05:00 | 只看该作者

伊布和马特拉齐出席“WIVI L'INTER”活动

Saturday, 17 March 2007 21:28:01   
 SANT'EGIDIO VAL VIBRATA - Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Marco Materazzi were on stage with Inter Channel's Roberto Scarpini at the sixth Wivi l'Inter event of the season. The two players signed autographs, posed for photos and answered questions from members of Inter Clubs in Italy's Abruzzo region. Also in attendance at the Exhibition Centre in Sant'Edigio Val Vibrata were Bedy Moratti, Accursio Scorza, Emanuele Nardi, Inter Club Coordination Centre director Fausto Sala, and ex-Inter goalkeeper Andrea Mazzantini.

ICs Bellante, Campli, Casalincondrada, Casoli, Sambuceto, Tufillo & Villamagna, Alba Adriatica (20th anniversary), Ortona and Vomano (10th anniversary) were presented with commemorative plates, while the entire proceeds of a charity lottery were donated to the Adricesta association - supported by Francesco Toldo - which helps young children with serious illnesses.

兹拉坦·伊布拉西莫维奇和马尔科·马特拉齐随国际米兰频道的罗伯托·斯卡尔皮尼一起出席了本赛季的第6次“Wivi l'Inter”活动,两名球员进行了签名、合影,回答了参加活动的国际米兰球迷俱乐部意大利阿布鲁佐大区俱乐部球迷提出的问题。一同参加本次在圣埃迪乔娃尔·维布拉塔展览中心进行的活动的还有贝迪·莫拉蒂、阿库尔西奥·斯科尔萨、埃马努埃莱·纳尔迪、国际米兰俱乐部交流与合作中心主管法乌斯托·萨拉和前国际米兰守门员安德雷亚·马赞蒂尼。


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 23:41:00 | 只看该作者


Monday, 19 March 2007 17:36:16   
 BELGRADE - Roberto Mancini held a football seminar for over 500 pupils on Monday, teaching theory in a lecture theatre and before giving practical demonstrations at Red Star Belgrade's legendary Maracanà stadium.

Attending the lesson, part of a Serbian FA coaching course, were the fourteen enrolled coaches - including Sinisa Mihajlovic who takes his final examination in June, and coaches and football enthusiasts from all over the ex-Yugloslavia region.

Mihajlovic, who will return to Italy on Thursday, publicly thanked Mancini after the lesson, saying: "Once again he has shown he's not just an excellent football teacher, but also a great friend. His presence here in Belgrade for this lesson is a reason of great pride for me, the organisers and all the participants, for whom it was a great event."




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 23:48:00 | 只看该作者


Tuesday, 20 March 2007 16:12:02   
 NYON - Inter's managing director and CEO Ernesto Paolillo was invited as a guest speaker at a UEFA round table discussion, which concluded this morning at the headquarters of European football's governing body.

Among the issues discussed were the proposal of a tennis-style draw for European cup competitions, the distribution and redistribution of TV rights, the difficulties of applying salary caps in Europe, club finances (over two-thirds of teams competing in UEFA competitions are operating at a loss) and the confederation's relations with the European Community.

During his speech, Paolillo pointed out the important role club academies will play in the future, both on an economic scale and in terms of the moral and technical development of young players.

Other participants in round table session, chaired by Egon Franck, professor of Economics at the University of Zurich, included Peter Lawwell of Celtic, ex-Nerazzurri striker and current Bayern Munich president Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, Ferran Soriano of Barcelona and Arsenal's Dennis Dean.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-24 00:06:00 | 只看该作者

萨穆埃尔生日快乐 在曼图阿出席“WIVI L'INTER”活动

Thursday, 22 March 2007 09:27:14   
 MILAN - Many happy returns to our Argentine defender Walter Samuel, 29 years old today.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:44:01   
 MARMIROLO (MANTUA) - Argentine player Walter Samuel represented the team at the seventh Wivi l'Inter event of the season, for Inter Clubs based in the Lombardy province of Mantua.

