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11-12 ZM专贴(拜仁1-1蓝军:客队赢得点球大战)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-30 19:02:23 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-30 19:07:53 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-31 00:00:55 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2011-8-31 06:17:42 | 只看该作者


此人正在成为一 ...
北极海 发表于 2011-8-31 00:00


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发表于 2011-8-31 06:26:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-8-31 06:44 编辑







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发表于 2011-8-31 07:15:14 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2011-8-31 07:24:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-9-19 14:55 编辑



由 米亚伊奇 发表在GoalHi足球·西甲专区

















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发表于 2011-8-31 07:47:28 | 只看该作者


作者:波尔森 发表日期:2011-8-4 19:13:00 『球迷一家』



  从上赛季的几次试验(冬歇过后)和最近两场热身赛的迹象来看(主要是布斯克茨的位置),瓜迪奥拉很有可能在新赛季打出343阵型。 瓜迪奥拉对于布斯克茨位置的定位将是关键,这个后面讲。新赛季如果打343,也许会遭遇挫折,也许会半途而废,也有可能会让巴萨变得更强,这里只是我的一点猜想,就当是YY吧。大家轻拍板砖,回帖的话千万别开口就骂,来上一句“楼主你说得不对”,然后再开始讲,才是和谐社会。
  我们回到20年前那支克鲁伊夫的梦一队,那支球队中,瓜迪奥拉就是站在三个后卫身前,前面放上三个中场攻击手,边路再有两个,禁区里再站一个中锋,大概就是三后卫加小菱形四人中场,加上前面的双边锋单前锋, 三个后卫绝非传统意义上的三中卫,而是至少有一路边卫频频插上助攻的。这个343打遍西甲无敌手,豪取四连冠,还在1992年拿下欧冠,这个成绩在足球历史上虽然称不上旷古烁今,但因为这崇尚攻击、大量敷设攻击球员在场上的打法,也为这支梦之队争得了世界级的声誉。
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发表于 2011-8-31 07:52:22 | 只看该作者


作者:波尔森 发表日期:2011-8-4 19:13:00 『球迷一家』

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发表于 2011-8-31 07:59:17 | 只看该作者


作者:波尔森 发表日期:2011-8-4 19:13:00 『球迷一家』

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发表于 2011-8-31 09:50:45 | 只看该作者

Penelope 发表于 2011-8-31 07:24





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发表于 2011-8-31 10:51:44 | 只看该作者
楼上的红魔  加戈转会意甲红魔应该没问题了吧  别让我乌龙了
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发表于 2011-8-31 11:45:11 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1经验 +10 收起 理由
弗爵爷 + 10 推荐


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发表于 2011-8-31 11:45:26 | 只看该作者
楼上的红魔  加戈转会意甲红魔应该没问题了吧  别让我乌龙了
flight 发表于 2011-8-31 10:51


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发表于 2011-8-31 11:55:14 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-8-31 12:22:48 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-8-31 14:11:02 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-31 14:28:41 | 只看该作者
其实巴萨这个343只可能偶尔为之,这也侧面看出瓜迪奥拉用兵大胆狠辣的一面。黄潜失去卡索拉之后,他们就没有了边路的攻击支点,博尔哈是伪边前卫真中场核心,卡尼也是个喜欢内收进攻的假边前卫,巴萨只需蒂亚戈稍稍 ...
午时靡深蓝 发表于 2011-8-31 14:11




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发表于 2011-8-31 14:34:19 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-9-14 15:39:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-9-14 15:41 编辑

Milan 2-2 Lazio: danger down the flanks
September 10, 2011

The starting line-ups

The opening Serie A game of the season was excellent, with all four goals coming in a frantic first 35 minutes.

Max Allegri continued with his 4-3-1-2 shape, with Antonio Cassano playing just off Zlatan Ibrahimovic upfront.

Edy Reja gave debuts to two strikers, Miroslav Klose and Djibril Cisse, though the Frenchman played in a wide-left role. It was a similar, lopsided 4-2-3-1 to the system Lazio used last season.

The main tactical interest here was how obviously vulnerable both teams were in certain positions – and, as it happened, they were both vulnerable in exactly the same ways, despite the difference in formations.

Defences defend deep

First, the game was extremely stretched from the outset, with both defences defending deep, and a huge amount of space in the midfield as a result. There was barely ever any pressure on the ball and the midfielders all had time and space to pick a pass – the one exception being Hernanes, who was squeezed inside Milan’s diamond and didn’t influence the game a great deal.

