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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-16 01:39:52 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-16 15:12:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-9-16 15:16 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-16 15:25:18 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 20:47:13 | 只看该作者
Torino 0-2 Inter: Milito and Cassano seal win
Sunday, 16 September 2012 22:57

TURIN - Inter put in a solid display to emerge from a packed Stadio Olimpico with all three points after beating Torino 2-0. Milito stroked home in the 13th minute to give the Nerazzurri the lead, then Cassano came off the bench in the second half and put the game to bed on 83 minutes.

FIRST HALF – Handanovic returned from injury to make his league debut for the Nerazzurri while Stramaccioni opted for youth at the heart of defence in the shape of Ranocchia and Juan Jesus. Jonathan and Nagatomo completed the defensive line. Zanetti, Guarin, Cambiasso and Pereira made up the four-man midfield with Sneijder in the hole behind Milito.

Torino started strongly as they looked to reward the home fans, Sgrigna, Santana and Bianchi all getting into dangerous positions early on. Inter were struggling to get their game going but one half chance was all Milito needed to fire the Nerazzurri in front. Gazzi's poor control in the 13th minute inadvertently teed up the Prince on the edge of the box and the frontman smashed an unstoppable right-footed effort across goal into the corner.
Torino produced an immediate response as Ogbonna drove a shot in from outside the box, Handanovic diving to make the catch. Bianchi was booked for sliding in on Pereira with his studs up in the 22nd minute, a challenge that surely warranted a red.

Sneijder tested Gillet in the 26th minute with a brilliant curling free kick but the Toro custodian - like his opposite number - was limiting the scoreline to a single goal. Inter began closing down their opponents higher up the pitch and Toro were finding it increasingly difficult to get out of their own half.

However, Handanovic was called into to action to deny Bianchi six minutes before half time, then did well to snatch the ensuing corner away from Ogbonna. Down the other end, Guarin played Milito in on goal, the keeper saved but the flag was up anyway.

After three minutes of added time, Inter took a 1-0 lead into the dressing rooms at half time.
SECOND HALF – Jonathan made way for Alvarez during the break, the Argentine returning to first-team action after months on the sidelines following his knee problem.

Torino began the second period with intent and three minutes in Sgrigna struck the post, though he was offside. Brighi then drove forward down the middle before laying off for Sgrigna, who teed up Santana, before Ranocchia nipped in just to time to whisk the ball away (51 minutes). The defender stood tall at the back tonight, as did Juan Jesus.

Sneijder's long-range curler wasn't far off target a minute later, and  Bianchi found himself in a good position just after the hour mark but shot down the middle, allowing Handanovic to gather easily.

Torino then put together a great counter-attacking move that ended with Bianchi hitting a stunning volley from Meggiorini's cross - fortunately straight at Handanovic's knee. And moments later another chance went begging for the Granata, as Meggiorni failed to hit the target after Ogbonna's ball.

Torino were on top for a while but after Cassano and Gargano had replaced Sneijder and Guarin, the Italy striker doubled Inter's lead in the 82nd minute. Alvarez zipped in a low cross, FantAntonio controlled and banged the ball home on the spin. His second goal in black and blue stripes.

That was enough to take the sting out of the hosts and after three minutes of stoppage time the Nerazzurri sealed their second away win of the campaign, taking them up to six points.

Torino 0-2 Inter: Milito and Cassano seal win
Scorers: Milito 13, Cassano 83.

Torino: 1 Gillet, 36 Darmian, 25 Glik, 6 Ogbonna, 17 S.Masiello; 33 Brighi, 14 Gazzi; 19 Stevanovic (Cerci 57), 10 Sgrigna (Meggiorini 57), 9 Bianchi (Sansone 76), 7 Santana.
Unused subs: 23 Gomis, 2 Rodriguez, 3 D'Ambrosio, 4 Basha, 5 Di Cesare, 20 Vives, 77 Verdi.
Coach: Giampiero Ventura.