The defender took to the stage with Inter Channel's Roberto Scarpini at the Villa Peron restaurant in Marmirolo to answer questions from the over 350 fans present, sign autographs and pose for photos.

Inter Club Coordination Centre director Fausto Sala, former Inter striker Roberto Boninsegna, and Luciano Allodi were also in attendance.

Inter Clubs Sabbioneta and Ostiglia, celebrating their 45th and 20th anniversaries, were presented with commemorative plates, while funds raised through a lottery will be donated to a number of local charities.
阿根廷球员沃尔特·萨穆埃尔代表球队在曼图阿的隆巴迪省出席了本赛季的第7次“Wivi l'Inter”活动。



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-29 11:43:00 | 只看该作者


Tuesday, 27 March 2007 20:37:48    

MILAN - The F.C. Internazionale Board of Directors held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon. The economic/patrimonial situation from 1 July to 31 December 2006 was approved - a condition required to request the issuing of UEFA licences. It was also decided to partially split Inter Futura s.r.l. The part of the company that deals with all activities in Italy will be merged into F.C. Internazionale, while the activities of Inter Campus Worldwide will remain with Inter Futura.



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-2 11:06:00 | 只看该作者

坎比亚索和冈萨雷斯出席“WIVI L'INTER”活动

Thursday, 29 March 2007 08:56:33     

VIGEVANO (PAVIA) - Esteban Cambiasso and Mariano Gonzalez represented the first team at the eighth Wivi l'Inter event of the season, which took place on Wednesday 28 March.

The two Argentine midfielders took to the stage with Inter Channel's Roberto Mancini at the Salone della Cavallerizza in Vigevano to answer questions, sign autogpraphs and pose for photos with members of Inter Clubs from the province of Pavia.

Inter Clubs Gambolò and Vigevano 62 celebrated their 45th anniversaries, while Inter Club Robbio marked a decade of official support for the Nerazzurri. Regional coordinator Vincenzo Rubino presented all three clubs and the newly-founded Inter Club Catartica with commemorative plates.

Funds raised through a lottery will be donated to the Italian Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association.

3月28日(周三),埃斯特班-坎比亚索和马里亚诺-冈萨雷斯代表出席了本赛季的第8次“Wivi l'Inter”活动。



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-2 11:40:00 | 只看该作者


Saturday, 31 March 2007 18:19:43   

MAGENTA (MILAN) - A sports centre in the town of Magenta has been named after late Inter president Giacinto Facchetti thanks to 250 signatures collected by Inter Club Magenta Nerazzurra 1978 and local sports enthusiasts.

The Magenta Inter Club teamed up with local outfit A.C. Magenta and the town authorities to rename the sports centre, which comprises the club's football stadium, academy pitches, five-a-side pitches and a swimming pool, after the great Giacinto.

The naming ceremony was attended by Gianfelice Facchetti, Bedy Moratti, and Inter Club Coordination Centre director Fausto Sala.



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发表于 2007-4-4 09:47:00 | 只看该作者


Tuesday, 03 April 2007 15:59:24     

MILAN - Nikolas Mihajlovic was born in Milan this morning. From Inter and all Interisti, many congratulations to Sinisa and Ariana Mihajlovic on the latest addition to their family.



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发表于 2007-4-4 09:49:00 | 只看该作者


Tuesday, 03 April 2007 17:37:37   

APPIANO GENTILE - It's always nice to see two old faces at Inter. Ruben Sosa and Dario Morello visited the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti on Tuesday as the Nerazzurri returned to work following a day off. The Uruguayan, currently assistant coach of Nacional Montevideo, has made frequent trips back to Italy in the past, but this time he will stay for the coming weeks to follow Roberto Mancini's training sessions. Sosa wore black and blue from 1992 to 1995, scored 50 goals in 104 games, and won the UEFA Cup in 1994. Italian forward Morello, scorer of 5 goals in 44 appearances for Trapattoni's Inter, lifted a Scudetto and a  Super Cup during his three seasons with the Nerazzurri. Now coach of ASD Reggio Calcio's Giovanissimi category side, Morelli visited Appiano Gentile to promote his testimonial match, to take place in Reggio Emilia on 4 June.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-7 13:47:00 | 只看该作者


Thursday, 05 April 2007 14:36:11    

APPIANO GENTILE - Inter received a prestigious visit from the Ivory Coast this morning. Accompanied by Fabrizio Isena, honorary consul-general of the African republic in Milan, Narcisse Kuyo Tea, cabinet chief of the presidency of the Republic of the Ivory Coast, watched the first team train at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti.