With seven players packed into the central midfield zone, it always seemed likely that chances would come from the flanks. Neither side had traditional winger in their ranks – Milan were narrow, and Lazio used Stefano Mauri relatively central and Cisse as a support striker, so any threat down the wings would come from full-back.

This was interesting, for two reasons. First, because the game was so stretched from the start, the full-backs had plenty of space to motor into. The downside of this, however, is that they have to run a long way to make up ground down the flanks, and if they get forward and their side loses possession, they have to travel an extremely long distance to get back into defence.

Second, it was interesting because none of the full-backs received great support from ahead, with the arguable exception of Ignazio Abate, who was covered by Rino Gattuso and then Max Ambrosini when Gattuso departed (with Mark van Bommel coming into the holding role). Therefore, when they attacked, they were creating overlaps against their stranded opposition numbers – but no-one was on hand to cover.


The key battle zones. Abate and Boateng created 2 v 1s against Zauri (orange highlight), Konko and Mauri did the same to Abate (purple highlight) and both Cassano and Cisse tried to exploit the space in behind the advancing full-backs

The 4-2-3-1 theoretically offers good protection for full-backs – the Rafael Benitez-style 4-2-3-1, for example, essentially looks like a 4-4-1-1 or a 4-4-2 without the ball, with the wide players forming a second bank of four. Reja was happy to let his wide players amble back towards their own goal, however, which meant that Lazio frequently defended with just six players.

Abdoulay Konko was the most important player early on. He was given license to get forward and overlap Mauri, which gave a constant out-ball when Alberto Aquilani got too central, and meant that he and Mauri could overlap 2 v 1 against Luca Antonini. These 2 v 1 situations produced a dangerous cross in the opening moments, and later on resulted in Mauri getting space to cross for Cisse’s header.

On the other side, something similar happened. Cisse showed no interest in defending, and so Abate could leave him to Alessandro Nesta and move forward himself, getting most of that flank to himself with Luciano Zauri remaining deep. Unlike Lazio, however, Milan didn’t have a true wide player on that side, and it was only when Kevin-Prince Boateng came out to the flank to help out that 2 v 1 situations were created, meaning Milan’s overlaps weren’t as useful as Lazio’s.

The knock-on effect to Konko and Abate moving forward, though, was that Cassano and Cisse got space in behind the opposition right-backs. Cassano played Konko very well throughout, dragging him wide early on to create space for an Aquilani chance, but for the rest of the game he focused on getting the ball himself in left-sided positions, as he used to do so well for Sampdoria. The most obvious example was on 47 minutes, when a through-ball from Ibrahimovic resulted in Cassano running with the ball, coming inside and then shooting narrowly wide of the far post.

Cisse increasingly looked more like an additional forward as the game went on, to the point where Reja eventually seemed to move Hernanes out to the left to allow Cisse to constantly stretch the Milan backline, from left-of-centre positions.

Amongst this specific tactical battle, four goals in an action-packed first half resulted, almost inevitably, in a more tense second period after both managers were more cautious. There were less forward runs from full-back and therefore less space at both ends, though Milan should have scored a third.


A very interesting tactical battle that seemed to occur almost separately from the formation match-up, although the fact that Lazio had slightly more natural width meant their formation created overlaps more easily.

Both sides looked very prone to easy exploitation, however – Milan still look vulnerable to width, the major problem for Italian clubs in the Champions League, whilst Cisse and Mauri can’t be given such little defensive responsibility. A side with a good natural right-winger would have won this game.
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发表于 2011-9-14 15:42:49 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-9-14 15:43:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-9-15 20:17 编辑


11-12赛季意甲第2轮 AC米兰 vs 拉齐奥 上半场 [超清画质]

11-12赛季意甲第2轮 AC米兰 vs 拉齐奥 下半场 [超清画质]


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发表于 2011-9-14 15:44:10 | 只看该作者
Palermo 4-3 Inter: Gasperini’s 3-4-3 exposed
September 12, 2011

The starting line-ups

Palermo produced a great second half display to edge a thriller.