Inter: 1 Handanovic; 42 Jonathan (Alvarez 46), 23 Ranocchia, 40 Juan Jesus, 55 Nagatomo; 4 Zanetti, 14 Guarin (Gargano 81), 19 Cambiasso, 31 Pereira; 10 Sneijder (Cassano 66); 22 Milito.
Unused subs: 12 Castellazzi, 27 Belec, 6 Silvestre, 7 Coutinho, 8 Palacio, 25 Samuel, 41 Duncan, 44 Bianchetti, 88 Livaja.
Coach: Andrea Stramaccioni.

Referee: Luca Banti (Livorno).
Booked: Bianchi 22, Masiello 25, Juan Jesus 35, Nagatomo 38, Gazzi 71, Guarin 78, Glik 89.
Added time: 3 + 3 minutes.

Press Office


9月16日都灵消息 - 在座无虚席的都灵奥林匹克球场,国际米兰用无懈可击的表现客场2-0击败都灵,锁定三分。米利托在第13分钟破门为内拉祖里取得领先,下半场替补出场的卡萨诺在第83分钟将比分定格为2-0.










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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 20:49:41 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "Victory through hard work"
Monday, 17 September 2012 00:42

TURIN - "It was a big win at a tough ground. We'd prepared for the game intelligently and we were alert and focused." Captain Zanetti gave his post-match thoughts to Inter Channel from the Stadio Olimpico in Turin.

"This was a victory that came about thanks to the hard work we put in over the last two weeks. Inter were excellent tonight," the skipper added. "And now we're looking to get back to winning ways in Milan too. We're all doing what we can, but we need to manage our energy levels so that we go into every match in the best shape possible."

Press Office


9月17日都灵消息 - “这是一场重要的胜利,在一个困难的场地。我们为比赛做的准备很有策略,而且我们一直保持了警惕和专注。”队长萨内蒂在国际米兰击败都灵的比赛后接受了国米频道的采访。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 20:51:39 | 只看该作者
Alvarez: "Thanks to the medical staff and physios"
Monday, 17 September 2012 01:04

TURIN – "I’m happy because the manager gave me 45 minutes and I didn't think I'd play that much," said Ricky Alvarez on his return to the team after his knee injury.

"It was the work and help of the medical staff and the physio team that got me out there. My cross for Cassano’s goal with Milito’s dummy? There's no doubting their quality," Alvarez smiled.

Press Office


9月17日都灵消息 - “我很高兴,因为教练给了我45分钟,我本来没想到自己能踢那么长时间。”因膝伤休战后重返赛场的里基·阿尔瓦雷斯在赛后表示。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 20:59:38 | 只看该作者
Milito: “Important Points, Now We Continue Like This”

Through the official Facebook page, Diego Milito expresses his positive thoughts on the win yesterday against Torino of Ventura.

“Three important points on the road and in a difficult stadium especially after the defeat against Roma, it was important to return to winning. Now concentration and continue like this.”


9月17日都灵消息 -  在国际米兰客场挑战都灵的比赛中,米利托在地13分钟为国际米兰取得领先。赛后他对国际米兰频道说:“我非常高兴,尤其是为球队的胜利。我一直都强调,胜利是唯一重要的事情。然后我才会考虑,如果我进球会更好。”


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 21:15:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-9-21 18:15 编辑

【2012/13意甲|第3轮】都灵0:2国际米兰 赛后米兰体育报评分:

汉达诺维奇 6.5 没有逆天表现,但很稳健,奥邦纳和比安奇的射门都让他候个正着。

乔纳森 6 遏制住了桑塔纳的发挥(在萨内蒂的协助下)。
胡安 7 很好的表现。强硬的对抗、迅捷的上抢:总是及时而准确。节节高升。
长友佑都 6 移到右边后,桑塔纳给他的折磨没有斯特凡诺维奇那么多。有一些小失误(以及一张愚蠢的黄牌)。
拉诺齐亚 7.5 全场最佳 想不起来他出过什么错。斯格里纳面前的一堵墙,对桑塔纳的补防也很到位,近乎完美的表现。
萨内蒂 6.5 需要时总能协助乔纳森,这场没有被爆:休息得不错。