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-7 13:54:00 | 只看该作者


Thursday, 05 April 2007 15:24:34     

HELSINKI - Inter academy's base activities head Roberto Samaden was among the guest speakers at the 7th UEFA Grassroots Football Conference, which took place from 2-5 April in Helsinki, Finland.

Samaden presented the club's Inter Campus Italia and Inter Campus Worldwide projects to representatives of all 53 UEFA member associations.



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发表于 2007-4-9 09:58:00 | 只看该作者

Saturday, 07 April 2007 07:56:02   

MILAN - Inter's assistant coach Sinisa Mihajlovic was interviewed by Sky Italia ahead of the Easter festivities:

Can we say Inter have won the Scudetto?
"We have a twenty-point lead, and there are twenty-seven left. Mathematically we haven't won yet, but..."

But everyone thinks it's natural to say so...
"On the surface it doesn't seem like a very hard championship. The fans probably celebrate more when you win it on the last day of the season. We have found it very hard, we have played a great championship, and the fans will realise this with time. With a twenty-point lead I don't see all that joy in the fans that I had imagined, but they will realise eventually because besides the title they gave us last year, winning this Scudetto is something all of us and all Inter fans can be very proud of."

Cobolli Gigli of Juventus said it has been a boring Serie A season.
"He might be right, but it's because we are too strong. The merit is ours if it's boring, and nothing would have changed if Juventus had been in A. I hope they are promoted so next season we can play against them at last and see what happens, but I don't think anything will change. We have done something that is not easy to repeat, and I think Inter will be the team to beat next season too."

How has the transition from pitch to bench been?
"I have been very lucky and for this reason I will never stop thanking president Moratti and Mancini. They have given me an incredible chance. The only thing I know how to do is play football and coach. It's my whole life. I won't deny that I found it a bit hard at the start because I had been playing with most of these lads for two seasons, but they have respected me and the coaching has gone very well. At the start I would turn round to look at my ex-team-mates on the bus, or look the other way when I was sat at the coaching staff's table, so Mancini told me there was no problem for him if I wanted to go and eat with the boys. I missed playing at the start, but it got better as time went on. I look at everyone differently and I have already learned a lot of things. It's important to work your way up, because sooner or later I will coach for real."

Some ex-players have confessed to suffering from depression...
"Not me, because I was in pre-season training a month after I stopped playing. It's just that I was on the other side. I'm lucky because knowing me, I would have driven everyone crazy if I had stayed at home..."

Has your relationship with Roberto Mancini changed?
"It has been splendid for fifteen years, and it still is. We have always been very good friends, both when we played and when he coached me at Lazio and Inter. And it's because of this recognised relationship with Mancini that I have had to give more, set an example, and always be the perfect professional."

Did you have more responsibilities when he was your coach?
"I have never had any doubts over my ability as a player. I have won a lot, thanks also to my character, and if Mancini has always wanted me as a player it's because he knew and was convinced that I could give more. Both of us were pleased with our experiences in two seasons at Inter, and we're pleased with what we're doing now as members of the coaching staff."

Has your relationship with the players changed?
"They have always had maximum respect for me, and me for them. Everything has stayed the same. I'm their friend, but they know that when it's time to work, we work. They know they can come to me if there are any problems. It was like this when I played. They knew I could be a bridge between the players and the coach. This is why the relationship hasn't changed that much."