Devis Mangia, Palermo’s new(est) coach, used a standard 4-4-2 system, a world away from the 4-3-2-1 that the club used last season. Josep Ilicic started out on the left, and Giulio Migliaccio played at centre-back.
Gian Piero Gasperini used his favoured 3-4-3 system, which meant Javier Zanetti in an unusual centre-back role, Jonathan making his debut on the right, plus newcomers Mauro Zarate and Diego Forlan in the wide forward positions. Wesley Sneijder started on the bench.
The scoreline makes the game look close – and indeed it was – but Palermo were dominant in this match, and on the balance of play should have sealed the game long before the final stages. The key thing to look at, then, is why Inter were exposed so easily throughout.
Formation match-up
Even before a ball was kicked, Gasperini’s favoured back three had been criticised. Even Inter President Massimo Moratti had indicated that he was looking forward to an eventual switch to a back four, which makes you wonder why he appointed such a staunch advocate of a back three in the first place (or, for that matter, why he talked to Marcelo Bielsa in the summer).
That political point aside, this really wasn’t a promising debut for the 3-4-3, and looking across the side, it’s difficult to find anything that went right. The back three found themselves too high up the pitch, and with three rather elderly defenders, there wasn’t any pace to chase any balls over the top. In addition, Walter Samuel kept getting dragged forward from the central position, leaving too much space between Lucio and Zanetti.
Further forward, the two-man central midfield of Esteban Cambiasso and Dejan Stankovic lacked mobility, with neither defending well nor attacking with any creativity. The wing-backs motored up and down well but the crossing was extremely poor, whilst the two wide forwards barely got into the game. Gasperini changed his system – slightly – after just 30 minutes, taking off Zarate and bringing on Sneijder, with Forlan going to the right and Sneijder playing a narrow left-sided forward role.
That helped Inter, because Sneijder’s natural game was to come deeper, pick up possession and thread balls through to the forwards. Until then, they’d lacked any kind of link whatsoever between the seven defensive-minded players and the three attackers. The Dutchman played some brilliant incisive passes – most notably to Forlan, first for a chance that (eventually, after a handball shout and a corner) resulted in Samuel winning a penalty, and then to the same player in the final minute, for a consolation goal. Even at this early stage, Gasperini finds himself in something of a difficult situation – Inter have depended for so long upon Sneijder as a central creator and really do need his invention, yet Sneijder’s natural home is not in a 3-4-3.
Palermo took advantage of how tentative Inter were, and a key part of their dominance was bravery in positioning. The battles down the flank in the early stages were won by the home side – Federico Balzaretti pushed Zarate back, Eros Pisano did the same to Forlan, and with Ilicic and Alvarez both very aggressive and keen to dribble with the ball, the two wing-backs also retreated. From a 3-4-3, Inter were forced to a 5-4-1, and they lacked thrust or invention to break forward out of that shape.
Perversely, you can make a case that Palermo were actually too good at doing this, too effective at pressing Inter into their own half and keeping possession of the ball, despite their early dominance. They didn’t produce any goals in the first half, and were much better in the second when the game was more evenly-balanced, largely thanks to Sneijder. The reason was summed up best with Palermo’s second goal, scored by Abel Hernandez after a brilliant direct attack involving Miccoli and Ilicic – they are still used to playing as a counter-attacking side.
That triangle formed almost sporadically, rather than as part of a 4-4-2 – and it was a goal that brought back memories of Pastore and the 4-3-2-1, breaking through the middle quickly at speed. But to counter-attack, they had to let Inter come into them, which indicates that a pressing game (whilst probably part of a completely different approach under Mangia) probably wasn’t the right approach.
More opportunities for Palermo
Palermo could have attacked through the middle more – Migliaccio, a central midfielder at centre-back, had time on the ball but was nervous coming out from the back and should have been more positive, whilst the goal that finally put them ahead, a Miccoli free-kick, was won after Matias Silvestre had taken advantage of his space to move forward. The energy of Afriyie Acquah after half time was more of a fit than Francesco Della Rocca’s sideways passing, and Palermo basically prospered by exposing Stankovic and Cambiasso in the middle – in particular, the gap they left between themselves and the back three.
The most worrying thing for Gasperini, though, is that if you were to choose a formation for your 3-4-3 to face, you’d probably go for a 4-4-2 to prevent being overrun. You’d have a spare man at the back, you’d match the opposition in midfield and you’d be pinning back the opposition full-backs. The problem was that Inter were positionally poor and probably had the wrong mentality for the system – they needed to impose themselves but instead got pushed back deeper and deeper.
Formations are neutral, but instinctively 3-4-3 seems to be about energy, width and pace. With an average age of 30.5 last night, the shape doesn’t appear to lend itself to Inter. Every area of the side had problems in some way, and it was the man left out from the start, Sneijder, who gave Inter hope – another sub, Ricardo Alvarez, also had an impact. On the evidence of this, Gasperini will need to start at least one ‘withdrawn’ player in the wide roles to prevent Inter being a broken team.
Palermo were admirable in the way they pressed, and their goals were superb. For now, however, their system and strategy seems a little confused – and they were much better off after the break when (a) they could counter more, and (b) when they could form triangles in the centre of the pitch, which a 4-4-2 doesn’t lend itself to easily. Still, these issues are natural after one game, and Mangia certainly won the battle here.
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发表于 2011-9-14 15:45:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-9-14 18:18 编辑