瓜林 6.5 掌控了自己的区域,断他的球是困难的。本方半场两次丢球稍显愚蠢。
加尔加诺 出场时间过短
坎比亚索 6.5 上半场化身齐沃,从后场发动进攻,在两个禁区都有贡献。
佩雷拉 6 和长友搭档时经常套上,紧接着回到后卫位置,有点游离,不过不算太要紧。

斯内德 6 努力用大范围的跑动来摆脱盯人,但无甚亮点。任意球险些破门。
米利托 7 这次没有直接把都灵送到乙级(译注:08-09赛季米利托曾经绝杀都灵导致后者降级),但是也推向了深渊:伟大的进球、2-0前漂亮的一漏以及持续的努力工作。
阿尔瓦雷斯 6 缺席球场4个月,犯了一些错,但是没忘掉怎么踢球:实际上第2粒进球正是他的助攻。
卡萨诺 6.5 确实是都灵队的苦主,如果前者是公牛,那他就是斗牛士:个人对这支球队的第6粒进球。

斯塔拉马乔尼 7 这支国米仍有机会成为欧洲女皇?至少他们的进步不只停留在表面上。另外有卡萨诺在总是好的。

全队 7 对都灵可谓难求一败,连续的第9场胜利。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 21:16:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-9-21 18:18 编辑

【2012/13意甲|第3轮】都灵0:2国际米兰 赛后FcInterNews.it评分:

HANDANOVIC 6 -  Nel primo tempo un solo intervento meritevole di segnalazione (botta dalla distanza di Ogbonna). Nella ripresa viene centrato da un tiro a colpo sicuro di Bianchi. Serata tutto sommato tranquilla.

JONATHAN  5,5 – Gioca solo un tempo senza lasciare traccia. Sulla corsia destra si fa trovare impreparato in un paio di circostanze e il gol del Principe nasce da… un suo errore!  
(dal 46’ ALVAREZ  6 – il suo ingresso accresce il tasso tecnico della squadra).

RANOCCHIA 7  - Al quinto minuto della ripresa c’è tutto il nostro Andrea: prima sbaglia perdendosi l’uomo a metà campo poi, con maestria, recupera ottimamente su Santana. Qualche sbavatura ma nel complesso un’ ottima gara. Anzi, la migliore gara stagionale.

JUAN JESUS 7,5Inizia malissimo tenendo in gioco Santana lanciato a rete. Poi si scrolla di dosso la naturale emozione, mettendo in mostra pregevoli interventi e un buon senso della posizione. Viene ammonito ingiustamente per un fallo su Sgrigna ma questo non lo limita nelle puntuali e precise chiusure. Molto, ma molto bene!

NAGATOMO 6 -  Il solito stantuffo. Qualche errorino ma, come al solito, grinta da vendere.

ZANETTI 6 –  Si mette a disposizione del tecnico cercando di aiutare i compagni nelle varie fasi.

GUARIN 6 – Un primo tempo timido e senza particolari squilli. Nella ripresa sale in cattedra e, oltre alla consueta “presenza” regala palloni invitanti ai compagni. Nel finale sente un po’ la stanchezza e commette qualche sbaglio di troppo. Gara comunque positiva.
(dal 80’ GARGANO SV).

CAMBIASSO 7 -  E’ il centrocampista più arretrato. Gioca praticamente in linea con i due centrali difensivi ma, quando lo sviluppo del gioco lo permette lo si vede anche in attacco. Come al solito dispensa suggerimenti  ai compagni e quando c’è da stringere i denti è sempre in prima linea. Entra da protagonista anche nel gol di Cassano. Partita maiuscola

PEREIRA 6,5 -  L’uruguagio è calciatore di cuore e polmoni. Se fosse un po’ più preciso nei disimpegni e nei cross sarebbe potenzialmente uno dei big di questa Inter. A sinistra bravo sia a centrocampo che in difesa.