If Adriano were your son...
"He's a great lad and a great player. Everyone can go out and have fun at his age, but he has to be a bit more careful in his private life and surround himself with people who love him, not with those who might be able to get something from him just because he's Adriano. I had many problems when I arrived at Roma aged just twenty-one. I was alone and with all these false friends. You have to be intelligent, learn quickly, and not repeat your mistakes. You need to grow up quickly. All of us are fond of Adriano and we all give him advice."

Have you ever been strict with Adriano?
"When needed, yes. I have been angry once or twice. I told him to do certain things and he didn't do them. He was hurt, but it hasn't happened again."

And if Ibra were your son?
"I would tell him not to get nervous when he goes on the pitch. He is the best of them all, the only way the others can win is to make him nervous. He's playing into their hands if he thinks about the vendettas and not about the football. We have similar characters. We're both fiery and it doesn't take much for us to get flared up. On some occasions, like in Valencia for example, he did well not to react. In his place I might not have stood still... Zlatan just has to think about playing football and enjoying himself. He's the best of them all, so it's normal for the others to do everything they can to provoke him."

What did you say to Ibra between the first and second half of the derby?
"I told him that the derby is the best match, that a player like him can't not take part. I told him 'you're a great player, everyone is losing out if you don't perform...' Us Slavs are like this. We never give up. So in the second half of the derby Zlatan set up Cruz and then scored the winning goal. He came to thank me afterwards. These are the things that please you."

Your newly born son has the same first name as Burdisso...
"Nicolas has definitely been penalised too much for what happened in Valencia. If they gave him what they gave him, what should they have given to the one who threw the punch? I did a lot of stupid things when I was a player, and I always ended up paying for them. Nicolas is a great boy and is still young. He can play in every defensive position, as well as in midfield. He's still young and he's having a great year. He can go a lot further."

Is Marco Materazzi the one who resembles you most in terms of character?
" Materazzi has changed a lot since winning the World Cup, and for the better. On the outside he might seem a bit grumpy, but he has always been a nice person, and very important for the environment. He feels stronger after winning the World Cup, and he is. We are lucky to have him on the pitch and in the dressing room. He's the first person to spur on his team-mates when something isn't going right..."

If Mancini were your brother?
"It's not as if I came here to give advice to everyone... Who gives advice to me? I have seen Mancini mature as a coach, and he's almost perfect now. He used to get angry a lot more, but he's calmer now and in this way he follows matches better. He started coaching big clubs early, and he's one of the best around now."

What do you talk about?
"We talk about many things, like what formation to use, who will play, who will come on... Mancini listens to us collaborators a lot. What can he improve? Specifically, I'm not sure. But you always try to improve in life. Mancini is a perfectionist. Perfection is impossible, but in his search for it he improves all the time. I also want to be like him, because I'm the type who is never satisfied."

If Massimo Moratti were your father?
"Moratti is a splendid person. There aren't many like him, and not just in football. I already considered him special before, but now I know him I can say he's even more special. Football would be better and more credible if there were more people like Moratti."

So it's not true that he should be less kind?
"Don't worry. When he gets angry, he gets angry. It doesn't often happen, I've seen him angry just once in three years. Sven Goran Eriksson also said he was too kind, but you don't see the strength of people when they get angry."

Your fifth child was born last week...
"Children are the best thing. You can never get enough of them. To make a comparison, chidren are like goals. It's nice to have them, raise them, and it's emotional to watch the birth. I have been to all of them apart from one, when I was away with my national team."

What kind of father are you?
"One who plays and jokes, but who sets the rules. No one can do what he wants in a family like ours. I grew up like this and this is how I will raise my children. There's a dinner time, a time to go to bed, a time to get up... I think I'm a good dad, but being parents is difficult, it's a big responsibility. I want to raise them well and teach them respect, friendship and love. They must be honest, go to school and be good, but actually I'm lucky because they are good. For parents, your own children are wonderful. Mine are spectacular: when I'm sad I put them all in the bed and there's nothing nicer than that."























1. 米哈是更衣室稳定剂;

2. 馒头有米哈这样的朋友(贤内助?)支持是上辈子烧了高香;

3. 他是一个好教练←其实俺素想快点把馒头和他的角色对调!!!