巴勒莫4-3国际米兰 战术复盘:加斯佩里尼的3-4-3不设防

由 rhapsodia 发表在GoalHi足球






















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发表于 2011-9-14 15:45:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Penelope 于 2011-9-14 18:26 编辑


Serie A arrives with a bang and Gasperini is already feeling the heat

There were 35 goals in the opening weekend but unfortunately for Inter coach Gian Piero Gasperini, four came against his side

Inter Milan's coach Gian Piero Gasperini looks on during his side's 4-3 defeat to Palermo Photograph: Tony Gentile/REUTERS

If you're going to arrive fashionably late, then you had better look good. Thankfully, Serie A was. A fortnight on from its scheduled start, the new season finally got underway for Italy's top flight on Friday with Lazio travelling to San Siro for an entertaining draw with champions Milan. Two days and 35 goals later, the league had taken its first tentative step towards winning back the supporters alienated by an entirely avoidable strike.

Last season, after all, had not been a vintage year for goals – the final tally of 955 scored across the league representing Serie A's worst return since the division expanded to 20 teams in 2004. Where the opening weekend of 2010-11 furnished just 15 goals, last night Palermo and Inter managed almost half that tally in a single game. A scoreline of 2-2 in the 86th minute became 4-2 to the Sicilians by the 88th, then 4-3 in the 91st. Thankfully for Palermo, that was how it ended.

"One of the most emotional and vibrant matches ever seen in these 10 years under [the Palermo president Maurizio] Zamparini," announces Giuseppe Leone in il Giornale di Sicilia this morning, his fervour fuelled by the identity of the opposition. Palermo concluded last season with a painful defeat to Inter in the Coppa Italia final, and they had not beaten the Nerazzurri anywhere since 2005. The duck was broken in style, the decisive goals coming from a swerving Fabrizio Miccoli free-kick that kissed the inside of the post, and a Mauricio Pinilla screamer from 30 yards.

It was a match after Zamparini's own character: extravagant, erratic, and more than a little mad. From a first half in which Palermo had played the better football, Inter emerged with a 1-0 lead. Just at the point when Inter seemed to be getting on top of the second half, their world fell apart. It was, as Gazzetta dello Sport described it: "A breathtaking match, rich with feats of brilliance, but also with blunders."

The Inter keeper Júlio César was quick to acknowledge his own contribution to the latter, admitting that he had taken a step forward and lost track of the ball for Pinilla's winner, but it was the Inter manager Gian Piero Gasperini to whom others have ascribed blame. His decisions to start Wesley Sneijder on the bench and to leave Giampaolo Pazzini there for the duration have been criticised, but it was his 3-4-3 formation that drew the most derision after Inter were carved open time and again on the counter.

"It is not a question of sending out three or four defenders, but of concentration and of the tiredness that was apparent by the end," harrumphed Gasperini, though he can hardly have been surprised to hear the issue raised. Many commentators had criticised his tactics before a ball was even kicked. The reaction in some quarters when Inter's owner Massimo Moratti suggested last month that Gasperini "will eventually change [to a four-man defence]" verged on gleeful.

It is no secret that Gasperini was not Inter's first choice this summer to replace Leonardo – the club having approached Marcelo Bielsa, André Villas-Boas and Fabio Capello – but the continued scepticism over his appointment has been relentless. Even before yesterday's game – and with just one competitive fixture under his belt, the pre-season SuperCup defeat to Milan – bookies were already offering odds of less than 3-1 that he would be sacked before Christmas.