SNEIJDER 6 - Cerca di rendersi utile in una posizione che non lo entusiasma. Gli mancano punti di riferimento nel reparto più avanzato e non sempre trova la posizione corretta. Va vicino al gol una volta per tempo: al 25’ su un’insidiosa punizione, al 51’ con un bel tiro a giro dalla distanza. Esce un po’ stizzito
(dal 66’ CASSANO 6,5 – secondo gol, sesto in carriera al Toro, e il bonus si avvicina…).

MILITO 6 -  La scelta tattica di Stramaccioni non lo agevola. Al minuto 13 realizza un eurogol che permette all’Inter di incanalare la partita sui binari preferiti. Per il resto non la vede quasi mai.

ALL. STRAMACCIONI 6- –  Lo schema iniziale non convince: Milito è troppo solo e le caratteristiche dei centrocampisti a disposizione non sono quelle che possono supportare al meglio il modulo tattico. Il gol di Milito toglie comunque le castagne dal fuoco. Rimandato.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 21:17:51 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 21:18:39 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 21:19:39 | 只看该作者
9月18日米兰消息 -  国际米兰俱乐部宣布,中场球员德扬·斯坦科维奇将再次进行跟腱手术,以修复和清理上次手术的遗留问题。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 18:26:53 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "Futuro in società, lo sogno. E se Moratti..."
A Class TV, capitan Javier Zanetti ha discusso anche del suo futuro in società: "Il mio sogno è di rimanere nella famiglia dell'Inter, non l'ho mai nascosto (sorride, ndr). Vedremo, dovrò parlarne con Moratti. Un ruolo da vice presidente? Qualsiasi cosa deciderà, sarò sempre a disposizione dell'Inter. Questo è sicuro".


Zanetti: "Provinciali? Non li calcolo! Sogno un futuro all'Inter. Moratti..."

Intervistato da ClassTv, piattaforma di La 7, il capitano dell'Inter ha risposto a tutti coloro che hanno definito 'da provinciale' la prestazione dell'Inter di ieri. Ecco le parole di capitan Javier Zanetti: "A me interessa l'Inter, non cosa fanno o dicono gli altri - sbotta Zanetti -. Ho fiducia in questo gruppo e vogliamo rispondere sul campo. Non pensiamo al resto".

Una battuta anche su Cassano, che capitan Zanetti è corso ad abbracciare dopo il gol: "Antonio è importantissimo per noi, ieri ridevamo perché eravamo felici per il gol. Le avversarie non so quali possano essere, la Juventus è molto forte, il Milan si è rinnovato, ci sono anche Roma e Napoli. Vedremo sul campo cosa succederà".

Una battuta anche sul futuro: "Il mio sogno è di rimanere nella famiglia dell'Inter. Vedremo, dovrò parlarne con Moratti. Vice-presidente? Qualsiasi cosa deciderà, sarò sempre a disposizione dell'Inter".
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 18:48:28 | 只看该作者
9月19日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 国际米兰周三上午完成了备战欧联杯与喀山鲁宾比赛的最后一次训练。球员们进行了无球热身、控球训练、战术演练和训练赛。


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 18:49:41 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 18:57:28 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-2 19:11:42 | 只看该作者
http://fedenerazzurra.com/2013/0 ... -play-another-year/



He has started the season number 18 in black and blue and in August, he will be 40 years old.

Stopping here? Not at all: “I will play another year.”

Then two messages: to Sneijder (“Depends on him”) and the referees (“More common sense”).

40 (YEARS OLD) + 18 (YEARS AT INTER) = MY 2013

“Yes, now I have decided and that I will play another year. To Juve I would say that we are onto them.”

Milan – In 2013 Javier Javier celebrates the most significant life in the life of a man and, in his case, a footballer: 40 years old and also 18 years at Inter. Whatever happens, he will be here at Inter for another year.