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发表于 2007-4-9 10:21:00 | 只看该作者


Saturday, 07 April 2007 18:13:32     

REGGIO CALABRIA - Inter Club Reggio Calabria 'Marco Materazzi' was inaugurated during the first-team's stay in southern Italian city for the Serie A Week 31 match against Reggina.

Inter managing director Ernesto Paolillo and Inter Club Coordination Centre director Fausto Sala attended the ceremony, which took place on the morning of Saturday 7 April.

Materazzi lived in Reggio Calabria for a brief period in his youth, when his father was on the books of Reggina.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-13 09:30:00 | 只看该作者


Thursday, 12 April 2007 06:56:01 

MILAN - Many happy returns to our Argentine defender Nicolas Burdisso, 26 years old today.


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发表于 2007-4-17 18:33:00 | 只看该作者


Friday, 13 April 2007 14:00:50   

APPIANO GENTILE - Mr. Adil Al H. Ayyar, formerly the Kuwaiti consul general for Milan and now the Middle Eastern nation's ambassador to Spain, visited Inter's training ground on Friday to watch the Nerazzurri continue their preparations for Sunday's game against Palermo. A great Inter fan and a friend of the Moratti family, he has visited the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti on several occasions in the past.

After training, Al H. Ayyar greeted Roberto Mancini and the players, and spoke briefly to inter.it. "I have come here to visit my old friends and the great Inter family," he said. "I want to be the first to congratulate them on the team's great season. I also wanted to congratulate and thank my great friend Massimo Moratti for opening the doors to the Inter family. I am very proud to be an Interista.

"I would also like to congratulate Roberto Mancini and his staff. I have always had great faith in the Nerazzurri coach and have always thought he would show his great ability. Last of all, I would like to wish the team good luck in winning the Scudetto and reaching the record of one hundred points."



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-17 19:02:00 | 只看该作者


Saturday, 14 April 2007 11:13:59     

MILAN - Twenty-five coaches from the provinces of Las Tunas, Holguin and Granma took part in the third coaching course in Bayamo, which brings the first phase of the Inter Campus Cuba project to a close.

Inter Campus coach Alessio Cacciato held theoretical and practical lessons over a four-day period, involving the local coaches and children from the age of 12-14.  "With a mix of Italian and Spanish, I used mainly practical examples in the classroom, and got on very well with the Cuban children who understood me easily and participated with great enthusiasm," explained Cacciato.

Aldo Montinaro, head of the Inter Campus Worldwide project, attended the final assessment meetings for the programme, which will soon be repeated in Cuba's capital Havana under the supervision of the new national coordinator William Bennet Braks, selected from the Cuban Football Federation. 




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-23 10:44:00 | 只看该作者


Moratti: "Dedicated to Giacinto Facchetti" 
Sunday, 22 April 2007 17:16:53

SIENA - Massimo Moratti took to the pitch after the 2-1 victory over Siena to celebrate the title triumph with his players. "This Scudetto has come at last, and we're happy," the Inter president said. "But my first thought is for Giacinto Facchetti. This championship has the imprint of his generosity and honesty."



Cambiasso: "A triumph for Facchetti" 
Sunday, 22 April 2007 18:49:42

SIENA - Esteban Cambiasso put the Nerazzurri on the road to a 15th league title with a double at Fiorentina  on day one of the season. The Argentine midfielder was on the pitch in Tuscany again today as Mancini's side overcame Siena to turn a dream into reality.

"I'm very happy for the confidence Inter have had in me since my first day," Cambiasso said. "This has motivated me to give more. I'm very happy to be here in this moment. This is a victory for the people of Inter, to repay them for the suffering of many years. Today we can shout their joy.

"I remember the week of the first day of the championship in Florence, with my two goals and then the injury that kept me sidelined for over three months. I remember that it was a terrible week, with the passing of our beloved president Giacinto Facchetti.

"I want to dedicate this title to Facchetti, who has left us, but who has always motivated us greatly, since our first day at Inter."