But if he has felt such talk to be destabilising then he will find no sympathy in Palermo. The Rosanero (to whom, incidentally, Gasperini had also lost in his final game before getting the boot at Genoa last year) have already replaced one manager this season – Stefano Pioli losing his job on 31 August after just two games in charge. His replacement Devis Mangia joked after last night's win that: "I haven't heard from Zamparini, but I'm sure that after this I'll get at least one more game."

You'd like to hope so, though frankly with Zamparini nothing is assured. Nevertheless it is certainly fair to say that Mangia – who, fittingly for a man whose name translates as "eat", said he had suffered stomach cramps before kick-off – gave a good account of himself yesterday. Promoted from coaching the youth team and having never managed a side higher than Varese in the old Serie C, he too has plenty of sceptics, but in beating Inter has already achieved something that many predecessors failed to do. Having a fit and motivated Miccoli on board does no harm either.

With 13 teams changing managers over the summer, you might have expected a few more new coaches to be celebrating first wins over the weekend, but in the end Mangia was joined only by Antonio Conte – whose new-look Juventus routed Parma – and Massimo Ficcadenti – who led Cagliari to an impressive win away to Roma. Whether or not those results are indicative of bright futures ahead remains to be seen. For now, most fans will be content just to see the games being played, and the goals flying in.

Talking points
• As much as the goals will help, it must be noted that a good deal of ill-will persists over the strike (which, to be technical, wasn't a strike at all – but rather a league stoppage, since several friendlies took place and players continued to get paid). There were banners on show at a number of stadiums criticising all the parties involved, and various fan groups staged protests, with Genoa fans starting their match against Atalanta with backs turned. Among the signs on display at that match included one which simply read: "Us: redundant. You: filthy rich."

• The pre-game show wasn't quite as dramatic this time around, but Juventus fans were treated to a much better footballing performance in their first competitive fixture at their new stadium than they had been for the official opener against Notts County. Andrea Pirlo was majestic – picking out Lichtsteiner for the opening goal and Marchisio for the fourth – as well as generally dictating play throughout the game even after being moved into a deeper role in the second half. That said, Gazzetta's reporter was probably getting carried away when he declared that the midfielder "would start for Barcelona", and he will face far tougher tests. The knock on Pirlo in his latter period at Milan was that he couldn't handle being put under pressure. Parma seemed happy to stand off and let him take them apart. Anyway, before we move on, Arturo Vidal's goal wasn't bad either.

• The stadium, by the way, has received rave reviews – including from Pirlo, who described it as "absolutely extraordinary" and said it would "win a head-to-head with San Siro", citing the fans' proximity to the pitch as lending the home team a big advantage. The main criticisms have been of the pitch, which already needs to be relaid after being ruined during the festivities ahead of the Notts County game, and of the fact that it's quite a pain to drive to.

• Djibril Cissé and Miroslav Klose wasted no time in getting off the mark, combining to put Lazio two goals up inside 21 minutes during a sensational start at Milan. The Rossoneri recovered, but this was nevertheless a hugely encouraging show for a Lazio team whose greatest problem last season was an inability to score goals, especially away from home. If they can just persuade Cissé that letting fly from 30 yards is not a percentage play, Lazio have a very serious chance to contend again for the Champions League places.

• Hats off to Novara, who marked their return to Serie A after 55 years by recovering from two goals down to secure a point at Chievo. They got some breaks along the way, not least Gennaro Sardo getting himself sent off when the score was still 2-1, but nevertheless a promising start. Fellow newly-promoted sides Atalanta and Siena also secured a draw — though, the former, of course, still have another five points to make up just to get back to zero.

• It's been a less happy start for Luis Enrique at Roma, who followed up failure to reach the Europa League group stages by starting the Serie A season with a home defeat to Cagliari. It is early days yet and, the Stadio Olimpico seemed in a more forgiving mood than it had following the defeat to Slovan Bratislava (perhaps, it must be said, only because this time Francesco Totti stayed on the pitch but there is clearly much work to be done. Roma perhaps deserved a draw yesterday (and Cagliari's Michael Agazzi certainly made some big saves) but for all their possession Roma still lack incision, and the two costly signings up front, Bojan Krkic and Pablo Daniel Osvaldo, have yet to impress.

Results: Catania 0-0 Siena, Cesena 1-3 Napoli, Chievo 2-2 Novara, Fiorentina 2-0 Bologna, Genoa 2-2 Atalanta, Juventus 4-1 Parma, Lecce 0-2 Udinese, Milan 2-2 Lazio, Palermo 4-3 Inter, Roma 1-2 Cagliari.
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