Cavalese, at the end of June in 1995, you weren’t even 20 years old arriving in Italy with a plastic bag just like you just came from a supermarket. What was in it?

“A pair of football boots which I had brought from Argentina. I only owned those.”

Now how many pairs do you have more or less?

“Let’s say more than a few.”

Do you what happened to Rambert?

“Last season he was the assistant of Ramon Diaz at River Plate but I don’t know what is going on with Rambert now.”

How did you celebrate your 18th birthday?

“We had a barbecue at home with friends. I did not practice that day: one of a few days of my life as a footballer that I did not practice.”

Forty years old: a milestone in a person’s life. How did you imagine of this moment when you were much younger?

“I tried to imagine it as a wonderful moment. I will have three children to celebrate with me. We will be in Como which is “our place in the world,” just like my wife Paula calls it. I will be very happy because I still play for Inter.”

So you have already decided: will you play another year?

“It is my intention and I think the same goes with Inter. Everything is leading to this direction.”

When did you decide?

“It was not a matter of a day but it happened in the period of ten consecutive victories. I was often asking myself: ‘Why would I not continue if I can still give a hand regardless of how much I play?’”

Not a lot of footballers at 40 years old that still be playing.

“There are many but not too many. If you still feel good and still can be useful then why not?”

So the famous name plate to be put on your office door at Inter headquarters won’t be ready until 2014?

“There is no name plate yet, and if there was one, it’d more likely go to the Pinetina and not Inter headquarters. Whatever I’ll do, I want to stay close to the team and possibly represent Inter at special events. No risk of stepping on Louis Figo’s toes.”

Being a vice president would be close enough to the team?

“I don’t know. That you have to ask Moratti.”

But isn’t him the one person that you have the most conversation with?

“Less than you think. Sometimes I speak with him at Pinetina. But it is not written anywhere that since one is the captain, he must speak with the president every day or should he be consulted in matters of the transfer market.”

Well, sometimes it happens…

“I have given some advice especially if it comes to my countrymen. However, much less than you think.”

What about Alvarez?

“To me, Ricky did not totally disappoint. He is struggling to find consistency. He could play ten games in a row then today we would say other things. Unfortunately, he is often injured but I would not say that he is soft. He always wants the ball and even though San Siro is not an easy stadium but he has never been afraid to continue asking for the ball.”

Will a change of scenery help him?

“I think that he will still be with us at the end of January. Then by the end of the season, Inter will evaluate the situation.”

Let’s go back to your opinions, let’s imagine you were asked about selling Balotelli back then. Did subsequent events prove Inter right?

“Nobody ever doubted Mario’s abilities, only his behavior. That seems to have remained the same even after leaving Inter. Clearly it had nothing to do with us and I don’t know if anybody could say that he was misunderstood at Inter, or that we didn’t support him.”

So you only speak to Moratti every now and then. What about Stramaccioni?

“We talk a lot, at least as much as with Leonardo, but we were friends way before Leo came to Inter. They’re the two coaches with whom I’ve had the most input, even if my relationship with Mourinho and Simoni was very close, but not based on a constant dialogue.”

Javier Zanetti was born in Buenos Aries (Argentina) on August 10, 1973. The defender and midfielder stands at 1.78 meters and weighs 75 kilograms. Before landed at Inter, he played with two Argentinian sides in Talleres (1992-1993) and Banfield (1993-1995). He’s been Inter captain since 1999.

1995 – On June 5, 1995, two young Argentinians arrived at Inter: defender Javier Zanetti and striker Sebastian Rambert.  Only one of the two had the fortune.

2010 – The most successful year was obviously in 2010, the treble season with Mourinho: Serie A, Coppa Italia and Champions League. The final was in Madrid against Bayern.

The future – One of Zanetti’s objective is the ranking in Serie A apperances. Now he ranks third with 587 matches behind Pagliuca (592) and Paolo Maldini (647). Javier has overcome Zoff (570), Vierchowod (562), Mancini (541) and Piola (537). If he plays all the matches in the league this year and next year, he would arrive at 645 Serie A matches…

What did Stramaccioni say about Simoni, Mourinho and Leonardo?