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发表于 2007-4-28 09:33:00 | 只看该作者


Figo: "Inter in my heart forever"
Monday, 23 April 2007 19:08:55
MILAN - Luis Figo missed yesterday's title-winning victory over Siena through suspension. And the Portuguese midfielder was unable to take part in the Nerazzurri's 15th Scudetto celebrations because of family commitments over the weekend. But Inter's number seven was with his team-mates in spirit, as he revealed during an interview with Inter Channel.

"Obviously I was disappointed not to have been with my team-mates and all the Inter fans in this great moment of joy," Figo said. "I wasn't there in person, but mentally I was with all of them. I was very far away from Italy and I even had problems being updated on what was happening. I got to see the goals and some of the post-match celebrations, but no more than that because of family problems that kept me away from Milan.

"I can imagine what happened after the Scudetto victory, because it had been many years since Inter hadn't won a championship on the pitch. We all really wanted this title and I am very happy that it has come.

"The team dedicated the Scudetto to Giacinto Facchetti? I think everybody remembers Giacinto at this time. He was one of a kind and he will always remain in the hearts of those lucky enough to have spent moments with him. In these moments it's important to remember those who have helped us achieve these results, who unfortunately are no longer with us."

On the value Inter's 15th Scudetto has for a player who has won everything at club level during an illustrious playing career, Figo replied: "To come here to Inter to win the Scudetto was a unique decision. I feel enormously happy. I came here two years ago and we have won everything in Italy. It means we have worked well and that the club is on the right path to continuing to do well.

"The fans are asking Moratti to keep me at Inter? I would stay for many years at a club like Inter where I have been very happy. I would have liked to have come to Inter earlier when I was at the peak of my career, but in football you need to understand when it's time to leave, even though I would like to stay here for many years to come because they have given me so much.

Figo hasn't scored for Inter since the Super Cup last August, but there are still five league games to go, plus a two-legged cup final with Roma. "I'm not worried about this, only winning counts. When you score, you're happy."

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发表于 2007-4-28 09:40:00 | 只看该作者


Football Schools: Scudetto party with Cruz
Thursday, 26 April 2007 11:47:24
MILAN - Two hundred and eighty Under-7s enrolled with the Inter Football Schools project gathered on Wednesday 25 April (a bank holiday in Italy) for an afternoon of football and fun, and Scudetto celebrations on the pitches of the Centro Sportivo Accademia Internazionale Calcio. The kids were joined by Julio Cruz, who in his double role as father and champion wished to spend with the young players his last day off before today's training session in Appiano Gentile.


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发表于 2007-4-28 09:58:00 | 只看该作者

布尔迪索和科尔多巴出席“WIVI L'INTER”活动

Burdisso, Cordoba at Wivi l'Inter Sondrio
Thursday, 26 April 2007 22:19:52
DUBINO (SONDRIO) - Nicolas Burdisso and and Ivan Ramiro Cordoba represented the first team at the ninth Wivi l'Inter event of the season - the first since Inter's title-winning victory at Siena, which took place in the evening of Thursday 26 April.

The two South American defenders took to the stage with Inter Channel's Roberto Mancini to answer questions, sign autogpraphs and pose for photos with over 700 members of Inter Clubs from the province of Sondrio.

Inter Club Coordination Centre director Fausto Sala attended the event along with former Inter player Orazio Rancati, who wore black and blue for two seasons in 1959/60 and 1960/61.

Inter Clubs Aprica, Berbenno, Bormio, Cuore Nerazzurro, Dei Ceck, Dubino, Livigno, Morbegno, Ponchiera, Tirano, Valchiavenna and Valmalenco were presented with commemorative plates for their continued official support for the Nerazzurri.

Funds raised through a lottery will be donated to the Tionge Association, which supports the Open Community School Education: Vision for the Future project for orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia. 

4月26日(周四)晚,在国际米兰客场战胜锡耶纳队获得意甲冠军以后,尼古拉斯·布尔迪索和伊万·拉米罗·科尔多巴代表一线队出席了本赛季的第9次“Wivi l'Inter”活动。



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