“About Simoni is the will to build a united and persistent group. Mourinho is cunning, in a good way: about certain things, like they said, the coach is always ahead. About Leonardo is his confidence and staying positive even in difficulties.”

The day before Inter-Siena, for the first time Stramaccioni had to tell you “you’re not playing tomorrow.” Were you terrified?

“So far it hasn’t happened often, to be honest back in July I thought it’d be more frequent. I mean, come on, Stramaccioni was clearly worried that day, I told him, ‘Coach, no problem.’ He knew already though, in July I had reassured him that I would never cause any trouble for him.”

Have you assured him that he will not regret having given such long holidays?

“Except that in July, we were the first team to start preparation.  It is not true that we will play against Udinese after four days of training and we are not coming back after like ten days on holidays. Our coaching staff gave us work programs and I am sure that the majority of the group respect those instructions.”

How come this year you did not propose an “auto-fine” like you did last year in case of a disappointing resumption of the league?

“Last year I don’t think that the majority of the group worked well on their holidays. But this year, yes.”

Will you put Sneijder in that “majority of the group”? How will this story end?

“The only who who can decide this is him. He must speak clearly and be honest: if he wants to stay, a solution will be found. I would say that choose from the heart. He knows that the group has never left him alone.”

But even if he decides to stay, isn’t there a risk that it’s too late? All events happened last month have left a big mark?

“If he comes back and says, ‘Let’s look forward for the good of Inter,’ then there will be no problems. But he must be the first to not carry grudges.”

Why did you only receive 8 points in the last seven games?

“Surely not because that we relaxed after the victory in Turin. I think it’s fatigue, injuries, and a bit of bad luck.”

The referees?

“Third disqualification without a direct red card, Ranocchia after Cassano and Guarin, I think that a little more common sense would not hurt.”

As a captain, will you say to your teammates to be more careful of what coming out of their mouth?

“We’ve talked about that between us but I honestly do not feel that this team is being rude or disrespectful to the referees. Indeed, I know that some people have done worse than us and it is inevitable to weigh two situations, to measures, together, it is not hard to become suspicious that certain rules only apply to us.”

Nine points behind Juve. Too many?

“A good advantage for them but in football, you never know.  We will only think of ourselves and at the end, we will find us among those who will play in the next Champions League and not how many points we’ve recovered on Juve.”

But being the anti-Juve is a burden?

“No, even though that we never claimed to be so. Juve deserve to be first and if they continue like this then hats off to them.”

If Messi continues like this, will he be able to reach Maradona?

“I think he has already done it because of the things he’s done and he’s done so three, four years in a row now. My jaw not only drops for what he demonstrates on the field but also because where he can be next. Messi is one that does not have a roof. Sky is a limit for him.”

Speaking as a midfielder, is there a need for a midfielder at Inter? Schelotto could be the right one as Paulinho seems to be a distant dream…

“A midfielder can come in handy and Schelotto can be a nice change for the wingers as well as one that gives a change of pace. Negotiating with Atalanta is easier than with Corinthians because it seems to me that Paulinho is not so convinced to move  now: it is more easy to talk about him in six months.”

Is Rocchi a good reinforcement for the attack?

“An intelligent striker especially when he plays deep. He knows Italian football: the alternative that we needed. I hope that he arrives here.”

Milito and Palacio would feel less the weight of responsibility?

“I think that they have been the most adversely affected by our loss in fluidity, brillance and the ability to create chances. Diego, perhaps, has paid a little bit more due to fatigue. He is one of the players that spends the most time on the field. Rodrigo was perhaps not used to playing so often. He needed time to adapt to the needs of a team like Inter.”

Can you tell us a secrete that you never reveal in these years in Italy?

“You know how people always talk about my hair and how it is always perfect. You know that my barber since 18 years old, named Marco, is a huge Milan fanatic?”

Source: Gazzetta dello Sport
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